Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 59

By : BigToFu

[First battlefield, Trench Laogai, Ocean field.]

Hiding a smile behind a grim visage, Jen'Tar the leader of the Blue team hit the throttle launching her Viper forward. Spinning as she passed through the portal, Jen'Tar yanked her controls to the left as she shot into the soothing embrace of her home. Luci took the right as the rest of her team shot forward and spread outwards.

Blue Five rocketed down the narrow trench behind her Viper as they flew through the ocean. Left turn, up, down, then a twist around a nasty hook turn.

[Dive, Blue Three, bogie at one o'clock high.]

Glancing at her radar, Jen'Tar noticed that she was a click out from Blue Three. Gritting her teeth, Jen'Tar checked her surroundings to make sure that she had the room to maneuver properly.

[Blue Five, let's go save Blue Three.]

[Roger that, Blue One]

Water flowed along with the canopy of the Viper as they turned against the current flowing over the top of the trench. Swinging the Viper in a ninety degree sharp turn, Jen'Tar and Blue Five flew over the top of the trench.


It was clearly a trap, Jen'Tar noted as the charge that was waiting for her at the top exploded. Luckily her shields tanked the hit, but that thirty percent cut clean out of the energy reserves wasn't something she wanted to see. Glancing on the radar alerted her to the three bearing down on her current location.

[Shatter forty-five recover slant eight, Blue Five]

Before the bogies knew what was happening, Jen'Tar and her wingmate Blue Five split in two separate directions. Both went at a forty-five-degree angle with their own flair thrown into the mix. The three on the Red team left her alone to hunt down her partner, but they were ready for that.

The slant six had her coming up behind him at his eight o'clock, if they were paying attention they would have seen her coming. Of course, it wasn't like Jen'Tar wasn't screaming her intent loudly enough to the world because one did eventually turn to face her.

Giving Blue Five the command to drop a paint mine, Jen'tar put her ship into a spiral firing at her opponent. It was clear that he was trying to dodge her, but she lived her life under the waves and she knew the ins and outs of underwater battle.

As great as the Vipers were on their turning and evasive maneuvers, you always had to account for the environment. That meant battling down here was not like battling up top, the twist she performed had kicked up more than enough of the oceans floor. That proved it's worth since once her opponent had turned around it was clear that his tracking wasn't able to locate her.

Cutting her main power and only using auxiliary for maneuvering, Jen'Tar used her helm to eyeball the shot. The customary five-second paint with guns was all that it took on her part besides a steady hand.

The system they were using had the Red ship react instantly by spitting its pilot out of the cockpit. Ignoring the now mission dead pilot, Jen'tar turned in time to see her wingman Blue Five dodge a nasty rocket barrage.

The mine trick had helped but it didn't look like it helped enough. Sounds rang out over her radio, but a quick check on her radar showed no one tailing. Pulling a maneuver seven towards Blue Five, Jen'Tar pushed her thruster controls forward.

Power went to her three engines and her Viper shot forward as if it were a torpedo. Another beep sounded out in her ear as an arrow appeared on the HUD. She noticed how Blue Five changed course with his evasive maneuvers as he followed that arrow.

Ignoring that, she pulled her Viper in behind the Red team in an attempt to line up a clean shot. Before she could paint the target, a portal uncloaked as it swallowed up her wingman. The red team's Viper followed right behind him and Ten'Tar was right behind that.

Her Viper burst through to the other side of the portal and she had to instantly roll the ship port side skimming the belly off the asteroid. In that brief flash, Jen'Tar noticed that Blue Five had run into the asteroid with his tail.

Shaking her head at her Blue team, Jen'Tar called for a status report. As she tried to place the information she was getting, Jen'Tars hands flew over her controls. Besides the readout her dash was giving her, it was clear with all of the stars that their training ground was no longer on earth. Hell, that huge asteroid was more than enough of a showing for the switch of battlefields.

[The Emperor protects.]

[The Emperor protects.] Jen'Tar returns as two other voices come back with the same turn of phrase. Shifting her attention, Jen'Tar noticed the rest of her blue team coming up on her sides. Out of the five that this exercise started with, only two remained alive.

The Red team who was playing her opponents had hidden on the far side of the asteroid field, but that didn't matter right now.

[This is Blue One to Blue team, gimmie numbers on Red team.]

[Blue Three here, I spotted two alive on the Red team.]

Jen'Tar listened as her Viper shifted its sensor system from underwater configuration to that of space combat. Her team rallied behind her Viper, but before she could give out orders, red flashed across her radar.

[Look alive, we got incoming.]

Red dots appeared all over her radar and Jen'Tar had to throw her Viper into evasive maneuvers. As her Viper turned to evade the incoming missiles, Jen'Tar had the time to witness a rain of micro paint missiles inbound.

The battlefield had shifted, so she went low and into a spin before shooting backward. The world spun, but she liked to fly with her inertial dampers at eighty percent. That same eighty percent allowed her to experience the turns as if she was back on the planet, while also allowing her to keep full control.

Hitting the triggers, flares lunached behind her craft as she flew in evasive patterns.

[It's just us now boss lady.]

[You survived that Luci?]

[Yeah, it's a two on two now.]

[Do you have eyes on the target?]

[Nope, it was clear that they used that as a bug out solution, so no dice boss lady.]

[Alright, then it's just you and me Luci.]

Her dash flashed red and she yelled her command for them both to dive.

[Vampire, vampire, vampire, on your seven boss, up high.]

Taking the warning for what it was, Jen'Tar pulled up out of her dive and took the chance to dodge the incoming missiles. She had to pull and twist her controls as she repeatedly dodged the missiles fired at her Viper.

[Luci, I'm going nine o'clock.]

[Missiles primed and ready, swing behind that tagged rock.]

Pulling on her controls, Jen'Tar sent her Viper thrusters to full as she made a daring rush portside towards the marked asteroid. As she rapidly approached the rock, Luci came out from behind cover firing towards her without preamble.

