The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 63

By: BigToFu

To Russia with love

Sitting at her desk reading over reports, Natasha's hands paused in their work as a notification popped up at the lower left of her holo-screen. Clicking the notification, she read over the time, date and location before reading the acceptance.

Of course, they would accept, her terms were fair after all. It would be completely unfair for those living within Russia if she had taken her revenge upon those in power. So instead, Natasha leveraged vanishing a few key positions while bringing the power of her Empire to bear upon her mother nation. Of course, they didn't move the way she wanted them to with everything playing out in the shadows, but there were enough changes for there to be an open dialogue.

Humming a tune to herself, she closed down her computer while letting Sage know that she would be out for the rest of the day. Then again, if things went as they should she just might be out for the rest of the week. Leaving a message for Sage, Natasha made sure that her office was locked before heading home.

Once she arrived at the top of the car park, a beep came from Natasha's omni, then from the VIP section, a ruby red sky car came flying over. Taking a clear step backward, she waited for her car to settle into a hover. Settled, the door opened and she got right in.

The door closed and she revved the engine, the roar brought a smile to her face. A slight press on the lever for elevation shot her high into the sky as the engine roared to life. Reaching the proper altitude for city flight, Natasha shifted gears as the sky car took off in the general direction of home.


Turning off the water, Natasha stepped out of the shower while grabbing the robe from it's rack. Wrapping it around herself, she made her way into the bedroom only to stop and roll her eyes at both women still laid out in bed. Then again, not everyone could have the same energy levels as her and Ben. Shaking her head, she gave the blue rump a firm swat before walking into the open armory.

Natasha heard Raven moan as she pulled Sue in closer to her body underneath the blanket. Rolling her eyes, she opened the locker with her name on it. Taking out the undersuit, humming to herself. Natasha lotioned her legs, arms, stomach making sure she reached from the tips of her ears to the ends of her toes.

A quick comment to Athena had Benjamin summoned to her side, rolling her eyes at how quickly he appeared. She turned her back towards him while handing over the bottle of lotion.

"So you're heading to Russia."


"And you are taking Alfred with you."


"Want some backup?"

Turning to give him a smile that reached her eyes, she couldn't help running a hand along his jaw. So powerful, yet so vulnerable when it came to his loved ones. He was so much more than she deserved, but she wanted it no other way. The universe had brought him in her life and she would do all in her power to always come back to her family.

"You have far more important things to do." She replied with a smile before placing a kiss on his lips.

Benjamin leaned in his forehead touching hers, fingers trailed down her sides then palmed her rear before he spoke once more. "Family is far more important than expanding the Empire,"

Looking up and into his eyes, she placed her palms on his chest before speaking. "We are, but this is a chance to have our home out of reach from the rest of this world. I want that, they want that, and you want that. Don't worry about me, complete our home, that will make me happy." Then she pushed him back while pinching his nipple.

The smile he gave her definitely made her heart flutter, but it wasn't time for more fun. They already had their fun for the day, now it was time for a different sort of action. Giving him a look, she bent over making sure that he got a nice view of her well formed peach. Smirking at the attention he was giving her, Natasha placed one well toned leg inside of her undersuit before doing the same with the other.

Slowly and sensually, she shifted her hips as the suit inched its way up her alluring frame. As she stood upright, a solid chest made contact with her back. Leaning her head back onto her man's chest, she let him run a hand up her well toned stomach while the other brought the rest of her suit upwards.

He pulled his hand back while holding the two arm portions for her to enter. One hand followed the next before she leaned forward allowing him the chance to zip her up. A kiss was placed at the nape of her neck.

A smirk played across her lips and she did one hip bump backward before stepping forward for her pair of combat boots. The grunt and arm that shot forward only to miss her by mere inches sang to her in a way that just heightened her senses. She turned with a smooth swing of her hips gliding onto the available seat.

One leg went over the other as she bounced her feet for Benjamin to see. Letting out a chuckle as she flexed her red painted toes at him, Natasha watched as he got down on one knee. He said nothing as he picked up the sock webbing, then pushed it up her foot before picking up her left boot.

She waited for him to lace that boot, then placed it down as she crossed her right leg over her left. She watched with a little smirk on her lips as Benjamin put her sock on then her boot. Giving him a show as she stood up, Natasha turned her back towards him as she held her arms out waiting. She didn't have to wait long as a black duster trench coat appeared within her lover's arm for her to put on.

Turning back around, she looked into his soulful gaze, "I'll take care of our son, only you can build us a home."

She watched as a range of emotions played across his face before something finally clicked for him and he backed off.

"I trust you, just make sure you bring enough backup."

Leaning forward, she kissed him again. "I always have back up, now go finish building us a planet."

She watched as that roguish smile crossed his face, eyes crinkled at the corners as he gave a salute, "Yes ma'am." Then he vanished in a burst of speed that only swept her hair for half a second as he went back to doing whatever it was he was doing before she called him to help her.

Shaking her head, Natasha checked her weapons and utility belt before heading back to the bedroom. Taking a look at the bed, she couldn't help but notice how Sue was the little spoon to Raven cuddling. Walking over, she gave them both a kiss on the forehead before heading out.

Closing the bedroom door behind her, she then made her way to the garage and took the teleporter. Walking through and out to the other side, Natasha gave a nod to her guard captain before arriving at the table her son was working.

