The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 192: Lu Family True God

Dongfang Chacha looked at the little colorful girl, she was a little curious and said:

"you are God?"

"The only true **** in heaven and earth." The colorful little girl's voice is quite powerful:

"Then tell me, do you want to be a god?"

"I don't want to." Dongfang Chacha refused without hesitation.

Because the rejection was too fast, the little girl in colorful couldn't react.

"Why?" the little colorful girl asked subconsciously.

"If I become a god, you won't be the only true god, and you won't be great at once." Dongfang Chacha said.


The colorful little girl immediately shook her head and said:

"No, you can only follow God, the true God is the only one."

"Neither, when the **** wants to live under the river like you. The water here is ice and cold. Living below you can't see the blue sky and the grass without looking down. Every day is boring and lonely.

Even if there is no fruit to eat, you can't go out to explore, and you have to face the cold water all day.

It's miserable to be a god. "

The little girl Qicai looked at Dongfang Chacha, her eyes were a little red, and then the little girl pointed at Dongfang Chacha and said with anger:

"Ignorant mortals, the actions of God can also be guessed by mortals?.

You are not worthy of being a god. "

After all, one finger fell on Dongfang Chacha.


The huge impact force burst out directly on Dongfang Chacha.

Dongfang Chacha just planned to defend, and this force knocked her out.


With a loud noise, Dongfang Chacha flew out of the Frost River, and finally fell to the ground, still rolling a few times on the ground.

"Oh, it hurts." Dongfang Chacha yelled when it fell on the ground.

Xiangyu was all right, and she was stunned.

Then rushed out.

She didn't know what happened to Miss Chacha, but it must be something she couldn't understand.

What is unsatisfactory is completely beyond her cognition.

The colorful little girl looked at Dongfang Chacha falling, feeling much better.

It's not that the feeling of her running away is good.

Then the little colorful girl appeared outside the cave of Frost River, she looked at Tian Tian and said:

"I feel the power of the same source, as long as I eat it, no one will trap me."

She just disappeared in mid-air as she said.

But before disappearing, she threw a book to Dongfang Chacha.

This looks very bully, just send a book to become a god.

Pop, a book was slapped directly on Dongfang Chacha's face.

At this time, a gust of wind blew up in the pond of Houshan, and then the wind blew towards the sky.


Disaster outside the ancient city.

Many people have come here.

It's just that few people rush in.

"Don't you go in?"

A woman in black looked at the man with short silver hair beside her.

"It always feels a little dangerous, so let's watch the excitement first.

And there are more and more strong people.

Tsk tusk, it seems that divine blood is true all the time.

However, with so many strong people, I don't know if there will be people from Xian Ting. "Silver-white short-haired man said.

"There should be, but we don't know them, and they shouldn't know us either. Anyway, it's always right to be careful." The black-clothed woman said.

"You said that Liuhuo will come? I bet he won't come." The silver-haired man said while looking at the phantom in the sky.

"Here, do you eat your snack on the spot?

Haven't you cheated enough lately? "The woman in black rolled her eyes and said.

"He Yuye, one thing to say, I haven't eaten it recently."

"Li Qianchi, I warn you, don't call my name."

"He Yuye."

"..., you call again."

"Magic repair He Yuye."

Mo Xiu He Yuye didn't speak, she took out a bone, and then threw it aside.

Li Qianchi contemptuously said:

"Do you treat me as a dog?"

"Hehe." Moxiu He Yuye turned his head to look at Li Qianchi and said coldly:

"Do you know where the next level of practice left by the Sect Master is?"

Mo Xiu He Yuye pointed towards the bone:

"It will be destroyed when it hits the ground."

Li Qianchi was stunned for a moment, then disappeared in place, and went to take his bones.

Mo Xiu He Yuye didn't care about the people who cheated, eat and drink. She looked at the ancient city of trouble, and the blood in it was like a light in the dark, which was extremely dazzling.

It's just that all of them are watching and waiting, waiting for others to test the waters.