Waiting until the last minute, Jen'Tar pulled her controls upwards with clear near misses whizzing by. One red dot winked out on her radar. Pulling a seemingly impossible move, she flipped her Viper a full one-eighty and caught a glimpse of her other tail.

The Red team member was going into a nasty spiral downward in hopes of dodging the missile hot on his ass. Lining her ship up, Jen'Tar was able to hold it steady for the five count marking her target.

{Blue Team wins!}


Wanda Maximoff

Scarlet Witch

Wanda sat patiently with her legs folded beneath her, floating above her lap was a tightly bound sphere. Her fingers flowed with ease showing the countless hours of practice she had put in to get where she currently was.

Once the magic stabilized, Wanda then swept her arm in an upward motion. The red energy shrunk as it turned into a chirping bird. Wanda smiled as she watched her creation fly around the room.

"Good, good. You have made some progress today. The lessons for today are over. Remember, keep your mind defended at all times."

Wanda gave the black cat before her a scratch behind the ear as she nodded at her mentor. Floating upwards, she unfolded her legs before floating over towards the locker room. Touching down at the front of the training room, Wanda then went to change.

Walking out half an hour later in her nice sensible wedges and smiling at her teacher in her chair: Wanda took her overcoat off the rack before turning and giving her teacher a slight bow of appreciation.

Stepping outside, Wanda released a soft sigh as she looked up into the sky. Taking a moment to collect herself, Wanda walked forward and the world rippled around her. There was a beep at her wrist and Wana tried to hide the scowl on her face as her good mood was shattered.

Moving quickly from a distance to the landing pads was her ride. Letting out a huff, Wanda walked down to the landing pad. Before her waiting was an all silver vehicle with special decals denoting the toybox on its side. She honestly couldn't help but take a moment but wonder why.

She loved him dearly, but her brother had chosen his side when he did what he did. Yet, he was her brother and she loved him anyway. Grumbling, she got into the sky car before tapping on the divider.

The silver sky car shot into the air then turned towards the military base. Sitting back into the seat, Wanda looked out the window as she kept the unease from her face. Wanda's omni beeped, but she paid no mind to it as she knew that her teacher couldn't be bothered with such a thing.

As they flew, Wanda just couldn't enjoy the spectacular view before her. Her omni beeped once more and this time Wanda decided that she wanted to find out who was messaging her. The name on her omni had Wanda furrowing her brows. Sighing to herself, she opened the message to find out what Selene wanted.

The message mainly revolved around a magical tome on chao magics. From the message she was reading, Selene was informing her that the agreed time was over with. Not only that, but with the book being centered around chaos the delay would not be appreciated. Letting out a sigh, Wanda sent a message back, replying that the magical tome would be returned once her errands were completed.

Putting her omni on silent, Wanda looked up in time to watch the skyline change as they flew down into the base. There was a double beep from overhead as the sky car she was flying in touched down on one of the free pads. Doing one last double check on her credentials, Wanda hid the grimace on her face as a security guard opened the door.

"Ma'am," The security guard in dark charcoal said with an outstretched arm. Wanda took the hand that was offered as she got out of the vehicle. "We had to isolate your brother, so I regret to inform you that your time today will be limited."


Nodding her head at the guard, Wanda followed behind him into the complex. Once they were through the first door, she waited for her security check. A confirmation there got here down a hallway and through another set of security checks.

Once she was completed with those, she was then led to a ladies locker room where she changed clothes into a special visitors jumper. Once she was dressed and ready, Wanda was then led through another security checkpoint before she found herself in front of a portal.

Honestly, how secure could this prison be, Wanda huffed to herself before walking through the portal. For a moment her senses screamed that she was no longer on earth, but since she never went anywhere else in the solar system Wanda had no clue where she was. She itched to try a locator spell, but the big guns aimed her way forced her not to.

One last security check and Wanda found herself standing on top of a large six by six pad. Steeling her stomach, Wanda accepted the nod before entering the shuttle that would take her to the prison to see her brother.

Keeping her hands to herself, Wanda took a seat while idly noticing the oppressive feel of magic in the air. Shit, even magical protections were around this place and it wasn't even on earth. Really, how paranoid can the Emperor be, so many layers of checks and protections. Even to her untrained eyes, Wanda had to shake her head at the runic scripts she noticed lining the portal rooms.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Wanda braced herself as the shuttle craft she was sitting inside took off. The polarized window was down, so she wasn't able to watch as the outside enlarged as they shrunk down in size. Wanda felt the hum of the shuttle as it flew through the air never being able to see where they were taking her.

The ride took no longer than fifteen minutes before they came to an easy stop. There was a double beep overhead before the door to her right opened. Outside Wanda found a small contingent of guards. Trying not to appear nervous, Wanda stepped out. No one had weapons raised, but she couldn't help but feel the tension in the air.

Standing between the guards was the warden of this prison. He wore a dark red overcoat with the charcoal grey suit underneath. It was clear that the suit could double as a bodysuit rated for space, but Wanda tried not to pay attention to such a detail.

Back straight and head held high, Wanda walked to meet the prison warden. He was a gruff and stern looking man, and even though she was trying to not pay attention to his dress clothes. The warden was still dressed and pressed to the nines in his uniform.

"Follow me," The Warden spoke before spinning on his heels and walking towards the prison that was at least five hundred meters away. Shrugging to herself, Wanda fell into step behind the warden as he walked her to one of the most secure prisons known-or, well, in this case, unknown-to man.

Words weren't shared as she was allowed to look around idly. Wanda noticed the heat on her face but the artificial feel of it buzzed at her senses. From the shadows along the ground it was easy to tell that they were still within the same time zone.

Her finger twitched as she tried to feel the arcane energies within the place, but the instant swivel of two of the larger guns forced her to stop. The warden stopped walking before turning to look at her.

"Ma'am, I would suggest you refrain from any type of magical or power usage. Now, come along, your brother is waiting." Without another word, the warden turned around and continued along the path.

