Although he seemed to have the intention of staying and fighting Nero for 300 rounds, he still did not refute the Master's order. He simply obeyed the command, escorted Julius to retreat, left the maze and disappeared. In front of Bai Ye and Nero.

"Player, don't you need to keep them?"

After Julius and the red-haired young man left, Nero put away the original fire in his hand and shook his hand unnaturally to get rid of the numbness.

Although there was no need to hit the magic fist from the front, even with Nero's strength, she did not feel relaxed at all. In fact, if Bai Ye hadn't warned her first, she would have taken the magic fist without any injury. I'm afraid it's simply impossible to do.

It doesn't take two strikes of the magic fist to be terrifying, but it is terrifying that one blow will kill anyone. But the opponent also has the ability to hide in the 'circle', which can completely eliminate even the breath. When combined, he is simply the most terrifying killer. If he was caught off guard, he would probably be able to kill even a god.


Bai Ye shook his head, "No matter what, it's impossible for us to defeat them within three rounds. Even if we want to target Julius, with Li Shuwen's protection, we won't have that chance."

For example, the Sword of the God of War, which strikes first and strikes first, is completely useless against Li Shuwen, because the magic fist that does not require two strikes is just a flat A attack to Li Shuwen! Not an ace at all. Its activation conditions cannot be triggered. The Sword of Slashing God of War is a magic sword that can only be activated when facing the opponent's trump card.

Of course Bai Ye had other means, but it was impossible to kill Julius with Li Shuwen's protection. After all, Li Shuwen was not a berserker like Erqite... He would not forget about his master as soon as the battle started. Er Jing.

Bai Ye also has the ultimate method to kill Julius and Li Shuwen, but that method consumes too much. With Bai Ye's current mental body, he can only use it twice at most. That is when he is facing real difficulties. Bai Ye didn't plan to use it on Julius and Li Shuwen just yet.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, hostile masters rarely choose to fight each other when they meet in the arena. Therefore, it is not advisable to take action easily without knowing the details of the other party. Secondly, there will be too many servants in three rounds. There is no way to tell the winner unless the difference in strength is too great. Or maybe someone like Li Shuwen has a unique skill that kills with one hit.

Even if he chooses to take action in the arena, it will only be because the master wants to get information about the opponent's servant's real name. Bai Ye has long seen that the red-haired young man's real name is really Li Shuwen, and he is well aware of his strength. Of course there is no need to fight.

"However, in this way, we seem to be a little passive..."

Bai Ye thought this way. "It seems that it is necessary to hide the traces or make some traps."

If the enemy has the ability to hide, they can come and attack at any time, and they can't do anything to the other party. If this continues, it will only allow the other party to come and attack unscrupulously. In that case, Hakuye and Nero will appear to be too passive...

"No matter what, let's clear the maze first and get the secret key. This attack failed, and Julius probably won't attack again in a short time."

After Bai Ye warned Nero, the two set off again, marching towards the depths of the maze.

A few hours later, the two of them arrived at the core of the maze as expected. They obtained the secret key from the rhombus crystal. After all, the difficulty of the enemy program in the maze was too small to stop them at all. . Maybe when the seventh month comes and the sea is over, the hostile program there will make Nero be more careful.

The first day was spent relatively peacefully.

The next day, after receiving a regular lunch from Sakura, Hakuno took Nero into the arena again. Of course Yue wanted to eliminate as many hostile programs as possible and earn QP.

However, just a few minutes after the two entered the maze, they were attacked again.

The figure of the red-haired young man Li Shuwen appeared. This time, he changed the target of his attack. He punched Bai Ye fiercely.

However, of course, Bai Ye's mind caught his attack, and he immediately switched the state of his mental body, from a physical entity to a ghost. Just like in the preliminary round, he easily dodged it.

"Huh, is that true again?"

Li Shuwen snorted softly, as if he was dissatisfied with Bai Ye's avoidance, and then entered the circle state again and disappeared in front of the two of them.

"Qin Zhe!"

Bai Ye didn't even say anything yet. On the contrary, Nero was startled and quickly checked his body. He was relieved to see that he was unharmed.

"Is it a coincidence that the attack came only minutes after we entered?"

