The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 6: Personal Hell

Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 6

Personal Hell!

So here I was, a beyond omega level class meta-human, and I was sitting through my hell. I know it's not my very own personal hell since there are plenty of other kids in class with me, but I would like to think so.

Especially after the last few weeks, I just survived. First, I had to make it through the whole going to the X mansion and the kidnapping situation.

Then I had to live through a week of grueling workouts with Logan, and then I had to survive Dr. McCoy force feeding me knowledge. I was able to absorb, understand, and then compile and use it all as my own.

Lucky for me, I found my favorites among the subjects of nanotechnology, engineering, programming, and a few others that just tickled my fancy. With Dr.Mccoys help as a sponsor, I was able to get my theory published about increasing the power efficiency in nanotechnology through a collective power distribution system.

It only got some recognition from the mad geniuses, but at least I was able to get my name out there for when I make my move.

One surprise was finding the theories by one Victor Von Doom. Though it seems he already has a mean hard-on for Reed Richards since his papers were always belittling the man's intelligence.

I also found papers written by Reed Richards. That means that the Fantastic Four is in this universe, but since I haven't heard anything from them. That would only mean Reed hasn't blown up the labs with his dimensional portal. He has mentioned being on the verge of a breakthrough in his research papers.

All that and here I am forced into this torturous existence called the dreaded Mid-town High School.

Turning to Pete next to me, "Tell me again, Pete, why must we be subjected to high school?" I asked him with desperation in my voice. Today we were in our shared AP algebra two class.

The lights were dimmed, and the class course was supposed to be copied down from the projector. That old ragged AC vent was whistling overhead, so this was the best chance to chat without being found out. Pete was sitting next to me with a confused look, which turned exasperated from my question.

Today Peter had on a red flannel over shirt with the school's science decathlon shirt under it, completed with a jeans combo. I, on the other hand, was rocking our midtown high scientist decathlon sweater, which was lucky for me since I hadn't completed any laundry recently. Yeah, talk about lucky.

I was able to find a beautiful loose set of jeans to wear to school too. Still no clue on how to explain all that happened to Gwen later today.

"I don't know about you, but my Aunt and Uncle wanted me to go to school regularly, like everyone else," Peter replied to me while his face was scrunched up in his thoughts.

"Come on, Pete; you can't tell me you haven't thought about blasting through here and just be done with this place?" I had to ask him back with pure disbelief in my voice.

"No, that's not what I mean," Pete replied to me. I had to pause for a moment and let him compose what he wanted to say.

Then he spoke up, and I had to pay attention to him since he decided to lean forward and whisper like we were bandits and was conspiring for a bank heist.

"Honestly, I have been thinking about taking some college courses. I know Uncle Ben told me to wait, but Harry offered me an internship at Oscorp if I can pass a few tests." He whispered into my ears.

That of course, caused me to rock back into my seat because last time I had seen Harry, he had that pompous rich guy bullshit going on.

Well, shitty shit. I know for a fact that this is not a Harry-thing, but a Norman Osborn thing and it seems like he is trying to make a play for Pete. How am I going to navigate this shit? Yeah, I have no clue on how to proceed with this one how about slowly I guess.

"Listen Pete I know your the trusting type and all, but damn Osborn? Come on I know you can do better than him and his grease ball of a father." I replied since that was the only thing I could say to him.

Hell, we knew Harry since middle school, we started as friends then but when Harry realized he could buy people with money, he distanced himself. Granted, I was trying to figure out how to get my hooks in him early; that way, I could get my hands on Oscorps toys. He had to turn into a little shit once puberty hit.

"Come on Ben don't be like that. He apologized, didn't he?" Came Pete's voice trying to assuage my frustrations about the whole situation.

"Peter Benjamin Parker he called us both low-class trash. That's not something you can take back. Come on, buddy think about it for a minute. Your aunt and uncle have been raising you since young. My parents have been raising me since forever. And he just spat on all that, if he said it, he believes it. Yeah, we might be worthy in his eyes in the future, but in his heart of hearts, we are still low-class trash. Hell, I would have accepted the apology more if his dad wasn't there forcing him to say it. Look I'm not telling you don't do it, because yes it will better your future. Just be aware you're not selling your future away as your bettering it." I huffed back at Pete while finishing up my notes.

