The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 193: To say goodbye, goodbye

Zhenwu saw Xu Fang looking at him, as if waiting for him to confirm.

But Zhen Wu just looked at Xu Fang and didn't speak.

He did not deny, nor admit it.

Lu Shui's identity is more sensitive, and Zhenwu does not intend to say it casually.

He just can't admit it directly when others guess that it's someone else's business, especially at this time.

Xu Fang didn't get a reply and didn't ask more. The other party didn't deny it, and almost admitted it.

He didn't need to ask for it.

However, it was really surprising, it turned out that he had been underestimating Dongfang Haoyue, the other party was really beyond imagination.

How old is this? Who can compare to him in the world today?

No, none of them.

Even if the fire has suddenly appeared recently, he is not qualified to compete with the opponent at all.

Get close to the blood of the gods and open up the blood of the gods.

"Somewhat curious, whose young master is he, Dongfang?

It should not be. "Xu Fang said to himself silently.

Then he looked at Zhen Wu and said:

"Then Xu waited with the little friend. The little friend is too weak after all. If someone comes over, Xu can protect the little friend."

Zhenwu did not refuse, he was really too weak.

At last Zhenwu bowed his head and bowed respectfully.

Xu Fang did not refuse, and if he accepted this prayer, he was about to do his best.

Of course, he never thought about keeping his hands.

After all, Dongfang Haoyue is his benefactor.

There is basically no problem with Zhenwu, but it is difficult for others who hide.

Because the undead were weakened by the rain of blood, the battle was no longer one-sided, and the physical impact greatly damaged the buildings in the town.

Many people have to change places to hide, and those with bad luck may just die.

Especially those who are forced to leave the house, once they leave the house, they cannot resist fluctuations in power.

The aftermath of the battle of Tier 7 is, for Tier 3 and Tier 4 people, it is simply an ordinary person encountering Big Ivan.

Is there still a chance to live?

Therefore, only by hiding in the house can we survive.

The head of the goddess has also recovered at this time.

The four of them hid in the house, for fear that the attack from outside might touch them.

Su Ran looked anxious. At this moment, her senior sister came, and it was difficult to deal with it, right?

Unless the goddess shot.

Su Ran didn't know why, he always felt that the world had become a lot more dangerous, and the head of the house would always encounter terrible things when he went out.

How did the former boss survive?

She is a little weird.

The north and south elders stood beside the head of the goddess, as if to protect their head.

Under normal circumstances, their heads protect them. After all, the heads are better than them, but at this time the goddess heads have just recovered and people want to protect them.

"There should be nothing wrong. We hide in a relatively remote place, far away from those people." Su Ran opened her mouth to comfort the next goddess and the others.

At this time, they are actually unable to calm down. Going out is basically dead, and they are basically dead when others come in. Can you be afraid?

The head of the goddess nodded:

"There shouldn't be..."

boom! ! !

Before the goddess had finished speaking, someone directly ran into half of their houses.

And that person fell not far from them.

The head of the goddess was taken aback, but before they could determine who the collision was, a figure fell from the sky.

With a bang, this figure fell directly not far from them.

It is the position of that person before.

Huge power fluctuations swept across the four directions, but fortunately, half of the house could resist the fluctuations.

Otherwise, they are basically seriously injured, whether they can survive or not depends on whether the head of the goddess reacts quickly or not.

The power fluctuation has not dissipated, the dust has not yet fallen, and the four goddess heads have not found a chance to hide, the figure in the power center flashed out.

She appeared directly not far in front of the four goddess heads.

At the moment when this person appeared, the pupils of the North and South Elders and Su Ran shrank, and they were a little frightened subconsciously.

This was a shriveled person, and she stood there as if twisted.

They even have the feeling that they will die as long as each other is close to them.

This feeling scared them.

Su Ran immediately recovered, she bit her lip to calm herself.

Then she stood in front of the head of the goddess and whispered softly:

"Elder North and South, you take the head and go first."

However, as soon as Su Ran's voice fell, the Undead Clan immediately stepped forward and approached Su Ran. The moment Su Ran faced her, Su Ran felt an uncontrollable fear.

So strong, so terrible existence.