A lot of people came to Mo Xiu, she could detect it.

But if Liuhuo really comes, they can catch it by the way and ask.

In the corner, Xu Fang looked at the ancient city of disaster and did not speak. No one entered for the time being, and he was not in a hurry. If anyone entered, he would directly look for Lu Shui and others.

Just bring them out when the time comes.

He didn't want to get involved in the struggle for the blood of God.

"Cold knife Xu Fang?" Sudden voice came to Xu Fang.

Xu Fang looked over. He was an old man, the cultivation base of Taoism.

"A fellow Taoist?" Xu Fang asked softly.

The other party perceives that he can reach his position, so it must be no weaker than him.

"The old man is not as famous as Daoyou Xu, some friends like to call me Magic Sword Hand Tu." Magic Sword Hand Tu smiled and said.

Xu Fang frowned when he heard the name.

Demon Swordsman, it's no wonder that you will find him, they repair all knives, the other side repairs hidden knives, and he repairs overlord knives.

Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that the Demon Swordsman is not a good stubble. If it is not for a high level of cultivation, it will have been torn apart by the enemy.

"It turned out to be Senior Demon Sword. I don't know what Senior Master did when looking for juniors?" Xu Fang said softly.

Although claiming to be a junior, Xu Fang is not afraid of each other.

Mo Dao Shou Tu looked at the direction of Divine Blood and said:

"There are many people who peep into the blood of the gods. There is almost no possibility of getting the blood of the gods by one person. Does Xu Daoyou mean to join hands?"

Xu Fang shook his head:

"I'm sorry, Xu did not come for the blood of God this time."

The Demon Swordsman Tu took a deep look at Xu Fang, and then calmly said:

"That's a pity."

At the moment he heard these words, Xu Fang's face changed drastically, he quickly backed away, and then took out the hatchet around his waist.

But at the moment he retreated, his original position suffered several attacks.

Then three people of the same realm as Xu Fang appeared and began to besiege Xu Fang.

"Xu Daoyou, since you can't be a person along the way, then you're an enemy." Demon Swordsman Tu joined the circle of siege as he said.

This kind of fighting broke out in more than one place.

Many people want to go further with the blood of God.

"The dog bites the dog." He Yuye couldn't help but feel the surrounding area.

Li Qianchi lost his bones and looked ahead and said:

"Have you heard any sound?"

Mo Xiu He Yuye looked solemnly and said:

"I heard, there is someone inside."

At this moment, footsteps were heard from the center of the ancient city of Disaster.

This voice is getting louder and louder, getting closer and closer.

Everyone stopped subconsciously, and then looked inside.

At this time, they were surprised to find that there was a figure inside, and this figure was moving step by step in the direction of the blood.

"Someone got on first?"

Thinking of this, most people stopped fighting, and even no longer wait and see, but chose to enter the city.

Soon many people started to enter the ancient city of disaster.

Zhan Wuying on the mountain also frowned:

"Someone is approaching the blood of the gods, can he get the blood of the gods?

No, it should be impossible, Di Zun personally told me, it is far from that simple here. "

But Zhan Wuying was also very curious about how sacred this person was.

Many people want to know who is the first to get there.

Unfortunately no one knows.

Because of the cultivation base, these people are basically not affected by the light.

They looked at the sky and were about to fly up directly, wanting to get close to the blood of God.

However, as he approached the sky, the power in the sky suddenly surged, and then swallowed the first group of people who rushed up instantly.

Mo Dao Shou Tu was one of them. He thought that with his knives, he could cut a way out no matter what.

However, at the moment of being swallowed by that power, he suddenly felt that he was extremely small.

"Ah ah ah ah, save, save me."

The screams came directly from the mouth of the magic knife hand.

He struggled to get out, like an ordinary drowning person.

Several screams followed.

It's just that everything is calm soon.

The sky has returned to normal, and everything just now seems to have never happened.

Those who were a step late suddenly felt extremely grateful, and then they fell.

