The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 212: The law of heaven and earth, no thunder today

Life is like making a phone call, either you hang up first or I hang up first.

Lu Shui sighed inwardly and put down the phone.

Mu Xue was so rude, she actually hung up when she said she was hanging up.

Do you really think you will spoil her?


I'll care about her next time.

But where is he going to get charcoal?

I can only ask if there is any real Wu Zhenling on his body.

When Lu Shui wanted to ask, he found that his cell phone rang again.

At first glance it was his father.

He reported that he was safe.

Then Lu Shui answered the phone.

"Father, are you looking for me?" Lu Shui said in advance.

The main thing is to make a good impression first.

Soon his father's solemn voice came across:

"I heard that you destroyed the Mu's house?"

Hearing these words, Lu Shui opened his mouth without blinking his eyes, breathing without pause, and said:

"Father, I swear that Mu's house is destroyed and has nothing to do with Lu Shui.

If it matters, get struck by lightning. "

Be the first to win.

Muze: "..."

Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

Is this a bit cruel?

But soon they saw the clouds in the sky begin to disperse.

Of course, in more distant places, in the area where it was raining, the black clouds receded and the sky was clear.

Not only in one place, but also in other places.

It snows all the year round, and it is rare to see the sun shining in densely cloudy places.

As for some people who had planned to cross the Tribulation, the Jieyun immediately dissipated as soon as they condensed, and some others were about to be wiped out in the middle of the Tribulation. When he was desperate, the Jieyun disappeared.


Not long after they all got a piece of big data about the catastrophe: the catastrophe was postponed.

Countless people were dumbfounded.

There is no thunder in the world at this moment.

At this time, the other side of Lu Shui's mobile phone also fell into silence.

Lu Gu didn't know how to say his son was good for a while. He wanted to reprimand him, but he lost the reason.

Finally, Lu Gu said:

"Come back early, your mother decided to set a table for you to celebrate."

Lu Shui: "..."

What are you celebrating?

But soon Lu Shui found out that his father had hung up the phone.

These people hang up his phone at every turn.

"Master Lu is not afraid of being struck by thunder from the sky?" Mu Ze couldn't help but ask.

He knew the truth of the matter, and the destruction of Mu's family was not what other people knew at all.

Others think that the destruction of Mu's house is a half-natural disaster.

But it is not.

The destruction of Mu's family was a complete man-made disaster.

The man-made disaster caused by Lu Shui, the young master of the Lu family.

Lu Shui put away his phone and said calmly:

"Senior do you think Tianchao or Lei is more terrifying?"


Mu Ze had nothing to say for a while.

Lu Shui's words seemed to tell him that he was not afraid of the punishment of heaven, and was afraid of lightning strikes?

Think about it, this kind of people are not afraid of lightning strikes at all.

After that, Muze said nothing more.

Zhenwu Zhenling didn't expect Lu Shui to be so straightforward.

Their young masters really are not afraid of thunder, how can people who are not afraid of the catastrophe be afraid of thunder?

If Senior Mu family saw the appearance of their young master crossing the robbery, they would probably understand it completely.


Not only is their young master not afraid of lightning strikes, Lei may also be afraid of striking him.

"Do you have charcoal on your body?" Lu Shui turned to look at Zhenwu Zhenling.

Zhen Wu immediately nodded and replied:

"Some young masters also have grills."

Lu Shui: "....."

Muze: "..."

Mu Ze couldn't understand it. The Lu Family Master was not something ordinary people could try to understand.

In fact, Lu Shui is also somewhat unable to understand, why does Zhenwu and Zhenling even have this?

No matter how bad he was before, he wouldn't be so bad, right?

He was very curious that there was nothing in Zhenwu Zhenling's body.

At night, Lu Shui and the others finally arrived at Mu's house.

People from the Lu family have entered the venue, and they are calculating losses and compensation.

Although there is no need to pay them all, in order to allow Lu Shui and Mu Xue to marry smoothly in half a year, the Lu family is willing to pay both, and will use the fastest speed to restore normal here.

No way, in the face of marriage and compensation, everyone in the Lu family would not look at things other than marriage.

The elders can't wait for the prize draw anymore.

Now if it is said that because of the damage to the Mu family, it is difficult to get married temporarily, the head of the Lu family must be taken to the hall for education.

When Lu Shui got out of the station, he saw a ruin.

But it was almost cleaned up.

Mu Ze saw it too, and he sighed heavily.

This is also caused by him.

He is the sinner of the Mu family.

After that, he said goodbye to Lu Shui and went to find the head of Mu.

Lu Shui looked around, but never saw Mu Xue.

I don't know where Mu Xue went, her residence was ruined, and she didn't know where to look.

Lu Shui was stunned when he thought of this.

"Mu Xue's residence is ruined?"

That yard was left behind by Mu Xue's mother, now he has ruined it?

Without thinking about it, Lu Shui took a step forward and headed to the Mu's residence.

He walked quickly.

Zhenwu Zhenling naturally didn't understand, but he still followed.

Soon Lu Shui came to Mu Xue's residence.

Only some outlines are left here.

Mu Xue squatted on the ground with Yalin looking for something, while Ding Liang was standing behind.

"It's careless." Lu Shui sighed inwardly.

Now I can only hope that Mu Xue will not be too sad.

Soon Lu Shui approached Mu Xue, and at this time he saw that Mu Xue had found a sign.

"Sister, it seems broken." Yalin asked.