She didn't even have the courage to raise her hand, no, it should be said that she could not move.

At this time, the undead raised his hand and saw the other's hand stretched out. Su Ran felt that everything in the world had disappeared. This hand was everything, her life and death.

Su Ran felt that she was going to die here at this moment.

She is scared, but can't do anything.

She is weak and can only face death.

But when the undead was about to reach out, just when she thought she was going to die, her hand was suddenly grabbed, and then she felt a pulling force, and someone from behind was pulling her over.

It is the head.

All of a sudden, Su Ran was dragged behind by the head of the goddess.

The head of the goddess stood alone in front of everyone, facing the undead.

The head of the goddess looked at the undead, and the shriveled undead also looked at the head of the gods.

Then the head of the goddess obediently knelt down.

Seeing the goddess head kneeling, Su Ran didn't know why. For the first time, I felt that the head of the head was not going to be messy, it was not a matter of losing their sect face.

Su Ran felt guilty and unwilling. She wanted to do it, but she couldn't.

At this time, the hand of the undead race stretched out to the head of the goddess.

Seeing this scene Suran almost forced herself to move.

How can she be protected by a leader who is weaker than her?

"Senior Su Ran, don't worry, the head's kneeling posture this time is not like begging for mercy." Elder Nan's voice suddenly sounded in Su Ran's mind.

It is Transsion.

Su Ran was stunned when she heard Elder Nan's voice transmission, she was a little puzzled.

It's all kneeling, is there any difference?

But soon, Su Yan found that something was really wrong.

The undead's hand did reach their head, but he didn't hurt their head, but was stroking the head of their head.

I don't know if it is an illusion, they actually feel the emotion of doting.

And their head knelt on the ground, with a well-behaved look.

No fear, no begging for mercy.

Su Dye doesn't understand.

At this time, the head of the goddess whispered to the undead race:

"They are my friends."

As soon as the words of the head of the goddess fell, Su Ran and the north and south elders felt that all the coercion had disappeared.

There is no fear, no distortion, no danger.

This, this is simply unimaginable.

Su Ran and the elders of the North, South and South looked at all this, although they were very confused, they did not dare to speak.

The undead touched the head of the goddess for a while, then reached out and grabbed the hands of the head of the goddess, and then galloped outside.

The head of the goddess staggered, and almost fell, she subconsciously said:

"where are we going?"

The undead did not speak, as if they had lost their ability to speak.

"Hurry up." The head of the goddess shouted again to Su Ran and the North and South Elders.

Only then did Su Ran react, and she quickly followed with the North and South Elders.

As soon as they followed, they found that the rain of blood was gathering towards them, as if someone had deliberately asked them to collect it.

"It's the senior." Elder Nan suddenly thought of it.

After that, the three of them stopped speaking, and Su Ran led them on the road, and the North and South elders collected the rain of blood.

The head of the goddess has been dragged forward by the undead.

It was impossible to resist, and she knew that this was the one who pulled her before.

Asked how old she was and said that she was a young girl.

How can there be a 123-year-old girl?

"Be careful." On the way, the head of the heavenly woman saw someone crash into the sky.

The undead clan didn't even lift his head, but slapped it out, and finally the person disappeared.

And when this undead race moved forward, all the battles ahead stopped instantly.

No matter what level of battle is ahead, all are forced to end in a short time.

The surrounding battle also ended.

At this time, the head of the goddess found that undead people were constantly appearing on the surrounding houses.

These undead all looked at her.

At this time, the head of the goddess already knew that this was a road to the outside of the ancient city of disaster, and she was being sent away from this dangerous place.

Once she leaves, she may never come again in her life, nor will she see these elders again.

Thinking of this, the head of the goddess subconsciously raised her hand and waved her fairly powerful hand.

She was saying goodbye to these elders.

At this moment, more and more undead people appeared at both ends of the way the goddess head left.

They all watched the goddess head leave, and watched the goddess head waving goodbye to them by the way.

Su Ran and the others were stunned. The undead who wrecked the ancient city are here, right?

Not to mention that they were dyed, the people hiding in the house, they all saw it, and they were a little unbelievable.

