The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 12: What Hero’s Do!

The Fastest Man Alive.

Chapter 12.

What Heroes Do.

As soon as I walked into the warehouse I knew something had changed. I could feel a familiar power but I was unable to pinpoint its source. Ignoring that small tingle in the back of my mind I followed Alfred's lead to the section containing Gwen's Lab and my own work station/overwatch operations for the city. What Alfred had done could only be described as amazing. Gwen's small lab of stolen Oscrop equipment no longer had all those loose wires anywhere to be seen. The two monitors she had were now replaced with six and there was a molecular sequence being indexed and was scrolling across the screen. The molecule had changed quite a bit but I could still recognize the OZ formula. But I had no clue what Gwen had changed in the thing. However, I could see that it was already at eighty-seven percent acceptable levels.

She only had the damn thing for half a day and she already made changes to the thing. Man, she can be scary smart when she actually solves crazy things like this. I wonder how Norman would feel discovering that Gwen had cracked his formula and made her own changes. I decided to let the gene sequencer do its thing and ignore the humming of the synthesizer. There was no way I was going to stick my hand into that OZ serum, that was going to make me go crazy far faster than making love to the Phoenix.

Ignoring my burning curiosity I made my way to my side of the workstation to take a look at the improvements made. The first thing I located was the advanced battery from Oscorp that I had taken during my first adventure into the city. It was glowing slightly blue and I could feel it. This was the familiar tingle that was nagging at me in the back of my mind. As I got closer to the power core my lightning reacted to it and came bursting forth from me. And as soon as my lightning and the power core interacted I felt Alfred on the fringes of my mind. This caused my eyes to widen and Alfred's little Omni-drone body jumped and started to look around. 

Now I was positive that the speed force had created a connection between myself and Alfred or more like myself and the systems he is using but that's something to explore later. This power core did worry me though, but it appeared Alfred had used it to power everything on our side of the warehouse. "Alfred why is the power core up here?" I asked him. "It is an unlimited power supply, Sir. From my scans and analysis of the device, it seems to be powered by your lightning. So it was only logical to use it to power our entire home, Sir." This brought me up short, unlimited yeah, cause it's powered by me, but I had no feeling of a power draw at all and he just said our home, "Does this include the warehouse also Alfred?" I asked just to have some clarification on the matter. "Yes, sir. At first, It was arrayed with the car batteries but they are unable to host the amount of power the core is giving off that is why they failed. So the capacitors and power coils were used to buffer the power output." came his swift reply.

"Alfred I don't want to knock your work but I don't see any of the heavy industrial capacitors or power coils around here,"  I replied taking my eyes off the power core to find the large oversized industrial units. "They are still located in the basement Sir, it wouldn't do to just move them so I drilled a hole through the floor and passed the cables through." Great, he discovered sarcasm! At least he is learning I suppose. Ignoring the sassbot it was time to check in on the rest of my station.

My station was so beautifuly connected. On a free-floating metal rack were twelve functioning monitors. It was a nerd's wet dream: the monitors were connected in a sequential setup allowing one to flow from one screen to the next. Yet, with a simple button press, each monitor can act as an independent computer. Each monitor was displaying something new or some other interesting things about the city. They had up an overlaying map displaying current traffic, current cop locations and radio stations. He even included the fire department radio channels. No big fires going on currently so I didn't have to go running out to save people then show up at school smelling like smoke.

The weather was also up on display, we even had access to air traffic control and the Coast Guard's sea routes and communications. Alfred had truly outdone himself with all this information. The communications array was connected into the systems and I also noticed my own phone showing up on the monitor.  "Alfred lets put in place some tracking on my mom's phone and my dad's phone. Also lets put in a protocol to track Benjamin Parker. And please locate a person by the name of Shang Chi he is a martial artist that lives within the city. And keep video surveillance on 177A Bleecker street. 

He hangs out there quite often but do use the cameras in the rest of the city to locate him. He is of Asian American descendant, not sure who his mother is but you can track-back to his father named Fu Manchu from China."

"Certainly, Sir. Would you like me to also track Miss Stacy?" "No Alfred, we can discuss that with her when she shows up; but for now I am very certain of her location and don't have any fears of her being in danger," I replied to the AI that's going to help keep my family safe. And now that I have a protocol for Uncle Ben It was time to place trackers on all the movers and shakers of the coming future.

Peter was going to have his interview at Oscorp soon which I could bet good money on would lead to him getting a certain spider bite. I was silently watching as Alfred had all the cameras running software to bring up everything he could find on Shang Chi and it was a big fat nothing. I should have known. This man was the next level mystical and liked to hang out with Madam Web and the Ancient One. Of course, he wouldn't be in any one's systems. Well, that was a big fat bust on finding the best martial artist alive in the Marvel universe. I couldn't give up hope though because I knew he would show up when shit was truly going down.