Once they got to the facility, Wanda had to grumble as she was led through one more security checkpoint. Once she was finished with that they walked her towards the east side of the facilities before leading her to a door. Along the way, Wanda noticed cameras everywhere and mini drones flying around. She wasn't sure what those drones were for, but it was clear that they were here for more than just surveillance.

A guard stood on either side of the door while another held it open for her to enter. Walking forward Wanda noticed her brother in a prison jumper while also noting the table in the room. Turning and giving the guards a nod and smile of thanks, Wanda closed the door behind her as she entered the room.

There was a click behind her as she walked to the table and took a seat. Her brother, Pietro was walking back and forth before her and she couldn't help but notice how he wasn't using his powers. It was odd to think that her brother had slowed down, that was impossible because as long as she could remember, Pietro always used his speed.

Before she could open her mouth, Wanda watched as her brother tried to pull a silver bracelet from his wrist.

Arching an eyebrow and ignoring his actions, Wanda decided to snap him out of it. "Are you not going to say anything?"

"What's there to say Wanda, you knew the plan, but you didn't do shit. Now I'm here locked up and you're free, what more do you want?" Pietro snarled.

"That you should have listened to me!" Wanda yelled fist pounding onto the table as she stood up. "If you had used what was between your ears instead of that over inflated ego of yours, you would have realized that there was no hope of winning! You let that man lead you in a campaign he had no hope of winning and I'm here once again cleaning up your messes!"

"If you were there we could have won that fight." Pietro returned, hand still yanking on the thing wrapped around his wrist.

"I've seen the king fight at full power. Eric was never going to win anyway, and let's not forget about his speed." Wanda replied, eyes staring down her brother. "And can you stop playing with that damn thing?"

"You don't know that." Pietro replied to his sister with a huff before smashing his wrist on the edge of the table.

[Beep, beep, continued blunt force attempts of removing suppression bands has decreased yard time by two hours.]

Wanda walked up to her brother and cradled his head within her hands, "Pietro, I've seen him fight. That speed, his power, there was no way we were going to win. Our father knew this and decided to attack anyway. I just wish you had followed me and decided against it."

Her brother settled for a moment before his ego came back and he couldn't be in his sisters arms anymore. "Why are you here Wanda?"

"I was given an offer from one of the Queen's, for your freedom of course." Wanda replied with a sigh at her brother.

"Okay, and what's the offer then?"

"You will sign up for the Avengers initiative, along with myself. You will be signing a contract good for the next ten years, magical unfortunately." Wanda replied by pulling out a contract from the pockets of her prison jumper.

"That's all, of course i'll sign up." Pietro replied happily rushing towards the contract.

"Wait, wait, you didn't ask about the catch, hell you didn't even ask why." Wanda grumbled, pulling the contract away from her brother.

"Okay, then explain it for me."

"It's a magically binding contract. I went over it with a few lawyers my mentor paid for, it's binding once you sign in blood. You will be soul bound to perform to the best of your abilities, and there is no way out of this, Pietro." Wanda said eyes hard trying to convey the importance of what she was trying to tell her brother.

"That's unlawful right? They can't force me to sign something like that." Pietro replied, voice shaking.

"Yeah, they can't force you but the only other option is to appeal to the United Nations. Since you decided to follow Eric, you're trading possible freedom for some other prison." Wanda said with a shrug. "No one is going to be able to help you out of this mess Pietro. Yeah, it's not ideal, but this was all I could get for you. It's far better than staying in here; but barely better than anything else. Understand that this will bind you and there will be no way out of it."

Wanda then pushed the contract forward to the middle of the table. Before anyone could say anything, a small light flashed across the contract and a magical quill appeared on top. Her brother's eyes widened at the quill's sudden appearance while she had to work hard to push down her unease at the situation.

It felt as if she was talking her brother into selling his soul to the devil. She only wished he was the devil because then she would feel alright with finding a way out of this mess. No, her brother was selling himself to the Empire and there was no way out of this one.


United Nations

My throne hovered above the conference room of the United Nations. Was I pulling a power play? Fuck yeah I was. Did I care at all? Fuck no I didn't, not a single fuck was given. My ladies hovered behind and beside me looking regal with clear feminine poise.

My posture was that of a bored ruler as I looked upon upstart commoners. It was clear for all who watched as I silently leaned back in my throne while my guards took up positions around the room. Nothing was said out loud but there was active chatter over our internal comms. Natasha was ticking off names in my ear, while Ororo was noting those with nasty looks on their faces.

The tension in the room was palpable as I raised a lazy hand. Silence descended as a portal appeared under my throne and a purple beauty walked out, her hair in a neat bun and clearly professionally dressed. She ignored the UN representatives, bowed before me and spoke for all to hear. "My Emperor, my queens."

She then turned on heel before sitting down at the offered table . Her briefcase was placed on the table and she took out a small bar the size of a five inch ruler. Placing it on the table, holograms appeared before her and she then pulled out a tablet and other papers.

Behind my helm I raised an eyebrow at her address, when was I upgraded from king to Emperor. Deciding to ignore that, I made sure my body language showed boredom and clear impatience as I slowly tapped a finger on my armrest.

The show was going on for a bit as Tyler went about playing with the United Nations panel delegates. My finger went tap tap and I could see some of them flinch from such a pronounced sound.

It was easy to spot as one of them got a bee in his bonnet and tried to end my enjoyment. One of the gruff looking United Nations representatives chose to take the lead.

"We did not summon you here for fancy titles and such petty intimidation! We called you here so you can answer for the damage to the moon!"

The finger I was taping with stopped and I noticed some of the delegates released sighs of relief. Still showing the body language of a bored monarch, I started to press lightly upon everyone in the room with my gravity. Power flex and intimidation? Sure, but did I give two fucks? Nope, I sure didn't.

The one that spoke started to sweat and it was easy to see the reporters trying to figure out what was happening.

