The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 172: Senior looking for Lu Shui? 10 li in the lower east

Qian Yin also returned to Qiujing Palace today. ??

Her face was as pale as ever, as if she would fall down on the road at any time. ??

Few disciples passing by will know her. ??

She walked on the road like this, no one would look at her more. ??

As usual, she is the most dazzling one of the sect's contemporary disciples. ??

With the passage of time, she is no longer a contemporary genius senior sister Qian Yin, but just an ordinary disciple with a weak body. ??

This kind of her, her reputation is not as good as Shi Ming who blocked her. ??

"Senior sister, it's better to be more careful about walking the main road recently." When Qianyin was about to go back from the main road, a younger sister suddenly appeared next to her. ??

"It's only Tier 2 and Tier 3, very small, but a lot older than Dongfang Chacha, um, it's age." Qianyin compares the other party with Dongfang Chacha in his heart. ??

After all, both of them are about to be Tier 3. ??

But Dongfang Chacha is too exaggerated, only eighteen. ??

The younger sister’s age is less than twice that of Dongfang Chacha. ??

But the talent is still pretty good. ??

She felt that Dongfang Chacha was like cheating.

"Why be careful?" Qian Yin asked curiously. ??

The junior girl looked around and whispered: ??

"I heard that Brother Shiming, the calamity star, appeared on this road recently. It seems that someone from the Discipline Hall provokes Sister Qianyin.??

In the past two days, the disciples of the Discipline Hall hid in various ways, for fear that Brother Shi Ming would hurt the innocent. "??

Qianyin was a little surprised. Before she went out, the other party was embarrassed. ??

I thought there was nothing wrong. ??

Is Junior Brother Shi Ming too nervous? Disciples from the Discipline Hall do occasionally get cramps. ??

"So many people are blaming Junior Brother Shi Ming?" Qian Yin asked. ??

"How is it possible, who would dare to offend Senior Brother Shi Ming, we are all directly looking for the source of the trouble." The junior sister said. ??

"Shouldn't the source be Senior Sister Qianyin?" Qianyin felt that she called herself Senior Sister weird. ??

"Uh, isn't this looking for death?" The junior sister said:??

"Senior Sister Qianyin can be strictly guarded by Senior Brother Shi Ming, who dares to provoke her.??

But I'm particularly curious about how beautiful Senior Sister Qianyin is, so that Senior Brother Shi Ming can protect her like this. "??

Qian Yin was stunned, is she beautiful? ??

It's really not ugly. ??

Qian Yin and the younger sister went up all the way, the younger sister talked a lot, and didn't stop nagging the whole process. ??

Qianyin naturally responded patiently. ??

Until they separated at the fork in the road. ??

"Goodbye, sister."??

Qian Yin nodded to the younger sister, and finally walked towards the path. ??

She talked a lot with the younger sister, and she didn't hear that sentence until the end of the conversation. ??

That sentence that I have been blocked for decades. ??

It seems that the Eastern Tea Tea Party thinks so. ??

She thought that her mind was not good enough, and she couldn't notice when she was trapped. ??

Soon she came to the intersection of the woods and glanced at the small house under the shadow, she could detect someone inside. ??

It's Junior Brother Shi Ming. ??

But the people inside seemed to try to avoid her. ??

Qianyin looked at the rune on the back of his hand, and finally walked to his residence. ??

She had already engraved the rune on her hand, as long as the senior did not deceive, she should not be affected by bad luck. ??

It's just that she doesn't know how to face Junior Brother Shi Ming for the time being. ??

I can only go back and talk about it. ??

Soon she returned to her bamboo house, but just as soon as she entered, she froze in place. ??

The entry goal is a bunch of elixir, each of which has an unusually high grade. ??

This pile of elixir is simply a huge sum of money dropped on the ground. ??

"This... how did Junior Brother Shi Ming get it?" Qian Yin was a little shocked. ??

You must know that the panacea of ​​the past few decades is not as good as this pile. ??

Qianyin squatted in front of the elixir. She couldn't imagine the price that Junior Brother Shi Ming would have to pay to obtain these elixir. ??

Qianyin looked over all kinds of elixir fruits over and over again. ??

The more she watched, the more shocked she became. She wanted to ask Junior Brother Shi Ming if she ransacked the Zongmen warehouse. ??

But the freshness of the elixir is definitely not something that a warehouse can possess. ??

Finally Qianyin saw the two pieces of paper. She picked up the first one and found that it was a prescription, or a prescription for healing. ??

