Hakuno and Tamamoae spent nearly an hour clearing out all the hostile programs on the fifth floor. In order to prevent these hostile programs from leaving the Sakura Maze and entering the old school building in the future and causing danger, Hakuno and Leo They agreed to eliminate all the enemy programs in the Sakura Maze. Unlike the enemy programs in the Arena Maze that regenerate at twelve o'clock every night, the enemy programs in the Sakura Maze will not regenerate. This may be what BB did to the Sakura Maze. special changes.

And within this hour, Parsonlip also appeared nearly ten times.

Among these ten times, Parson Lip appeared quietly not far from Bai Ye, hiding behind something, secretly sizing up Bai Ye, and following Bai Ye's movements, he also looked like a Following quietly like a stalker.

Then, as soon as Bai Ye discovered her, she immediately relied on the characteristics of the Labyrinth Guardian to escape, without giving Bai Ye a chance to contact her.

"What happened to that kid?"

Tamamo Mae looked at the direction in which Parsonlip was escaping again, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

Bai Ye also frowned slightly.

At this moment, they had arrived at the end of the fifth floor of the Sakura Maze, and as expected, it was locked by a huge gear lock, blocking the way for visitors.

If Parsonlip didn't want to appear in front of them, she wouldn't be able to take off her SG and let Hakuno pass through.

Chapter 1691 A girl who is too innocent and lonely

In front of the wall of heart at the end of the fifth floor.

Parsonlip panicked and ran away because he was discovered again. Hakuno and Tamamoae did not pursue him.

On the one hand, there is no way to catch up with the maze guardian who can teleport in the maze. On the other hand, Hakuno and Tamamo no Mae also discovered something here.

In front of the Heart Wall... there are three or two small cubes placed haphazardly on the ground. The cubes are about the size of a palm, showing a dark gray color, and are as hard as steel.

"what is this?"

Tamamo Mae noticed the existence of these cubes and couldn't help but wonder.

Although this kind of cube should not be a rare thing in the outside world, and it looks like just a piece of iron, no different from garbage, but there cannot be any unnecessary things in the Sakura Labyrinth, and there is no such thing here. , this piece of iron is placed here, but it attracts attention.

Bai Ye knelt down, picked up an iron block, and looked at it carefully.

"It looks like the data has been compressed. It should be a compressed file."

Bai Ye looked at these iron blocks carefully, summoned the operation interface of the Lingzi Hacker with a swipe of his hand, and analyzed these iron blocks.

"My computing power here is limited. I can't decompress this data. Leo, I will transfer this compressed data to you and use the computing power of the old school building to try to decompress it. Maybe there will be some information about the Sakura Maze and BB. There may be clues.

In terms of computing power alone, both Sakura and Rani are much better than Hakuno. Both of them have computing power comparable to that of a quantum computer, which should be more than enough to handle this kind of compressed data.

"I understand, we will start analyzing it immediately." Leo agreed happily.

Bai Ye stood up and looked around, but apart from the three iron blocks in front of him, there was no other compressed data. There was not even a bit of garbage or dust.

"Strange, how come these compressed data appear here?"

Bai Ye looked around and thought silently.

(cgfd) In the process of conquering the Sakura Labyrinth,

This is the first time Bai Ye has seen the existence of this kind of compressed data. There is no such thing from the first to the fourth floor. Only the sword appears on the fifth floor, which makes people unable to ignore this weirdness.


Just when Bai Ye was secretly wondering, a very small and cowardly voice came into Bai Ye's ears. He raised his brows and looked back again.

Parson Lip came back without knowing when. And this time he stood only ten meters away from Bai Ye. He looked at Bai Ye cautiously with some hesitation and shrinking moonlight, and then plucked up the courage to speak. Make a sound.

"Those are all made by me..."

Parsonlip actually spoke to Hakuno.

She was obviously too shy and scared before to dare to appear in front of Bai Ye and talk to him, but now she actually dared to talk to Bai Ye.

"Is it made? Why is this kind of thing made?

Although Bai Ye was also surprised by Parson Lip's 'boldness' at the moment, he was more concerned about another thing. "Do you have any need to make this thing?"

Parsonlip had been secretly measuring Bai Ye's expression, as if he would run away as soon as Bai Ye showed an angry expression... But at this moment, after seeing that Bai Ye was not angry at all, she immediately His spirit was shaken. There was very obvious joy on his face.

It was as if Bai Ye was willing to talk to her. For her, it was just a happy enough thing.

"No, I don't want to create this kind of thing. This is actually just mom...BB. She sent some data to me and asked me to use my ability to compress and destroy it."

After seeing that Bai Ye didn't show any angry expression at all, Parson Lip's courage suddenly became much bolder. At least he could speak fluently and would not be as timid as before.

Moreover, she sold BB as soon as she opened her mouth.

BB gave her some data and asked her to compress and destroy it. This should be a secret behavior worth covering up for BB, right? It was simply too much for Parson Lip to reveal this information so easily.

After the conversation with Bai Ye began, Parson Lip's expression became extremely joyful and happy. There was also a strong excitement on his face, as if he planned to talk more to Bai Ye.

"Wait a minute, you said compression and destruction?"

Bai Ye keenly captured the key point in Parson Lip's words... "Then, does it not matter if we take these compressed data away?"

According to BB's instructions, Parsonlip needs to compress and destroy these data...if he is taken away by Bai Ye. Then how can Parsonlip fulfill BB's orders?

"It doesn't matter. Because all the data has been destroyed."

Parson Lip was very excited and actively talking to Bai Ye. And he sold his ability indifferently, "My ability is to compress things. Whether it is entities or data. As long as it is compressed by me... it cannot be decompressed. The compression process is irreversible. , after the data is compressed, it is no different from being destroyed."

Things compressed by Parsonlip cannot be decompressed, which means that Baiye and the others cannot restore these compressed data to ordinary iron blocks... This is basically no different from destruction.

"I see. That's why I left it here so casually."

Bai Ye took a deep breath and looked clear.

Because there is no need to destroy it, compression is equivalent to destruction.

"Um...can you talk to me more?"

Parson Lip looked at Bai Ye with a longing expression... "As long as you can talk to me... I will be very satisfied..."

How lonely is this child?

Chapter 1692 The source of possessiveness and affection

"Want to talk to me more? OK."

Hakuye narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded with a chuckle. Whether it was to discover Parson Lip's SG or to obtain more information about Sakura Maze, etc. Hakuye was happy to communicate with the other party.

"Really!? That's great!"

Parson Lip suddenly cried out in surprise, and the kindness and goodwill in her eyes became more and more obvious. "I knew that if it were you, I would definitely fulfill my wish."

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