Tyler gave a cocky smirk before getting up from her seat. Everyone watched as she walked into the middle of the room. "And you think that gives you power over us? Understand, we are not here to speak of my Emperor's battles for those are things you have no rights to challenge unless you would like to challenge him in a similar battle to the death?" The hawkish delegate gritted his teeth under the pressure of gravity, unable to say or do anything.

"I thought so: power of words does not equate to the power of one's own might. Now, be silent or you shall be removed." Tyler spoke forcefully to the attending delegates.

"Ohh, I like her." Natasha said over our internal communications.

"Now, you asked us here to discuss what has happened to the moon. You did not ask us here to fling petty insults." Tyler said smoothly like the last few minutes didn't matter at all.

The Turkish delegate leaned forward before pressing the button on his microphone, "It's hardly a discussion if the leader of your nation is hiding behind his helmet."

The room went deathly silent and I could see the anger bubble beneath the surface for Tyler. Instead of letting her explode, I sent her a quick message over the neural implant. I heard a few people catch their breath as they watched me sit up straight on my throne. My movements just oozed boredom and nonchalance, yet I flowed with ease that showed grace in my motions.

I hit the button on my omni and the room heard the click of the latch with the accompanying sound of the seal releasing hiss. Pulling my helmet up and over my head, I sat it in my lap and stared down at the UN delegates. Of course I had already casted a spell on myself just in case of this very thing happening. Seeing my face didn't matter if the facial recognition software couldn't find a face to match and their own great minds couldn't link my two personas together. My purple eyes were hard and I radiated power, smirking inwards, I flashed some power at them.

Back straight, I placed my hands on the armrest of my throne as my helm vanished from my lap. I knew that it went into my storage but I ignored the act and took in the surprised and raised brows of those watching me. Some soaked in my presence while others shivered like the cowards they were in their chairs.

"You politics bore me and your demeanour is that of a pouting child: no, I don't take you seriously." I spoke nice and evenly, my voice rich and cultured for any who heard. It wasn't contempt in my voice it was pure apathy and it was clear for any who heard.


Bolivar Trask

Bolivar sat at his desk watching the farce of a show on the wall-mounted TV. Again these freaks were on tv trying to stand with the rest of the world. They were freaks that should have died in the cradle, better yet, they should have died in the womb.

There was just no way that these things were the next step in human evolution. He didn't get to where he was depending on some fancy gene like these freaks tend to do. No, Bolivar was certain that he got to where he was with hard work and dedication.

That was why as he got up from his desk, Bolivar was convinced that his creations would prove his point to the world. Point being that these freaks would not be standing above them, and that mankind would always be their betters.

Hell, man was their betters, and he was certain that his creation was the real next step in transhumanism, not some mutation warping the great work of evolution. Stepping away from his desk, he made sure that there was no cigar ash on his shirt before making for the bar. Standing in front of his ivory topped bar, Bolivar placed his left hand on top of the disguised hand scanner. He then stuffed his index finger into the hole on the other side. Bolivar then pulled his hand out when the bar started to shift. Dapping his cigar on the nearby ashtray, he then walked into the once hidden elevator.

Putting his outstretched hand on the scanner, he waited for it to read him before the hum of the elevator started. It had been a week since he had given himself that dose of nanites, and today they were going to get their big test. With all that was going on in the world, Bolivar was a man that made sure he was prepared and ready.

It was bad enough that some mad man, self-proclaimed master of magnetism, was calling himself homo-superior.

Such a pretentious git, but he had given him the angle that he wanted. True, he has always been a man of the future and a man who viewed transhumanism as the next step. Yet, with all that he had done for them over the years, the blasted military didn't want his robots as part of their new program. They wanted suits, and not just any suit, they wanted that blasted Iron-Man suit.

The elevator opened and allowed him into his sub-basement. At the other side was a tube system and a cart sitting there waiting for one. Smiling to himself, he got into the cart and pressed the activate button.

It was now only a matter of time: he was not only going to show these upstarts, but he was also going to show the military that you didn't need any super-suit. Not when you had his sentinels on the job. Not only did he do the programming, but he had created an AI to handle all of the complex problem solving and solutions required to overcome any adversary.

Bolivar had to admit, his AI Master Mold, was one of the finest things he had ever created. He jumped for joy as it became competent enough to name itself halfway through its programming. From the moment of its conception to creation, he had trusted his machines impeccably. They were his machines, his creations, ergo, an extension of himself.

Pulling out his tablet, Bolivar couldn't help but look over his base one more time. Soon, it was going to be a beehive of military activity. Not only would his sentinels put him and his company back on top, but they would also be leading the way in this new war on what it meant to be human. With his advanced scanners and adaptable synthetic metal, not even Magneto was going to be able to stop him.

His private underground cart arrived at his base in his hidden mountain laboratory. The door to his cart opened and Bolivar stepped out into the vast mountain lab that he called his own. Standing on either side of the door were humanoid robots. These robots were seven feet tall, covered by a light and dark shade of purple.

The chest of the robots was an inverted triangle that glowed softly. This glow matched the ones coming from both palms and purple eyes. It was clear that these were to interact with people while the ones within the labs and bunker were made for war.

Bolivar walked past his creations into the bay of the larger labs to find his first iteration sitting on a slab of rock. Down below and round it's feet it looked as if lava was flowing. From the back of his Master Mold was a large thermal syphon plugged right into the flowing lava for all of the free power his lab would ever need. The tablet sitting inside of his inner coat beeped as it connected to the lab's wireless connections.

Pulling the tablet from his inner pockets, Bolivar checked the news feed temporarily ignoring his companions.

"Master Mold, status report." Bolivar said evenly as he watched the live feed of the United Nations.

"The sentinels that we're able to get smuggled into UN buildings have run their scans. The scans have shown some with dormant X-gene within their genetics. The scans you are interested in would be the one of this man who dubs himself Emperor, correct?"

"Correct, what do your scans say about him and those with him?" Bolivar asked as he came to a complete stop before a work console. Looking up, he realized that he didn't need his tablet anymore. The drones disguised as humans were sending back a live feed as they played their roles as innocent bystanders. Instead of answering him, Master Mold placed the information Bolivar was looking for on the screen.

