The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 58

Savage Awakening


Formally Atlantean Pilot

Pandoran Ace Pilot



Jen'Tar woke with a jolt as she sat up in her bedding. Taking a moment to settle her heaving chest, Jen'Tar brought a hand down, silencing the alarm clock. Covering a yawn, Jan'Tar kissed her lady love on the cheek before making her way to the bathroom.

Once she was finished, Jen'Tar picked up the divine surface creation called coffee. Taking a sip, Jen'Tar held it in before letting out a slow breath.

"Ahh, that is divine." Jen'Tar sighed in delight. Her partner walked in then wrapping an arm around her waist. There was so much and so little to say, but instead of speaking, Jen'Tar decided on finishing her cup of coffee. "Are you doing anything while I'm out flying today?"

Trish looked at her lover before leaning into her and sighing. "Well, I plan to visit the geneticist about grafting Atlantean DNA to my own."

"You know I would like to go with you for that one, right?" Jen'Tar whispered into her lover's ear.

"I know, but this way, I don't have to distract you from your big day," Trish replied arms wrapped around Jen'Tar's waist. "Then, when you get back, you can show me Atlantis."

Jen'Tar looked down at her very human lover, brushed the auburn hair out of her face, before placing her blue hands along the side of her face. An idle finger brushed across those beautiful lips before Jen'Tar couldn't take it anymore.

It started as a small chaste kiss, then it evolved into so much more. When the new king had arrived, Jen'Tar had to admit that she was lost as he combined their worlds. It wasn't often she felt as if the world was outside of her control with the nature of her job. Being a royal fighter piloting came with a certain level of control that Jen'Tar loved about the job. Yet, this new king completely flipped her world upside down. This new king came, conquered, and removed their thousand years of separation from the surface world.

Not only that, but he did it in such a way that the perks of integrating silenced the voices of the usual dissension amongst the nobles. Well, that and it's an open secret that he killed a little more than half of those same voices.

Then again once their deeds were known, not many felt the urge to decry his actions. No, Jen'Tar cared nothing about any of that, she was loyal to her people and her nation. Not the throne or any that might sit on it. Yet, now she was wondering if she should give her loyalty to the new king.

He had not only protected her people, but he had easily dealt with the pollution that was threatening to destroy their lives. It was accomplished so easily, Jen'Tar had to wonder why Namor had never solved it in his hundred years. All those babies born deformed could have been saved if her previous king had taken his head out of his ass and found allies on the surface.

Her coming to the surface had her wonder at the marvel of their technology and usage of magic. Well, it was no longer their technology, it was now her technology and magic since she was now a part of such a grand Empire. Her loyalty to the people didn't come into question until she watched her new king heal people.

He didn't treat them as if they were beneath him, it was such a shift from how Namor acted that Jen'Tar was conflicted for some time. Her conflict came to an end when her brother's youngest born was diagnosed with what the surfers called aquagenic urticaria during his first swim. It was clear that the king wasn't even out to help anyone that day, it was clear for any who saw him and the little prince and princesses to know they were on a family outing.

For a split moment, before they opened her nephew's nursery bubble, Jen'tar wondered why the king didn't roam with bodyguards the same way Namor did when he was king. Then she remembered him ripping through his opponents as if they were creamed seaweed. Jen'Tar turned back to her family then looked over her brother's shoulder as he fiddled with the controls to the nursery bubble.

The bubble was one of those long-standing creations made sometime long before she was born. It helped the child get used to the pressures and lighting of living so far beneath the surface. Everyone wasn't automatically born the same even down in the deep, but the nursery bubble was able to equalize that for plenty of kids within the first year after their birth.

Everything was going alright up until the bubble receded and exposed her nephew's extremities to the surrounding waters. Instantly her nephew's limbs started to break out into horrible hives and Jen'Tar was coming to a horrible realization. She had heard about them but had never met one. The enclosed they called them in Atlantis, they were called that because of their horrible deficiency in being able to live within their world. Being an Atlantean and never experiencing the ocean's joys was one of the worst things imaginable for one so young.

Jen'Tar had heard about how they never lived beyond their fifth name day. They either died falling through the protections to the homes keeping the waters back. Or their lives were taken by family members to hide such shame. That day she learned that her nephew might be one in a million, but anything was possible within life.

As her brother freaked out and her nephew cried, those that came to celebrate another joining the family became dower. That was when the king made himself known surprising everyone.

"Never thought that I would see Aquagenic urticaria down here in the deep." The king said with a hand on his chin. Looking into those eyes the shade of grey with flecks of purple, Jen'Tar couldn't help but swallow a nervous chuckle. This was the man she watched rip another in half with his bare hands before ripping through assault ships. The same man that was rumored to have broken the moon on high.

Everyone was gripped by fear, but all he did was stretch out an arm and they all watched as the hives vanished. Then her nephew stopped crying before their king pressed the residing controls on the nursery bubble. Her brother had freaked out, but then when his son took off swimming around, Jen'Tar knew.

This man might be a terror to his enemies, but he was more than willing to help his people. It was one thing to look on at a distance and hear about the changes he has brought to the lives of those in poverty. Yet, it was another to witness his deeds before you as he saves a family member.

Leaning away from her lady love, Jen'Tar prepared herself for the day ahead. Standing in her triple environmentally rated combat suit, Jen'Tar double-checked her omni and rank insignias before turning on a heel and leaving the apartment. Her love Trish would be alright, so there was nothing to worry about there.

Walking to the end of the hallway, Jen'Tar pressed the call button for the elevator. It came within moments and Jen'Tar took it down to the transport level. Even a month later, she still marveled at the number of choices and accommodations were made for those with different varieties of powers. Fliers had their own sky lanes, speedsters as they were called had their own tunnels and tracks to run along, same with those of nonphysical means of movement.

Then there were the waterways as they were called, made for those of the Atlantean biology and unique water movement skill set. Giving her omni one last look, Jen'Tar checked her directions before diving into the open pool marked for transportation. She couldn't help the smile that came over her face as the life-giving waters of the world embraced her.

