The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 211: Mu Xue feels a little abnormal

When the punishment was gone, Lu Shui was also relieved.

When the star was in the opposite direction, the patio began to dissipate.

The matter barely passed.

As for the dispersal of the heavenly punishment, the star-adverse is in a passive state, and even if it can withstand the complete heavenly punishment, it is easy to get out of track.

Therefore, only a very small portion can be dispersed.

Of course, even if the star can bear it, he will have to spread out.

Because he wanted to use the robbery to leave a mark on that person.

For the time being, I can't keep that person, but he will change from passive to active.

When his strength is still good, or when the time comes.

Let the other person spit out everything they know.


A snap finger.

With the sound of snapping fingers, the star against the star began to shine.

The light is like the sun, blocking everyone's sight.

At this time, the formation of heaven and earth had stopped, and the power of heaven and earth could no longer be maintained.

Then Lu Shui disappeared in place with the help of the power emitted by the star.

When he appeared again, he had already returned to Ah Man.

Against the star, the scarlet star began to be accepted by the heavens and the earth, and was heading to the depths of the starry sky.

The patio is also disappearing, disappearing from this era.

In the next era, it will appear when the time comes.

The closure of Dutianling also began to dissipate at this moment.

Realizing that Dutianling was no longer closed, many people directly chose to escape.

No one has the courage to stay, and no one knows whether new problems will arise in the future.

Luckily survived before, what about after?

Not every time is so lucky.

Of course, many people can't do it if they want to leave. Although a trace of Heaven's punishment is equivalent to Heaven's Tribulation, it is enough for many people to drink a big pot.

Not everyone is the same as the Demon Sword Slayer, he can be said to be the strongest one here.

Naturally, Lu Shui wouldn't care if others walk or not, and his body was in pain now.

He wanted to lie on the ground and roll.

It hurts too much.

But Ah Man was not fainted by Tiancai, and stared at him.

This made him unable to roll on the ground.

Of course, even if Ah Man fainted, he would not roll, if he woke up, his fame would be gone.

"It hurts, why hasn't Zhen Wu come over yet?" Lu Shui felt particularly uncomfortable.

Although Zhenwu's healing technique was very lame, it was a healing technique anyway.

Now Lu Shui felt like his skin was ripped apart.

The internal organs are somewhat translocated.

If it weren't for his own cultivation level, but also practicing physical skills, whether he can stand firm or not.

Finally, Lu Shui took out his chair and sat down.

Hold on.

At this time, Ah Man convulsed on the ground, but it didn't take long before he stopped convulsing.

The breath of the body stabilized as the scarlet stars disappeared into the starry sky.

But at this time, his eyes were still crimson.

He is no longer a normal human being, but the reverse star of this era.

His harm to the times is still there, but he has the right to control himself.

In the same way, the crimson stars are accepted by heaven and earth, which means that their life span is no longer short.

Being against the stars is equivalent to changing your fate against the sky.

In Lu Shui's view, the success rate this time is very low.

His ability is still very weak.

But in the end, the promotion of Star Reversal was really smooth, and this was what Aman had won for himself.

Not long after, Ah Man stood up and looked straight at Lu Shui.

Mu Ze was coming here at this time, and he felt the breath of Lu Shui.

This breath was a bit weak, and Lu Shui was definitely injured.

It is impossible for him to let Lu Shui have an accident, no matter what the reason, Lu Shui can't have an accident.

It is a terrible thing for the Lu Family Master to have an accident.

He arrived soon, and now there is no special aura to hinder him, and there is no such thing as getting lost.

When he came to Lu Shui, he saw someone standing there.

Lu Shui was sitting on a chair with injuries.

When he saw the standing man, he was in a daze.

Those eyes are...

"Reverse, reverse star?"

Mu Ze was a little unbelievable, but this was definitely a star reversal, and the scarlet stars were vividly visible.

Soon Mu Ze planned to rush forward, and the star was in front of Lu Shui. If the opponent made a move, it would be fatal to Lu Shui.

