The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 7: Speed Heist!

Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 7

Speed Heist

So here I was heading down the elevator shaft to the basement. I had to make this fast. A speed heist can't be a speed heist of I take forever and a day. I have the tools, and I also found the server racks that I will need. All that was necessary now was a data bank, power couplings, and a few other goodies and knick-knacks. Cutting a turn at the floor and busting through the door like I was the kool-aid man, it was on. I came upon Christmas in February because it was four storage banks of nothing but petabytes of storage. These are all now mine! Running up to them, I checked all my tools to make sure that I had the right wrenches and a few screwdrivers. With speeds that no one could even see, I was off with a blink. The whole data storage was separated down to just its parts hanging around me in the air as I disassemble them. Doing all this was so cool! Everything was free floating in the air due to the speeds at which I was moving. Nothing could keep up with me. With the databank all disassembled I had gotten my hands on six hundred specialized hard drives of nothing but free storage. Now it was time for everything to go. Pulling on the ropes I found in the Oscorp storage rooms, I made sure to wrapp it all up and tie it all to me. I then spread the speed force along my path. With another turn, I was out of that first subsection of the basement.

While speeding back to my little secret warehouse, I was able to tug all the data storage units with me. Why use hands when you have rope and imagination. Creativity for the win! After setting all the stolen loot down, it was time to blast back to Oscorp's secret labs. Next was sub-basement two, which had another holy grail secret hidden away: a two meters tall, robust power storage unit. And man was this thing advanced. From the look and feel of the power stored within, this thing could run the whole building for a month with nothing but back up power. I wanted it but fuck it was so damn huge! Where there is a will, there's a way. Running up to it, I ran my hands alongside it then increased the vibrations. I couldn't do this at average speeds because I needed no one to know I was here except for my people. But the clue was sharing my aura with Gwen and when I time trapped that doctor and killed him. Using the aura shield, that my body generated, I was able to loosen the screws and set about dismantling the power supply storage. With a twist and a wiggle of my hands, all the parts of the storage were dismantled and scattered around in the air. This heist was going just great, got myself one large server rack and now got my hands on a next-generation power storage device. No one can call me a thief if no one can prove I did it. No matter how gleeful that made me, I had to keep focused. Since I am in Marvel and Norman Osborn is into shady dealings, that means he has to have had the OZ serum. And since this is the closest of his labs, it would be in this one or a secret lab inside the Osborn Towers.

Well, lets just split twenty-two and hope it's only in these labs. Since he does have a posting on the site about the spiders my hope against all hope is I'll find it here. A guard was frozen in his mid-stride exiting out of some lab labeled armor and weaponry. My teenage heart couldn't help but scream jackpot. So many goodies are going to be all mine, and no one will be able to stop me. Paying the guard no mind, I took off running up the wall then across the ceiling and through the door behind him. What I found was enough to cause a Spiderman fans wet dreams. It seems Norman was keeping tabs on Oto because on the far wall was a copy of the infamous octopus arms. The arms had connections to a spinal stabilizer and one massive waist hugging connector clamp. Even from my position running into the room, I can tell that the needles used to connect the neural pathways were extremely sharp. Had to give Dr.Otto some props for using this damn thing and even more to his wife for going along with that man's mad genius and allowing him to put this thing on.

Yeah, these arms were now leaving with me, my mind was alive with all the upgrades I could do to this thing. I also had to make a note to myself to make sure that the neural connectors got replaced with something else that's a lot less likely to fuse to anyones spinal neural pathways. Yeah, having anyone use this thing till that significant flaw was fixed would not end well. With my full three hundred and sixty degree inspection of the mechanical limbs, I was sure they could be liberated. That defice was then zoomed to my warehouse. While running down the road, both of the GPS devices were removed and placed onto a cab and a car as I passed by. I dropped off the limbs next to the disassembled power storage device and the server rack, gave Gwen a hyperspeed kiss and ran back to the armory of goodies.

