The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 64

By : BigToFu

Benjamin Blake


Fading back into reality on another set of flight pads, I gave the head of my procession a nod as I turned to get into the royal talon fighter. Smiling at the ship and liking the improvements I made from the Wakanda variant, I sent a neural command to my UMF suit and changed into my Jurassic jungle gear.

The talon fighter had quad mounted lasers underneath that folded away with a full metal canopy. That same metal canopy fixed the cracking glass issues. This allowed the Talon to take a hit from someone at my level without breaking the canopy. Inside the canopy though was a coating of holo-imaging technology with a full flight suite.

I went from barefoot to gladiator sandals while my cargo shorts changed to combat shorts in all black with gold trim along the sides. I was still walking around bare chested, but it was the savage land and where I was heading, it worked with the Viking vibe I had with the long dreads in a braid.

Maybe I'll cut my hair, maybe I won't. Even though I like a nice fade, I was enjoying the Viking King vibe everyone was getting from me. Then again, that might just be the influence from Conan the barbarian showing. It was good that I kept it nice and neat and didn't have that raggy head situation, I just might keep it.

Walking up the ramp to the talon fighter, I gave the pilot a nod of my head as the rest of my guards came in behind me. My guards took their seats, but I chose to stand and take in the view as the pilots went about their work.

The land lowered outside as we rose high above the canopy, then everything shifted as we took off flying. Standing with my hands behind my back, I enjoyed the view as we crossed the lands that would soon be mine. Idly I noticed the mark for Taleb's tribe on the map, but I paid that no mind as we rapidly approached Stryo's lands. I wondered for a moment if the High Technician would show his face.

I knew that the situation in the Savage Lands was always tenuous at best, but I cared not for it. That was the comics and this was my life. So, if I had to come down on the place like a sack of bricks then I would and they would be added to my growing Empire.

Humming a light tune to myself, I held in the disappointment I felt as we came over the forest edge to what was clearly a town that had seen hardship. An interesting side note was that the town looked something like the old school Roman towns. That's probably why there was also a colosseum on the far side.

If I was being honest with myself, I was at least hoping that the city of the Dino-men would at least be more advanced than those of the feline Lycans. Then again, the High Technician wasn't known as one that uplifted his experiments. For some reason that rankled me in a way that I found surprising. Pushing that aside, I took in the architecture of the place and the large arches that had rough sculptures here and there.

Accepting it for what it was, I relaxed my stance as we touched down in what appeared to be a courtyard of some type. Then again, it wasn't just any courtyard, it was something prearranged by Hank for whenever someone from my government visited. From his report he really wanted to revolutionize this place; starting with their clay pipes.

Giving the pilots my thanks, I turned on my heel and made my way to the off ramp of the Talon. Waving away my guards, I walked to the front and stood at the top of the off ramp and waited for it to lower. With the ramp down, I was finally able to take in the specifics of the city and the situation. Where the felines home was curved wood and greens, this was browns and sharp angles.

The doors were sized a step too large while the wells could easily double as swimming pools. Then again, with the range of the sizes these people came in, I couldn't put it past that sort of double construction.

Stepping out from underneath the Talon, I took in the sun while my guards waited off to the side. Letting out a sigh, I took everything in with a grain of salt as I stepped forward. It was time to get things done. The quicker I got this finished, the faster I could get back to planet building and cuddle with my ladies. Maybe I should also do a quick stop and make sure that the shaper guild didn't go nuts with the symbiote project I sent their way. Still not sure how Richards was going to react once he found out I knocked up his wanna be lady love.

Chuckling at my mind's image of the look on his face might be, I made a left turn and walked over to where the carriages were located. Tilting my head at the horse drawn thing, I let out a grunt before pulling out a hovercar from my utility belt. If I was going to arrive, then I was going to do it in style.

Looking at the sleek lines of my hovercar, I had a strange thought about what I could do to upgrade it. Then again maybe if I was able to pull off a TRON and build a completely viable hologram/hard light vehicle. Then I would be set for the future with its programmable nature.

Hmm, food for thought and a mental note for later.

Getting in the driver's seat, I waited for my guards to get their own vehicles out or fly with their powers. There was a thrum of the engine as the hovercar started and I shifted gear to first before I shot off down the roadway above everyone.

The flight took less than five minutes to get to the other side of the upper city. Urgh, I was really going to have to change that. There would not be any upper versus lower city. Then again, I might just be prejudiced like those in Star Trek looking down on those not as technologically advanced.

