"Everyone, disperse! Fly at least ten kilometers away!" Azazel immediately waved his hand and issued an order to the coalition soldiers.

As soon as the words fell, almost all the coalition soldiers seemed to hate their parents for losing two legs, and ran wildly in all directions.

Even Shiva and Odin left this sea one after another.

Black Joan rode on Tan Ning's back, took a deep look at the young man's back in the sky, and then left with a very weak smile.

Now he has no possibility of losing.

In the blink of an eye, the young man and the Beast King were the only ones left in this sea area.

"It's just as I predicted, even the [Savior]'s [Speed ​​of Light] can't do anything to you."

The boy, Bai Ye closed his eyes slightly and looked at the resurrected Beast King 666, with no surprise on his face.

He had seen this scene many times through his clairvoyance.

The Beast King's vitality is so strong that it is almost close to immortality. Unless his body is completely destroyed or his soul is extinguished, it will be difficult to defeat him through physical methods.

And [Speed ​​of Light] is a completely physical attack. No matter how powerful this attack is, as long as it doesn't kill the Beast King until all its cells are left, it cannot completely destroy it.

The Beast King, who was resurrected from the debris, cast all fourteen eyes of his seven heads on Bai Ye. The scarlet eyes filled with coldness and madness revealed a bone-chilling murderous intent, making the entire space filled with excitement. Almost frozen.

The Beast King has no reason, it is just like a beast, it only has instinct, and its instinct is to kill, destroy and destroy.

Facing Bai Ye, who once destroyed it, it had no fear, only a deep and cold murderous intention and desire for destruction.

Facing the Beast King who was nakedly releasing his murderous intent, Bai Ye could be regarded as an ant compared with his huge body. However, this ant did not flinch or panic at all. Instead, it exposed A sharp smile.

"If you can't make this, then I'm afraid I'm really no match for you, but -"

Bai Ye floated in mid-air, opened his hands, and the golden mantra surged out of his body.

"I have obtained 'infinite' strength, but even I can't predict the extent to which it will reach."

"You stand on the same level as the God of the Bible and the Infinite Dragon God. You should be qualified as the first sacrifice for me, the 'strongest god-killing device' in history, right?"

The spell power all over Bai Ye's body surged, and the golden flames that originally surrounded his body slowly dimmed, turning from gold to dark gold, then gradually to gray, and finally turned into a light that seemed to be able to The pure and incomparable jet black absorbed.

"——Uroboros Dragon Armored (Infinite Dragon Armor)!"

Wrapped in the jet-black flames, jet-black armor that has a metallic texture and looks like biological muscles emerged from Bai Ye's body, starting from his legs, chest, arms, head, etc., one by one. He quickly wrapped his whole body inside.

“Buzz buzz——————!!!”

The surging magic power surges out, giving people the illusion of being as unfathomable and boundless as the vast starry sky.

In just a short moment, the original handsome young man disappeared, replaced by a figure whose whole body was filled with a strong sense of presence, as if the entire world was eclipsed in front of it.

Chapter 1166 Infinity and Seven Abilities

Different from the pure body-covering armors formed after the Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand and the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing Forbidden Hand transformation, these two armors after the Forbidden Hand transformation of the Divine Destruction Gear actually do not have many dragon characteristics. Instead, it looks like armor based on a dragon and made using future technology.

But [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] is different.

The armor of [Infinite Dragon God Armor] looks like mechanical armor, but it also has a strong biological texture, and the overall color is close to pitch black.

From the appearance, Bai Ye has almost transformed into a human-like dragon. To put it simply, he has become a 'dragon man'.

The head is completely covered, and the eyes, ears, mouth and nose are hidden under the armor mask. The eyes are shining with a dark golden luster, which symbolizes that Bai Ye's eyes are observing the world in front of him, although he looks like a devil. A sense of intimidation.

The armor on the body is completely black, and the armor covering the body does not look bloated at all, but looks a bit slender.

In the center of the armor, there was a pure golden jade at the breastplate. Even though the entire armor was dyed pitch black, only the jade on the chest maintained its pure and holy golden color.

The entire arms are also pitch black, and the five claws have completely turned into dragon claws, flashing with sharp cold light. There are many thorn-like dragon teeth on the wrists, and there are two very sharp ones on the elbows. Barb.

There is a dark red jade on each of the two arms, and there is a feeling of power from it, as if one punch can break the continent.

Both legs are wrapped in armor, with strange black lines carved on them. Both legs also have their own gems, but the gems on the legs are different from those on the chest and arms. Like the entire armor, they are all pitch black. .

What is surprising is that behind Bai Ye, there is a pair of jet-black light wings that stretch for three meters. The jade on the light wings is dim white and looks very graceful.

On the spine behind him, there even seemed to be thorn-like back thorns growing out. At the end of the spine behind him, there was a slender black dragon tail swinging in the air.

This [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] gives people an extremely complicated feeling.

It is as deep as unfathomable, as sacred as holy light, as violent as the crystallization of power, and even as delicate and beautiful as beauty.

This divine annihilation device made of materials from the body of the Infinite Dragon God has undoubtedly reached the end of the divine weapon. Even if the God of the Bible was alive, he would not be able to create a stronger divine weapon than this.

above the sea.

The moment Bai Ye summoned the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] from his body, the magic power in his body seemed to become endless. The majestic black magic power surged out, almost forming a substantial storm of magic power. , causing the sea surface to surge violently.

Even the Beast King across from him paused slightly, instinctively aware of the crisis that could threaten his life.


However, the crazed Beast King, who was left without reason, had no idea what restraint was. Instead, he seemed to be more and more stimulated. He opened his seven bloody mouths and unceremoniously spit out a series of meteorite-like fireballs. Come.

The power of each fireball is comparable to that of a white horse, and its power is close to that of a nuclear bomb. Each one is enough to destroy a transcendent like Sirzechs.

Under a series of fireballs, even if less than twenty Transcendents in the world all joined forces, they would still be running away in confusion.

However, facing these incoming fireballs that were dozens of times taller than his body, Bai Ye just calmly stretched out a hand.

At the same time, the jade emitting a dim pure white light on the pair of pitch-black wings behind him suddenly shone brightly.


A mechanical voice sounded low from the jade on the dragon wings behind him.

That voice was not the deep male voice of the White Dragon King Albion, but the clear and silent girlish voice of the Infinite Dragon God Ophis.

Even so, the ability of this wing undoubtedly comes from the wings of the White Dragon Emperor.

"Divined!" "Divined!"

"Divined!" "DiDiDi...InfinityDivined (infinitely halved)!"

Whether it is the 'doubling' of the Sekiryuutei's cage hand or the 'halving' of the White Dragon Emperor's light wings, in fact, these abilities have their own limits.

Although the 'multiplier' of the Red Dragon Emperor's Dragon Hand can multiply the holder's power an unlimited number of times, it has an upper limit of power. No one's strength can be increased even a little bit.

The 'halving' of the White Dragon Emperor's light wings is ineffective against opponents whose strength exceeds too many, such as Ophis, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, etc. When encountering these opponents, halving cannot be used against them. They work.

However, now, the dragon wings behind Bai Ye, which are similar to the White Dragon Emperor's light wings, seem to have no such limit.

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