Running back in the arsenal, I looked over the guns, but they were just the standard military carbines, so they didn't even get a second glance from me. Yeah, I'll have to take a crate with ammo on my way out, but that's just regular old guns. What had my interest right now was the crate that was being currently dismantled by a group of guys. Rushing over to them, I couldn't help but take a peek to see what they were getting out of the crate. And my gosh it was beautiful! They had the hobgoblin glider from spiderman three: and I wanted it. I wanted it so badly I smashed the leading security guy out of the way and snatched it up. This thing was as sleek as a snowboard and in the middle it had two advanced motors running what had to be modular flight stabilizers. Under the bottom it had a rotating rocket booster that was able to turn in a three-hundred and sixty degree arc. On both ends it had a three-prong set of minijet boosters. Yeah, this was so not going to stay in Normans hands. Mine! Mine! and more Mine! Muahahaha. With the final checks over the glider, I was off back to my warehouse like a manic kleptomaniac.

With some more manic enthusiasm, I rushed back to the secret labs hoping to find more goodies. This first heist was turning into the most significant windfall ever. Not only was I able to get my hands on some good tech, but I was also able to get my hands on copies of future friends or foes tech. Now all that's left is to take some carbines since they had nothing else of interest to me and my future goals. With two crates secured for my warehouse, I also had to round up at least half a million rounds. That should keep Allen happy till we can snatch some more ammo or we can buy it all legally.

Next was communications, and for that, I had to find the communications hub, I was here to rob Norman blind, and there was no way I was going to go on city patrols with just a walkie talkie and nothing else. Rushing up to a wall map with that thought in mind, I noticed they even had you are here star on the map. That gave me a chuckle whoever made this thing had a sense of humor. Lucky for me, the communications hub was on the second floor directly next to where all the power was coming in. That set my fingers to tingling. The only reason Norman would even think of putting a communications hub in a spot that can easily be overloaded is if he had his supercapacitors that are being used in the city grid — busting into the room like the Kool-aid man again, Oh yeah! I looked at the holy grail of communications before me. The monitors were all connected to a next-gen communications relay; it didn't even look like a switchboard at all.

It had relays and switches with a panel for viewing that looked like it was already hooked into all radio types across the city. I'll have to scrub and format till the cows come home, I might have to replace a few parts that are capable of taking it down to be safe. Pulling off the headsets of the crews operating the station, I left and went to my warehouse and back within the same nanosecond.

With the headsets already at my warehouse, it was time to dismantle the wall of tech. Going back to the communications room, I took everything that wasn't bolted down. The desk, keyboards, monitors, even the power strips weren't able to able to hide from my clutches. With my new mad idea of powering my new system with the speed force I needed to find those supercapacitors to get my systems going. My powers were already running on the best type of juice in the universe, so I'll have to make something to share the power. A mad cackle was released out of my mouth when I started to dismantle the communications array and bring it back to my warehouse. That stumped me for a bit: gosh hope I wasn't losing my mind. That would suck going mad after making it this far. With a shrug, I decided that ignorance was best.

Everything was taken; the only thing left in the room was the metal grate on the far wall. I had noticed it with all the cables and wires coming out of it. The people operating their stations as a job were safe for now. There was no need or justification to rob the people that were doing their jobs. I had chosen to ignore them. What I was hoping to find behind that metal grate was the holy grail.

Man, was I having too much fun with this! Now I understood why the Black Cat and Catwoman stole so much: it was fun and slightly addicting. I had to make sure I took everything. With super speed, I dragged my hands across the panel, yanking it down to reveal what had to be millions of dollars in Oscorp tech, and I was going to take it all. Supercapacitors, with wirings, control modules, everything one would need to run a power set up like this was here and lined with what had to be a state of the art cooling system. Shit, I almost forgot that I'd need to build a cooling system for everything: Even the server room! Otherwise the heat is going to be just crazy off the charts. Just taking a look at what Oscorp had built in front of me gave me ideas, I am pretty sure Mr.Freeze used a version of cryogenic freezing for his tech. With just that thought alone, I had three new schematics of ideas and improvements that would keep my systems at sub-zero temperatures. Also have to make a note not to let anyone get electrocuted while near the tech, don't want anyone just suddenly showing up with ice powers. Well maybe if I find a safe way to administer it possibly make a few for special operations.