Funnily enough, he was wearing a trench coat to her duster. The site gave her the urge to take a photo and put it up in her office. He looked so much like his father it was unreal, yet when Alfred turned to look at her. All she saw was her own eyes reflecting like clear green pools of stillness.

Standing at his side, she looked over the maps and plans her son had laid out over the table. It was clear for any who looked that Alfred was planning a smash and grab, so much like his father. Her left hand ruffled his hair a little as she hip-checked him to the side.

"Got your pistols?"

"Yes, with extra ammunition, also brought an SMG for mid range." Alfred replied as he flexed his trench coat so that she could see his load out.


"Sharpened, with a shield inside my utility belt. Also brought my widow tasers for non-lethal loadout."

Tilting her head to the side, Natasha couldn't stop the smile from showing. "What about flight?"

"Multifunctional gravity belt with my jetpack."

Nodding her head, she then turned towards the table. "Run me through our backup plan if Russia decides to not cooperate with the deal in place."

Natasha stood there listening to her son as he gave her the finer details on how he would go about crippling Russia if they decided to skimp out on the deal. That was after his ten minute talk about laying down overwhelming firepower until they were able to escape whatever trap might be waiting for them.

Ruffling his hair once more, she laid a kiss on his temple before double checking to make sure everyone had a copy of the plans. Her head of security came back with a positive, then also gave her the message that her shuttle was ready.

Giving Alfred a push to have him loaded and seated before her, Natasha turned to give her flight crew one last chat. They needed to be aware of what they were getting into when they showed up to meet Mikhail.

Getting a nod in response was good enough as she and the rest of her three hundred mounted up for a little road trip of the ages.


Benjamin Blake

Emperor of Pandora

Floating in the vacuum of space, I took a moment to just take in the silence since space was one of the very few places I could find it. Back on Earth, I was a father, a lover and an Emperor for my people and loved ones. Out here though, I was just another soul in the void once my communications link was turned off.

Slowly I floated, my body rotating microns at a time as the star in the center of the system bathed me in it's solar rays. I took this time to indulge myself with silence as my mind hummed along, my senses lost, accelerated to levels no one could ever imagine.

My indulgence in silence came to an end though as the alarm went off on my omni. A mental command reactivated my HUD only for me to be greeted with a collision countdown. Two minutes was the estimated time and it was falling fast from what I was reading with a clear line to the ice asteroid I had come all the way out here for.

Letting out a sigh, I did a lazy flip to orientate myself to the incoming asteroid. My HUD pinged once more as the scanners in my suit did their thing which was to relay any and all information back to Overwatch, process the data and then send it back with a comprehensive update.

With my target locked in, I did another lazy roll as I slowly launched forward with my flight. Small negligible debris pinged off my armor as I made my way through the void to what was going to become a large part of the ocean back home.

Slowly my speed increased to sublight, but enough that I wouldn't break the ice asteroid on my pass back to Mars. Hooks, tethers and links were already formed in my mind and all they would need to manifest in the real was a slight push of willpower. A smile graced my face as I wrapped the ice asteroid in a hard light construct and pulled it along with me as I flew my way back to the inner goldilocks zone of the solar system.

I grabbed one massive ice asteroid, then another and another before I knew it, I had over fifteen large chunks of pure unfiltered H2O flying through space. Jean and her team of tugs did their part, but it just wasn't enough for what I had in mind. They calculated for something the same size as earth and that was what they brought back. Enough to fill the oceans, rivers and seas, but I had grander ambitions.

My grander ambitions were why we had a set of daisy-chained satellites over Mars bombarding the planet periodically with the Blake particles. Right now, Mars was no longer smaller than Earth, it's current size was about one point five times larger. Yet that wasn't where I planned to stop, I wanted a planet that could sustain life at least twice the size of Earth.

All I would need is a working model before I could start real planetary cultivation with some of the asteroids in the Kuiper belt. The magnetic fields were holding creating a stabilized atmosphere, so once the water was introduced with planet life. It should kick start a Class M planet created by my Empire.

We were gathering the data and we had the technology so it should be theoretically possible. The only thing missing was my overwhelming power and I was already out here in space supplying it. Pushing those thoughts aside, I flew around Jupiter as a notification came in for a pulse of Blake Particles to do it's work pushing the planet to one point eight times the size of Earth.

A mental command pushed the notification aside as I kept speeding through the void. Another alert flashed across my HUD as the Super Carrier Infinity flew along my side. After doing a little up and down jig so they knew that I was aware of them, I waved for the cameras to see since I made sure that there were no windows fitted into the hulls of my ships. Instead of peeling off to continue patrol of the solar system, the Infinity kept on flying at my side.

As I shrugged it off, I received a message about who rode aboard the Infinity at my side. It would seem that Andromeda was taking her duties very seriously since I gave her oversight of my Navy. Of course, Faora was still in overall command of my forces, but it was still good to see a skilled hand at naval warfare at work.

As I flew along, I idly thought about what kind of reaction I could receive back on Earth if they knew about my six thousand meter machine of death I had flying around out in space. Well, it wasn't just the size of the ship, but also that I had six others made in secret from any and all eyes with my own brand of ultra-paranoid security protocols.

