
Riveria, who was not far behind him, had already opened the barrier of 'Duan Dimension Interruption' through chanting. In that barrier, she was safe and sound. When she saw Bai Ye's actions, she suddenly panicked. shock.

However, the next second, she was extremely surprised to see a black figure vaguely advancing quickly in the flame storm!

As if ignoring the ultra-high temperature flames, the figure remained unscathed in the flames and quickly approached the fallen elves!


The fallen elves were naturally aware of this, and looked at the figure in astonishment, puzzled and full of fear at the same time!

Can this food ignore her strongest attack method?

This super-long chanting magic has almost reached the pinnacle of magic, and is one of the most powerful magics that her clone can use.

If this magic doesn't work, then her other magic will...

The fallen elf has no ability to think. When she sees this situation, the only thing she will do is to use her beast-like instinct to make further attacks.

"—Whisper, earth

Come on, come on, the shell of the earth, the flash of black iron, the hammer of the stars—"

In the wave of flames, Bai Ye's eyes were filled with a dark purple world.

His keen sense of magic allowed him to immediately sense that the other party was about to start releasing magic.

Sure enough, the next moment, the same chanting spell as the magic used before, 'Meteor Shower', was also one of the super long chanting spells.

A fire storm is troublesome enough, but if another meteor shower comes, his defense - the combination of nitrogen armor and dragon's blood armor may be insufficient.

Although Hakuno in this state doesn't care about getting hurt, he won't seek abuse for no reason.

In the wave of deep purple flames, Bai Ye immediately exerted a forward thrust on himself.

Pure force is one of the physical phenomena. As soon as it is generated, it immediately gives Baiye great power to move forward, allowing him to surpass the limit of speed. In the wave of flames, his body forms sharp arrows. , splitting a narrow passage forward!

"——Reverse it with the contract of battle

Burn the sky, shatter the earth, build bridges, heaven and earth unite

Falling countless ax blades, becoming a disaster of destruction

I command you in the name of your agent to give me the name Rom, the incarnation of the earth, the queen of the earth——"

Between chanting, just one second passed——


There was a sound like a fish jumping out of the water, and a silver figure emerged from the fire storm, and rushed in front of the tall fallen elf in the blink of an eye!

The fallen elf's pupils shrank and she was shocked, but she was unwilling to give up singing. With a wave of her hand, a thick and tall wooden wall suddenly stood between the two!

The wooden wall was more than ten meters high and several meters thick, completely hiding the fallen elves behind it.

He immediately isolated the charging Bai Ye!

"——Meteor shower!!!"

The next moment, the magic array in the sky started to work again, releasing countless dense fireballs, forming an airtight fire pillar, blasting towards the ground!


However, Bai Ye snorted coldly and once again ignored the meteor shower as if it were nothing. He raised his hand and raised the Demon Sword Bafou in his hand. The invisible wind blades gathered on the sword and slashed straight out!

The invisible wind blade is more than ten meters long, and because the last wind blade did not work, the wind blade that Hakuno appeared this time is a compressed version, and the sharpness is not only improved by one level!

"Boom Kra Kra Kra-!!!"

The compressed wind blade suddenly collided with the wooden wall, making countless shattering sounds.



The length of the wind blade exceeded the thickness of the wooden wall. The moment it chopped the wooden wall into pieces, it also brought the fallen elf into the attack range, and split half of her body with a sword!

Unfortunately, the opponent seemed to react in time and suddenly shifted his position. Otherwise, this sword strike would have been enough to chop off her head.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom-!!"

At the moment of this confrontation, a shower of meteors finally fell from the sky, covering Bai Ye's entire body directly within the scope of the pillar of fire.

In an instant, countless fireballs were like ants, gnawing at his body...

Chapter 171 Choosing the wrong strategy

Countless fireballs formed a pillar of fire, pouring down directly from Bai Ye's head, completely covering it.

In the pillar of fireballs, Bai Ye watched indifferently as dozens of fireballs hit him, but they did not cause any ripples.

He silently raised the demon sword in his hand and swung it out.


The half-body of the fire pillar broke apart in an instant, revealing a gap several centimeters in size, allowing the figure inside to easily get out with a 'snap'.

Although they are all powerful magics, their attack range is too wide and their power is widely dispersed.

If it were an ordinary adventurer, facing such a magical attack, it would be too late to hide. However, because of Baiye's super high defense, he held it back and waited for an opportunity to easily smash it.

Although the magical strength of this fallen elf clone has probably reached level 7, it is a pity that Bai Ye's strength is still slightly above level 7.

In the open space, potholes were already scattered everywhere, and the ground was scorched black.

Escaping from the meteor shower, Bai Ye immediately looked at the fallen elf clone.

"Whoosh whoosh-!"

Probably aware of the difficulty of Bai Ye 493, the fallen elf clone obviously had no intention of confronting Bai Ye, but immediately summoned dozens of green bugs and piranha flowers to guard and isolate itself.

"Planning to be completely defensive?"

Bai Ye saw her strategy at a glance, but he remained unwavering and waved the demon sword in his hand again.

The crimson flame knife immediately left the eighth room and flew towards the green worms and piranhas guarding the fallen elves!

"——Ice Blade!!!"

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