Black Joan ignored the evil dragon.


"Boost!" "Boost!"

"Boost!" "Boost!" "BoBoBo...Boost!"

The jade on the back of her hand rang twelve times in one second, making Black Jeanne's power more than a thousand times stronger in an instant.

"Evil dragons, stop them all!"

Black Joan raised the flag in her hand, her own magic power began to boil, and a majestic wave spread across the entire battlefield in an instant.

"Buzz buzz----"

In an instant, the evil dragon that rushed toward her froze in place as if space had stopped.

There are hundreds of thousands of evil dragons, even those who have reached the highest level of demons, all of them seem to have sensed some irreversible order.

All the roars of the evil dragons ceased immediately.

All the evil dragon's claws were stagnant in mid-air.

All the evil dragon's breath was swallowed in his throat.

Spreading across dozens of kilometers around the entire battlefield, hundreds of thousands of evil dragons, without exception, all obeyed her orders and froze in place.

For a moment, this scene was extremely shocking.


On the coalition side, even Vali, who used Tyrannosaurus, actually panicked at this moment. The entire dragon's body froze in place uncontrollably, leaving him confused...

The 'Dragon Witch', who has been amplified a thousand times by the Cage of the Sekiryuutei, can forcibly dominate even a Celestial Dragon!

"Is this a lie? Is it true? All the evil dragons' actions have stopped?"


After a brief period of shock on the coalition's side, the soldiers came to their senses one after another and killed the evil dragons that could not move around them on the spot. The number of evil dragons was instantly reduced by more than half——


“Crack, click, click!!”

“Crack, click, click, click—!!!”

However, all good things come hard. The next moment, a dark crack opened in the sky again, very similar to the sky in Kuoh Town.

Countless figures with powerful auras shot out from the crack one after another and landed directly in front of the coalition forces.

The auras on the transcendent beings such as Shiva, Thor, and Luger were churning endlessly, while the auras on the god kings and governors such as Michael, Azazel, and Odin were greatly reduced, and they looked very embarrassed.

Many gods of mythical forces even disappeared directly - died at the hands of the Beast King.


The huge alien flew out of the crack, exuding the same destructive aura as before.

The nearly kilometer-long Beast King opened its seven huge mouths and once again let out a shocking roar, causing the coalition soldiers below to cover their heads in pain.

"Oops! Disperse quickly and don't face the Beast King!" Azazel's expression immediately changed.

However, when he was yelling like this, Black Joan of Arc glanced at him, without any sign of panic. There was only the same contempt and disgust in her eyes as before.

"No need, that guy can't make any waves anymore."

As if to confirm her words, the next moment——

In the distant sky, a stream of light flashed across.

As fast as light, the Beast King was unable to dodge, just like a planet hitting the earth, it hit it with great power.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom————————————!!!!!!”

In an instant, it seemed as if the whole earth trembled.


The Beast King let out a short but angry roar.

Its body was immediately torn apart by the huge kinetic energy.

Chapter 1165 - uroboros dragon armored (Infinite Dragon Armor)!

According to Einstein's kinetic energy formula, moving at the speed of light, even an object as small as an insect can have the kinetic energy to smash a continent into pieces. In a chain reaction, it can even crash into the earth's core and cause the earth to shatter. Disintegration and the destruction of civilization may occur.

Such huge kinetic energy accompanied the flash of light and fell on the Beast King, causing his body to shatter into pieces with almost no resistance and was blasted into countless pieces of flesh.

The stream of light stagnated in mid-air, revealing his true face.

It was the figure of a young man who looked to be no more than sixteen or seventeen years old. He had jet-black hair flying in the wind, and the clothes on his body rustled with the strong wind. His face was handsome but mature, and his dark pupils were full of emotions. Heart-piercing sharpness.

On the sea below, whether they were angels, demons, vampires, humans, or gods from various mythological forces, they all fell into horror for a moment when they looked at the figure of the young man in the sky.

"……one strike?"

"Kill that Beast King with one blow!?"

"No way!? So strong!!"


As the pieces of flesh from the Beast King's corpse flew everywhere, the big stone that was weighing on everyone's hearts suddenly loosened. Almost everyone became excited, and everyone's face was filled with joy, and they let out loud cheers.

"Idiot, if you have that time to cheer, you might as well evacuate from here quickly——"

Just when everyone was overjoyed, a voice came from the mouth of the young man in the sky and fell into everyone's ears without any hindrance.

"——That guy is not dead yet."

As if to verify the authenticity of his words, the pieces of flesh that flew out began to expand rapidly in the blink of an eye. In just a second or two, the Beast King's huge body of hundreds of meters As if going back in time, the figure reappeared in front of everyone.

There was sudden silence on the entire sea, and all the soldiers of the coalition fell silent.


I don't know who swallowed the saliva.

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