One of my Infinity class ships alone was a planet buster fully equipped with dual-mounted mass drivers with a pair of dual-mounted singularity drivers. While one was able to hit with the speed of a hyperkinetic round and weight of a planet. The other had a nasty little surprise inside of a ceramic shell for any it strikes a blow against. A micro black hole tied to a pocket dimension with enough power to power it for several seconds.

Yet, those were only the quad-mounted weapons on the front, with hundreds of kinetic cannons and torpedo tubes along the port and starboard sides. Thankfully, I didn't give two fucks about what they thought back on Earth. When they started to pull their weight in my galactic community would be when I started to care about what they had to say.

Putting those thoughts aside, I brought my load of would be ocean water into the orbit of Mars. Lining the ice asteroids in a nice and neat row, I waited for the planet to go through it's last growth phase. Once the readings on my HUD assured me that the growth of the planet was completed, I flew down to test the gravity and found it relatively the same as on earth. Pulling up my omni, I let it run a range of tests to be certain, once that came back with the proper readings, I shifted and flew back into orbit.

From the way the landmass had shifted, we were looking at around eleven continents of colonization. Once I was back in orbit, I checked over the planet's magnetic field, the clear resilience against the sun's solar radiation met the standards of Earth which was my cue to begin.

Pulling back away from the planet, I turned with a raised hand towards the first of the ice asteroids. There was a resounding CRACK as I came down on it with a knife hand shearing the asteroid clean into four parts. Happy with my work, I turned towards the others and performed the same dice job of a lifetime.

With everything sliced to proper portions, I started to lower them down to keep them from crashing into the surface and kicking up dirt into the atmosphere. Hovering over the planet, I took in the sight of thousands of ginormous icebergs littered across the planet. I waited as the satellites in orbit finished their scans across the surface before flying back down. I didn't have the time or patience to melt every square meter of the iceberg to get to the microbes so the mad scientist came up with this idea.

Flying through the atmosphere, I quickly flew past the nearest iceberg hitting it with a touch of thermal energy in passing. There was an explosion of rushing air, water vapor and all types of gases, but I ignored all of that. The mad scientist in orbit and the sensors were going to check it all and make sure that nothing was lethal to our people. I kept my pace even as I struck iceberg after iceberg as I flew all around the world.

Halfway through it all, the clouds shifted and the beginnings of rain started to fall, damn, that was easy. Then again, it probably helped that there was nothing obstructing the rain from falling. Another two passes was all it took before I was finished with my little task and flying back into orbit to the waiting platform Infinity had waiting for me. Touching down, I went inside while shutting off my communications, the mad scientist types were going nuts over the readings and I could have sworn Banner creamed himself. You would think now that Betty was around he wouldn't run the risk of spoiling his britches, but I guess data points did it for him, also.

Standing in the airlock, I waited for a decontamination rinse to complete itself. With that complete, I let the room flush clear before removing my helm. Walking over to the other airlock, I popped my utility belt off then ran it through its own decom. The sensor above the door flashed green and I stepped out into the midst of an armed escort. Sigh, the life I live as the Emperor. Ignoring them, I checked my omni for Faora's location.

The ping I received was on deck four in the control room with Andromeda and Captain Lasky of the Infinity. Rolling my eyes at the large lady holding the elevator door for me, I couldn't help myself as I waved the rest back to quarters or whatever they were doing. Urgh, I would think that they would get it by now, I was on our warship, I didn't need guards.

Giving the lady holding the doors for me a nod, I hit the smart controls for deck four. Checking my omni, I read through the thousands of pieces of scanned data and gave my inputs before putting it back on silent before the geek squad could use my brain as their personal quantum computing device. I would think with the bio-diamond chips that they would be happy with near photon level processing speeds, but I guess not.

The elevator pinged and I gave the hot spartan a smile before departing towards my destination. Walking down the hall to the command deck, everyone stopped to salute me as I passed. That was good, but then there were a few dropping things to get into a proper salute position. It was making me wonder if I should have them drop rank for me on any commanding vessel like I did for the gymnasium and cafeteria, wasn't a fan of spilled food or messed up training exercises.

Of course, I made sure to dismiss them as I gave each personal attention and a handshake, but I was just happy no one creamed themselves just getting the chance to meet me. It took two more meet and greets and handshakes before I finally was able to get to the command deck.

It was one thing looking at it on a hologram and designing the deck and it was another walking into your creation. Every seat that was at a control console had a five point harness type seat belt with personal shield generators built underneath the seat. The control consoles were made with a mixture of hard controls and holograms and completely programmable.

That was in case of a power shortage or overload, I was tired of seeing people either die or get injured on Star Trek for that shit enough to know not to let it happen to my own people. That meant the controls had a double redundancy setup just in case combat situations spiraled out of control. Walking to the island in the middle, I took in the massive holoimage suite before walking to the railing to peer down at everyone.

Captain Lasky was standing at the display screen since of course, I made sure that there were no windows to the outside. That display screen was fed data compiled to show crystal clear quality from over a few hundred different cameras and sensors. With a command the screen could go from showing port to starboard, then bow and stern.

Standing back from the railing and leaving Lasky to command his ship, I linked my omni to the main computer network. Once my authorization went through, I summoned the good Captain up before heading through the side door for meetings.

