——However, whose recognition is it to be obtained?

If you insist on choosing a candidate, then there is no doubt at all, right?

Of course the biological parents.

It was this pure feeling of wanting to be recognized by his family that kept him crawling forward on this difficult and dangerous road.

"...I see, do you think it's because you are too weak that I don't treat you as my son?"

Kurogane glanced out the window. Half a minute ago, a huge thunder flashed there, and then, all the electrical equipment in the building stopped——

But he was still sitting here, not moving at all, and even the expression on his face did not change at all.

He was even still discussing this topic with Kuroyuki Ikki.

"That's why you ran away from home and did so many things in that academy, becoming a strong candidate for the selection..."

Kurogane looked at Kurogane Ikki in front of him and said indifferently, "It seems you misunderstood. I never meant to treat you as a family member."

At this moment, Kurogete Ikki deeply felt the warmth surging from his heart, which made him almost immediately show an expression of ecstasy, "——So, do you also agree with my current results?"

It was clear that this man who claimed to be his father had never given him any care or love, and had always just treated him as if he did not exist, but Kurogane Ikki still felt unprecedented joy.


But Hei Tieyan answered without hesitation, "Never. I have never felt approval of what you did."


At this moment, the smile on Kuroyuki Ikki's face completely froze.

"Society has classes, people at the bottom, people in the middle, and people at the top. The world is never unequal."

"People at the bottom are doing things at the bottom, people at the middle level are doing things at the middle level, and people at the top are doing things at the top. Only when these people stay in their own skin and are self-aware can society be stable."

"But you messed up the class."

"Obviously it's only F level, so just be self-aware and do what F level should do, but what are you doing now? Your performance in the selection competition will stimulate those at the bottom and make them think that the bottom People can succeed through hard work, and can surpass people in the middle and upper levels, so they will not be satisfied with the status quo and do things they shouldn't do——"

"This is the turmoil caused by you as the trigger, making the people at the bottom think they see the hope of success, and letting those who are not thorough to do those things that are not thorough... Then the class will be disrupted and society will be destroyed. It will be unstable.”

"This is all your fault."

The logic is very simple.

People at the bottom should do things at the bottom. If they try to do things at the middle level, it will cause turmoil in the middle level.

People should be self-aware, stop dreaming about unrealistic dreams, see reality clearly, and do what people like themselves should do.

Probably so.

This is probably true - but how realistic is it?

It is simply like destroying all dreams and ideals—these ladders of human progress.

But Kurogane Ikki was crushed by this man's words.

"Since you don't have that talent, don't do this kind of thing. This is what I think of you... Why, are you sad?"

Of course, what he expected, the answer he most expected from the person he most expected to give him, turned out to be exactly the opposite.

To maintain class stability? Is it the mistake to be motivated?

That is basically equivalent to denying everything Kurogete Ikki has worked hard to this point, trampling on his value until it is worthless, and making his life meaningless.


Kurogane Ikki was taken down.

His expression was extremely bad.

Then, the room became quiet again.

Hei Tieyan sat on the chair, silent in the spacious room.

And in this room, a voice sounded.

"Minister Kurogane, why do you think monkeys can evolve into humans?"

At the moment when the sound suddenly sounded, Hei Tieyan's pupils shrank for a moment.

"Why do you think humans can invent airplanes and rockets?"

Faced with these two questions, Hei Tieyan's head suddenly panicked, and he didn't know what to say.

The voice did not take him into consideration, but continued to speak on its own: "Human beings will progress because they are dissatisfied - Minister Kurogane, is your statement denying human beings?"

"No, it's not a denial of humanity."

In this empty room, Heitie Yan finally spoke out, "I am protecting humans!"

"That's such a loud tone. Let me ask another question - do you think mankind is making progress now?"

Faced with this problem, Heitieyan was silent again.

There was no way this man could deny humanity.

"The reason why human beings are progressing is because they are dissatisfied. Because they are dissatisfied, they can break the current taboos - just like your current situation, Minister Kurogane."

Bai Ye chuckled in the dark.

"Although it's just my humble opinion, one day, someone who crushes your class system will appear, right? Just like human beings have broken the inherent restrictions countless times in the past and evolved... That person—— Maybe even your son?"

With that said, a shadow disappeared here among the shadows in the room.

Possessing the appearanceless king, who has restrained all his aura, and is still hiding in the shadow of Emperor Keke, this man cannot discover him no matter what.

And long after he left, Kurogane closed his eyes.

But he didn't think he was wrong, he was just thinking.

"Can come and go freely in my territory...several times around the world without more than one hand - who is it?"

Chapter 283 Famous in every sense of the word

In a cell on a certain floor underground, the huge metal room was empty. There was only a young man sitting in the corner with his head lowered, his face extremely gloomy.

When Bai Ye left Kurogane's office and came here, this was what he saw.

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