The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 13: Semi-Legit

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 13


I was lost and floating.

I was floating in what should have been darkness. There was no feeling, weightlessness, and no self, I was just being. And just as suddenly as I was there in the darkness the sky burst alive in a crackle of lightning.

There was so much color so much flavor and yet they all came from the same source. From the speed force, there were yellows, blues, greens, and reds. Lightning in the shades of purple and pink so many shades that I never knew was possible.




Where am I?


Wait I was running and the bomb exploded.

Then I figured out how to teleport but I fell asleep.


FUCK! This was no time to sleep, and with that, I bolted upright. I was currently laying down under the Statue of Liberty and on the wall before me, there was a comical shaped person sized imprint on the wall. Yet, I had to place that noise, with a turn of my head I noticed Coast Guard helicopters roaming over the bay.

As I was wondering how long I was out my com’s cheeped. “Ben please, come in please, please please come in,” That’s was Gwen's voice.

“Ahh, LightSpeed here, how long was I out?”

“Oh thank the heavens!” and now that was Jean's voice.

I guess it was time to get back to the warehouse, but I needed a situational update first. “Alfred help me out buddy, what happened when I left with the bomb and please update the police that I survived.”

“Your GPS placed you at the Statue of Liberty for twenty minutes before you came back on communications. Also, Captain Stacey and your father called on the Coast Guards to do a search and rescue In case you were unable to make it back to land. I would also recommend returning to base, the authorities have been notified of your survival; but we currently have a guest you should be aware of, and I have been informed not to say anything.”

“Who has the authority to override you, Alfred?” That worried me because even though he was new his systems should not be easy to be subverted.

“I am unable to say, sir; please get here soon.” Now that sounds like he was pleading. I had no clue Alfred could even plead for help.

With renewed vigor I took off into the sky, the girls sounded okay but Alfred sure wasn't. That worried me a lot and I couldn't reply back over the com’s in case he was in a compromised position.

I was already up one hundred feet above the bay heading back, I wanted to teleport again but I wasn't sure how to pull it off. I was far too much in the moment to have remembered how that even happened. Hell, the flash was never able to teleport in the comics or in the show so this was a whole new territory for me to explore.

That thought was pushed to the back of my mind as I came upon the docks heading for my warehouse. Outside waiting on me was both Gwen and Jean and they both looked ruffled. I guess thinking I was dead could fray a few nerves. Right as I touched down in a superhero landing Gwen whacked me right across the head.

“Owe, what did I do wrong now?” I was not expecting to get hit upside the head after I had clearly just saved the day. That was not a reward a hero should be getting after a stressful situation.

“That's what you deserve after the stunt you just pulled. This can’t keep happening Benjamin, this was pure luck. You can't keep pulling stunts like these, you’re going to get hurt or someone will get hurt from your recklessness Ben.” Gwen was yelling my ears off but I couldn’t refute her on anything.

Yeah this was a lucky fluke and things were happening far too fast even to my taste, but I had to intervene otherwise everything would have turned out a lot worse. Yet I couldn't tell her that. She didn't care about the powers or the situation, she was worried about my moronic actions.

All I could do was sigh and take it all in stride,  with a step forward I pulled her into a kiss mid-speech on my lack of skills. She tasted so divine as our tongues duelled as I savored her, she tasted of honey and berries.

When we finally came up for air I noticed the look Jean was giving us, so I walked over to her while holding Gwen and pulled her into the hug also.

“No one gets left behind.” with that she kissed me on the cheek and melted into the three-way hug.

“Help please.” then Alfred’s plea woke me up out of my little warm bubble of comfort. Hmm, he was getting more emotion in his voice.

“Would you ladies like to tell me what's going on with Alfred?” they both shared a look then turned away from me but it was jean that spoke up.

“That is all on you, please don't drag us down with you. We are innocent and shall remain that way.”

I gave them both a squeeze for that statement but that was a clue. Someone was here and we all knew who it was. I just didn't know who it could be on that short list.

One major possibility would be my dad but I didn't think he had it in him to scare Alfred. With those thoughts tossed to the back of my mind, I carried the girls with me into the overwatch station of the warehouse.