The Lasky entered right behind me giving the other two in the rooms their nod of acknowledgment. Taking the head seat, I directed the others to get comfortable before hitting my command key shutting the door locking it until I gave the word.

Faora and Andromeda took seats at my side while I noticed that Lasky didn't take the seat I left open across from me. Interesting, guess he really did have his head on straight and decided not to play any power games, good.

A flick of my wrist pulled up the files of those Captaining my Super Carrier starships, or planet killers for those who actually knew the truth. Five ships with unimaginable firepower that also doubled as not only troop, but also carrier transport. In the holds there were pelicans, stealth ships, warships, cruisers and even corvettes could fit inside the space expanded cargo bays.

There was a reason why I had these things classified as a Super Carrier, it was an end all be all super fleet. Yeah, it was overkill, but then again, there was no such thing as overkill when it came to warfare. There was a famous saying, you don't win wars by sacrificing your people, you let your enemies sacrifice theirs. My Super Carriers were my answer to that saying. Overwhelming firepower, overwhelming forces and overwhelming armor, that was my paranoid motto and it hasn't failed me yet.

Tapping a few controls, I brought up the image of a lady dressed in her blues with a naval cap on her head. I noticed the Australian Captain's pip on her shoulders.

With a wave, I turned towards Andromeda, "Let's start with the Captain of the Eternity, I noticed we poached her from Australia, mind telling me why?"

The stern blue woman before me studied my features for a moment before standing up and waving a hand. The wall behind her seat shifted as the information shifted from the table to the wall.

"Captain Accalia formerly of Australia is in charge of the Eternity, this was after months of vetting inside one of the time chambers. Her marks are exemplary, no losses in her twenty years for the Royal Navy." Andromeda spoke as the hologram shifted as she touched on important information. "Her main reason for loyalty is her status as a Lycan that she has been hiding from the rest of the world. With our nation's policies, she finds it easier to be herself working for us than the Royal Navy. Be that as it may, we did have her sign a contract."

"Hmm, married, lover, kids maybe?" I asked, hitting some really important points.

"None, she is career driven," Faora replied from my side.

Thinking it over, I typed up a quick note before sending it along. "Alright, tell her to suck it up, the Lycans are already endangered, if she doesn't want to have kids at least donate some eggs. Tell me about this South African Mage I have been hearing about from Selene."

"Of course your majesty," Captain Lasky said with an interesting smile on his face. "I met Allistair some years ago while I was hunting pirates."

The holograms changed to a dark skinned man with bright eyes that glowed with power, interesting. I waved to the good Captain to continue.

"While Atlantis might be isolationist, we had some contact with the surface with those we trust. Allistair gained this trust when he overthrew a pirate ship to rescue his people, but what made him stand out was that he released the two Atlanteans on board. He never asked for compensation, just that we help him face the other pirates around the cape of South Africa." Captain Lasky spoke as the holograms shifted to that of a mid sized fishing ship on the ocean.

"Okay, but why is he worthy of my nation's super ship? What sets him apart from the long list of candidates?"

"Not only is he within the ninety nine percentile, but he is one of the five to complete the unbeatable simulation." Andromeda answered as the hologram shifted to that simulation. "Ship was made with adamantium, he decided to ram the enemies when he discovered that none of our weapons would work on the Dominion."

There was no stopping me from cracking a smile at that one.

"While two Captains figured out the gravity well trick, he was the only one to use the ship as an actual weapon. Pair his out of the box thinking with his simulation scores and we couldn't find anyone better." Faora replied to me with a serious gaze.

"Good, good, let's make sure he has someone to teach him his P's and Q's," I said, writing up another note and sending it off. I shifted the hologram and read over the retired British Navy Captain that came for healing and stayed for the stars.

"We are positive that Niamh isn't a spy for one of those M-spy branches of the British ministry?" I sighed asking Faora.

"Very, she was bitter about them just letting her go due to her injury," Faora replied, then with a flick of her wrist, I got the notes on her interview. I quirked an eyebrow at that one, Niamh was a pure badass. She not only called in a favor but also put herself through a telepathic probe just so she could get her legs back and captain a ship. It also helped a lot that she had medals out the ass for her thirty years of service.

"Okay, get her to see someone about that anger, but other than that. I don't see any issues." I told the room. "I don't want excessively angry people in command of my forces, that's the fastest way for problems to happen. Let her know it's not an option. I want at least fifty hours before she can take her ship to explore outside the solar system."

There were nods around the room and I accepted it for what it was. Next on my list was a Captain Jack Aubrey, beside his name was just one tag, Scotish. Other than that, his file noted that he was a meta-human that used to work in the Queen's Navy.

Him being a meta-human didn't matter before since his X-gene was dormant, but it recently activated and well, that's when things went downhill. Since he was a military man they wanted to use his blood and run experiments, but that wasn't what he wanted. From what I was reading, Aubrey went to the British version of the JAG, but even then the higher ups applied some pressure and things didn't work out in his favor.

Things just kept spiraling down after that, dishonorably discharged from a setup, then set up again when outside of the military. Lucky for him, Natasha got wind of it and was able to launch a rescue effort before he was sent into a deep dark hole. Honestly, the whole thing read like bad fiction, but when I noticed the HYDRA logo on some of the papers Natasha copied, I understood. Damn, HYDRA strikes again, but one man's loss is my gain.

