The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 57

The Savage Middle

Dr. Susan Storm - Invisible Woman

Pandoran Citizen

Sue released a moan as her form twisted on the large bed as awareness came back and she regained her senses. Wiping the sleep out of her eyes, she rolled over only to find one of her sleeping mates. Sue couldn't help but notice the bruised pouting lips and the blonde hair before she placed a name with the face. Memories of last night began flooding back as her cheeks colored red.

Memories of her asking him about getting the same powers as Gwen had brought them to the bedroom. More memories of her on her knees and those of Gwen between her thighs had Sue's ears burning.

The kissing, the biting and pinching of her nipples, all of those memories came rushing back to Sue and she rolled over to bury her face into the pillows. There was a sense of discomfort at her midsection which drew her attention as she burned with embarrassment.

Her breath caught as Sue remembered the last time she had slept with Ben and he had inflated her like a balloon. It sure was a novel experience then and even now Sue noted as she sat up in bed. For a moment, Sue thought she heard her stomach slosh with the sound of excess semen.

That warmth deep inside her told Sue that yes, Benjamin had stuffed her womb full once again. Putting her hands between her legs, Sue found that no she did not have any panties on after last night's romp.

Releasing a huff and sigh, Sue fell back into the fluffy pillows with her arms outstretched. The thoughts of last night came to her and Sue released a sigh of contentment. At her side, Gwen stirred as she rolled over; the arm shooting over her chest. As she turned her head, Sue met bright blue eyes looking right back at her.

Gwen wiped her eyes for a moment before sitting up in bed to speak. "Have you tried out your new powers yet?"

"No, I'm still waking up and dealing with all of this," Sue said while waving a hand at her engorged midsection.

Gwen looked her over before licking her lips and moving from the position she was laying in. "I believe I can help you with that."

Before she could say anything in reply, Gwen had already parted her legs as she lowered her face between her thighs. Sue released breathy moans as she felt Gwen's tongue lap at her folds while exploring her depths.

Closing her eyes and feeling like she was having an out of body experience, Sue felt a certain elasticity to her skin and lower region. That had to be how Ben was able to get away with stuffing her full of so much semen. Sue felt and watched as pleasure pulsed through her nerves as Gwen hit her engerous zones.

Her breath hitched as she felt delicate fingers travel up her sides before they slowly pushed down. Trying to keep her focus, Sue slowly increased her muscle tone as she felt Gwen's tongue slither its way through her insides.

Sue's breath caught, caught, and caught again as her pleasure built and built before it was all released in one large orgasm that shook her to her core. Her chest heaved and sweat covered her forehead, her arms were outstretched and her nipples peaked so high they could carve diamonds.

Closing her eyes, Sue basked in the moment as she drank in the heightened sensations. Face cracking into a smile, Sue sat up in the bed to find that her stomach had gone down. What she found between her legs though almost had her burst out into laughter.

Gwen was between her thighs, face covered in the semen that was previously inside of her womb.

"Sorry," Sue squeaked out as she looked down at her mess. Well, at least her stomach was back to normal she noted. Before she could lean in to help, the semen on Gwen's face started to move. Small rivulets of fluid moved until it formed a small glob that floated into Gwen's open hand.

Gwen gave her a put upon expression before flicking the wasted protein to the waste bin located under the bedside table. Giving her a sheepish smile, Sue watched as Gwen rolled over before getting off the side of the bed.

"I did not know that was going to happen," Sue said, trying not to laugh.

Gwen looked at her then rolled her eyes before letting out a sigh, "Let's just take a shower, I believe we both have a busy day ahead of us."

Following Gwen, Sue took a quick shower before finding herself standing in front of a full-body, anti-fog mirror. She couldn't help looking herself over from top to bottom and a frown marred her features for a moment.

Turning this way and that, Sue rubbed her hand over the freckles on her chest before she applied her power. Her skin smoothed, blemishes disappeared and little imperfects cleared all within a matter of seconds. Running an idle finger over her stomach and thighs, Sue melted away some body fat, then replaced it with finely tuned muscles.

Sue watched as her stomach went from smooth flatness to defined abdominal muscles impressing her eyes. Turning this way and that, Sue decided to thicken her thighs a bit by making improvements to her gluts and the connecting muscles down to her now sexy high heel ready calves.

Her height increased by an inch as her hair took on a new lustrous shine as the split ends disappeared with a shake of her head. Sue pressed a hand on the mirror bringing up her backside as she twirled to get a full view of herself. Pursing her lips, she then made them fuller before she was happy with her changes.

With a smile on her face, Sue shimmed herself into a form-fitting UMF suit. Smiling at her shapely figure, Sue did one final check before heading to get some breakfast. Heading into the kitchen, Sue stopped at the entrance as she looked over the smiling faces of the other women before her.

Face burning, she took a cup and held it out to Natasha with a neutral smile on her face. Natasha raised a finely crafted eyebrow as she poured Sue her cup of coffee. Nodding her head in acceptance, Sue made her way to the free seat at the table. No one said anything but Sue's ears burned at the vulpine grins that they gave her.


Humming to herself, Sue smiled at the guard who held the car door open for her as she got into the driver's seat. The door closed with a smooth motion and Sue couldn't hide her smile as the vehicle hummed to life.

As she pulled her hover-car into the air, her GPS kicked in directing her towards Pandoran General, the lead hospital. The automatic system took over as her mind went over her agenda for the day.

Today Tony was scheduled for surgery, but with her powers, there is a chance of helping him without having to cut him open. Besides that, she was scheduled to examine citizens from the ocean below and those from the moon.

As her mind slowly hummed along, Sue held a hand up, and before that hand, constructs formed. First, she formed them as nothing but small sheets transparent to all eyes but her own. Then she expanded that into sheets turned to hexagons, quickly shattered and scattered into hundreds before her.

Then before her eyes, each hexagon began to show information unlike any she has ever seen before. Her powers mixed and formed into something new. Her invisible shields glowed multiple colors to her eyes.

