The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 117: Fortunately, Liuhuo Daoist is Tier 2

Jiao Yu watched Lu Shui and others enter the whirlpool, and sighed:

   "Let's go, let's go and see elsewhere."

   Opportunity is something you can't find. If you miss it, you may miss it forever.

   They all came in at a suitable time. Now they have seen the chance, but they didn't go in and wanted to change in.

   is almost impossible.

   "Brother Jiao Yu, I want to ask a question." She was about to leave, and a sister behind Jiao Yu suddenly spoke.

   Jiao Yu turned his head to look at the younger sister, and said:

   "Sister, please speak."

   The woman pointed to the whirlpool and said:

  "Brother, I remember the record stated that once someone enters the vortex of chance, the vortex will disappear, and the old man in the shadow will also disappear.

   But now the vortex not only has not disappeared, but the old man Gu Ying is still staring at the vortex.

   This, isn't it normal? "

   Hearing this, Jiao Yu immediately turned his head and looked over.

   He found that it was so, the old man Guying and the vortex of chance were still there.

   "What's the matter?" Jiao Yu was a little surprised.

   "Brother, isn't this year special, and this vortex can still enter people?" someone asked.

   Jiao Yu hesitated and said:

   "I will try first, if there is no problem, you will come again."

   The two nodded.

   This is not normal, it is relatively dangerous.

   Then Jiao Yu stepped towards the vortex.

   He stood in front of the whirlpool, hesitating in his heart, and finally opened up various defenses for himself, he was about to step on the whirlpool.

   When his foot was about to step on the whirlpool, he was suddenly stunned, and he didn't even dare to step on it.

   Jiao Yu was tight and sweaty.

  Because in just a moment, he actually felt like his whole body exploded.

   Nothing else, just because the old man Guying suddenly looked over.

   Yes, the old man Guying who has never done anything, the old man Guying who has been bowing his head suddenly raised his head.

   And still looking at him directly.

   At that moment, Jiao Yu felt that he had died countless times.

   He was terrified in his heart, and finally recovered the foot he was about to step on with all his strength, and then lowered and respectfully said:

   "The junior is ignorant and offended the senior, please forgive me."

   Jiao Yu waited for a long time, but didn't get any response. When he secretly looked over and found that Old Man Guying lowered his head again, he was relieved.

   But he knew that this time there was an abnormal change in the Kongming Sea.

   He didn't know the reason for the change, he only knew that he needed to be very careful.

   Otherwise, I will become a new lone shadow.

   And the two people behind were also lost for a while, just now they saw the old man Gu Ying looking over.


   Lu Shui was still declining at this time, his whole body kept on oppressing him, because he didn't want to grow extra branches, Lu Shui didn't try to avoid or dissolve these forces and let these forces act on him.

   But his own strength is there. This strength can't hurt him, or it can't break his defense. There is no way.

   Then he felt that the power of Tao was constantly strengthening and becoming more special.

   These forces are in conflict with his power, as if to overwhelm him.

   But every time he was crushed by his power.

   Not long after, Geci and Shaoqing's faces began to pale. They thought it should be almost over, but why are they still continuing to judge?

   After a while, both Geci and Shao Qing felt that they were going to be strangled to death by strength, but there was no way to determine the strength of this strength and could crush them.

   How difficult it is to break through.

   Sure enough, it is too difficult to get a chance.

   Lu Shui is actually very helpless, the opponent's power is a bit brainless, and he has to suppress his power in essence.

   But he just doesn't resist, and it is impossible to be suppressed by the opponent's power.

   He repaired the formation of heaven and earth, even if the power of action is not the power of heaven and earth, but these ordinary forces can not be suppressed.

   If they strengthen their strength, it would be okay to use their realm to suppress them.

   is not very different, and it is impossible to suppress it in essence.

   At this time, a red light suddenly shone out from under the vortex. The moment I saw the red light, the song and Shaoqing were all taken aback.

   "Hongmang vision?" The song was a little surprised.

   The vision is extremely rare. It is said that only one person in the fairy mountain saw the vision before he got the chance.

   It was also a red light vision at that time.

   That person is now a certain senior in Xianshan.

   They will have this kind of chance too?

  Lu Shui naturally saw it too. He found that the appearance of the red light should be to suppress him. This power is also somewhat special, but it is only somewhat.

   It is impossible to suppress the power of his effective law.

   Then there was another light under the vortex, which was orange.

   Geci and Shaoqing can’t understand, come again?

   and it’s a light I’ve never heard before.

   But while they were still surprised, the third light continued to appear.

   is yellow awn.

   then the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh.

   Colorful rays of light appeared.

   "Seven, colorful vision?" The lyrics of the song were incomprehensible.

   This is something that has never happened before.

   Then the light burst, and the light made them unable to open their eyes.

   At the moment the light shines, all the power directly suppresses the land and water.

   Lu Shui's expression was calm, as if he had already known that the other party was coming for him.

   He just watched with his eyes open, and when the force suppressed, he stretched out a hand.

   then directly grasped the colorful power, which seemed to be a little unexpected, and then tried to break away from the hand that appeared suddenly.

   But it has no effect.

   At this time, Lu Shui exerted a slight force.


   The colorful power was full of cracks in an instant, and it struggled a little bit as if knowing that death was in sight, trying to escape the crisis.

   Lu Shui did not speak or pause, he clenched his fingers.


   The colorful light shatters directly, disintegrating like a bubble, the light shatters, and the colorful power disappears without a trace.

   At the moment the colorful light disappeared, the surroundings returned to normal.

   Not only that, they also escaped from the whirlpool and stood on a stone platform.

   This is the end of the power judgment.

   Seeing that he had entered the land of chance, Lu Shui was relieved in his heart.

it is finally over.

   "Cough cough, cough cough." After landing, Geci and Shaoqing coughed frantically on the ground.

   Just now they felt that they were about to suffocate, but fortunately they finally passed the power judgment.

   It didn’t take long for them to sing, and they adjusted their state. They looked at Lu Shuidao:

   "Friends are okay?"

   Lu Shui shook his head:


   "Perhaps because of the great difference in power between us, the power judgment was abnormal this time. It shouldn't be the case in the past, and it shocked fellow Daoists." Geci said.

   At this time, Shao Qing also spoke:

   "Brother, there has just been a colorful vision. This time the chance is definitely bigger than expected, but it is definitely more difficult than expected."

   Geci looked at Lu Shui, and finally said:

   "With Liuhuo Dao friends, the problem should not be big.

   But the Seven-Colored Vision is too special, it's not good enough, let's choose the situation again. "



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