They are very curious about who this person is, so that the undead in the ancient city of Chaos can be treated like this.

Almost all obstacles were removed.

Even many people don't care about the intruders and come directly to watch them leave.

Wanli Long Street was like being protected by the undead at both ends, and only the undead in the street took the head of the goddess and quickly left.

What level of treatment is this?

It is impossible to imagine.

Of course, many people secretly stared at the head of the goddess.

I just didn't dare to do it here.

Not long after, the head of the goddess and a group of people came to the gate of the ancient city of disaster.

The undead stopped, she looked at the head of the goddess, then let go of her hand, and gently pushed the head of the goddess.

As if to let the goddess head leave quickly.

The head of the goddess looked at the undead people in front of her, feeling a little uncomfortable for a while.

She thinks she can stay for a while.

At this time, the head of the goddess seemed to see the other's doting bitter smile, and finally the undead race stretched out his hand and flicked the head of the goddess.


The next moment the head of the goddess flew off the ground, and flew out of the gate of the ancient city of disaster.

The Su Ran trio were a little frightened, but they were relieved to see that the head was okay, and then the trio saluted the undead and ran out of the ancient city of trouble.

They were surprised, very surprised.

Especially the whole road behind, the whole street, is the person who sent them to the head.

The sacrificial man in front of the Immortal Palace stood in place, and many powerful men had fallen in front of him.

These people took the opportunity to come to the Palace of Immortality after getting rid of the undead outside.

They thought they had gotten rid of their powerful enemies and saw hope.

In fact they went to hell.

Sacrificing men is their hell.

The sacrificial man didn't care about these people, his eyes had already seen the city gate.

They are all watching, watching the follow-up development.

The female undead at the gate of the city looked at the head of the goddess. She took two steps forward, but she was bounced back without taking the second step. They could not cause trouble to the ancient city.

The head of the goddess looked at each other, and finally waved her head and left.

The undead at the gate of the city just watched, watching the goddess head leave.

It is indeed a good thing to have troubled the ancient city, but Suran dare not relax at all, it is not safe at all.

"Be careful, let's leave as soon as possible." Su Ran said softly.

The head of the goddess nodded, and she also felt that something was wrong here.

It's better to go back soon.

There are so many strong people inside, there should be theoretically outside, but none of them can be seen, obviously abnormal.

The most important thing is that they carry a lot of treasures on them, and it's not good to be spotted.

However, before they had gone far, someone showed up to stop them.

He is an old man, a seventh-order cultivation base.

Su Ran saw that the other party felt danger, and immediately stood in front of the head of the goddess.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Su Ran asked vigilantly.

The old man looked at the head of the goddess, then looked at the rather large rain of blood in the hands of the north and south elders, and said:

"I want to buy some of the things they brought out, but I don't know what price the fairies will charge?"

The old man directly asked what price he wanted to offer, and he had no choice at all to refuse.

Hearing what the other party said, the North and South elders moved the rain of blood back a bit, as if worried about being robbed.

They actually wanted to put it in the storage magic weapon, but they couldn't put it in, I don't know why.

"Senior, this thing is a gift received by our head, and I don't intend to sell it.

Hope seniors...poof. "Before Su Ran had finished speaking, she felt a strong oppression, and this oppression was aimed at her.

But in an instant, Su Ran directly vomited blood and was seriously injured.

A seventh-tier against a fifth-tier, there is no need to shoot at all.

"This fairy may not understand what I said, so I will speak more clearly, and hand the rain of blood into my hands, and I will naturally give you enough spirit stones." The old man said.

He can't afford it.

There must be a lot of strong people around here. He doesn't make a move now. When these people go far, he will have no chance to make a move.

Now as long as he gets the rain of blood, as long as he can directly absorb it, he has a chance to become the biggest winner.

As for entering the ancient city of chaos, he didn't have the guts.

He basically can't get out when he enters in this state.

He can be sure that the undead who have troubled the ancient city can't come out.

So even though these people are somewhat special, he has to choose to shoot.

The head of the goddess supported Su Ran, she looked at the old man a little scared and said:

"Senior, should we go in and collect some for you?"

She felt a bit soft in her legs, but the elders from behind looked at her and she couldn't kneel so early.