The scans on the would be Emperor came back inconclusive, but not those on the hovering thrones. Not only that, but a lot of the guards he surrounded himself with read on the scanner to be carriers of the X-gene. This Bolivar noticed was his breakout moment. This was going to put him down in the history books of the man that prevented a conquest of the planet.

Checking over the ever adapting and evolving program of his sentinels program once more, Bolivar scanned the calculations on what he had on hand for the assault. There were fifteen of the carrier type sentinels, but he was only going to delegate ten for the battle ahead. Of the attack types there were over two hundred and six of those. He didn't want to send the whole contingent, but he could part with one hundred units.

It might be a little overkill, but it would be worth it once they subdued and captured this Blake character. From there he had fifty of the adaptoids at his disposal; those, Bolivar noticed, had to be in the battle. With the amount of x-gene carriers at this thing, he would need the rapid adaptabilities at his disposal. Even to this day, Bolivar liked to thank his lucky stars he was able to get his hands on that blood sample of a particularly striking blue mutant that could shapeshift.

None of his contacts got back to him, but Bolivar knew that it was only a matter of time till he got his hands on Mystique. Pushing those thoughts out of his mind, Bolivar had an eager grin on his face as he activated attack protocols.

He was going to define humanity's future: not some failed mutation. Him, Bolivar Trask, was going to be remembered as the greatest mind to grace the halls of academics and be forever immortalized.


Benjamin Blake

United Nations Conference Room

After making my opinions for these blood sucking creatures clear, they prattled onward as I did my level best not to leave and take my women with me. It didn't help that Natasha was giving me the rundown on all of the dirty little things her mind could come up with.

That would have been fine if Raven and Ororo didn't join in occasionally. Medusa was still blushing under her helm and that was only allowing Raven and Natasha to get worse.

These bureaucrats had gone on more than long enough and I was trying not to show my irritation or that I was getting tired of their blustering as Tyler cut them down to size. I cast a quick and simple illusion as I noticed something at the corner of my eye.

"Raven, what does that look like to you?" I asked, marking the strange character with my neural link. I couldn't see it since I took my helm off, but I was certain that the ping was clear inside of their own helmets.

"Scans coming back as non-human." Medusa replied dutifully in my ear piece.

"I'm running full spectrum right now from the spartan standing ten meters away." Raven replied quickly and I could see them prepping for battle.

"No one, is stupid enough to attack us here, it's why I made such a grand entrance." I replied back through the neural link.

"Hun, let us worry about things,you can go back to playing with the parasites, I maen politicians." Ororo chided lightly as I heard them give orders to the ships up above. Before I could say anything in reply, the alert came through to all of us.

[Incoming fast movers, profile not that of jet propulsion systems.]

"Make sure to keep the cloak active, we don't want to give them something to attack. Also, no firing into the city, pull back and hover over the bay." Natasha's voice rang out over the coms.

"Well my husband, it would seem your playtime is at an end." Ororo spoke over the link, her voice was calm and smooth as if it were silk.

"Correct as always," I returned with my own smile. "Raven, one of our fast ships will be taking you to their launch locations. Lockdown the area and set up a barricade, we don't want any of these bots escaping."

"Sure, satellites have already found their launching point, and you're not going to like this." Raven grimaced as she sent over the information. "One didn't come to our location, and from what I'm seeing. It's touching down somewhere in Brazil."

"Would you like some assistance, sister?" Medusa asked, clearly noticing the issue at hand.

"Sure, because we will not be going there on our own. Ben, I'm taking a contingent with me." Raven replied over the neutral link.

"You already have six hundred guards at your disposal, you keep forgetting that you have your own personal guards." I replied smoothly. As we spoke it was clear that something was going to happen with how the tension rose invisible to the naked eye. The beeping in my eye cut out and I noticed that the red dots overlapped at my location on my omni. "I'm sending troops after that one missing sentinel."

Cutting out the illusion that I had up, I acted as if I had no clue as to what they were planning.

There was a mighty crash coming from the outside, but that was ignored as some fell out of their seats. It would seem that what ever created such a scene outside had also caused a mini-quake that affected the weaker ones.

My omni sprang to life showing a map of a fast approaching red dot, raising a brow at those below me. I then turned my throne to face the approaching conflict. It would be very unseamly of me to automatically start casting blame without knowing what I was about to face. Granted, I knew what it was, especially if it was coming from that mountain range. Only death and foolishness would be coming from that place.

Even though I was trying to avoid it, it looked like fate was going to shove this particular issue into my face. Fucking marvel and it's enescapable holes: fortunately there was only one upside to this situation. Since he chose to act now instead of sooner, I had my own forces at my disposal to get rid of him; and I could use this. Ohh yes, by the great Stan Lee, I was going to use this situation to my advantage.

Sending a quick message over the neural network had my troops vacate the area the sounds were coming from. That was as if it was the thing that broke the camel's back because the whole room started to stand and move. I said nothing to stop them as they took up protection behind me and my people.

Then before anyone could leave the room the far wall came crashing down. Looking on with apathetic eyes, I watched the massive robot as it's eyes flickered. The purple monster was at least three stories tall, an upside down triangle on its chest and those glowing holes in its hands.

I could feel as the whole room collectively caught their breaths as it broke down the wall to then walk into the room. It's voice was robotic and harsh, and it was clear for all to see that it only had one goal. Long strides and mechanical movements showed clunky workmanship of the sentinels.

I wanted to grind my teeth at it, I had these unstoppable murder happy robots in mind, and here was some two bit rinky dink shit can for me to face. Before I could say anything, beams shot forward from it's eyes and it was clearly scanning people.

[Scanning Scanning, human. ]

[Scanning Scanning, human. ]

[Scanning Scanning, mutant gene detected. ]

[Scanning Scanning, human. ]

[Scanning Scanning, human. ]

[Scanning Scanning, mutant gene detected. ]

[Mutant subjugation protocols activated. ]

Looking at the giant robot, I couldn't help looking at it with contempt on my features. I knew what it was finding and it wasn't that they had the active gene because they would have shown powers. No, the bloody robot scanned the deactivated gene and went into kill mode, simple as that.