Mulling over those thoughts, I buttoned them up as I landed in the area that was clearly marked for my arrival in what was the largest building. The building looked like one of the steppe pyramids from Egypt, which I found more than a little bit peculiar.

Landing my hovercar in the courtyard, I hopped out as the rest of my guards landed around me. Ignoring them and the guards that Styro brought with him, I walked up to the Suar-lord and looked him in the eye. It helped that we were both pushing seven feet and even with that large bone crest on his head, I wasn't intimidated at all.

After a while, Styro held out a hand and I took it and shook it. Styro, with an arm up to guide the way, began speaking as we walked into his villa; because that was clearly what this place was.

"Come come, let me show you to the parlor." Styro said with good grace as he guided the way. "Word has gotten back to me that you liked your purchase of Taleb."

Instead of grimacing at the purchase of another person's life, I decided that it was best to remain silent. I knew that it had to be done and I might have to do it again later once I started to get out into the universe, but man was it distasteful to my sensibilities.

Taking this time to take in the hanging tapestries and silks, I also noted the marble flooring. I could hear the sound of battle further inside the villa and I could tell that it was the training yard.

Waving away the offered cup of wine, I accepted a seat across from the lord of the villa. Resting in my seat, I ignored the guards that stood around the room in their loincloths as I took in the Suar-lord before me.

Unlike those around, I could sense the cunning intelligence before me. It was an odd dichotomy if I was being truly honest. Here was a man with clear intelligence in a world that was just barbaric in its purest form.

Turning slightly in my chair, I accepted the tea offered by Chris before turning back to the host. Funny enough, I noticed the small smirk on Styro's lips as he took in the scent of what I was drinking.

Smiling at the hint of honey, I placed the half empty cup down before shifting my body language and changing the tone of the room. Gone was the man enjoying his tea, the sights, and jungle and in his place was the Emperor. The man willing to scorch earth if they stood in the way of his Empire or threatened his family.

Straightening up in my seat, I sent Styro a firm look, "So, I have been invited here today to your villa, why? Are you not satisfied with our arrangement, what else is it that you would like?"

Styro sat down the wine goblet in his hand before a clawed finger started to tap on the arm of his seat. Then, once the tapping stopped, he spoke in a deep, rumbly voice, "Your doctor has made mention of life beyond these lands."

Styro held out a hand and one of his slaves came and placed something in his waiting hand. Yeah, I was pretty sure that they were slaves with the metal collar around their necks. That was going to have to change either over his dead body or by him giving the order himself, but for now, I had to contain myself.

"Your people are far more advanced than those in this book my lord gave me. Know this King Blake, I'm a seeker of knowledge and you hold the knowledge I seek of the outside world." Styro said shifting in his seat. "I have asked; but none of your people have told me anything of the outside world, so I invited you here. Is Rome still standing? The Soviet Union? Is science the reason for your tools and equipment? That great city in the distance; who made it and how did it come to be?"

So that was his angle, interesting, and good to know. "Have you not asked your lord? I would think with his background he would gladly share his origins with his sons."

Styro paused at that, then stopped himself from narrowing his eyes. I gave him a neutral look in return, but it was a clear shot across the bow that I knew his background. The ball was in his court now.

Styro held on to his anger, but I could see that he wanted to ball his hand into a fist and slam it on the armrest. "I have been told that there is nothing out there for the likes of us."

Releasing a hum of interest, I leaned back in my chair as I studied the Suar-Lord before me. "What of your city, your people?" I asked with a motion of the hand.

Styro grunted as he peered at me over his hands. The frown on his face was evident, but there was more to it that I clearly wasn't aware of. Yet, when he spoke I listened. "What about them?"

Keeping a steady gaze, I asked the million dollar question. "What will they do once you leave?"

"They will live their lives, they can not come with me for I am not their lord and master." Styro shrugged. "The gold and jewels fit for any king of these lands are what I plan to offer you for a place in your Empire."

Styro waved a hand and four massive Suar-lords came in with chest after chest filled with a golden grey type of metal. Some of it was mixed with gold and the others were roughly cut diamonds and other assorted jewels.

"For protection and knowledge." Styro said looking me in the eyes.

Sitting there in silence, I let the moment flow on before I spoke up. "What of your slaves? Slavery is not allowed in my Empire."

Styro settled and watched me for some time, but I did not budge on the subject as slavery was unacceptable on all levels. After some time, Styro finally nodded his head, then his voice rumbled. "If you are able to offer me safe passage and a place in your Empire, I am willing to release all of my slaves."

I nodded in acceptance not feeling any falsehood in his words. "That can easily be arranged, but again what of these people within the city?"