The room descended into silence as I read the rest of my reports before looking back up. "Tell me Faora, what's the real situation in Africa?"

Faora took a moment to think as the holograms started to shift their information. "There's good news and strange news."

"Let me guess, the strange news is Deadpool isn't it?" I couldn't help but ask. Faora paused in what she was about to say as she looked at me. The hologram shifted and a video started to play.

"Is this thing on, hello? Ohh well, Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! Sorry, wrong franchise, I know what you need. Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, bend over cause it's bobsled time."

The video paused and I had to wonder who in their right mind decided that giving Deadpool of all people a chain sword was a good idea. The only reason I had to ask myself that was because of how intimate that warlord was getting with the chain sword. I would feel bad for the man since he was having some serious bottom time with that chain sword, but he was a murdering shit bag. Well, I can't say fuck him with a baseball bat because Deadpool was using a chain sword improvised as a strap on.

A wave of the hand closed the video down since I didn't want to see him sex another warlord to death. "So how many warlords has he taken off the list?"

"He has already completed the first list of fifty, and sent video evidence of each encounter. We are already on our fourth tech assigned to his case file." Andromeda grimaced as she showed the reasons why Deadpool's case files keep getting shifted from person to person.

"Make it a team situation, increase the incentives for being on the team that handles his case files." I spoke as I wrote out another note and sent it on it's way. "Just make sure that they know what's in store for them and that there will be no backing out. Send him another list of warlords, let's keep him busy awhile longer."

"Of course your majesty," They all said at once, rushing to put out orders, sigh. Deadpool isn't that bad, I don't get why they overreact so much.

A wave of my hand shifted the holograms to another thing I had on the brain. "Any news on Wakanda, last I heard Eric wanted our backing for his African Federation project."

"Our intelligence asset inside of Wakanda has brought word to us that Eric has been strengthening his power base after the death of the Queen and weakening of the King. Right now his only real opposition would be the princess." Captain Lasky said as faces appeared on the holograms and faction charts overlaid upon the country shifted.

Now that was a sight to behold, damn shame that one prince's death could cause such a domino effect. Should I feel bad about his death? Maybe, but I didn't. T'challa wanted my woman and lost his life as the price. Ripping apart his country till it was weak enough to conquer through other means was just the icing on the cake. Was I a bastard? Maybe, but mama didn't raise no punk, so fuck his feelings, he dead.

"Okay, outside his little alliance, has he made any friends across Africa?"

Andromeda gave me a nod, "There are four countries allied to his cause with six on the fence. To help him along we have of course supplied aid in supplies. Dead drops through portals of course. We also have a team of spartans within the vicinity under his command."

"Good, let's keep a feather light touch." I replied with a sigh, damn that was going to be one long con, but it would be worth it later. I didn't want to conquer my planet, but I was also tired of the senseless wars and destruction of the environment.

Pushing those thoughts aside for another day, I finished out the logs and prepared myself to leave.

Turning to Faora, I asked one of my more pressing concerns. "Before I leave, have we been able to find the jump gates within our solar system?"

The looks they shared before giving me their attention didn't say anything good and I could already feel my anger rising. That was one of the most important things I impressed upon everyone when I started this whole space exploration. It's why I made sure that we had adamantium alloy for the hulls of the ships. There were literal portals that other space empires could use to get right into our space and rain death. It was their one fucking job and the looks on their faces were not showing anything close to certainty.

"Speak!" I commanded hand slamming down on the table, denting it from the force of my blow.

Faora steeled visibly steeled herself before speaking. "There are four within the outer orbit of Earth's atmosphere. Due to their irregular nature, we are unable to lock the gates' access to our solar system."

My eyes sharpened as I glared across the table. "Do we have any ships stationed at the gates' entrances? No, better yet, have we sent a party to Nova Prime yet?"

"Sir?" Captain Lasky asked.

"Did we send anyone to the Nova Empire yet, because if not then we need to get that done ASAP." I replied my glare intensifying since no one was catching onto my thought process. They still looked confused and that only caused my anger to bubble. "From tapping into the galactic network we are aware of the Nova Empire's loose borders, they also sell space ships with access to the jump gates."

Faora instantly picked up what I was saying and her hand started to fly over the hologram before her. I could already see commands and orders compiling for a team of Spartans to take a stealth shuttle and a lot of ore, a lot of rare ore.

"Andromeda, I want a ship parked right in front of those gates, make sure to impress upon them how important that job is." I said solemnly to her. "They need to understand that they are the first line of defense when someone decides to drop right onto our doorsteps."

My hand flew across my omni as I opened my black level server files. The file I shared had a star on its front and was marked Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel. This was one of the nice little files my mother dug out of the old SHIELD bunkers. I didn't really care about her, but If I had time, I was going to at least help her. What I did care about though was the large Kree accuser force that appeared in orbit and launched planet killers at the planet. Lucky for us, they didn't have my brand of imagination and love of overkill, but their ships alone and their arsenal were enough to make anyone sit up and pay attention.

SHIELD was able to call it a hoax, but Fury made a note to punctuate that they were 3 miles long at least. My ships were bigger sure, but they've been in space a lot longer and have been warring across the stars a lot longer. I was taking no chances.