When I got there though I was greeted with a giant chair facing the monitors and away from me. This piqued my interest alright, I was touched by a burning curiosity about who it was that was pulling off a James Bond-style supervillain move on me.

So I put the girls down and ignored the name calling they threw in my direction. Yet as soon as I stepped closer the chair turned around and my soul flew out of my body.

Oh no! my mother was here, and she was using Alfred’s Omni-drone body as if he was a cat to pet. I made a turn to run away but Allen was standing in front of a locked door, Shit I was trapped.

“So there was a Bank Robbery today, and guess who was there when I turned on the tv?” She was petting Alfred's head like he was a cat while pinning me with her gaze.

The word trouble couldn’t describe how deep I was, so instead of defending myself, it was best to drag another down with me.

“Dad was there also in Manhattan he didn't go to that stake out in the Bronx as he told us. Not only that but he was up on the front lines near that massive Gatling Gun.” Yeah, snitching on my old man will hopefully take her anger away from me and get it focused on him.

Just that statement caused her left eye to twitch and her grip crushed the arm on the chair she was sitting in. Shit, she was far too strong for just being a baseline human. She had already subverted all my help so I might as well face this.

“So what were you thinking?”

“That I could save everyone, that I was the only person that could make a difference.” Gosh, she was eerily silent. The only thing I was getting out of her was a raised eyebrow. I was sweating buckets and the girls were enjoying watching me squirm. Even now Alfred was silent and just letting her pet his drone body.

Yet, again I still had no understanding of how she struck such fear into him. “That's such a subpar answer, Benjamin you're going to get yourself and others killed. Why are you pursuing this route?”

“I either stand for something or I stand for nothing. All of you think I am being a hero just because I have the powers. This is far more than just me, there are thousands of metahumans out there in hiding afraid of discovery. They need someone to stand up and bridge the gap with the rest of the world. Yeah, my choice of being a hero might have been selfish on my end but that's what the world will respond to. A hero saving the day just like a Saturday morning cartoon.”

Things had to change in a major way and I was extremely firm about that. Yes, I had many failings and I was steadily improving But being the first hero in New York City was going to mean something to the world when I open my mouth and spoke up about metahuman issues.

“Mom I have to do this. I can’t stop no matter what. Yes, I know there are plenty of others but no one will make this stand so I have to.”

She just sat there and stared at me with those hard grey eyes of ours. “So tell me what is this I hear you have acquired thirty-eight million six hundred thousand dollars.

“Thirty-eight million six hundred thousand and twenty-two dollars grandmother” Came Alfred's input and that caused my eyes to widen in shock. Grandmother, when did she become a grandmother?

“Thank you! Ohh yes before I forget. Tell me, Benjamin, why wasn't I informed when I became a grandmother?” At this point, even Allen behind me started to chuckle at my situation. Urgh, and there was no way out of this without pushing his old ass aside to make it through the door.

“That loot was liberated from some very unsavory types. So I helped it along into my pockets as a seed to help my company grow.”

“You Liberated more than thirty million is what you're going with?”

“YES!” With that answer, I snapped to attention because there is no way I am going to turn any of my hard earned loot.

With a raised eyebrow she crushed my hopes, “And what about my cyber grandchild? Do we need to have the talk about the birds and the bees Benjamin?”

Oh no the dreaded talk I have been avoiding that for as long as I could remember. “Oh for the love of all that is good in the world please I beg you not in front of the girls.”

“Then how about we talk about your baby photos. Alfred, photos please.”

And with that, all of my baby photos that we had taken over the years popped up on the screen, that little traitor. Right, the middle was me in my duck suit for Halloween when I was six.

The photo that looked like I peed myself when I was four, all the embarrassing photos over the years were up on display for all to see. I just wanted to crawl myself into a hole in the ground.

Everyone was laughing at my expense and she didn’t even crack a smile. She just sat there patting Alfred's drone body pinning me with her stare. Then she dug the knife deeper.

“You're grounded for a month to reflect on your actions. Your liberated loot as you called it will be used to fix up the warehouse and then you can start your company. I will also call in a favor from my old work days to get someone to come train you.”