From the left of the room, massive double doors were dramatically shoved open and I turned to find the source of immense power striding into the room. Suaron walked into the room with his head held high and his powerful shoulders squared as he glided across the ground. His gaze barely roamed over Styro before landing on me in hopes to pin me to my seat. Yet, I returned his gaze unflinching as he approached. I idly noted the other energy signature retreat as if to not be noticed, as if I was going to ignore the hostility aimed at my person.

"A father will do what he must if some of his children decide to run from home." Suaron spoke in smooth rumbling tones.

I watched and waited until Suaron was seated, "Then as the parent it is their duty to teach them what is respectable instead of allowing them to stray." I replied.

"How else would they be able to stand on their own?" Suaron returned, his sharp bill lifting into a smile.

I gave a slight head tilt, "True, but given your history, I would think that someone of your stature wouldn't allow such a thing as slavery. It is after all the sign of a barbaric culture."

The slight pause in his motions that was missed by so many, but not by my eyes, told me that I had struck a nerve. Suaron settled back into his seat and I took in the green of his leathery flesh and loincloth. His skin looked healthy and the way those in the room bowed to him spoke volumes on how he was seen by his people. Even Styro, who wanted to see the outside world, was silent as he watched his leader.

Sauron exuded pure energy and malice for a few moments before, lucky for me, he broke the silence, "Why have you come to my domain?"

Looking at him, I smiled in return, "The Savage Land is not your domain to play with as you please. Others would like to explore and discover its wonders as well."

Suaron looked at me, gaze sharp, "That I can not allow."

I shrugged, "I know for a given fact that the Savage Lands and its inhabitants were not made or seeded by you. The Suar-Lords were a nice addition, but that is beside the point. Claiming a land is not the same as owning a land, which again, is not the same as keeping a land."

Bristling at my obvious challenge, Sauron grated, "Of course, since the point is that, you will be leaving my domain alive or in a box." Suaron said, getting up from his seat.

"Commendable words Dr. Lykos, but I will have to disagree with that statement." I replied before levitating out of my seat. Hovering lightly over the floor, I let the tips of my toes touch lightly on the ground as the seat slid out from behind me.

"Dr. Lykos died and so shall you!" Suaron rumbled.

"That remains to be seen," I replied with a light tap to my utility belt. There was a quick transition as my jurassic attire changed to something anyone could recognize. I stood there in a bright yellow jumpsuit with black stripes along the side.

I felt that it was only proper to bring out my inner Bruce Lee with what I had in mind. Suaron took a stance, hands glowing with light; yet he was not ready for me. Before he could twitch, a fist slammed into his face. The ground shook, then broke, as cracks formed in the walls and floor. Then Suaron shot off my fist as if he was a cannonball fired from that ancient weapon.

Twisting on the spot, I flash stepped to the corner of the room and grabbed the person in hiding. Maybe if they had been a little more subtle, they would have been able to sneak up on me. Yet, when the cloaking they were using dropped, I almost burst out laughing.

"Flash fucking Tompson, haven't seen your sleaze bag face in some time," I said with clear joviality in my voice. My grip solid around his neck as I took in his form. The demonic aura he gave off was clearly explained by the hell mark on his chest. "Fuck! You have been busy!" I chuckled as I gently shook him.

"Release me! Blake!"

"Yeah, sorry, no can do. You see you're nothing to me. You got away clean once but you came back for some petty revenge with these measly upgrades." I rumbled, anger starting to bleed into my voice as notifications came in over my neural link. Someone had set this shit up and was making moves, Suaron and Flash were just their patsies.

Looking at the upside down pentagram, I tapped it with a finger and felt the singe of corruption. Mephesto did good work, I wonder if the durability given to him would stand up to the test.

Tilting my head to the left, I let the punch whiff past my head as I pushed Flash away from my body. I cocked an eyebrow at him, then watched and felt as he tried to teleport from my grasp.


I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips, "Looks like Eugene learned something new." I laughed as I disrupted his energy again, canceling his teleportation. "Well, I guess it's my turn."

Throwing him up, I spun two spells before slamming one onto his chest and the other on his forehead. Waiting for Flash to come back down from his little flight. I twisted then shifted my grip to his ankle as I started with a decent rendition of Bruce Lee's nunchuck routine with his body. Flash screamed as he went up and over my shoulder, a firm hold of his forearm brought him down and around my side and then back around.

Suaron smashed through the far wall just in time for me to angle myself and bring Flash back up and around, getting him right across the face with the boots. I did a Bruce Lee one two, then dashed after Suaron with my human nunchuck.

