Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 62

By: BigTofu


Wishing he could get some Halle Berry time.

It was days like these that made Fury feel that he was too old for this shit. Stepping out of the SUV, he slammed the door behind him as Coulson got out from the passenger side. Glaring at anyone with half a thought to look his way, Fury had to take small pleasure in seeing them scatter like roaches.

From the tags on the cop approaching it was clear that the man was a Captain, but Fury was not in the mood for a pissing contest. With a brisk walk with his badass trench coat flowing behind him. Fury breezed by the cop with only one word, classified.

Thirty feet from the crimson scene tape, he looked down at what used to be a Hammer drone. Another thing that was far too good to be true and turned out to be another failure. Fury didn't know what he should be feeling right now. On one hand, it was a failure which meant that SHIELD couldn't get the technology for themselves. While on the other, it wasn't a technology in the hands of Hammer Industries.

That company had more holes than swiss cheese which meant that the plans would have slipped through upgrading the criminal elements. Glaring down at it, Fury put his boot on top of the brittle metal of the Hammer drones head before crushing it beneath his size eleven baby seal custom leather boots.

The flash of red and heat drew his attention to what was threatening to give him an ulcer. The so-called Teen Titans, it was bad enough that he couldn't get his Avengers program properly running. Now, here were some teenagers from Pandora calling themselves a hero team. They were taking photos: the look he sent Coulson said more than enough.

Pulling out a special pager, he input his code before selecting emp. Pointing it towards the so called Teen Titans, Fury enjoyed pressing the button, there was no shame in admitting it. Instantly their phones and cameras short circuited before failing entirely.

"Who's in charge here?" He asked, staring down a member that had asian features. In response, her body glowed before some type of psionic armor formed around her. She didn't shy away from his glare, Fury mentally noted.

"And who are you?"

"Fury, director of SHIELD, the man who is still undecided if he should lock you all up for vigilantism or look the other way." He said, voice far to smug as he watched the others flinch. Interestingly enough the girl before him didn't flinch and he was certain that he wanted her as one of his agents.

"Whoa, whoa, the kiddies did good," Came a voice from the side. Fury turned and had to suppress the shudder that ran through his system. Tony was standing there in his armor, but the thing that gave him pause was the teen in armor just like Tony's.

Ohh god, Tony was multiplying.

There was a sudden urge to grab his hand canon and just fire indiscriminately, but Fury had to clamp down on such a reflex. Ignoring the teens around him, Fury pulled a device shaped like a hockey puck, then hit the activation on its surface. A privacy screen appeared to keep those with cameras unable to take pictures and video. It even doubled to obscure faces and to keep lip readers and laser sonic readers from getting anything.

Fury waited for the shimmer to surround him before he held a hand up. With his index finger in a come here motion, he stared down Tony and waited. Fury waited as Tony walked over with that cocky smirk on his face.

"What in the hell were you thinking?" Fury asked. "No back up, turning the place into a warzone with civilians around."

"No, I had back up, Rodey and my son." Tony replied with mock offense.

Fury turned his head to look at the smaller version of Iron-man. Yet, Tony waved him off.

"Aye, get your one eye off my daughter." Tony snarked. "My sons over there with his team, Spiderman."

For a hot moment, Fury felt his heart stop, ohh god Tony was really multiplying.

"You have a son and a daughter and am just learning about this now? What happened to wrapping it up. When did you suddenly become a fan of the pullout method." Fury asked, as he eyed both of the youths Tony pointed out. "You know what, I don't even want to know."

Standing there glaring at the man, he waited for Tony to shift uncomfortably before him.

"SHIELD, will look the other way as you dispose of the drones, make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands." Fury said with a grunt.

"Ohh, are you finished with the scolding Tony party?"

Rolling his eyes, Fury shifted his posture, "The Avengers initiative is going to be starting soon. Blake has already sent me a report compiled by the precogs on the island."

"Ohh, I didn't know you believed in fortune telling." Tony snarked. Peering at him, Fury waited before speaking.

"Now that you have gotten that out of your system, introduce me to the kids." Fury said turning towards them. He waited for Tony's excited face and he turned around to leave the silence field. "Your dad would be proud."

He watched as Tony half missed a step before shutting down the field. Yeah, payback wherever he could get it.


Gwendolyn Stacey

Genius Troublemaker 

Humming to herself, Gwen smiled at the holograms as she worked alongside Sue. Less than an hour ago, Jean had contacted them about her visitor waking up. A request had gotten her a fresh blood sample, but Gwen had to stamp down her urge to be there to see the Eternal.

A hand reached forward from the side and rotated the genetic chain. It was clearly human, but it was also clearly thousands of years old missing a few evolutionary chains. Yet, it also was still compatible with today's human genetics. Then there were the markers that glowed under spectral analysis.

Even the metaphysical scanner came back with readings their supercomputer was still processing. Maybe she should get a pair of those new carbon nanochip computers for her labs. They were processing data at exabytes per cycle and up. They were still a few steps down from the island's main systems, but were still cutting edge.

Pulling her head out of the clouds, as much as being able to process Yottabytes of data would be, she had to focus on the now. There was a knock at the door and she and Sue turned at the same time.

