The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 163: Mu Xue felt that it was accidental to blow Lu Shui's face

After hearing what Lu Shui said, Zhenwu Zhenling was a little surprised.

Why did the young master suddenly change his mind?

But the key is the An Qiguo.

"Master, what is An Qiguo?" Zhenwu asked.

As for going to Miss Mu, there is no problem with them. The true spirit is a woman, so she can definitely take care of it.

He can be dispatched to take charge of the fight.

"I will send it to you, let's go now." Lu Shui said.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling stopped staying, and immediately nodded and left.

Zhenwu contacted Lefeng for the first time after leaving, and Lefeng was very happy to hear that he could make further requests.

After all, this requirement can be big or small.

After learning that he was going to Misty Island, Lefeng naturally responded. Although he currently doesn't know what An Qiguo is, he can check it himself first.

The result is: very acid, which has a miraculous effect on skin trauma.

"Is this something ordinary? This Dongfang Haoyue behaves so terribly, how can I let you do this?" Nie Hao asked on the side.

Is it useful to exist at that level?

Le Feng shook his head, he didn't know.

Can't ask?


After sending Zhenwu what Anqi fruit looked like and where it would appear, Lu Shui ignored the matter here.

He now needs to rush back to the soldiers tomb, after all, the old man withered tree is still there.

As the young master of the Lu family, he naturally had to set off from there to Miwu Island.

However, the distance was not close during this period, and he needed a long time, so Lu Shui planned to think about something else.

For example, his cultivation.

After he crossed the robbery and entered Tier 4, he faintly felt something was wrong.

It's not that the realm is wrong, but the strength is wrong.

He felt not as strong as he expected.

In his opinion, after he entered Tier 4, he should be able to follow Tier 5 casually.

But judging by the current intensity and the ability that can be used, without using the power of heaven and earth, people who are beginning to enter the fifth rank will be played.

Although it seems that the difference is not much, but this means that the difference is greater in the back.

This is not normal.

"Am I being cut? Or am I overestimating myself?"

Lu Shui had some doubts in his heart.

But Lu Shui didn't think too much about it, so he cut it, as long as it doesn't affect his retiring.

Anyway, when the realm is reached, any power will return.

The problem is not big.

"Master Gou, what are you thinking?" Gouzi asked, licking his paw before Fang Tian painted a halberd.

Lu Shui looked at the dog who lived like a cat and said softly:

"I feel weakened, and Tier 4 can only fight people who were just Tier 5."

The dog was speechless for a while, and then curiously said:

"How long did it take for the dog to rise to four?"

Lu Shui thought and said:

"It's almost a month, it's been a long time."

Suddenly the dog felt that licking his paw was dull.

"How long does it take for the Gouye to rise four to five?"

"There is no metallic power, and it is difficult to judge. Visual inspection will take four or five months."

This is still Lu Shui's estimation based on the previous speed, and it took more than this time in the previous life.

At that time, I just learned the heaven and earth formation pattern, and the formation pattern was not perfect, and it took a long time.

Under normal circumstances, who is crazy to be able to reach the sixth order in about two years?

Although he was able to play Tier 6 in the previous life, his cultivation is still far away from Tier 6.


Suddenly Gouzi's head was smashed by something. He was still marveling at the advanced speed of Gouye, but he wanted to yell at him instantly.

Which one who doesn't have eyes dad to touch me, dad?

It just saw that the thing fell on Lu Shui's hand before it spoke. It wasn't blind to it, it naturally saw that it was a metallic stone.

"It looks like a volcano erupted below, and a metallic stone happened to fly up." Lu Shui said while holding the stone while looking at the volcano below.

The dog was a little speechless for a while.

Is Lord Gou's luck a bit good?

Lu Shui didn't care about this, he tried to absorb the metallic force with a positive method.

But soon his brows frowned.

Was cut again?

No, it's not being cut, it's being strengthened.

He found that he could absorb the metallic power he needed in a week or so.