I dodged an energy blast as I caught up to Suaron mid flight. I did a leg over, switched hands with my nunchucks as Flash screamed from the speed at which I was twirling him around. He let out a long wail, as I brought him around smashing his head right into Suarons with a sicking smack that resounded for all to hear as their skulls collided.

If my paranoia worked correctly, then my backups should be kicking in. So for now, I could enjoy my little scuffle. I wondered when Suaron would finally stop playing around but the game was afoot and I was going to enjoy it.

I slowly rotated Flash around me as I held onto his ankles, checking to see if he was still coherent. He had a very pleasing welt forming on his forehead but his eyes were still clear and full of hate. But behind that, I could see the fear of realization that I was way beyond him and he would not be getting out of my little game so easily this time.

Sauron's head had been jerked back by the impact and he was slightly dazed for a moment, but he recovered quickly and roared as he renewed his attack. Sadly, that didn't work out for him as I began a lightning fast series of body slams with my Flashy new nunchuck set. Ahead across his jaw, a sweeping strike down on both shoulders, and a rounded head slam right into his genitals was enough to stagger him and cause him to step back and regroup.

Flash groaned as the welts began to add up, but I was impressed I had not broken his neck yet. Good work, indeed!

I didn't miss a beat as I speed jumped to Sauron's side and Flash nunchucked him behind his knees, knocking his feet out from under him and sending him cartwheeling across the room and through the wall again.

From the roar and shaking of the building, I could tell he was beginning to get pissed.


Malcolm Hunt

Dashing Youth

Rocking back in his seat, Malcolm let out a huff of air as he took in the sights. It had been a fine day and it only got better after his visit to the bio-sculptors. Looking down at his hands, Malcolm marveled at the nice and even green of his skin.

It had taken a month's worth of his stipend, but he felt that it was worth it. Not only did he get a nice color change out of it, but he was also able to get them to give him some sweet sweet underwater upgrades.

It wasn't needed since he could already use his own abilities to breathe underwater, but Malcolm felt that it was better to get the change in case he was ever knocked out somewhere underwater. He smirked to himself as he thought of being underwater then changing back from his shark form. Life was good. Turning around Malcolm checked his map before taking a waterway to the center of the city.

Jogging over to the open fountain that led into the waterway, with a smile, he hit the change feature on his omni before diving right in. Quickly swimming from his entry into the fountain, Malcolm took a breath for the first time with his upgraded lungs. The water was already crystal clear, but he noticed some of the edges in his vision sharpened.

Nodding and accepting that since the bio sculptor had mentioned it, Malcolm looked down at his hands to focus. Unlike the other baseline Pandorans or metas not compatible with water, he could do something to improve his odds in any body of water.

Webbings extended between his fingers as Malcolm concentrated, once that was finished and he was satisfied, Malcolm did a barrel roll and shot off towards the city center with the left tube. Normally he would take these paths with his animal forms, but he was enjoying being in his own skin so much more.

Taking in the sights of the fish swimming through the tubes, Malcolm flowed around some of the cleaning bots that chugged along scrubbing the sides of the tunnel. Moving like a mermaid down the tunnels, he took another left as he followed the flow of water. He flowed along smoothly for another five hundred meters, waved at two blue beauties before arriving at his destination.

Flipping over, Malcolm lightly tapped on the button of the fountain waterway located in the center of the city before springing upwards with a burst of power. Jumping out of the water and touching down, Malcolm stopped at the sight of a warning. It was pointing to a set of open booths that you could walk through before leaving the waterway.

Stepping through the booth, Malcolm waited as he was meticulously blown dry, but while he was doing that. A beauty caught his eyes, she was tall, statuesque with brown hair and a white streak of hair pushed over her ear. She was wearing a light green outfit with a dark green overcoat: Malcolm didn't even wait.

Dashing out of the drying booth, Malcolm transformed mid stride into a bloodhound and took off after the beauty. Tongue lolled and tail wagging, he ran and ran until he found her entering a coffee shop.

His doggie chops shifted into a grin as he loped down the block after the beauty. As he quickly arrived at the coffee shop, he transformed back into his human form within moments as he opened the door.

Walking into the coffee shop, Malcolm sent an easy glance over the place, smothering a smile as he noticed the brown haired beauty sitting by the window. Idly he noticed the front white bangs and wondered why she went for such a dynamic. Then again, just yesterday he was black and today he was green so he chocked it up to a matter of preference. She just might like the style the way he liked the option to go green, like how the Atlanteans were blue.