A twist and a push had her flying through the tunnels, the lights overhead ignored as she took in the artistic paintings. Some looked like land animals running and others liked like ocean creatures. Whoever the designer behind this did a phenomenal job and deserved their accolades.

Waving to a few kids that jumped into an entrance off to her left, Jen'Tar made a sharp turn before taking the exit marked for the west end of the island. Jen'Tar glided along through the tunnel enjoying the sites. Before she knew it, she had arrived at the portal hole leading to the military base.

Jumping out of the entrance at the end, Jen'Tar walked through the water shielding before sticking her arm in an omni scanner. Once the security checked out, she walked into the body scanner before being allowed into the military complex. Giving her usual morning greetings, Jen'Tar made her way to the locker room to get her issued pistol and helm.

Pressing her hand on the DNA scanner on the locker, Jen'Tar waited for the click as the pressure seal to the locker popped open for her. Checking to make sure that no one had gotten into her locker, she then checked her ammunition and sidearm before strapping on her holster.

Once her firearm was in place, Jen'tar checked the seals on her helm before checking the visor. Finding her equipment free of any issues, Jen'Tar checked her orders on her omni one last time, room 412.

Right as she was heading out of the locker room, Jen'Tar was hailed by her wingman. "Aye, Tigershark, what's up other than the sun, the stars, and the moon."

Jen'Tar rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed in exasperation."Urgh, can you not, so early in the morning."

Voice boisterous and loud, her wingman bumped her shoulder laughing. "Come now Tigershark, you can't look like that if you want to win today."

Jen'Tar sighed already feeling her energy going, "Luci, must you be so loud right now."

Her wingman shrugged before giving her a shit-eating grin. Rolling her eyes and ignoring the big man, she let him walk behind her like he was her guard. Taking the elevator down two levels, they made it into the hangar with all of their variable enviro jets. The Viper Mark fours, these were made after a long list of testing and suggestions.

Just like her flight suit, these Vipers were rated for the ocean, air, and space flight. These Vipers were far beyond anything she had ever flown before and they were among the very few selected to pilot the first batch.

Slapping Luci on the arm, they made their way down the stairs and took up seats in the middle right-hand side of everyone. It was clear that they were early, but Jen'Tar didn't care about that. Now what she cared about was the competition for today and the course that they would be flying.

Luci didn't even sit down, he got up and went to go check out the Vipers with their names on them. Instead of saying anything, Jen'Tar went over to the head table and got herself a copy of the flight course and opponents for the day. With the information now on her omni, she sent a copy to Luci's omni. Looking down at her own she noticed that she had received a message from her not too long ago either.

Her wingman had done a full scan on their Vipers and found that they were not packing any real heat, well not today at least. Everything from the triple-layered shields was operable, but the weapons were set for laser painting and even the missile tubes carried duds. Granted the duds still locked on and flew like actual missiles, but still, they were duds that blew up and painted the other Vipers in colors at the end of the day.

With the flight plans on her omni, Jen'Tar went over to the flight deck to check over the Viper assigned to her. Walking around her jet, she couldn't help noticing how the Viper had a profile close to that of the F22 Raptor from Lockheed Martin.

Walking around the port side fin, Jen'Tar took in the three massive gravity drives that made up the back of her Viper. Under each wing, she noted an additional yet smaller gravity thruster. Under the nose and on the side of the front cones were additional ports for directional thrusters. All in all, she could tell that the Viper could take turns at one hundred and ninety degrees easy, she would have to test that and the stopping power. The turn and burn were every pilot's bread and butter to survival and Jen'Tar refused to die out there.

After her walk around was completed, she pulled out her omni to scan the quad barreled rifle mounted on the stiff wings. Once that checked out, she then proceeded to check the weapons bay. The tags on the weapons showed they were loaded and prepped recently but none of the seals were broken so that was a major upside that no one attempted sabotage.

The clang from the rear drew Jen'Tars attention and she found today's opposing team, the reds. Before she could send a wave, Luci came from the side before flicking an arm up from under his chin. Anyone could tell it was the universal sign, fuck you. She watched as they rolled their eyes before going back to check on their own Vipers.

The flight deck operator gave them the all-clear to get in the Vipers. Ignoring Luci, Jen'Tar checked the fusion fuel rods before getting in the cockpit of her Viper.

[Engines, check.]

[Lights, check two times.]

[Weapons, check three times.]

[Communications, check.]

[Sonar, radar, check, check.]

With the final checks on for the landing gear cleared, Jen'Tar sent her viper into a hover before pivoting on the spot.

{This is blue five, come in blue one.}

{Blue one here, blue three, and four, report.}

{Blue three, here.}

{Blue four, reporting in boss-lady.}

{Blue one through five are here and reporting for exercise flight control.}

[Flight control here, all green across the board, good hunting.]

Jen'Tar didn't notice her opponents leaving since she was already set and ready for battle.

[First battlefield, Trench Laogai, Ocean field.]

Hiding a smile behind a grim visage, Jen'Tar the leader of the blue team hit the throttle launching her Viper forward with her wingman Luci following right behind her.


Benjamin Blake


Sitting behind my desk, I wanted to punch someone in the face. I thought being king was amazing, hell, with my speed, even the torture known as the 'paperwork' wasn't an issue at all. Yet, that wasn't the cause of my irritation.

No, that was because of the call I had just gotten off of. Fury had called me about some emergency meeting with the United Nations and was already on his way here with a secret teleport. So here I was in my office waiting for him, but because I didn't trust Wade alone, I had him sitting in a corner facing the wall.

Currently, he had a sign around his neck facing outwards for all to see. It read: I have been a bad child. Do not spank me, it will only encourage me.

My door opened and as he took a step inwards, Fury paused then raised an eyebrow as he did a slow turn to read the sign. Shaking his head, Fury walked in, badass trench coat flapping with no wind because that's what badass mothafucking trenches do.

We didn't even exchange words as he slapped an envelope down on my desk. The same envelope that was giving me a bad day. My spies among the politicians had already given me the rundown on what was in the envelope. It was a summons to the United Nations. Fuck, I wanted to punch something right now.

