"That's it, berserker."

A familiar voice full of dullness reached the ears of everyone present, and then, under a sudden spatial shift, Kirei Kotomine, wearing a priest's robe, appeared between Hakuno and Arquette.

"If you insist on taking action against Kishinami Hakuno, Mooncell will only continue to weaken your abilities... until you reach the lowest level."

Kotomine Kirei said this in his usual bright and unwavering tone, "Masters of Berserker, if you have any thoughts of taking action, it's best to go to the arena."

"If you continue to linger here, not only will your strength be continuously reduced, but it will also cause me a lot of trouble. I don't want to deal with such trivial matters at all."

You cannot do anything in the teaching building. This is a rule that all Masters will abide by. No one is willing to risk a decrease in ability points by violating the rules. Rather than saying it is a trivial matter worth mentioning, it is something that only fools would do.

"Okay! Xiaosheng understands!"

Watou Moji nodded vigorously. Then he glared at Hakuno and shouted at Hakuno with a rough voice, "That guy over there is causing trouble to others and it's also troublesome to the niche. Go inside the arena." Let’s decide the outcome!”

To be honest, there was no need for Bai Ye to go to the arena with him.

After all, Wato Moji and Arquette are the opponents of Hakuno's group. Arquette lost control and attacked Hakuno and had her ability points reduced. From a profit perspective, it is indeed a good thing to keep her in the teaching building. The attacks are constantly being weakened, which is more beneficial to Bai Ye's group.

"Okay, let's go to the arena."

But Bai Ye still agreed.

Chapter 1597 Earth’s Elves and Fanatic Believers

The fourth month misses the sea.

This place is different from the previous Yuexiang Sea. The ocean outside the maze looks like the ocean of the ancient world. A large number of dinosaur bones are piled up in the data sea. Many of the relatively complete dinosaur skeletons are still standing, roaring, The chasing posture gives people the feeling of being in the Cretaceous period.

At the entrance of the maze, the teleportation point shone with green light, and then, Moji Wato and Erquet, as well as Hakuno and Nero, appeared one after another in the Four Moons Sea Competition. In the field.

"Okay! Once we get here, there will be no problem!"

Watou Moji looked at Erquette, whose eyes were red and seemed to be unable to restrain the urge to rush forward. "Even Buddha has anger! Shiva's karmic fire is enough to burn the universe! But my god is the original and true god! Young man over there, please fall at my god's feet!"

Bai Ye shook his head, not quite understanding what he was saying.

Wato Moji is a seeker, and according to intelligence records, he has studied almost all religions, whether they are Eastern or Western, ancient or new, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a theologian.

But that's why. This guy always says something incomprehensible.

But it is already clear that he wants to take action.

Under the shouts of Wato Moji. Arquette, who was already quite irritable, stopped holding back and waved the sharp claws on his hands while breathing. He rushed towards Bai Ye.

What grudges do I have with the Arquette of this world? To make her want to kill me so relentlessly?

Bai Ye was confused. He had no idea why Arquette would target him like this.

It is true that he did know Alquitt in other worlds, and even had a good friendship. But that was the Alquitt of other parallel worlds after all, and he had no grudge against the Alquitt of this world. He didn't even recognize him and had never met him once. Why was he so obsessed with him?

Although he didn't understand it, Bai Ye's movements were not slow at all. He immediately directed Nero to come forward.

The strength of Elquet as a Servant is not as good as when he was the True Ancestor, not to mention that all his skills have been weakened. Even her ability value dropped by one level due to punishment. It can be said that her strength has completely dropped to the bottom.

In just one fight, Erquette was completely at a disadvantage. Not to mention being suppressed and beaten by Nero, her chaotic offensive was completely blocked by Nero, and she couldn't get close at all.

But there is no way to tell the winner.

The maximum fighting time in the arena is only three rounds. Once the three rounds are up, they will be forced to separate by Mooncell. Although they will not be punished with a decrease in their ability points, they will not be able to continue fighting for the next whole day.

After Erquet's strength was greatly weakened, although it reached a point where it could not even compare to the Explosive Neck Dragon, it was not something that could be won in just three rounds.

"If we want to capture Erquitt as soon as possible..."

Hakuno withdrew his gaze from Nero and Arquette, and turned his gaze to Moji the Furou behind them, "Let's start with the Master!"

Wato Moji's eyes were completely focused on Arquitet. He was full of confidence in Arquitet's strength... No, it shouldn't be this type of confidence.

In his case——

"Hahahaha! My god is the only original god in the world! Xiaosheng really can't think of any other possibility besides victory!"

That's not so much confidence. It is better to say that it is the worship and belief like a fanatical believer.

This seeker seems to regard Erquit as a ‘god’?

...It’s actually not wrong to think so. The so-called ‘god’ is actually just the ‘personification of natural phenomena’, or it might be easier to understand that ‘natural phenomena have acquired personality’, right?

The gods who control thunder and lightning are actually the natural phenomenon of thunder and lightning itself. It is just that the thunder and lightning itself has gained personality and personified into gods. Other gods such as the Sun God are almost all such conceptual entities.

In view of this, gods are the ones who can use the power to control natural phenomena such as storms and solar flames. Gods are so difficult to kill and can be easily resurrected even if they are killed.

As for Arquitet, although he is the true ancestor, the true ancestor is essentially a "spirit of nature". Especially Arquitet, he is a potential UO candidate for the earth, and the concept of God is indeed very similar.

It is true to say that Alquitt is a god. As for Elquitt's own specifications, it is actually higher than ordinary gods. After all, as a U0 candidate, Alquitt can be said to be a god. The 'Elf of the Earth' is of course much stronger in terms of specifications than the 'Anthropomorphism that appears naturally on the Earth'... But under normal circumstances, she has to spend about 70% of her strength to suppress her own blood-sucking impulse. That’s why it may seem a little weak in terms of expression.

In the open space of the maze.

Hakuno's figure quickly became transparent. Using the 'Enclosure' technique, he entered a realm where his figure, breath, smell, etc. were all hidden, and then walked around behind Wato Moji. ,


The tall and strong young man stood there, but he suddenly trembled and muttered, "The young man always feels that something bad has happened..."

"Hu Yi Yi"

A brief sound of breaking through the air came from behind. Then a huge force hit his back like a truck, making his internal organs seem to be out of place. His face instantly turned the color of pig liver.


A mouthful of blood poured out from Woto Moji's mouth.

As a seeker who has studied all the religions in the world, Watou Monji even dared to climb the Himalayas alone. His physique is actually quite good, and his intuition is also quite keen.

But no matter how good he is, there is no way he can escape Bai Ye's deliberate sneak attack.

Just a few seconds later, after three rounds, Nero and Arquette were indeed forced to separate, but Moji Wato fell into Hakuno's hands.

Chapter 1598 I finally found you!


After being forcibly separated, Arquette still had no intention of giving up, but she left Nero behind. With an angry roar, he rushed towards Bai Ye.

But whether it's for Hakuno or Wato Moji, after Mooncell forcibly separates the two parties, they will never allow another conflict to occur within one day.

A red data wall that was exactly the same as before blocked Arquette's body, making her unable to make any progress no matter how unwillingly she roared.

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