The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 162: Come on, little brother Tianjie

After Lu Shui put away his phone, he no longer thought about Mu Xue's photos.

However, the photography technology of Oriental Slag is really bad, if it weren't for the good-looking people, this photo would be horrible.

Next time I have time to throw a book to her, let her learn it, then take a photo and send it to him to identify it, and see if the photography technology has improved.

After that, Lu Shui opened a shield on the magic soldier, then closed his eyes and began to practice.

He was already cultivating the effective method (I want to ask where the yin and yang attribute power came from? Of course it was picked up.), and now he is actively practicing.

The main purpose is to approach Tier 4 before reaching the Hidden Sword Valley.

When approaching Tier 4, he would choose to close the active method, and then step into the threshold of Tier 4 with his own practice.

This is not why.

It's been a long time since I met the tribulation, nostalgia.


Hidden Sword Valley.

There is constant power erupting everywhere here.

The great formation of Hidden Sword Valley was also flickering, as if it could be broken at any time.

Le Feng looked at everything with no expression, saying that it was fake to not care.

He just kept himself calm.

He didn't participate in the war, and Gu Jianfeng wouldn't let it go.

After all, they are at most a cooperative relationship, Gu Jianfeng is responsible for blocking those people, and Lefeng has what he needs to do.

One is to call someone to come, and the other is that if a person does not come, he has to take something and leave here.

In this way, even if the cooperation is completed.

As for life and death, Hidden Sword Valley naturally does not care.

Gu Jianfeng competed with a person of similar cultivation level at high altitude, and the two sides were evenly matched, and each had no advantage.

"Gu Jianfeng, you know that we don't intend to be your enemy and hand over things." Taoist Yiye said.

Gu Jianfeng disdainfully said:

"Something? What are you talking about?

If you want to move my hidden sword valley, just say it straight.

Not intending to be an enemy of us? Bringing so many people here and asking for something without saying anything is called Wuyi? "

"Gu Jianfeng, why bother to pretend to be confused? The thing is indeed here, we have something to perceive." Yiye Dao humanely.

With a bang, the two sides separated.

Gu Jianfeng looked at Taoist Yiye coldly, and said:

"I want to know, what exactly are you talking about?"

"If you don't know, just let us go in and search." Yiyedao humanitarianly.

"Hahaha." Gu Jianfeng laughed loudly, then said coldly:

"Yiye, are you insulting my hidden sword valley?"

"A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, Gu Jianfeng, I don't believe you don't know anything." Taoist Yiye looked at Gu Jianfeng and continued:

"If you really don’t know anything, then I can tell you that there are still people coming behind me, and I won’t say what the cultivation level of these people are. Those who can drive me to the second industry, think about it yourself. know.

Look at your Hidden Sword Valley again. Will anyone dare to stand up for you now? "

Gu Jianfeng didn't speak for a while.

Hidden Sword Valley is not weak at first, but it definitely has nothing to do with being strong.

He couldn't afford the opponent, he knew it early in the morning.

But when the other party said that, it still didn't feel good in my heart.

Seeing Gu Jianfeng not speaking, Taoist Yiye said again:

"Hand it over, it's good for everyone."

"Humph." Gu Jianfeng snorted coldly and said:

"Just relying on you as the second industry can threaten me? If there is something amazing behind you, why wait until now?

It is simply putting gold on my face. "

Yiye was a little angry:

"I don't know how to live or die.

Since you don't give it, then I will do it myself. "

Said the two people were fighting together again.

After a long time, more and more people began to besiege the Hidden Sword Valley, and another seventh-tier came.

This time Gu Jianfeng was forced back to the Hidden Sword Valley.

He has persisted for almost a whole day.

"Boy, the Hidden Sword Valley is at its limit." Gu Jianfeng returned to the forefront of the Hidden Sword Valley.

This is the forefront of the formation, Lefeng and the others are standing here.

Lefeng did not speak.

"Your people didn't come in the end." Gu Jianfeng said calmly.

Lefeng nodded, but still did not speak.

Gu Jianfeng sighed:

"Once the formation breaks open, run away by yourself, and that thing will go with you.