Maintain a safe height.

It seems that I can only go to the palace of death.

Zhenwu was hiding in a house far away from the Immortal Palace, and he naturally saw many people heading to the Immortal Palace.

He was a little anxious, but it was obvious that his young master was in no danger at the moment.

The phone is already in his hand, just waiting for a critical time to make a call.

But he had planned to stay away from here, after all, he should be the only person nearby.

This can easily attract the attention of these predecessors.

Once these seniors noticed him, it was a fatal crisis.


What surprised him was that none of these people came to him, as if he had never been aware of him.

This is a bit abnormal, just ignore one or two, ignore him all, this is unlikely.

Especially some people are still waiting and watching, they have leisure time.

"Is it the reason for the robe?" Zhenwu couldn't help but mumble as he looked at his robe.

This robe was modified by Lu Shui himself.

So Zhenwu had to doubt in this regard.

And when those people arrived in front of the Immortal Palace, Zhenwu saw that the door of the Immortal Palace was slowly opening.

He looked at all this, a little worried.

With so many powerhouses, can his young master really stop him?

Zhenwu had already decided that as long as these people rushed in, he would call the patriarch for help.

When the time comes, the three elders will definitely come in person, and it will definitely be too late.

Zhenwu stared at the gate of the Immortal Palace, and the others were naturally staring at it.

They are far away from each other, and no one wants to be close to strangers, even if they have had some fate.

From now on, everyone can be the enemy.

But they didn't do anything here. The people inside had already taken the lead, and they had no reason to fight now.

If you want to fight, you have to drag the person down and fight again.


The door slowly opened, and many people looked at the gap in the door, as if they wanted to know the scene earlier.

It's just that when the gap appeared, when they saw the scene inside, the scalp was numb.

They backed off subconsciously.

Some even want to escape.

Because at the moment the door opened, countless twisted and shriveled corpses walked out of it.

What makes their scalp really numb is that each of these mummy corpses carries an extremely terrifying aura.

As if moving can kill them.

In the front of the mummy is a tall male mummy holding a scepter.

He looked at everyone in front of him with hollow eyes, and then moved the scepter in his hand.


A terrible power appeared in his scepter, and then the sacrificial man waved the scepter, and the terrible power immediately rushed to everyone in front of the Immortal Palace.

boom! !

A huge explosion sounded.

One by one, those who entered the path were directly knocked out of the imperial palace.

Only a small number of people avoided the attack, and at this time they were rushing towards the imperial palace.

However, when they came to the gate of the Immortal Palace, when they thought they were about to rush in, they grabbed their hands on their heads.

Without giving these people any time to react, the soldiers of the undead crushed all the invaders.

It's like pinching an ant to death.

This is the gap.

The absolute gap.

Everyone was terrified, and the terrible degree of the Immortal Palace was far beyond their imagination.

Zhenwu hid in the building and didn't even dare to gasp loudly. These undead people were terrifying.

If it weren't for the special protection of the houses here, the attack just now would have enough Zhenwu to be seriously injured and dying.

This is not at his level that can be peeped at will.

It's just that the more terrifying the other party is, the more he thinks his young master is surprising.

He wanted to know how his young master moved from the eyes of these undead people to the position of God's blood.

At this time, everyone saw that the sacrificial man raised his scepter and pointed forward.

At this moment everyone understands what this means, and they are going to take the initiative.

After seeing the scene just now, all of them were a little confused, and the other party seemed to be a little too strong.

Soon they began to retreat, but they retreat does not mean that the undead will not chase.

The war is about to start.

With the undead making a move, no one dared to peep in front of the palace of the undead.

The sacrificial man stood there looking at the sky and the location of Lu Shui. He seemed to be still conscious, as if he was buying time for Lu Shui.

The ancient city of Disaster has already fallen into a slaughter. At this time, this is the real disaster, no, it is the ancient city of natural disasters.

The undead are natural disasters.

Everyone who hadn't entered the city frowned upon seeing this scene, and they felt that they would not be able to go in.

