In the dark night, the bright moon is in the sky.

On the coast of Qiaoyunzong, Mu Xue was sitting in a small pavilion, her shoulders leaning on a person whose eyes were covered by colored cloth.

The man is sleeping.

Mu Xue looked down at Dongfang Chacha, always feeling that this guy was drooling at any time.

Yes, the one sitting next to Mu Xue was naturally Dongfang Chacha. She came to accompany Mu Xue and wait for Lu Shui.

Just fell asleep.

At this time, Dongfang Chacha, who was sleeping, suddenly turned over.


The whole person fell to the ground.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts." Dongfang Chacha, who was lying on the ground, cried, covering his face.

Mu Xue looked helpless, she stretched out her hand halfway around to hold Cha Cha, and then shrank back.

After all, I fell.

She found that Cha Cha would definitely like to kick the quilt at night.

Lu Shui didn't like kicking the quilt, but he liked to press her feet, and had to bite him before he would take it away.

She is a weak woman, and Lu Shui is not afraid of breaking his wife's leg.

Chacha only got up at this time. She, who wanted to rub her eyes, suddenly realized that her eyes were still covered with cloth, so she could only change her yawn.

"Cousin, what time is it? Are you still waiting for cousin Lu Shui?" Dongfang Chacha yawned and touched his nose.

She fell twice.

Mu Xue just smiled and said:

"Can't sleep, blow the hair, and the palace of the Immortal Immortal is braving, it's pretty good-looking."

Dongfang Chacha sat back beside Mu Xue and said:

"Cousin, do you like your cousin Lu Shui?

Oops, it hurts. "

Dongfang Chacha yelled, clutching his forehead as soon as he finished speaking.

Mu Xue played:

"Sleep more and talk less."

Xiangyu and the others stood by and said nothing. Miss Dongfang dared to ask so casually. It was still in a crowded place.

Mu Xue put her hands back and sat quietly.

Does she like land water?

Of course I like it.

As for why you are sitting here waiting for Lu Shui, it is not because you are worried about the safety of Lu Shui, nor is it to prevent some people from sneaking into the Palace of Immortal Immortals.

But she wanted to wait for Lu Shui, wait for Lu Shui to come out, wait for Lu Shui to see her, wait for her to see Lu Shui.

Then I became a little angry in my heart, complaining that Lu Shui was deceiving.

It would be even better if it could be said.

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha just took his hand from his forehead, and said in surprise:

"Is something coming out of the Immortal Palace?

Wow, it rushed over like a wild dog that had taken off the rein. "

Zhenwu Zhenling, they look dumbfounded, what is it?

They didn't see anything, and they didn't notice it.

It's just that this idea just came up, they felt a sense of oppression, and then the sea surging, a wave of power swept over them.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, sweet taro Ding Liang, the four immediately stood in front of Mu Xue and Dongfang Chacha, and began to resist this power fluctuation.

With a bang, the sea rolled over.

If it weren't for Zhen Wu Zhen Ling and they had activated the shield, Mu Xue would definitely be wet by the sea water.

"Miss Mu, it's too dangerous here, you and Miss Dongfang leave first." Zhen Ling said, resisting Yu Bo.

Mu Xue shook her head and said calmly:

"Don't worry too much, this is just the fluctuation of Xianli's return, coming and going quickly, and it won't hurt us."

Zhen Ling didn't speak for a while, but he didn't believe it directly, but Miss Mu's tone of voice, how could it be so similar to their young master?

She dared not refute for a while.

I'm afraid of losing face in my ignorance.

At this time Dongfang Chacha also spoke:

"They really went back."

Not long after, Zhenwu Zhenling discovered that the power fluctuations were really getting smaller, and the sea surface soon returned to calm.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling and the others were a little surprised. Miss Mu has lost her cultivation base. Can she still be so knowledgeable?

But they have rarely heard of Xianli.

Ding Liang was a little happy, her eldest lady was still so good.

If there is a repair, it will definitely be more powerful.

Dongfang Chacha touched the colored cloth, and she felt that she could see it, which seemed to be the reason for the cloth.

It was just that she quickly turned her attention to Xianli:

"Cousin, what is Xianli?"