Peter went silent as he finished his notes on problems six and eight from the overhead projector. It was okay, though because I think I might have gotten my views across to him.

Since it was the end of school, I had plans to go to my warehouse and make some science and magic. Peter had brought me a copy of his compiler for research purposes. I also had plans to use that with my code, and I have been writing a personality matrix.

With those combined, some improvements to the system to help them work smoother together with a dash of speed force magic I might be able to create something the world has never seen before.

I had already figured out at least thirty-five fixes to the code with redundancy to make sure I didn't create any Skynet machine when Gwen came down the hall. Her smile was at least ten miles wide when she looked at me. Wow, she can always take my breath away.

My first instinct was to rush over there pick her up, bring her back to the warehouse and French her into next week. Sadly I was in school, and I can't go super speeding for everyone to see.

Until I can get my hooks into the NYC networks, I'll have to keep the speed down. Or at least keep my face covered and move too fast for the cameras.

The hallways were their usual uproar, but that didn't deter me one bit. With my super enhanced reflexes and balance, I was moving smoothly and with fluid motions towards my soon to be frenched girlfriend. Her eyebrow quirked up as she watched me approach.

Today Gwen was rocking tight jeans, and I know exactly where I am about to place my hands. Accompanying her pair of jeans was a white tank top with a flower that resembled a yellow daisy. As I was looking her up and down, I noticed behind her back hanging out of her handbag was a red sweater.

That's "an old one" I had lost, a red one with the number twenty-three on the back of the sweater and I could never find it either.

"Honestly Gwen how many of my sweaters do you have?" I couldn't help but ask her as I was pulling closer. While Gwen was entering my embrace, she smiled up at me and answered, "I wouldn't know, I got this one as a gift. He was rather handsome and dashing, but he had such an ego I didn't want to return it to him." Gwen replied to me before I sealed her lips with my own.

Man, I missed her so much, the rush of vanilla filled my nostrils as our tongues danced back and forth. Then my guilt decided to strike me while I was enjoying myself.

My memories of Mystique came back to the forefront of my mind. It's a positive that Mystique wants something from me and I must warn Gwen about all the mess that's heading our way. Just as I was about to tell her all these things on my mind, we both heard it.

A loud crashing sound came from behind me, turning around I found Flash with Peter up against the opposite side walls to the hall. The hallway was deathly silent with everyone looking at Flash. Today the resident school delinquent was sporting his signature basketball jersey.

His arms were also all out and bare for the world to see, guess he was trying to show off some gains. Man, this guy is just ruining everything.

"Get up puny Parker, your bodyguards not here to protect you today. Get up!" Flash screamed at Peter while everyone was watching.

First Gwen looked at what was happening then she looked at me. Gwen shook her head, then pushed me forward.

Well, I guess I'll save his ass again. I can't wait till he gets his powers. I have to talk him into kicking Flashes ass himself. That's going to be so cathartic for him and his self-esteem.

I couldn't help the smile that played across my face as I did a smooth glide up behind Flashes back.

All Peter did was a smile from his position against the wall. "What are you smiling for Parker?" Asked Flash in a confused state. With that as my cue, I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

"You see Peter and myself happen to be the dynamic duo. He was raised to be kind and to be responsible." I decided to start as the illustrious Flash Thompson began to wince under my grip.

"I was also raised to be responsible, but I like to ignore the whole kind lesson when it comes to assholes like yourself Flash."

With that, I pulled off an instep while twisting my body and slammed him against the wall. With a bang, Flash let out a groan from his new location next to Peter.

"See I bet you didn't like that now did you?" I asked Flash as he tried to pry my grip from his shoulder. "Get off me, man, I learned my lesson. Come on, man, I learned my lesson let go." Flash started to yell and panic. From my location, I had spotted a teacher turning down the hallway towards us.