Unfortunately, my only back up for a teacher was Colleen Wing's Chikara dojo in Chinatown but that came with some serious danger of getting caught up in the Hand's issues. I needed a teacher in swords and other than Mystique she was the only notable badass sword wielder I am aware of unless I can track down Psylocke, Lady Deathstroke or break into SHIELD to get the Cavalry to teach me the sword.

I would have to worry about all this after school, "Alfred transfer everything from my computer to these systems please."

"Already done sir."

"What's our online speed, Alfred?" I couldn't help but ask. I checked before I asked and noticed that none of my documents or schematics were on the warehouse systems. Not even five seconds had passed and he had gotten everything. Shit, he even transferred all my porn. "Alfred delete all the video files that aren't movies or research matters. In fact, Alfred delete all my browser history also."

"Yes, Sir. Done Sir. Also, we are connected directly to the internet through my routing of our IP address. We are currently running with zero latency due to some upgrades I have done to the communications array." came his fast reply. I should have figured he pulled some sort of upgrade on the systems. Let's work on the schematics for your body. We worked on his spider bot body then went over the cryogenic coolant that would help my company break into the market. Yet, that wasn't what I had my money on though. This universe didn't have Apple because Stark Tech and Oscorp existed and I had plans to take full advantage of it.

While doing my studies under Dr. McCoy I had discovered that halo-projectors existed but no one was using them for anything great. They were expensive with very poor quality but with a word to Alfred he was able to help me locate inexpensive part replacements. This was going to be my big break into the tech industry and I was going to use it to have a stranglehold. My current schematic was a twenty-one-inch length base by one-inch thickness. The screen was only fifteen inches to start, with two projectors in the base two at the top and three down the middle I was able to create a rectangle shaped hologram computer. I had to add an eight-inch recessed dish to make sure there was hand space for the motion tracking and interaction with the hologram. So now it looked like a twenty-one-inch metal tube with a fifteen-inch tall screen with projector points along the back. 

Then I added a four-point motion tracking to make sure any and all hands are tracked within the space. This caused an issue since there normally was six second tracking latency so I moved it all the way down to two point three milliseconds of tracking latency to keep the lag down. I went with a five milliseconds response time to keep it snappy but still have room for improvements. I will have to have Alfred go over everything and remake some parts to improve efficiency and keep from having to buy out the other patents.

When Alfred ran the numbers it all worked but damn was it expensive. This one prototype was going to cost me a cool five grand. Next, it was time to work on the halo pad since the iPad was such an awesome invention of Apple and since they weren't here, I might as well use them as an example. The halo pad tablet was made of a frame twelve inches long by ten inches across with the inside space empty. The outside shell was housing four halo projectors with the antenna on top and the battery located on both sides. A micro-processing unit was needed for this and the holo-projector monitor to work, but none were currently on the open market. Lucky for me I was already studying nanotechnology and I had my own solution to this little dilemma.

A while back I had created a microprocessor that had two sizes. The larger B6 model was the size of a half dollar coin and the B4 model was the size of a dime.  They both function as both a CPU and GPU but unfortunately I didn't have the funding to make it a reality. This was the perfect use for both of them.

With a suggestion for Alfred to keep an eye on Terry since he had to get the money washed today, it was time for school. I can worry about my tech later, pretty sure Alfred was going to make his own adjustments as well. I needed everything modular and inexpensive and I am sure he can solve that for me. Time to go face the firing squad and say I am sorry.


We were all at lunch and I had to listen as Peter and Ned droned on and on about the new Stark weapons he will be showing to the military over our summer break. It was bad enough having to be here in my own personal hell but I was currently having issues on the Stark kidnapping situation. In my mind, he needed to be kidnapped so he could stop being such a colossal asshole. But, I also needed him in my corner. His money and industry would make a major difference in getting my company up and running. Especially if he owed me one. This I had to be careful with because no matter how much of an asshole Tony can be, he will always stick by his friends no matter what. So I had to be very careful with the Stark situation, but I will have to at least show up for his escape. Peter has his Osborn internship interview in one month which means spiderman was coming soon. Yet, the person I needed was Samuel Sterns the big brain himself.

It would do me good to have Peter in the company with Gwen and myself but I needed him out from under Osborn's gaze first.

So many plans and so many things that could go wrong the only thing going right would be the training and teachings from Logan and Dr. McCoy. That and the fact I was already friends with Jean Grey, though her powers haven't shown up yet I was able to swing her and Gwen into a friendship. Now they both attend ballet classes together. 

