"Then what? How long can your body last?"

Bai Ye ignored the topic indifferently, and then looked at Bedivere, with a little sophisticated look in his eyes.

"In your current state, using the 'Silver Arm' even once will bring a huge burden, right? Once the true power is released, I'm afraid it will be wiped out in an instant."

"Indeed. I really can't hide it from your eyes."

Bedivere was startled. Then he nodded humbly, "However, I will bring this silver arm to my king no matter what...this time. I must kill my king with my own hands."

Bedivere's eyes were quite firm.

Although Bai Ye has never experienced it, even he knows how terrifying it is to have an obsession that can sustain a person wandering like a ghost on the earth for 1,500 years.

Putting himself in his shoes, even Bai Ye didn't think he could do this.

"Well, I probably know what you're thinking."

Bai Ye put his hand on Jian Dewell's shoulder and the magic power in his body started to flow automatically, causing the power of the Holy Grail of the Netherworld to invade into the opponent's body.

"I won't be arrogant and say that I understand your feelings, but I respect your approach... However, with that dilapidated body, it is still a bit difficult to do this, so I will help you a little bit. Just do it.”

Although Bedivere's body has not aged in the past 1,500 years due to the Holy Sword, his spirit has long since become tattered! The reason why I can persist until now is because I am supported by the huge guilt and obsession in my heart.

And after Merlin buried the Holy Sword in his arm to form the 'Silver Arm', the effect of the Holy Sword disappeared, and his body seemed to have bottomed out, constantly accelerating its decay.

On this basis, he even reluctantly used the Silver Arm several times - using the power of the Holy Sword as a mere human being. Even if Merlin helped him with some processing, it was still impossible for his body to withstand such a huge impact. burden.

In view of this, in fact, Bedivere is now on the road to death, and is only one step away from death.

And now, Bai Ye used the power of the Holy Grail of the Netherworld to repair his body to its peak state.

"However, even so, you have only recovered to your peak. After all, time has left a very deep mark on you, and it is impossible to get rid of it. And once you use this silver arm, your body will definitely speed up again. Towards decay and destruction.”

Bai Ye warned: "I know it's impossible to stop your thoughts, but you must also have the awareness that you must use the Silver Arm with caution."


Bedivere took a deep breath, and even the look on his face became a lot brighter, as if the shackles on his body were removed. When he heard the words, he spoke as gently as before.

"It's enough that you, who have never met me before, can help me like this. If you do more, it will weaken my determination."

Bedivere came to this sixth singularity with the awareness of death. If Bai Ye did too much, it would make him dependent and lazy.

"It's good that you can remember my words. The decisive battle is tomorrow. You should also take a good rest and stay in the best condition to complete the goal without fail."

Bai Ye glanced at Bedivere and sighed slightly in his heart.

Among the Knights of the Round Table, except for the chef, are there no ordinary people?

the next morning.

Equipped with a variety of weapons, the team of mountain people started from the mountains and launched a charge towards the Holy Capital at the southeastern end.

At the same time, in the Egyptian territory, Nitocris led a large number of sphinxes and Egyptian soldiers to come out of the desert and attack the Holy Capital from the west.

Lancelot's private army at the edge of the desert also set off at the same time. Lancelot and Mordred also followed the army and marched towards the Holy Capital.

Among the three teams, the army of the people of the mountain is the weakest. Although there are 3,000 people, they are all composed of ordinary people. Not to mention the weak armed force, the quality is not as good as the regular army. The second is the army led by Lancelot. Although the number of the private army is only a thousand, they are all composed of solemn knights, and their strength is considered strong.

Among the three parties, the strongest is undoubtedly the Egyptian army. Not only do they number in the tens of thousands, but there are also powerful mythical beasts among them. Even if they confront the Holy City army head-on, they still have a chance of winning.

Chapter 1795 It’s really fate

Fujimaru Ritsuka had already determined the combat strategy with Ozymandias.

In any case, neither Lancelot's army nor the army of the people of the mountains are enough to confront the Holy Capital's army head-on. The only ones who can confront the 30,000 solemn knights of the Holy Capital are the armies in the Egyptian territory.