Figured someone would show up when this dumb ass was about to get his ass kicked.

Since the teacher was heading our way, I decided to scare him a little bit. I might as well have my fun since I wasn't allowed to kick his ass.

"Listen here, Flash. I could have fucked your knee up. You could have been ruined for this season. I know you're trying to get into college, and this is your only shot, so I have let you, be you. Since I don't pay much attention to you, but let me hear about one more fuck up like what just happened. Your whole high school basketball career will be over. Am I being understood?" I hissed out at him as the teacher was approaching closer and closer. When I had said those words, some people's eyes widened around us.

"Alright, break it up, Mr. Blake. Mr. Thompson is anything going on here?" Asked Mis. Mayadeen our AP Physics teacher. "No, we are all fine here, Mis. Mayadeen," replied Peter speaking up first.

I just nodded my head at her while I eyed Flash. When I raised an eyebrow at him, he finally decided to speak up, "Yeah, teach we good, I gotta go to practice anyway." Spoke Flash as he decided to hightail it out of the hall.

With that everyone decided to head home or go to after-school activities. I planned to take Gwen back to the warehouse and do a few things to help further my goals. Maybe I'll do a whole make-out session first, yeah that.

I can always just super speed everything else. "Come on you big goof we have things to do," Gwen spoke up while helping Peter pick up his bags.

While fixing his bag, Peter gave me a look then asked, "You were not going to do any of that right?"

Hmm the way he looked at me was odd. "Believe it bud, no one messes with my people and get away with it scot-free." Was all I said to Peter as we left the building.

Peter never said anything as he got on the bus. That was fine anyway, and he had his thing to deal with. Since I had no plans to rush him or force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. I don't even have any plans to play the evil voice in his ear.

With Peter gone, I did a fast turn to Gwen and smiled at her, "Hey babe, I missed you lots." I told her as she handed me her bag.

"Yeah, I can tell from the way you paid no attention to anyone else and made a beeline straight for me," Gwen replied while smiling up at me. With her bag secured on my back, I picked up Gwen, and we got out of there.

No honking cars, no garbage odors, nothing, It was so peaceful while going superspeeds.

All that was available was blissful silence. Gwen was in my arms, smiling as she enjoyed the sights.

We passed by blending neon signs with cars frozen in time. Even the birds looked frozen to us in their mid-flight movements.

Looking down at Gwen, I couldn't help myself but go for another kiss. "I'm happy you brought me along. I thought you were going to go off on your own and have fun without me." Stated Gwen with a quirk of her cute eyebrows.

"Nope, not after the little adventure that I just went through. I have plans to keep it a small time thing for now." I replied to Gwen as we cruised past a frozen cop mid-bite of his donut.

After taking a look at the cop with his donut, I figured what the hell. Am sure Gwen's hungry just haven't said anything about it. Most like because she was excited to get me back or just forgot. Who knows these things, with a solid burst of speed I brought Gwen through a bodega.

We grabbed some snacks, and I dropped a twenty on my way out. That should cover everything, with a swift turn around a corner we headed off towards the warehouse for our little fun. And then I'll get my chance to do my mad genius bit for a while.

Let's hope I don't blow up the city. Who am I kidding with my luck recently that might happen. With a look at Gwen as we approached the warehouse, I hope to speed force that doesn't happen.

Now we were about a block out from our spot, so with a move, I started up the wall. That caused Gwen to squeal out as we moved from a straight horizontal position to a vertical one going straight up the building wall.

Gwen turned to me to give me what she thought was a glare. All she could pull off was a fierce little pout in my eyes. With a smile playing across my lips, I leaped. Well, it was honestly more of a hop and a step, yet what happened next caused Gwen to hang her mouth open wide with shock. "How? How are you doing this?" she asked me.

That's the look I wanted on her face, the awe and grandeur at the wonder of the world.