Playing it cool, Malcolm went to the counter and ordered himself a black coffee before standing off to the side. A teal green waitress called his name and he took his coffee before sliding into the free seat at the window. Relaxing in his seat, Malcolm played it cool as he turned towards the beauty sitting at his side.

Digging deep and pulling on the courage to speak to her, Malcolm almost breathed a sigh of relief when the doors of the coffee shop were violently shoved open. Turning to look, he was greeted with the sight of bright red hair flying around the tables with a large fluffy thing in her arms.

Wait, that wasn't some large fluffy thing, that was a massive bleeping tiger cub! Regardless of his powers and abilities, Malcolm got up and took half a step back from the bushy red haired girl.

"Anna! Look! Look what daddy got us!" The girl with the flaming red hair yelled as she flew up to the beauty whose name he now knew. The girl with the flaming hair started to babble a mile a minute and he couldn't help chuckling at the sight.

The girls turned to look at him while the one with the flaming hair pouted. Then as quick as the pout appeared, it disappeared as a smile flashed. Malcolm had to hold himself back as she lifted the very very large white tiger cub for him to see.

"You like?" Maya asked with clear excitement in her voice. "Her name is Nala.

Malcolm looked at the girl then at the massive tiger cub in front of him. Letting out a sigh, he tentatively reached a hand out for the animal to sniff. "Nice to meet you Nala, my name is Malcolm."

He looked at the small one then looked at her sister getting an easy going smile in return.

"Hi, am Maya and the grumpy one is Anna." The red haired one said with excitement. Malcolm looked from the old one down to the younger version with bright wavy flaming hair.

"Ahh, I'm Malcolm, nice to meet you." He returned with a slight smile. Moving his hand slowly so as to not frighten, what was apparently a cub, Malcolm stroked its fur. He looked from the one floating at his side to the older sister that was obviously giving him her suspicious gaze.

The only thing he could do in return was to shrug at her, it was clear that Maya had pulled him into the situation. Shrugging, he took his seat and turned his attention to the older sister. "So your name is Anna."

Anna glared at her younger sister before letting out a sigh, "Yeah, it is." She replied with a shrug.

"Well, nice to meet you and the little one." Malcolm replied with a smile. Playing it cool, he turned back to enjoy the view as the sisters did their thing but was rudely interrupted. Something tingled at the back of his mind as he looked upwards and around with wide eyes.



Blistering pain and light flashed before his eyes causing Malcolm to scream as his body tried to curl into itself from the sudden influx of pain. The searing pain quickly dimmed as another light flashed into reality before his seat.

Rapidly his eyes adjusted and what he found was an angel standing before him protecting the coffee shop. Green jumpsuit with a yellow stripe down the middle, wavy brown hair with a whip of white fluttering around.

Looking for where that light came from drew his attention to the micro sun between both of her hands and she tried to smother it. Getting up from the ground, Malcolm took in the broken glass and broken framework of the place.

The one known as Maya was inside of her own shield while the rest of the restaurant was covered with another. Pushing that out of his mind as he took a quick assessment of the situation, Malcolm almost fell over as he heard more explosions in the distance. Rolling with the punches, Malcolm let out a groan as he got to his feet.

His ears twitched at the sound of feet pounding on the concrete outside the store and when he turned to look, what he found had his stomach curdle something fierce.

Men strapped and prepared for war were marching out of a blood red portal with glowing symbols on their chests. Rising to his feet the growl started deep and low as Malcolm took in the force before him.

They came marching in robes with a strange upside down pentagram on their chest. Behind them the portal opened some more and Malcolm was able to notice some in armor. The glow at his side vanished and he turned to fine Anna standing there tall and proud as she stared down the approaching people.

Leaping forward on instincts, Malcolm changed and lashed out with a mighty paw shattering the front most armored person. Twisting and changing from his tiger form, Malcolm roared for all to hear as he stood ten feet tall as an all green kodiak bear for everyone to see.

Some shivered and others screamed, but two people shined through it all. Anna was clearly flying around with a golden blaze of fire around her as she blasted those before her with bolts of energy. Twisting he ran down a few armored goons that tried to go for the younger sister, but Malcolm found that his help wasn't needed.

"You're a bad man." Maya yelled as she picked someone up by the leg and slammed him over and over again. Malcolm watched as she turned and then used the goon as if he was a bludgeoning object to smack another down the road.

His head tilted as he watched the arc of the person's flight. Honestly, it took a lot of willpower not to cringe when they came down with a crunch. He turned just in time to watch her throw her makeshift person weapon away as guards started to teleport into the area.

