Then, suddenly, his eyes suddenly turned sharp, "Are you here for me too? Do you want the strongest position?"

There was a fierce look in his eyes that said, "If your answer doesn't satisfy me, I won't be able to get over it." A slightly ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"No, I'm not interested in your so-called strongest point!" Bai Ye refuted Accelerator's words almost immediately.

"Nani?!" However, this seemed to shock Accelerator, but he obviously did not believe Hakuno's words easily.

"Then, why did you appear here again?" He said solemnly.

The expression on Bai Ye's face suddenly became speechless, pointing to the apartment building inside, "Because I live here too!"

"...Huh?" Accelerator looked blank.

Live here...ah, yes, he didn't rent this place...

And just when Bai Ye was about to continue talking, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang with an incoming call, which made him frown and answer the call.

Then, just a few seconds later, Bai Ye suddenly released a cold and solemn aura, and his entire face became serious.

"Be careful, I'll be there immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ye didn't even hang up the phone. He stepped on his feet. Strong wind suddenly bloomed under his feet, lifting his whole body into the sky, and then, like a bullet, he galloped away into the distance!

Accelerator was left in a daze: What happened?

Time goes back three minutes.

The second school district, Talented Housing.

Shokuhou Misaki was sitting at the table in the room, enjoying the black tea that Hakuno praised. She was dressed as before, except that she wore a silver ring necklace on her slender neck.

"Dong dong dong!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Shokuhou Misaki frowned, "Please come in!"

A female researcher opened the door and walked in, showing Shokuhou Misaki the tablet in her hand, "Director, we found a suspicious person outside the institute today..."

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki frowned and looked at the photos on the tablet.

"This is the figure captured by the camera outside the institute today. The strange thing is that this girl has been outside seven times today!"

The girl photographed is a petite girl with a very slender figure. She is wearing a miniskirt, stockings on her legs, and a beret on her head. She looks very cute.

Of course, this is not the strangest thing. The most puzzling thing is that this girl seems to have discovered seven cameras in different corners every time, and treats each camera as a spotlight to show her charm, and she will be in front of the camera. She poses with a fist on her forehead and a fist on her waist. She sticks out her tongue and closes one eye to make herself look very cute.

As soon as she saw this girl, Shokuhou Misaki had an inexplicable feeling that she couldn't get along with this girl... She attributed it to the fact that the girl's cute behavior overlapped with her character characteristics.

“Boom, boom, boom—!!!”

However, at this moment, a violent and dull explosion suddenly came from outside the door, echoing in the corridor!

"What? What's wrong?!" Shokuhou Misaki was suddenly awakened, with a confused look on his face.

The waitress next to her looked solemn after consulting her companions in the monitoring room, "Oh no, director! This girl has invaded the facility now!"

"Invasion?" Shokuhou Misaki was obviously puzzled. Why did someone suddenly invade his research institute?

But she immediately directed the movements of the researchers and security guards, "Seal the passage immediately to trap the intruder!"

On the other hand, Shokuhou Misaki was in her bedroom, feeling strange about what happened today. To be on the safe side, she took out the flip phone in her skirt pocket.

Although she is not very good at mobile phones, in order to keep in touch with Bai Ye frequently, she has learned the basic usage from the researchers at the institute.

"Moses Moses, Bai Ye? Something happened to me here... Just in case, are you free now?"

"I know, I will be careful, who do you think I am?" Shokuhou Misaki chuckled.

Her ability is difficult to resist as long as she is not an electric shock user. If this intruder doesn't get enough information, he's already in trouble!

Chapter 55 So I’m waiting here

In the research institute of the Talent Research Institute, a figure of a girl with long golden hair was walking in a certain passage.

Conveniently, she casually took out two rag doll-like dolls from under her skirt and threw them away. After hitting the walls on both sides, they immediately caused a fierce explosion!

While destroying the institute with puppet bombs, she also deliberately pouted cutely towards several cameras in the passage.

Her expression seemed very calm, without any sense of guilt or worry about intrusion.

"Moses, Moses, is anyone there? Come out quickly!" The blond girl said softly to both sides and in the distance in the passage.

However, the invasion location she chose was probably not very good. Although there were explosions one after another, no one here listened to her words and ran out.

"It turns out there's no one there... As expected, let's go inside first!"

The girl made this decision calmly, raised her feet and walked happily deeper into the research institute.

On the way, suddenly, several protective doors fell from the sky, completely blocking her inside.

But she didn't care at all, she still fished out a bunch of puppet bombs from under her skirt, and blasted them completely through the protective door!

"Pass the test by yourself!"

The girl acted cute again, blinking her eyes, raising her fists, acting like a cute cat, as if spring flowers were blooming.

After putting on quite a show, she continued moving towards the depths unhurriedly.

However, compared to the invasion, this girl was obviously dragging her pace. She was moving slowly, without the feeling of "flying like the wind" at all.

That look was not so much a sign of absolute confidence as it was a sign that he had no intention of clearing the level quickly.

But the people in the monitoring room were busy thinking of ways to prevent her intrusion at the moment and had no time to notice this...

In Shokuhou Misaki's room.

Putting the phone on the table, Shokuhou Misaki turned around and said, "Get out first and take refuge in a safe place!"

"Eh? But the director——"

But Shokuhou Misaki was unmoved, "I also have my own thoughts. If I don't teach such a guy a lesson myself, wouldn't anyone come to bully me?"

The persuasion was useless, so the female researcher had no choice but to leave the room as Shokuhou Cao prayed and headed for the underground shelter.

In the room, Shokuhou Misaki was learning the actual situation of the other party's invasion from the monitoring room.

"The intruders have entered Laboratory No. 2-1034, causing serious damage. They are now continuing to move deeper, not at a fast pace..."

While listening to the report, Shokuhou Misaki picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip of the fragrant black tea, and sat on the chair, showing his elegance.

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