The effect of the Extinction Stab's 'nailing to space' was indeed negligible to her.

However, the space cracks caused by this have reached the point where even Carissa is frightened.

It is true that she can also cut off space and dimensions using Katina, but because she can do it, Carissa will perceive the threat in this move.

As a human, you would never be able to catch an attack of this level.

Even if Katina uses an attack of the same level to offset it, Carissa herself holding Katina will inevitably be involved in the aftermath of the space collision, and once she is involved, there is no possibility of survival. .

In view of this, Carissa must retreat.

However, the moment she retreated sharply, the magic spear projected by Bai Ye immediately changed its trajectory, reversed its angle, and tracked towards her again like a tarsal maggot.


Carissa remembered.

When Bai Ye projected this gun before, the magic gun did have the effect of ignoring the distance and inevitably hitting her chest.

"A 'sure-win' type of spiritual equipment!?"

Carissa's eyes widened, her feet paused, she stopped retreating, and her eyes became sharper than ever before.

Facing a spiritual equipment with a sure-hit ability, running away is the most useless option.

Realizing this, Carissa immediately raised Katina in her hand and struck the space in front of her with her sword.

In a flash of light, the dimension in front of Carissa was cut off again.

And just after a gap of about a second, the white substance of the dimensional debris appeared in front of Carissa again.


The moment the white substance appeared, the magic gun that was sure to hit finally came in front of her, and hit the dimensional debris that was harder than steel with its sharp tip.

There was a stalemate between the two for an extremely brief moment, which was faster than the blink of an eye.

After all, space cracks are the subsequent phenomena caused by the passage of the magic gun. Therefore, when attacking something, the attack of the magic gun must be the first to be effective. Only then will the space cracks be born, tearing all obstructions into pieces. Crush.

The time difference between this is conservatively estimated to be only within 0.1 seconds.

In view of this, Carissa created this white substance.

Although the power of the magic gun is not bad, facing the wreckage of this dimension, it is impossible to break through it instantly. There must be a stalemate period in between.

Coupled with the 0.1 second gap between the attack of the magic gun and the birth of the spatial rift, the combination of the two gave Carissa room to struggle.


In this gap that was not allowed to escape, Carissa crossed over the white substance and appeared beside the magic gun. Although a trace of space crack had been created there due to the passing of the magic gun, Carissa was still extremely determined. He slashed at the body of the magic gun!

The white flash disappeared in a flash.


The power to cut off dimensions is indeed more than just talk.

Under that extremely sharp force, the fragile body of the magic gun was instantly cut in half and fell from the air helplessly.

The Extermination Stab was forced to abort.

The spread of space cracks also stopped.


Carissa reluctantly held Katina in her hand, breathing heavily and coughing continuously, and traces of blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

There was not much time left for her to be able to use her 100% state, but the collision between space and space, although she had tried her best to avoid the worst result, the pressure on her from that fight just now was definitely no less than that of waving. Give the strongest blow.

Her control over the angelic power within her body has reached its limit.

There is always the possibility of losing control and going berserk.

"Ha...haha, hahahaha...But if you can destroy this spiritual equipment, it should be a good result. Next, if you only need to slightly reduce the output power and suppress the 100% state to 50%, Maybe it can delay the loss of control——"

Carissa reluctantly laughed twice, raised her head, and turned her gaze to Bai Ye again...

Then, the smile on her face completely froze.




Opposite her, Bai Ye waved his hand, and three more scarlet magic spears that were exactly the same as the one with the sure-hit ability appeared in front of him and penetrated into the earth.

"Just destroying a handful seems to have pushed you to your limit. I still have a lot here. Do you want to keep trying?"

Bai Ye casually pulled out two magic guns, assumed a very similar starting position to Scathach, pointed the gun tips at Carissa, and made such a joke.

Silence, astonishment.

An extremely complicated expression appeared on Carissa's face.


Carissa tightly clenched Katina in her hand, gritting her silver teeth so hard that blood almost oozed out, and there was extremely strong unwillingness in her eyes.

However, even so, there was still a trace of depression on her face unexpectedly.

Being able to cut off the magic gun just now was the result of her carefulness and extreme calculation. How could she be so relaxed when she made so many moves in less than a second?

In fact, her resistance just now was already her extraordinary performance.

If she were to do it again and ask her to copy that step again, she wouldn't even have the confidence herself.

Not to mention, Bai Ye still has more magic guns in his hands.

Once those magic spears, even three or four, are projected at the same time, she will almost certainly die.

Although unwilling, she seemed to be facing a certain defeat.


Just as she was unwilling to give in, Carissa suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood. Her aura dropped by more than half, and most of the angelic power in her body was out of control.


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