"It's simple yet, complex. With the energy coming off of me, I can use it to grab the air and create a pressure pocket. Its use is to create an air road to run on. I discovered this during one of my little training sessions. It's not flying, but I'll figure it out one of these days." Was my reply to Gwen while thinking about the glide I pulled off into Sabertooth chest. The ideas for running on the air came from my reflections on Naruto and Bleach. I found some things similar then tried a combination, and I got it to work just fine.

Although, I plan to put some time into figuring out flight though.

With that out of the way, I brought us down on the roof of the warehouse; I brought us back to standard time speed. That caused Gwen to let's out a very exasperated sound at me.

"So what you keep popping up with new abilities?" She asked from her position still in a princess style carry. With a chuckle, I replied to her in full,

"Not really, it's still the same powers I am just figuring out more creative ways to use it. It would seem I got energy manipulations with the speed force. So I thought it was best I start being more creative."

Yeah, I was still mad at myself for not figuring phasing out sooner. I even didn't know the damn thing, shaking like that messes me up something fierce.

I at least figured out some other uses though, and I was planning on sharing one of my favorites later. With a huff, Gwen maneuvered out of my arms and walked over to a clean two-person loveseat, which had a magnificent view of the river.

Yeah, that was a total win idea. Bringing the loveseat up here yesterday, but I am pretty sure I wasn't the one that turned it towards the river. That might have been Allen. Hm, yeah I'll have to thank him for this later. With Gwen huffing at me I carried our bags over next to the seat.

"So are you going to tell me about the last two weeks now? I noticed you have been acting different, and your flow of motion is smooth. Like extremely smooth. It's like your just gliding across the ground now." Asked Gwen with a cute little huff. Yeah, this conversation might be somewhat rough.

So with my exasperated sigh, I took a seat right next to her. Gwen used that as a sign and leaned into my chest. With this, I leaned back into the chair and took one long look over the bay before us. "Man, where do I even start?" I let out my breath.

"Why not the beginning," Gwen reply while treating me as a pillow. Well, I guess that's one way to start a story. So with some plum to my voice to cover the sad feelings I was having from dredging up the memories, I began my tale.

While sitting with Ben on a seat watching the bay, Gwen was listening to his tales of his previous week's adventures. Gwen had to wonder how she got to where she was today.

He was so unlike anyone she ever met before. Since they were at the age of eight when they first met at a policeman's cookout, she had always liked him from his self-proclaimed adventures title.

He had such stories of men flying in the air with capes on their backs. Even that one Ben loved to talk about calling himself the Batman Just those stories alone had already endeared her to him.

Then came the moment she realized she was a genius compared to all the other kids in school. Benjamin had told her that weekend, so what if they are mean everyone's mean, but that doesn't mean to blast past the grades like her parents wanted to get out of the situation. He had told her to learn from it get stronger and that this was her best years to learn social skills.

That leaving because she wasn't happy would make her ostracized more with being in a class with adults. Just like that, she decided to stay at the school with the rest. That same summer break he introduced her to his other friend Peter Parker.

It turns out he was also having the same issues that Gwen was, but unlike her parents, his guardians wanted him to stay so that he can have friends his age.

With that, she also noticed that as goofy as he was, Benjamin was always responsible. Now she sat here in his arms as he told her about some lady with all white hair and blue eyes that was mad at him for not just going with the status quo.

Yeah, that's her Ben alright always the different one. Then he talked about some blue lady that was giving him sexy eyes of interest. A blue lady huh, Gwen wondered if she was like the elves of those Lord Of the Rings movies she couldn't help, but wonder what it would be like to kiss them.

To feel such supple lips on her own Gwen wanted to know. She was positive Benjamin had an interest in both of the ladies. She noticed how his eyes did that slight upturn like when he looks at her or food, and he even had that goofy grin on his face.

She knew she liked other women, but yet she was so nervous about sharing her big goofball. He was hers, and even if she wanted to add a girl to her life, she didn't know if she had it in her to share him. Then Gwen heard how Ben was trapped. On a table with someone trying to cut him open. Gwen's heart clenched that was not what she was expecting her Benjamin to tell her.