I pointed at the screen, "That's just one of the ships capable of coming through those jump gates. Make sure that whoever takes up guard duty understands how important the job is. Make sure to rotate the ships as necessary, I don't want to hear complaints about this, get it done."

"Yes, your majesty." They all said in unison.

I glared at them one last time, then released the locks on the room's doors. Getting up, I then performed a flash step teleportation to my labs. There was work to be done and I had all the material I would need at my fingertips. If this worked, I would be able to start my own version of the Green Lanterns.

Walking over to my work desk, I pulled out my stool as I undid the bracer on my arm. Sitting it down at my left, I ran my hand over the surface of the work table bringing up the hologram suite.

Shifting through my project, I stopped at the one that looked like a pair of Wonder Woman bracers. Besides that project appeared the ring of power I made for Bruce and then a helmet and armor set I have been fiddling with.

Sliding up on my right popped up a data scroll of the enchantments I used for the ring I gave Bruce for his rage. At the time, I didn't have the self adjusting material needed to make something that could contain all of that power, but the Uru vibranium alloy was still one of the most powerful energy regulating metals around.

Leaning back as I took in the work before me, I sent a mental command to start the music. I knew what I wanted and I knew what I had to do, the only thing now was to stop my procrastination. I still had to get back to the Savage lands, after all.

With my mind made up, I sent another mental command to the room that opened a far wall inside my lab. Sitting inside of a sonic furnace was some completely inert vibranium. Beside that was a stasis field that kept melted adamantium and in the stasis field beside that one was liquid URU.

The gravity emitter floating underneath the fields brought the metals to my workbench. Putting a hand to my utility belt, I pulled out a chunk of Nth metal, but a frown graced my face. The metal was still a little under the size of my fist after I had sent a chunk to Alexander for analysis. Picking up the Nth metal, I tossed it into the air, then set it to hover above my workbench.

Tapping a finger against my chin, a thought transformed the metal floating before me into liquid goo. Another thought had the impurities removed and a final thought had it turn into a roll of nth metal. Cupping one hand underneath the Nth mental, I let it fall into my palm which then absorbed the pure Nth metal; accepting the life metal because that was what it clearly was. Putting both hands above the table, I held them together but kept my fingers unclasped as I charged both hands with energy.

Furrowing my brow in concentration, my will pushed forward. There was a spark of cosmic energy between my hands as I willed the forces of reality to do my bidding. A shiny block of silver gold metal formed pushing my hands apart.

Humming to myself, I smiled at the foot of Nth metal floating before me. A flick of my finger had it rotating for my inspection. Once I was happy with my creation, I then hit it with a stasis field before sending a supernova thermal charge through the metal turning it instantly into a liquid.

Creating a few more stasis fields, I pulled some metal from the gravity emitter fields. Once I was certain that I had the proper quantities, I brought my hands together as I blended the metals pushing my metallic and magnetic control to the limits. Blending metals, creating alloys, it was all in a day's work. Well, it was maybe less than a day, about an easy thirty minutes.

Once the metals were blended, I gave the alloy a quick flick with a finger. There was a dull ringing around the room and I accepted it as I felt the power run through my hand. Shaking my head, I parted the metal in two before liquefying both halves. Between both halves, I created a donut ring of super dense gravity.

A flick of the hand sent magical runes and circles at the gravity well and if you looked at it sideways, you would be able to see flickering colors, lights, and runic script. Sitting back in my seat, I rotated an orb of liquid metal around my hand for a bit as I waited for the magic and gravity to set. If my calculations were correct, then I would be pushing the upper limits of a neutron star. It was moments like these that left me stunned with the amount of power I could bring to my fingertips. Then I remember that Jean was still on a scale that I couldn't even walk on. Then there was the little worry I had in the back of my mind about the child Susan was carrying.

Was he or she going to be like Franklin Richards from the comics, beyond omega levels of power. Or will their power levels be within the same scale as my own. Funny enough, I had the same worry with Raven, but about a totally different situation. Kurt from the comics was cool and all, but when you think about a teleporting blue baby, then the implications can be pretty scary to think about.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I pushed my will onto the rotating ball of liquid alloy, man I really needed to come up with a name for the metal. Yet what could I name a metal that combined the strength of URU and Adamantium, energy absorption of URU and vibranium with the flexibility of Nth and Vibranium. The alloy I had created was easily one of the most powerful around yet, only known to me right now.

As the liquid alloy flowed into the gravity ring, there was a rapid sucking sound as the metal rapidly became hyper-compressed right before my eyes. Ten pounds of ultimate metal compressed down to arm bracers an inch thick. I could see swirls of magic flow across the surface and I couldn't help the smile from spreading across my face. Turning towards the left of my workbench, I pulled open the top left draw on my workbench removing the holo-emitter and computer components.

Putting the parts to the omni together, I then tapped the front side of the storage rune.. The magic instantly hooked into the technology while I reached out to both with my own powers integrating them further.

Once the upgraded bracer was finished, I placed it to the side as I then started on the other one. Once that was completed with it's own omni built in, I turned towards the mini fridge inside my lab and did a little gesture. The door opened and an apple floated out towards my outstretched hand.