There was a flick of the switch and Gwen hissed at the sudden change as she covered her eyes.

"Come on Raven, warn a girl first." She grumbled looking at the blue bombshell that was standing at the door. Gwen noticed that Ororo, Emma and even Medusa were right behind Raven as they all came into the room.

Sue had finally looked up from what she was working on and also went silent. Taking a deep breath, Gwen steeled herself for what was to come.

"Alright, who died?" She asked looking at the ladies before her. The only one missing was Jean, but it was clear that she was off-world doing something important.

"No one has died sister, but there is something that we must check." Ororo spoke with calming tones as her eyes glowed. She gave Sue a brilliant smile before pulling her into a hug. "It would seem that we are being blessed with two sparks of life today."

For a moment, Gwen didn't know what to think, but she knew that it couldn't be that. She blinked, and blinked as her mind short circuited. "Wait what?"

She looked up and saw the ultra wide eyes of Sue as the implications started to settle over her. "Athena, power up the medical beds. I want scanners now."

"Of course ma'am."

Gwen shifted out of the way while using a hand to bekon Raven over to her. Putting two fingers on her wrist, Gwen let her power flow through Raven's body. Nerves, tendons, and so much else were ignored when the spark of life took her breath away. The life inside of Raven was barely there, but Gwen could already feel the power gathering in Ravens womb.

Eyes wide, she took a step back and sat down heavily in one of the available seats. Pregnancy was not something she saw coming. Gwen knew that it was possible, but not so soon. Then again, she should not have been surprised with how liberal Benjamin had been dicking each of them down.

Sometimes once, twice or three times in a night with multiple partners, hell there were nights he had been so insatiable, Gwen had been far too happy to have sisters to take her place. Rubbing her brow, Gwen got up and went to give a hand in programming the medical bed for a full body scan. It was clear that Sue wasn't able to do it with her hands trembling so much.

Hitting a few preselected keys, Gwen laid Sue on one bed before laying Raven on the other. There was a humm as the bed ran a blue scanner over both inhabitants scanning them down to the molecular level. The scan was completed within less than thirty seconds as it displayed for all to see the confermined pregnancy.

What she found odd was that there was a genetic match for all three parents included. One matched Sue, the middle was the baby and the last matched with Benjamin's last DNA. Looking over the other hologram, Raven had the same thing. One matched her own, the middle was the baby, and the last matched Benjamin's DNA.

The room was silent as they all looked over the data. These were going to be the first born kids of the family. It was such an odd dichotomy since the family was already a large one, that Gwen just didn't know what to think.

As she sat silently contemplating child birth and if she wanted kids. The excitement finally hit the room as the ladies in waiting burst with exuberance.

Was she jealous, was she sad? Gwen just didn't know, but what she did know was that she didn't want to be here right now. Making a silent exit from the room, maybe it was time to join Jean off planet for a little while. A break without having to worry about having kids would be nice.


Benjamin Blake

Doting Father, Husband, Emperor

Standing at the edge of the walled-off area to the Savage Lands. I took a moment to let the feel of primal energy wash right over me. Wind gently blew across my clothes and suddenly, I wanted to feel it on my skin.

The wolf in me wanted out, wanted to run and hunt.

A mental command to my omni had my clothes changed to shorts. No shirt, no shoes, no problem, I was here to embrace the Savage Lands and I couldn't do that as a city boy.

Even the dirt between my toes felt amazing, enhale, exhale. Taking one more deep breath, I released it as I opened my eyes. The world looked so beautiful and charged with life. My canines lengthened and I felt the wolf inside growl in anticipation. Taleb took off first leading the way with Warpath right on his heels.

Colossus followed behind with an assured pace that matched that of a tank. I on the other hand watched and waited. I had far more senses to track them by and enough speed to outpace photons.

The shift of the wind and foliage was my que to hunt. First I caught the scent on the wind, then I was off to the races. My heart pounded a smooth rhythm as I glided through the Jurassic forest from a time long forgotten.

I jumped logs, I slid across moss and I jumped from branch to branch. I soaked in all that there was to being a part of the Savage Lands. A hand moved, instead of a branch snapping, it swung gracefully to the side. Here, I was both predator and prey, but all that did was increase my bloodlust.

Launching myself from a branch, I grabbed a hanging vine to swing myself forward. Letting go at the peek, I then landed on another branch and slid down its moss covered surface, I was Tarzan reborn.

Legs moved back and forth shifting from branch to branch as I skated my way above a pack of raptors. From just eyeballing them, I could tell that they were ten feet long from snout to tip of the tail. Six feet in height and the shifting of weight and toe claw screamed velociraptor. These were definitely not like the models in museums and neither were they like the ones found in the movie Jurassic Park.

No, these were pure nature's bred killing machines. They hunted and I stalked them for five hundred meters. The raptors came to a sudden stop. There was a river fifty meters to the east. That was when the wolf inside nudged me to wait as my pack got into position.

Leaning back on the branch, I sniffed the air and found that the pack was also here hunting. While thinking that over, I pulled my chain sword from the back of my belt and held it in a reverse grip. Down below, I felt and knew without seeing, Silva was coming up along the flanks of the velociraptors.