Fascination hit Sue as thoughts and ideas took over her mind with the new wealth of knowledge combined with her already extensive knowledge of the human body. Boundless joy struck Sue at the same time as inspiration as she saw the possibilities open up before her. It didn't take much for her to lose her sense of time as she experimented.

As she ran a clear shield over her hand as she used it to examine the finer workings with her biokinesis just as the dash dinged announcing her arrival at the hospital. Releasing a sigh, Sue had to wave away her little experiment as her hover-car pulled into the parking garage.

A quick mental command had her omni bring up her key cards and credentials and she waved them before the security station. There was a ping from the system as a scan ran over her car and herself. Once her DNA profile and x-ray of her vehicle checked out, Sue took control before smoothly directing her vehicle into her assigned parking space.

Hopping out of her car, Sue locked up before heading in and passing the secondary checkpoint. Once she was finished with that, Sue then made her way to her personal labs to test a radical idea she had come up with on the drive over. To think, solving cancer was as easy as breathing for her now. What she wanted to do was create a vaccine that fixed the underlying issues of corrupt DNA strands which cause cancer.

If she could solve this her name would go down in history. Not only that but, because it was a creation with the use of her powers, it would be easy, of course, to reverse engineer the cure for scientific purposes.

Unfortunately, Sue was halfway through creating a working retrovirus when the alarm went off for her first appointment. With a forlorn look at her work, Sue activated the stasis fields before activating the security around her lab.

Checking her omi, Sue noticed the time and the room number for the surgery she would be attending. Swapping out her lab coat for her doctor's coat, Sue washed her hands in the doctor's locker room before heading out.

It didn't take her long to find her way through the hallway of Pandoran General. Scanning her omni at the door, Sue was let in only to find the surgery room laughing with Tony Stark as he sat on the medical gurney.

With a quick glance around, Sue noticed Peter up in the observation room overlooking the floor through the clear, ballistic proof window. Ignoring Tony and the nurses, Sue called up the assistant doctor for this operation.

"Do you have any current scans?" Sue asked Terry, the assistant for this operation.

Terry looked at Sue then back at Tony before pressing a few keys on her own omni. Tony was shut off mid-sentence as holograms sprang forth to cover his body. He idly noticed that the one over his chest showed little sparks near his heart. That alone sent his pulse racing even though his face carried his patented smile.

That same smile widened even more as Sue walked closer towards him. "Well, you do know there are easier ways to see me naked right?"

"I would think you would have enough spice in your life with a certain redhead?" Sue asked, a delicate brow raised. "Then again, I don't aspire to nor want to be a notch on your bedpost."

Sue almost allowed her grin to show as she watched Tony act chagrined at the mention of Pepper Pots. Instead, she held her professional demeanor as she pushed past her win.

"Now that you are more focused, do you want to be awake or asleep when we take out the shrapnel?" Sue asked, tone neutral yet poised.

Tony's brows shifted as he looked at the sparks the hologram held over his chest. "I get a say in the matter, doc?"

"Yes, the removal won't be as invasive as you believe it would be." Sue returned with clipped tones.

Tony didn't even take a moment to think it over, tapping his chest he swung both legs up onto the medical gurney. "Then hell yeah, let's do this, I can't wait to get these little buggers out."

Sue gave Tony a nod of acceptance before firing off rapid commands to the nurses around the operating room. Straps came down to secure Tony's arms, and legs while a mirror image with a complete scan of his current insides appeared above his body.

Sue washed up once more before getting her arms gloved, once she was prepared with her helpers. She then places two fingers to Tony's neck. "I am shutting down your sensory receptors, so relax."

Tony didn't get a chance to reply as all sensations from his neck down were cut. Then before his eyes, Tony watched in fascination as the sparks on the hologram moved towards the top of his torso. Before he knew it, small bits of metal started to bubble up under his skin before floating up from his chest.

He counted five, eight, thirteen, then the flesh on his chest healed over. Before his voice could catch up with his brain, he freaked out. Sue had removed his arc reactor then the base plate from his chest.

Tony never had his chance to freak out as bone and flesh regrew to fill the hole.

"Now that your main issues are taken care of, let's give you a nice tune-up," Sue commented as she rendered and used Tony's spare tires to turn up his muscle density and mass. She then fixed up his bad knee and the rest of his joints before double-checking to make sure that his heart could run for another hundred years.

The crack within Tony's ribs was fixed and so was the mild back damage from sleeping in unusual places. Once Sue was finished with fixing the onset of carpal tunnel that Tony had gained over his years behind a keyboard, Sue turned back on his sensory receptors and gave him back his motor functions.

As Sue was working the surgical room was recording and analyzing everything for later use and for her review. Sue's eyelids fluttered as she almost collapsed from such high levels of concentration. A nurse wiped Sue's forehead as she turned to make sure to wash up once more.

While Sue was doing that, Tony sat up on the medical gurney rubbing his chest in astonishment. He was so at a loss for words that he didn't even notice that his ass was hanging out even though he did wonder where that draft came from.

A push to his chest had Tony laying once more on the medical gurney. Sue ignored his protest as she had the scanners perform another check. Once the computers came back with the same all clear as her powers, Sue performed final checks and signed off on the forms Benjamin had prepared previously.

With her own use and understanding of biokinesis, Sue was happy to let in the fifty new doctors. These were the same fifty doctors Benjamin had prepared with biokinesis to handle the island's advanced medical proceedings.

She would have been a poor head of medical division if she didn't meet the same high standards she held her own doctors to. Giving Tony a clean bill of health, Sue gave him back his arc reactor and allowed Peter into the room.

A simple handshake and a comment to the father-son duo about coming over for dinner and Sue was heading towards her next appointment. With new powers, and skills under her belt. Sue was having a very great day.

Maybe she should give Ben a call for a lunchtime quickie.



Pandoran Citizen

Medusa twisted mid air, as her hair shot out in a braided whip to smash into one of the training bots. At the end of her hair braid was what the people of this island called a kunai. It was a blade that ended in a diamond point, a small five inch shaft behind the head that ended in a ring which her hair went through.