Everything was liberated. I even took the wires and bolts this time. Pretty positive that none of this is available to me back in my warehouse. After double checking to make sure I didn't forget to take out any GPS locator chips, I rushed back to my werehouse, dumped my load, kissed Gwen again, and rushed back to the goldmine that was Norman Osborn's secret labs. Taking a glance at the building map from my position running along the ceiling to make sure I was heading in the right direction. I shot off down into the basement labs for what I hoped was the last item on this little heist of Mine. Blasting out of the stairwell, I noticed the labs down the hall on my left. During a mid-stride though I saw of a room of guards trying to hold down a man that looked to be screaming at them. Yeah, I was in the right place alright, this guy was taking on at least twelve guards that looked like it was their job was to subdue him. That crazed look on his face was a clear indication to tell me that the oz serum was not only here in the labs, but it was also far from being a viable option. Maybe Gwen would like to play around it to see if she can solve the issue.

From my thoughts on the matter, I knew Norman refuses to lower the enhancements. Those enhancements go hand in hand with the mental break down in patients. Fixing that would, I hoped at least, fix the issue. Since Gwen's whole wheelhouse is biochemistry, I leave all that to her. In the lab they had six small bottles of the stuff guess I'll only take three for Gwen. I lucked out here because not only did they have what I needed, but they also had a model of the serum up on the screen. Ha, perfect recall for the win! This I'll have to reproduce for Gwen once all the systems are up and running. Pretty positive that she is going to have a field day with all this. While being here I might as well grab her a few things, though. Ohh, great! They have beakers, lab equipment, and even one state of the art centrifuge. I took everything, and I also took some of the lab coats. Yes, I was going to start my hero career on Osborn's dime, and I had no remorse or shame or care in the world.


Micheal always considered himself an elite amongst elites. He took pride in that fact and he ran his job with that kind of mentality. Not many people can say they were chosen by boss Norman Osborn himself! He picked him for the head of security, a position for which he was born. He always made sure he ran this lab with the best of the best, like himself. All the guards were from the best the company had to offer. Like Gomez, for example: he won multiple awards for martial arts from company competitions, so he had to have him. He also had to have Nicalos since he was a notable marksman. Micheal made sure he had the guy that could shoot and the guy that could kick ass. So it was extremely frustrating for him when something invisible shoved him out of the way and stole all the fucking gear he was charged to guard. Everything that wasn't secured down was gone hell even a few bolts were fucking gone! He was going to get this asshole if it was the last thing he did. He had a savage grin when he headed to his locker, and another Gomez was yelling something; freaking out.

They didn't know he had taken the initiative to mark the gear with GPS and it was about to pay off. With a savage grin Micheal pressed the button to activate the GPS responders, yeah he couldn't wait to see the look on that fuckers face when he smashed down the door and kicked his face. Micheals grin was wiped off his face as he watched all thirty-six of the devices responding from all over the city. Locations were showing from lower east side Manhattan to the far side of Queens. How in all hell was he going to explain this to his boss now? That even his back up tracker plan couldn't help!


Gwen had no clue on what to expect from this day. One moment they were in school with Ben defending Peter again, and the next moment, Ben was telling her about being kidnapped. Not only that, but he was also taken to some secret base. Then he told her about having to kill his way out of that same base. That was all so surreal for Gwen. The next thing she knew Allen told him about some shady secret base that Norman Osborn seems to be running. That caused Ben to run off with his goofy grin before she even had a chance to ask him what was it all about. Before she could even stop him, he was gone within an instant before she could also show her frustration with everything. Ben was back, kissing her, and the warehouse was full of so many parts it was maddening.

Gwen had enough of this, with a huff she seperated from him and walked over to where she saw what looked to be genetics lab equipment. Ben came up beside her and she grabbed him by his collar and pulled him down to her height. Dam tall bastard played through her mind as she decided to give him a piece of it. "Listen here you tall dufus! Explain yourself now! Where did all these things come from and what was Allen talking about when he said Harry's dad had some secret lab?" Gwen asked her soon to be dead boyfriend cause for the first time, yes, she was contemplating hurting him--a lot!


With a massive grin on my face, I zoomed back into my base of operations (my warehouse). I was looked over all my goodies from my massively successful heist and then ran to finish that kiss with Gwen. I was in for a rude awakening because the next thing I knew she pulled away, stormed off towards the medical equipment, and then grabbed me and yelled in my face. Then she had my head down to her height, I just wanted to kiss that face again. She was angry but looked so damned adorable. Gwen had to be handled with care because I knew that look. Her next move is going to go for my ear or take a chunk of flesh with a pinch. And I refused to be on the end of that, period! So like any superpowered boyfriend, I did what we all do, and I caved. My epic caving into her demands was fast and complete. No way can I have my main genetics hotty girlfriend upset at me — that and Capt. Stacey has a lot of large guns and cops he would have no problem using on me.