A few more wolves were circling as a couple played bait for the dino's. Now that was an interesting tactic to use against velociraptors if I have ever seen any. Tension filled the air as the pressure mounted and I held on with baited breath.

Everyone's position was held briefly, that was until the wind rustled the leaves. This kicked everything into high gear as if someone let off the blast to a race. I slid from my perch with my saw blade buzzing as my aim was perfect. Wolves sprang from the foliage of the forest to attack the raptors from their side.

As I fell down upon the neck of a raptor like a guillotine, I noted how large the wolves were. It was clear that in full beast mode the lycans were as large as direwolves. Silva cut left as my blade tore into the beast beneath me.

Revving the engine, I let the blades tear into flesh before I twisted and swung to the side slashing the bottom jaw from an attacker. Rolling with the body beneath me, I lashed out with a kick sending the now jawless velociraptor away. There was a wet crunch sound as it slammed into the massive tree.

Completing the roll, I was back on my feet within seconds.

The wolves gathered around only leaving a spot for Silva to walk forward. Muscles shifted and bones rearranged themselves as she transformed. I watched as Silva went from four legs to standing on two. Her muzzle pulled in from the snarling wolf visage to that of a female one with bright Hazel eyes.

The eyes though did not match the wild Amazon that stood before me with blood dripping down her front. "That was a hunt."

Smiling at her, I then flicked my wrist and vanished the blood that covered her front. "What are your plans with the carcasses?"

Silva hemmed and hawed as she slowly strolled around me trailing a finger across glowing lines that rippled across my muscles. Oddly, they reminded me of something, but I couldn't place it for some reason. Even if I didn't know what that was, my blood sang with power and life. I was pulled from my thoughts of discovering why when Silva started to speak.

"We have hunted each species that the good Doctor had wanted to study." Silva spoke running a delicate nail across the lines on my skin. "We not only collect blood samples, but bring back the rest of the body for study."

Leaning back against air, I studied the rest of my Lycans as they shifted back to either human or between. "How many more are on your list to hunt?"

"Three species left." Silva purred as she ran an errant finger down my abdominal muscles. "The Tyrannosaurus and his cousins are last of course."

The feral grin I gave her sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine, but I ignored that. My senses shifted and I located Taleb, Warpath and Colossus, they were closing in rapidly on a tribe of Lycans that had a lot more in common with the Siberian tiger than my own Wolves.

"Call the hunt here," I said then held up a hand to forestall any argument. "I'll be visiting a new tribe of Lycans in a little while and I would like you to come with me Silva."

She gave me a nod before sending a signal to the others. They took that as an affirmative to send up a signal beacon. Idly, I noticed that it was shaped like a hover puck that could be reused. Turning, I launched myself into the air before kicking off from a tree branch. I heard the rhythmic pounding beneath me so I kept on going. Branch to branch, tree to tree we went through the forest.

Half a mile away from Taleb and the others, I grabbed a vine and swung myself back down to the forest floor. Silva was right there glossy fur shifting over the muscles along her back. Her muzzle shifted to look at me, but I already knew that she had caught the scent.

Kicking off the roots of the massive tree, I hopped on her back for a ride as she darted along the forest floor. Perched on her back, I held a fist full of fur as I directed her towards the proper direction. Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters, eighty, fifty, twenty, eight, right as we got to the final two meters, I leapt from Silva's back and bounced between three trees before coming to a stop.

Clothes wrapped around her as she sprang to her feet and I idly noted that she was naked before just because she wanted me to look. Rolling my eyes at the sly smirk on her lips, I turned my attention upwards. Well, I looked up and up and up, until I was finally able to locate the homes amongst the canopy.

Sigh, of course the cat people would have their homes up high in the trees. Instead of asking me, Silva looked up once before deciding that my back was the best way she was going to make it up there.

Lucky for her, Natasha or my kids weren't here to witness her being on my back and I was going to make sure that there wasn't any recording of it. Natasha could get very jealous when she felt someone was riding her mount without her permission. It was why Sage's ass was red after all, even if she was sharing dick and cream Natasha never gave Sage the permission to ride my face.

One hand behind me cupping some ass, I lightly hopped into the air. That light bounce took me fifty feet within reach of my target location. Another step this time on air pushed me upwards allowing me to land in a crouch on the largest platform. Silva was let down off my back and I took a moment to look up and around.

For a moment, I was lost for words. That was because this was nothing like I was imagining. When I read the reports, Doctor MCcoy said that they were advanced for hunter-gatherer type people as they built their homes in the canopy of the jungle. He noted levers and pulleys with advanced irrigation, but that's nothing compared to what I was looking at.

If I had to describe it then I would say that this was clearly something out of Lord of the Rings. If I didn't have eyes to witness them then I would have said that elves built these homes not Taleb and his people. Large arches to match equally stunning homes carved into the massive coniferous trees. Now, I really wanted to sprint across the Savage Lands and see the other tribes and how they lived. It was clear that these Lycans had adjusted and slowly advanced over the years they lived here. Interesting enough, I noticed the odd metal connection and attachments here and there.