Medusa was really enjoying the different sizes the kunai came in, on one braid was a larger version of the knife and on smaller braids, she had multiple smaller variants; each held by a few strands of hair. She was noticing how partial her combat style was towards the smaller variants as another combat droid fell to her attacks.

Another spin, twist, and slash and more droids fell to her superhuman reflexes. Gritting her teeth, Medusa tried not to think about the history of her people. It wasn't just sobering to learn that they were considered a failed experiment: It was demeaning to have had to agree with the old masters on the matter.

They were left alive, took their freedoms, and yet: her people did not advance beyond the borders of their pens. No, her people decided to live in that place and wallow in mediocrity. Medusa was not happy to have discovered such a thing. With a scream and a twist, three braids lashed out leaving deep grooves along the chest of a new droid.

Noticing that this one did not fall like his brethren, Medusa sent hair upwards to grab onto the traversal handles. Looking down from her perch, sweat dripped down from her brows. This one she noted, moved with a grace that the others lacked. Looking around the arena, Medusa noticed the markers showing that her training session had leveled up.

Taking note that the increased level came with advanced droids, she had to think up a plan within the moment. Medusa was a scholar, true, but she had the heart of a warrior and that would never change.

Dodging to the side, she had to vault herself across the ceiling. It was easy to tell where the droid was going to shoot with it's slow target acquisition.

Ignoring that, since she knew that it came with the combat level, Medusa perched on a ledge as she studied her opponent. Another shot was fired at her, but this time instead of dodging, she slapped it away with her hair.

The same hair she used to slap away that plasma bolt raised before combining into a spear of sorts. Frowning, she changed the image in her head before trying once more. The tips of her hair changed color to a dark red, the rest of her hair coiled like a spring, compressed and ready.

Patiently Medusa waited as the seconds felt as if it moved at a snail's pace. Her eyes tracked the droid as it took aim, she waited for the build-up of power before it's fire. The coils of hair unleashed their stored power as they flung Medusa forwards.

As her body twisted in the air, the lance of hair shot forwards piercing the droid center of mass. The red glow of it's eye didn't fade as it powered up another shot. Landing lightly on the balls of her feet, Medusa rolled to the left dodging another blast. As she dodged the blast, the hair spear that was lodged inside of the droid shifted transforming into multiple spears.

The sound of metal tearing reached her ears, but she was still in a defensive posture as a bolt of plasma slammed into her defenses. The shield Medusa was wearing shimmered for a brief second before it's lines faded from sight.

Smirking at the now dead droid, Medusa pulled up her omni to turn off the light training exercise. Silently one of the helper droids brought over a towel and held it out for her to remove the sweat.

"Thank you." Medusa said to the little droid. The droid released a few beeps and toots in reply before flying off. Tapping the gravity control on her belt, she floated her way towards the showers.

Freshly showered, Medusa sat with her towel wrapped around her as her hair dried out. Once that task was completed, Medusa pulled out a UMF suit configured into a stylish body hugging suit. She was truly enjoying the marvel and texture of the materials now available to her and the rest of her people.

Checking herself in the mirror to see that she was properly dressed, Medusa took out her omni and summoned a ride. Turning around, Medusa smiled as her hair folded in on itself as she easily walked from the training part of the house to the front.

Waiting on her was an open door hover car with a spartan standing at the side. Giving him a quick nod, she got in her ride then waited for the door to close. Pulling out her tablet, Medusa checked to see who she was going to work with today.

It pleased her to know that she was placed as the ambassador between the two people. It was easy to see that her king was placing a monumental amount of trust in her with such a job. It would have been easier to not have anyone in charge and just allow the immigration part of his government to handle everyone, but she noticed that was not his style.

Yes, the immigration would set them up with medical, schooling and a home to sleep, but from what she witnessed with his own people. There was a team in charge of listening and solving their problems outside of legal issues. It was so easy for her to forget that those underneath her were not able to approach her previous king or anyone in charge for that matter with issues that they might face.

It was nothing like her old job, but she was enjoying it far more than handling resources. There was a beep from the dash and Medusa had to put away her tablet as the hover car lowered onto the open air parking. She looked up in time to see the ripple of a shield go over her vehicle.

Shaking her head at such a thing, she was still marveled that there were so many resources to go around on the island. It was one thing watching it from their hidden little city on the moon, but it was another to be here, breathing the salted air, being here seeing the endless oceans.

It was so much that some days Medusa was scared that she would wake up and realize that it was all just a dream. Shifting her thoughts on the matter to the side, Medusa produced her security badge and was allowed through the checkpoint.

Taking the express elevator to her office, Medusa smiled at her secretary already at her desk. She then gave a smile to the young man that was sitting on the couch waiting for her assistance. Unlocking her office, Medusa went over a few morning emails before putting on her professional face.

Once she was prepared, Medusa pressed the button to page her secretary, with her answering. Medusa told her to let in the first Inhuman of the day. The young man walked in and Medusa noticed the shifting color of his skin, that she didn't notice the first time glancing at him.

Could be a nervous power usage, but that was alright.


A tendril of hair closed the door as Medusa turned around after her last appointment for the day. Smiling down at the tablet in hand, Medusa filed away the notice of pregnancy. Newborns were always welcomed even if they were a hybrid between Inhuman and Atlanteans.

She had to send a reply to Sue with her thanks since she had done so much hard work on the genetics of the couple. They were already compatible, but someone had to double check and Sue did all of the leg work to make sure that the first hybrid of the nation would be alright.

Granted they would have to keep checking on the couple with periodic doctor check ups, but that was only a small price to pay to make sure that the baby was alright. It also helped that their nation was given free medical care for all.

A message pinged on her omni and drew her attention to the dinner which she was invited to by the Queens of the island. Checking the time, Medusa noticed that she had two hours to get herself prepared. Looking over the attendees, she noticed that Raven, Emma, Natasha and Ororo were attending and were waiting on her RSVP.

Jean was in space, Gwen was in New York and Sue was doing something with her brother Johnny. Medusa did notice that there was no mention of the two Atlantean ladies; but instead of asking, she chose not to poke that particular political bee hive.