That brought me up short as long as I have been alive in this new life she or my dad has never mentioned what she used to do and anytime I asked she would deflect.

"I understand there is no way I can tell you not to use your powers but you're going to need training. Yes am upset about the bomb situation and yes I don’t have all the facts to know if it could have been avoided or not but be that as it may your actions have been unacceptable. So one month and you will get no compromise with me.”

That upset me, I just saved the day and all I was going to get for all my troubles was more trouble and getting grounded, fucking hell man.

I was a Grey and she knew it because as soon as I gritted my teeth she smiled at me and I knew I fell right into her trap. She was already looking for a reason to lock me up in the house and my playing hero today gave her just that.

Now I am going to be stuck cleaning out the garage and whatever Menial task she can come up with. I fell right into her trap, with no way of escaping.

"What you think you would just come back here and receive accolades and grand applause for your deeds?"

With my head down I could help but feel a little shame yeah I wanted some praises I just saved the freaking day.

“Be humble or the world will humble you Ben” spoke my mom as she got up from her seat.”

“Yeah I understand mom”

“Well let’s go home, girls let’s go” and with that, she strode right out the warehouse-like she owned the place and Alfred trailed right alone behind her. He stopped took a look at me and when he headed her call out for him he scuttled right after her.

Damn traitors all of them. With my mom's declaration, I changed clothes and headed out with the rest.


It had been a few weeks since the bomb accident had happened, my father came home one day to tell me the police commissioner wanted to give me an award and the mayor's office and governors wanted to do a whole ceremony about It. I was super ecstatic.

Then it turns out that officer Murphy I rescued was the son of New York’s police commissioner. That was when my enthusiasm went out of the window, this wasn’t because I was doing my share to help this city. The dreaded elected officials wanted to make this a political play.

Yet I was stuck inside, but I could scheme and make plans. With Alfred traitors help I could make them possible. I asked my mother about why he was following her around and taking her orders and all she said to me was the creator of his creator. Bloody mom logic, I still don’t see how he can just jump ship so easily.

Lucky for me she relented when she heard I was going to be rewarded by the city so I was now perched upon a rooftop overlooking the parade grounds in Central Park.

“We are here today to give the key to the city because a citizen chose to stand up for good and use his abilities to accomplish great feats in service to our great city. Join me in a round of applause to welcome our city’s hero LIGHTSPEED!”

That was my queue to appear, ohh this was going to be good it was just too bad I was grounded. Urgh, some hero I am fucking grounded and can’t even enjoy my own ceremony.

With a leap, I was clear of the building I was standing on, with my body charged up with lightning cracklings around me I came down in a classic three-point hero landing. Yeah, it was shit owe my knees but I was going to milk this for all I could before my mom decided it was time to cut me off at the knees.

Soon as I landed the city went wild, and oh boy was I feeling the moment. Upfront was the mayor, the governor, and the police commissioner. Next to them was the police captain and then the other multimillionaire businessman of the city, but unfortunately for me though Norman Fucking Osborn was front and center with one Wilson Fisk the kingpin himself.

And now my big day was ruined, but I had to keep up the smile for the cameras. There was no way I was going to mess up this moment.

I accepted my award gave a little speech then moved on to kissing babies and taking pictures with the politicians. When I looked over to my parent's location my mother was giving me the third-degree eye-laser and I knew it was time to go.

Lucky this was New York and crime was always happening. Norman and Fisk were trying hard to get my attention and have a chat with me but I was in no way a savvy politician so I had to avoid them like the plague.

With my warning and awards in hand, I gave the excuse of having to stop crime and took off towards the nearest sounds of sirens. If the car thief was turned over to the cops with a few broken ribs well that’s just too bad for him.

With everything, all taken care of I went back to my warehouse to change and wait on the family. Gwen was the first to give me a hug and a kiss, though she was still mad at me but was happy I made it in time to save her father and the rest.

With a hug from Jean, I noticed my mother giving me the prison guard look tapping at her watch. Sigh, I hate this whole grounded bullshit, I saved the day I shouldn’t have to suffer like this. We had purchased the whole block and we were renovating the whole warehouse to encompass everything. Underground walkways were being added in and so we're living quarters. I had ideas to make Star Industries its own entity within New York. Any earthquake, flooding, alien invasion, atlantis attacks this building is going to be able to survive everything once I finish making all my upgrades.