These fat fucks had the nerve to send me! Me! A fucking summons! As if I was some peasant! My anger must have shown because Fury smirked at me from across my desk. Smirking at me, Fury leaned back in his seat, smug as could be. Letting out a sigh, I leaned back in my seat facing my ultra-paranoid Uncle. "So, what am I dealing with?"

Fury looked at me, then rolled his one good eye before getting up. Back turned to me, he answered as he opened my liquor cabinet. "Come on, don't play stupid, you know what they are going to do, use the moon situation against you and then leverage that as a means of control."

Huffing out a laugh at the ridiculousness of it all since I couldn't help myself, I wiped a fake tear. "That's never going to happen, ever, I would eat a quanton annihilation bomb before letting those bunch of ninnies gank me out of all my hard work."

Fury paused with a half-raised whiskey glass in his hands, "Would that kill you?"

Chuckling, I got up from my seat and poured myself a glass, "No, but it would do a damn good job at trying."

Fury gave me a look, no he really looked at me this time from head to toe and I could see the gears turning inside his head. "Really though what would it take to kill you."

"Honestly, no clue, I'm kinda fucked with how my powers work, so I'm here till the end of times or until death feels like I have had enough and off my sexy ass," I replied with a shrug to my uncle.

"Yeah, yeah, that's for you to deal with, just don't cause a massacre because I don't want to keep covering for your ass anymore." Uncle Fury replied with a shrug before finishing his glass of whiskey. "Damn, that's some good shit."

Rolling my eyes at the man, I snatched my whiskey bottle from his hands before he could pour himself another glass. "It's been aged for a thousand years in one of the time chambers."

"Thousand years my balls," Uncle Fury huffed before his hand snaked towards the scotch. I ignored him sticking my five-thousand-year-old scotch into his breast pocket. Rolling my eyes at him, I pulled up a stool across from Wade.

Sipping my whiskey on the rocks, I gave him the stink eye, "Look at me, Wade."


Sighing, I couldn't stop my eyes from twitching at that bloody name. Trying not to growl at him, I took a deep calming breath before asking my question. "How did you get on my island and pass the security checkpoints?"

Wade did this odd wiggle and shuffle as he turned himself around to face me. Behind my back, Fury had taken up position on one of my super lazy boys.

"Well, you gotta tickle my fun parts first if you want that answer," Wade replied with an eye smile and all. I couldn't help shivering at the image that came to mind.

"Fuck no, Wade, I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole even if I was into men. For one, you look like a skidmark left out in the sun to dry underneath that mask. Second, I don't want super cancer all over my dick and for three. You know the rule, never stick your dick in crazy and your all sort of crazy mate." I answered with a shiver. I heard Fury sputter behind me trying to hold in a laugh.

"Damnit, Ben, you made me spill my scotch."

Rolling my eyes at his antics, I put a hand on my knee, then rested my chin on top of my open palm. "Let's make a deal Wade, how about that?"

Deadpool perked up at that then started to ramble, "Make me pretty again and I'll let you join me and Venessa in bed, I'll even be power bottom."

"You don't shut up, I'll curse you to look like Tom Cruise for the rest of your life," I replied more than a little heated.

"Ha-ha, fake laugh, but I guess I can tell Venessa that she can't bed the king."

Getting up from my seat, my hands started to glow a nice emerald shade of green. "Tom Cruise it is then."

"Stan Lee's puckered hole, I wanna look like the world's sexiest man alive, hit me with the Hugh Jackmen baby," Wade screamed as he fell over and started to slink away from me like a worm. "Wait, wait, let's not go the route of Marvel issues 37 through 45. How about you just don't tickle my fun bits, deal?"

"What is he talking about?" Fury asked from his seat on the super lazy boy.

"It's nothing, just him breaking the fourth wall, and no, you do not want to know what's not the other side to our realities fourth wall," I replied with a sigh. Then before anyone could blink, I had Wade by the nape of the neck. Just an initial scan of his body with my biokinesis had me shudder in revulsion. His body was all kinds of fucked up with some nasty super cancer.

Getting a very evil idea, I waved one time to my Uncle before shutting down my office terminals. From the fact he didn't even leave my office, I had the strange urge to close my bar also, but I felt my mom's aura exiting the elevator. Since it looked like they had their own thing planned, I left for Sue's lab.

Speeding through the air, I made sure to pick up some lunch for both Gwen and Sue. Since they were borderline mad scientist types, I knew they would lose track of time when inside of an enclosed lab. Well, I guess it was time to get them their own personal assistance as I did for Richards. From the reports I was getting for that one, the assistant I had gotten him was attempting to train him like a pet.

Honestly, I was alright with them using a cattle prod, I was more than okay with that than to leave the man in a lab alone. I got to the ladies' lab just in time to catch Bruce and Betty walking through one of the doors.

"Perfect," I yelled as I dumped Wade on his head. Ignoring him, I walked over first giving Gwen a kiss then sweeping Sue off her feet. Sitting Sue on one leg then placing Gwen on the other, I levitated Wade over. He was upside down, ass in the air and somehow he had tissue hanging from the bottom of one boot. "I brought you, ladies, a gift, or I at least think it's a gift."

Gwen took one look at Wade before putting a hand on my cheek and turning my face towards her. "Can we send it back?"

Sighing, I rolled my eyes at her before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "No, unfortunately, you can't return to sender."

"Okay, but why bring him here?"

Looking down at Sue, I put a kiss on her forehead before answering, "Super cancer." I answered with a shrug. That caught both of their attention and I noticed how Bruce and Betty perked up at the mention of super cancer. "No, no, not you two," I said, pointing at the couple giving off anime hearts aura.

Bruce had the audacity to point at himself and look like a lost child in an amusement park. Since my arms were full and I couldn't facepalm, I had to bury my face in Sue's hair. Letting out a huff of air, I accepted that, yeah, that was my fault.

"Okay, ladies it's about time that Bruce and I go have some fun. Wade behave yourself, or I'll remove your manhood and give Venessa a bitch breaker to tear up that ass." I said, then got up from my seat on top of the table before turning around and pointing at him. Wade with his expressive eyes looked as if he was going cross-eyed at my finger almost poking his nose.