Clearing up the top of her desk, Medusa waved goodbye to her secretary before taking the elevator down. A stop at the security checkpoint had her out into the open air of the landing pads.

A double press of the key fob and her car door opened so she could get in. The hover car activated and Medusa checked the dash as it performed its pre-flight checks. Her car took to the skies and Medusa finished reading a few complaints that made it to her desk.

Unfortunately, she had to sigh because it was not what she was expecting. The complaints were from those that used to be part of the upper nobility on Attilan. Sighing again, Medusa put the messages off for another time thinking maybe it would have been best if Benjamin had removed them. Since he did not, they were now bringing any trivial issues that they had to her attention. It's almost to the point that she would like to blacklist them.

Shaking those thoughts out of her head, Medusa smiled at some of the other messages she had received on her omni. More and more couples are forming now that the genetics department no longer decided on who they would or could not date. It was good to see her people enjoy their new found freedoms.

The beep at the dash pulled Medusa out of her musings as she noticed the landing point at the house she shared with the rest. It was strange, she felt, living in the home of the king. It was no castle with a throne like on Attilan but she liked the homie feel of it all. When she was first given a room and noticed the size of it all, Medusa was mystified. It was then explained to her that magic was used in the process of building the home.

Medusa had wondered why they chose to build a home instead of a castle, but once she was invited in she understood. It was a home and allowed the king and queen to raise their kids without the pageantry of the courts and nobles.

The king was more into spending his wealth on his people and not on opulence for himself and the other so called nobles. Another double beep and the slight jarring brought her attention to the hover car coming to a park.

The driver side door raised and Medusa took the hand of the spartan waiting at the side. Giving him a smile and a nod, Medusa waited for him to close her car door before turning and allowing him to walk her inside.

Pulling off her jacket and placing it on the coat rack, she noticed that her guard had vanished into thin air. Ignoring that, her nose was captivated by the heavenly smell coming from the kitchen. Releasing a sigh, Medusa took off the heels she wore to work before walking into the kitchen.

The smell only got better as she rounded the corner. In the kitchen Medusa found Raven's beautiful rear bent over something in the oven. Beside her and leaning on the counter checking out that same lovely rear was Ororo, and sitting at the table was Emma. Natasha was setting the table for the meal to come.

"Evening ladies," Medusa said, placing her tablet at the table. She then received a round of the same but after washing her hands at the sink, Medusa received a glass of wine from Emma. "Thank you."

"Ohh, think nothing of it dear," Emma replied smoothly with a smile at the corners of her lips.

Raven closed the oven before turning back towards the table. "Take it slow with the wine, dinner is about ready."

Natasha finished setting the table but raised her wine glass to Raven. Emma released a chuckle before taking a seat in Ororo's lap. Medusa watched with wide eyes as she witnessed them share a very passionate kiss.

A delicate hand trailed it's way up her neck before closing her mouth. Medusa's eyes were still wide as she turned to look at the smug smirk on Natasha's face.

"So, I can tell you are interested." Natasha's words wrapped around Medusa's ears delicately as if to caress her skin.

"Ohh will you lot stop bothering the poor woman," Raven sighed, exasperated. Natasha twisted around as if her bones were made of silk blowing a kiss towards Raven. Medusa couldn't help but notice how the dress that Natasha wore hugged her form. Not only that; but her ass was directly next to her hand just asking to be held.

Gulping and turning away, Medusa took a sip of her wine only to see that the other two were looking at her.

Ororo gave her a smile as she used her thumb to wipe away the lipstick smudge at the corner of Emma's lips. "You can relax, because if you were not welcomed, you would not be sleeping within this home."

Medusa sat quietly with wide eyes as the ladies around her just chuckled while they went about things. It still amazed her how they could love each other as much as they loved him. This was a love that she would not have been able to have with the last king that ruled over her.

No, Medusa was very aware that she was only a genetics bank with ovaries for Black Bolt. Yet right now, as the queens of this nation smile at her, Medusa felt like she wanted to be a part of something more.

Smiling shyly at the ladies, Medusa finished her glass of wine before pouring herself another. Enjoying the love all around, Medusa rose from her seat to assist Raven in the kitchen. Before she could get very far though, she was directed back to the table.

Rolling her eyes at her, Natasha blew her a kiss before making out with Emma. Medusa could feel her face heat up as she watched Natasha move on to Raven next. Once they were finished and parted lips, she watched them booth turn and serve the table as if nothing happened.

Medusa wanted to scowl at them both because now her nipples were so hard, they were both pressing against her form-fitting UMF suit. Looking down it was clear as day that she was interested in the ladies before her.

Hiding her blush, she gave a polite thank you to Raven as she was served. On the gold-lined plate before her sat was something she had seen on the tv once. It was lamb chops with a light sauce and served with all the trimmings.

Music started to play in the background as the last of the meal was placed on the table. Unfolding the napkin and placing it onto her lap, Medusa waited for Ororo to start the meal. Smiling at them all, Ororo held her glass up before speaking a few words, Medusa noticed that it took less than thirty seconds before Ororo gave them leave to eat.

For the briefest of moments, all anyone heard was the clinking of utensils on plates as they enjoyed the meal. Placing another lambchop onto her plate, Medusa moved to refill her glass of wine as she enjoyed the atmosphere.

That was why she wasn't ready for the topic of conversation.

"So when do you plan to get creamed?"

Medusa was lucky that she wasn't drinking at that moment because she was certain that the wine would be passing through her sinus cavity. She could feel the heat on her cheeks as she placed her utensils down. It was clear that this was the topic of the evening since the other ladies also carried various smirks and smiles on their features.

"Wa, What?" Medusa asked, cheeks blushing a blooming red.

"And you did do that long live the king."

"Well, you did move in."

"So we just want to know what's taking you so long to get creamed: Shy?"

Medusa stared incredulously at Emma and the other ladies sitting around the table, lost for words. Before they could ask or say anymore, Medusa found her tongue.

"As the winner of kingship, he has leave, to take me as his prize. This is why I have taken up a room here in this home." Medusa spoke slowly. "I do not believe he has any interest in one such as myself since he already has such fine company."