I attend like the dutiful boyfriend that I am and it totally has nothing to do with the tutu and leggings that make that ass just pop. Yeah, I attended as just a dutiful boyfriend. I already had a few thoughts on helping her gain control and understanding of her abilities.

Think of the devil and he shall appear. I look up from my location at the lunch table to be greeted with a smile from Jean and a signature Stacy glare.  Ugh, she looks like her dad whenever she does that. Well, it seems like this is and isn't the time to make amends I guess. "Hey Ben, why do you look like your about to face the firing squad," asked Jean as she pulled up a seat. I was eyeing Gwen as she sat down next to me and decided to eat the lunch I had brought. I had made a quick dash to Subway when no one was watching and I relieved them of three-foot long sub sandwiches. "I believe I am fifty percent guilty and fifty percent innocent but the jury is out on that one." "What did you do?" Instantly came Jean's question and I noticed that both Peter and Ned were now paying attention to my dilemma. "Oh, I blew up a computer during an experiment and didn't have any protections in place."

Jean, Ned, and Peter all perked up at this, "How in the world did you blow up a computer?" they all asked me at once. With a grin and a shrug, "I was far too charming for it and the computer overheated from all this sexy chocolate goodness." Jean laughed and so did Peter and Ned while throwing their fries at me. Gwen huffed at me but I did notice a small quirk of her lips and I knew I was in the clear but I wasn't out of the woods. 

Now she was less angry and I was able to avoid some type of long drawn out talk. "Anyways the computer  exploded and it showed me I had to be better about proper testing procedures is all." I understood where I messed up and it would not be happening again. It's a known fact that I am no cat and I did not have nine lives to spare if some major experiments went wrong. "Yeah, it's my fault for leaving the lug on his own. He might be smart but he is far too reckless for results." spoke up Gwen finally.

That I actually had no answer for so I just went back to eating what was left of my meal since Gwen decided that what was mine was hers and she even invited Jean. I could only sigh as Gwen split my meatball sub with Jean and all I had left was a cold cut combo foot long sandwich. My body wasn't living off of just the speed force yet so I had to make sure I kept my super metabolism at bay otherwise it would drive me crazy.

Gwen and Jean had their ballet classes today and I totally wanted to go but I took up a mantle and had to be the hero after school. Though before we left the cafeteria Gwen let me know that she wanted to talk and I was pretty certain it was all about Alfred. Shame I was going to miss that ass in tutu tights but the upside would be I can make up for that later with some nice hands-on exploring.

While I was heading back to class though, a mega bomb was dropped on my head. Alfred had notified me he found Colleen Wings Chikara Dojo and that he also located Frank Castle. I wanted to run directly to his location of deployment to warn him of the situation but I couldn't mess that up.  He needed to be back stateside but I had to put plans in motion to make sure his family doesn't get massacred. If I can pull this off I would have the one man army himself on my side. That I had to put out of my mind right now because the other big news was the Chikara Dojo's location in Chinatown. 

Now I had the location of one bad ass martial arts teacher and I had to make sure I took full advantage with the Hand Ninja's teachings. Then Alfred made my day even better: turns out Terry actually had good contacts, my account was now thirty-five point six million richer. 

It took all of my self-control not to start dancing right there in the school's hallway, Jean noticed my smile but didn't say anything and left with Gwen. I let Alfred know to have Terry create a start-up company called Star Industries. Everything was perfect, I was in such a good mood I also noted we should send Turk a thank you gift of two hundred and fifty thousand just to make sure there weren't any hard feelings and that we can still do business since he has some contacts I would need assistance with. Now that the moment had passed it was time to face my own personal hell: Advance Chemistry. Everything now was boring but this was something I had to suffer through.

I had started some notes on making my own spider fluid formula and the teacher gave me the bright idea to add in a graphene chain. I had already written out a protein chain that could be synthesized and spun out into fibers like spiders silk, but I had to scrap the thing and start over after I watched a demonstration on the tensile strength of graphene composites.This was going to take some work, Rome wasn't built in a day and this Hero gig was a marathon, not a sprint. Now that I had some thoughts about what I would use to lock down criminals, it was time to design a pair of web shooters and a utility belt for myself . I was drawing away in my book when Peter decided to snatch it out from under me.

"Dude this formula is amazing. This will revolutionize adhesives for like forever. Check this: by changing this enzyme you can make it viable to close open wounds. If you do this protein with a synthetics polymer, it can be used as shock absorbing insulation." Peter spoke up super excited from his seat next to mine in the labs. Fuck, it's super hard not to feel inferior to Gwen, Peter and the rest of the geniuses I am aware of. They were born with such intelligence and I had to cheat to get where I am today.