"Rusty tin can, you're looking in the wrong direction." I said before standing up from my seated position. The sentinel turned and then ran is fucking scanner over me.

[Scanning Scanning, inconclusive. ]

[Scanning Scanning, mutant gene detected. ]

[Mutant subjugation protocols activated. ]

It didn't get a chance to say anything else, as I launched myself forward. My new and improved battle ax appeared in my hand as I swung downwards cutting off the sentinels outstretched hand. Without slowing down, I rotated in the air while adding some hip into it. The torque and motion kicked up a nice gust of wind.

The sound of my ax connecting to the neck joint was near silent as my molecular sharp edge cleaved right through it. Making sure that the head would fall into the room, I kicked the body outside before flipping backwards. Was I running around with a massive ass anime ax? Maybe, but like when I first arrived here, I had no fucks to give.

Floating in the air, I ignored the sniveling of the politicians. "Nat, you're in charge here, Raven, Medusa, track and lock down where these terminator wannabe's came from. I'll clean up here and then join you. Ororo, you're with me."

No one said anything to contradict me as they took off with their guards, it was clear that I was taking over the battlefield. Instead of putting my helm back on, I went for a lower face styled after a combination of sub zero and my old red hood persona. It would really suck for them to see the smile I would show as I smashed apart these shitty bots. For now it was best for them to think that I was using the half mask to deal with the smoke.

Nat took over and started to put the security into position while my Spartans led the brunt of the forces. Ororo floated up to my side as I inspected my new ax. It had taken me some time to not only melt down, but also scrubb the enchantments from the uru metal that made up the destroyer from Asgard.

Then again, metal that's forged in the heart of a dying star should need some special attention. Once I had gotten it melted, the uru was then mixed with vibranium and adamantium to create a new metal that I sure as hell had no name for. There was still about two tons of the stuff back in my lab after making my ax.

Flipping my ax over, I inspected the wolf howling to the moon. Nodding my head at finding no scratches, I turned towards Ororo. Doing a little bow for ladies first, I followed up behind her as she flew through the gaping hole.

Once we were in open air, it was clear that outside was pure pandemonium. It was obvious that the sentinels were attacking everyone indiscriminately. While that was happening, Nat had the guards take up positions while the ships pulled back so their attacks didn't affect the city below.

Most of the robots attacking my ships were captured, but the city was still under attack. Without me having to say anything, Ororo was already lashing out at four sentinels with ranged lightning attacks.

Interestingly enough, I noticed how a few of the sentinels were not affected by the lightning, strange. Ignoring the mess that was turning into the UN building, I made my way towards the bots that survived Ororo's attacks.

I was a hundred meters out as a sentinel shifted when it was bathed with Ororo's lightning. What I saw next, sent a shiver down my spine and removed my contempt for the robots. The outer shell of the sentinel changed, shifting as it adapted to the lightning it was being hit with.

Instantly my mind was putting parts of a puzzle together and plans within plans were forming. What I did know was that I could no longer take it easy on these things. It was clear that these were the adaptoids from the comics and they always led to a horrible history line.

Shit, if these things were flying around, I had to be careful none took up somewhere and established a secondary base of operations. Fuck, I really hope he wasn't that smart, but frankly given that this was marvel, I knew that my hope could only be in vain. That meant I could only rely on one thing now, maximum effort.

Since the sentinels were the adapting types, it was clear that it was no longer time to play around. Leaning into my step, I kicked off of an air and gravity pocket as I shot forward to slice the adaptoid Ororo was attacking in half. Flipping off of the body, I went lunging towards another sentinel shaped like the adaptation. Slicing that one in half, I hit my comms connecting to Ororo.

"Ro' I'll take these odd looking ones, take out the big ones that can't adapt to your attacks." I said then had to dodge out of the way of a blast. Turning and glaring at the sentinel, I smirked as it was blasted by a bolt the size of a SUV. "Thanks Ro."

"Welcome love, now stop playing with your food." Ororo replied with a smile clear in her voice for any to hear. Instead of rolling my eyes, I upped my speed and sliced and diced my way through the rest of the adaptoids.

As a precaution, I left one alive while stashing the rest of them on the ship hovering over the bay. The one adaptoid I had left for Ororo to face since she hadn't busted out the magic yet. My omni beeped and I looked down to find the location of Trask and found that Raven had locked down the area.

Sending a quick message back, I looked up in time to see Ororo bust out the magic. People stood and watched in amazement as twenty sentinels were frozen in the air magic circles surrounding them. Seeing that Ororo was handling matters here, I positioned myself properly before taking off towards the direction of Raven and Medusa.

I was at their side within moments and I took my time to see what was happening. In front of me was a mountain filled to the brim with skynet level robots. Out and around the mountain was a barricade fighting back a horde of sentinels as they came pouring out of the mountains opening.

Taking in the position of my troops to those of the sentinels, I then came down in front of them with a nasty gravity chop. The ground broke and then the earth shifted as if it was hit with a huge quake. Tremors ran over the downed bots and up the mountain side as earth and boulders became dislodged.

Without giving Master Mold or the robots time to recover, I increased my size to an easy ten feet before shifting my hands on my ax. My chest armor shifted and changed to leave me bare chested as my forearms and omnitool changed to take on the form of arm red bracers with howling wolves running along my arm in fine detail.

If a marvel fan looked at me right now, they would say I looked like a badass red and black Juggernaut personified, just with a lot more wolves. Changing my grip, I let the power flow before sending an upwards slash towards the mountain entrance.

Not happy with that, I then lowered my hand on the ax shaft before twisting on the spot. Putting my back into this swing, I sent out a slash vertically that cleaved the mountain up from it's connection to the earth. Everything stilled and slowed as I watched the first slash I unleashed connected to the mountain and also cut it in half horizontally.