But what was the specific use, she couldn't understand. ??

Then she saw the note Shi Ming left her. This was the first time Shi Ming left a note in these years: ??

Senior Sister Qianyin, these elixir doesn't matter, only the prescription is the most important. ??

This was left to me by a senior, and he told me that this medicine can heal your injury. ??

I have all the medicine ready. When Senior Sister wants to try it, I can fly a sword to inform me. If I stay away, Senior Sister's success rate will be higher. ??

When the senior sister's injury improves, I will leave as soon as possible, and it will not affect the senior sister's promotion to the fifth rank. ??


This is the only content. ??

Qian Yin looked at these handwritings and pursed his lips. ??

She doesn't know what she thinks, but is it really that easy to treat her injuries? ??

After Qianyin returned to the room, she decided to try the methods on the prescription. ??

The prescription is not to teach people to boil medicine, but a way of healing. ??

When Qianyin got everything ready, she sat in the middle of the elixir and started to heal the wounds according to the prescription. ??

Then she could feel the breath of these spirit medicines gathering in her palm, and then the breath of these spirit medicines began to arouse the essence of the spirit medicine, and the essence began to cover her arms. ??

In fact, Qianyin couldn't understand why it had to penetrate from both arms. Wouldn't it be better to take a medicated bath directly? ??

Of course, she didn't dare to think too much, but let these elixir begin to penetrate. ??

However, after infiltration, she found that her arms were very painful, as if the meridians were torn. ??

And the breath in the body is repelling these spirit medicines, or the way these medicines come in. ??

Qianyin clenched his teeth and persisted, Junior Brother Shi Ming had no reason to harm her. ??

It takes so much trouble to kill her. ??

After that, Qianyin started to operate the recorded method, and soon the elixir poured into the eight channels of the odd meridian from her arm. ??

When she thought that her body would not be able to bear the chaos, she was stunned. ??

She could clearly feel that all the auras where the elixir passed by became gentle. ??

And these liquid medicines are actually repairing her spiritual veins. ??

How can this be done? ??

She knows all the elixir, but none of them have the effect of repairing. ??

After a while, Qianyin opened his eyes, and the surrounding elixir had disappeared. ??

She stared at her hands blankly, her eyes were a little wet:??

"It's much better. If this continues, I will recover in less than a month.??

Did Junior Brother Shi Ming heal me? "??

Then she put her hand down, and she sat there silent for a long time. ??

Finally, looking down at the rune on the back of his hand, he muttered to himself:??

"If this doesn't count as fate, then what counts?"??


Shi Ming hid in his residence, he naturally knew that Senior Sister Qianyin had returned, and now he should have seen the note left by him. ??

"I don't know when Sister Feijian will pass on the book." Shi Ming said to himself. ??

He thinks that the latest is tonight. ??

He will leave soon. ??

Just when Shi Ming thought so, he suddenly heard a swish. ??

Then he found a small sword flying in. ??

Then insert it into the wooden wall. ??

Shi Ming had some accidents but was not unexpected, after all, he had to stay away. ??

Then he pulled out the sword, there was indeed a note on it, he opened it and looked at it: ??

The prescription was useless, I tried it. ??

Seeing these words, Shi Ming was stunned. ??

tried? Still useless? ??

The boss lied to him? ??

This is certainly not the case, the kind of big boss who can get so many elixir by following him, the other party can't look at it, and there is no reason to lie to him. ??

In other words, it's because he hasn't left yet? ??

However, Shi Ming wanted to know if the senior sister was injured, but going in would definitely have a greater impact. ??

In the end, he also Feijian passed the book in, mainly asking if he was injured. ??

In an instant, the book flew in again, with only two words: no. ??

Shi Ming breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and then told the senior sister to wait for him to leave and try again. ??

Soon it came back again: I need to wait two days, and the elixir is lacking, I need to go to the sect to change it. ??

Naturally, Shi Ming would not let Senior Sister Qianyin go, and just said let him go. ??

Qianyin inside received a reply, looked at the words and hesitated, and wrote a little shyly: Feishu is too troublesome. I heard that there are tools like mobile phones outside. I, we can add a friend to get in touch. ??

After hesitating again and again, Qianyin finally turned his head and gritted his teeth and threw Feijian out. ??

Then she took out two mobile phones and two cards. In fact, she bought them along the way when she came back. ??

She doesn't know what will happen to them in the end, but, but it's better than doing nothing. ??