"Don't go promising me a fun time," Wade replied as his brows went up and down in a wave.

"Don't make me X-men Origin your ass." I threatened and the gasp he let out in horror was enough to let me know he understood.

Wade had a horror-filled look on his face. "You monster, how dare you bring up such sacrilege, Ryan Reynolds would have words with you if he could."

Rolling my eyes at the man, I then walked over to Bruce and Betty. "Just letting you know how serious I am. Don't fuck with them and I don't fuck with you. Once they are finished with their test, they will heal you up and then I have a few missions you can run for me. And no, not animated green spandex."

"Aye, aye, captain my captain," Wade yelled.

Ignoring him, I placed a hand on Betty and Bruce's shoulder. Before they could say anything, I teleported us out of the lab.


Touching down on the island Bar-Sinister, I let Bruce and Betty settle after such a sudden teleport. While they were being amazed, I looked to the left underneath the shade of a tree.

"Madam Harkness," I said politely with a smile on my face. Out from the shade of the tree walked a little old lady. At her feet walk a little black cat by the name of Ebony. Of course, I bent down to pet the cat and ignored Wanda.

"Such a cute little murder machine." I did not coo at the little black cat because I'm a grown-ass man, duh.

"Thank you, dear, now don't you have something important to do?" Madam Harkness asked with a smile on her face. It was clear why she decided to come. She wanted to see God collide, and I was completely alright with that. "Come along Ebony."

Smiling at her, I gave Betty a nudge over to that side before turning around to face Bruce. He gulped as I reached my hand through reality into my private labs and pulled out a small box. The box was an easy five-inch by five-inch thing with red velvet inside, but it was the thing sitting on the velvet that had all of the importance.

Opening the box, I took in the stunned and amazed look that was on Bruce's face. Then I almost face-palmed as the man had the audacity to ask me what it was.

"What is it? Look, you're cool and all, but I don't like you like that." Bruce replied by pushing the box with the ring back towards me.

"No, you fuck nugget, it's an emotional focus. There is no way to calculate your rage, but this should handle enough rage to power one of the fusion reactors." I told him, pushing the box with the red ring of rage back towards him.

Bruce looked at me, eyebrows raising into his hairline. "Ohh, ohh, okay."

He didn't notice it, but I did the moment Madam Harkness took Wanda and Betty into the mirror dimension. That was my cue to get the ball rolling.

"Look at me Bruce and tell me your choice," I asked heatedly at the man as he sputtered before me. It was time to get a reaction out of him. "You gonna man the fuck up or you gonna keep wallowing in that self-pity bullshit?"

"And what would you know about me?" Bruce yelled back eyes flashing green.

"I want you to stop wasting your fucking life, because right now, Betty is wasting hers loving a fool like you!" I yelled back, stepping up to the man. Then with a wave of my hands, I combined the speed force with some illusion magic. "Look at the images around you, Bruce. Look at them, all you throughout the multiverse."

Up around us were video images of Bruce in other realities. In the images all around us were footage from other realities I found with Bruce living a decent life as the Hulk. I pulled World War Hulk images from 616 before the planet blew up. I had the what-if version of 617 also of Bruce living on some world alone as the Hulk. I had gangster Hulk up. There were all types of Hulks and they all had one thing in common. They could speak and live life like a normal human being.

Then on the other side, I had images of Hulks just losing their shit.

"Which Bruce do you want to be? The one that gave up or the one that conquered himself and lived a life worth living?" I said, stepping up to him. I held the red power ring of emotion out for him to see. "Because as I see it, you're fucking up right now. Hell, I saved your ass and brought the one woman who still loves your self-loathing ass. And all you can fucking tell me right now is that you don't want to try and get yourself under control. Bitch! You must be fucked in the head!"

"It's just not that simple," Banner growled at me. Instead of replying, I shoved the red ring in his hand before moving to the side showing him Betty tied up to a chair. Damn, I love me some magical mischief.

"How are you going to save her if you can't even save yourself," I replied before speeding forward and kicking him in the chest. The world rippled as he flew into the mirror dimension.

I made sure Bruce heard Betty scream as he was kicked into the forest. Looking down at the chick, I noted her before I erected a few shield spells. Bruce bounced off of a few trees before he finally had enough. The red and green glow was so powerful, I was certain it could be seen for miles around. It was interesting to note that he still had a hold on the ring as he flew away.


The Mind of Bruce Banner

He had to save Betty and as much as he hated himself, he only knew one way to save her. His face shifted in colors before green became dominant. His senses overloaded but held at bay.

He could do this, he had to do this and then he saw me standing over Betty. Bruce couldn't hold it anymore, Raaaagggghhhh! Muscles swelled, bones shifted, and before he knew it. Bruce was tall and imposing.

Benjamin Blake

Battle Junkie

Fist slammed into fist and the foliage peeled away due to the shockwave. Looking at the man before me, all I saw was pure unbridled rage, well damn. Gritting my teeth, I dug deep and prepared for the fight ahead of me.

"Where! Is! The! Great! Bruce! Banner!" I roared at him as I rained hammer blow after hammer blow. Each hit sent shockwaves into our surroundings, I could only grin at the excitement of it all.

Each traded blow felt like I was punching construction tires. Each bruise I gave him healed over instantly and each hit Hulk gave me made my bones shake. But I stood firm because there was no other time to trade blows with the mother fucking HULK.

It was glorious.

He roared as he put his hands together and to swing them upwards catching me in the chin. I instantly flew upwards, teeth-rattling gums aching. Shockwaves blew outwards from the impact and the ground broke.

I got a hundred feet away from the Hulk before I halted my flight. Twisting around, I reared an arm back before punching forward as I flew at him.


The air around us rattled once more as both of us collided. Changing from a punch to a grapple, I pulled Hulk forward before unleashing another devastating blow to his midsection.

Down he went crashing towards the island at unparalleled speeds. Grinning to myself, I let my lightning flow, twisting over backward, I cut my flight. Power poured out of me as a wolf coalesced from my lightning. Damn, I was having one hell of a grand ole time.