"Calm down first please Gwen I'll tell you what's going on," I replied to her in a hurry before she decided it would be a good idea to pinch my cheeks. "Oh yeah, Allen come over here you would like to hear what I have to tell you and also bring Terry with you," I stated to the man while he was off chuckling at my misfortune. Everyone's a blasted traitor nowadays geeze no loyalty at all. With everyone on my list of importance, I decided to let them in on half of what I plan for the future. "So as you bunch of misfits all know I gain my own set of powers recently with the lovely Gwen Stacey's help" I Started, I had to make sure I buttered her up some. I would want to kiss her later and not have her decide it would be a good teaching opportunity by biting me a few times. Hmm, now that I am thinking about it that might be interesting: she does let out a few cute moans when I go for the neck.

"I plan to use my powers and do the whole hero thing, but I do have goals with the whole hero thing," I told them. "You're going to get yourself hurt again." Came Gwen, talk about ouch and going for the knife! "Being a hero pays like nothing kid." Stated Terry from his position at a desk. "I figured you were up to something like that, do you have a plan at least kid?" Spoke up Allen from his position, leaning up against the wall. "Well for Gwen that's why I have plans for more training with my skills so don't worry there. And yeah Terry I know heroes don't get paid anything. Also, who said I wasn't going to get myself some money along the way? And thank you, Allen, for sticking by me." I let out at them with a huff which in turn caused both Gwen and Terry to sit up. They had such vivid attention on me it was eerie.

Figures Terry would perk up at the mention of money. It was Gwen who spoke up first. "Does this whole training thing also include the whole walking on air?" She asked me with a dazed smile on her face now. "Urgh yeah, it does actually" I replied to her. "Wait walking on air?" asked both Terry and Allen. With that as a prompt, I decided why not let's show off, with a twist I was running up the walls. Flipping off the wall I focused the speed force more into my legs and less all over my body. Allen's jaw dropped as I stood there before them both a good five feet off the ground. Terry was the first to speak up from his spot standing in front of the desk. "How are you even pulling that off?"

"Simple yet not so simple. My body is producing massive amounts of energy. And one of my abilities is energy manipulation. So all this electricity you see as a discharge? I am using it to grab hold of the molecules in the air creating a pressure pad I can stand on." What I failed to share with them was that I was also running all the calculations for this little move. Talk about a work out that keeps on giving. "Don't you guys worry I have plans to help you all gain powers. I like to think of myself as a guy who follows some of the rules on the evil overlord list okay?" With that admittance everyone tilted there heads as if they had never heard of such a thing. So all I could do is huff at them fine. "One of the rules I standby is that if I can have power. Then share it with the rest because you never know when someone will target your allies." "That is the current rule I am going to use" was my statement to the rest. "So how would all of you don't mind me and let me build up this sick computer and the server racks," I asked with as much pleading in my voice as I could muster. So many parts were in front of me, and I was dying to put it all together.

With that I was off within a blink First was setting up the server racks in the basement. Man, I had hit the jackpot! Norman had sprung for the goodies and I got my hands on his zettabyte drives. I was able to lift all twenty of the hard drives, and I plan to put them to good use. Now that the server was all set up, it was time to set up Gwen's lab right next to my work station. From there with a turn and a blitz, I was back in the warehouse basement. I had to set up and organize all the batteries, but I had gotten my hands on one of Normans state of the art next gen battery storage devices. These things could power any three story sized building for up to a month by itself. And it was all mine! That made me giddy. After the batteries were all set, I had a whole communications array that I needed to put together. Then I had a whole bunch of superconducting cables to wire all over the place. With all the wiring in place, it was time I ran myself to the junkyard. I had to salvage some copper, freon, and a bunch of fins to build heat sinks to filter all the heat that was about to be produced once this all starts up.