Hearing Dongfang Chacha asking questions, the four of Xiangyu were overjoyed.

It's good to have a Miss Dongfang who likes to ask questions.

Mu Xue looked at the coast and found many people running back inside, then turned her gaze on Cha Cha and said:

"If you don't understand, read more books. The so-called Xianli is the power of the Xian system.

Related to the forces of nature.

However, what really embodies the power of immortality is after transcending the conventional realm, that is, the seventh step.

For ordinary cultivators, we must enter the Dao to be promoted to the seventh rank, and only then can we enter the ranks of the Dao.

The immortal is different, the immortal system is that as soon as you enter the seventh rank, you will be a true immortal.

After the true immortal is the power of cultivation. "

Dongfang Chacha listened to the clouds in the mist, and then she caught the point:

"I have read a lot of books, but there is no such knowledge in the books."

Mu Xue glanced at Dongfang Chacha, and then let Dongfang Chacha continue to cried and cried with her forehead.

After that, Mu Xue turned to look at the Immortal Palace.

She frowned slightly.

"Such a powerful immortal power is most likely related to that immortal immortal.

It's just why the other party is straying?

Is this San Gong method that an immortal immortal can comprehend?

Is my talent a bit low? "Mu Xue was a little surprised.

But the other party is dispersing power, so Lu Shui must be fine.

This made Mu Xue breathe a sigh of relief.

The future husband is too skinny, and she feels that she needs a fight to settle down.

On the coast, listening to Yun Xi wanted to go there, but she didn't dare to mess around without any means.

Qiao Yunzong is not easy to provoke, there is still a strong man on the shore that is difficult to detect, and these are potential threats to her.

"Although the power is a bit strange, the Immortal Immortal has indeed awakened. I don't know if the people I sent in can come into contact with the Immortal Immortal."

"But be careful about the Lu family. The other party has been investigating things related to Xian Ting recently."

Listening to Yun Xi, she thought to herself.

But she didn't inform the others in Xianting about the matter here.

Because other people are working on more important things.

The immortal immortal is able to fight for it, and the other must ensure that the other party wakes up.

His awakening is related to the second half of the prophetic slate.

If it weren't for a barren death, they wouldn't rush that person to wake up, because the best time has not yet arrived.

After listening to Yunxi, she waited on the spot, and the rash action was not worth the loss. She only had to act by chance.


"Master will actually help the Lu family. Master really loves Sister Sister the most. However, the strange power fluctuations make it seem that the people inside are uncomfortable. Don't Master help them. In the end, they didn't get anything." Qiao Yun In the hall of Zongda, Fairy You Miao said.

"Lu Gu is the son of the elder sister after all, and speaking of it is also our junior. Unfortunately, the sect ruled that we are not allowed to communicate with the Lu family." At the top of the hall, Sect Master Qiaoyun You Yao sighed.

You Miao also sighed:

"The grievances of a generation are all implicated in our generation.

Fortunately, it didn't affect the marrying of the elder sister, but it was a pity. "

"Maybe the Lu Family felt it was a pity, but in the end Senior Lu Family didn't stop it.

Master's decision to help the Lu family this time may have a lot to do with this. "You Yao sighed.

After that, You Miao stopped discussing this with her senior sister, but asked:

"But the failure of the ancestor's three tricks back then, is it true or false?"

You Yao shook her head:

"The master of the sect has been passed on from generation to generation. It's hard to tell the truth."

Some things can't be recorded, only word of mouth, their sect is not easy.

After that, Youyao thought it was better not to talk about it, and then said:

"I heard that Lu Gu's son is also in Qiaoyunzong. I don't know if the old master will meet him.

He is the grandson of the elder sister. "

"Who knows, but the Immortal Palace of Immortality still has to pay attention, don't let some people mess around." You Yao said.

They are still here at night because of the sudden appearance of the Immortal Palace.


In the Palace of Immortal Immortals, many people have noticed that terrible immortal power.

Most people can only defend passively, and it is impossible to continue trials and other things.

Lu Shui also felt the impact of Xianli.

However, with Anyi and others, there will be no problem with security.

At this time, Lu Shui had already given all the books to An Yi.

He only needs to read it once.

