The brief encounter came to an end.

But in just one battle, Hakuno had already captured Watou Monji.

Of course, if Erqite was not irrational as a berskrker and would not care about the surroundings at all, then even if Hakuno could use 'circle' and 'no two strikes', he might not be able to defeat him within three rounds. Take down the hostile Master. After all, the moment they see Hakuno disappear, the other servant will probably realize something is wrong and turn around to protect their Master.

The reason why Hakuno didn't do this in the previous battles was for this reason. Because he was a berserker, this tactic could be successful.

"Don't call me despicable, we are both masters."

Hakuno lowered his head and looked at Wato Moji who had fallen to the ground. "In the Holy Grail War, it is a normal strategy for masters to fight each other against each other."

The punch just now didn't kill him directly, which can be regarded as Bai Ye's mercy.

Wato Moji fell to the ground, and the severe pain from his body made him unable to move. But even so, his face was still twitching, showing a rather forced smile.

"Ha... Ha... I am not as skilled as others... I am a niche... of no use, I have nothing to say, but... this is not the defeat of my god... !”

His attitude is not to show off, but to truly believe that Arquitet can defeat Nero... However, this trust itself is actually entirely derived from his belief in Arquitet, and is just a kind of ego of a fanatical believer. Just satisfied.

"No, even if I don't defeat you. In Elquit's current state, it is a complete fantasy to defeat Saber. It is only a matter of time before the winner is determined."

Hakuno denied Wato Moji's statement. "However, Elquet's true strength is indeed very strong. If she can exert her true power, then this Holy Grail War will be no different than winning."


Watou Moji was silent for a long time, and then he frowned and said, "Elquit...who is he?"


Shironoji was silent for a moment, and then looked at Wato Moji with a strange expression, "Don't you even know the name of your servant? As a master, you are really... quite capable. "

"Not a servant! He is my god!"

Watou Moji gradually recovered from the pain, and emphasized to Hakuno, "But, my god's name is actually Erquit... When Xiaosheng met my god on the ground, My god didn’t even say a word to Xiaosheng, so of course Xiaosheng didn’t know.”

This is true. Arquette's original mission was to be the executioner of the true ancestors. Although she was given knowledge by the true ancestors who created her, she was just an executioner. Dialogue was not necessary for her.

In view of this, in fact, until the plot of Tsukihime later unfolded, Arquette never said a word.

Even the first words of the world that Hakuno met in the 800 years since her birth were all spoken to Hakuno. She had never spoken to the True Ancestor or the Dead Apostles before, and even Kuroji El Teruchi didn't say anything.

Even if Wato Moji could meet Arquette, Arquette would not be able to talk to him due to his personality.

"Alright...Wato Moji."

Bai Ye looked at the other party, "Use the command spell to remove Elquitt's madness. Let her return to normal. As long as you can do it, there is no problem in letting you go."

"But if you can't do it...I don't mind taking your Command Seal take over her madness personally."

When he heard Wato Moji say that he met Arquitect on the ground and then brought him to the moon, Hakuno understood that Arquitect had completely entered it by mistake. This Holy Grail War.

The reason why she became a Servant was not because she died and entered the Hall of Valor... but simply because she was dragged into the Holy Grail War by Wato Moji and was forced to give a wrong 'explanation' - Mooncell She understood that she was a follower of Wato Moji, so she became a follower.

With Mooncell's ability, it is extremely easy to transform Elquitt into a servant.

But it was precisely because he was given a wrong explanation that Erquet, as the True Ancestor, was unable to exert his strength and fell to this level.

Well, considering that he had a relationship with another Arquitet in the past, Hakuno also didn’t want Arquitet to go crazy so irrationally and let her regain her senses and leave this Holy Grail War she accidentally entered. is the best choice.

"Don't even think about it!"

Watou Monji tightly covered the command spell in his hand and stared at Hakuno with a look as if he was guarding against thieves. "Xiaosheng will never give my god to you!"

"Even if you want to lift the madness of my god, you can only do it yourself!"

With that said, Watou Moji patted the dust on his body and stood up from the ground. Judging from his face, it seemed that he had completely recovered from the severe pain.

"I pray to you in the name of the Command Seal! My God, please lift the madness!"

Under the influence of the command spell, huge magic power gathered on Elquette's body, erasing the crazy buff on her body.

The bloody light in Erquette's eyes became visibly thinner, and his consciousness and reason gradually returned. Let her eyes gradually clear up.

She shook her head first, and then an innocent and bright smile immediately appeared on her face. And she rushed towards Bai Ye without hesitation.

This moment. Not to mention Nero. Even Bai Ye suddenly became alert.

"Hakuye! I finally found you!"


Chapter 1599 From the world of Yue Ji?

"Hakuno! I finally found you!"

As soon as he was freed from the madness and regained his sanity, Erquet rushed towards Hakuye.

The moment she regained her senses. The layer of 'forcibly attached explanation' on her body also completely collapsed in an instant, and the violent aura quickly receded, replaced by the aura of the true ancestor's princess that no one could ignore.

With her own power, Arquette forcibly broke the Servant transformation given to her by Mooncell and returned to the form of her True Ancestor.

The 'explanation' given by Mooncell is, at best, just a layer of servant skin for Arquette. Her essence is still the princess of the True Ancestor who has lived for eight hundred years.

Although this layer of skin is thick, for Erquette, it is not something that cannot be torn off.

After all, although Mooncell's capabilities are very powerful, it positions itself as a supercomputer that can only observe and record. The means used by Mooncell to observe the status are only to simulate the behavior of people on the ground. For example, in the teaching building The essence of the arena and the arena are inherent barriers. For example, the Holy Grail War itself simulates a grand ceremony somewhere on the earth.

Wait for the day when Mooncell becomes self-aware. Its ability is really incredible after it is willing to break its mission of "only observing and recording, never interfering".

At this stage, Mooncell's attitude and methods are very mild. They are still limited to the fields of magic and technology and will not use abilities that are too beyond cognition.

Because of this, Erquet can now break away from the 'wrong explanation' given by Mooncell. Otherwise, it would be simply impossible to do this.

You know, Mooncell has the ability to digitally record and reproduce everything it observes. After Mooncell has observed the earth for 4.6 billion years, no one knows to what extent its database has expanded.

If Mooncell could recreate the gods from the Age of Gods, or recreate things from millions of years ago, or hundreds of millions of years ago - it would be a mysterious world at this time, and you can already imagine how terrifying it would be.

Moreover, data reproduction is only the most basic ability of Mooncell. As a supercomputer, Mooncell can completely control its own data to the extent of arbitrarily kneading it, even if it wants to collect the data of all the creation-level gods in the Earth's Age of Gods. It is also feasible to combine all the data to create an ultimate creation god.

Think about it, one Tiamat is enough to destroy the world. Isn’t it incomprehensible how powerful the beings born from the fusion of many Tiamats are?

Even if Arquitet is in its peak form, whether it can match Mooncell in this state is a matter of two opinions. In fact, in this FE world, there is another saying that 'Arquitet was created by Mooncell.' .

Of course, at this stage, Mooncell is just an 'event recording machine'... it has not reached that point, but it might be possible once it develops self-awareness.

Having digressed, let’s get back to the topic.

The fourth moon is like the sea, at the entrance of the maze.

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