As for why Lu Shui was sitting, he didn't think about it. Lu Shui carried a chair with him, and it was normal to sit.

It's just that when he hadn't taken any steps, he suddenly saw the star moving.

Mu Ze was a little anxious, but soon he was stunned and stopped the urge to step forward.

He saw Ni Xing kneeling directly in front of Lu Shui.

He squatted his head heavily.

"What's going on here?" Mu Ze couldn't turn around for a while.

Why would the star rush to land and kneel under the water?

What did Lu Shui do?

At this time Zhenwu and Zhenling also came.

When they saw that Lu Shui was injured, they rushed over immediately.

And when Zhen Wu Zhen Ling rushed over, Ah Man raised his head.

He thought that someone would be disadvantageous to Lu Shui.

When he looked at Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, the crimson light throbbed in his eyes.

Zhenwu Zhenling was naturally frightened by this pair of eyes.

The word "Inverse Star" flashed in my mind for the first time.

But they didn't shrink back and came directly to Lu Shui.


Ah-Man was a little startled when he heard it, and finally lowered his head.

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, and finally came.

As soon as Zhenwu came over, he would directly give Lu Shui a healing technique.

Still so crappy.

But something is better than nothing.

True Spirit handed out the elixir in the first place.

Muze on one side was dumbfounded, the two of them seemed to be familiar with the business.

At this time, Aman said:

"Many, thank you."

After Lu Shui took the elixir, he said to Aman:

"The patio disappeared, but you are still a star.

I help you stand up, just to allow you to survive in the world, and the power of destruction is still in your hands.

If you can't restrain it, you will eventually bring destruction to yourself. "

"I, I know, I will be good, be a good person, will, will live well.

No, I won't move, use strength. "

Zhenwu Zhenling and Mu Ze on the side naturally heard the conversation between Lu Shui and Aman.

The person in front of him was the terrible star, and Lu Shui could guess it, not to mention them.

It's the one who flew high.

A person who changed the fate of the star.

Zhenwu Zhenling had guessed it early on.

Their young master is such a person, wherever something major happens, there may be their young master.

And Mu Ze was completely stunned, and he refreshed his knowledge of Lu Shui again and again.

Especially the stalwart figure, he really didn't believe it was Lu Shui.

But the facts are here.

This is the waste master of the Lu family.

If the Lu family knew it, wouldn't they go crazy with joy?

Lu Shui didn't care much, but looked at Ah Man calmly.

A Man's hand grabbed a bead, and there was a figure sleeping in the bead.

As a star, Ah Man naturally knew that it was the little boy, and knew that the other party was really there.

He just fell into a deep sleep, although this sleep time will be long, but he can afford to wait.

"There is something you need to know." Lu Shui said.

Looking at Lu Shui, Aman was actually a little worried, because what Lu Shui said might be related to what he values.

Facing Ah Man's eyes, Lu Shui whispered:

"There was a small accident while standing up for you."

Hearing the accident, Ah Man's heart was frustrated.

"Wh, what's the accident?"

Lu Shui sighed and said:

"You know he was born because of you. Although he is flesh and blood, he is not a normal human being.

So in this process, he is actually vague.

And I can't define a specific form for him.

Simply put, when he wakes up again, gender may be in a random state.

It may be male or female.

Of course, you can rest assured that there will be no male, female, or androgynous situation. "

This Lu Shui really has no choice, and his strength is limited.

Ah Man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lu Shui say that, as long as it's okay.

The others are not important.

Lu Shui thinks so, and there is no difference between a son and a daughter.

But he wants a son, as long as he has a son, he will be the next head of the Lu family.

So majestic.

Okay, just kidding, what's the point of Commander Bachelor.

After Lu Shui rested for a while, he got up.

It's a pity that I can't find a place to lie down and roll. Fortunately, it doesn't hurt so much now.

"Go back." Lu Shui said.