Alfred's systems had been moved to the house as per my mother's orders and my dad didn't even fight her on the subject. I guess that was my fault for throwing him to the wolves like that, although the look on his face when he walked through the door and seen the look on her face was priceless.

He turned around to run away and she moved so swiftly I almost thought she had the speed force also, with one yank he was dragged right into the house.

With my good bye’s in order, it was time to head home to my prison, I had completed everything from raking the yard to cleaning the garage and shingles. Yet, I still had to suffer through being trapped in the house. The only small reprieves I had was when Gwen, Jean or Peter and the rest comes to visit.

We pulled up to the house and the lights were on, this was strange because I distinctly remember turning everything off when we left.

“That's strange do you see any cars around Benjamin.” my mother asked me while looking around. With a swift look, all I was able to place was all the neighbor's cars that are normally there this time of day.

We all piled out and my dad went for his bat out the trunk since he was in full dress today for the ceremony he chooses not to bring his service pistol. Which in hindsight now was not a great choice.

Yet, what really freaked me out was when he closed the trunk and hefted his bat in his hand my mom had a massive ass 38 in her hands. Holy fuck, where did she have that monster cannon stashed at? Wait why does she even have a gun?

I knew that gun really well and I had always thought it was my dads. There was custom porting along the front barrel and she even had a suppressor connected with custom sights sitting on top. Am just happy she didn’t have an extended mag attached also. Whoever was in our house was about to have one very bad day.

They lined up against the side of the door in preparation to breach like we were going to face some type of terrorist, my dad held up his hands to sign for me to take off and smash whoever it was inside and they would follow up behind me.

That was a plan I could get behind, he helped up his hands and I got ready.

1, 2, 3.

The door flew open and I took off for the perp. I was going to enjoy smashing in this home intruder. I took off in a Flash all puns intended. The door was in my way and there was no way I was going to smash it open and end up in even more trouble for my efforts.

Layering my speed force aura onto my left hand I pushed it forward that way when I made contact with the door the aura would wrap around the door and her hinges keeping it from breaking down on my entry.

When I got into the house I found him standing in the hallway with his back turned to me. He was tall easily six feet and inches. He was examining the portraits on the wall with his back wide open. It was strange though he was wearing a trench coat, no one wears a trench coat anymore except that pirate.

No, it couldn't be him.



I refused to believe that it’s him.

I had to push all those distracting thoughts to the side though cause with a grab I flipped him around and slammed him against the wall.

Fuck me sideways with a salty catus. It was fucking Nichalus James Fury here at my house. How in the fuckity fuck did he find me? I only do hero gig from my warehouse and not here, so how in the fuck did he find me.

While I was having a meltdown my mom and dad came bursting in through the door behind me. I had Fury held up in a hold when my mom came up next to me and said something that made me wish I was dreaming.

“Nicky why are you here, you said you didn't have any time off.”

Nicky who dah fuck was Nicky? I don't know any Nicky…...oh no no no no no that can't be possible. I would have known right, they would have told me about something this monumental.

“Ben put your uncle down. I can see him losing color.”

My heart stopped, yeah that's it my heart stopped and am dieing because I couldn't have heard that right. The same people I am trying to avoid like the plague was not only related to me but I was the nephew of the man that ran the whole bloody thing.

I was hyperventilating now cross from him on the wall. This was far worse than when the Professor just power dropped my shit and let out that i had powers.

My vision was blurring at the edge and I was feeling woozy, my legs felt like jelly and I needed something to hold me up.

Fury looked at me with that raised eyebrow of his like my reaction was just something amusing for him to witness.

“Well baby sis I was in town looking for the hero that got his awards today, very interesting I couldn't find him after he left to go stop some criminals”

When he said those dreadfully awful words “Baby Sis” I felt the pain in my chest flare.

“Alright, Ben enough of the dramatics it's just your Uncle Nicky.”

“Hey, Nick can you stop being a bloody spy for once and wait for us to come home.” I felt the betrayal of my very being my dad even knew who he was and no one decided it was in my best interest to let me know.