"Yes, but I can help you take care of these rain of blood first." The old man said that he was about to take the rain of blood from the hands of the north and south elders.

The head of the goddess looked at the city gate at the back, then at Su Ran, and finally stood in front, she did not speak.

But the old man didn't care. He was about to do it. Since these people didn't cooperate, then there was no need to say more.

"It's you who are looking for death by yourself."

At this moment, the old man pressed a finger, and the head of the goddess knelt directly under the pressure of huge force.

At the moment when the head of the goddess knelt down, the atmosphere in the ancient troubled city changed instantly, and the sky seemed to darken.

Zhenwu and the others felt that the whole city was enveloped in anger, as if it would explode at any time.

The female undead in front of the city gate moved and stopped again.

Because at this time, she found an aura appeared on the head of the goddess.

An aura that made her a little frightened.

It's not how strong the breath is, it's a matter of level.

It's like god's blood.

At this time, the head of the goddess knelt on the ground and opened her mouth softly:

"Respectfully invite the Lord Goddess."

After speaking, the head of the goddess knocked her head down.

Then a little purple gas appeared on the head of the goddess, and the appearance of the purple gas immediately released coercion.

In a moment, the situation changed and the purple gas came three thousand miles east.

In an instant, three thousand purple qi surrounded everyone, not only the old man, but everyone around was surrounded by purple qi.

All the people who were watching were all a little frightened. They tried to escape from Ziqi, but they all failed.

The appearance of this purple gas seemed to challenge everyone.

This made them feel a little palpitating, especially the purple qi gave people a weird feeling, as if something terrifying was about to appear.

The old man was shocked, he knew that he could not let the other party out, and then he planned to kill the goddess with one palm.

But just as he raised his hand, he felt a glance.

This gaze looked at him without the slightest emotion, and the aura of gaze appeared from his gaze, looking at him as if looking at an ant.

At this moment, the old man was terrified and fearful.

He felt that his life and death were no longer by himself.

"This, what terrible existence is it?"

The old man found that his hands could no longer fall down at this time, and his body no longer listened to his commands.

"Purple-clothed goddess?" He Yuye, who was also trapped in the range of the purple qi in the distance, said.

With this kind of momentum, she only remembered one person.

The goddess of the goddess.

"If you can't be the enemy, just act according to the situation." Li Qianchi also had a solemn expression on his face.

It's going to eat shit.

At this time, the purple energy gathered, and an illusory figure was condensed around the head of the goddess.

When this figure fell on the ground, he looked at the kneeling goddess head and spoke softly:

"Find me?"

The head of the goddess immediately kowtow, and then said:

"It's troublesome for the Lord Goddess."

At this time, the North and South Elders and Su Ran also knelt down.

Mu Xue waved her fingers, and then a purple qi melted into Su-dye's body.

Su Ran, who was seriously injured, returned to normal in an instant.

Her injuries were cured directly, and this method of healing shook Su Yan, even the people who were spotted around him were incredulous.

This is no longer an ordinary treatment.

For Mu Xue, this kind of thing was just a turning around. After turning around slowly, Mu Xue was directly facing the troubled ancient city.

At this time, the ancient city of disaster was covered by blood rain and it was difficult to see through, but Mu Xue didn't intend to see through it.

She just stared at the city gate and said calmly:

"Put away your scrutiny gaze."

Mu Xue's voice fell, and a purple qi whistled out.

This purple energy rushed towards the city gate with a bang, directly defeating the gaze of all the undead in the ancient city of Disaster.

Just this superficial contest, the sacrificial man knew that this man was terrifying to the extreme.

It is not a question of cultivation, but a question of strength.

This power is not comparable to their undead.

The only thing that can be compared with this power is the blood of God.

"No wonder, no wonder that person would say such things, with such a terrible existence as a backing, it is true that no one dares to target that little guy at will."

Finally, the sacrificial man bowed respectfully in Mu Xue's direction.

Not only him, in the ancient city of Disaster, all the undead people respectfully bowed in the direction of Mu Xue.

The most obvious is naturally the female undead in front of the city gate.

She respectfully bowed deeply to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue just watched and said nothing.