"Young Master, since the trial is over, we will send Young Master out." An Yi said as he looked at the raging Xianli outside.

There may not be any danger now, but An Yi cannot just look at the present, there are still uncertain factors in the Immortal Palace.

For example, the immortal immortal.

It is said that the other party is here. Although there is not enough evidence, it is better to be trusted.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"Wait, but you can go ahead and wait."

Said the landing water went forward.

"What is Young Master waiting for?" An Yi asked after following.

Other people naturally followed.

"Wait for someone, make an appointment with him in advance." Lu Shui walked forward and answered calmly.

An Yi didn't ask much, but talked to Lu Shui.

He had already got the things, so he was not in a hurry. This time it went smoothly.

Soon they felt that the immortal power around them was disappearing, and then they completely disappeared.

Lu Shui knew that the toothache fairy had completed the last step, and he should be on the way out now, he could find him.

The strength of Immortal Summit is not fake.

Sure enough, there was a creaking sound from the Shimen on one side. It was the Shimen being opened.

Hearing this sudden sound, An Yi and others directly used their power, keeping an eye on the source of the sound, ready to take action at any time.

Lu Shui was protected last.

Soon the door opened.

What came out was a middle-aged man who looked very ordinary.

He naturally saw An Yi and the others at a glance, and he also felt the other's vigilance, but he didn't care, but found the protected Lu Shui in the first place.

"Xiaoyou Lu, I'm looking for you." The toothache fairy said respectfully to Lu Shui.

An Yi was a little surprised, this person is the one their young master is waiting for?

Lu Shui nodded and said:

"Let's go out together."

Said Lu Shui and walked out.

An Yi frowned. This person looked only Tier 4, but he didn't know if it was an illusion. The moment the opponent appeared, he felt danger.

And how did this person meet the young master?

"Don't worry, the other party is not malicious, it's just what I encountered during the trial." Lu Shui casually explained.

Suddenly someone leaves together, An Yi and others will naturally think more.

Hearing what Lu Shui said, An Yi wouldn't say much, but he still had to remain vigilant.

There were too many weird people around Lu Shui, and he didn't know how Lu Shui did it.

The Toothache Fairy followed the Stone Man. The Stone Man looked at the Toothache Fairy and felt a little confused for a while.

If you didn't guess wrong, this should be an immortal immortal, right?

"You, you are..."

"Xiaoyou Lu always calls me a toothache fairy, you can call it that way too." The toothache fairy said politely, covering his face.

The stone man nodded dumbly. He felt that this toothache fairy must be an immortal fairy.

He is better to be respectful.

Some immortals smiled on their faces, and their backhands were just a move to fly ashes and annihilate their palms.

Lefeng and others were also very curious about who this person was, but couldn't guess.

Soon they came to the side entrance of the Immortal Palace.

"Head, that's it. When we go out from here, people outside can't notice it. This was for people with talent and background." The Stone Man said to a fairly gorgeous door.

This gate has a teleportation formation that can teleport people to a certain place.

This place can be set up artificially, but the distance cannot be too far.

Lu Shui nodded, then looked at An Yi and said:

"You want to go back to Lu's house?"

An Yi bowed his head and replied:

"Yes, young master, we need to wait for the patriarch to return before we go out again."

Now that the things are in hand, they must return to the Lu family. After all, the Lu family is the safest.

Lu Shui nodded and said that he understood that this would be a lot easier for him.

Then he pointed to the stone man and the toothache fairy, and said:

"The two of them, you help bring them back to the town. The Stone Man is going to make a living there, so he can find a job by himself.

The toothache fairy is going to find a dog, just put him on the side of the town street. "

The stone man immediately said:

"Head, would you like to introduce one to me? Just at the price we said, I can do it for a while."

Lu Shui looked at the stone man and threw a third-grade spirit stone, and said:

"I hired you for a hundred days. I was looking for a job in the town for a hundred days, and the money I made counted as mine."

The stone man readily agreed.

I finally got a stable job, and it was settled first for three months.

Then Lu Shui looked at the toothache fairy and said:

"You can find a dog named Gouzi. Just tell it I asked you to find it."

"Thank you, Xiaoyou Lu, I can help with farming because there is a field in Xiaoyou Lu's house."