It was nothing that stood out and it matched the artistic taste of cat elf people, but I could tell that it was a clear advancement from connecting to my own exploration group. Now, the million dollar question was how in the hell did Taleb get himself captured and turned into a Gladiator if his people lived so well. Okay, maybe that was a redundant question, it was the Savage Lands after all, "shit happens" is basically the motto of this place.

Putting a hand to brace Silva's neck, I picked her up and we blitzed through the city in the canopy. For anyone watching, we vanished from one spot and appeared at another before anyone could think to blink an eye.

Warpath went for his blades and Colossus shifted his form to metal, while Taleb went into a low stance. Sitting Silva down, I gave the guys a nod before starting simple introductions. I knew that they had already met her, but it was good for the city if I kept to norms and customs. Plus, there was always the perked ear of those that liked to listen in the shadows.

Taleb gave me a half bow before turning and leading the way. From what I could tell, we were in the middle of this city in the tree approaching what could be the leader's domicile. Besides the Siberian tiger people, because I figured calling them cats would be demeaning, I found some of my own mixed among them going about their daily lives and shopping. It would seem that the good doctor was already working on trying to integrate our people.

As we walked, a few things caught my interest, but all in all, I was ready to mark this place for increased security so that my kids could visit. Stopping outside of a store with a stall set up, I waited for the lady to leave before entering the shop myself. The first thing I realized was that I didn't have any Savage Lands currency, the second was the chunk of gold on a rope with smudges of a grey looking metal giving off power .

A motion of my hand pulled Taleb to my side and I showed him what I was looking at. Taleb looked from me to the stone and it wasn't until I told him about not having Savage Land currency that he understood.

Taleb finally understood, but I still wanted to smack him for scratching his head. "Let me talk with the owner, but why do you need the miracle stone? Your technology can already heal."

That brought me to a pause, "Wait, you say that this chunk of metal can heal?"

That definitely caught my attention and now I really wanted that chunk of metal.

"Do you have anything to purchase it with?"

"No, but we may barter for it." Taleb returned looking from me to the large orange and black striped tigerman behind the counter.

"I will not be trading weapons with your people until I have a solid agreement with your leader. And even then, they would have to join my soldiers and go through basic training like the rest." I said for him to hear, of course the guy behind the counter was also listening in. "Do you think there is anything that he might need? Anything outside of weapons?"

Taleb looked up in thought for some time before his eyes lit up. "You could offer him a chance to be the first to see the ocean of stars."

Standing there, I looked at Taleb before my face slowly split into a smile. "Can't, you're going to be the first of your people amongst the stars."

The way his eyes widened was almost comical, shrugging, I turned to leave. I could always find out later what the chunk of metal was made out of. Can't lie and say I am not interested in the life force I was sensing from it. Pulling out my phone, I took a quick picture and a preliminary scan.

"I'd like one'a those," The merchant standing behind the counter said looking at my phone.

Frowning slightly, I looked down at the super advanced smartphone in my hand. It was four vibranium edges in a L shape that created a small rectangular box. You could then expand it to any size you wanted. The smartphone used a carbon nanochip for the processor and it was a super computer right in my hands. It also came with a smart link to my omni for added storage and processing power. Gotta love having shrinker tech on demand.

"Well, I guess the only question to that statement is to ask what color?" I asked while also sending a few commands.

The merchant looked at me like he didn't expect me to hear his statement.

"My son likes blue."

"Then, blue he shall have." I replied by updating and changing orders swiftly. The chunk of metal floated into one of my outstretched hands while I pushed the other forward for a shake. There was no need not to have manners after all. I didn't show it on my face but the moment the metal contacted my skin was like the first time I was hit with the speed force.

Eyes wide, I glared down at the chunk of metal as I ignored those in my surroundings. A Multitude of powers ran down my arm to bombard the metal as I struck out with my senses. It was like examining Vibranium all over again, this chunk of metal was just as powerful if not more.

From its unique molecular makeup, Vibranium was able to store kinetic energy within itself. That kinetic energy was then released slowly back out into the environment as something anyone could use. That was why Wakanda was so powerful before my nation came around. They capitalized on that unique universal energy released from the Vibranium.

What I had in my hand was far more valuable. The chunk of metal wasn't just storing the energy from its surroundings, but it was also producing its own. Not only was the rock producing its own energy, it felt as if it was attuned to life. If I didn't know any better I would say that the chunk of rock was producing chi.

No, it couldn't be, if it was then this was going to be a massive game changer.

My head snapped to the right and Taleb and the rest took a half step back from my reaction.

"Tell me, if you have enough of this metal are you able to breathe underwater?" I asked, stepping towards him. Taleb and the rest took another step back from my intensity, but I didn't care. If this was what I thought it was then I had to know now. This could be one of the greatest discoveries of mankind.

Taleb put a hand to his chin in thought while nodding his head a few times. "It also works against the anti-metal."

Now, that was some interesting information, I was starting to think that we had come across Nth metal and that was going to be a massive game changer for my future plans.

Millions of plans sped through my mind before I settled on one. This was going to be the bedrock for my Space Force. If this was Nth metal, then I was going to create my own Green Lantern and Nova force. "Can you tell me where your people get this metal from?"

Taleb looked at me then looked at the chunk of metal in my hand. "That would be up to the chief and the elders."