While in the junkyard it came to my notice that I had no way to transfer my electricity into the batteries other than to grab hold and funnel it that way. Yeah, this won't do at all. That was when I noticed it a rundown looking Swift Mater four thousand right there laying on its side with the top all broken. Maybe I should have gone to the professor or maybe Dr.Mccoy and ask for help, but it wasn't time for them to know what I was doing. I also didn't need them to be aware of what my plans are for my powers. Come to remember while Logan and Dr.Mccoy were grilling me all week he didn't ask me anything about how it all affected me. Now that I think more on the subject, I am happy he didn't ask me. There is just too much going on up in my head at the moment to share with that man in particular. With my musing, I had cleaned up the Swift Master and brought it back to the warehouse. Next, I located some older air conditioning units, five still intact. I rushed everything back to the warehouse. All I needed now was copper for heatsinks.

The next stop was the recycling plant over in Jersey. My timing was perfect because a metal bins truck was heading in and I noticed a large bin with nothing but copper. Yes, talk about getting a win today. Let's take the whole container, yeah no way will they be able to miss these lovely babies. Plus the copper is far better used in my own hands. Don't they know I am trying to build a supercomputer with junk parts and advanced parts? It's going to be my own little Frankenstein! Muahahaha. The container in tow, I blasted back to my little section of hell's kitchen. Not only did I now have a treadmill to transfer my electricity through, but I also now had the parts needed to build proper heat sinks and help keep my systems all nice and cool. With my new plans in mind, it was time to build that cryogenics tech I was mulling over while in Norman's secret labs.


Gwen couldn't help but huff as Ben shot out of the lab. With his new found powers he can be ridiculous. That's for some other time, though because he had said something about sharing power, but she was very aware he had no plans to share his current skills with her. Not that she blamed him because she was not willing to be blasted with super cosmic lighting as he likes to call it. No, what she wants is to be able to fly. When Ben had taken her into the air, she knew that's what she wanted. Yeah, to fly and some strength also. While Gwen was mulling that over, she had noticed that Ben had placed down a pad on one of the new desks. On top of the office desk was three small bottles of green liquid with a note under it which read. -Hey, Gwen, this is a neat little thing I found in those labs. Roughly three pages in you will discover I redrew the whole molecule that they had up on the monitors. Do be careful it tends to make anyone who drinks it to go crazy. The serum is all yours to enjoy. That's why I brought you a lab to call your own.-

Now Gwen realized she couldn't be all angry with the big dufus. He didn't forget to bring her some toys to play with. So she decided to let him off the hook this time to play with her new mutagenicfluids.


With that last run, I had everything hooked up. The communications array was connected to outside antennas and dishes but not connected to the power source. That way, it does not give away our location without us having a chance to reset the whole system. The power source was all connected to the swift master yet the switch hasn't been flipped. Everything was covered with my cooling racks. The superconductors and the supercapacitors were all set and ready for the blast of energy about to be sent their way. Now all I needed was my genius girlfriend to run all the systems and run the operating systems that are going to be the foundations for the AI that I was working on over at the X-mansion. Looking around, I found Gwen in her section of the workstation at her little lab that was now a real lab with all came from Osborn's secret lap and his pocket. This was not something I can trust Allen with, and she was all busy going mad scientist with her stuff.

Since Gwen was busying herself with that, I decided to go put away the glider and Dr. Otto's octo-arms. Man, these things are so bloody cool, and then there is the prototype glider I can't wait to take this thing apart and see what type of fuel it uses. Pretty sure it had a long flight time for something so small otherwise Norman wouldn't have made a copy and kept it for his use.

The side items had to be shifted to a more secure location, and I made sure to warn Allen about how dangerous these new toys were. Now it was time to put the mad genius cap on and run some life into the new computer systems.


Norman Osborn has always considered himself to be a genius and a visionary. He was always at the forefront of science and technology, no matter the cost. Norman also prided himself in building his company from the ground up. He only felt it was fair that the universe set upon him a failure of a son. It wasn't his fault he was given a son with no skills to make his own. He, Norman Osborn, was just too much of a genius and this was the natural balancing of the universe at work. Yes, that was a sad discovery, yet that paled in comparison to what he discovered today. Someone had not only located his labs but dared to rob him! His first conclusion was to confront Fisk about this, But Norman had a chance to review the camera footage and this was not Fisk's doing. One moment the equipment was there, and the next everything was gone. They had violated the secrecy of his labs and stole away his research under his nose. The only saving grace in all this was finding out he had such a capable head of security. Norman can always use such a loyal man in his experiments.

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