“I waited for you in your home. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“Nicky stop messing with them, honey help Ben. He is in his drama mode right now.”

“Am not being dramatic mom that's Nick Fury thy Nick Fury as in the big time, PoPo, the fuzz, the man, the black suits. He is Big brother and Skynet incarnate and no one seems like it was fit to tell me about HIM being my uncle?!” I was already beyond hesterics now. This was beyond my worst nightmares and those involved me being lost in some crazy dimension when I piss of the ancient one or some big bad cosmic being.

“Ben but aren't I already the PoPo.”

“Nah dad your just regular cops”

“Fury is the director of SHIELD, and they like to stick people in dark holes and throw away the keys.” That statement though caused Fury or Uncle Nicky to raise his eyebrows.

“Yes, Yes I already know that Ben, I used to be an agent also.”

Now that statement from my mom brought me up short. Well shit! I really am the odd man out, aren't I?

“You seem to know a lot about SHIELD Benjamin.”

“Of course I know all about shield I hacked you guys ages ago, shit maybe I shouldn't have said that.”

“Yeah I figured you did, you have always been quirky like that.”

“Figured that you did also.”

Fury just raised his eyebrow again and I had to facepalm since it turns out my parents have been far more aware of my deeds than I thought.

“Alright Nicky I called you in for a favor because I need you to get him a teacher.” again my mom kept calling him by that damn name he if fucking Nick Fury as in the spy of all spies. I can't be related to this man, I just can’t

“Mom I can't be related to him please say you're just messing with me.” I was already past the groveling stage and went straight to begging mode.

“I don't know J hey doesn't seem to be enthusiastic about getting my help” again them sharing nicknames back and forth is hurting my chest. Yeah, I had to be going through hallucinations.

Then I heard laughs coming from the kitchen. “Who is the drama queen and dad why is my aunt calling you Nicky?” And then Michelle Jones from that one Spiderman movie comes walking out of the kitchen eating a sandwich.

“He is right in calling you the fuzz though dad.”

With that Fury rolled his eye at her. “Come meet your cousin and his dad.”

Now I was just one more surprise from really passing out. I was grounded, related to Nick Fury and now Michelle Jones from the movie was here as my cousin. What the, what the shit there are two MJ’s now. I was afraid for what this Marvel Universe has in store for Spiderman. Urgh, everything was so messed up now most if not all my plans for SHIELD were now trashed and burning.

“Well, this works out both ways really. I was here on behalf of SHIELD looking for LIGHTSPEED and then was going to stop by to drop her off with you.”

“Wait why is he leaving his daughter here?” I asked because it seems like no one wanted to let me know about the vital information in this weird family. Who just drops the bomb of Fury and then used to be a spy, then just breeze by it like that. For the love of all that is chocolate why am I going through this.

“Yeah she is going to finish senior year next year with you, Peter and Gwen.” my mom said that like it was the end of the world. I wasn't a drama queen, but I was starting to think to go that route would be the best in this situation.

“Yeah drama queen we shall be schoolmates until you annoy me and I decide to off you and replace you,” Michelle said that with such a straight face it was scary. Fuck me, I think all the women in my family inherited that knock you out vibe.

“So tell me, Ben, how long have you been this LightSpeed?” Fury asked me while eyeing me still.

“Urgh for the love of hot chocolate can we please stay on the topic of you being a super spook.”

“We long pass that Ben keep up,”

“Of course Uncle Nicky,” that gained a snort of laughter from Michelle and my mom since my dad was long gone to change and leave us to our own family antics.

“Okay, how about this we can talk about me being a super spy if we talk about you hacking into SHIELDS secure servers.” Fury told me staring me down.

“Yeah, I decided to plead the fifth and pass on that interview,” I spoke up turning away from him and going for some food. This day has just been all over the place and I just wanted to eat the stress away. I was so totally done with this craziness.


A week had gone by since that crazy day, Michelle had fit right in with the rest of our weird bunch at school. She joined the Midtown High decathlon with Peter and Ned but didn’t want to join the dance classes with Gwen and Jean. They were not happy with that though, but all was forgiven when she came up with the bright idea to take over a section currently under renovation.