"Ohh honey flattery will get you everywhere." Natasha replied with a chuckle. "What do you think ladies?"

Raven looked at her for some time before speaking, "Well, he is stuffing Sue seven ways from Sunday right now."

"Yes, I caught the footage of that one. He surprised me with his inventive use of those new powers," Ororo replied with an obvious look of interest on her features.

"Yes, but the fact of the matter is that Sue went for it," Raven replied smoothly.

"Ohh, I know right! Who would have thought that little miss prim and proper would like getting creamed at every opportunity" Emma said eyes glimmering in the light. "What you have to do Lady Medusa, is take the bull by the horns."

Natasha smirked before taking a sip of her wine. "Ha, you mean have Ben pump all that's in his balls."

"Must you be so vulgar?" Ororo replied with a sigh and a roll of her eyes.

Natasha rolled her own in easy reply. "Please, I remember exactly where that tongue of yours was only this morning."

"Ohh please, you were both in a sixty nine having a very large breakfast Benjamin had pumped into you both. I remember because the moaning woke me up." Emma said wiggling her brows at the pair.

Raven poured herself another glass of wine as she looked over the table. "Yes, well, I believe Medusa would appreciate it if we assisted her with getting some cream: she does represent her people after all."

"Then let's test her skills."

Medusa clearly wasn't following, "Test my skills?"

Ororo got up smoothly in one flowing motion from the table then assisted Medusa out of her own chair. Before she knew what was happening the chocolate beauty was kissing her. Soft plump lips met her own and Medusa could feel the heat rushing to her face. Then Ororo spoke and Medusa was suddenly aware of how weak her knees were. "Agreed, let's see what that tongue can do."


Tony Stark

Father, Genius, Billionaire

Tony stood inside a lab in Pandora smiling at the creation before him. It wasn't just one of his most advanced suits to-date, now it was a creation made in collaboration with his son and with their own hands. Tony didn't want to be 'that guy with the foam finger', but he was damn proud.

He could be honest and say that he didn't know what he was missing until Peter came into his life. The beeping of his Stark tablet drew Tony's attention, he didn't realize that he was watching Peter playing with the fabricator's controls. He almost frowned at the information Jarvis had gathered. Instead, plans within plans formed inside Tony's mind.

Tony's brow raised higher and higher as he read more and more. His thumb swiped over a drop down tab giving him a current location and satellite view. Watching as the duo got out of the car and headed into the Starbucks. Tony had a wicked, devious idea, and ohh was it going to be grand!

Closing the tab and having Jarvis bring around the car, Tony looked up and called for Peter. "Hey, Pete, let's go grab a quick one."

Peter looked up from what he was working on, grease smudged on one cheek. Tony just smiled before hooking a hand around his son's shoulder.

"Come on, we can grab a cup of coffee and maybe a slice."

Peter never had the chance to complain as he was ushered out of the lab and into a hover car. He did take the time to wonder how Tony got a car customized in his Stark colors.

Tony got into the driver's seat while Peter took the passenger side. While Peter was messing with the music, Tony checked the altimeter and GPS before hitting the gas.

Tony threw his head back and laughed as Peter clutched at his seat. Immediately they shot past the island's shields and cloak as they flew across the open ocean. Tony shifted gears before they started to rise from the ocean surface and into the sky. Clouds flew by and the sun shone onto the duo as they soared through the air.

Pushing the inertial dampers to eighty percent, Tony relaxed into his seat. Peter had finally stopped gripping at his side of the car with shaky breaths.

"Don't you move through the city at terminal velocity?" Tony couldn't stop himself from asking.

Peter looked at him with exasperation, "I'm in full control with that, so it's nothing like your speed demon tendencies."

"Kid, sometimes we just gotta go fast. It helps, and there is no such thing as too fast. So turn the music up." Tony quipped as the sound of Metallica started to pump through the speakers.

Tony drove them through the air as Peter cued a different song on the radio. Before they both knew it, the GPS pinged indicating they had arrived at their destination. Tony checked the dash and found they had traversed half the planet in less than ten minutes.

Hell yeah! An upgraded supercar for the win! He then picked a spot out in the parking lot before lowering them to park. Peter tried to hide his face, but Tony had his infamous smirk on his face.

Those who saw their arrival had phones out, but Tony paid them no mind. Half his attention was on Peter and the other half was on the two ladies sitting not that far away. Now all he had to do was act surprised.

"Come on Pete, let's grab you a hot chocolate."

"Can I get extra whip and marshmallows," Peter muttered, but Tony was quick on the reply.

"Yeah, sure sure," Tony quipped back but he had already noticed her spotting him. A flourish of the hand had his keyfob out for all to see. A double press had the car run a light bar around its surface before it levitated in its spot. Javis spoke up and the crowd fell in love with the talking car.

More and more people took pictures as Tony led Peter inside the small Starbucks. All the while, Tony kept the two ladies he was looking for within his line of sight. The last thing he wanted was for her to run away. Hell, she took his kid and kept running for the last sixteen years if the information Jarvis gathered was correct.

Getting himself a lemonade and double chocolate cookie, Tony handed Peter his card while he looked for a seat. As he strolled around the little Starbucks he was glad he was able to clear it out; thanks to his little display.

Tony surreptitiously bumped into the two ladies table.

"Ohh, my, how clumsy of me," Tony apologized before faking a gasp. "Maya, is that you?"

Tony faked his surprise while taking a quick glance at the young lady sitting with Maya Hansen. He almost gasped while taking in the features of the young lady sitting beside Maya at the table. He took in her curly locks, the caramel shade of her skin and the deep brown of her eyes. Tony couldn't help but noticed how she had the same eyes as his mother.

"Stark," Maya replied stiffly. Tony noticed how she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Yeah, he caught her red-handed.

"Peter, come let me introduce you, Maya Hansen," Tony said with a wave of his arm as he pulled out two set of chairs. "And this young lady is?"

"Your biggest fan, Sir Stark, Mr. Stark." Riri gushed as she put down her tablet.