Yeah, rolling my eyes, I turned to the door as one of my spartans came through with a box in his hand. Walking over, I took the box from his hand while having the spartan follow. Standing at the counter, I shaped the Nth metal into a small dagger, then used it to open the box.

"Wait, let me go get my boy." The merchant said with a grunt before vanishing towards the back of his store. Shrugging, I placed the phone back on the counter and pulled out my own.

Forming the metal into a disc for better scanning, held my phone up as I opened the app for a full spectrum analisis. Each time the scan ran over the metal, the information got uploaded to my personal lab.

Once the initial scans completed, I formed a magical spell circle in the air to produce gentle levitation. Forming the metal back into a small dagger, I gave it to the spartan for him to stab the spell. The fact they use it to breathe underwater and heal cuts were not enough. There were at least fifty metals out in the world that could do the same thing. Yet, there was only one that could disrupt magic and affect super powered individuals as if they were normal meat bags.

The spell formed and I enhanced it with some power to make sure. David looked at me, then gave a nod before slashing through my spell circle as if he was using a super heated blade. The spell instantly destabilized in my hand as I fought to get it back under control. Another slash from David and the spell collapsed completely and that was all I needed to know to get a solid conclusion on what I was dealing with.

Yeah, Nth metal was a thing and I was going to abuse the shit out of it if there was a steady supply around. For now, I just marked it as extremely important and for the drones to keep an eye out for the mineral signature.

The merchant came back with a kid walking behind him and I had to squish my instinct to pinch the kids cheeks. The kid really just looks like a kitten trying to be a tiger in how he walked and talked. Yeah, the kid had the cutest cheeks, but not cuter than my own kids. What I was going to allow though was for them to come and visit.

The merchant pulled over a stool, and sat the kid on another and I waited for the introductions.

"This is my son, Tuvo." The merchant grunted. Shrugging, I held a hand out for a shake before opening the phone box. With the phone out of it's box, I went on to discuss the power button and all of the things available for the device. The kid was fast and easily got the gist of what I was showing him.

It also helped that the screen was made from hard light projecting from the four corners of the device. That meant that his claws didn't get in the way if he didn't retract them. Lucky for him, these were the mark tens that were produced for underwater Atlantean life, so there were plenty of redundancies built right in.

Once I was finished with the kid, I checked my omni and found that it was time to leave. Once outside, I took the chunk of metal and split it in half. What I ended up with was something the size of a half dollar. Tossing the rest to the spartan that made the delivery on a hoverbike, I left him with orders to make sure that metal got to the labs.

I was certain that Alexander was going to run it through every test known to my nation. That was good, typing out a few notes of my own on what I knew about Nth metal. With that email sent on it's way to Alex, I looked up and found the elders looking at me with a nonplussed look on their faces. The chief was sizing me up, which if I had to be honest, I was alright with.

A flick of the wrist had my spartan leave for the task I gave him, accepting the return nod. I ignored the Elders as I stepped towards the chief tigerman. Standing right in front of him, I looked the large man in the eye.

The elders shifted at the side and I could feel the irritation bleed from one of them. A thought ran through my neural link for someone to keep an eye on them. He sized me up and I did the same, we stood like this for a moment before the man in front of me stretched an arm out.

"Torak," The Sibrerian chief grunted with an outstretched arm.

"Blake," I replied, clasping his hand in return. Accepting the shake, we both let go and I followed behind as he directed the way. Turning, I motioned for the rest to follow along also. Interestingly enough, the so called Elders sniffed before giving Silva an ugly look.

Great, now I have to worry about the whole cats and dogs bullshit.

We walked across large bridges of intricately woven vines and branches until we came to a center structure. Funny enough, I still didn't get the names of the Elders and I couldn't bring myself to actually care. On another side note, I haven't seen MCcoy since I arrived. I knew that he didn't jump ship from Xavier, but I thought he would have decided to show himself.

I guess, I was thinking too far ahead as the one and only, Doctor Henry McCoy came strolling in through another door. Right behind him was another feline that walked on two legs. What really perked me to her was the scent I caught wafting from her fur. The flick of Torak's ears and the side eye he gave her told me more than enough of what I wanted to know. Looks like the good Doctor had gone native, well good for him.

Kinda figured that would happen, it's written within our DNA to go native and adapt when introduced to a foreign environment. It's one of the driving forces behind why we adapt and overcome so much to rule what we now call Earth. Ignoring the scents that assaulted my nose, I turned to see how the Chief would handle things.

Torak let out a sigh as he got up from the seat he was sitting on. I watched as he gave Hank a glare before smiling and pulling his daughter into a strong hug.

"Come, let me introduce you." Torak said, one arm around his daugther and the other waving in my direction.

"Father, I did not come for that." Young lycan feline replied, while her father was pulling her my way. I noticed that an arm was wrapped around Hank pulling him along. Then there was the fact that she also wasn't as young as I thought she was. If I had to guess, advanced healing was one of the perks to their genetics.

"Come, let me introduce you to the Big Chieftain of the outside world." Torak said with a sweeping gesture in my direction. Getting up from my seat, I shifted to their location with an arm out. "Blake, this is my daughter Callie."

She took my arm in another's warriors shake while I nodded my head towards the good doctor. "I see you have been getting yourself acquainted with the good doctor."