It was not dawn, but if I rushed to the Mu's family, I might still see the Mu's ancestor worshipping.

Well, I don't know if Mu Xue will be happy.

When he came to Mu Ze's side, Lu Shui said:

"Senior know how to go back faster, right?"

Mu Ze took a deep look at Lu Shui and said:

"Do you think Mu Xue is worthy of you?"

Lu Shui smiled slightly, and then stepped forward. After only two steps, he looked back at Mu Ze:

"Predecessors should have heard a word, made in heaven."

After that, Lu Shui chose to go down the mountain.

In fact, he still feels a lot of pain, but with so many people, he naturally needs to be patient.

However, it surprised him that Lao Zhangren was not struck by lightning. Perhaps it was because of the strong atmosphere of Heavenly Tribulation on his body.

Caused Heaven Punishment to let him go.

One's own person does not beat one's own person.

After that, Lu Shui stopped thinking about it, mainly because it was painful and difficult to think.

Soon Lu Shui came to the foot of the mountain.

Only when he came to the bottom of the mountain, he found that Ah Man had been following him.

In desperation, Lu Shui could only turn his head to look at Aman and ask him what he meant.

Aman immediately explained:


Ah Man didn't know what to say for a moment, and finally bowed his head and said:

"You, can you, can you hire me?"

Lu Shui looked at Ah Man calmly, and couldn't help sighing inside.

You have to lose money if you co-author, right?

"No, no, no wages, yes, there is a place, just a place to live." Ah Man added immediately.

He was actually worried.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, maybe one day he loses control, but the person in front of him is not.

All you have to do is to get close to this person.

He can wait at ease.

Lu Shui looked at Ah Man, who was a little bit unable to look up.

Then Lushui opened his mouth and said:

"I can let you go to my area, but you need to promise me one thing."

"You, you said." Aman said immediately.

"Close your eyes, you are not allowed to open your eyes for half a year, remember, absolutely not." Lu Shui said.

With Ah Man's ability, if he wanted to make his eyes no longer special, half a year was not enough.

But his eyes cannot appear in the Lujia area.

Especially not related to him.

Amman thought for a moment, then tried to close his eyes, and finally nodded:

"it is good."

As he said, he took a piece of cloth to cover his eyes to prevent them from opening.

Mu Ze didn't understand what Lu Shui meant, but was there really no problem with this terrible existence in the Lujia area?

Zhenwu and Zhenling naturally don't understand, but just accept it.

Most of them don't understand what the young master does.

As for how to send it back, you can only look at Zhenwu and Zhenling.

Zhen Wu immediately said:

"When we go to Mu's house, we will pass by Qiuyun Town. Then we can call someone to arrange the work of this senior."

What job depends on what he will do.

Zhen Ling also said:

"I just talked to An Yu and the others on the phone. They are also here, but they have suffered some injuries.

If the young master has time, he can wait for them to come. "

A group of sick people, expect them to come here soon? Lu Shui didn't believe it, and then said:

"Send it directly to Lu's house."

He is in a hurry.

That person has already left. Although the other party has suffered some injuries, who knows if he will have any accomplices, he will lose money when he takes things to Mu's house.

Therefore, he must first return to Mu's house.

No matter what it is, it is contaminated with Heaven's Punishment, as long as it is there, he can perceive it.

As for the quantity issue, if the quantity is really large, it will not wait for the Mu family to worship the ancestors.

Of course, Lu Shui was not worried about whether Mu Xue would be in danger. It was usually others who were in danger.

The main reason is to let Mu Xue take a shot, which means that her strength is exposed.

At that time, someone might think that his Lu Shui is not good enough for her Mu Xue.

Others are not important to Mu Xue, what is important is his Young Master Lu himself.

With Muxue's understanding of him, he must know that he would think so too when he was weak.

This is the last thing Mu Xue wants to see.

There is also that she can't explain how she is so strong, which is very troublesome in many cases.

Not as secure as an ordinary person.

So once Mu Xue was not an ordinary person, he could not continue to be an ordinary young master.