It was as if the gasp behind me was the signal the world needed for everything to come to a head. The mountain that I bisected finally returned to earth with a mighty crash and my spartans launched themselves forward with a war cry.


Instead of showing my surprise at their battle phrase, I checked my omni to find information pouring in from the raid on Trask Industries. The spartans on that mission were following an underground tunnel system, I sent out a message sending backup their way. I turned to the right to find Raven and Medusa giving me unamused looks at my actions.

Shrugging, I hefted my ax onto my shoulder as I walked forward into the mess I had created. Each step sent back minor tremors to my senses and an easy 3D image formed within my mind. From what I could tell, Trask was still alive and the Master Mold was barely holding on. It would seem that my horizontal slash had caught the upper half of the robot and the lower half had pinned Trask down.

Using my metal map and neutral link, I sent some of my spartans to retrieve him and clear out the area around Master Mold. Medusa walked behind me as Raven went to do her own thing. It didn't take that long before we got to the destroyed remains of Trasks trashed superlabs. Looking down inside of the huge hole, I found what I was looking for. Turning around, I offered Medusa my hand as I then floated us both down into the hole.

"Would you like me to assist him?" Medusa asked from my side. Instead of answering her, I sped forward performing a savage spartan kick. This sent the fallen debris that was on top of Trask flying into the wall of his lab five hundred meters away.

The moment Trask was free, he got up and bolted, but he didn't make it very far before Medusa had him snared. Before she could wrap him up in a knot, Trask pulled out an energy weapon and fired quickly.

Medusa shielded herself, but she was wearing a body shield so none of the shots hit their mark. The look she gave Trask was hot enough to scorch the flesh from bones and what she did next proved she was not happy with him. Trask was held up before Medusa supported his neck and upper chest.

Before Trask could get comfortable, he was then flipped over a few times and slammed along the ground. His arms broke in multiple places as the sound of the bones snapping reached my ears. Following his arms were his legs and, with the way his legs folded it was easy to tell that he was never going to walk again.

Trask never got to scream before Medusa then turned to throw Trask towards the medics that were looking around for people. Shaking my head at that, I then returned my attention to the five story monstrosity that was Master Mold. The giant robot looked down at me with huge glowing eyes.

[Mutant subjugation protocols activated. ]

Giant blast of laser fire flew out of its eyes, hitting me with full force. Smiling, I let it's last ditch attack wash it's way over my form. The blast cut out after a bit and I could only shake my head at it's attempt. It wasn't Master Mold's fault that I was way out of its weight class. I was just paranoid about marvel because I knew a joke that went, invincible, invincible, invincible, dead.

And if I wasn't paranoid enough, I was going to be deader than dead. Hell, I had a nation, women, and kids to look after so I did not want to end up dead. Squaring my shoulders, I took up a stance, then clenched my butt cheeks before launching myself at Master Mold.

The five story tall robot didn't last as I swung my ax with devastating force ripping it's head from its body. Mid air, I turned before slicing the body down into finer parts. Once I was finished with that, I parked my ax inside the head of the master mold before sending out a video drone.

Inputting a few commands into my omni, I made sure that the video was sent out to the world leaders. Yeah, I was done dicking around with the United Nations yahoos.

"As Emperor of Pandora, I speak to the rulers of the Nations of this planet who mistakenly consider themselves my equal." I watched as some raised objections to me, But I was beyond done with these fools. "You dispute this? Then crack the moon with your own personal power! Until you can do that? SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STAY OUT OF MY WAY! Because if you don't stay out of my way, there will be worse consequences than this."

I raised my hand and typed in some commands into my omni. Mini image windows popped up for all to see. From the USA to France to Germany, Russia and China, I sent the commands and they all watched in awe and terror. On the screens before them they watched as my Atlanteans jumped out of shuttles into the oceans on a live feed before all….

Yes, I do mean all the subs of every nation up out of the water for all to see… Even the ones in covert missions and within another nation's territorial waters. Turning to the cameras, I then removed my lower mask so that they could see the cold smile on my face. "Complain as you wish, but all your shipping and all your navies cross my lands. Be nice before I decide to impose any tariffs upon your ships and sink your pathetic Navies. I want nothing more than my Empire to be left alone: and in exchange, I will then leave you alone. But if you continue to provoke and insult me, you will then find yourselves transported to the moon….without a spacesuit. You will be forgiven once for your effrontery….not twice."

Instead of listening to the blustering, I turned and yanked my giant anime styled ax out of the massive robots head. It was clear that I was the one that took it down with the clean cuts along it's surface. Still playing the badass and sick of their shit image, I cut the live feed with my back still to the camera making sure it was framed properly for maximum badassery.

Smirking onces my omi showed the feed was down, I then sent out some commands. All of the floating submarines were going to be hit with a dosing of shrinkage before being returned to their prospective nations.

Snorting, I then made sure that every bit of the sentinels were cleaned up before calling it a day. There was no way in hell I was going to leave something like this to chance. I had gone so far as to even call in a few spartans with technomancer as their main abilities.

Before I could take off back towards the house and plan out my next move in the savage lands, Medusa sent me a message for a pick up and carry home, seeing no issue with that, I made it happen.

Picking Medusa up in a bridal style carry, I left Raven in charge before heading home.



Medusa gets her cream...

Once arriving home, I found the house empty as I put Medusa down before heading to the kitchens. I didn't make it very far before I was spun around. Medusa growled at me tapping her feet on the marbled flooring. "You are my Emperor, you won that right by combat. So why have you not ravished me yet?" I never even noticed when she had changed her UMF suit.

I looked at her from head to toe, Medusa was wearing one of those low cut booty shorts with a simple purple shirt on top. Her hair was in one long braid that lightly brushed along her calves.

It was easy to see her nipples poke through the shirt she wore as her excitement of me looking her over showed. There was even a simple band type choker around her neck.

"I don't believe you are ready for such a ravishing," I replied, sitting back in my seat at the table. I thought it interesting that no one was home today, but this could have easily been a plan between my ladies. Who am I to say no to such a scrumptious meal.