Hank at least had the good grace to blush as I mentioned and motioned towards him.

"Good to see you again Doc." I said to the man while holding out my hand for a shake.

"It is good to see you again Mister Blake, and might I add, embarking on such a expedition has been an adventure of a lifetime." Hank McCoy said with a smile as he looked at Callie.

Rolling my eyes, I took a step back while Torak let out a huff at the good doctor. Turning, I took my seat as the others took theirs. Sitting at the table, I waited as Hank pulled out a holo-disk and activated it. Torak grunted as a hand went to his chin while Callie leaned in to get a closer look.

Funny enough, some of the so called Elders were looking interested while the other half had that resting bitch face situation going on. I watched as Hanks' hands flew over the holo-disk as he brought up the terms of agreement and a few other items on his agenda. From my reports and what I was seeing, it was clear that the good Doctor was doing a lot more than just dipping his wick.

"Will you not be introducing us?" One of the Elders growled out.

Torak looked at them for a moment before grunting. "I guess some of you deserve to be known, the rest not so much." Torak got up from his seat and started to roam along the table. "You all know Blake, the Chief beyond the world we know. Blake, let me introduce you."

Walking along the table Torak started to gesture to people. "This is Hama, oversees our food supply. Tuvo, oversees the crafters and builders and the loud one is Kris, he oversees our medicine and I myself oversee our warriors."

Well, now I get it, our medical technology was going to make his little monopoly on health care a moot point.

"Ohh, and you have met Callie, she is in charge of knowledge." Torak said before taking his seat at the head of the table. Hank was on his left while his daughter was on his right. I was sitting on the other end of the table from him while I had Silva on my right and Warpath on my left.

I shook my head at the Elders before looking Torak in the eyes, "The doctor reported that you would like to join my people."

Torak was silent as he gathered his thoughts but that wasn't a fault. Even if he already knew what he wanted to say. Gathering one's thoughts was a good sign in a leader. Lucky for me he had a daughter that was already shacked up and not some son that's half baked in the head.

"In light of Taleb coming back to the tribe, I have given it much thought." Torak said hand on his chin. "What I want to know is how do you plan to treat my people, unlike the lady at your side, we can not change forms."

I shrugged at the man, "It doesn't matter, a lot of the meta's can't change their forms and they look a lot less human than some. My plans are to uplift and show you and your people a world beyond imagination, My question is, will your people abide by my rule?"

"They must witness a battle." The Elders muttered around the table.

Shaking my head, I couldn't stop the question. "That can't be the only thing, what is it that you are leaving out."

"It will have to be in the pits for all to see, no weapons or claws."

"That includes powers, yes?"


"Who will I be facing?" I asked, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Torak peered at me from his side at the table for some time before he spoke up. "Myself and several warriors if you would like to lead my tribe and the other three in our alliance. They will also be sending their warriors."

Nodding my head, I could accept that, three for the price of one and even if I wore a block for my powers. I was certain that I would still be leagues ahead of them even with my powers blocked. Blocked powers didn't stop mental advancement or reflexies, then there was my daily spars with Natasha and the rest. I was an ultra lethal combatant and no one even realized it.

"Okay, that can be arranged, now tell me of the enemies you face." I commanded with a wave of my hand. Torak looked me in the eye, then grunted as he motioned for Hank to change the display.

"Three of the great beasts have been raiding the southern tribe from the east." Torak said and Hank changed the hologram to show a Tyrannosaurus with two others following it along. Warpath perked up at that and I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"You can hunt it later, Warpath." I said, holding a hand to him to not ask. I did a wave motion for Hank and he sent the information over to my omni. A quick flick sent a copy of that information to Warpath's own omni and he opened it and ignored the rest of the meeting.

Torak gave me a nod in deference before continuing on with what he had to share. "The Suar-Lords have returned to raiding any unsuspecting tribe member they can find. I have of course put orders in place but if you are able to resolve this issue then it would go a long way in the others following you."

The mention of the Suar-Lords did have me perk up and I knew that at least one of them was Omega level with the abilities to absorb life force. The spike of anticipation to that battle had me leaking battlelust. The room instantly went stiff as I thought about the leader behind the Suar-Lords. I didn't notice until the tables started to crack from the weight of my power. "Sorry, I should not have lost control like that, but tell me. Is one of the Suar-Lords named Styro?"

Torak gulped and shifted in his seat before he answered my question. "Yes, Styro is the leader, but there is word of another."

The grin that stretched across my face was completely feral. "His name is Sauron, and he is capable of absorbing one's lifeforce and using it in any manner he sees fit."

"And how would you know of such things that not even our scouts were able to discover?" Kris asked slamming a hand on the table. Really if he wanted to bolster himself, that was not the way to go about it. I idly noted as I spotted the shaking hand.

"That's because he is on my list of personal interests." I replied with a shrug, "Those I hunt are not for others, plus am rather glad I found him here. This helps solve a future trouble that might appear."

Shutting the man out, I used my omni to access the holo-disk and gain a copy of the map. With the size of the thing and areas colored in, the doc has been one busy man.

"Tell me Torak, besides these issues that need my military might, please tell me you have something to offer besides your people."