In the end, everyone turned their eyes to the blood of the gods.

Now they are more curious about the person walking towards the blood of the gods.

"Who do you think this person is? Could it be an ancient existence?" Li Qianchi asked.

"It's hard to say, but it's absolutely extraordinary." Mo Xiu He Yuye said as he looked at the phantom in the sky.

"We are short of this kind of talent in our hidden secrets." Li Qianchi said.

He Yuye turned his head and looked at Li Qianchi.

"Just kidding, I definitely wouldn't suggest letting this person go to the secret book, or I would eat **** on the spot." Li Qianchi said.

He Yuye turned his head back and continued to pay attention to the ancient city of trouble.

Zhan Wuying was not too surprised. The ancient city of natural disasters was originally special. Otherwise, how could Emperor Zun and Nan Wu Tuo prevent people from coming in?

All he cares about is the blood of God and that person.

Lu Shui was still walking on the invisible ladder at this time, and he approached his blood step by step.

As for what was going on outside, he didn't know, he just knew that the closer he got to the blood of the gods, the more he could feel the terrifying power of the gods.

If it weren't for him, ordinary people, even ordinary strong people would not be able to get close to the blood of God.

This drop of sacred blood, if used well, might be able to kill the existence of Star Division's level.

When Lu Shui reached two-thirds, he could feel the divine power contained in the divine blood as the substance.

In desperation, he could only wave his hand, break through these divine powers, and open a path to divine blood for himself.

However, when Lu Shui broke through these divine powers, it directly triggered the divine blood.

A beam of blood suddenly shone out all over the sky, and with the appearance of the blood light, the divine power that broke open was absorbed.

Then drops of **** rain began to fall from the light curtain.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

"This is not done by the undead, but another force is trying to weaken the power of the blood of God.

I just don't know who is so big. "Lu Shui thought to himself.

This method is not something that ordinary people can do. It condenses divine power and turns into rain, from incomprehensible to comprehensible.

From being inaccessible to being able to fuse.

Whether the emperor's level can be achieved is a question.

Lu Shui hadn't seen the emperor, and couldn't draw a conclusion for the time being.

After that, Lu Shui no longer paid any attention to this. He went up step by step, faster and faster, as the divine power around him was constantly broken open as Lu Shui advanced.

Then, a storm broke out over the ancient city of Disaster.

The phantom of the altar was directly covered by the storm and could no longer be seen through.

The brows on the outside frowned directly, and no one knew what this was.

But soon an exclamation came from the ancient city:

"What's the matter? I feel my broken body is nourished."

"I also feel that my Dao injury is actually being repaired, and I am finally expected to hit the next level, hahaha."

"It's the blood of the gods, that person is actually developing the blood of the gods."

"The attack of the undead is weak, let's join hands."

At this moment, many people chose to fight back, and many people chose to collect blood rain.

These people knew they couldn't get the blood of God, but the rain of blood was not bad.

When Xu Fang looked at the blood rain, he also felt it. The rain was a magical medicine.

If his daughter is not well, he wants to get some back to try.

But now I dare not mess around.

"I really don't know what kind of person it is. I saw that the blood of the gods instinctively wanted to retreat, and not only was he approaching, he was actually developing the blood of the gods."

Xu Fang looked at the invisible figure and was shocked.

But he didn't get too entangled, collected some blood rain along the way, and continued to search for them.

It's too dangerous here, he needs to take Lu Shui them out of here.

The people outside felt the rain of blood, and after hearing the exclamation, they were all stunned.

Zhan Wuying looked at all this more incredibly:

"Who is that person?"

He had to be frightened, the appearance of the blood rain exceeded his expectations, he couldn't do this kind of thing.

"Are there so many terrible existences in this era?"

In his opinion, this era should be very weak, with almost no decent power.

But a Lu Wuwei made him change his original idea.

Now here comes such a terrible person again.

Makes him a little uncomfortable.