In other words, he can be promoted to Tier 5 in about a month and a half.

Lu Shui didn't understand. Was he cut or strengthened?

This is a very metaphysical question.

For example, according to his previous thinking, once he enters the Tao, he does not borrow the heavens and the earth, and he is capable of overpowering the elders.

But looking at it now, it's a question of whether it can beat the Three Elders.

According to the previous situation, it may take four to five years for him to rank seven.

But now he should be able to rank 7 in less than a year.

Therefore, Lu Shui is not easy to say whether it is strong or weak.

After that, there is nothing to care about.

After all, it was a new start, and he himself was full of variables.

As for the gains from this visit to Tibetan Sword Valley, it can be said to be big or small.

Then Lu Shui looked at the dog and spoke calmly:

"Did you hear the prophecy slate, the future sutra, and the book of Revelation when Xianting was still there?"

This is what Lu Shui saw in the animal skin scroll.

Just a few words.

But the prophecy slate, the future sutra, can directly show everything.

Combining Xian Ting and the gods against the Lu Family directly gave Lu Shui some guesses.

However, he has not seen Kuhai Buddhism target the Lu Family yet, so he is not sure for the time being.

Hearing what Lu Shui said, Gouzi shook his head:

"No, although I was in a good position in Xianting, I didn't involve some high-level secrets."

Lu Shui was not surprised, these things should be related to the decline of Xian Ting and other forces.

But because of this, he declined, or did not lag behind to give birth to this, he didn't know.

"It seems that I still have to check it out, and by the way, I have time to visit places related to Xianting.

It was too wasteful to kill Huaxian at that time, so he should be caught and tortured. "Lu Shui thought inwardly.

After that, he stopped speaking and waited to arrive at the soldiers tomb.

By the way, I pray in my heart that the Xian Ting characters you meet next time are best males.


"Ha, I found it." Mu Xue held a fist-sized fruit, a little excited in her heart.

She finally found Anqi fruit.

Although there is only one, it is enough for land and water.

"It's a bit big, but it's okay. Go back and cut it into pieces for Lu Shui to eat piece by piece." Mu Xue thought to herself.

"Senior, there seems to be more people outside." Qian Yin said to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue did not give the fruit to Qian Yin this time, but put it away by herself.

Then Mu Xue looked outside, and she felt that the Heavenly Nv Sect's people should also be here.

"Let's go out." Mu Xue said.

Dongfang Chacha and Qianyin naturally have no objection.

On the way out, Mu Xue said to Qian Yin:

"Remember the choice I told you?"

Qianyin nodded immediately:

"Junior remember, I just don't know what the choice is?"

"Two simple choices." After Mu Xue took off a weed on the head of Dongfang Chacha, she turned to look at Qian Yin and said:

"First, I can prescribe a prescription for you, which can cure your illness.

Second, I have a rune, which can help you withstand the bad luck of your junior.

Simply put, as long as you have this rune, you will not be affected by the bad luck of others. "

This rune was improved by her, and was originally not affected by good luck.

Lu Shui was so lucky for a while that the town was not normal.

At that time, Lu Shui was still studying in a secret room. In desperation, she could only shield Lu Shui's good fortune.

It took more than a day to think about it.

She was supposed to be in retreat at that time, but her luck had affected her, and she was awakened inexplicably.

As soon as she woke up, she wanted to explode Lu Shui's secret room, but found that Lu Shui's mental consciousness surrounding her was a little shallow, roughly in a rare concentrated state, so she did not go to the secret room.

As for the spiritual consciousness, she used it to determine the state of Lu Shui, and Lu Shui also had her spiritual consciousness around him.

At that time, three days passed, and a lot of weird things overflowed in the secret room, and then there was no movement. Seeing this, she got up and opened the door of the secret room.

The door opened may be a bit louder, and a rock seemed to hit Lu Shui's face.

Then Lu Shui beat her for seven days.

It is an excuse to say that when the research is critical, it is just to hit him in the face and to fight back.

