Here she was, waiting for the intruder.

Outside, in the sky, Bai Ye quickly passed through the sky of the 7th School District, entered the soundproof wall of the 2nd School District, and flew towards the direction of the talent workshop at high speed.

After nearly three months of training, Bai Ye has become very good at flying in the air.

Unlike when he only dared to fly at low altitudes at first, Bai Ye is now able to control the wind or telekinesis almost instinctively to achieve the purpose of flying, and his speed is completely comparable to that of a high-speed sports car.

Therefore, just two or three minutes later, he had arrived at the horizon not far from the talent workshop.

"The signs of the intruder are strange? Is there anything strange about it?"

Even in the air, Hakuno was still exchanging information with Shokuhou Misaki.

"If it's weird, it's just a feeling... I always feel like the other person is playing tricks on me, because that person's speed is too slow and he hasn't reached me yet—"

Shokuhou Misaki's confused voice came from the mobile phone, obviously a little unsure.

However, when Bai Ye heard her words, he narrowed his eyes suddenly, "...I really want to know what's going on."

The next moment Bai Ye said these words, a wrist-thick green electron beam shot from the ground towards Bai Ye like an anti-aircraft gun!

But even in the sky, Bai Ye seemed to have expected it. His figure suddenly fell to the ground, as if he was under the weight of a thousand pounds, and he fell rapidly towards the ground, avoiding the green beam.

After this beam of light, I don't know what the other party was thinking, but he didn't continue to pursue it.

In the sky, Bai Ye immediately fell freely towards the ground where the light beam originated.

Seeing the ground getting closer and closer, when there were only thirty meters left, the light in his eyes moved slightly, and he immediately used the fantasy materialization.

In the next moment, his falling figure slowed down rapidly. In a short period of time, he completely avoided colliding with the ground. He was floating steadily in mid-air, looking at the opposite side not far away.

The accelerated fall was like a heavy weight drop. It was Bai Ye who manifested multiple gravity on his body, accelerating his fall.

The sudden deceleration created an upward buoyancy force on itself, canceling out the earth's gravity.

These are all the ways that Bai Ye can think of to use the 'basic force'. They are all physical phenomena in nature, and they are categories that Bai Ye can imagine and realize.

However, because his level is still low, the multiple gravity he can manifest is still around 3 times at this moment.

At this moment, this is the road outside the talent workshop. The other party seems to have been waiting here for a long time. As soon as he sees Bai Ye arriving, a fierce and arrogant smile appears on his face.

"Finally, I've waited for you...Sa! Do you want to surrender and follow me, or do you want to be beaten and then be taken away by me?"

This man said this to Bai Ye very brazenly.

But the other party does have the ability to speak out without shame.

Chapter 56: Fighting Atomic Collapse (Revision)

The person standing in front of Bai Ye is surprisingly a girl. She is not very old, and she looks like a high school student. She is tall and slender, and her figure is well developed. At this age, she has the ability to attract the attention of the opposite sex, especially her breasts. , looking very impressive.

Wearing a light purple dress, over-the-knee socks on her legs, and white boots on her feet, she looks very fashionable, has long soft brown hair, and looks very charming in her movements.

But such a beautiful girl was looking at Bai Ye very arrogantly and violently at this moment, and she had no time to make a very contemptuous declaration.

Her expression and actions were far different from the appearance of that daughter of our family.

Seeing the woman in front of him, Bai Ye's eyes flashed and a smile appeared on his face.

"What happens if I choose neither?"

"Oh, you're quite brave!" The brown-haired girl smiled violently when she heard this, "I don't hate guys like you..."

"But if it's the target of the mission, that's a different story."

Saying this, the girl raised her hand as if holding something up, and then, a pure white ball of light appeared out of thin air in her raised hand.

Bai Ye's eyes tightened, and he immediately entered a fighting state. At the same time, he immediately used the illusion to manifest——

"Be careful not to get hit——"

A sneer appeared on the brown-haired girl's face, "If I die, it will be difficult for me to do business!"

As she spoke, she waved her hand gently, and the pure white ball of light immediately activated a glowing green light. The next moment, an electronic beam was like a laser, shooting towards Bai Ye!

The speed of this laser beam is extremely fast, and the human eye cannot catch it at all. Just feel a ray of light flying out, and the beam has already arrived in front of you.

But Bai Ye seemed to have sensed the foothold of the opponent's attack beforehand. He turned his feet and moved to the side easily.

The green beam of light passed through Bai Ye's side in the next moment, and then, as if penetrating through pieces of paper, penetrated several walls and disappeared not far away.

"Although the speed is very fast, it is not impossible to react..." Bai Ye immediately made this judgment in his heart.

During the Amakusa style, Hakuno had long been accustomed to Kanzaki's ultra-high-speed slashes because he often sparred with Kanzaki. He already had an instinctive response to ultra-fast attacks.

Bai Ye took a deep breath, and the magic power in his body was flowing turbulently, manifesting in Bai Ye's vision moment by moment.

Electromagnetic induction is a way of detecting the environment by stimulating the current through the stimulation of the surrounding conditions and receiving feedback. It is one of the uses of Misaka Mikoto's electric shock ability in the original work, and was carried over by Hakuno.

This kind of induction ability and Hakuno's telepathy are two different kinds of induction. Hakuno's telepathy is similar to mind reading, and this electromagnetic induction is similar to Haki, which can sense the opponent's actions in advance and play a role. It almost predicts the future.

Especially because her ability is so powerful, her attack speed will be very slow, which is plenty of time for dodgers.

"Avoided?" The girl opposite Bai Ye was stunned for a while, and then her brown pupils narrowed immediately, "What method was used?"

At this moment, she felt unhappy for the first time.

"Hmph! So what if that's the case?!" As she said that, two new pure white light balls appeared around the girl. With the input of computing power, the three beams of light appeared in the shape of a cross and pointed towards Bai Ye unceremoniously. Shooting away in the direction!

A single beam of light is easy to dodge, but if there are too many, it becomes troublesome.

Bai Ye took action almost as soon as the girl opposite made a move.

At this moment, a blue arc of electricity spread out in front of Bai Ye.

Hakuno's electric shock ability can only be regarded as level 4 in Academy City's test, and of course he can't block the beam in front of him.

After all, the main body of that beam is the 'Atom Breaker', one of the few level 5s in Academy City, whose combat power is superior to most of the espers in Academy City!

Not to mention, her 'Particle Machine Waveform High Speed ​​Cannon' emits pure electrons, which are neither light nor electricity. Because of the 'retention' effect of electrons, they will be released when they hit an object. Very terrifying power and penetration!

But Bai Ye's purpose was not to suppress it. In fact, for him, as long as the emission angle of the electron beam was distorted, there would be no threat at all.

The next moment, Bai Ye stepped down, and a strong force acted on the ground, causing him to immediately move away from where he was.

In an instant, two of the three beams of light immediately dodged. After hitting the current layer, the remaining one also deflected at an angle and deviated away from Bai Ye's body.

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