This is the limit I can do in Hidden Sword Valley.

Hope you'd understand. "

"Thank you seniors, juniors understand, just hope to keep my friends." Le Feng said calmly.

Nie Hao became anxious when he heard it, and where could he go at the speed of Lefeng?

You have to die as soon as you go out.

But he couldn't speak, couldn't move, he was directly suppressed by Gu Jianfeng.

"Yes." Gu Jianfeng nodded.

Lefeng thanked him, and then waited for the last moment to come.

He looked at the formation and found that it did not last long.

Maybe one minute, maybe ten minutes, but it can't change the fact that it is about to collapse.

For Lefeng, he was indeed a little scared.

He had been cautious for so many years, and for the first time faced death at such close range.

But this is his choice.



The formation is directly broken.

Lefeng didn't hesitate at all, and directly planned to leave the Hidden Sword Valley.

Gu Jianfeng also made people ready to throw that thing out with a secret method.

"Hahaha, Gu Jianfeng, I see what else you can do." Daoist Yiye and the others began to come towards the Hidden Sword Valley.

However, just as Le Feng had just taken the sword, and just as Taoist Yiye was about to arrive, a strange breath spread in the sky.

Then a black light fell from the sky.

The incomparably powerful aura directly forced Yiye and others back, and Lefeng was directly shaken to the ground.

"Who is it?" Yiye was a little frightened, his strength was not weak at all.

However, it was not the underground power that answered him.

It was a figure slowly falling from the sky.

"It seems that it is not late."

Lu Shui's voice is not loud, but everyone can hear it.

At this time, Lu Shui was surrounded by the power of heaven and earth, which was the power of heaven and earth visible to the naked eye.

In everyone's eyes, the power around Lu Shui is extremely special and mysterious.

He fell from a high altitude, and finally stepped on the hilt of the long sword under everyone's gaze.

That was the sword that fell with the magic soldier.

The magic soldier was naturally called by Lu Shui to do other things.

The moment Le Feng saw Lu Shui appear, the big stone in his heart was finally let go. He was a little excited:

"Come, finally here."

He has a feeling of escaping from the dead.

Gu Jianfeng watched Lu Shui disappear, frowning, although special, it was too weak.

Yes, he could see that although this person was special, his cultivation level was obviously not high.

it's useless.

As for the blow just now, it should be the effect brought by the magic weapon.

Gu Jianfeng can see it, and Yiye and others can naturally see it too.

"Do you want to get in the way?" Taoist Yiye asked Lu Shui, looking at it.

If they can't be enemies, they won't be stupidly enemies.

But soon he realized that it was impossible not to be an enemy.

Lu Shui looked at Yiyedao:

"Something, I want it."

"Only you?" Yiye slapped Lu Shui without saying a word.

This palm didn't leave much of his hand, and he could directly kill any cultivator of Tier 5.

Lu Shui watched the opponent's attack, but didn't move.

And just when this attack was about to fall on him, just when Yiye felt that he could directly kill him.

A divine thunder suddenly fell in the sky.

With a bang, the divine thunder fell, directly dispelling the attack of Taoist Yiye.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

Gu Jianfeng was also a little difficult to understand, he just thought that the other party was bound to die.

At this time, Gu Jianfeng suddenly discovered that a cloud of robbery appeared in the sky at some point.

Then he saw Jieyun spinning at extreme speed, like an endless vortex.

"This is, Heavenly Tribulation?"

Gu Jianfeng was a little surprised.

Soon everyone found out, and they also sensed that the person who appeared suddenly in the middle had a breath of tribulation on his body.

"He is going to cross the catastrophe here?" Gu Jianfeng asked curiously.

Lefeng shook his head, he didn't know.

The young master needs to ask him where he is acting.

"Passing the robbery? It is indeed a way, but what about after the robbery?

With the strength of your calamity, three advances to four, right?

And we will not be dragged into the catastrophe by you stupidly. "Although Daoist Yiye was surprised by what had just happened, the Tribulation of Heaven was already domineering, and once the Tribulation appeared, it was not the turn of others to act on those who crossed the Tribulation.