And she always felt that the stone hit Lu Shui's face strange.

Of course, she won in the end.

Who told her to take off all defenses and fall on Lu Shui?

A beauty plan that is completely aimed at land and water.

Especially easy to use.

Then Lu Shui was not prepared to give him a soft punch to end the battle.

After stopping these messy memories, Mu Xue looked at Qian Yin in a daze:

"Just these two choices."

Qianyin didn't speak for a while.

She is a little confused.

Oriental tea nodded:

"It's really difficult to choose. Although the strength of the one is restored, there is still no way to get revenge.

Choosing the second one can get revenge, but the strength hasn't recovered, so revenge can't be taken.

Worry. "

Mu Xue: "..."

Qianyin: "..."

I always feel that they don't understand the same thing.

Seeing that Qian Yin did not reply, Mu Xue was not in a hurry:

"You don't need to rush to give me an answer. I will give you two pieces of paper. You can take them back. You can choose which paper to open."

"What if the two pieces of paper are opened together?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

Qianyin hadn't thought about this problem, but she was really curious. Give her both pieces of paper. Isn't it okay to ask for both?

Mu Xue knocked Dongfang Chacha's head and said:

"Don't be too greedy when you go out."

Then Mu Xue looked at Qian Yin and said:

"I just give you a choice. How to choose is yours, and there will be any consequences, and you need to bear it yourself."

Qianyin naturally understood.

Then she looked at Mu Xue with some doubts:

"Why do seniors help me."

Mu Xue smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth:

"Only a whim."

For Mu Xue, it was indeed just a whim, or Qian Yin was a little bit similar to her before.

This gave her a little interest.

Both choices are a piece of cake for her, but she only gives one.

If you get too much, you will lose sight of the way you want to go.

The more greedy, the more likely you will get nothing.

Mu Xue didn't speak much along the way, but Dongfang Chacha was talking about Qianyin's popular science phone.

Looking at the popular science scene, Mu Xue would think of the scene where Lu Shui gave her a popular science phone.

Wow, she was really at a loss at that time, always feeling that she couldn't melt into the world of land and water.

At that time they were married and Lu Shui was her husband, so she naturally had to work hard to integrate into the world of Lu Shui.

It felt so difficult at first.

Fortunately, Lu Shui is not in a hurry, and after all, they have the real relationship between husband and wife, and their relationship heats up very quickly.

Especially Lu Shui is kind to her.

Then she couldn't do without Lu Shui in a daze.

Of course, he was faintly integrated into the world of land and water.

Thinking about it, I think it is a happy thing.

When I first got married, Lu Shui was a little weird, but he wasn't skinny at all.

Now I didn't scare him a bit, I just targeted her in various ways, and wanted to beat her.

Bad guys.

However, she could still feel the tenderness from Lu Shui.

It's not obvious.

Just get married.

Soon Muxue and the others came to the edge of Misty Island.

"Just separate here," Mu Xue said.

Then Mu Xue gave Qian Yin two folded papers, one with luck on the outside and one with the body.

Luck represents the influence of hindering bad luck, and the body represents the way to heal injuries.

"With this, you can make a choice whenever you like," Mu Xue said.

Qianyin stretched out his hand to accept the two pieces of paper, and finally paid a respectful respect to Mu Xue. She did not say thankful words.

Daeen said no thanks, and pale words were not enough to express her inner gratitude.

Mu Xue naturally didn't care, and then let Dongfang Cha Cha put the "sword" to fly.

"When you buy a mobile phone, remember to notify me, goodbye." Dongfang Chacha stood on the "sword" and waved goodbye.

Qianyin naturally waved goodbye.

Oriental Chacha is really an interesting kid.

But the cousin is the cousin's fiancée, she really can't understand it.

Had it not been for Senior Mu Xue to explain, she would almost be crooked.

Fortunately, no offense to seniors.

Thinking about it this way, Qianyin also left the Misty Island with Yujian.

