But young Alexander's face showed a bright smile like a flower.

"Wonderful! That's the answer I wanted to hear!"

He smiled as if he had heard some extremely beautiful compliment, "You are qualified! Emperor of Rose! This arrogance is what a true king should have!"

"You are a very beautiful and arrogant emperor, just like a fallen beast (referring to 666)!" Although he said such words, the face of young Alexander was just admiration, as if, in his opinion 270, this was praise. The words are general.

"You don't need to tell me this!"

As the magic power was released, Nero shouted, and her sword burned with blazing flames, "Then, your problem is over, right?! Then, I will use this power as you wish." arrogant--"

"Wait a minute, Nero."

However, before Nero could finish speaking, a very uninterested voice intervened, causing Nero's face to darken instantly.

And as this voice came, everyone turned their attention to him.

As for Nero, the moment he saw the person who said this, half of the anger on his face disappeared, and then he seemed to be very dissatisfied, or perhaps had an awkward moment, and became very unhappy.

"If you interrupt Yu at the right moment to showcase Yu's charm, Bai Ye, even you will make Yu unhappy!"

"Well, don't be so excited, I just have a few words to add!"

There was a thoughtful smile on Bai Ye's face, but his eyes were looking at the young Alexander and El-Melloi II opposite him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was calculation in his eyes...

Chapter 466 For the sake of mankind, please surrender to us!

"Eh? It seems that you have any opinions on the exchange we just had, right?" Although the young Alexander was a little surprised, there was no dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he asked Bai Ye with great interest.

"Hmm... Since it's Bai Ye, there must be some truth to it. Okay, I'll just listen carefully, Yu!"

Nero followed suit and agreed, but then added: "Of course, if what you say doesn't make sense, Yu Ke will be angry!"

Bai Ye spread his hands, looking like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, "Okay, if you want to be angry, just let him go!"

"So, regarding Alexander the Great's argument just now, I have something to add--"

Bai Ye raised his hand, extended his index finger, and said calmly: "It was not Nero who started the war, but the United Army. In other words, the original initiator of this war should pay for the disasters suffered by all the people. , it’s the United Army!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka and others nodded in agreement when they heard this, as if they were venting their previously aggrieved and speechless feelings.

"As the divine ancestor of this country, the great founding hero Romulus actually took the initiative to provoke a war that affected the entire Rome, causing countless people to suffer, and their families to be separated... Although I don't want to belittle him, this kind of His behavior is really chilling, right?"

Nero frowned slightly. Although she rejected the disparagement of the divine ancestor from the bottom of her heart, she had to admit that Bai Ye was right.

"And after all, you are servants, right?" Bai Ye looked indifferent, ignoring the expressions of everyone around him, and continued talking to himself.

"As a follower, you are originally dead. Even if you are resurrected, it does not mean that this is still your era. You must know that the change of the times is a natural truth. Of course, I also understand that you are not willing to be alone and want to do something. It’s a big news feeling...then it’s obvious, who is responsible for this war?”

This sentence seemed to hit a point that the young Alexander had to care about, making him frown.

Bai Ye spread his hands and said with a mocking look on his face: "Isn't that the United Army?"

"Isn't it ridiculous that he is obviously a rebel, but he demands submission from a good emperor who is upright and considerate of the people? Even if he is the divine ancestor and the founding hero of Rome, it does not mean that this country belongs to him."

"Even if there is a label, it can only be 'Romulus is a Roman', not 'The Roman Empire belongs to Romulus'."

"...I see, that's what you think."

After listening to Bai Ye's words, the young Alexander sighed, as if he was a little disappointed, "You are really a serious person... Although what you said is indeed right, this is not the reason to convince me!" ~ g

With that said, he shook his head and said to Nero: "Okay, there's no need to say anything more, let's—"


"Just be patient for a moment."

Young Alexander frowned and looked at Bai Ye again, with some helplessness in his expression, "Do you want to say anything else?"

"Who said I was trying to convince you?"

Bai Ye smiled softly and looked at him with strange eyes, "From the beginning, I never planned to reason with you, a guy who obviously uses fallacies to discuss things with others."

"The purpose of what I say is just to make the people of Rome realize who is their ruler... and that Nero is justified."

Bai Ye shrugged, "This is also very important for morale."


Morale... Alexander immediately realized something and turned his attention to the army behind Nero.

The Roman army was not far away from here. In other words, whether it was Alexander's questioning, Nero's tyrant declaration, or Shiro Ye's explanation of his innocence, all were heard by the soldiers.

Despite Nero's extraordinary charm, people in the army were mixed, and there were some who were repulsed by Nero's tyrant declaration. After hearing the strange conversation, there were naturally whispers... However, in Hakuno's list On the contrary, after confirming the righteousness, these voices all disappeared.

In other words, Hakuno's initial plan was to separate Nero's image in the hearts of the people from the image of a tyrant and to portray her as a wise monarch who put down rebellions.

—This was for Nero's sake, not to argue with him.

After understanding this, strange looks appeared in everyone's eyes, and young Alexander's face looked even more embarrassing.

As for Nero, her face had already been filled with bright red——

Bai Ye smacked his lips, and he seemed to be thirsty, so he couldn't help but underestimate it in a low voice, "Really, won't someone bring me some water at this time?"

"Soldier! Bring water!" Nero reincarnated and shouted behind him.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then nodded towards her and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you."

"Hmm... If you can think about Yu like this, even Yu will feel a little shy..." Nero felt a little embarrassed in a rare moment.

"Okay, what I want to say next is the key point!"

After drinking the water, Bai Ye continued to look back at the young Alexander and El-Melloi II who were forcefully fed a mouthful of dog food.

"You two, do you know what happened in 2016?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, before young Alexander could react, El-Melloi II's heart sank and he took the initiative to ask: "What happened in that era?"

"Ah, humanity is destroyed."

Bai Ye lightly sent the news to El-Melloi II, who was shocked. Then he looked at him thoughtfully, and the calculating look in his eyes became even stronger.

"It was burned to the ground by an unknown person... And the existence that burned mankind to the ground, his related person, is holding the Holy Grail, summoning followers in various eras, disrupting history, and making people understand. Confusing things—"

El-Melloi II's expression changed inexplicably.

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