Honestly, even if I was gaining feline type Lycans for my nation, there had to be more there than that. This was where Hank cleared his throat and spoke up.

"With the help of Callie, I have submitted twenty four new botanic fuana for observation and study. Four have been found to have medical properties that assist in three areas of debilitating nerve damage," Hank spoke as the hologram shifted. "Two have also been important to Miss Storm in creating her cure for cancer. Another has been important to solving the common influenza virus issue."

"Thank you Hank." I said holding a hand to stop the man, then turned my attention to Torak. "These are the things used to bargain with in the world beyond. Having warriors helps, but a lot of tribes have warriors. It's the medicine and it's knowledge that are as important as gold, or that miracle metal."

"Fascinating isn't it, the energy it produces actually bolsters cellular regeneration." Hank started to rattle as he spoke far too quickly for the others.

"Doc, slow down. Plus, I think I might have an idea on what the metal might be." I said as I tried to stop the man from his tirade of words.

"You do? What is it?" Hank asked, eyes wide.

"If it does what I think it can and matches some of the things I'm aware of, then it's Nth metal." I said for everyone at the table to hear. "It's a metal of creation, extremely rare and powerful."

Hank gave me a look, then he asked me the question I wish he hadn't. "You called it Nth metal, that means ninth. Are there more?"

"There are, and they are a lot more powerful, but I doubt we will get lucky and discover a second metal of creation." I answered with a smirk on my lips. "We will just have to be happy with anti-metal, vibranium and Nth metal."

"Are you sure that the miracle metal is this Nth metal?" Torak asked, looking at me strangely.

My head snapped to attention, "How much of it do you have available for testing right now?"

"A few spear heads," Callie answered for her father. "We also have some made into arrowheads, will those work?"

It was my turn to rub my chin as I thought it over. "They, just might."

"Then come along." Torak said as he got up from the table.

Getting up from my seat, I followed as he led me from the room. Silva was right on my heels while Piotr stayed behind to speak with Hank. Callie on the other hand was following right at our side.

"Might, I ask you a question?" Callie said, looking at Silva, nose sniffing the air.

Silva smirked at her, "You just did kitten."

Torak huffed a laugh at the front and I had to tell Silva to be nice. Ignoring them, I took in my surroundings as Torak guided us to the armory. The more I saw, the more I felt that this was a place made for tree elves.

Everything was made from the massive trees and it was clear that some of the points were used as claw holds for the Siberian's to climb up and down. Torak opened a door that had some guards inside. Interestingly, they used a loincloth with a wooden chest plate. The weapon on their waist though was made of metal, but it wasn't any metal I was aware of. It looked bronze in nature, but it clearly wasn't.

Torak waved them aside and I followed him over to a shelf that was clearly ornate for special occasions.

"These are for our elite warriors,"Torak said, indicating to the chest. Inside the chest, there were more than twenty spear heads all made of Nth metal, what really had my dander up was that some sparked with power.

Glaring at the metal and trying not to give away my thoughts, I turned to look at Torak. He gave a hard look before nodding. Accepting the nod for what it was, I flicked a finger and Torak stepped back as the metal leaped to my commands.

A few twists of my wrist had it clear of impurities as I thought over what I was about to make. Thinking of something practical, I turned to Callie. "Step forward please."

Callie gave her father a look before steeling herself and stepping forward. Levitating her into the air, I wove the Nth metal around her form into intricate patterns. A shirt of finely woven Nth metal formed while around each of her four extremities a band of nth metal made itself known. Everything was flexible and easy to wear, something that was clearly female.

Lowering her back to the ground, I took a step back, then had to stop Torak from going to his daughter. "Callie, this is the important part, I want you to 'WILL' yourself into the air."


OKay, maybe I should have gone with show and tell first. "Okay, watch what I do." I said before floating myself into the air for everyone to see.

"I can't do that." Callie returned with folded arms and an attitude.

"You can with Nth metal, now stop stalling and get in the air." I replied back sternly. Callie glared back at me, but I ignored her to look at her father. "You mind if I give her a little incentive, won't hurt I swear."

Torak grunted, "Maybe it should hurt a little."

"Dad, you agree with this madness?"

She didn't get the chance to say anything else as I punted her into the air with my gravitational control. I really doubted that Torak would take kindly to me giving his daughter a boot to get the job done. Callie went upwards with a scream to lightly graze the ceiling.

Yeah, I got skills.

Callie went in an arc lightly skimming the ceiling before rapidly falling back down. Since I was an asshole, I of course took a step backwards. I guess her dad was in the same category as myself because he also took a step backwards.

Callie screamed on her way back down, but instinct kicked in as she guarded her face, yet that was all she needed. She came to a stop in the air a few feet over our heads. Torak grunted before walking forward again, but I stayed where I was as he started to wave his hand around the air.

"Interesting." Torak grunted. "What else can this metal do?"

"Plenty," I replied as Callie finally opened her eyes and noticed that she hadn't smashed into the ground. Torak never got the message as his daughter fell right on top of him. "Do you mine this metal? That was never made clear."

"We took the metal from an empty mine of the Rock-Men tribe."

Pulling up the map on my omni, I had to ask." Do you have the location of the Rock-men tribe?"