In the same way, the retired child is still dead.

Conclusion: It is necessary to avoid letting Mu Xue take a shot in the public.

After that, Lu Shui and the others went directly to the nearby station.

Because he walked too slowly, Mu Ze directly flew people over.

With their current distance, it may take two or three days to go to Mu's house.

It is early in the morning, and tomorrow is the day for the Mu family to worship the ancestors, so it is too late to pass normally.

In order to have time, Lu Shui asked Zhenwu to pay a lot of pocket money.

Then speed up.

Mu Ze frowned when he saw it.

Is this the Lu Family Master?

This is simply a prodigal, but compared to Lu Shui's refurbishment for the Mu's family, it is really nothing to see.

Nothing the Lu Family Master did was personnel affairs.

So horribly that he doubted life.


"From here, you can meet the people outside, and then you can go back to Lu's house." An Yu said.

They naturally decided to leave.

After all, no one knows what will happen next, so let's go back.

Peace of mind.

The dog was naturally fine, and today I saw the prestigious side of the dog.

Of course, it also saw its Heavenly Tribulation Brothers, and it was thinking about how to greet the Heavenly Tribulation Brothers in the future.

"I heard that Young Master is here, but he has already left." Hua Ji said.

Jin Ling just called her.

An Yu's cell phone is lost.

"How did the young master come here?" An Yu was very curious, her injury was much better, and there was no problem walking.

"I don't know, but what the young master does is normal, right?" Xue Ji said.

Also curious at this time in the rainy season:

"Master is here, surely the patriarch will send someone?"

Hearing this in the rainy season, An Yu reacted.

In other words, the probability of her father coming is very high.

"Give me the Huaji mobile phone." An Yu said immediately.

After getting the phone, An Yu dialed her father's number.

Soon a weak voice came from the other side.


"Father? What's wrong with you?" An Yu was startled.

Her father is frail and incompetent.

Finally, An Yu and others found ease.

Ease belongs to the more unlucky, and was beaten twice.

If it weren't for the sixth-order cultivation base, it might have to be explained here.

Seeing that she was lifted up by her daughter, An Yi was speechless for a while.

He brought in many magic weapons to save his daughter, and was finally rescued by his daughter.

But seeing that his daughter was okay, he was relieved.

It's just that he was surprised, why people like the toothache fairy are here.

Of course he didn't ask much, but directly said:

"Young Master is here too, we have to find a way to find him."

"Senior Master has left safely." Hua Ji explained.


So why is he here?

Shame on the patriarch.

Then he finally understood why his daughter was okay.

Taken by the stone man, he was rescued by the toothache fairy.

And these people were brought back by the young master.

It's a little surprising.

In the end, he bowed his head to the stone man, the toothache fairy and the dog in a respectful manner.

This is a grace to save his daughter. He has never repaid, so he can only thank in advance.


That afternoon.

Mu Xue and his party are about to return to Mu's house.

They are still very happy to go out this time, and the happiest one is naturally Yayue.

She found that Sister Mu Xue was not difficult to get along with, and she had also learned a great technique.

She felt that it was better than the best practice in the clan.

Well, better than Yalin.

She feels that she will upgrade quickly.

Although it may be an illusion, she is still content.

Mu Xue was naturally also very happy. She brought back two live fish to Lu Shui.

Yalin said nothing, she was always happy.

He eats concoction fruit every day and says he has little monsters in his stomach.

Aunt Tang frowned every day.

Can't help but want to educate Yalin.

Soon they arrived at Mujia Station.

But when they arrived at the station, their brows frowned, because they found that the station seemed to collapse.

This surprised Mu Xue and others.

Soon they got out of the train and out of the station.

When they saw the top of Mu's mountain, they were all stunned.

The Mu's house has been turned into a ruin, and a large number of people are clearing the ruins.

Seeing all this, Aunt Tang panicked.

She remembered the phone her husband could not make, which gave her a very bad idea.