On the streets of Qiaoyunzong, a beautiful woman walked lightly, as if enjoying the surrounding scenery. ??

"It's been a long time since I came out to walk around. I didn't expect the world to change so fast," Hong Su looked at the street and the pedestrians muttered to himself. ??

She came out this time mainly to meet someone. It is rare to come to her site, so she should come out to meet. ??

"I heard that it's very useless, so if you don't understand it, please mention his parents for education."

Thinking of this, Hong Su was stunned. ??

"This breath is somewhat familiar."??

At this time, Hongsu set his sights on a clothing store. ??


Fairy Kandian opened the door very early today. As soon as she came, she put aside the sword she received last night, waiting for the owner of the sword to redeem it. ??

She put it casually, just leaning on one side. ??

But not long after the store opened today, the fairies always feel strange outside, and there are always some people staring at the store. ??

Only finally left again. ??

I don't understand, there are no new products purchased today. ??

"Master said today that he wants to come over. You have to pretend to be more diligent, put your clothes on, and get a panacea if you do well."" The shop fairy muttered to himself, and then planned to sort it out. ??

Just before she could sort it out, a beautiful woman came in at the door. ??

The fairy in the shop was shocked when he saw each other:??

"Master, Master? Why did you come so soon?"??

The beautiful woman looked at the shop and the fairy was not angry and said:??

"If you don't come early, can you know that you are lazy every day?"??

The fairy at the shop did not speak. ??

Then the beautiful woman walked in, and as soon as she came over, she saw the Seven Scaled Dragon Yin Sword randomly placed. ??

Only when she saw the sword, she was stunned. ??

Then he stretched out his hand to let the sword fly into her hand. ??

After a closer look, the beautiful woman immediately broke into a cold sweat. ??

"Where did this sword come from?" the beautiful woman asked with a serious face. ??

The fairy in the shop was shocked. The master was so scary: "It was a mortgage. He bought the clothes without any money."??

"How much did he buy?"??

"A Five-Rank Spirit Stone."??

"How many?"??

"One, a fifth-grade spirit stone, Master, am I being deceived?" The Kandian fairy whispered. ??

The master today is really scary. ??

"You really have eaten the guts of the bear heart and leopard. You dare to take this sword for a fifth-grade spirit stone.??

And dare to put it in such a conspicuous place. ??

Do you know, how many times have you walked through the ghost gate in the morning? "The beautiful woman scolded.??

She was taken aback when she heard this shopkeeper, and she was a little frightened. ??

Especially I always feel that someone is looking at the store. ??

So in fact, if someone takes a glance, it means she stays at the death line once?

How could this happen? ??

"Master, Master, don't scare me, it's just a sword." The shop fairy said. ??

"That's it? Seven-scaled Dragon Yin Sword, dare you just say a word? All the things in our shop can't compare to this sword, don't you understand?" The beautiful woman solemnly said. ??

Looking at the shop fairy like this, you can understand, is this sword so expensive? ??

"But, but that person only talks about ordinary swords, he is not afraid of being robbed if he takes them out."??

"That's because there is a restriction on the sword. It is not so easy to detect when he is holding it, but if he leaves him for a long time, the restriction will become invalid.

Easily noticed by other people. ??

Lucky guy, you are lucky. If it hadn't been for the trouble last night, someone might have started it. "Hongsu walked in from outside.??

Seeing someone coming in, the fairy in the shop immediately ran behind his master in shock. ??

Beautiful women are naturally vigilant. ??

But when she saw Hongsu, the whole person was shocked, and then respectfully said:??

"The younger generation has seen Uncle Master."??

Looking at the store fairy felt that there were many weird things encountered today. ??

Especially why did an uncle master appear again? ??

No, the master called that. She couldn't call that. What would she call? ??

In the end, the fairy can only bow his head and dare not speak. ??

Hong Su stretched out his hand for the Seven Scales Dragon Sword, and said:??

"What is the last name of the person who pledged this sword here?"??

"Back to senior, I heard that woman call the other Master Lu." The shop fairy didn't dare to hesitate and replied immediately. ??

Hong Su nodded, then turned and left. ??

It's just that when I left, I left a fifth-grade spirit stone with a sentence: ??

"Remember to put things away when you receive them in the future. I will help you pay back the sword."??

After Hongsu left, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. ??

Then the beautiful woman hit the shop fairy and dragged her away:??

"Close the door, go back to face the wall for a while, and be **** off by you."??