Gwen was already getting herself a state of the art lab, but now she took up the whole floor that she shares with Jean and Mechelle. Jean turned her section into a fashion studio while Michelle decided she wanted a library dedicated to the criminal mind.

All that didn't matter to me as much as right now did, I was currently in the danger room sparring with Logan while testing out my imagination and powers. Currently, I was cheating with a six arms combo, and boy do I enjoy winning.

I enjoy winning a whole lot, I currently had Logan on the defense up against the rim of the ring. My two lower arms currently had him by the wrist and my upper arms were smashing down on him from the top. I was going to win and there was nothing he could do about it.

I should have known better, Logan ducked low to avoid the upper arms, and then slammed the top of his head into my jaw. That sent me flailing back as I tried to regain my balance.


And with his claws out, he went on to dismember my extra arms. With a flip, I reconstructed them and charged back in. My actual arms were tied up behind my back since this was just pure training of my force constructs.

This time though instead of creating normal arms it was time to play his way. I constructed three arms on each side but added something extra to each. Since he was using claws why can't I use claws too?

With a thought, the claws on my arms popped out. This caused Logan to draw up a step since I didn't just copy his three claw per hand. I went for the X-23’s two claw per hand and since I was now rocking six hands his ass was mine.

We both smiled at each other with savage grins, we knew what the game was; we could spill as much blood as we liked, as long as we didn't cut off a body part everything was fair game. With a lunge, we clashed in the middle of the ring.


He swung, taking off the lower two arms on the left again; but I was already ready for that, so while I was leaning back I swung up one of my arms getting him across the chest but it was far too shallow. Logan took the blow like a man possessed and came at me hard with a kick towards my shins, I had no choice but to jump. That led me right into his trap, his right was already heading my way so I had no choice but to sacrifice my right to constructed arms also.

I was getting tired of losing my arms to his shit. With his claws embedded in my arms, I spun myself kicking out my foot catching him across the jaw. I almost cursed out because of his damn metal bones again.

He staggered and I was back in it, I gave up the other four arms went at him hard. It was fun playing around with six arms; but that was then, this is now and beating Logan had been a goal of mine since he started to kick my ass up and down the danger room.

Logan’s right came at my head but I was already prepared for it but that movement placed him back on the right footing. I went for under his extended arm and got him in the pit, yet his left came in a sliced the arm off again.

“Fucking Cheater.”

With my left gone I lashed out with my right, embedding it into his right guard then lashed out with my leg getting him up into the air. Unfortunately, he was far too heavy so I had to push in and up under him to get his fat ass up off the ground.


With a mighty heave, I used two large newly constructed arms to grab and throw him out of the ring.

“So you're finally learning, not bad kid. Your first win out of what sixty-three matches?”

Yeah, sixty-three matches of getting my ass beaten black and blue only to be healed up within seconds. This was my first win ever. yeah, I had to cheat to get it but there is no trying to win if you don't cheat.

“Aren't you the one telling me to try to win no matter what.”

“Yeah, Yeah you tell anyone and I stick you where you won't be able to heal,” Logan stated while flashing his claws. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't go bragging about this one.

Though now, that the warm-up was over it was time to try something super fancy. While I have been grounded I have been taking notes on monks and their meditations. That was being combined with my own knowledge of my abilities, and what it has shown itself being able to do.

The Speed Force was doing everything from giving me oxygen at an unbelievable speed, to constructing clothing and travel distances by teleportation. So I had a crazy idea to use it to help Logan gain his memories back.

“So Logan I have this thing I want to try. It might work it might not so yeah.”

“Alright kid, what hair-brained idea you came up with now?”

“You see my powers cross time and space itself, so what I was thinking was using the same ability I use to make my clothes and arms and see if we cant jog some memories.” I was pleading at this point I wanted him to know about the whole James Howlet and I was aching for an adventure with the Wolverine.

Logan started to mull it over, I understood his reasons for not jumping at it. He could find happiness or pain within his memories. He wasn't sure which he was more worried about but that had to be off-putting for him.

That and finally being able to know and what if it didn't work. These thoughts must be plaguing him right now.

“Alright Kid but whatever we learn stays between us. You got it.”