Maya sighed, grumpy at the side features. "Riri, Tony, Tony Riri."

Tony smiled as he took his seat, Peter at his side. He took the offered lemonade, his smirk on his lips for all to see.

Thinking about it, Tony felt he should try a soft sell first. "It's been some years, you look good, Maya,"

"Surprised you can remember me with how drunk you were at the time." Maya snarked back. Tony had to smile at that little jab.

"Ohh but so much has changed since then," Tony replied with a shrug. "It's funny how near death changes a person."

The look Maya gave him was almost too delicious Tony thought as he noticed how her eyes flicked towards Peter and then Riri.

"It was odd how, as I looked at my own mortality, I began to wonder what I was leaving the world." Tony continued to speak as he connected the vocal separator underneath the table. Peter was the only one to notice as the sounds from outside no longer reached him.

Riri looked at him oddly before a gasp left her lips. "Mr. Stark, where's your chest reactor, isn't that like supposed to keep you alive?"

"Funny you should mention that, kid." Tony smiled back at her. Then his smile turned towards Riri's mother. "You see, while I was dying from the same thing that was keeping me alive,I was wondering about my legacy; and you know what?"

Riri looked lost but asked anyway, "What, Mr. Stark?"

"Ta-da," Tony said with a wave at Peter. "My son came and visited me, now, I didn't know that I had a son. But what I did know was that I wasn't going to die and not get to know my kid. Yet, the story did not end there."

"Wait, you're Tony Stark's kid!, Dude! That must be so awesome!" Riri exclaimed, but Tony could see the fear creeping into Maya as her brow started to sweat. He wasn't going to give her that easy an out though, he was determined and his head was no longer in the sand. He was going to own up to being a dad and do a far better job than his own old man had ever done.

Peter blushed and did that shy little stutter that Tony noticed all the chicks loved him for.

"Now to end my little story, that moment Peter came to visit me, I knew that I couldn't die. I couldn't leave the world without doing right by him." Tony said to the table solemnly. "Not only did I have to do right by him, but I had to take my head out of the sand and notice my surroundings, and now, I'm here."

Tony didn't get a chance to say any more as Maya angrily got up from her seat. "You can't have her."

"Wait, what?" Riri asked confused, but it was Peter who connected the dots. Peter looked at Riri then looked at Tony before his eyes went wide.

"You're my sister." Peter said softly, eyes wide as he connected the dots.

"Hold the phone!" Riri said, both hands up in stop motion. "I was told my dad died overseas."

Tony snorted at that comment, "A lot of people wished I had died overseas."

"I still call bullshit!" Riri replied, arms crossed with snark in full force. Tony smiled before putting a device on the top of the table.

"Put your money where your mouth is then." Tony shot back at Riri.

"Tsk, surprised you can make anything besides those over-engineered suits of yours." Riri shot back. Peter snorted out a chuckle as he watched and Tony noticed the storm that was Maya's face.

"I will not allow it," Maya imposed, reaching for the device. Yet, before she could pick it up, Riri already had it in her hands as she ran through it's systems. Ignoring her mother, Riri pointed the scanner at Tony only to receive a green beep matching the DNA within the data banks.

Nodding her head, she then pointed at Peter to receive a partial match confirming the paternal match male. Riri then dodged her mother's swipe as she pointed it at her and got a resounding negative red beep. She then did two quick scans on the couple a few meters away before getting the same negative red beeps.

Biting on her lower lip, Riri pointed the scanner at her forearm, it cycled for two tenths of a second. The green beep and paternal match male, was all Riri needed. Riri heard her mother sitting down and noticed the defeated look on her face, but she pushed on.

Going into the scanners operating system, she reset and purged the memory. Once she was happy with a now fresh device, Riri did it two more times. Nodding at the now triple purged device, Riri ran the scans over once more.

Again she could only look at the positive confirmation on the screen before her. Sitting heavily into her seat, Riri wanted to rage at the unfairness of it all. That was until she remembered that her own father was sitting right next to her.

Riri turned to Tony and cocked an eyebrow almost identical to his, "So do I get to have my own suit?"

"Yeah, if you can build one, Iron-Heart."

Peter groaned as he ran a palm over his face. "Can you please stop with the whole Iron-Family, it's not going to be a thing."

"Come on Pete, being known as the Iron-Spider can't be that bad." Tony popped back.

"Iron-Spider?" Riri prompted.

"Story for another time," Peter quickly said, shutting down Tony.

"Yeah, maybe another time, Iron-Heart."

"You don't get to make decisions here Stark, not after you left me." Maya said with venom in her voice.

Tony looked at her and his eyebrows raised and his anger finally came back, "That was a one night stand on New Years Eve, do not tell me that it's the same as not telling either of us about this over the last ten plus years. My head is no longer in the sand, so there is no sweeping this one under the rug."

Tony and Maya faced off, so Peter just rolled his eyes before pulling out his omni. On the screen was an alert about someone in the area attempting to break in. After entering a few command lines to shut it down, he heard a beep coming from his sister's tablet.

"Hey, are you trying to break into my omni?" Peter asked, stunned.

Riri looked at Peter sheepishly as she picked up her customized tablet. "Oops, I have this thing set on automatic."

Tony looked at them both before reaching out, "You mind if I take a look, this doesn't look like any Stark tech."

Riri gave him a proud smile, "Yeah, I tinker a lot, mom said I get it from my father."

Riri's brows pinched together for a moment and she processed what she had just said. The look on Tony's face though was so smug, Maya wanted to punch him right in the mouth.

"Genius runs in the blood, I would love to see anything else you might have created." Tony said, hands flowing over the tablet before him. "You should take a look at the suit your brother and I made, it's outta this world."

"Ohh man, we used a gravity forge for the hard outer shell with a free flowing claytronics system that even runs parallel to the human body's nervous system." Peter gushed.

Riri's eyes sparkled, "Ohh man, I wish I could take a peek under its hood."

"Everything is still in motion for the move to New York, but I'm sure, you can take a peek inside the labs here in Los Angeles," Tony replied with a devious smile for the world to see.