Bai Ye looked at the direction of the maze entrance and thought deeply in his heart: "No matter what, we have to find a way to break Li Shuwen's 'circle', otherwise there is no way to win."

Chapter 1606 The second cheating method

On the third day, after Bai Ye and Nero entered the arena, Li Shuwen came to attack again, but this time Bai Ye set up an alarm mechanism on the passage. The mechanism used the infrared principle, and even the circle could not escape it. , was discovered by Bai Ye the moment Li Shuwen passed by, and in the end Li Shuwen also returned without success.

For three consecutive days, Hakuno and Nero came to attack every day after they entered the arena. Even a fool could detect that Julius must have mastered the time when Hakuno and the others entered the arena.

"Did he set up a magic circle at the door of the storage room or the entrance of the maze? Or does he have the ability to monitor remotely?"

Bai Ye thought about it carefully after leaving the arena.

It was said that Julius followed Hakuno and learned the time when he entered the arena. That was absolutely impossible. With Hakuye's perception, it was impossible for Julius to track Hakuye. Either he had set up some kind of mechanism, or he had remotely monitored Hakuye entering the arena.

"No matter what the reason is, we will find out after testing it tomorrow."

After Bai Ye returned to the bedroom, he saw Arquette sleeping on the bed as expected. Arquette was actually very playful. Although she had a lot of knowledge, it was just knowledge. Instead, it made her curious about things she had never seen before.

However, this fictional world of spirit children is indeed too monotonous, and the passers-by are all NPCs, so Arquette has no interest in going shopping.

Fortunately, she is the true ancestor. Going back to your room to sleep during the day is also a reasonable daily routine.

"Elquit, there is something I want to ask you for help with."

In the evening, Baiye made a request to Erquet.

Morning of the fourth day.

Julius came out of his room early in the morning and walked up the stairs to the third floor. He entered the multimedia classroom on the right side of the stairs on the third floor. There were no followers following him because his followers had tasks to do. , and what he needs is to sit here and take command.

In the multimedia classroom.

There are about a dozen tables and chairs in the middle of the classroom. A projector is placed in the center of the classroom. Directly in front of it is a white curtain. At this moment, the projector is projecting the picture onto the curtain.

And the image that was projected was the image outside the maze entrance of Gozuki Xianghai Arena!

This is extremely incredible. Because the teaching building and the arena are two different inherent boundaries. It is possible to transmit images through special equipment. But it is impossible to 'monitor'. Mooncell will not allow this at all. A kind of unilateral monitoring behavior.

In other words, this is cheating again.

Just like the different space used against Hakuno in the qualifiers, this multimedia classroom was also transformed into a treasure trove of cheating by Julius.

This type of monitoring cheating is different from cheating in different spaces. Different spaces invade the inherent boundary of the teaching building and tamper with the structure of the fictional world of the spirit child. Therefore, it can only appear for a moment. If it appears for one more second, it will immediately occur. It was discovered by Mooncell and deleted and punished. But monitoring cheating is different. This kind of cheating can only be detected by Mooncell. Then you can use it permanently.

By using this cheating method, Julius can unscrupulously monitor the opponent's movements, and can send his followers to the arena to sneak attack on the opponent at any time.

The method is crude... but I have to admit that it is extremely effective. An ordinary master would fall into his hands without even understanding the reason.

"Huh? Did you finally go in again?"

Julius looked at the picture above the curtain. On the picture, two cloaked figures entered the entrance of the maze through the teleportation point.

"Do you think wearing a cloak is useful? Is it a piece of equipment that hides aura or makes people transparent? It seems that they have discovered my existence, but in any case, under electronic surveillance, this thing is of little use nothing."

Julius had no doubt that those who appeared in the arena were not Hakuno and Nero, because it was an arena exclusively for Hakuno and Julius. The only ones who can enter the arena are Bai Ye, Nero, Julius, and Li Shuwen.

Therefore, the only ones who can enter the arena are Hakuno and Nero, and Julius firmly believes in this.

"Assassin, continue to assassinate them. This time be careful of the alarm mechanism."

Julius used his speech ability in his mind to issue orders to Li Shuwen, and Li Shuwen followed closely and entered the arena.

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