After that, Lu Shui asked An Yi to take these people away.

But Lu Shui had to go out with them, otherwise An Yi always felt that Lu Shui was going to make trouble.

At this time, the wind of music is anxious:

"Dong, cough cough, head, where are we?"

Nie Hao also nodded:

"Yeah, what about us?"

Lu Shui looked at these two people with a faint smile:

"Go into the trial and play around."

"Just, that's it? How about a dozen times? I think we can bear it." Le Feng said.

Forget it if you don't die, there is no punishment, they feel uneasy.

Nie Hao also nodded, indicating that he was fine.

"Then ten laps." Then Lu Shui turned and left.

Lefeng and Nie Hao felt a lot more comfortable hearing what Lu Shui said.

Du Lin and others feel that these two people are masochistic?

The trials inside are terrible.

After that, Lu Shui, An Yi and others appeared above the sea, far away from the Immortal Palace.

"Mo Qi, you send the young master to the other side." An Yi said immediately.

Without asking them to send it there in person, Yi Yi is still not at ease.

Lu Shui said nothing about this.

Seeing Lu Shui being sent away, Du Lin said carefully:

"Head, I seemed to offend the young master before, should I apologize?"

An Yi looked at Du Lin frowned:

"Why are you also called the head?"

"Quite smoothly." Du Lin said cautiously.

An Yi glanced at the Stone Man, and finally shook his head, saying:

"No, the young master basically doesn't account for this kind of thing. Although the young master's style is hard to say, he is not so narrow-minded.

After so many years, have you ever heard of the young master doing anger and grievances?

At most, it is a loss of face. "

With that said, the others also nodded their heads, and they have never heard of it.

Du Lin stopped thinking about it afterwards.


When Lu Shui was near the coast, he asked that Mo Qi to put him down. At such a close distance, he could walk to the shore by himself.

Regarding this, Mo Qi did not insist, seeing that Lu Shui was about to go ashore, he went back the same way.

And Mu Xue in the pavilion on the shore suddenly stood up.

Cha Cha, who was sleeping on Mu Xue, fell to the ground again.

With a bang, Dongfang Chacha clutched his nose and said in pain:

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

"What's wrong with Miss?" Ding Liang asked immediately.

True Spirit, they were also a little surprised, and immediately became alert.

"I'll go out." As Mu Xue walked out of the pavilion and then headed to the coast, she was not walking fast. It should be said that the pace was right, elegant and dignified.

Zhenwu and Zhenling glanced at each other, Dongfang Chacha covered his nose and said:

"Does my cousin feel that Lu Shui's cousin is back?"

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, they were stunned, really or not?

None of them perceive it.

At this time, Zhen Wu maximized his perception, and then was surprised to find that Young Master really came back.

But how did Miss Mu know in advance?

"How did Miss Dongfang know that Miss Mu was aware of our young master?" Zhenling asked under curiosity.

Dongfang Chacha said seriously:

"A woman's sixth sense."

After a pause, Dongfang Chacha said again:

"What the mother said, she will know that Daddy is back in advance."

Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

Without asking more, they began to observe their surroundings to make sure they were safe.

As for Miss Mu, they didn't dare to go over and disturb, as the patriarch's wife had ordered.

Lu Shui was walking on the sea, and when he stepped on the coast, he just happened to see Mu Xue coming not far in front of him.

When Lu Shui looked over, he found that Mu Xue was also looking at him, with a light smile on her lips.

"Master Lu came out?" Mu Xue asked.

Lu Shui thought Mu Xue would be angry, but he didn't expect not.

"Miss Mu hasn't slept yet?" Is Mu Xue always waiting for him to come out now at three o'clock in the morning?

"The moonlight is a bit bright tonight, and I can't sleep." Mu Xue said softly.

Lu Shui came to Mu Xue's side, and then the two of them stepped inside.

"Miss Mu is embarrassing the moon in the sky." Lu Shui said.

"Why does Master Lu say that?" Mu Xue was puzzled.

Here in Lu Shui, she can easily show all kinds of expressions.

For Lu Shui, apart from not being too intimate, there is no need to pretend too much.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said slowly:

"How can the glow of the firefly compete with Miss Mu?

