There was no chant this time. The fallen elf smiled ferociously and directly used the quick-attack magic. In front of her, a frost blade several meters long appeared immediately and crashed into the incoming flame knife.


Both were shattered upon contact and exploded in mid-air.

However, this sword was just a feint attack by Bai Ye. After releasing this sword, he was already ready for a further attack. Countless thunder snakes appeared in the air in an instant, without any gaps. fell to the ground.

Being deceived by the flame knife into a wave of chanting, the fallen elf clone suddenly had no time to block it with magic, and immediately controlled the surrounding piranhas to block it in front of it.


Under the raging thunder and lightning, the piranha did not hold out for a second, and immediately turned into fly ash, revealing the fallen elf clone behind it.


The petals that closed in time saved her life again, but the majestic power of thunder and lightning still penetrated into her body, electrocuting her body and causing serious injuries!

In addition, the left half of her body has not been completely repaired, and the whole person looks miserable.

Not only that, during the lightning flash, dozens of piranha flowers and green bugs surrounding it were also electrocuted to ashes!

Seeing this, Bai Ye raised a sneer on his lips.

Although his elemental ability is not as powerful as the super-long chanting magic, the advantage is that the activation conditions are simple and there is no need to chant at all. It takes the opponent to activate one magic, which is enough for him to come up with two waves of attacks...

If you want to defend in front of him, you really chose the wrong strategy.


It was a rare opportunity, so Bai Ye didn't stop. He stepped on it, gravel flew, and a faint sound of sonic boom could be heard in the air.


The battle was broken and she was seriously injured, which made her scream angrily again, and she looked directly into Bai Ye's scarlet eyes with anger.

"——Flash, drive straight in and tear apart the darkness——"

As she was irritated, she chanted again, and the light condensed in her hands, instantly illuminating the area.

"——My name is Lokus, the agent, the incarnation of light, the queen of light——"

A flash of light flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and the long knife in his hand was wrapped in rapidly condensing lightning.

For a moment, Bai Ye could only use three distractions, nitrogen armor, elemental blessing, and physical power to increase speed.

"-Flash Explosion!!!"

Magic's name was shouted angrily the next moment, and the flash condensed in his hand exploded!

“Boom, boom—!!!”

Suddenly, the entire ground was blown apart!

Bai Ye was immediately stunned. It was not directed at him——?

In his sight, the fallen elf clone who released the magic first immediately threw the prepared 'Flash Explosion' on the ground in front of her!

Debris flew and a deep pit appeared.

The clone of the fallen elf, her plant lower body immediately pulled out its roots from the ground, and fell into the deep pit!

Bai Ye's eyes immediately opened tightly, "——Don't even think about running away!!!"

The next moment, Bai Ye's mind started to spin, and the whole person seemed to have entered a world of selflessness, and fantasy materialization surged again!


The monster that entered the pit and originally wanted to escape to the ground suddenly fell to the ground hard, and even its movements became difficult!

"Uh-!" She couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

Then, a figure with the speed of sound finally came in front of her, thunder and lightning flashed!



Chapter 172 Beheading, the third fragment is obtained

The strong white light almost blinded people's eyes, and the harsh chirping sound was extremely sharp.

Violent flashes of light and surging thunder almost blended together, reflecting each other in this dark underground, bringing a hint of horror to this monotonous world.

The light and sound came and went just as quickly. After only two or three seconds, the light dissipated and the sound stopped.

Inside the pit, smoke and dust filled the air, making it difficult to see clearly.

Within the barrier in the distance, Riveria looked at the pothole without squinting. She was obviously very concerned about the outcome. In fact, she had already clenched her wand and was ready to chant.

In a moment, the smoke and dust dissipated completely, and Riveria immediately saw the scene in the pit without any hindrance...

Bai Ye stood in the pit, shook his head, and felt a ringing in his ears.

After getting rid of the remaining feeling, he relaxed and breathed a deep sigh of relief. The golden color in his eyes immediately dissipated and turned into a deep dark black.


Turning around, Bai Ye saw this clone of the fallen elf.

Although her choice to escape at the last moment was unexpected, it was also reasonable.

Bai Ye, who was wearing nitrogen armor and dragon blood armor, was so tough that he turned a blind eye to even the super-long chanting magic and was able to pass straight through fire storms and meteor showers...

This kind of defensive power is already extremely difficult, but under the condition of her own full defense, Bai Ye also showed strong offensive ability and quickly broke her defensive position... From this perspective, it is not incomprehensible to choose to retreat. .

But unfortunately, at the moment when he was about to fall into the ground, he was stopped by Bai Ye, using gravity.

Although it can't completely suppress her, it is perfect for hindering her actions.

But in order to use gravity, he had to stop the nitrogen armor at the critical moment, so his head was a little dizzy at the moment.

In the pothole.


Falling to the ground, looking at her completely broken lower body, with a female upper body, she was screaming in panic.

And a foot away from her, the lower body of a plant several meters high also fell there, together with roots, buds and petals. Under the cutting of the condensed thunder and lightning, her upper and lower body, which was originally very inconsistent, It was cut off immediately.

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