Then Mu Xue turned and looked around, and then a sense of solemnity appeared from the surroundings.

This killing intent was extremely harsh, as if it were substance, as if everything could not escape this killing intent.

The appearance of this killing intent made everyone's expressions change drastically.

As if he would be killed by this sudden appearance in the next moment.

But no one dares to act rashly, and of course more people are not qualified to move at all.

As the killing intent appeared, Mu Xue's voice followed:

"Taking advantage of the large number of people, I would like to exhort you all, Heavenly Girl Sect, you can't afford it.

understand? "

The moment the voice fell, the killing intent was touched and directly suppressed everyone.

Many people can't bear to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Li Qianchi and He Yuye are also struggling to support.

Then Li Qianchi said:

"The goddess has misunderstood. We know that the head of the goddess is the spokesperson of the goddess in purple clothes, and we dare not do any harm to the head of the goddess and the goddess."

Xu Yuan, who was hiding in the dark, was also terrified. He had never heard of the figure of the goddess in purple clothes.

But the horror of the other party has made him afraid to despise this goddess

Zhan Wuying's face was even more ugly, not because of the opponent's strength.

It was a problem that he couldn't understand at all. Although the opponent's power was strong, he couldn't perceive the realm.

Especially this power is not an ordinary cultivation power at all, and does not belong to any system.

"What the **** is going on in this era? Why are there so many incomprehensible people?"

One, two and three is simply unacceptable.

But I had to accept it again.

After Mu Xue looked around and made sure that no one dared to resist, she withdrew her killing intent.

Because it wasn't from the main body, she needed a trace of killing the field, otherwise she couldn't frighten these people.

The people here can already be said to be the strongest group of people in this era.

No matter how strong they are, they rarely walk in the realm of comprehension.

There is no real cultivation base.

Finally, Mu Xue looked at the goddess and said:

"Go home with something."

After speaking, the purple energy of heaven and earth began to dissipate.

Just before the purple gas dissipated, a faint purple gas rushed towards the undead people who were still saluting the city gate.

Ziqi fell in front of her and gently lifted her up.

It's like a bow to the other party.

"Thank you." An invisible voice sounded over the entire troubled ancient city.

At this point, the purple gas disappeared completely.

Mu Xue also withdrew the power of consciousness.

After the head of the goddess yelled for the goddess, she slowly got up.

At this time, the head of the goddess saw that the undead clansman at the city gate was still looking at him.

The other person looked at her, and she looked at each other too.

Finally, the head of the goddess mustered up the courage and shouted at the city gate:

"My ancestors, I'm going back, and I will live on, so don't worry."

After shouting the head of the goddess and waved her hand heavily, she was bidding farewell to the ancestors.

Finally, the head of the goddess turned her head and left, looking back three steps.

Every time she looked back, she could see a person standing in front of the city gate.

Until she walked far away, until she could no longer see the ancient city of chaos.

Everyone in the undead clan looked outside, looking at the head of the goddess, turning his head one step at a time.

Until they no longer see the head of the goddess.

In the end, there were no more undead people at the gates, and there were no more people on the roof.

Some are just hunting undead soldiers who trespass in the Palace of Immortality.

The head of the goddess and they left safely, no one dared to stop, no one dared to have greed.

And the old man who reached out to kill the head of the goddess kept his original posture until a gust of wind passed, and the old man began to disappear with the wind.

Lu Shui, who had already come to the blood of God, felt a burst of coldness behind him.

"What's the matter? How can you feel like escaped?"

Finally, Lu Shui shook his head, he felt it must be an illusion.

However, the divine power here is too messy and directly isolates the outside world, preventing him from knowing the situation of the outside world.

However, he thinks it shouldn't be too peaceful outside I just hope that no troublesome people will come in. After all, he has to face the blood of God directly, he can feel that this is not easy.

Especially if you want to know something from God's blood, it is even more difficult.

Soon Lu Shui stood in front of the blood of God.

This blood is really special enough.


After returning to his senses, Mu Xue took a grape and put it in her mouth, and then said with some doubts:

"I always feel like I missed something particularly interesting.

Is it related to land water? "

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