"Pharaoh Nitocris will lead the Egyptian army in a frontal assault and draw a large amount of the Holy City's military forces. By then, the military strength at the main entrance of the Holy City will be greatly reduced, so we will take the opportunity to invade from the main entrance of the Holy City!"

Although the entire Holy City is huge, there is actually only one real entrance and exit, and that is the main entrance on the west side.

In other words, if you want to enter the Holy Capital, you can only enter through the main entrance of the Holy Capital in an upright manner.

And if more than 30,000 solemn knights gather at the main gate, it will be impossible for them to invade. Therefore, the Egyptian army led by Nitocris must draw more than 80% of the Holy City's troops outside the Holy Capital. In the wilderness, this can create opportunities for Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others to invade.

This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

Because the Egyptian army led by Nitocris does have the possibility of causing damage to the Holy City. Regardless of whether the Holy City's army knows that this is a feint attack, they are bound to block Nitocris' attack in the wilderness. Just go on the offensive.

Otherwise, if the Egyptian army is deployed at the main gate, there will definitely be huge damage to the Holy City. Even the 'human beings who can be made into specimens' brought into the Holy City by the Lion King may be in danger. King Arthur's pervertedly loyal Knights of the Round Table would not allow this situation to occur.

No matter what, they had to fight back against Nitocris' strong attack.

As expected, after receiving the news of the attack in the Egyptian territory, Tristan, one of the few remaining Round Table knights in the Holy City, led more than 25,000 solemn knights to the wilderness. , intending to leave the armies of the Egyptian realm in the wilderness.

Now that Lancelot and Mordred have left the Holy Capital, there are only three Knights of the Round Table left in the Holy Capital.

One is the internal affairs officer Agguanwen who helps King Arthur deal with internal affairs. One is Gawain, the knight guarding the gate of the Holy City, and the last is Tristan.

Among these three people, neither Agguiwen nor Gawain could leave the Holy City easily, and only Tristan could go to block the Egyptian territory.

The development of this situation was naturally expected by Fujimaru Ritsuka and others.


The main entrance of the Holy City.

The chalk-like wall that never seems to break stands here as if it symbolizes the last fantasy of mankind.

Gaotai's city wall stretches for dozens of kilometers, wrapping the tall and majestic Holy Capital, becoming the Holy Capital's last line of defense and its only fig leaf.

Wearing silver armor. Gawain, the legendary sun knight with short blond hair and a prince-like impression as straightforward as the sun, is stationed here holding the Holy Sword of the Sun.

He was given the task of guarding the city gates by the Lion King and never allowing any criminals to break into the city, and he was also the executor of the 'Holy Ba' ordered by the Lion King.

At this moment, Tristan had just left with a large number of solemn knights, heading into the wilderness to meet the Egyptian army, while Gawain was still guarding the city gate.

"It seems that you and I are really destined, Sun Rider Gawain."

Bai Ye was wearing simple casual clothes, a white shirt on the upper body and black trousers on the lower body. With his hands in his trouser pockets, he came to the main entrance of the Holy Capital from far to near in a very casual manner, and was very He greeted Gawain with a familiar smile.

"It was you who stood in front of me last time, and it's you again this time."

In the Holy Grail World of the Moon, in the Holy Grail War on the surface of the moon, Leo and Gawain were his enemies in the last battle. Although it was not a life-and-death battle, it was also the one that caused Hakuno the most trouble. The group naturally left a deep impression on him.

"I have no memory of ever meeting you."

Gawain stood in front of the main entrance, and as Bai Ye approached, he slowly grasped the hilt of the Holy Sword of the Sun, and met the Sun Knight who was like Prince Charming before in the Holy Grail World of the Moon. different. At this moment, Gawain had an unsmiling expression, as if he had completely lost his smile, and there was only seriousness and indifference in his eyes.

"How dare you approach the main entrance. You are also a member of the resistance."

Gawain raised his head and stared coldly at Bai Ye who was walking across from him. There was no trace of warmth left in his dark pupils. "If you dare to appear in front of me who has the blessing of 'Nevernight', you must have prepared yourself." Are you really aware of your death?"

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