I connected right as the Hulk hit the ground.

The mountain that we slammed into collapsed around us, but I had no care in the world.


Standing behind a shield in the mirror dimension, Wanda covered her mouth as she gasped at what she was watching. This wasn't a fight between men, no, these were titans battling.

"Now you understand why your father was never going to win his battle. Like all men, his arrogance led him to challenge the gods, and of course, he was punished for it."

Wanda turned to her teacher and frowned.

"Ohh, don't frown, dear, just accept the truth. Your father should have never challenged a God. He had neither the power nor the cunning to do so." Agatha Harkness spoke with a scoff.

"Why are they trying to kill each other, you have to stop them." Betty Rose spoke, urgency in her voice.

Wanda turned to the other inside the shield and frowned at her.

"Betty dear, Bruce isn't going to die, but he is going to learn a few things about himself," Agatha replied with a smile. "I can already see the changes in how he fights and responds to danger."

Before Betty could say anything in return, Agatha's hand snapped upwards and shields sprang forth. A flash of light appeared in the distance before a massive blast wave rushed by their location.

"Ohh dear, he really is having fun isn't he," Agatha said with an unusual smile on her face.


The island we had been battling on was cracked and broken but I didn't care. This had to happen and it had to happen now, too much was riding on this. Bruce had no time to be bitch made, no, he had to be the Hulk now and not when a mad cosmic warlord came to kill us all.

The ground beneath me shifted as a boulder flew out of its position. I watched as massive slabs of muscle came crawling out. I had to hide my grin though.

"Pathetic," I spoke and watched as he flinched. Good, he was at least in control of himself now, but let's test that. "How can you protect her when you barely have control?"

Before he could answer, a muffled scream came from the top of our hole. Hulk looked upwards and I could see the horror in his face. Instead of staying, I vanished and appeared right behind Betty, my hand on her throat.

"Tell me Hulk, how can you save Betty when you can't focus all of that power?" I yelled at him.

And there it was again, I watched as the rage overtook him once more. Guess he really is going to need a hard lesson now.

The ground blew apart as Hulk ran then jumped towards me and I grinned at him in reply. I ducked a swing then twisted away from another.

"Where is that control?" I asked him. "Where is that unbreakable willpower?"

Picking up Betty I took her with me and listened to him roar with unbridled rage. Slowing down enough so he could see me, I took him on a chase around the island before coming to a full stop on a hillside.

"BETTY," Hulk said, voice a low gravel, but I ignored that and stepped in front of her. It clicked for him again as he looked at me. It was so easy for me to see Bruce behind the eyes of the Hulk fighting himself every step of the way.

Grinning at him, I did a come here motion.

"Rrraggghhh!" Hulk roared at me fist brimming with power, but instead of meeting his fist head-on like I did so many times before, I sidestepped.

Betty had no chance in hell as Hulk's massive fist slammed into her. The wet crack rang out for all to hear.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if you actually had some control maybe that wouldn't have had to happen," I said with false sympathy in my voice. I stood at the side with my hands in my pocket shaking my head in fake sadness.

Bruce/Hulk was down on his knees as he cradled her dead and broken form. My words easily triggered him and I watched as he stood and faced me. I watched as he slowly took off the ripped shirt before he glared at me.

"You're a dead man," Bruce spoke and that's when I saw it, World War Hulk. There was no describing the rush I felt as I felt the power of the Hulk wash over me. I couldn't hold it anymore as my battle lust started to leak out as I felt the rush of power.

In a surprising move, Bruce attacked first in a burst of power and savagery that I didn't know he was capable of. With speed people of his power and size should not have, Bruce was within striking range in a nano-second. Unfortunately for him, he was facing a man that lived and breathed the speed force.

Half a step backward to get out of his mad dash, I then stepped to the side before performing a devastating upper. The sound of my fist connecting with the underside of Bruce's jaw created a shockwave for anyone watching to see.

Bruce grabbed my wrist and before I could break his hold, I received a nasty headbutt. Reeling back from the headbutt, I used the momentum to shift my center of gravity. My knee came upwards, but Bruce blocked that with a more inhuman display of speed and spatial awareness.

Accepting the block for what it was, I shifted gears. A burst of gravity magic had Bruce releasing my leg and arm. Taking distance, I had half a second before I felt his shadow looming over me as his jump brought him above my head.

Dumping my speed, I accepted Bruce's actions as he came down with a massive over headed double hammer blow. The blow felt as if a mountain came crashing down on me. The ground within the mirror dimension cratered outwards as a shockwave flattened the trees in our surroundings.

Shoving upwards and out, I lunched Bruce/Hulk away from me before setting my feet then launching myself in his direction. Slamming into him, we destroyed the mountainside with our rampage. Fuck, it felt good to finally unleased some of my pent up rage.

Bruce grabbed my belt before raising me up then slamming me down, breaking the earth beneath us. Once, twice, three times in a row before I was able to undo my belt and escape his grasp. Rolling away, I popped up before ducking low underneath a punch I was certain had the power to take my head clean off.

I dodged punch after punch as I bobbed and weaved through the trees. I could tell that he was getting more accustomed to the red ring as the green glow started to shift to that of the rage-inducing red. That and the other clue was the words he spoke as we fought. Then again, there was only so much, 'I'm gonna kill you', a man could take before I lashed out.

"Will you shut up about that already," I growled back at him, ducked low, then kicked out with a nasty mid kick that transitioned into a high chi kick. Bruce's head snapped up and backward sending blood flying into the forest around us.

Pulling my leg back, to dodge his wide-open arm attempt at a grapple. I was greeted with a mean grin as I felt something slam into me trying to cave in my chest cavity. Swallowing the blood in my mouth, I pushed off the knee only to have my hand grabbed by a meaty chop of a hand.

I only had the time to think, 'well fuck' before I was flung in a judo throw that should not have done a lot of damage. Instead, I went through tree's then slammed into a mountainside. Laughing like a madman, I dug myself out before letting out more power.

I couldn't help the amount of fun I was having as I started to shift my size. It wasn't fair that we weren't on the same level. I was having an advantage being only six feet six while Bruce couldn't keep up with me in his ten feet form.