Yeah, comic knowledge helps me to get where I am and my powers supercharged my intellect, but even with my new smarts, I am still distinctly aware of how smart people like Peter, Tony, Gwen and the rest could be. All it took was a glance and he figured out the web formula and was already making improvements to the bloody thing.

"I don't know what am going to use it for yet, Pete, but it's the cornerstone to something big I am working on," I replied to him while getting my book back. "Come on Benny boy don't be like that. What's your plan with this formula anyway this is like next level stuff man you can't just sit on it." Peter instantly replied. 

"I'm not Pete, calm down! I have applied for some grants to build myself a start-up company. Remember those nanotech papers I wrote well they help get my name out but I still need some solid inventions. Otherwise, my Star industries will be a bust." I told him while closing my notebook and keeping it away from his clutches. Damn genius bastard, when the comic says 270 IQ score you never really understand. That's not until you meet the scary genius and he solves your own formula that you stole from him that he hasn't even invented yet. "Star industries huh that's so cool, wait a sec. Aye! why didn't I get an invite."

"Well, you have an internship interview at  Oscorp. I refuse to interfere with that, you're doing your thing and am doing mine, Pete. You know I'll always have a spot for you but your making your own choices and that's a good thing." I spoke while patting him on the back. Peter went back to grumbling about how I started a company and didn't even invite him to the party. The damn genius just doesn't get it. This could be him if only he had some confidence to do it. I'm sure he can do it so much better than I can, but then again I was cheating. And the number one rule is if your not cheating you're not trying to win and this is something that I have to win at all costs. "Look if the Oscorp thing doesn't work out I will always have a spot next to me and Gwen so stop your moping over there. You can even have free creativity." Ugh, I can just feel myself being slowly swallowed by the Parker effect.  

Ugh, he is not a puppy Benjamin, we do not tolerate such behavior. I had to work on my web shooter designs. These weren't going to be used to swing around the city. These had to be designed to just subdue people and work as a quick capture solution. 

I can always leave broken bodies behind, the police would not be happy about that. The versatility they Offer is far more than just another combat tool. Also, they are freaking web shooters and of course I want a pair.


And that was the bell for the end of this period, now it was time for my free period which also meant it was time to go face the firing squad. I was wondering if she had told Jean about Alfred yet when I walked right into the pair outside the library where I had found Jean about a week after the start our freshman year.

I was in the library when I came across this shy little redhead with forest green eyes, they just seemed to suck me in and I almost lost myself in how beautiful they were. Jean stood at five feet six inches now, not too tall and not too short. She was nothing but a shy thing at the time but now she had transformed into this outgoing beauty standing before me. She reminded me of a Jena Lyn the cosplayer and there was no way I was just going to let her vanish once I found her. I knew the Phoenix was a possibility but I wasn't going to let the Professor put some emotional blockers in. 

The plans for her ability training was already written up in my handy notebook. My own view on the whole Phoenix rampaging situation was like how the Jedi turn dark because of a loss. Cutting off emotions is a big no go because then you won't know how to handle them once they surface. "So Gwen told me you played with yourself and now you're a daddy." "Well in my defense it was all Gwen's fault, she left me unsupervised to play with myself," Was my snappy come back to Jean's dig. In my head that sounded so much better.

Jean laughed at that and I took Gwen's bag while we all went for a table out of the hearing range of the other occupants. While we sat down I pulled out my phone and placed it on the table. "So Jean let me introduce you to Alfred." "You there Alfred?" "For you Sir, always." It seems like he is getting attached to that phrase. "So what he likes to live in your phone or something?" Jean asked while picking up my phone. "No Miss Grey, my main server is connected to a communications array allowing me to monitor and converse with my creator."

"Hmm, Alfred it is just fine calling me Jean. Miss Grey is my mother, so what has your father taught you about the world and why shouldn't we worry about some Skynet take over the world situation." Asked Jean while eyeing my phone and pulling out her's. 

Gwen was eyeing her phone but kept on looking at mine. I knew that look, she had something planned but wasn't sure how to broach the topic. Focusing back on Jean's grilling of Alfred or her attempt at least.

"I was advised to ignore the Terminator series and focus more on Kit from Knight Rider and Data from Star Trek. I am more partial to the Iron Giant myself, a robot made for war chose to become a being of peace." "That's actually not something I was expecting." Spoke up Jean while still playing with my phone. Then she just straight up switched pace hard. "Alfred is fine but he needs a woman's touch. I am more interested in you playing hero Mr. LightSpeed." 

That shocked me because I don't remember telling her, wait Gwen. I turned to look at Gwen but even she had a shocked look on her face. "Oh please, I can recognize that ass anywhere, even on TV with the camera zoomed in. It was so easy to tell it was you." She spoke with a sly grin. I looked at Gwen and motioned her to say something because if I opened my mouth nothing profound was going to come forth. "Why are you checking out his butt Jean." Asked Gwen. "Please if you can check out my butt it's only right I get to look at that fine ass of his." Smirked Jean from her seat.