Yeah, I didn't need to be told that, I was in this for the adventure I can worry about everything else if I go missing for a few days. With that I had him decide if he wanted to stand or sit. We obviously sat down since he didn't want me to hold him. And I also didn't want to hold him beyond the obvious that he was another buff dude.

No, we had just got done bludgeoning each other half to death and drawing blood any chance we got. So not only was he smelly but he was also bloody and hairy. With our palms touching it was time to get this party started.

“Alright, I'm going to extend my aura and you are going to feel it tingle, ignore that. Focus your mind on what you lost. And I will focus on the same thing.” I told him as he grumbled.

With my aura extended around us, I focused on myself. We didn't need to time travel that's a one way to fuck shit up. No, what we needed was a view of his ordeal before he lost his memories. So if it can allow time travel it should allow just a showing.

Clearing my mind the construct of what I wanted came forth forming into a mirror hanging in the air. That wasn't enough though I wanted more. Pushing more power into the Logan the time viewing construct got larger.

"Logan it's working, open your eyes take a look." With that, his eyes snapped open desperate for answers.

On the time mirror was a wide expansion of forest overlooking a lake that leads into a dam. One massive dam and I knew just where this was. “Alkali Lake” I whispered and that shook him out of his stupor.

“I know that place, its where I got these. I remembered that.” He spoke softly, then the scene shifted. In the mirror now was someone I was hoping I would never see in this lifetime.

“STRYKER!” Logan growled out. Well damn, no love lost even in this universe I guess. With that though am guessing it's going to get a whole lot easier to just wipe this base off the map.

“James focus, we need more so we can go here and search it for answers.”

“James? Who’s James?” Logan asked me looking confused.

“Your names James Howlett. I got that the same way we got the location for this place we are viewing.” I spoke to him hiding the fact I already knew his actual name.

That was also when the mirror changed, we watched Logan in Japan and then in the Vietnam war, then World War 2 next to Captain America himself. And it kept on going as far back as World War 1 and beyond.

“Dude your fucking old do you know that?”

Then It came to a boy running away from a farm. Logan reached his hands out to touch the mirror, I was far too caught up in actually seeing Logan’s origins before my very eyes to understand what he was doing was a massive no.

Right as his hand touches the mirror we were both hits with a massive dose of backlash energy that floored us.


The only answer I got in reply was a growl from the man. Then we were both back up on our feet.

“I am going to Alkali Lake, you coming or staying.”

I couldn’t believe he actually asked for my opinion. “I’m down to ride, but first we need to figure out where we are going.”

“It's under the lake, we can get in through the Dam,” Logan spoke up while he strolled out the danger room. I was already next to him.

“So I am guessing you remembered that bit, but did you remember where it is exactly or the lake and dam for that matter?” when I asked him that question he paused.

“Grrrr” he growled, of course, he growled. I was betting Logan was going to rely on his sense of smell to get back there but he wanted to be there now, so I had a quick fix for that.

“Alfred have you located this Lake and Dam yet?” I asked out to the sky because I knew Alfred kept track of me always.

“Yes, According to records the Dam is located across the Canadian border, north fifty-six miles due east by twelve miles.” came Alfred's instant reply.

I was ready to go after a shower and notifying my mom that I was making a trip with Mr.Logan. I was easily able to get him to comply because I was the only GPS that would work; all the rest just mysteriously stopped working. Again Alfred for the win, even if he was a traitor when my mother was involved. Alfred asked me to tag along so I went home to him up and bringing him with us.

While Logan was busy getting ready I ran home for Alfred but got sidetracked eating. Then it was time to get my game face on. When I got back to the X mansion, Ororo was talking to Logan as he rolled his bike out of the garage, but one look at me, she huffed and went back inside.

That caused Logan to chuckle at my amused face because I honestly don't remember offending her. Life was far too complicated as it was without her throwing in her own anger at me. That's okay though I was trying to do and be better, so I will have to figure out away to help mend the situation between us.

I wasn't even going to figure that out right now, Logan had a quest to fulfill and I was totally down for smashing up Stryker’s base of operations. Knowing him this would just be one of many but I will take this as a start.

It was time for a road trip.

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