"Brother, are you in there?"

The next second Julius issued the order to Li Shuwen, Leo's iconic gentle voice came from outside the multimedia classroom, making Julius stunned.

Although he was a little surprised as to why Leo came to him, Julius didn't think much about it. He thought he was careful enough and knew that Leo was the only one who had transformed this multimedia classroom into a cheating place.

Therefore, after Leo's voice came, he walked to the classroom door and opened the classroom door.


Then, the moment he saw the boy outside the classroom door, Julius suddenly stopped. His face instantly became extremely ugly, and he stared at the boy as if he wanted to kill someone, and his whole body was released. With shocking murderous intent.

Bai Ye stood at the door of the multimedia classroom, looking at Julius who was in a state of shock and anger. The expression on his face seemed calm.

He held a stone engraved with runes in his hand. He used this stone to change his voice into Leo's voice, and then tricked Julius into opening the classroom door. There was no way. This classroom seemed to be unable to use barbaric methods. It must have been opened by Julius, and it could only be opened by special means, or the classroom door could only be opened by someone inside.

"Is this where you monitor us?"

Bai Ye walked forward, passed Julius and walked into the multimedia classroom. At a glance, he saw a meaningful smile on the face of the projection above the curtain.

"This place is really nice, isn't it?"

Chapter 1607: I was tricked on purpose

In the multimedia classroom.

Neither Hakuno nor Julius had any intention of attacking each other at the moment. In the teaching building, whether it was a battle between servants or masters. All are strictly prohibited.

Even though Julius has the ability to cheat by dragging people into different spaces, he still has no intention of doing it. Although they have only fought a few times, Julius has some understanding of Hakuno's methods, at least he has no intention of doing so. There is no point in fighting Hakuno if he can break through the ghost state.

This may be a bit regretful for Hakuno, because if Julius really planned to use the cheating alien space, Hakuno would be able to capture it, and it would be impossible for the fifth round of battle to end.

"...Why are you here?"

Julius's eyes were unusually gloomy. His eyes turned back and forth between Shiro Ye and the image on the screen, "You will appear here! In other words, there are no two people entering the arena now. You...how did you let irrelevant people enter the arena? That is definitely not a puppet, right?"

After all, the movements of the doll are very stiff, and the pace, body curves, etc. are different from those of real humans. With Julius' experience as a killer, he can easily tell the difference between the doll and humans.

But if it weren’t for the dolls, it would be impossible for other people to enter that arena. There were only four people who could enter that arena, and both Masters were here. Li Shuwen and Nero entered one after the other. , in other words, the one who entered the arena with Nero... was the exceptional 'fifth person'.

That cloak was not a transparent piece of equipment at all, it was just an ordinary piece of cloth used to block the figure and appearance. Julius thought too much and was misled.

"Do you think I would explain this kind of thing to you?"

Bai Ye smiled. "Of course, if you are willing to give me the 'key' to open this multimedia room, then I don't mind telling you the reason."

The entire multimedia classroom was completely remodeled by Julius using the resources of the Harvey family. Unless you use the 'key' to open the door, you cannot open the classroom door with brute force. Forcibly opening it may only cause the room to self-destruct.

"Forget it. No matter what method you used to let the fifth person in, this kind of thing is not harmful at all."

Of course, it was impossible for Julius to hand over the 'key' to Shiro Ye. He just continued to say indifferently: "Since you appear here, do they still have any means to deal with my assassin?"

The reason why the sneak attack failed in the first three days was because Bai Ye discovered the traces of Julius on the first day. On the second day, Li Shuwen chose the wrong target and attacked Bai Ye. On the third day, Bai Ye was in the passage. An infrared alarm device is installed on it.

So, as long as Li Shuwen is careful enough to avoid the infrared device today, Nero will probably not be able to stop him if he goes to sneak attack alone. Even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured by the magic fist of Wu Er Da.

"Is it really?"

When Bai Ye heard this, he just smiled calmly, but there was not even a trace of panic on his face, "Why can't I not think of things you can think of?"

"How about we make a bet? If we can break the 'circle' of your servants, you can hand me the 'key' to this multimedia classroom... If we can't do it, I will give up on the spot. how?"

Julius didn't say a word, showing no intention of accepting Hakuno's bet. He just turned his head and looked dullly at the image on the projector.

Bai Ye shrugged and stopped talking. He also turned his attention to the projection screen.

on the screen.

Two cloaked figures shuttled through the arena, quickly finding enemy programs one after another. The hands of one of them showed the primordial fire of the flaming two-handed sword, quickly killing the enemies. Sexual procedures. This person is undoubtedly Nero.

The other person followed Nero leisurely, keeping a certain distance from Nero from beginning to end.

Just two minutes later——

"Ye Kacha one by one"

"Uh-oh! ?"

The sound of a machine being touched came from behind the two people, followed closely by a male voice that contained a bit of distress and consternation.

Then, the red-haired young man Li Shuwen appeared not far behind Nero and the other person, covering his forehead with one hand and looking depressed.

At Li Shuwen's feet was a mechanical mechanism that was flashing a red light like an alarm.

"What! ?"

Before the three people on the screen could make any move, Julius's eyes widened, "Why did you get hit? Assassin was obviously careful enough?"

Because Bai Ye used a trap before, Julius told Li Shuwen to be cautious early in the morning, but unexpectedly he encountered a new trap.

Although the agency itself remains transparent and cannot be seen, with Li Shuwen's skill, as long as he is careful enough, it is impossible to avoid it one by one.

"You really don't understand anything. Julius."

Bai Ye laughed as if he couldn't help but laugh, looking at Julius with a little joy in his eyes, "I didn't touch it accidentally, but touched it on purpose."


Julius's body stiffened, his pupils shrank slightly, and for the first time, a deep expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"One by one, your followers... Li Shuwen was tricked on purpose.

Chapter 1608 Breaking the circle

If anyone in the world knows Li Shuwen best, then, apart from Li Shuwen himself, Bai Ye is the person who knows him best.

There was no way around it. After all, Bai Ye had received Li Shuwen's spiritual foundation and became Li Shuwen's pseudo-follower for a time. He knew all about his life experience and boxing skills.

In view of this, Bai Ye can make this assertion.

Li Shuwen deliberately touched those agencies.

That's right, not only today's one, but also the infrared alarm device Bai Ye set up yesterday... Li Shuwen deliberately put it in. That led to the assassination being exposed.

After all, boxers who are in the realm of harmony between man and nature have powerful perceptive abilities similar to intuition, and it is inconceivable that they would not be able to detect mere mechanical devices.

Julius is not a boxer... so he didn't know that Li Shuwen touched the infrared alarm device intentionally. He only thought that he accidentally touched it, which made him cautious and assassinate again.

But Bai Ye is a boxer who is not inferior to Li Shuwen. What's more, his boxing skills are obtained from Li Shuwen's spiritual foundation. Naturally, he understands Li Shuwen's abilities very well. He has learned this, and after knowing that the infrared alarm device has been triggered At that moment, he concluded that Li Shuwen touched it intentionally.

And the reason words. There was nothing more than one thing - that is, he was tired of assassinations and wanted to fight Nero head-on.

"You don't know much about Li Shuwen's character."

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