She and Mu Xue are in different directions, of course, she also picks a direction randomly.

After all, there is no sense of direction near Misty Island.

She flew for a long time, and finally felt that the direction around her became clear, and she knew that she had left the Misty Island.

Fortunately, no one was encountered.

Otherwise, you might not be able to leave Misty Island.

After all, there will always be people who think you have got the Dao Qi.

Leaving the Misty Island, Qian Yin breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she sat on the flying sword and took out the two pieces of paper.

She didn't open the two papers wantonly, just looked at it like this.

The two choices that the predecessor gave can directly determine her future.

She knows everything.

But I just can't make up my mind.

Qianyin looked at the body paper, this was something she had dreamed of, but choosing this was tantamount to living back to her previous life.

It's not that life was bad before.

It's just...somewhat unclear.

Is that election?

What does election mean? She doesn't understand it herself, just to resist bad luck?

She still can't change anything.

And Junior Brother Shi Ming stayed there just because of guilt.

So you should still choose the body.

Finally Qianyin lifted the paper with the font written on it, and she just looked at it.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the note in her other hand was blown away.

It's a piece of paper with Luck written on it.

Qian Yin was stunned, and she saw that the piece of paper was about to fly away from her side.

At this moment, she remembered what had happened in the past few decades.

I remembered the thin junior fellow who had been following the person who came to her trouble, letting him beat and scold him, no matter how badly he was injured or follow him, he would be unlucky when he followed, and he was severely injured by lightning, and swear by the other man. Never come again.

Such repetition in exchange for her to recover safely.

Qianyin looked at the paper with luck, and subconsciously reached out to grab it.

As if seizing the memories of these years, she remembers that the thin junior brother would sneak into her residence in the early hours of the next morning whenever resources were distributed.

Being cautious is like being a thief.

In the end, he would secretly put all his own resources and the recently obtained elixir in front of the door, and she watched from behind the door, watching him come, and watch him go.

Year after year.

She has never thanked her face to face for so many years.

How can we just forget it?

At this moment Qianyin grabbed the paper with luck, but when she grabbed the paper with luck, the other piece of paper unexpectedly got out of her hand.

She reached out to grab it, and finally touched the corner of the paper, but couldn't catch it.

Qianyin just watched the written paper fly away from him, and finally fell into the sea.

She just watched, no more unnecessary movements.

"I still have to thank you after all, don't you?" Qian Yin sighed inwardly.

Finally, Yu Jian turned back and left.

Since I didn't catch it, just forget it.


There are still many people bombarding the formations on the Bing Tomb, and they feel that they will be able to bombard the Bing Tomb in a short time.

The main reason is that the formation here is really too strong, a bit outrageous.

But some people are heading in the direction of the avenue breath.

The old man withered tree woke up from enlightenment.

He looked around and sighed:

"Waiting for a lifetime, I was fortunate enough to wait for the opportunity to enter the Dao, but I couldn't escape this worldly calamity."

The old man withered tree has already felt that people around him are coming here, and he will be able to find his dojo in less than a day.

Unfortunately, he needs more than a day.

It's just a little bit short.

The old man withered tree sighed, and finally closed his eyes and chose to continue enlightenment.

He will not give up until the last moment.

But now because he can't stop, he can't do any protection.

The opportunity of Tao comes when it comes, so how can it make people adequately prepared?


Early the next morning.

Lu Shui stood above Fang Tian's painted halberd, and would return to the Bing Tomb soon.

"Master Gou, is it really necessary to come back? I can feel that before long, the formation of the soldiers will not be able to sustain.

If they find me, am I going to leave the dog master and become a slave dog for them? "The Demon Soldier Gouzi said.

"Aren't you going to be their father?" Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows and looked at the dog.

"That won't work," Gouzi shook his head straight:

"That was before, and now they are no longer worthy of being my grandsons. Isn't this just pulling them out for no reason."

If you want to bark, you have to ask them to bark when the dog is away. "

Lu Shui ignored it.