Ben's voice took on a somber tone as he revealed his actions of killing not only the guy cutting him open but also destroying the base in his evident anger of the situation. She sat there speechless at these revelations.

I felt so much better now that I finally told Gwen all that has happened to me. It was a strange thing how she always just listened to me even when I told her about some out of the world craziness. Here she was silent next to me trying to absorb all that has transpired.

Gwen started by slowly turning to look at me; then she just hugged me. Talk about threw me off my game for a bit because Gwen always was proper with everything. Instead of freaking out, she is trying to comfort me. Shit, why does she have to be so kind to me?

With the barrier gone between us, I couldn't help myself, but to pick her up onto my lap and give her a massive hug back. Next thing I knew her lips found mine and I knew that everything was going to be alright. She didn't even have to tell me it was okay the look and kiss she gave me said it all.

She smiled at me and shattered my world. "So tell me more about this blue elf lady your so smitten with and that other one called Storm," Gwen spoke while looking at me with her sly cat caught the canary grin. That threw me for a full loop and caused my brain to shut down.

"I. I. I told you she works for that helmet guy who calls himself Magneto." Was my reply until my mind was able to catch up to the situation. She completely ignored all that. "So when she was giving you the bedroom eyes, did you check her out also?" Gwen asked while moving around in my lap.

That was a straight trap, and I should not answer it nope. I refuse to enter such an easy trap was all that was going through my mind, yet as Gwen slowly ground on my lap, Then I was betrayed by my body. All she did was look at me while my massive hard on just poked her.

So I decided to give in and give her some answers. "I did take a look, but I can promise you that all hands were kept to myself Gwen" I spoke up resolutely while she did a slow back and forth on my lap.

"Hmm, I wonder if you would like to see two Gwens kissings?" Gwen asked me with a tilt of her head while turning to press those voluptuous breasts of hers into me.

This was all straight torture, but right when I finally couldn't take it anymore and rolled her over onto the couch. So I could give her the ravishing she had called down upon herself.

That damn warehouse roof door popped open and from it came Allen. All I could scream in my mind was shit, fuck, dam it why couldn't he have waited just a little longer. Gwen decided to huff at me then give me a saucy look, and that's when I had it. A super speed hickey was delivered before she had the chance to squirm away from our positions.

Allen started with an "Oh shit, kid my bad didn't know you both were going to have some fun," he stated while making a u-turn back into the warehouse. "Dont worry about it," Gwen spoke up while trying to push me to the ground, but I was prepared for her little stunt.

With some very impressive reflexes and speeds, I reposition us to where she was on top, and I looked like I was pinned down under her. That got a laugh out of her as she looked at the new positions.

Gwen grounded onto my pelvis one last time then got up to face Allen then asked him the question of why he came up here. "You came up for the view, right?" Gwen asked while looking at Allen.

Today he wore his fading army jacket and old pants. I never seem him wear any medals, but he always had stories when I came around to help some of the homeless. His past army experience is why I let him hold any of the cash I give to buy the others food. This man in front of me is as loyal as they come, and it always pains me to realize he is homeless. Well, he is a lot less homeless now that we took over this warehouse by the bay.

"We heard you guys through the roof window there" Allen spoke up while pointing to the open overhead hatch window behind us. "I figured since you kids were here, I might as well tell Ben. We collected all the car batteries we could scavenge for him," replied Allen. That perked me up from my position on the couch.

"You guys got all fifty batteries" I couldn't help but ask in my excitement. "Yeah, kid it's the least we could do. We also picked up some monitors and keyboards as you asked for." Came Allen's calm reply.

"What did you want that stuff for Ben?" Gwen asked me while I was grinning like a total loon in excitement. "Gwen you're about to witness the birth of a supercomputer and hopefully a fully functional AI." was my reply in excitement since I was now riding a different high.

"Wait a second there you big doofus. How in the blazes do you plan to build a supercomputer with junk and a functioning AI like you just stated? All you have is junk here in the warehouse." Gwen asked in confusion. Even Allen shared the same befuddled look on his face.