Creating another stasis field to float over my desk, the apple hung there before me as I thought over what I wanted to do. Thinking about one of the most famous things in Marvel, I pushed two fingers into the stasis bubble and watched as the apple turned into bio-gelatinous ooze. Looking at the plasmic ooze of bio-material, I started to rewrite it's structure to perform a few tasks. This was clearly going to be the mark one, but if I had my way, there would be plenty of improvements.

A drop of my blood was added to the bio-material, from my own meta-physical donation. I incorporated my speed, strength and life force into the budding symbiote. This was never going to be venom, but still creating my own symbiote felt somewhat liberating. After another hour's work, I had two bars that were two by four inches of pure integrative symbiotic material.

The blocks would fit in the two inserts I left in the arm bracers, the symbiote would then connect to the nervous system through the dermal and subdermal layer of skin. The parodan symbiote would give anyone it's connected to a classic superman package. Then pair it with the magical gauntlets and you get a super lantern.

With the enchantment and magic I placed on the bracers they could turn into a multitude of different things including a helmet for breathing out in space with integrated HUD and operational systems. Once I was certain that everything was in place and in working order, a thought and twist combined technology, biotic and magical constructs into one seamless piece. Then after one last final examination, I put the upgraded bracer on and waited.

There was a slight tingle from my arms and I focused on the integration of the symbiote as it worked it's way across my nervous system, then over my bones, muscles and tendons. Ohh yeah, the little rush of power was nothing to me, but I could already see a top tier force coming out of this.

Compiling my notes, I left a sample of the self made symbiote in a stasis field. I sent everything along to Alex before closing out my lab and leaving. Of course, I wanted to get my hands on a Klyntar, but I would have to settle for building my own from the ground up. Of course, I was certain that down the road I would be able to achieve all of the Klynar species' abilities, but for now, I'll just settle for my mark one. It was time to pick up a pet for the girls and I already knew what I was going to get them.

Yet, before that it was time to test the new system. I sent a mental command to the bracers and holograms with crystal clear quality appeared on both forearms. No matter how I rotated my arms, the images followed the tracking of my head.

Happy with that, I activated the full cowl, then turned to look at a holo-image of myself. I couldn't feel it but my body was wrapped in a black and gold unstable molecular suit. There was a gold old school spartan helm on my head with full wolf filigree on the side. I had the same thing running up both of my arms and my legs were wrapped in black and gold boots. A thought brought down the faceplate and nodded in approval at the sharp Optimus Prime type mouth guard that would allow anyone to breathe in any environment.

Holding out a hand, there was a flash as a sword was created with plasma edges made from hard light constructs, then with a flick it was gone. Another flick of the hand created a sword made out of the superalloy before a flick sent it away.

Focusing a little bit, I held my hand outwards from my body then pushed my will forward. Childlike glee bubbled forth as a hard light construct sprang forward turning into different shapes before picking up the chair I was using.

Once I was happy with my results, I powered down, then teleported myself to the Savage Lands. Maybe I could use that golden eagle feather for something cool.


Stepping back into reality, I checked my schedule and found that I still had an hour till my next meeting. Changing my clothes, I took off at a sprint through the underbrush of the Jurassic jungle. As I pulled off my favorite Tarzan impression, I wondered where Kar-zar found his own sabertooth Zabu.

Honestly, I was never into his comics, but it told me that there were cubs around here somewhere, all I had to do was find some. I swung from vines, ninja ran across trees, up hills and across lakes all in a fathers quest to bring a pet home for his girls.

The movement of a bush caught my attention fifty meters away and the fluffy tail that was low to the ground had me zero in on the animal. Dashing across the gap, I landed with feather light precision on the low hanging branch over the surprise, surprise a brown coated Saber Tooth tiger.

Vanishing from my location, I reappeared beside the tiger and plucked myself a hair. Before it could react, I was already moving with such speed that the world stood still. On the way back to base, I snatched a bird's egg from a nest at least ninety feet off the ground. Kicking off the bark, I flew through the air dodging a Pterosaur as I moved at supersonic velocity.

Lucky for the poor dino, I was modulating the sound cone to keep from causing booms all over the Savage Lands. Looking at the base that was swapped out for one of my Atlantis city stargate variants, I took a seat at one of my taller skyscrapers. Taking up my thinker pose, I levitated the hair of the sabertooth on the left while keeping the eagle feather on the right.

Thinking about my girls, I thought about their mothers, they knew what I was going to do. Holding the egg in my hand, I turned the embryo back into biomaterial, then I brought over the DNA sample from the sabertooth and slid it into the bio-material through the shell.

The biomaterial instantly started to react, but with a little guidance, it was re-coded to accept the DNA sample as the base genetic code. Tapping a finger on my chin, I came to the conclusion that the egg was just a smidge to small. Looking past the city, I pulled with some gravity as I yanked off a good portion from one of the trees. Right as the plant based material got within ten meters of me, I shredded it down to mulch before turning it into more bio-material.

Adding it into the egg in my hands, I watched as it swelled to the size of a basketball before I stopped the flow of added material. Adding some energy to the mix, I watched as the cub formed in under a minute. Happy with it's growth, I changed the shade of its fur from brown to white, then added in some black stripes. Once I was satisfied with that, I checked on the brain, frowning at what I found. I increased the synaptic activity by growing some more interconnected neural tissues.