"Yes," Torak replied as he marked the spot I wanted.

"My people are already inbound to set up defenses and get your tribe fully upgraded, contact me when it's time to do battle." I told the chieftain as I got myself ready to go. "The moment the Suar-Lords move, I want to know about it."

"And what are you planning?" Torak asked, eyes narrowed.

"Track down the Nth metal," I replied. "No one here can face Sauron or any of his sons. So keep clear of them and let my people handle it. The portal is available if you would like to take your daughter to see the outside world."

"I'll take it under advisement," Torak grunted in return.

"Good, but if you can, set up a meeting with Styro for me. He is most likely to agree on terms." I said as a message came through on my omni. It was from Athena and marked Black level important. Something was going on with Sue and Raven, I had to get there immediately. With a few orders left for Silva and Warpath, I sped away. Sue and Raven were with a child. Now that was a scare. My imagination went wild about the implications and possibilities.

With the versatility of my powers mixed with their mothers, the house had to go through a whole new set of super baby proofing. Not only that but I also had to take in the consideration of the child being like their comic counterparts. Now that was a scary implication. Hell, I was already trying to avoid the whole Franklin Richards situation and I just might be the cause of his birth in my reality.

Nightcrawler was always one of my top ten favorite X-men, but now if I turned out to be his daddy. Then the kid would get super speed, strength and much more on top of his teleportation abilities. Then there is also the possibility that they aren't even born.

It was maddening to think about.

Arriving back on the island, I entered the medical lab just in time to hear my mother fussing over the two on the bed. As my eyes panned over the room, I felt power like my own from both Raven and Sue as they looked over a hologram showing data.

Okay, definitely going to have a super baby situation.

Walking up behind Emma and Ororo, I placed an arm around each of their waists as I pulled them in for a hug. Kisses and hugs were shared all around before I took the seat in between both of my women.

Sue placed a kiss on my cheek before pushing the hologram before me. Turning, I gave Raven a kiss on the lips before also pulling her hologram over. I barely looked over the genetic information because I knew that I was the only one putting the screws to my woman. What I did zero in on was the blip that represented a heartbeat.

My senses were telling me that there were four lifeforms split between both beds, but it was another seeing the beat of my child's heart. For some time I was lost for words as I just absorbed into family time. A got a nudge from the side and I looked up to see my father.

He smiled down at me as I sat transfixed before the hologram of the heart beats. It was funny, I already had kids, but it took two more being on the way for me to suddenly stutter in place.

Looking at my father, I stood strong and firm as I pulled him into an almost crushing hug. "I know what to do."

Adrian Blake looked back at me in confusion, "You do?" He asked not following my train of thought.

"Yes, I do. It's time to really protect my family. We need a bigger home also." I said then took on a commanding tone as I brought up my omni. "Kelix, command protocol Pandora Prime."

"Confirm authorization codes."

"Been, what are you doing?" My mother asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What I should have done a long time ago." I told her before shifting attention back towards the hologram hanging over my omni. "Blake command code, Zulu Zulu One One Foxtrot Delta Kilo Sierra Sierra, Four."

"Authorization confirmed." Kelix replied as the hologram changed for all to witness.

"Ohh my god, what is this Ben?" My father asked as he looked at my hologram. A flick of my wrist enlarged it for all to see and witness what was happening. On the wall for everyone to see, were massive ice asteroids getting bombarded over Mars. Graviton emitters were activated from their position around Mars to manipulate the magnetic fields the planet produces.

For some time, they were just stuck in orbit waiting for me to give the order. At first, I was going to wait for the new year and make a spectacle of it to my empire for all to witness the the first motions of terraforming live. Now though, I had kids on the way and I refused for them to be born on this planet within the reach of so many dangers.

No, I was going to make sure that my family was safe on a planet built and ruled by myself with big fucking guns set up to shoot any who dared get within arms reach. The image shifted into squares to show city ships over five thousand meters in diameter launch from their birthing bays of space station Titan. The space station Asteroid M settled into orbit around what used to be Mars.

Everyone sat, stood or laid stunned as massive Infinity class super Carriers launched with full accompaniments of troops. Cargo ships, escort ships, fast movers and freighters launched from their births to begin their travels out into space.

"This was going to be a New Years surprise, but that was then, this is now." I spoke with my voice flowing over the room. "My children will be born on a planet that's created by our hands for the future of all."

"Ohh, Ben." Raven whispered tears in her eyes. I turned to smile at her as I took her hand.

"There is nothing I won't do for my kids." I said for her to hear as I wiped a tear from her face. Making up my mind, I pushed both beds together while turning off their monitoring programs. Settling in the middle, I pulled both mothers close. The lights dimmed and everyone fell silent as we watched a planet undergo terraforming.

It was time for the Empire's reign to begin.


Now, that was a chapter. So much happening and we are finally dealing with the Savage Lands while also moving more into space.

Ohh and super babies are on the way. Sue and Raven are both knocked up. I wonder what Reed is going to say once he stops living inside of his lab.

Trying my hand at drama, but ehh might backpedal on it. Got some plans for Gwen, Jean, and Felicia action time.

Very Small Edits By Pineapple

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