It's time for Miss Mu to sleep. "

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, then followed Lu Shui side by side, and finally nodded obediently:


"My mother has arranged a place to live?" asked as he walked the landing water.

"Yes." Mu Xue nodded.

"Miss Mu knows where it is?"


"Miss Mu's legs and feet are not inconvenient, right?"

Mu Xue didn't understand, why did she suddenly ask this question?

‘Are you going to carry me back? But there are so many people here, it's embarrassing. ’

In the end, Mu Xue could only regret:

"No, no."

Mu Xue thinks it's better to wear pants or something these days to make it easier for Lu Shui to carry it on her back.

Just thinking of this, Mu Xue stopped fantasizing because she found that she was thinking too much.

"Then, I won't send Miss Mu back. Miss Mu is not a kid anymore," Lu Shui said suddenly.

Hearing these words, Mu Xue stopped on the spot, she was wondering if she would beat Lushui now.

If he doesn't fight Lu Shui once, he will really go to the house.

Finally, Lu Shui sent Mu Xue back, because they lived next door and were on the way.

The care from my mother.


The next day.

Lu Gu and Dongfang Li Yin came to the Mu's hall.

At this time, Mu Yuan and the three were already sitting on the hall.

They were quite surprised by the arrival of Lu Gu and his wife. Although they knew that the other party was not here to divorce this time, they could not be completely at ease.

God knows what the Lu family is going to do with moths.

"It's Brother Lu, I won't be circumspect. Isn't our Xueer causing you trouble?" Mu Yuan said to Lu Gu and the others.

"Brother Mu misunderstood." Lu Gu immediately explained:

"Muxue is a well-behaved girl, how can it cause us trouble?

Although this time came because of Mu Xue's girl, it was definitely not what Brother Mu thought. "

"Oh?" Mu Yuan was a little surprised, and then curiously asked:

"What's the matter?"

Lu Gu glanced at Dongfang Liyin, then looked around at the three of the Mu's family, and said:

"For the marriage of two children."

The three of Mu Yuan were indeed surprised.

"Is there any problem with the marriage?" Mu Jiang asked.

They don't want to make another big change, which is uncomfortable.

It's no good for their Mu's family.

Lu Gu considered it and said:

"Lu has an immature suggestion, how about getting the two little guys to get married in advance?"

in advance?

This suggestion surprised the Mu family's three people.

This is definitely beyond their expectations, Mu Xue is so good?

Is Lu Jiaran's marriage early because of Mu Xue?

They have no way of knowing this.

But Mu Yuan was still curious:

"This is a bit sudden, I don't know why Brother Lu wants to get married early?"

Lu Gu smiled and said:

"I'm not afraid of a few jokes, our ineffective son, especially likes Mu Xue."

"Where's Namxue?" Mu Jiang asked.

"From the perspective of those who came here, Xiaoxue also has a good impression." Dongfang Li Yin said with a smile.

Mu Yuan and the others were silent. If this was the case, then they would naturally have no opinion.

This is not a bad thing.

Moreover, Mu Xue's cultivation base was completely lost, and it was a good thing to go to the Lu family.

At this moment, Mu Ze asked suddenly:

"I don't know how long you plan to advance?"

"It's feasible to get married in three months?" Lu Gu tried to ask.

"Too fast." Mu Ze subconsciously said.

This is simply replacing the year with the month, which is an exaggeration.

Lu Gu was not surprised, the other party had already agreed to advance, depending on how early it was.

After that, Mu Ze looked at Mu Yuan, UU reading Lu Gu and they also looked at Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan is the patriarch of the Mu family, this is up to him to decide.

Mu Yuan thought for a while and said:

"Three months is indeed early.

Well, Mu Xue girl is destined to marry into the Lu family, and we can't keep it.

Now in July, let that girl finish the year at Mu's house.

At the beginning of next year, pick a good day, what does Lu brother think? "

"As far as Brother Yimu said, my Lu family fully cooperated." Lu Gu responded immediately.

At the beginning of the year, there were only a few more days in half a year, neither fast nor slow, it was indeed just right.

Dongfang Liyin was also happy in her heart. After returning home, she told her son, did her son have to be happy that he couldn't sleep at night?

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