The shop fairy bowed his head and dared not speak. ??

She also knew that staying here might be dangerous, and going back is the safest. ??

Master still loves her very much. ??


On the way, Hongsu looked at the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword, and said with a smile: ??

"Land Shui???

Very promising. ??

Dare to use the sword I gave Zhen'er as collateral, it is still a fifth-grade spirit stone. ??

Hey, Young Master Lu is really different and he has a lot of money. ??

How can such a person be a waste? ??

This is genius. ??

It's a pity that Lu Gun didn't educate the kid, and he didn't teach his father. "??

Hong Su's face was chilly, and then he walked forward step by step. ??

Her destination is naturally the residence where Lu Shui and others are located. ??


Lu Shui, who had woke up after practicing, didn't know why it felt a bit cold today. ??

But soon he focused on himself. ??

Yesterday he practiced, thinking that he could directly enter the third-order state of body refining, but unfortunately it was still the last step. ??

After going back to practice for two days, you should be able to enter safely. ??

The problem is not big. ??

Three years are deducted for one year to recuperate and there are two years left, which is enough for him to grow up to the point of fighting Mu Xue. ??

There will be no accidents when retiring at that time. ??

Very good, step by step, don't worry. ??

咚咚. ??

When Lu Shui was thinking, there was a knock on the door. ??

"Master Lu hasn't gotten up yet?" Mu Xue's voice. ??

They live in the same house, but the rooms are different.

Then Lu Shui opened the door and walked out. As soon as he left, he saw Mu Xue in casual clothes, who looked like the little sister next door.

There are two kinds of temperament than usual.

"Master Lu?" Mu Xue whispered.

There was a joy in the voice.

As if to say, is it good-looking? Isn't your fiancé pretty good-looking? Everyone is yours from now on, are you happy?

Lu Shui soon came back to his senses, he was a little disdainful in his heart.

If you watch too much, you will be immune.

Childish tricks.

"Miss Mu gets up so early?" Lu Shui asked.

Then the two people walked out.

No one was there, he naturally had to take Mu Xue out to find food.

"Chacha wakes up early, so I have to take me to watch the sunrise with her," Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui paused, and then felt that next time he should go to Mu Xue to see it, Dongfang Slag would just suppress it.

After that, Lu Shui and Mu Xue walked into the yard, but just as soon as they reached the yard, Lu Shui was stunned.

It was a little quieter, and it was isolated with a big spell.

Lu Shui did not speak, he heard footsteps coming from outside the yard.

Get closer to the yard step by step.

Mu Xue was standing next to Lu Shui, and she naturally knew that this was wrong for the first time.

But she didn't quite understand, who would risk playing against her and Lu Shuai in Qiao Yunzong?

However, Lu Shui had basically no problems except for being seriously injured by that demon repair.

So this time there is no danger?

Mu Xue was puzzled.

Lu Shui stood in front of Mu Xue, whispering:

"Miss Mu, be careful, things are wrong here."

Although Mu Xue must know, he still reminded him at the beginning.

Who knows if Mu Xue will subconsciously ignore the sense of crisis when he follows him, and Mu Xue's body is really normal.

It's not good if it hurts.

"Huh, the young couple are very affectionate." Lu Shui's voice just fell, and there was a sneer outside.

It's a female voice.

"There is no intention to kill, but with a chill." Lu Shui thought in his heart.

In Mu Xue's mind, the words "little husband and wife" echoed.

Sure enough, she and Lu Shui looked like husband and wife.

Lu Shui stared at the door. At this time, a foot appeared by the door, and then a woman appeared from the side. Lu Shui could feel that the woman's eyes fell directly on him and Mu Xue.

It seemed that they knew where they were all morning.

"I don't know, then why did the other party shoot me and Mu Xue?" Lu Shui thought inwardly.

Mu Xue naturally saw the woman at the door.

She was stunned, as if thinking about something, and as if recalling something.

She soon remembered.

"Senior Hongsu? But it's not right. Even if Senior Hongsu came to see Lu Shui, he would definitely not have such a look.

How do you feel that you are here to educate people? "Mu Xue was a little surprised.

Because she had seen the poor face of Senior Hong Su in the previous life, she didn't even think about it.

Naturally, he also forgot that as long as Lu Shui came to Qiaoyunzong for the first time, Senior Hongsu would definitely come.

Yes, people come naturally from red pigment.