Bruce didn't even wait for me to shift, he was on me in moments, but I was ready and waiting. I caught his giant hand inches from my face, but the mountainside didn't survive the shockwave as it blew out from the impact. Even the mountain behind my back crumbled some from my feet shaking the earth.

I could see the smile on his face as we traded grins of unbridled joy at the power flowing through us. We were still barely tapping our real potentials, but a bolt of lightning came at us from the side.

"I believe that is enough for now you two."

Our heads snapped over to the side and I found the Ancient One sitting in a recliner with a kind smile on her face. Bruce instantly changed from his Hulk form as he saw the woman sitting in one of the chairs. I rolled my eyes as she jumped up and ran forward with a cry of, Bruce, on her lips.

Huffing, I sat down and accepted the cup of tea offered. "Well, thank you for ruining my fun."

Betty turned rage on her features, "You call having him kill a copy of me fun?"

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I shrugged. "It was an illusion and he needed the push."

"Yes, well it worked marvelously. Now we can really work on his other issues." Madam Harkness said sipping her own tea. Ebony was in Wanda's lap and she wasn't saying anything. I did notice the fear she had for me now, but I said nothing.

"We have a few professionals on the island he can see," I answered smoothly. "Well, he should already have had one assigned to him if I'm not mistaken."

Bruce shifted in his seat, that was telling so I narrowed my eyes at the man. "Well?"

"I am talking with someone," Bruce responded slowly. "Well, it's the only way I can use my lab, I have been speaking with Doctor Kira. Ten minutes a day of actual conversation otherwise my lab time is revoked."

"Damn, who thought up that?" I asked looking at the two old sadistic ladies. They both shared a look so I then had to check my personal omni. What I found was damn interesting, to say the least. Raven had been the one to set it up after meeting with Betty. Well of course the shapeshifter would have the best understanding of the human mind with aggressive transformations.

It didn't take long for me to finish my tea. Since I was the first to finish my tea, I shifted us back from the mirror dimension back to the real. A little sad my fun was over with, I left to handle the rest of my own Kingly duties.


Two Weeks Later….

Sitting on my throne, I watched through the hologram as my little hover bots invaded the United Nations. They wanted me there, but I wasn't going there on their terms, no. I was going to show up on my own, but not only that: I was going to show up in style.

Like Megamind said: "The only thing separating a superhero from a normal hero was the presentation!" Emma couldn't be here because she didn't want the world to see her at my side. I was alright with that because I knew she was fleecing these fools and that money was only going to end up in our coffers.

Since Emma wasn't here, I had Raven, Ororo, Natasha, and Medusa at my side. They were looking amazing in their version of the Mjolnir armor designed to match their powers and chosen color schemes. Ororo was rocking the black and gold with lightning bolt earrings while Nat rocked the black and red with her widow's hourglass emblem front and center. Raven was wearing a shade of royal blue with my own lightning wolf front and center on her shoulder pauldrons.

Medusa was wearing royal purple with the same lightning wolf on her shoulders. Since I was planning on making an entrance, I had forgone my whole no cape stance because, why not? If I was going to show up, I wanted to make sure I could do one badass fucking cape swish and I could only do that with a cape. And no, I didn't take days to learn how to do a damn cape swish.

I had the speed force so all it took me was two seconds which was more than enough hours for me to get it down. The hologram began the show as the people inside of the conference room to the United Nations started to freak out. Snorting at the dunder-heads, I started the live feed.

"Lights, camera, action!" Badass cape flicks and it was time to head out. For this little outing today, I had pulled out all of the stops. I had brought home five of my raider class corvettes, each reaching one hundred and fifty meters of pure badassery. This wasn't the standard Star Wars raider class corvette, no; this was made with my paranoia overlooking the shoulders of my techs. This ship was decked out with twenty rail guns on both the top and bottom, hell, I even tossed in flank guns because: ain't nothing like an overkill baby!

The main lady in today's show was my military flagship. Anyone who has played Halo would know this ship because it was pure badass and bristling with weapons. And that doesn't even include the main planet buster that ran down the center of the ship. The Forward Unto Dawn was a massive four hundred and ninety-five meters from aft to stern. My ship's height was a whopping one hundred and forty-two meters, but it was the armament that was the main feature of this lovely lady.

Fifty missile launch tubes all set in a staggered formation to make sure that no one bank blew up and took its sister weapon emplacements with it. No, my ships were not shooting archer missiles they were shooting something a little nastier. Honestly, I wasn't into blowing people up, no, I was into erasing people from existence, and these quantum annihilation missiles? They did just that, regardless of what the person hit with them wanted as their last will and testament.

Each of my ships was made with expanded storage in mind which made them flying fortresses. All of my ships had their own A.I. running in cooperation with their captains and crew members. Three of my corvettes took up formation at the front while two took up a position at my mothership's flank.

We were looking fucking badass and intimidating by any standards. The Earth and soon those beyond were going to learn that I was not the one to fuck with. Smiling at the display, I waved my hand dismissing the hologram, turning on my heel. I took a seat on a throne I made just for this occasion. The whole floating throne thing was something I took from watching Doom fighting the Fantastic Four when I was a kid. But now that I was living the life, the floating throne of intimidation was now my thing.

My cape billowed out and my ladies took their places at my side. It was showtime.


Mike Reeves


Mike didn't know what to feel when he got this assignment, what he did know though: was that he was getting paid by the hour and at least his hotel was free. One of the things he wasn't happy about with this city was the price of the hotels. Besides the crazy high housing prices, Mike loved the food, which was the real reason he was alright with accepting this assignment.

No, it wasn't because the moon was broken and the world was going to find out how and why. No, it was because of the food. Hell, the earth was still here, which meant that the moon's new look didn't have that much of an influence. Sighing, Mike tapped his photographer on his shoulder before pointing out some weird tech that just barged into the room.

Some weak-willed politicians screamed as the spheres, as best he could tell, created something in the center. That was the moment Mike decided he didn't want to go out for a cigarette. A live fucking hologram just like out of one of those Sci-if shows shimmered into life in the center of the room for everyone to see.