"PROTECT THE PRINCESS!" A spartan yelled as his team teleported in. Now, that short circuited Malcolms mind for a moment as he sat on two of the infiltrators. Wait, that's not possible, but that would have to hold until later.

Turning to find more opponents to battle, he was quickly aware of all the spartans in the surrounding areas. That would have been alright except, Malcolm could see smoke clouds rising up in the distance.

This; this was not going to be good. Malcolm had seen the Emperor's wrath from a holo-video once and from everything he was witnessing around him. This was going to send the man who prided himself in taking care of his people into the stratosphere.

Death and destruction was coming for those who set this up and Malcolm was just glad he was on the right side. Pushing those thoughts aside, he pushed forward to what was clearly a staging area as first aid assisted those that looked a little worse for wear. The good news was that there were nobody bags around, but it was clear that everyone was in some sort of shock.

Walking past a pair of standing pillars before the staging area had his omni ping a note, but Malcolm ignored it for the seat that was available. Training in the sims with the Titans was one thing, fighting in a real life and death battle was another. Not only that, but the adrenaline high that was fueling his body was rapidly wearing off now that he was no longer inside his largest form.

Sitting there drinking the offered water, Malcolm almost missed the pair of green clad legs that walked up to him. Leaning back on the bench and looking up, Malcolm was greeted with the smiling face of Anna with two guards standing at her rear. Ignoring them to focus on her, Malcolm had to flex his ears so he was able to listen to what she had to say.

Anna gave him a nod as she spoke, "Thanks for the help out there, Malcolm right?"

For a moment he was left stunned wide eyed before a quick cough cleared his throat, "Yeah, I took out the four while you were busy."

She nodded before giving him a once over, "You're in the titan program right? I don't remember seeing anyone with green skin."

A chuckle escaped his lips as he stood up, "Yeah, I visited the bio-sculptures to get some work done, figured since my powers pushed me towards animal transformations, I might as well go a little green. Plus, I'm a huge fan of Doctor Banner." Malcolm replied with a shrug.

"Well, just wanted to say thanks for the help, didn't mean for my sister to mess up your coffee and get you dragged into this. I'll make sure you get compensated for what happened." Anna replied with an easy nod and a smile before getting ready to leave.

"Ohh, that's fine, but if you really want to compensate me for my time, we can do the coffee thing again, but just us two this time." Malcolm blurted out before he could register what he was saying and apply a filter to his social skills.

Anna looked him over for a time, before turning around to leave. There was a ping on his omni and when Malcolm checked it. He found her contact information and times she would be available.

Laughing to himself, Malcolm took a seat and had to shake his head at the day he was having. Not only was he in a real life and death situation, but he had gotten the number of one hot babe. Life was good. Shit!…. Weren't they calling her princess along with the little one?


Benjamin Blake

Sauron came at me pissed and angry like a bat flying at hypervelocity straight out of hell. Unfortunately for him, I had a perfect human with advanced durability to work as my shield.

With a twist and a swing, I ignored the screams of Flash as I brought him up and around in a baseball swing. There was a sickening crunch as Sauron's clawed fist connected with his face. Bringing Flash up and around like a set of nunchucks, I swung him around a few times to get the blood off of his face.

Bringing Flash back up and around, I held him by the collar and took a look at his fucked up mug. The bruising was already healing alongside the cuts, and interestingly enough demonic energy oozed out of his wounds.

"Why don't you just fucking kill me already?" Flash asked with a glare on his bruised features.

Giving him a bland look, I shook my head, "I could, but then I would be giving up all the good little nuggets of information that you have inside that nearly empty skull of yours." I gave him a pitting shake of my head as I continued to speak. "You might not like to pay attention, but any one of my skilled mind walks will get me all of the little things you picked up organically without even realizing it. So why should I kill the lead to my attackers?

Flash glared some more before digging deep and trying to spit into my face. The flem of saliva never got more than five inches from his face. With a firm grip on his collar, I pulled him forward to get covered in his own spittle before shaking him at high speeds.

Somewhere inside, I knew that I should have felt bad for this but I honestly had no fucks to give when it came to Flash Thompson. He terrorized Peter when we went to school with him and then he set up some bullshit prank at the dance. He could have just gone off to bum fuck nowhere but he decided to team up with a bunch of demons and attack me, as if. The nerve of him thinking that a little bit of demon juice would be enough to get some sort of petty revenge on me.

As I continued to shake Flash at a thousand beats every two seconds my omni pinged and I got an update over my neural implant. Eyes wide as my mind flew over the implications of the terrorists attacking my home, I zeroed in on the one thing that they all had in common. The hell mark on their chest denoted them as being on the same team as Flash. The explosions were a distraction as they tried to kidnap my kids. My kids survived a kidnapping attempt because I had them stacked with so many precautions that a simple nuclear blast couldn't even kill them.