"Mother, mother, what's going on?" Yayue was a little scared.

Their home was in ruins.

How can you not be afraid?

"No, it's okay." Aunt Tang said calmly:

"Let's go in and ask."

Mu Xue was also surprised, her first thought was made by Lu Shui.

But soon she vetoed it, and now Lu Shui didn't have this kind of strength.

So why was the Mu family suddenly razed to the ground?

"Are you back?" Mu Jiang walked over at this moment.

Aunt Tang immediately said:

"Second sister, Mu Ze he..."

She dared not ask for a moment, for fear of hearing any bad answers.

"Don't worry, he went out for a while, now on the way back, don't worry, you can call his cell phone, now you can connect." Mu Jiang said.

As soon as Mu Ze and the others fled Dutianling, they contacted them.

Fortunately, Muze and Lu Shui have no problems.

This also allowed them to demand compensation from the Lu Family in an open and honest manner.

Of course, it's not that straightforward.

"The residence has been prepared for you, and the Mu's family is going to be rebuilt.

But wait until after ancestor worship.

Don't worry about it. "Mu Jiang said.

"Lu, has Master Lu been picked up?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

She did not find the breath of Lu Shui.

"Being with your father is a more complicated matter.

I will explain to you then.

Now is here to prepare you to worship your ancestors.

Especially the three small ones. "Mu Jiang said.

Mu Xue didn't understand, what do the three small ones mean?

"Don't think too much, if Young Master Lu can go in in time," Mu Jiang did not explain too much.

Then she went to work on her.

Mu Xue didn't know her mood for a while.

You can go in again, but the home is gone.

Unlike the previous life, the Mu family was razed to the ground by Lu Shui.

But she still failed to go in to worship the ancestors.

This time, it was possible to go in, and it was not Lu Shui's hands.

But she still wanted to make a call to Lu Shui to determine the safety of Lu Shui.

Well, wait until Aunt Tang confirms that her father is okay before calling.


Lu Shui was already sitting on the train, and Aman was also thrown to Lu's house.

Randomly find someone to arrange a job for him.

Naturally such a trivial matter cannot disturb his father.

Not long after Lu Shui saw Lao Zhangren hung up the phone, he found that his cell phone was also ringing, and it was Mu Xue's call.

Lu Shui didn't pick it up immediately, drinking saliva to moisturize his throat to make sure that the injury on his body would not show through his throat.

Then Lu Shui connected the phone.

This is the first time Mu Xue used the cell phone he bought to call him.

Pay attention to it.

Soon there was Mu Xue's voice from the other side:

"Where is Master Lu now?"

"On the train." Lu Shui replied.

Then the opposite fell silent.

For about thirty seconds, Mu Xue's voice sounded again:

"Master Lu, are you on the road to Mu's house?"

"Yes." Lu Shui replied.

Then the two fell silent again.

This time it was still about thirty seconds.

"I brought back two fish for Master Lu.

Still alive," Mu Xue's voice sounded again.

Hearing this Lu Shui was silent for a long time, then he tried to ask:

"Miss Mu meant to bring me two grills?"

Mu Xue on the opposite side: "????"

How could this person be like this? She still wanted Lu Shui to boast.

It seems that there is no injury.

Otherwise, there is no heart to think about these messy things.

"Master Lu can bring more carbon, I wish Master Lu a safe journey." Then Mu Xue directly hung up the phone.

She wanted to burn Lu Shui's head with carbon.

Lu Shui accounted for himself, and it was getting more and more excessive.

Mu Xue looked at the phone and thought about it:

"Well, it's not too much, but I just want to beat him up."

Mu Xue looked at her feet and found that she hadn't been wearing socks recently.

Then he looked at his chest again.

Do you really have to use this to gag your mouth when beating?

Is it a bit abnormal?

" Mu Xue shook her head, waved away the **** thought,

"I was dizzy by Lu Shui."


Recommend a particularly good-looking book, this one is really good-looking.

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