Soon he strengthened his heart. As the **** of the fairy court, no matter how strong the opponent is, he only needs to be stronger than the opponent.

Afterwards, Zhan Wuying asked people to get the blood rain, which was an unimaginable tonic for them, and could restore their strength the fastest.

As for him, it is not suitable for him to enter. As a demonic cultivator, he cannot do anything to reveal his identity for the time being.

This is an important part of his plan and cannot fall short.

Kuhai Buddhism, Xinhuo Ancient Buddha opened his eyes, and then declared a Buddha's name, confessed his crime, and said:

"Go to the ancient city of natural disasters and make some fate."

A complete Luohan took the order and left.

Buddhism seventh-order Arhat, seventh-order Taoist enters the Tao, the seventh-order real immortal of the fairy garden, and the seventh-order Dharma gods of the gods. Except for Taoist cultivation, it is complete for others to enter the seventh step.

They are completely beyond the conventional existence.

Facing the blood rain fairy court, Buddhism was moved, and the gods were naturally more moved.

"Go to the ancient city of natural disasters and lead the divinity back." The voice of the goddess of ice sea spread out.

The people of the Ice Sea Temple naturally dispatched.

The appearance of the rain of blood will greatly speed up their awakening speed.

Although I don't know who this person is, the Goddess of Ice Sea does not dare to underestimate him.

But due to the blood of the gods, she couldn't see it.

Now she didn't even dare to appear.

Many people were tempted, and the ancient city of Disaster suddenly swarmed into many people, all of whom had strong and weak cultivation bases.

The undead are weakened by the rain of blood, which is equivalent to giving countless opportunities to people.

Zhenwu had planned to collect some blood rain, but he gave up.

No accidents for the time being.

His only duty now is to ask for help immediately if something happens to the young master.

Not for good luck.

He believed that as long as he followed the young master, there would be no shortage of these things.

boom! !

The sudden sound reached Zhenwu's side.

Zhenwu frowned. Someone was fighting around here. It would be no good if it affected him.

Just thinking so, he heard a bang.

One person was shot directly to the house where Zhen Wu was.

Zhen Wu hid, but he also saw that person, it was Xu Fang.

After hesitating, Zhenwu transmitted the sound to Xu Fang:

"Senior entered the house on the left. The undead don't seem to attack the house or the people inside."

Xu Fang was a little surprised, he naturally heard Zhen Wu's voice.

But it doesn’t matter whether it’s dangerous or not, if someone finds it, just take it out.

He is sure to take people away in the hands of an undead.

After that, Xu Fang entered the house where Zhen Wu was.

As soon as I entered, the undead who had been pursuing them suddenly seemed to have lost their target, and finally wandered around like a patrol.

Zhen Wu dragged down his black robe and hat to show his identity, because he found the other side's face puzzled, and he seemed to be unable to wear it.

After confirming that it was Zhen Wu, Xu Fang breathed a sigh of relief:

"Little friend Zhenwu, how about little friend Dongfang?

Xu will take you out, it's too dangerous here. "

Hearing that the other party was here to take them away, Zhenwu secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you senior for your kindness, but Young Master is doing important things and can't leave for the time being."

Xu Fang didn't understand very well, but didn't go deep into this question, and curiously said:

"Then little friend Zhenwu is waiting for little friend Dongfang here."

Zhen Wu nodded without speaking.

"Can't you go to the outside? It's too dangerous to be near the Immortal Xu Fang asked.

Zhenwu shook his head:

"I need to look at the entrance of the Immortal Palace. If a dangerous person enters, I need to ask for help as soon as possible."

"Why look at the entrance of the Immortal Palace? What does this have to do with Little Friend Dongfang..." Xu Fang was stunned.

He thought of something for a moment, and then looked at Gao Kongdao in disbelief:

"Could it be that the person who developed the blood of the gods is..."

Xu Fang looked back at Zhen Wu, as if he wanted to be confirmed.

Finally he saw Zhen Wu nodding:

"It's my young master."

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