This was my cue to keep myself silent and just let the ladies have it. No way was I going to blow up Gwen about her checking out ladies since I do the same thing. Yet Gwen failed at a comeback and started to splutter. "So why aren't you upset that I created an AI?" I asked Jean, allowing Gwen to get some breathing room.

"Well since we are still all alive and no nukes are being launched. I would say nothing to fear but aye that's just me. You do have to be careful about what you teach Alfred though and that's why I will now be coming to this warehouse of yours." Jean spoke up with too much vigor in her voice. "Sir there seems to be shots fired and the police patrol was called in to respond to suspicious behavior." Came Alfred's immediate interjection into the conversation.

This, in turn, brought us all to a stop, Gwen and Jean exchanged looks and I couldn't help but take a deep breath it was hero time once more and lives were on the line.

Saving the lives of New York's finest would change the game and I hope I was ready for that, but even if I wasn't, I had plans to get the governor and senator in my pocket.

That way I can be legal a lot sooner than planned. That talk with my dad made me realize I can't go around with the vigilante tag for my entire career. I am not Batman.

"First Responders are on approach and currently three minutes out. Current count is ten gunmen, they're heavily armed." That was Alfred's way of telling me it was time to move. Before I was able to take a step towards the library doors Gwen had yanked me down to plant a smoking kiss on my lips. It was a mix of passion, tinged with worry. She was worried that I was going to get injured. And I had no way to reassure her. There was so much to learn about the hero life and I was just trying the best I could. I had many tools available to me now that I didn't have before. It was time to do better, to be better.

There was nothing to be said so I gave both Gwen and Jean a nod and I was off towards the warehouse to change and get a situation update from Alfred. The criminals of NYC were about to find out that LightSpeed was here and he was going to protect his city. 

Arriving back at the warehouse it was time to suit up. This time I couldn't make any mistakes. The situation on hand was a weapons draw situation and shots were already fired so I had to tread very carefully when I arrived on the scene.

I was back in my combat pants and ninja shirt combo but this time I wouldn't be going sleeveless. I was covered from head to toe in red and gold ninja gear. My gloves were changed to allow maximum grip along the palms. The tips of my boots were triple layered just in case I had to go kicking in doors.

Then it was time to take a look at the monitors Alfred had up over my overwatch station. I watched as four police cars were lined up out in front of the bank that's currently being held up by criminals. From the scanners, I heard more police officers were inbound and the map showed about ten other units on the way with swat and a bomb unit. Shit, they even had the bomb unit on the way and the paramedics. As I was thinking that this was going to go nowhere and it was time for me to make my appearance. The criminals rolled down the back of the SUV that they arrived at the scene in, and THEY HAD A FUCKING GATLIN GUN!!

Everything was going bad and it was time for me to stop my wait and see mentality. "Keep me informed about the situation from here Alfred." And with that, I was gone inbound towards the bank. No one was going to die today not if I had the power to make a difference.

I understood I wasn't the hero that this city deserves, I was far too self-centered and I had too many schemes in the works but that doesn't mean I can't try to be their hero. Everyone deserves a chance to make a difference and since I was going to be this city's hero I had to do my best. This was one of those moments when I was in the zone, everything within my sight went from blurry to silent and still back to a blurred image in my eyes. I was pulling so much power and converting it into speed I knew I did a personal best on my zero to top speeds but it was necessary because I knew that the Gatling gun was already spun up and firing while I was giving Alfred his orders.

The first thing I witnessed when I got to the scene was the Gatling gun ripping through a police cruiser tearing it in half. Luckily everything was frozen for me but I was also witnessing the frozen image of a police officer beginning to be torn in half from behind his cruiser.

He would be the first save of this evening, then I had to systematically reduce the criminals to nothing but I was in the public eye and I couldn't leave any bodies.

With the officer in my arms, I brought him back to the secondary line of defense that they had set up. Then I went back for the rest, there was no way I was going to leave any cops behind the first perimeter line.

With every one removed, I went back for all the ammo and any weapons that might have been left in the vehicles. Then it was time to take a look into the bank but I was unaware of any booby traps. Even with the speeds, I was going it was still better not to trip anything and cause any casualties. With my back now turned to the bank it was best to get a situational run down from the cops and also get an update from Alfred. There was no communication within the speed force which is now turning into a very glaring issue. Lacking communication within the speed force was a massive weak spot of which I should have been aware.

First priority though was the cop I saved from getting shot up, with a quick inspection of his wounds I found that it was just a hole in his side. That Gatling gun had taken a chunk out of him and he needed his wound bound and compressed.