Riri jumped up out of her seat as she yelled, "I call shotgun! Let's go! Let's go!"

Tony didn't want to pump his fist because he won, but the dread look on Maya's face warmed his heart.


Felicia Hardy

New York, New York

Felicia was sitting inside of a surveillance booth as she looked over what was supposed to be a drug deal going down. From what her people had been able to gather, it was going to be a meet between the major players in New York.

That meant the Russians, the Irish, and Italian mobsters were going to be here today. For some reason, they had picked some unassuming park in the city. That wasn't even the strange part about it, no, it was that no cameras covered the park.

That was good for the mobsters but not good for what she wanted to do. Taking a moment to think about it, Felicia found it funny how her rise to be queen of New York was going to be almost the exact same as Kingpins. He had taken out his opposition, and here she was a few years later doing the same.

The one major difference that let her sleep at night was the fact that she wouldn't be dealing in hard drugs. The nx5 was medically certified but wasn't allowed into the United States. But, she was going to bring it in anyway.

Sighing to no one in particular, Felicia tried to ignore the caustic back up who decided to tag along. It was still strange how she considered herself a hero when her mouth was so filthy. Trying to ignore the pair, Felicia changed the camera angles before spotting something that set her hair on end.

Down the block were three vans clean of everything, even graffiti, and that's not possible here in Queens. Not with how the trucks were parked, using that as a clue, she sent Kelix her AI in search of data.

Turning around, Felicia got herself a cup of coffee before going back and sitting in front of the monitor. As she waited for Kelix, Felicia put three creams into her coffee before looking up. Perched on the edge of her seat, she took in the information gathered before her. She found that she wasn't very surprised to find that the vans were not registered inside New York. No, they were registered over in Jersey.

Making a face at the information, Felicia asked Kelix to dig deeper. Once that order was given, she then turned and typed out a set of commands for her own people. They were to keep an eye on the vans but to not do anything unless they show themselves to be hostile. Felicia knew that things could either go right today or go very very wrong: but if she could cover her back then she would.

Leaning back into her seat Felicia took it all in because, before the day was over, she was going to rule all of New York's underground. The only thing outside of her control would be the Yakuza and The Hand Ninjas. Felicia could feel all of her short-term plans coming to completion, unfortunately, the only thing she wanted now was out of her reach.

Sighing to herself, Felicia put down her mug of half-finished coffee before looking to the side. "Yes, Jessica?"

"I just wana know why you out here with us instead of that hunky beefcake of a man?" Jessica Jones asked, looking her up and down. "It's not like you're not pretty, even though you could use some meat on them bones."

"Jessica," Luke said exasperated.

"What? I'm just asking a question," Jessica replied in mock defense. "You're my hunky beefcake and you clap these cheeks often enough! I just want to know why she is out here with us instead of getting herself creamed?"

"Jessica," Luke sighed, shaking his head.

"What? Don't look at me like that Luke," Jessica huffed, "I'm just saying, I got me a fine brotha and she got her own fine chocolate brotha, but we never hear anything about them going at it. Hell, with an ass like that in leather, you would expect to hear something about it. Shit, I ride you like I plan to play the trombone. But miss cheeks over here walk like she needs a good plumb cleaning."

"Jessica, we are in the middle of a stakeout can you be professional for a moment, please," Luke asked clearly not trying to touch the topic at hand.

Jessica looked at Luke before looking at the monitors, "Fine! But you're gonna owe me one."

"Thank you."

Jessica snorted at him, "You owe me a vacation and not some cheap bed and breakfast, I want someplace fancy-schmancy."

"Of course Jessica," Luke replied smoothly. Shaking her head at the duo, Felicia checked the time before getting up and pulling on her armor. This was going to be the medium plates to cover her Black Cat outfit. She wasn't certain about who decided to make the meet at noon, but she was certain of one thing, and that was she planned to curb stomp them when she found out who.

Checking to make sure her mask was in place, Felicia checked her cloaking system was working properly before turning towards her two assistants for the day. Jessica Jones was still in her black leather coat with a charcoal grey scarf around her neck. While Luke on the other hand was in a pair of jeans and a tight-fitting yellow shirt that said power on the left pectoral.

Letting out a sigh, Felicia was really starting to wish she hadn't asked for the New York team. Honestly, she was almost of a mind to send them back and do it all on her own with some of her guards. Instead of complaining, Felicia went to the second armory inside the expanded trailer and passed out the spare chest armor and utility belt capable of stealth.

Once they were ready, Felicia activated her stealth before taking a spot on a rooftop across from the park. She noticed how they were cutting it very close on the time limit: what she also noticed was how the park was slowly losing its patrons.

From her location, it was hard to spot who was doing it, but more and more people were leaving the park at speeds. What she did notice was the one family on the merry go round. Something was telling her that the family was important, but she put that uneasy feeling aside for now. She was here for a job and that was what she was going to do.

Perched on the roof, Felicia ignored the sound of two landings behind her back. It was easy to tell who was who with her heightened senses. Jesica was far lighter than Luke and with her flight ability, that told her that Jessica was on her left and Luke on the right with his loud landing.

Markers appeared on her HUD as Felicia had Kelix labeled everyone with the overhead stealth drone. For some reason, Felicia felt that it was all far too easy, so she double-checked on those vans. They didn't move any closer, but she did notice that three more appeared on the tracking. Another thing she noticed was how they were still unable to tell who owned the vans. For some reason, they were being led through subsidiary after subsidiary and that was not giving her any good feelings.

This was the moment that she could call the operation off, but she didn't want to. So instead, Felicia sent a team to keep an eye on these vans and to set up overwatch with orders to crack down on them hard.

Reds flashing on her HUD pulled Felicia out of her thoughts and musings. Activating her zoom vision on the HUD helped her locate the guns her drones picked up. Growling, Felicia activated the trap before jumping from the roof. Her jump jets activated as her glider wings flared open, hard light holograms held within magnetic casings catching the air and helping her fly.

Felicia was above the group when they opened fire on each other. Folding her glider wings inwards, she twisted herself into a dive. Twisting mid-air, Felicia put her best foot forward as she unleashed a dynamic entry.

