However, his current strength itself is too strong, and this level of improvement is simply better than nothing for him.

With Bai Ye's current perception ability, let alone the Azrael Shrine a few kilometers away, even this entire singularity was blowing in the breeze. Not even the chirping of an insect or a bird can escape his ears and eyes, unless the other party is in a special field.

However, because this singularity is shrouded by the Holy Spear, the entire space is limited to a certain range. The spatial range is not large.

With such a powerful perception ability, the conversation between Cursed Wrist Hassan and Wang Hassan naturally fell into Bai Ye's ears accurately.

"Because I came here, Wang Hassan has no intention of taking action himself."

Bai Ye lay on the huge rock, enjoying the first ray of sunlight rising from the horizon at this special point.

"Ritsuka and the others have no intention of asking Wang Hassan for help because they have enough fighting power... Oh, oh, oh, obviously, the appearance rate is not high, so the number of scenes has been reduced again, Wang Hassan gentlemen."

Chapter 1793 Are you sure you are not trying to harm me by changing the law?

After Hassan, the cursed wrist, returned to the East Village, he found Bai Ye as expected.

"I'm sorry, Sir Baiye, I'll tell you the truth, I have something I want to ask you."

I don’t know if it was because of being named by Wang Hassan, but Hassan’s attitude towards Bai Ye became a lot more respectful. Although there was nothing disrespectful about Shiran’s attitude towards Bai Ye before, it didn’t seem like this. Be respectful to those in authority,

"Well, I know. I also heard the conversation between you and Wang Hassan."

Bai Ye just nodded indifferently, "Anyway, I will take care of this special matter, you don't have to worry."

Hassan, the Cursed Wrist, was shaken on the spot. Although he could not see the expression under the mask, the violently shaking skull mask on his face still revealed his shocking and inexplicable emotions.

Not to mention anything else, just hearing the conversation between you and Wang Hassan: This incident in itself was enough to frighten him.

"I thought Chaldea was strong enough before, but I didn't expect this talent to be the most unfathomable."

After understanding this, Hassan Cursed Wrist was very sensible and didn't say much. He just bent towards Bai Ye to show respect, and then looked away from Bai Ye.

Without saying how reliable Bai Ye's words are, just saying that Wang Hassan handed this matter over to Bai Ye is enough to make Hassan the Cursed Arm trust Bai Ye.

However, during lunch, Jing Ming's eyes at Bai Ye became even hotter, and he took the initiative to feed Bai Ye several times. It was probably because he learned from Shu Wan that Wang Hassan had blown Bai Ye away from the air. As a result, her admiration for Hakuno was completely undisguised - even though she had not concealed it much.

In the evening, Fujimaru Ritsuka also returned to Higashi Village with Mashu and Tohsaka Rin.

As soon as he saw Bai Ye, he immediately looked at Bai Ye with resentful eyes. Those who didn't know it thought he was abandoned by Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye, don't you have anything to say to me?

There's a reason why she behaves this way. Of course, it was because she learned the truth from Ozymandias that he had decided to form an alliance with Chaldea because of Hakuno, so she foolishly took this trip.

"Well, don't look like a resentful woman."

Bai Ye smiled at her and said: "At least you should have eliminated the demon stake in Ozymandias's body this time and recovered the Holy Grail of Salvation in his hand, right?"

The last time they met each other, Mukuno discovered that Ozymandias had the Holy Grail hidden in his body, and there was even a demon pillar hidden in his body.

However, the Demon God Pillar Amon only carries a short wisp of the power of order, and the improvement in strength is very limited. The strength of Togata Ritsuka and the others is completely enough to fight against it.

Knowing this, Hakuno did not solve the demon pillar in Ozymandias, leaving it to Fujimaru Ritsuka. Of course, the same is true for the Holy Grail.

Fujimaru Ritsuka rolled her eyes at Hakuno helplessly, but she also knew that Hakuno was taking care of their thoughts and giving them a chance to practice so that they would not be left behind by Hakuye and feel that she was too Useless results.

After thinking of this, there was no trace of resentment left in her heart.

"We have reached an agreement with the Egyptian side. They will join us in launching a counterattack against the Holy Capital. Let's have a good rest tonight and send troops to the Holy Capital tomorrow morning!"


At night, in the East Village, all the people of the mountain gathered here, gathered around the bonfire, drank and drank, laughing and chatting with each other while tasting dinner made from Omotouta's rice.

Master Sanzang walked among the crowd, like a hotel waiter, smiling and serving food to the mountain people from time to time. She seemed to be very popular because of her innocence and kindness. The children cheered around her.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and others gathered together with Hassan, Alati, and were discussing tomorrow's combat strategy.

Looking around, Bedivere was the only figure missing here.

Bai Ye was originally sitting in the middle of the banquet, but because his perception was too good, after hearing the familiar but sad cry, he finally sighed, got up without leaving a trace, and left the banquet.

The back hill of Dongzhi Village.

Although it is still full of rocks and rugged valleys, it is relatively fertile mountainous land, so some mountain plants are planted here and many domestic animals are kept in captivity.

However, because the people of the mountain are attending a banquet in front of the village, the place is completely empty now.

The knight with silver arms, who looked quite beautiful at first glance, was standing here at the moment, lowering his head as if to hide this unsightly scene, his cloak trembling slightly with his body.


A slight whimpering sound drifted in the night wind and entered Bai Ye's ears.

Bai Ye had no intention of hiding himself, and the footsteps were heard by the other party so openly, which made the other party suddenly startled, raised his head with tears on his face, and cast a surprised look at Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye... I'm sorry for letting you see such an ugly state."

Bedivere reluctantly suppressed the grief in his heart, wiped the tears on his face with his sleeves, and tried to stabilize his emotions.

"It's nothing, don't take it to heart."

Bai Ye shrugged and said nonchalantly: "People have always become stronger by crying."

When Bedivere heard this, he couldn't help being slightly stunned. The sadness in his heart was slightly erased, and a very faint smile appeared on his face.

"You are indeed Mr. Baiye. Even the great magician Merlin praised you highly."

"Merlin complimented me?"

A funny look suddenly appeared on Bai Ye's face, "Are you sure he isn't trying to harm me by changing the method?"

Bedivere's expression suddenly became embarrassed.

In a sense, Bai Ye is indeed telling the truth.

Chapter 1794 An obsession that lasts for 1500 years

Although there is no grudge between Hakuno and Merlin, even if there is, it is just that the burning of human reason prevents Merlin from using his clairvoyance to peek at Chaldea, his only pleasure.

But in the final analysis, Hakuno and Merlin both know each other and know each other. Merlin has EX-level clairvoyance, while Hakuno has EX-level root wisdom. For these two people, there is something unknown in the world. Things are few and far between.

In view of this, Bai Ye also knew how bad Merlin's character was.

Because he has half of the Nightmare bloodline, Merlin is born without emotions... Therefore, he wants to obtain emotional fluctuations by observing others, interfering with others, and deceiving others.

Although from the outside he looks like a gentle elder brother with a sense of justice, in fact, he has a dark heart, likes to cause trouble, is good at lying, and speaks quite inappropriately. He is merciless and has a poisonous tongue. He also particularly likes women and has a disordered relationship between the sexes.

Anyone who knew him would think he was a scumbag.

In the bottom of his heart, Bai Ye didn't think that Merlin would praise him like this. He would still believe that he was secretly undermining himself with superficial praise.

In fact, Bedivere's reaction also proved his idea.

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