With that taken care of, I brought my perception back to the normal flow of time. That was when my ears were assaulted with all kinds of noise. The cops all freaked finding themselves in a new safer location, the Gatling gun was chewing away at the cop car and that same cop was currently screaming his lungs out next to me."I DON'T WANNA DIE MAN!  I DON'T WANNA DIE! I CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS NOT TODAY PLEASE NOT TODAY." I took a look at his badge and it said, Murphy. 

"Officer Murphy, I got you! No worries, I was able to get you out of there." I spoke to him while trying to keep him down and out of view. That way he did not become a target again. That statement and his yelling spooked every cop within hearing distance.

"DON'T MOVE!" They all yelled at me. Yeah like that's going to help this situation we are in. "HOW ABOUT YOU ALL STOP POINTING GUNS AT THE PERSON WHO JUST SAVED ALL YOUR UNGRATEFUL ASSES!" Damn New York cops!  

"He needs medical attention, that Gatling gun took a chunk out his side before I was able to arrive and intervene to perform a rescue. I was able to apply a compress and tie it up but he will still need medic's." That caused everyone to just stare at me. This didn't last too long because Captain Stacy came to break everyone up and see what the commotion was, and right next to Captain Stacey was my dad. 

Shit, he wasn't supposed to be here at all. He was on a case on the other side of the Bronx. He was not supposed to be here and this had me freaking out. My hands got all clammy and my chest felt tight, our eyes met and I could tell he was not happy about me showing up here. He was worried about me and I was worried about him. 

He had no powers and these guys were using heavy weaponry. This was not going to end well and he was here. It took me a moment to realize I was hyperventilating and Captain Stacey was speaking to me. My dad was not going to die here because of some fucking criminals not today.

"Am not a fan of vigilantes but you have earned some goodwill when you rescued my guys. Why you here kid?" "I came to give assistance, this situation is all kinds of messed up. Also, the way I see it this can only end one  way." I spoke to him trying to ignore the death stare my own dad was giving me. "Yeah, tell me how is that kid." Well since they brought with them heavy weaponry. It seems to me that they are not just here for money they are here to do some serious damage." I refused to back down Capt. Stacey can bluff all he wants I know I'm needed here.

"So you're going to just throw yourself in the mix and do what exactly." Asked my dad from his spot next to Gwen's dad. "Well, that's why I am here talking to the Captain. I need to be aware of the situation, otherwise, I would end up doing more harm than helping. For example, I heard the bomb disposal unit was called in." I was starting to get pissed lives were on the lines and they had issues taking help.

They gave each other a look and then decided to let me in on the situation. "We are aware of a kill switch in the leader's hand and we are also currently aware of fifteen civilians currently wearing a vest." Spoke Captn. Stacey as he slowly tilted his head to the side while judging me. "Any booby traps around the window or any entrances?" I had to ask cause I still couldn't fucking phase through walls. I needed to make sure Alfred located Kitty Pryde soon because her ability was super overpowered and super versatile if used correctly.

"We are aware of claymores located at the back entryway hidden, but I called in a favor from my old seal's team and we got a sniffer to help locate them." Spoke my dad, though he was still pinning me with his death glare. I was starting to get frustrated with him but I wouldn't be the one to give away our familiarity with each other. Okay, okay a plan was formulating in my mind. Am sure I can outrun a laser trip or a wire trip. I was able to outrun the Gatling gun bullets and that had a variable rate of fire ranging from two thousand to six thousand rounds per minute. That was going to be tricky but if I struck from the back side of the building and ran everyone out the front I should have no issues.

With that plan set in mind, I relaid everything to Captain Stacey. Though the face my father made was none too pleased at all. This had to be done and we had no other options, unfortunately. I knew he knew this I could tell he ran the numbers and plans through his mind over and over again. The reason why I knew this was because I got my bad habit of grinding my back molars from him. Anytime I had a tough choice to make I do the same thing and my mother always scolds me for it.

He gave me a nod then almost gave me a hug, we could only settle for a handshake though. Captain Stacey was talking to the leader of the bomb squad and my dad went to coordinate the other police officers to receive the criminals. This gave me time to get in the zone. This was not the speed heist, these were people with bombs connected to them. They were scared and just wanted the day to be over with. Everyone had to be saved there was no room for errors not today, not now.

I started to do some stretches with my powers I never had to stretch but I was being filled up with nervous energy and I had to do something with myself. With a look up at the sky, I noticed a news helicopter, man I thought they weren't allowed within city limits. Am getting tired of them. And off to the side, I also noticed more cameras pointed in my direction. As I was about to respond to one of the anchors calling me over I was relieved when Captain Stacey called for me to take a look at the building schematics. 

