Lu Shui followed the song and they walked on the sea.

Tier 2 can walk on the water, even without this ability, it is not qualified to come here.

"Have you ever come to compete for Xianshan chance?" Lu Shui asked.

Ge Ci walked ahead, he watched the surroundings and said:

"No, when we come to Xianshan, we usually ask me to ask the chance stone. When the chance stone thinks we are suitable, we will come in.

Otherwise it won't come in.

Of course, it is not suitable to come in to get a chance, but the chances are high.

It should be our chance to meet fellow Daoists this time. "

Second-order, this is really rare.

It couldn't be better for them.

They are strong, and their teammates are weaker. It's okay as long as they don't mess around.

Lu Shui nodded. The chance stone should be related to Jige. It seems that the machine building is not far from here.

Look for him at that time.

As for now, I still need to get a chance, otherwise I can't explain to his father when I go back.

How could his leg be interrupted by his father?

"Then what chance will you encounter here?" Lu Shui asked again.

Song Ci shook his head:

"It's hard."

Lu Shui puzzled.

Shao Qing said:

"It's just not certain. Some people will see the shadow of Tao, some will understand a magic trick, some will get a cultivation technique, and some will get a powerful mind, which can kill people.

But one thing in common among these people is that they don't know how they got it.

Or get it without knowing what I have seen. "

"That is the fairy mountain chance, actually seeing something, this thing is hard to name?" Lu Shui asked.

Geci thought for a while and said:


Lu Shui didn't say anything, he was a little puzzled, what could make people like this?

In his knowledge, there is nothing that cannot be looked directly at.

After walking for a while, they suddenly saw three people walking in front of them.

Seeing these three people approaching, Geci and Shaoqing became vigilant.

Naturally, Lu Shui also looked over.

Three fourth-order, blurred face.

"Guying?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

The so-called lone shadow is the aura left behind after death, lacking consciousness, difficult to distinguish between friends and enemies, he may kill you, or he may help you.

It is such a contradiction.

However, some lonely shadows possess sane ambition, and can even cultivate into a great way to die and live.

But whether he was the one he was alive, it is difficult.

Geci looked at Lu Shui unexpectedly. After the three lone shadows left, Geci said:

"Friends of Taoism are quite knowledgeable. Normal people just know that there are lonely shadows in the Kongming Sea, and they can't see it at first sight.

They look no different from ordinary people. "

"These lone shadows were left by the chance to find the fairy mountain?" Lu Shui asked.

Song nodded:

"Opportunities are to be won. Even if you have a chance to find them, even if you step on the path of chance, there is always a possibility of crisis before the last moment.

The reason why chance is called chance is because it is rare, because it can be met and cannot be sought. "

Lu Shui naturally understood it, but it was really rare to be able to retain such a complete lone shadow.

"By the way, since seeing the lonely shadow, it means that there is a chance nearby, let's hurry up, don't let others preempt it." Ge replied.

Then began to speed up walking on the sea.

Their speed is not too fast, mainly because of lack of land and water.

But seeing that Lu Shui could catch up, they speeded up a bit, and then they found that Lu Shui could still keep up.

"It doesn't seem to be a cumbersome, fortunately." Geci breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the opponent can reduce the difficulty for them, if it is really bad, he will still hesitate.

As long as it is a normal level two, he can accept it.

I'm just afraid of the kind of people who forcibly upgrade to the second rank, don't have any combat experience, and still make all kinds of self-determinations.

Fortunately, Flowing Fire is not.

After accelerating for a long time, they stopped singing.

Lu Shui looked forward, and he found that three people were greeted again in front of him, but this time it was one Tier 4 and two Tier 3.

And it's still a normal person.

"Senior Geci, Senior Sister Shaoqing?" A Tier 4 man on the opposite side said bitterly as they watched Geci.

This is when we are fighting for an opportunity, and we are at a loss when we meet two strong men.

"Senior Brother Jiao Yu, it seems unlucky that we have a chance together.

Let's take a look together first, and then it depends on the situation. "Song said.

Then the song introduced Xia Lu Shui, and Lu Shui also knew that the three people on the opposite side belonged to Xianshan.

Afterwards, they traveled to the direction of chance.

Soon they reached their destination.

It's a crisis

There was a lone shadow around the whirlpool, an old man, he stood there, as if lost.

"The old man Guying, there is him at every chance entrance. No one knows who he is, and he doesn't know if he is one or countless, but he will always see him.

But he will not attack us.

According to the overall strength, it must have been given by the lonely old man. "Geci said.

He was explaining for Lu Shui.

Lu Shui nodded, he realized that this lonely shadow was a little different, but he didn't care much.

He is actually very curious, he is hiding his cultivation base, can he see the comprehensive strength of the chance?

At this time Jiao Yu sighed:

"Senior brother and sister, please."

There can only be three people in a chance.

If all three are fourth-order, the intensity will be somewhat unusually large.

So no one will go in with three Tier 4s.

Even as a proud song, I don't dare to make big claims.

If you get a chance alive, that's a chance. If you die in it, then it's not a chance or a robbery.

Death robbery.

Then the song remarks on the landing channel:

"Friend Liuhuo, you go in first."

Lu Shui nodded, and he went straight to the whirlpool.

He is not worried about whether anyone will follow.

He didn't worry that it was a fake chance, because he could see the passage to strange places in the vortex.

It's really strange.

When Lu Shui walked to the front of the vortex, he looked at the old lonely shadow beside the vortex.

The old man didn’t look at him, and Lu Shui didn’t care, but stepped into the vortex of Zheng.

Then fell under the whirlpool.

Only then did Lu Shui notice that the old man Guying glanced at him as if he was deciding something.

But soon his eyes disappeared.

"It doesn't seem to be watching my cultivation." Lu Shui thought of after he started to fall, as if he had entered a bottomless pit.

Not long after he saw Geci and Shaoqing also come to the vortex Zheng

Geci came to Lu Shui and said:

"Don't worry, Daoists will start to judge the difficulty later. It may be a little uncomfortable, but there will be no problems."

Lu Shui has some accidents, will it be uncomfortable to judge?

But soon he learned that something was attacking him around this space.


He discovered that the so-called judgment here was not a scanning cultivation base at all, but a direct strength impact.

But what is the use of this attack for him?

The ferocious Taoist couple is also reborn

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