This is the iron law, if you don't give face to the robbery, the robbery will not give you face.

Therefore, it is best not to do anything to the robbers, and don't be dragged into the catastrophe by the robbers.

This is extremely dangerous.

The majesty of the robbery is not something that a cultivator can disobey.

Lu Shui ignored those people, but looked at the robbery in the sky, and said:

"Be stronger."

Hearing what Lu Shui said, those people outside were speechless for a while, robbing your house by heaven? Do you say stronger is stronger?

However, when their thoughts just came up and their desire to speak just emerged, the world suddenly became overwhelming.

The sky's tribulation cloud changed accordingly. One layer of tribulation cloud instantly divided into two layers, and the two tiers of tribulation cloud became three layers and so on. Nine layers of tribulation cloud appeared directly in the sky.

The vast sky descends from the sky.

Everyone had to bow their heads and back away.

This terrible robbery cloud made everyone present fearful.

No one knows what kind of catastrophe this is, but everyone is waiting, waiting for the big data of the catastrophe to appear.

As long as it is a rare tribulation, there will be tribulation big data.

Soon the big data of Heavenly Tribulation sent a message: Tier 4 Heavenly Tribulation, Nine Heavens Divine Punishment.

Fourth order.

Everyone is a little unbelievable.

This terrible power is really only the Three Jins and Four Tribulations.

Can a cultivator really survive this catastrophe?

They didn't know before, but they will know soon.

Taoist Yiye looked at Lu Shui under the sky, and said:

"No matter how amazing you are, even if you succeed in crossing the Tribulation, you won't have a Tier 4 cultivation base.

You of Tier 4 are not worthy of being an enemy of us.

Give up that thing, we will never embarrass you. "

The answer to the Taoist Yiye was the thunder in the sky.

At this time, endless thunder came from nine days like a rapid waterfall.

This terrible power is like a hole in the sky and the earth, as if to flood the whole land with thunder.

Taoist Yiye was frightened, and he led people back and forth constantly.

Gu Jianfeng and the others were also extremely horrified. What kind of Tier 4 is this, that can survive such a terrible catastrophe?

This was beyond his imagination, and he had never heard of such a terrible catastrophe.

But something more terrible happened.

"How is this possible?" Gu Jianfeng screamed uncontrollably with a look of horror.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling has also arrived near the Tibetan Sword Valley.

They also received the news of the big data of Heaven's Tribulation.

Tier 4 Heavenly Tribulation, this is definitely their young master.

But what is the situation of the Nine Heavens Divine Punishment?

Just by hearing the name, they knew it was an extremely terrifying tribulation, and they were a little worried about Lu Shui.

Especially they don't know what this tribulation is like.

Soon they saw the nine layers of robbery clouds, and saw the thunder like an endless waterfall descending from nine heavens.

That one glance was enough to shock their hearts.

This is the catastrophe of their young master?

They had never seen such a terrible catastrophe.

The endless thunder came from nine days, just when they thought that the thunder was going to fall on their young master.

They were stunned for a moment.

Because Thunder did not fall on Lu Shui at all, but in front of Lu Shui.

As the thunder fell, the endless thunder began to interweave, but in a few breaths, the two thunder intertwined to form a giant and appeared in front of Lu Shui.

Wearing thunder armor and holding thunder spears, these two giants were so mighty that they couldn't look directly at them.

When Zhenwu Zhenling thought that the thunder giant would attack their young master, their three views collapsed for this.

Two Thunder Giants stood opposite Lu Shui, kneeling on one knee in incomparable respect.

Like the supreme king who greeted them.

Then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth Thunder Giant appeared.

They were divided into two rows, kneeling on the left and right sides of the land and water on one knee.

These giants become taller the farther behind.

At this time, the thunder fell between the two giants, and countless thunder intertwined into steps and fell in front of Lu Shui, as if waiting for Lu Shui to walk up the stairs.

At this moment, Lu Shui stepped on the top of the Thunder Ladder, step by step toward the highest point of the ladder.

And the endless thunder is still falling, still intertwined with adults.

That was the ninth giant standing at the front of the center.