Pulling out a pen and licking the tip, Mike's hand flew across his notepad, all of his complaints vanishing in the wind. Advanced technology showing up in the middle of the United Nations was worth it! Looking around, Mike noticed who was surprised and who didn't look surprised at this new display. He made sure to write down the conference room's feel because that would really help paired with the video footage.

The hologram shimmered as the name 'Nation of Pandora' floated there for all to see. Then the shimmer changed to particles that flew around the room before meeting back up in the middle of the room. Then with a swish and gust of wind Mike had no clue about, the screen blinked back into life.

Now what was on the screen had to be something straight out of the movies because it couldn't be real. No, that couldn't be real, Mike decided as he felt a little pee leak out of him before running down his inner thigh. The voices of the conference room picked up and it was clear for any who heard, that it was obvious that even these politicians had no clue about what was about to happen.

Mike watched as the screen showed an island shimmer into reality before the view zoomed onto the far city. Pictures were taken of the skyscrapers and flying humans before it was clear that the view panned to sit over the ocean. Then they saw it: the ocean shifted and the waves moved. The ocean moved in a way that it was clear that something massive was right beneath the surface.

The tension in the air was suffocating, and if his partner hadn't bumped him in the shoulder, Mike wouldn't even have realized that he was holding his breath. Running a hand through his hair, it came back slick with sweat that he didn't even realize was there. The same issue with his damp shirt matching the feeling of tension and dread that was settling over the conference room.


Mike's head shot back upwards as he heard the crowd react to the display hanging overhead. Rubbing his hands on his pants leg to push aside his own nervousness, Mike looked up in time to witness the ships breach the surface of the ocean. One word instantly came to mind when he witnessed the ships' size, shape, and look: 'Empire.'

"No…. It can't be." Mike whispered as six massive ships fully breached the ocean's surface to hang in the air before them all. It was clear for any who lived through the Star Wars craze in the seventies to recognize those ships. The only thing keeping him from really losing it was the middle ship that took up almost the entire holo-image.

Mike could tell from the other ships' position that this center one was clearly the ship carrying the ambassador that was coming to speak with the United Nations.

Turning to the side, Mike noticed the red blinking light of active recording but he had to ask. "Daniel, please tell me we are live and you're recording this?"

Daniel turned to him, eyes wide, "What?"

Mike couldn't help but yell, trying to knock the fear and tension out of his system. "No recording! Take us live and hand me that microphone!"

"Here, here, and gimme five seconds, I'm sure I can route us to the live feed." Daniel started to answer as his hands flew across the camera controls before pressing in an earpiece. "Sarah, put my connection through to channel five please."

Before he could say any more or go any further, Mike turned him bodily in the direction of the holo-image. Eyes wide, Daniel made sure that he had the holo-image in the frame, this way it was clear to the world. That the middle ship was not here for discussion, that main ship in the middle was for intimidation, clear as the sky was blue.

The ship was clearly built for war and the matte black with gunmetal grey look was not helping him feel any better. The golden wolf on the side with lightning arcing from its surface was even more intimidating than you would think it could be. The jaws were set open in what should have been a howl, but it was the planet between those jaws that sent a shiver down Mike's spine.

Swirls appeared in the air above everyone's head as the holo-projector took up a stop against the far wall. Then, as he spoke into his microphone trying to portray the situation here in the United Nations building, the screen changed. At the start, no one said anything as they watched the screen, but that changed when dots appeared.

These same dots were corroborated by people outside with telescopic cameras from what Mike was hearing over the earpiece he had hidden behind his collar and in his ear. These same dots only got larger and larger for all to see, yet that wasn't what worried Mike. No, what worried Mike was the speed at which these ships were moving. Instead of keeping such thoughts to himself, he had to let the world know. It was clear that this nation was not only massively far more advanced than the rest of the world, but they were able to get from one end of the world to the other within moments.

The only other nation that could make such acclaim was America and its AC-130 gunships and aircraft carriers. The one nation looked down upon for their aggressive stance on military spending was the only nation barely able to keep up with this new power.


Mike turned to Daniel and could see the blush on the man's face at letting such a word slip live on air. Unfortunately, Mike couldn't fault the man for that because it summed up the situation perfectly. "Easy Daniel, If we live through this we get Pulitzers."

His partner sighed before they both went back to watching as the dots grew larger and larger, clear for everyone to see.

"For those who are watching at home, I'm Mike Reeves and we are watching live as the hidden Nation of Pandora displays their power for all to see. As you can tell from the very large holo-screen behind me. That same nation is inbound on what are clearly starships from the popular franchise Star Wars. I'm not clear on the ship type that they have clearly used in their ships' constructions, but it is very evident that what was once Sci-Fi and fiction is no longer such a thing. Did George Lucas already know about this Empire in our backyard and was he trying to give us a clear warning? Are these ships actually able to fly into outer space? These are the questions I intend to find answers for today dear viewers."

There was a tap on Mike's shoulder and he turned in the direction he was being pointed towards. Security was going bonkers and looking up he could clearly see why. The tight formation the ships were flying in was now in loose battle formation and it was clear that as they were entering America's air space and they were not accepting any hails to change course. Powerplay, clear and simple; and America had nothing to force the other nation to back down.

Yet, that wasn't the concern, no, the concern was that instead of replying, the three leading ships took up flanking positions as the bay of the mother ship opened up. Squinting his eyes, Mike was able to read the name written in bold white on the ship's forward bow, 'Forward unto Dawn'.

Now that was an interesting name for a ship, and it was written in bold English, clear for any and all to read. Another powerplay that said we could read, write and understand your language, but we are staying our course because you can't do shit about it.

Mike looked at the holo-image before turning towards the camera once more, "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems this nation is performing a power play with the US and other countries and putting them in their place for the apparent insult for the UN summons."

Mike could see the reporters around him perk up as if they smelled blood in the water. It was clear for any to see that they were going to spin this seven ways from Sunday, but he wasn't a veteran reporter for nothing.