But it is inevitable to return to Bingzuka.

Now that he is busy with everything, he needs to find the old man withered tree, who knows whether he will succeed in entering the Taoist way.

If it fails, it is his fate.

Success is his luck.

Of course, regardless of success or failure, he must let the old man withered tree take him away from the tomb.

Soon Lu Shui saw the location of the soldier tomb, and the formation of the soldier tomb was indeed about to be broken.

Of course, only the outermost obstacles are broken. Although the maze inside will be affected, it will probably not be damaged.

"This formation was laid by the emperor?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

This formation is indeed very powerful.

The dog shook his head:

"No, but it was indeed placed here by the emperor, and the formation seemed to be a great immortal.

I don’t remember what I’m calling. You know I’m a dog. As a dog, why would I be interested in human names?

It's as if Gouye doesn't ask me what my name is. "

Lu Shui sank into the maze of the soldiers, and then said:

"what's your name?"

Now that the dog had said it, he actually asked it smoothly.

Hearing this question, the dog suddenly became interested and said:

"A long, long time ago, I told those **** sons that my surname was grandfather, but that was fake.

My surname is actually grandson. From now on, the dog will call me a good grandson.

Appears cordial. "

Lu Shui looked at the dog, then moved his feet and kicked the dog below the sky with a halberd.

"Wang?" The dog who left Fang Tian painted a halberd was stunned.

Then he began to wave his limbs frantically, and then yelled:

"Wang Wang Wang, Wang Wu."

With a bang, the dog fell directly into the soil.

Lu Shui was afraid that it would take too long to fall, and worried that it would take too long, so he specially added speed and thousands of runes to it.

Soon the magic soldier Fang Tian painted the halberd and stopped in mid-air. Lu Shui stepped forward and landed gently. His toes lightly stepped on the ground. When his foot touched the ground, the formation of the soldiers' grave appeared a little bit impossible. Perceived changes.

That is, the outermost trapped array is losing power supply.


With a loud noise, a group of people rushed out of the trapped soldiers.

But it has been two days, and they have completely lost the trace of the magic soldier.

But many people are planning to go back.

Only Gao Yuan went to the Hidden Sword Valley at an extremely fast speed, and opened communication by the way.

The first person he contacted was the person sent to Hidden Sword Valley.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

Soon he contacted the senior who Xian Ting presided over the matter.

"I heard that the soldier mound was closed. Did something happen during that time?" A voice came from the other side.

"There have been some unexplained accidents, but the most important thing is that the thing is not in the soldiers tomb, it may be in the Hidden Sword Valley. I have let people pass it two days ago, but now that I have lost contact, I will pass now." Gao Yuan said.

"If you need it, tell me immediately, and I can rush over immediately." The voice on the other side was serious.

This is what Gao Yuan wants.

He wasn't sure what it was, and he didn't know who would like it.

He is good, but it doesn't mean he is invincible.

Maybe you need support.

And with the support of this predecessor, it's basically all right.

After ending the contact, Gao Yuan arrived at the Hidden Sword Valley as quickly as possible.

When he came over, he didn't expose himself, but the state of Hidden Sword Valley made him feel strange.

There has obviously been a battle here, but there hasn't been much martial law, which means that the battle is over.

"Is there an outsider intervening? Otherwise, it is impossible to end the battle with the strength of the Hidden Sword Valley."

Gao Yuan had planned to go directly to Gu, but just after taking a step, he sensed something.

It was the perception method that Senior Xian Ting told him to perceive.

"Something is still there?" Gao Yuan was a little surprised.

Soon he came to the location of the thing, and then he saw a roll of animal skins.

He can be 100% sure that this is what he is looking for, but what makes him unable to understand is why he is here.


At the same time, the old man withered tree opened his eyes, his face was bitter, and it would be better if he was younger for a long time.


Someone has already come to the door, and there are not too many.

If he guessed correctly, he is still an acquaintance.

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