I had to play this cool because Alfred had already brought it up and I didn't need the police to know I had knowledge of the situation beyond what they already told me.

"This is the entrance we have a video feed on, It's electromagnetically locked. We have permission to cut the power to the whole block. This will give you access to the back alley entrance through the back. Now, are you sure you can get everyone out here?" Asked Captain Stacey. "I am positive Sir. I will make sure to get the leader first, so that way the kill switch is out of play. Then I will bring all the civilians out then the criminals." I was feeling confident about this now that I had others to take care of the things I couldn't.

"Alright Kid, pull this off and we won't arrest you." "You will have to catch me first." this caused everyone to chuckle. I wanted to say something to my dad but I couldn't. Hell, I wanted a hug and him to tell me I had this but we were on to opposite sides of the law. I was the vigilante trying to be a hero and he was a detective in way over his head. We were just trying to save people in our own ways and we were both in over our heads.

I took a runner's starting stance, It was time to clear my mind...….


That was my start, all the power went out with that sound. That sound filled me with more drive, that sound sparked my will, that sound unleashed all that I was upon the criminal infested building and they would not be ready for what was about to smash into them. My very first step was so strong and powerful the asphalt beneath my feet sank in like it was made of soft clay. Each of my steps left ripples in my wake, only to explode out long after I had already left the location. I had a purpose and I had the drive to save everyone. Nothing was going to get in my way, not this soft ground not the door in my way and not some razor coming out of c4. 

I was already around the corner before a nanosecond even passed, it was weird being able to tell how much time had passed within my own perception. Today I was going to test my speed force aura and see if it would allow me to pull of a juggernaut move. With the aura condensed in front of me, it was shaped like a wedge roughly five feet in front while being three feet wide. It worked and the locked door to the back folded open like a fresh can of sardines. I was in the bank building now and I knew where my target was. 

He was sitting in the manager's room on the phone talking to the negotiator outside. And in his left hand, he had the kill switch already in an activated deadman's switch. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

These assholes were already playing hardball and now there is this fucking situation. It was a dead man's switch I was positive I would be able to solve it but he needed to be outside first. I had no reservation on hurting this asshole. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and brought him out to the circle of officers waiting for the criminals. I left him there then took one of the officers flex cuffs and bound both his hands and feet. 

Since I was positive I could get the deadman's switch before the relays within it could even move. I removed it from his grip and placed it within one of the bomb unit operators hands. It wasn't being covered in any speed aura at all since i didn't need this thing going off prematurely.  With it safely within the operator's hands, I decided to go the extra mile and tie his hands together with his belt. No way is he going to be able to throw this away when he realizes what he is carrying. With the main boss and the deadman's switch taken care of, it was time for his little group to be next.

On my way back through the front door, I noticed that each of my steps towards the back was still giving off ripples within the asphalt. Damn, I was doing a personal best and there was nothing that could judge my speeds. Pushing these thoughts out of my mind, it was time to get these fools. Rushing the guy at the back I removed his vest of shotgun ammo and then stripped him of all his gear even his combat boots and gloves. I left nothing on him but his pants, shirt, and socks. With all his gear settled down nice and neat, it was time for him to meet the circle of cops so he can have a little kumbaya moment. With him in flex cuffs, it was time for the rest of his team. I went to work on the rest, I was able to pull twenty guys out of the bank building. They were all stripped of shoes, gloves, and weapons. I even unloaded all the weapons and organized everything. All chambers were cleared and all rounds were accounted for I was having no mistakes, not today.

Then I went around searching for anyone that might be hiding away, I found one guy in the latrine trying to drop a log. Well, shit today was going to be his very unlucky day. I pulled his pants up and did him like the rest but unfortunately, he will need one nasty clean up later on. Now it was time to get all the civilians out of here, the first lady was huddled next to a flower pot desperately holding on. For just a second I wanted to just break her fingers to get her ass to let go but I was here in the role of a hero and that would be a no go. So I just broke the vase and took her while she was holding onto the broken parts. With her clear, it was time to move onto all the rest. Fifteen people saved with bomb vests all brought to the bomb units circle, I even took the time to set each person up with a bomb unit operator.

Then it was time to get out the rest of the people they didn't have any types of the vest and with a once over for everyone they were all in the clear. Then I went back for the dog, no human being alive should ever leave a good doggo behind. With one final check over everything, I also made sure to check the roof and I found nothing. With that finished, I had to find out who was in the chopper I knew they were using it to run new cameras but something about it was raising my suspicions. Who I found in the pilot's seat sent my ass hairs on edge it was Antone Triplet, one of the Shield agents from the TV show, and out the side was an actual news crew. 