There was no humming as the ship got closer to the city, but it was clear for any watching that the air was being displaced somehow. Pressing his earpiece in, Mike heard from Johnson that the ship formation was now clearly threading the New York and Jersey bay. Tilting his head to think for a moment, it was obvious that this nation's Navy was now clearly within US territories.

{Screams…. Gasps...}

Mike quickly turned and watched as a light beam was shot from the ship's bow, impacting something floating overhead. Then before his eyes and for the world to see, another ship decloaked: appearing out of thin air.

"Order, order!" Someone commanded as a gavel started to slam down as if this was a courthouse. Well, in a way, it was, Mike noted to his viewers. It was clear that this other ship wasn't supposed to have had its cloak disrupted with the way they reacted. It was also clear that this ship was under the command of someone here, but Mike couldn't figure out who as his eyes panned across the panel of UN judges.

Eyes wide, Mike watched and relayed as much as he could to the viewers as both ships started to disgorge jets. More screams rang out as the jets buzzed around like angry bees, but Mike paid that no mind. No, what had his full attention was the small bay that opened up in the ship above their heads and the shift of the holo-image.

No one but he had noticed the shift, but then again, others were just amateurs playing at being a professional reporter. Up high above him, directly underneath the Forward Unto Dawn, the holo-image showed that a small bay had opened and small chairs were descending. Well, from his position they looked like chairs, even though Mike knew that there was no such thing as flying chairs.

As he made his commentary, more and more people started to look up at the impossible scene. Then more of the impossible happened: instead of crashing into the roof like he thought they would. The descending people phased right through it. Eyes wide, Mike fell silent with the rest of the conference room as he took in the armored warrior before him. Because no, that was no man, a man did not ooze the feeling of power and presence that Mike felt crushing down upon his shoulders.

The man within the chair, no, the man sitting on the throne, before Mike was clearly a warrior first and foremost. It was clear that he was also a King with a cloak, throne, and golden accented armor, but Mike felt warrior was a more apt description. Mike felt as if one wrong word, one wrong twitch in offense toward this being before him and it would be his death.

Mike was certain that a warrior of this caliber would broach no disgrace to his honor. Mike ducked to the side to take a quick swallow of a small sip of water.

Mike straightened himself back up while all of the rookies shook in their boots. "It's clear ladies and gentlemen that this great King is only here because the summons affronted his honor. What will his response be to the UN leaders before us? Tune in for more coverage at KBCN News. To those from the kingdom's communication corps... If you are listening: we would humbly request an audience at your pleasure."



Director of SHIELD

Ignoring the rushing around him, Fury made his way to the upper balcony trusting in a device his sister gave him for his birthday. It was a neat little thing that allowed him to go anywhere within the vicinity of cameras. All the poor little buggering cameras would get was a ruined picture and Fury couldn't bring himself to care.

He was just happy the device wrapped its user in a cocoon of variable phase-shifting light. It even helped break up his features for those he wanted to meet discreetly but allowed him the freedom of not having to wear one of those horrible masks.

Noting the swirling lights and looking upwards, Fury saw that he was just in time for the festivities. Coulson, May, and Barton were watching his back today, so Fury felt like enjoying the show. It was a good thing he was commanded to be here by the World Security Council he thought as he looked up and saw where they had positioned the helicarrier.

"Damn shame…" Fury said with a shake of his head.

Coulson and May turned to look at him, "Sir?"

"Damn shame," Fury replied pointing upwards. May had her signature frown while Coulson had his placid trust me face. Rolling his one good eye at the two. He walked over before standing next to Barton as he leaned up against one of the columns. "Report!"

"Well, all the reporters here are more than useless, but one good one got through: the guy's name is Mike Reeves. Been on his toes ever since this show kicked off." Agent Barton replied as he discreetly pointed out the reporter of note.

Instead of replying, Fury grunted as his inner breast pocket started to vibrate. Taking a step away, Fury pulled out a small ring device, activated it, then answered his phone with clear annoyance in his voice. "Fury."

"Director Fury, what is he doing? You will call him now and tell him to cease and desist, right now!"

Fury pinched the bridge of his nose before blowing out a huff of air. Then calmly so that they couldn't figure out how done he was with this situation, replied. "I TOLD you assholes! I tried to warn you! But, NOOOOO, you had to go and insult the man!...and trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet! Hell! His ship disabled the helicarrier's camouflage with one light-handed strike! And let me tell you, Mr. President, I have seen that ship in action, so you should have listened when I said that we had nothing that could stand against him. Yet, neither you nor the World Security Council listened to what I had to say. It's not like I haven't been protecting this world longer than any of you have been in office."

"How dare you speak to me that way, I'll have your job Director!"

"Yeah, the day you can pull that off is the day the world finds out how you like to play bottom for Senator Delco." Fury growled back before ending the call. With a huff, he put his phone back in his pocket. Then pulling off one badass trench coat flick, he turned on his heel.

As he got back to the perfect vantage point Barton had picked out, Coulson offered him some popcorn. Turning to him, Fury raised an eyebrow noticing how May already had herself a handful and so did Barton.

Instead of smiling, Fury gave Coulson a nod, before getting himself a small handful. His other hand went into the coat's bag of holding only to pull out his signature seat. It wasn't much of a recliner but it was still something that he liked to use while out in the field. It was the perfect dash of looking lazy while also projecting he was still ready to bust a punk's head open.

Sitting down in his chair, Fury activated his cloaking before propping his feet up. "This just might be the best damn show to watch, ever."


So yeah that happened, not the real Hulk brawl, but a nice little sparing match. Next time, I think they might just sink an island or maybe a crack a planet. Who knows what sort of madness will hit me when I have those two fight once more.

Also, Wade happened.

Since I gave you guys the HULK fight, I shifted Jen'Tar and the UN situation for the next chapter.

Also no, this will not be the only fight between the two.

What do you guys think of Jen'Tar, Mike, and the world-building?

I'm trying to build a world without giving massive information dumps.

Last Chapter of the year, I hope you guys like it.

For those looking for the latest chapters and don't want to wait for the New Year, try my patron.


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Cyberpunk is out, see you guys in the New Year.

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