She looked at the landing level and said quietly:

"You are Lu Shui? Lu Gu and Dongfang Li Yin's son?"

Lu Shui looked at this person, and finally respectfully said:

"Back to senior, the junior is ten miles east, not the Lu Shui that senior said.

Senior may have recognized the wrong person. "

Hongsu: "..."

Mu Xue was also surprised, she didn't expect Lu Shui to respond like this.

Finally, Hong Su looked at Mu Xue and said:

"how about you?"

"Junior Xueji." Mu Xue whispered.

Hong Su stepped in. She looked at Mu Xue and Lu Shui and smiled, and said:

"The husband sings and the wife follows.

If this is the case, then I will tell you clearly, Lu Shui is just my casual mention, I came to this person from Dongfang Shili. "

Speaking of Hongsu, she sat on a high chair and watched Lu Shui and Mu Xue with her legs folded.

These two little guys are very naughty.

"Senior, you said." Lu Shui said.

He was wondering why someone came to the door suddenly, and the other party should have no malice.

In theory, you don't need to worry too much, but you have to be vigilant.

If the opponent directly makes a move, with his current strength, he can breathe for at most five seconds, and for these five seconds he will have to disturb the Lan Yeguo heroic spirit.

Of course, Mu Xue is more likely to make a direct shot.

As long as the opponent really makes a heavy hand, Mu Xue will never hide her strength.

Naturally, Hong Su would not make a move. She stretched out her hand and took out a colorful sword, and then faced Lu Shudao:

"Do you know this sword?"

Seeing this sword, Lu Shui was a little surprised, isn't this his Seven Scaled Dragon Sword?

"Junior eyes are clumsy." Although I don't understand what's going on, just pretend that I don't understand.

Mu Xue understood something.

She seemed to remember the origin of the Seven Scaled Dragon Yin Sword.

Then bowed his head and did not speak, pretending to be cute.

Hong Su didn't care about Lu Shui's answer, but looked at the Kendo in his hand:

"This sword is called the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword. It is Zhen'er's personal sword. It was not until she married into the Lu family that this sword was kept by her.

This sword carried Zhener's life for most of his life.

It's a pity that the Lu family didn't show off their descendants, Lu Shui, who actually used his grandmother's relics as collateral. Do you think this person is too much? "

Hong Su looked at Lu Shui with a chill in his eyes.

Lu Shui looked dumbfounded. Is this his grandma's relic?

He didn't know, so he went to the warehouse and took a handy sword.

His father didn't tell him such an important matter.

But Lu Shui realized that this was also a senior, and it was related to his grandmother.

Although he didn't even know what his grandma looked like, he didn't dare to be disrespectful.

It's just that this senior has not seen him in his previous life? Forget it, don't remember.

"Senior may have misunderstood this matter," Lu Shui said with his head lowered.

Hong Su didn't want to listen to the explanation at all, she threw the sword out directly, and then the sword stuck in front of Lu Shui.

"Lu Shui's fault has nothing to do with you, Dongfang Shili, I didn't come to listen to Dongfang Shili's explanation."

Lu Shui: "..."

"I will tell Lu Gu to take care of Lu Shui. The little friend from Dongfang Shili thinks I did the right thing?" Hong Su said while looking at Lu Shui.

"Yes, that's right." Lu Shui lowered his head and said.

Then Hong Su stood up. Instead of looking at Lu Shui, she set her eyes on Mu Xue.

Mu Xue could naturally feel Senior Hong Su's gaze, and then whispered:


"What is your relationship with Dongfang Shili?" Hong Su asked.

"It's his future, fiancee." Mu Xue was a little shy.

Even if he was two lives, he was shy when he said that when he landed on the surface.

"Do you like land water?" Hong Su asked again.

Upon hearing this question, Mu Xue bowed her head and dared not answer.

I really can’t answer, I can’t say whether I like it or not.

It's all Lu Shui's fault, it must be called Dongfang Shili.

Finally, Hong Su looked at Lu Shui and Mu and turned and left:

"Two naive kids, be smart next time."

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Feeling offended.

Hong Su left, would she blame Lu Shui for mortgage of the Seven Scaled Dragon Sword?

No, it just reminded her of Zhener.

When Zhen'er was young, he would often mortgage the Seven Scaled Dragon Yin Sword, so he didn't have a place to mortgage it when he arrived at the Lu family.

If there is a shortage of money one day, it may be mortgaged again.

But mortgage a fifth-grade spirit stone is really too much.


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