Going after my kids was the first nail in their coffin: the second was calling out the name of whoever they were doing all of this in the name of. Attuma, I knew him, he was a Namor villain that wanted the throne, if I wasn't mistaken. Attuma was Andromeda's father, also a traitor to the throne of Atlantis.

Trying not to hyperventilate as my anger spiked, I threw Flash into the air as I summoned a URU trident to my hand. The runes glowed with power and a flick of my wrist set two arcs of water slicing through the air. Flash never stood a chance as his legs and arms were removed from his body.

A command called my spartans to collect what was left of Flash as I turned my attention back towards Sauron who was floating in the air watching everything with an eagle like gaze. Grabbing my trident by the shaft right behind the neck of the forks. Suaron never had the time to react as I backhanded him down into the forest below.

A shockwave blew outwards as the ground cratered from his impact. Spinning the trident in my hand, I brought it down hard in a spike teleporting us both at the last moment into the mirror dimension.

There was no fucking way I was going to destroy the lands I was fighting for. The world shook as Sauron's chest caved in from the impact, but I ignored all of that and the flash of light as I kept my attention directly on the foe beneath me.

The sight of the green glow was all that I needed to jump out and backwards from Suaron. Couldn't believe I almost forgot about the man's life force absorption, and with the amount of power I was throwing out. It was clear that he was going to try and soak it all in.

Perched on a tree a good bit out from the mass destruction I had caused, the trident spun in my hands before the high frequency blade started to project from the tip. The fact that someone decided to bomb my people meant that I could no longer just enjoy myself. Someone out there had the balls to cross the line and I was going to hang them with their fucking guts come hell or high water.

I had a name linked to some meta-knowledge, now all I had to do was get out of here and follow up the lead. Pushing those thoughts aside, I waited for Suaron to right himself before I was leaping from my perch and on him again. This time instead of trading blows, I sliced him in half before removing his head.

A quick turn and summon spell had his head in a box and me back in the real world from the mirror dimension. Stepping back into reality, I ignored the rising tension between Styro and James the spartan I left in charge.

"Jame's handle this," I said, tossing him the head in a box while ignoring the wide eyed look Styro was giving me. Without waiting for anything else, I vanished from the courtyard and reappeared inside the command center of the Savage Lands settlement.

Outside the window, parts of my city burned and that burned me and I was not very happy. I was not happy at all and I was going to get my pound of flesh. All around the room alerts were going off and I could see on a few hover holograms of battles still taking place across Atlantis.

That was the only place they were really dug in, Pandora was safe and the first to crush the insurrection of infiltrators, here in the Savage lands was second on the list. Then there was the third city Selma and a few others behind that one.

No one made it to any of my space stations or Attilan up in orbit, that I marked as acceptable, but it wasn't enough for me, not even close. Turning my back at the sight down below, I sat in my command chair and pulled up a situation report. From what I could see, we received about ten percent damage overall to my empire. The real goal that they had from what the investigators could tell was to kidnap my kids as I thought. Anna and Maya were hit at a coffee shop while explosions were happening as a distraction. The triplets were with Logan, Rogers and Barnes so that was a nonstarter. They completely bypassed where my ladies were and the only one that went off of script was Flash.

Then again, when you were playing chess at such high levels slapping power onto a fool and unleashing him is also a move in a way. Hmm, the hell mark meant demon influence, but none of my kids were taken. Fuck….. Demons, that would mean Illyanna, I went sifting through reports before getting irritated with that and just going right to location beacons. What I found sent a shiver down my spine.

It took less than a microsecond for me to jump up and out of my command chair. I was speed, there was nothing faster than I was, not even light.

A transition teleportation took me from the savage lands to my island as I blazed across the sky. I was angry and that showed in the bright golden glow of my eyes, the powerful bolts of electricity that flowed from my body. Yet, I did not care because I had a destination and I was going to fuck up everyone, if it was what I thought it was.

I burst through the outer walls of the art museum just in time to see a large demon open a portal. On the other side of the room lay Piotr, but I was more worried about the little girl in the frozen demon's grasp.

What was still irritating me was the fact that, somehow, demons had made it onto my island without anyone's knowledge. I could have sworn every entryway was set with magical alerts.

Pushing aside my frustration, I brought my trident down with savage glee removing the arms of the demon whose name I couldn't bother to ask. Grabbing Illyanna underneath one arm, I flipped on the spot as I launched myself to the side of her brother. Time returned to its natural flow as I exited speed time to check Piotr to make sure he was still healthy and living.