The giant bowed his head and knelt on one knee, connecting him with the stairs.

He is the end of the ladder.

At the top of the end, the endless thunder all fell, intertwined into a supreme throne.

Looking at this throne, everyone has an urge to worship.

They simply can't bear such a catastrophe.

Soon everyone heard the footsteps, approaching the throne step by step, stepping on their minds step by step.

The courage to destroy everyone step by step.

But after a few breaths, they saw it. They saw a person who was covered by thunder, and then they saw this person walking to the throne and sitting calmly.

Lu Shui sat on the Thunder Throne, leaning back on a high chair, resting his cheek in one hand, and overlooking the world.

At this time, the world lost its voice, and everything was silent.

Heavenly Tribulation Big Brother (crossed out Big Brother), brother, bow down.

Looking at all this, no one dares to believe his eyes, no one dares to admit all this.

No one can understand why the robbery is like this.

This is more than a personal cognition, which is simply subverting the cognition of the entire cultivation world.

This is impossible.

At this moment, Lu Shui spoke. He looked at Yiye and the others, with supreme majesty in his voice:

"Who just said that Tier 4 is not worthy of being an enemy? Stand up, this seat, and grant you a death."

In the silent world, Lu Shui pulled everyone back to reality with a word.

Looking at the man on the throne, Gu Jianfeng felt terrified in his heart.

Just because of this terrible scene, he couldn't let himself speculate.

He discovered how ignorant and stupid he was before, and he would feel disdainful and think that the other party was weak.

There is no reason why Lefeng dares to be so big.

The people behind him were too terrible, and terribly made him tremble. This scene will become an indelible mark in his heart.

He said nothing in the future to be hostile to this person.

He doesn't even have such qualifications.

Nie Hao and Lefeng were also in fear, which was beyond all they knew.

What horrible existence is this?

Le Feng had always thought that he had overestimated the Young Sect Master, but now he realized that he knew nothing about the Young Sect Master.

The level of Young Sect Master has long been beyond cognition.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was stunned in place, this is the posture of their young master?

The first Tianjiao in the world is not worthy of their young master.

Their young master broke the cognition of the cultivation world for ages, and the supreme calamity surrendered to their young master's feet.

This is simply appalling, and no one believes it.

"Dad Dog, no, Lord Dog, I don't want to be free, I want to be a dog.

Isn't it a wild dog?

I have a dog master, I'm not a wild dog anymore. "The magic soldier Gouzi sees Lu Shui's posture with tears in his eyes.

The tyrants of the robbery all knelt, isn't it right for a dog to kneel down?

From now on it will be the brother of Tianjie's grandson.

Daoist Yiye looked terrified, he couldn't believe his eyes when he looked at Lu Shui.

Others were even more deprived of their minds by this terrible scene. Will they still be afraid if they are directly targeted by the robbery?

No, even their fear was taken away.

The whole person is like a walking corpse.

The soul is lost.

To live is to die.

"Fake, it's all fake, it can't be like this, it's absolutely impossible."

The Taoist Yiye didn't believe it at all.

"It's you who are crazy, caught in this endless confusion, the eyes deceived us, the eyes deceived us.

what! "

With a bang, Taoist Yiye directly exploded two of his eyes.

He didn't want to believe or admit it, how could he bow his head in the lofty Tribulation?

How could it be possible to bow down to mortals?

Fake is absolutely fake.

"Lunatic, you are definitely a lunatic." Taoist Yiye roared towards Lu Shui.

Lu Shui looked at him and said:

"When you think I'm crazy, you may be crazy."

"Impossible, impossible, I'm not crazy." Taoist Yiye knelt on the ground, clutching his head and said in pain.

Lu Shui looked at Yiyedao:

"The world is vast, everything is impermanent, what you see is impossible in the eyes of other people, perhaps it is common sense of heaven and earth.

Let go of your mind and let you see what heaven and earth are. "

Countless thunder fell on Yiye and others at this moment.

Everyone is trapped in a kind of enlightenment, the principle of heaven and earth, the reincarnation of all things, and the great principles are all presented in their eyes.

Everyone showed a trace of understanding, a trace of relief.

