As this rune was written, a ray of light immediately bloomed and fell on Akaza's body, causing him to completely lose consciousness in the next moment. His whole person seemed to have become a puppet, and his eyes became empty. .

“Ask me again, where did that photo come from?”

In such a hypnotic state, this evil villain finally told the truth.

"That suddenly appeared in my mailbox. I don't know who sent it to me..." Akaza's eyes were blank and he answered the question subconsciously.

But this answer made Bai Ye frown. In other words, Akaza was not the one who designed it at all? Is there still a mastermind behind the scenes? Did he use Akaza as a spear user to deal with Kurogane Ikki? And Akaza just happened to eat this pie at the right time?

Chapter 281 The trial given to Kurogane Ikki

Since then, it is not difficult to know the mastermind behind the scenes.


The only person who can capture the Black Iron King and the One-Armed Sword Master at the same time is Rebellion himself, right?

Only one of your own will allow the other party to take that photo, and only your companions will have the opportunity to take that photo.

In view of this, then, it is the terrorist organization Rebellion that does all this?

"A terrorist organization wants to deal with Ikki? How? What are the benefits?"

However, this is really unimaginable. The most powerful terrorist organization in the underground world would actually take action against a student? It’s simply unimaginable…

Bai Ye, who couldn't figure it out, stopped thinking about it. Looking at the short and fat man in front of him who was still hypnotized, he continued to ask the second question, "Where are all the photos? Including all the backups, not a single one is missing." Tell me everything!"

"Most of them are in the branch's independent database, and there is another copy on my desk..."

Bai Yemei 897 raised his head and looked at Akaza with some surprise. He couldn't tell that this man was quite cautious and actually made a copy beside him... However, no matter how many copies he made, it was useless.

With this thought in mind, Bai Ye stretched out his hand and drew another rune, which fell on Akaza's body, immediately making him fall asleep.

It was a rune that acted on the mind and had the effect of sealing memory. When he woke up, he would never remember what had just happened.

But Bai Ye was not satisfied with this.

"I told you to let me go if I tell you the truth. It's never a good idea to break your promise!"

Saying this, Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and behind him, the golden clock appeared again——

"——Gimel (Three Bullets)!"

It has the effect of making the target's time pass quickly and causing the target to grow rapidly.


The magic bullet was shot out. Under the power of the three bullets, Akaza who fell on the ground quickly became gray-haired and physically exhausted. In just the blink of an eye, he went from a middle-aged man to an old man. ——

"Just a little revenge, enjoy it."

With that said, Bai Ye had an idea and used telekinesis to crush all the equipment in the room, including the drawers and the hard drives inside, and then turned around and left the room.

·Okay, the next step is to go there—1

After leaving the room, Bai Ye did not leave directly, but continued to walk towards the upper level.

According to his induction, Kurogane Ikki was not being held in a cell, but was taken to a room on the top floor.

Bai Ye, who had been here once, knew that it was the room of the most powerful person in this building, the head of the branch - Kurogane Yan. In other words, it was now the father-son bureau.

On the way, Bai Ye took advantage of the hacking ability brought by lightning, and through the student manual in his hand, he invaded the database that had completely lost its defense due to the thunder pillar, and cleared all the photos and all backups——

"Bang bang!"

He still walked all the way up without any hindrance, and most of the people who came to block his way were instantly captured without any reaction by the combination of the draw force and magic bullets.

Originally, the bullets made of magic power had a good speed. Coupled with the ability to deceive people's five senses, the combination of footwork and foot pumping that looked like teleportation was truly invincible.

It was originally far away, but the next moment it suddenly came to the side and fired a magic bullet - it was not even a shock, and it was frozen in time.

And once time is frozen, even thinking is frozen, and there is no way to recover.

——This is the horror of time ability.

It is not that there are no masters in this branch. With so many people, they must have very rare and powerful abilities. But unfortunately, as swordsmen, most of them have the bad habit of not exercising their nervous abilities. Occasionally, two warriors, It was also solved quickly by Bai Ye, without causing any trouble.

As more and more people fell into the freeze of time, this branch was gradually enveloped in silence, fear and shrinkage.

Just relying on one person, one Keke Emperor, Bai Ye did something rare.

——For Kurogane Ikki, this is another trial.

Although this trial could easily hurt his body and leave him covered in bruises, he had no intention of resisting.

If you want to talk about why, it is - he has long been used to it.

He is used to being bullied, used to being ridiculed, used to being scorned, used to being hurt... Kurogane Ikki has long been accustomed to patience.

Therefore, in the face of any disaster that befell him, no matter how ugly the insult was, no matter how bad the behavior, he could face it with a smile, accept all the insults and ridicules, and silently swallow the bitter pill.

This is the feeling of Kurogane Ikki, a boy who has been ignored and ridiculed since childhood.

Therefore, in the face of this slander, he still did not resist - but he would never admit it.

Although he has learned to be patient and got used to it, there is one thing that he will never give up - the dream of becoming a serious magic knight.

This can be said to be the foundation of all his actions. The reason why he still endures in the face of countless ridicules is also his true bottom line and persistence.

But now, this bottom line has been touched, and the person who has touched this bottom line is none other than his father. It is his father who wants to destroy his ideals and dreams and crush his spiritual support with his own hands.

Although Kuroyuki Ikki endured it, he still felt an unprecedented anger. Therefore, after enduring it for several days, he finally planned to confront his father, Kuroyukihime.

"It's not that I don't treat you as my son, it's just that I don't have any expectations for you."

Then, this man calmly said the cruelest words to Kuroyuki Ikki.

Chapter 282 The person who crushed the class system

As a father, he wants to attack his son.

Kurogete Ikki originally thought that this man simply didn't treat him as his son, just like those outside, because he was not talented enough, so he had already treated him like a stranger and completely ignored him.

But even then, as a son, it is natural to have admiration for his father, even for this father who treats him as a stranger, right?

Kurogane Ikki thought that he had cut off everything from the Kurogane family, but it wasn't until he saw his father again that he truly woke up.

His ideal is to become a magic knight, but why become a magic knight? That would of course allow him, who had been ridiculed and ignored by others in the past, to be recognized by everyone, and let them know that even if he was the worst F-class knight, he could still do something great.

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