Medusa arched an eyebrow at me before raising one well-toned leg, that same leg pushed my chair back. She then put her foot underneath my crouch and I saw her eyes widen as she felt my rock hard cock.

Before she could tell what was happening, I moved with such speed she didn't know up from down. Before she knew it, Medusa was laying on her back on the table before me. Both legs were over my shoulders before she could say or do anything.

Trailing kisses up and down her inner thighs, I let my biokinesis sense run through her body and damn was she primed and ready. Medusa's eyes fluttered as she felt me trail my fingers over her thigh with her newly heightened senses.

A hand went under her shirt to pinch a nipple as I watched her bite her lip before releasing a moan.

Tweaking a nipple, I shot her a question, "So you say you want a ravishing?"

Breathing ruffly, Medusa sat up hands curling into my hair as she pulled me forward for a kiss, "Fuck me!"

That was all I needed as I ripped the booty shorts she wore down her legs, to reveal no underwear. Medusa tried to hide the blush on her face, but I paid it no mind as I trailed some more kisses along her inner thigh. Medusa's anticipation heightened as I got closer and closer to her lower lips, alas, she was not going to get it that easily.

I switched from one thigh to the other as I trailed kisses back down her thigh arms spreading Medusa's legs wide. A mental command shape changed the metallic table chair as the components snaked out. Metal liquified down to a molecular level refined before turning into liquid metallic straps for Medusa's thighs. The second pair of straps clamped around her arms before pulling them back behind her head.

Giving her a brief moment to wiggle her ass on the table, I then lightly blew on Medusa's clit. The cool air sent a shiver up her spine and I smirked before stretching out my tongue and licking from the bottom to the top of her folds.

Medusa's legs tried to react, but the straps kept her from moving. Medusa released a moan about how I wasn't being fair, but in return: I gave her a raised eyebrow and then had her watch as my tongue extended out of my mouth. My tongue kept extending until it was a good six inches from my lips.

Biokinesis for the win of course.

Settling back into my chair, I hooked my arms underneath Medusa's ass before pulling her towards me for my meal.

Medusa's breathing rapidly increased as she started to whimper while she watched me lower my tongue. Lightly, I applied a little bit of pressure before flicking Medusa's clit with the tip.

The moan she let out was scintillating to my senses and before Medusa could catch her breath I plunged my extended tongue deep down into her depths. The tip of my tongue brushed her G spot in passing as I snaked it deeper into her quivering quim.

Medusa reacted in shivers as micro orgasms rocked her body, I could feel Medusa's body-building towards a massive orgasm as my tongue bumped into her womb's entrance. My thumb worked her clit and I used my biokinesis to link it to her g spot.

Her response to that little bit of extra stimulus was to clamp down on my tongue, throw her head back as she screamed my name. I did not let up as my tongue forked at the tip before playing with the entrance of her womb.

The fits of moans released from Medusa's lips were music to my ears as I placed a part of my forked tongue into her wombs entrance. I then traced around in a circle with my tongue as I played with her clit with my thumb and index finger.

Rolling my tongue, I applied pressure to her g spot as I gave her insides one long lick. The dam burst as Medusa came so hard she gushed all over my face. A quick flick of my finger had my face cleaned as I stood up over the panting and strapped down form of Medusa.

Her body was shaking, her skin was sweaty and even her hair was laying damp across her sprawled out form. Well, I guess it didn't help that I magnified that large organism of hers by a few magnitudes.

Standing up from my seat I had to rip off my own pants since they would not go down. My dick was so hard I could probably use it to break titanium. Medusa looked at me through her lust riddled gaze and I gave her a nice soft kiss. Her eyes went up in surprise as my extended tongue wrapped around her own as I dominated her mouth.

Pulling back from the kiss, I gave the choker around Medusa's neck a light little flick. Before she could say anything, I tilted her head backward, Medusa took a second to look at my hardened shaft before figuring out what I wanted.

Her head tilted back as her tongue lolled out, Medusa's lips closed around my crown and I gave her a few complementary thrusts. I grabbed a handful of breast nipple in each hand. The gasp Medusa gave me was the perfect opening I needed, with one thrust, I was in the back of her throat and enjoyed the sensation of her throat tightening without a gag reflex.

I pinched a nipple before linking it to the other and then her clit. The moan that escaped Medusa's lips egged me on to thrust more and more, my own peak held at bay by my powers. The hair braid that hung off the table snaked out to wrap around my waist, Medusa herself pulling me deeper into her mouth.

Grinning down at her, I used my biokinesis to let my pre-cum flow while also fixing the need for extra fluids. I pinched a nipple and thrust my way down Medusa's velvety throat as I released controlled grunts. Her hair tightened at my waist as she tried to coerce me into her own pace, but I held steadfast.

Medusa's throat bulged from my girth, but that did not stop be from throat fucking her. Again and again, I thrust forward with controlled motions into the beauty beneath me. Along my fingertips, I could feel her orgasm build and build as I played with her sensitive nipples. They were hard as diamonds and poked into my palm when I held a tit in each hand.

Pulling back so that she could get some air, I then plunged down her throat and released the load I was holding back this entire time. Medusa fired off beneath me and came as her throat bulged and the choker snapped.

My balls shook and spasmed as I hosed down the inside of her stomach with my cum. From the slowly rounding of her stomach, it was easy to tell I had given her a liter of cum to satisfy her appetite.

Picking up the snapped choker, I examined it before tossing it to the side. A little applied biokinesis sped up Medusa's metabolism so that she could keep her trimmed waist. Spinning around and laying on the table, I watched as she got on top. Hairs wrapped their way around my arms and legs and I smiled as she levitated herself up on top of me.

Yeah, I was alright with her being in charge, damn it was a good day.


Happy New Year Folks.

I hope you have all enjoyed the latest chapter, let us get back to our regularly scheduled biweekly updates.

This chapter was partially edited by Pineapple.

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