Finally, the thunder dissipated, and there was no one in front of Lu Shui.

Lu Shui got up from his position, then snapped his fingers.


A snap refers to the thunder masterpiece.

Lefeng and others couldn't look directly at them, let alone what happened.

At this time, the thunder was dissipating, the robbery cloud was receding, and the robbery cloud surged as if saying goodbye and thinking.

Think about what kind of ceremony should be used next time to welcome the supreme being.

Finally, the thunder completely dissipated in the world.

Le Feng and others could only see the scene ahead at this time. At this time, there was no enemy in front of them, and the legendary existence no longer existed.

Gu Jianfeng looked at Lefeng, with some palpitations:

"He, who is he?"

Lefeng shook his head and said sorry:

"Without his order, the juniors really dare not say much."

Gu Jianfeng expressed his understanding.

But what should he do if the other party disappears?

In fact, he is not sure whether the other party is dead or alive. Someone will ask how to answer in the future?

Under normal circumstances, he naturally doesn't care, but this is not normal.

Soon someone came from behind, saying that there was nothing left.

Gu Jianfeng didn't care about this anymore.

It was clear who took it at a glance.


Lu Shui disappeared. When he appeared, he was beside Zhenwu Zhenling, and he brought the sword back.

Zhenwu Zhenling was shocked when seeing their young master suddenly appearing, and then immediately respectfully said:


Lu Shui frowned and looked at his hand, he was a little puzzled.

However, he did not think for the first time, but looked at Zhenwu Zhenling and said:

"Why are you here?"

Zhenwu dare not lie:

"I'm worried that the young master will be in trouble, so I can ask the patriarch for help."

But they knew that what they had done was superfluous, and the terrible degree of their young master was beyond imagination.

Lu Shui nodded and didn't pay much attention. Then the magic soldier dog flew from a distance, and it wagged its tail in the landing water.

Lu Shui: "..."

Is this dog mad?

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was a little surprised, where did this dog come from? And is it flying in the Yufang Tianji?

"What about things?" Lu Shui decided to go straight to business.

"Master Gou, I think I need to be a dog. It doesn't matter whether I hug my thighs or not. The main reason is that I don't want to be a wild dog anymore.

Lord Gou, I can watch the door and lick. "The Demon Soldier Gouzi said, but he handed the things to Lu Shui in the first place.

It is rolled animal skins.

"I don't own a dog." Lu Shui responded by the way, taking the animal skin roll.

"That's fine to raise a grandson, I'll be a dog grandson." Gouzi said.

Zhenwu Zhenling had a black line on his face. They could see that the dog was next to their young master.

Licking the dog will not kill you.

Lu Shui ignored the dog, but looked at the animal skin scroll. He could naturally see that there was a restriction on it, but he could see the content without even having to unlock the restriction.

Just taking a look, Lu Shui lost the animal skin roll.

It's useless.

After that, Lu Shui looked at Zhenwu Dao:

"Inform Lefeng, he can ask me one more request. If there is a request for cultivation level, as long as you can solve it, you can directly help him."

Zhen Wu immediately nodded and said yes, which meant that their young master got what they wanted.

At least what Lefeng did this time has made a lot of gains.

However, Zhenwu did not rush to ask questions. UU reading www.

"I want to go back to the soldiers tomb, do you want to go there?" Lu Shui asked.

Zhenwu Zhenling naturally had no opinion, but Zhenwu still asked:

"Master, don't you go directly to Misty Island? The patriarch asked you to finish your military affairs. Originally, I went to Qiaoyunzong to pick up Miss Mu. Now Miss Mu and Miss Dongfang are trapped in Misty Island."

Hearing this Lu Shui was taken aback.

He is not worried about Mu Xue, he is worried that Mu Xue will bring him gifts.

If he remembers correctly, there is Anqi fruit in Misty Island, right?

Landshui's teeth are a bit soft when I think of it.

Then solemnly said:

"You don't need to go to the soldier's grave, go directly to Misty Island to rescue Miss Mu and Dongfang scum, then let Lefeng go to Misty Island to help me find An Qiguo, and take away all of them."

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