She felt more than saw her boot connecting to the face of one of the mobsters. Twisting her body in an amazing display of acrobatics, Felicia lashed out with another leg. The guy she kicked toppled over even though Felicia was at an odd angle during her attack.

Palms on the ground, Felicia twisted with her legs in the air connecting with another goon's jaw before bringing her legs inwards. Tucking her legs close to her body she sprung upwards with her legs kicked out and connecting with the chest of another goon. Felicia heard the oomph as the air rushed out of his lungs.

Using his body as a springboard, Felicia jumped upwards avoiding another goon aiming a gun in her direction. Her arm lashed out firing off webbing at the one aiming a gun in her direction. Lashing out with another kick connecting to another mobster, Felicia listened to her comms with one ear. What she was hearing though set her on edge and she was not happy at all.

Out of the vans came police officers on some kind of sting and the mobsters opened fire with the family on the carousel in the middle. Luke was able to get to them and put himself in the line of fire, but not before the mother of the kids was shot. Jessica was tending to her with first aid, but she knew that something was extremely wrong when her HUD called it a priority one situation.

Putting up a shield, Felicia took cover before reviewing the files, the name Frank Castle also known as the Punisher scrolled across her HUD. The files Ben had on the man were beyond extensive and Felicia was starting to feel like this was a setup. It was odd that the day he decided to take his family out to the park that there would be an open firefight between the cops and the mobsters.

Not only that, but she found it even stranger that the cops would open fire with civilians in the line of fire between them and their targets. Anyone with half a mind could see that someone had marked him as a target and chose this as a battleground.

Pulling up her omni, Felicia called for an emergency teleport and then sent the orders to Luke and Jessica. Once that was finished she sent her own people to stall the police as she began to clean up this mess.

With the police stalled Felicia then went to tying up the mobsters as she tossed them through a portal. What she was not expecting though was a Frank Castle with rage simmering under the surface.

"Yes?" Felicia asked the man trying not to flinch with those eyes of his boring into her.

"I want in." Frank growled out low with menace dripping from his voice.

"That's not up to me." Felicia replied smoothly.

"Bullshit, the big guy said you were in charge." Frank replied, taking a slow step forward.

Felicia looked him over for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Look, I can't have you on

my team, but I can talk to someone that might help."

"Not good enough," Frank growled voice low.

"That's all I can give you unless you know who might want to set you up." Felicia commented, but stopped when Frank's eyes narrowed.

"Set me up?" Frank asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well yeah, don't you find it strange that other families were evacuated from the park and not yours?" Felicia asked like it was so obvious. "It's easy to see, especially when they opened fire with your family right in the middle of it all."

Frank's eyes snapped open as if realization struck him in the back of the head. Frank then growled a name, "Agent Orange."


Benjamin Blake

Father, King

Stretching out, I leaned back on my beach lounger as I listened to Emma as she tried to butter me up for a spaceship. Granted all she had to do was order one and then have it made to her specifications.

Smiling at her, I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer as she used a finger to play with my nipple.

Kissing her neck, I whispered into her ear. "I'm sure I can be persuaded to part with a star cruiser or two."

Emma's cheeks pinked and I felt a mental tease flitter around my shields. Ohh it was so easy to just let her in and then ravish her mind and body. Instead, I pushed a few mental images of what I had planned and watched as her nipples hardened.

Instead of turning onto putty in my hands, Emma rolled me onto my back before straddling my waist. Giving up some control, I smiled as Emma held my wrists above my head as she ground down on my hardened shaft.

"Daddy can we keep him."

Emma and my head turned to the side and I lost my erection instantly. My girls were there with Maya in the middle. I could see Alfred rolling his eyes but it was who Maya was holding up that had me up and ready to kill. Granted it was funny to see her tiny frame holding up a person so huge, she has her daddy's strength alright.

Maya was holding up a man wearing a red and black suit, full head mask with white animated eyes. Dual katanas on his back with dual pistols on his hips. Somehow Deadpool had gotten on my island and somehow, my kids thought he was a pet to keep. It didn't help that he had those damn fake cat ears on his head.

My eye twitched as he pawed at the air and meowed at Emma and I.

Instantly, I was up and out from under Emma as I flashed over to my kids and pulled Deadpool out of Maya's hands. I felt like the fake cat ears on his head twitched at me and I couldn't fight the twitching of my own eye in return.

"How did you get on my island, Wade," I demanded as I held him by the scruff of the neck.

"Daddy, don't hurt him," Celeste cried as she wrapped herself around my leg.

"Yeah! Don't hurt him." My other girls yelled also.

Looking down at them, I then turned and glared at my new headache. Wade pawed at the air again and I saw a damn anime exclamation mark with pink anime blush on his cheeks. My eye twitched as he pawed again and I wanted to throw him at the moon.



It's Chapter Day!

I had to pull out a few plot points I wanted and then round out the rest, but here is the chapter. Yeah, Deadpools here, run for the hills.

So, as an update for everyone, Brightest Doom will be back with the start of the New Year. This is so I can work on backlogging the chapters. With the writing of this story, I got a little excited and blew my wad. Trust me when I say, I have learned my lesson on releasing all of the chapters and blowing my wad so easily. With the start of the New Year, I also plan to drop my own version of a DBZ Story. There are already 3 chapters to that, so there will be a nice backlog of chapters so we don't end up with the same issues happening with Brightest Doom.

PROMOTING: Full Metal - Yes, this is my play on the HP Universe mixed with Full Metal Alchemist elements. Currently, 4 chapters up.

PROMOTING: The Raptor Of Life - Great Jean Grey in Marvel SI, plenty of hot yuri action. Written by the Mistress of Chaos herself Iori. Massive word counts per chapter so it's a great read.

PROMOTING: The Adventures Of Augment Gothic  - One of the few great Star Trek stories so it's ahh amazing find to add to your favorites. What makes it a great stand out is that it's written by the infamous Joe Lawyer himself. That means great wordcount and flawless grammar and plenty of Mature content.  

If you wanna support and get the early chapters.


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