Happy with the increased neural activity, I went over the muscles and bones with a nano-organic lattice increasing overall strength and flexibility by thirty percent. The nano-organic lattice would also allow me to lighten the bones while increasing their density at the same time. That would allow the cub to have dense hollow bone with a naturally occurring carbon fiber. This would also be the same thing that ran along it's vast wingspan.

Snapping my finger at that thought, I turned towards the eagle feather, running a finger along its edges changing it's color from a gold brown to snow white. Once I was certain that I made enough changes to the underlying genetic structure of the feather, I then fed it into the egg.

Putting my fist underneath my chin, I hummed in my thinker pose as I watched and directed the growth of wings, nerves and feathers. It took another ten minutes of slow and deliberate growth before I was happy with what I was creating. Nodding with the finished cub, I leaned back and pulled out a stasis bubble generator from my utility belt before putting the egg inside of it. Levitating up from where I was seated, I teleported once more, this time appearing at home.

Landing in the backyard, I pinged the house from my omni and found Emma and Medusa in the lounge with the girls. Stopping at the back door, I then took off my shoes before walking underneath a scanner. Athena checked me over once before giving me an all clear of contaminants. Emma knocked on my hyper accelerated mind with a small probe, but I kept her out with an air of smugness.

Before heading to the lounge, I walked past the closet in the hallway grabbing a few extra towels for the soon to be hatched saber cub. Walking into the room, I noticed the instant pausing of the movie, and of course it was Frozen. Sighing, I took in the sight of Maya in a flowing red and orange princess dress while the triplets were in a flowing white variant.

Giving my girls a wide grin, I plucked Emma off the couch and laughed as she let out a yelp. Taking her seat, I then placed her down in my lap, leaning forward, I gave her a quick kiss before leaning over and kissing Medusa. Settling in, I then had the towels levitate over to the girls and chuckled at the look Sophie gave me while gently pushing her mental probe aside.

Celeste was the first to spot the hovering egg and her eyes went wide as excitement washed across her face. Phoebe started little happy claps and Maya joined her sisters.

"Alright girls, I know you have all been asking for a pet and I told you that I would think about it." I said before waving my hand at the egg. "I, along with your mothers, believe that if you all share the responsibility, then there isn't a reason for you not to have a pet. Keep in mind, that you will not only clean up after your pet, but also make sure that he or she is properly trained and fed."

The girls gave me rapid nods even though their eyes were completely on the egg hovering over the gravity disk. Shaking my head at them, I leaned forward then tapped it on the top with a finger. A flash of energy ran down the outer shell as it cracked before dissolving into motes of light.

The saber cub let out a yawn as it stretched out wings wide and paws to the sky. I didn't remember the name of the mounts, but just looking at the little cub, I was sure that she was going to be far larger than those in World Of Warcraft.

"Daddy, she is so fluffy!" Maya squealed with happy claps.

Turning towards Emma again, I had to roll my eyes at the look she was giving the little animal. It was clear that she wanted one and if I didn't tighten my hold around her waist, she would have pulled the cub out of the girl's arms. Right now they were petting it while it was learning to walk. Granted it was still doing that stiff leg jig with its wings and tail extended.

It was clear that the little animal was stabilizing itself as she learned about her surroundings.

Turning to look at me, Emma tilted my chin upwards so she could look me in the eyes. "I want one."

Chuckling, I gave her a squeeze around the waist a little. "Let the girls have their fun." Before either of us could say anymore, Phoebe flew out of the room before flying back in with a synth-leather collar.

Celeste was looking at the little cub with what was clearly hard concentration, I watched the same look flash across Sophie's face, but said nothing. I knew they were thinking hard on a name, Maya on the other hand was floating in the air with her long braid trailing down her back.

My wrist started to vibrate and just thinking about it brought up a notification on my ten minute mark before my meeting. Letting out a sigh again, I stood up and put Emma back in her spot on the couch. Walking over to my girls, I gave Maya the first kiss on the forehead, then worked my way down through my triplets with Celeste sneaking a hug with a kiss on the forehead.

Turning back towards my ladies, I gave Medusa a kiss before passing her some information from my own omni. On my way towards the back door, I got a smack on my ass from Medusa's hair, but all I gave her was a good natured smile. Putting on my combat boots, I exited my back door and jumped into the air.

Instead of teleporting, my flight kicked in and I took off at mach ten towards the north. For the world barely moments passed before a super meteorite came crashing down into the snowy north. Landing hard in a three point stance, I stood up and looked around to check my orientation. Once I was certain about where I was in correlation to the portal, I vanished from my location in a blur as I ran across the snowy tundra.

There was a ripple in the air as I ran, but I paid it no mind as the bleak white world shifted before me. The world went from bleak white to heat, steam, and shining sun with some Jurassic jungle on the side.

Taking a hard step, I pivoted to the right and shot off towards the towers of my city. Landing on one of the human sized flight pads, I checked in at the station before walking into the city. Of course, I could have just flown in through the shielding, but an Emperor must at least be seen by his people.

Smiling down at one of the stegosaurus kids, I gave the little boy a wave as he hung onto his mother's dress. She smiled back at me and I tried not to laugh as I watched her reactions of me fading from sight.



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Edits By Pineappl3 (I've hijacked this A/N. Check out my story please, Magus In Marvel.)

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