What I discovered was not pretty, there was bloody flesh and battered skin all over his prone form. Accepting the early examination of his body with my biokinesis, I sent a jolt through the body happy to learn that he was still alive.

Sending a ping to my spartans, I laid little Illyana next to her brother as I turned to face the massive demon who was already growing his arms back.

My shoulders set, and I took in the demon before me. "Did Belasco send you?" I asked voice low, almost that of a growl. The demon said nothing, yet he twitched towards the portal. The demon was at least ten feet tall with pitch black skin lined with red all over. It was clear that the red was either tattoos or some type of script.

He made it nowhere because I was already moving with a vengeance. My trident stabbed into the portal destabilizing its harmonic frequency. Twisting on the spot, I brought the end of my trident around and stabbed it into the arm that swung in my direction.

"I'll tell you nothing moral." The demon growled out. "Now die!"

The demon lunged at me with wide sweeping attacks which I rolled around and over. Yet, it was clear that wasn't what he was aiming for, out of his sides shot tentacles and a miasma. My speed shifted as my face mask appeared as a precaution against that miasma.

A nasty stomp broke the ground and destabilized the footing of the demon as I then flicked my trident into the earth carving out a section. I dodged another blow and then another as I finished carving a particular circle into the ground.

When I jumped up and back, the demon finally caught onto what I was planning and tried to jump out of the circle. Instead, he was slammed back down with a nudge from some gravity manipulation to hold him in place.

Standing outside the circle, I raised my trident before slamming it into the circle lighting it up with power. The demon screamed bloody murder, but I ignored him and his new prison.

"Selene," I called summoning the black queen herself. My shadow extended as black flames shimmered into the air. I paid her theatrics no mind as I kept my eyes on the demon before me. "Flay him if you have to, I want the name of his master and the rest of their plans."

"Ohh darlin, you do give me the best toys." Selene purred before disappearing with the demon locked in the magical circle I created. Shaking my head at her antics, I checked with the doctors who were looking over Illyanna and her brother. Once I was given the all clear for the siblings' health, I made sure that they would be housed at my home for their recovery.

Once that was settled, I was moving again, I needed to get to the command center. Things were going down and it was time to really lay down the smack. Right as I arrived in the command center my omni pinged with the information I was desperately searching for.

From what I was reading, the demons didn't come into the city from the land based portals. They bypassed that and used the Atlantean's route since I didn't think that they could consort with demons due to the salt nature of the oceans.

That was my fault, the second part of their plan was to get onto the island the old fashioned way. That meant that they either swam or used the aquatic vehicles that ran to and from the city from the custom arranged coastline.

From there they used the portals to import more people inside the hotel rooms. That was how they got around the demonic sensors, from what I was reading. It looked like I wasn't being paranoid enough. The upside was that the shields worked properly since that was what saved the civilians from becoming casualties.

Yet, I was not happy with any of what I was reading. The demons had been allowed to get far too deep into my nation and I would have to fix that. How was I going to turn my little nation into a super powered space empire if I couldn't solve a little demon infestation problem?

Taking a seat in my command chair, I settled in and started to give out orders and commands. Work orders were sent and approved, my citizens were accounted for and a message came in announcing that Andromeda was on her way and so was Namora.

The fact that Namora was coming made me roll my eyes, it was clear why she was trying to insert herself. She was trying to be the end all be all for those who see themselves as Atlantean's, but this was something out of her jurisdiction.

I allowed her to do her own thing when it came to civilian matters with some oversight of course, but this was a military matter and her presence would not be needed. Brushing that aside, I double checked to make sure Nat had made it to the Russian outback alright then I checked over the rest of my family. Once things came back with an all clear, I went about drafting plans for a counterattack while waiting on Andromeda to arrive.

Attuma was a Hulk level Atlantean powerhouse and as such, he would be getting my full attention alongside whoever that demon master is. It was time to conquer the rest of the seven seas.


Author Notes

Sorry for the late chapter, mother nature decided to run up on me and ally her own version of an on sight ass kicking. I looked one way, then looked the other, then suddenly I was jumped from behind and got a face full of pollen.

If I knew that Mother nature had it out for my ass, I would have taken that day off and stayed home from work. Instead, I got beat by mother nature and her homie pollen and allergies.

She left me looking like a wreck, but I was in luck because the GF brought the homie Halls and Claritin with her to help me fight back.

Minor Edits by Pineappl3

Removes the - for the internet links

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