"Oh yeah, I asked Terry to keep an ear to the ground about Oscorp moving any specialty computer servers. When we go in and if he has an answer. That is positive. I plan to snatch to my heart's content. Your super speed boyfriend is going to build the craziest rig you can imagine."

"You're telling me this is another one of your crazy plans," She asks, turning around to pin me where I stood.

Yeah I know that look it's the, you're a second from getting a pinched look. "Gwen it's not going to explode not this time I promise." Was my immediate reply to Gwen's look.

Yeah, I can heal super fast but her pinches hurt like shit. So I didn't want one even if I would heal right after. With that, she turned around and left for the workshop part of the warehouse.

"You got yourself a strong one there kid, don't let her go" Allen spoke up from his location by the door after witnessing Gwen and my little by play.

"Yeah, she is spicy alright," I replied to the man with my face splitting into a smile. "And just so you know Terry did get the information on those computer parts you had an ear out for," Allen decided to tell me since Gwen was now out of earshot.

When he told me that, I waited no longer and rushed into the workstation slash, Gwen and my workspace in the warehouse. It was so glorious it took my breath away. In one corner was all the car batteries I wanted and some more. In the middle were old computer parts and on the right was all the keyboards, mouse, and monitors I would need. I know all this wouldn't be enough I needed to get my hands on those Oscorp computer parts.

I figured Norman would be up to shady shit and since I had myself an in with the homeless population. They could easily be the feelers I needed out there to find the labs.

I was not disappointed knowing that Terry had found Normans little hiding spots now I can get all kinds of lab equipment and computers for free. Now with the information given to me by Terry, I had two of Norman Osborn's shady experimental bases to hit.

With a thought, I was off running, and boy was it such a liberating feeling for me. I didn't realize how stuffed up I felt all day. Now that I was running across the city, it felt like I had my release from all that pent up feeling.

I was across the lower east side of Manhattan with a swiftness. I had all the confidence in the world that no one was about to witness what I was about to do. Just imagining the look on Normans face tomorrow when he found out someone stole all his goodies, so priceless.

If I had a million dollars, I would pay just for that picture of his slimy, greasy filled surprised face. I came upon the back side of the brown and grey building Terry spoke of fast. I couldn't help but take a look around.

The building was located in a part of town where no one asked questions period, and everyone saw everything and nothing all at once. Then with my first lap around the block, I hadn't noticed anything strange.

On my second pass, I noticed all the hard powerlines for massive power draw. This situation was a clear sign I was in the right place. With this in mind, I ran up the building side when I spotted an open window.

This maneuver was going to be one move in skill and ability that could have gone down in the history books. Running up the building, I did sliding twist feet first maneuver into the building. I was going so fast I almost clipped my shin on the window sill.

The guy at the window never even saw me coming, while working my way through the room I caught a look at what I was here for — one supermassive server rack filled to the brim with all the latest goodies.

I had to be careful Norman was smart crazy smart, so I had to check to GPS triggers and the likes. Before I can even start my new hobby as a professional thief, I notice my reflection. I came to a hard realization I forgot my damn tools.

I ran out here with no screwdrivers nothing. Not even a mask to cover my face. Fuck! I jumped the gun again. Hell, I could have made my speed force constructs to include myself.

These realizations caused me to feel my frustration levels rising, but I had to push all that aside as I ran my way down to the maintenance rooms to take myself some tools so I can get my hands on all Norman's goodies.

That pulled me up short, oh gosh, no, not his goodies. I just wanted his tech for my own so that I can build badass shit for my immediate plans.

When I found the server room, I busted through the door like I was the kool-aid man. Oh yeah, what I found was wall to wall tools. I was so happy my face split open into one massive grin because now I could get to the liberation of the loot.

I started by grabbing the nearest bag then stuffing it with ratchet sets, a pair of bolt cutters and a matching set of the flathead screwdriver and its Phillips head pair.

Making a u-turn up the walls, I ran along with the ceiling then across the walls back down onto the ground with myself heading to the first floor I might as well start somewhere.

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