Okay, this told me they were still in observe mode and not capture or death mode. Now that I knew Shield was keeping eyes out for me I had to try and tread more carefully. It was time to return to the ground now that the bank was clear of all people and animals my job here was almost over. Within a span of an instance to me I was back on the ground and it was time for some style points. With a run, I started a three-point slide towards Captain Stacey and my dad leaning over the blueprints of the bank. I pulled off the Flashes signature slide while bringing my perception back down. 

Again my world exploded with sounds and motions. The cops cause a dog pile onto all the criminals and I could help but make a face when I say the bathroom bandits pants go all wet. My Dad and Captain Stacey all jumped while the bomb squad all kicked into motion checking over the vests. Luckily I had tied that one guy's hands together because after he took a closer look at the trigger he was holding he almost dropped it, damn butterfingers.

My dad gave me a smile and a nod while Captain Stacey only nodded at me. "Good going kiddo," my dad whispered to me once Captain Stacey was out of hearing range. "You doing alright? Did you eat today? I know your metabolism is higher now. You know what never mind, It's time for you to go before anyone wants you to take that mask off." 

"Officer Blake it was an honor working alongside you," That was all I could say since one of the bomb guys was freaking out and someone was coming closer. I knew I was supposed to be elated but I couldn't even share with my dad right now. I just pulled off the impossible but he had his badge and too many people were around for me to even get a hug. That was the only thing that soured this whole affair but I had to put my feelings aside because the bomb squad side was getting rowdy.

I walked my way over with my dad by my side when I heard the dreaded statement. "It's on a timer Captain if he doesn't enter the pin in the next two minutes all these vests are going to go boom. Even though we have the switch in our hands it's not going to save us from these fifteen bombs and we don't have enough people to defuse them all." Spoke the lead operator.

"How big of a bang are we talking about?" with my question everyone turned to face me. Yet, no one told me to leave. I had just pulled off the impossible with no civilians lost. "Well each one has about a pound of c4 covered in a vest of about ten pounds of ball bearings, marbles, etc. etc. Your looking at about thirteen feet and I would double that with the stuff they have in these vests." Was the answer I received. I knew what had to be done but I was not happy about it at all. I actually wanted to just absorb the kinetic activity within the molecules but with Shield hovering over my head. I was left with only one option and that was to run the bomb out to the water.

"Wrap them all together I will take them over the water." "Kid you've done enough, you don't need to do anymore."Spoke the lead bomb, squad operator. I was already so tired of this shit. Things needed to get done and they keep getting in my way. "Wrap them neat or I will take them tangled. I don't know how to put them together without messing up the wires and making us all go boom. I need your help right now and you and your guys are the only ones who can pull this off in the next one minute thirty-two seconds." With my statement, he gave me a nod and just turned and left to yell out orders for his men. "Why are you doing this kid?" I wasn't even sure who had asked me that question. My legs felt like jelly and my stomach was doing flips. I still spiked up on adrenaline and man this was going to be one hell of a run.

I watched all the vest get tied together with none of the cables pinching they even gave me a makeshift backpack handles. I went over and got into my runner's stance as they loaded me up. The timer now only had forty seconds left. I took a deep breath closing my eyes to clear my head but when I opened them my father was standing right in front of me.

"You don't have to do this."

"You're right I don't but with great power comes great responsibility." I heard a gasp from somewhere behind me but I was already gone. This was what all hero's did, they made the sacrifice play. And now I was about to do my own and that knowledge gave me an eerie calm. This would be accomplished no matter what.

My goal was the Upper Bay near the Statue of Liberty. I had a bomb strapped to my back and I couldn't even use the full force of my powers. I was far too worried about my lightning tripping anything and causing a premature boom. So I ran with all that I am.

As I got to the middle of the bay I felt the shockwave ripple across my skin, that sent my sphincter to pucker up. It's never the blast that kills you it's always the shockwave that hits you first. Most deaths occur when the shock wave hits. The shockwave was capable of bypassing the bodies layers and pulverize your internals. This leads to instant death and then you get vaporized by the explosion. I was having none of this today, I gave up all pretense of trying not to trigger the bombs since and drew on more power. I knew where I needed to be to be able to survive this but I had an unruly passenger and I needed it to be left behind here.

With it exploding at near point blank range on my back I took off forward with the already tattered straps. I needed more power to escape and I must get away to at least the Statue of Liberty. I pulled more power and envisioned my goal. Then I went for it, I was met with a brick wall underneath gigantic green feet. I smashed right into the walls of liberty island. I had somehow figured out point to point teleportation but I was far too tired to celebrate. That hit was hard and the floor was looking so inviting maybe I should just take a nap. Yeah, a nap would be nice.

"Ben!…Ben! Can you hear me?  Ben come in! Please respond."

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