Mu Xue nodded:

"Well, Yalin just write it again."

Yalin looked embarrassed:

"But Yalin can't write."

"Sister teaches you." Mu Xue said.

Then Yalin's face was bitter, her little head seemed to have a headache.

At this time Mu Xue saw Lu Shui, she stood up and looked at Lu Shui, a little surprised:

"Master Lu is here?"

According to Mu Xue's calculation, she should arrive later, and she plans to pick up the land water.

Lu Shui was not too sad to see Mu Xue, and he was relieved.

Then said:

"I gave some extra change. The Mohists are very enthusiastic, and the speed is a little faster."

Mu Xue didn't know what to say for a while, probably this kind of thing could only be done by the Lu family alone.

But Mu Xue soon became a little curious:

"Master Lu is here to find me?"

Lu Shui should have just returned.

Mu Xue was a little happy when he thought of Lu Shui coming to look for her as soon as he came back.

But she was also worried about Lu Shui shaking her head, but the next moment Mu Xue saw Lu Shui nodding.

"I'm here to tell Miss Mu that I have brought the grill and the charcoal is ready.

When do we grill the fish? "Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue: "....."

A right punch and a right punch, beating Bian Lushui.

I don't know why, as long as he has been with Lu Shui for a long time, Mu Xue always feels that she is irritable.

I especially like beating the land.

"It's already dark, tomorrow, what do you think of Master Lu?" Mu Xue said calmly.

No matter how she wanted to beat Lushui, she would never show it.

Lu Shui nodded, naturally there was no comment.

Then he tried to ask:

"Miss Mu is going to rebuild here?"

Mu Xue nodded, then looked towards the backyard and said:

"Fortunately, the flowers in the backyard are not damaged. I will show Master Lu to see?"

Lu Shui nodded, but he also knew that Mu Xue originally valued flowers, which was okay.

When I started fighting with Mu's family in the previous life, it was a lot of trouble.

Mu Xue probably didn't have time to take care of her residence.

This life is different, this time it belongs to a natural disaster.

I will definitely care a little.

At this time Ding Liang came to Yalin and whispered:

"Ms. Yalin can stay here to play with the little monster, OK? So you don't have to learn to write today."

Yalin listened to the little head kept lighting up, and then said to Mu Xue:

"I'm waiting for my sister here."

Mu Xue touched Yalin's head, Yalin was so cute.

After that, Lu Shui and Mu Xue walked towards the backyard.

Zhenwu Zhenling didn't follow this time either.

They also want to see how this little girl plays with little monsters.


Mu Xue brought Lu Shui to the backyard, where there were many flowers.

Although some were damaged, they have all been dealt with.

It seems that Mu Xue has come here long ago.

"I heard that this natural disaster is related to Young Master Lu?" Mu Xue asked softly as she walked forward.

After hearing this, Lu Shui thought for a moment and said:

"Do you want me to compensate Miss Mu?"

Mu Xue turned her head to look at Lu Shui, then stretched her eyebrows and smiled, saying:

"No need to."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, but Mu Xue did smile happily, and she was very beautiful.

"Miss Mu is as good-looking as ever." Lu Shuxia said with consciousness.

Mu Xue was taken aback when she heard it, and then she lowered her head and stopped talking.

Just keep cheering in my heart.

She has learnt well and will never be humble. Lu Shui will definitely follow her humility and tell her that she is right.

After leaving for a while, Mu Xue asked again:

"Will Master Lu think that other beautiful women are smiling at you, and they are also pretty?"

At this moment Mu Xue was walking, not looking at Lu Shui, as if just asking casually.

Lu Shui has been walking beside Mu Xue, the distance between the two of them is not far.

If Mu Xue is willing, she can reach Lu Shui's arm.

Lu Shui did it deliberately and could attack Mu Xue, but Mu Xue seemed to be restrained very well.

It's a pity.

"Did Miss Mu said that good-looking women have a deep mind?" Lu Shui asked rhetorically.

Hearing what Lu Shui said, Muxue felt a little uncomfortable. Is this to talk about her?

"Yeah." No matter what, Mu Xue could only nod her head.

Say she just talk about her, anyway, it hasn't been a day or two for Lu Shuiqi.

After returning to meet Lu Shui, she felt angry every day.

Lu Shui touched the flowers beside him, and whispered:

"I have been out for a few days and saw many people, men and women.

But after thinking about it, I have never seen Miss Bimu pretty. "

Mu Xue was stunned, she didn't know for a moment whether she should be happy or uncomfortable.

But one thing is certain, Lu Shui praised her for her beauty.

Looks better than everyone.

Lu Guoguoran liked her.

She also likes land water.

Just thinking of this, Mu Xue paused, then looked at Lu Shuidao:

"Young Master Lu is out, always staring at other Miss Fairy?"

Lu Shui: "..."

Then Lu Shui chose to skip this topic. He looked at the ruins and said:

"How does Miss Mu plan to rebuild this place?"

"The same as before." Mu Xue said.

Yes, it's just the same. Her mother used to live in this yard, and her mother has always planted flowers.

Planted while pregnant with her.

So it's good if the flowers are still there.

The last life was razed by Lu Shui, and she could only transplant some back to Lu's family.

It's also okay.

After all, she was Lu Shui's wife, and Lu Shui was the first to help her, and she had to stand with Lu Shui.

This life Mu's family was ruined by Lu Shui again. Although she hadn't married Lu Shui yet, her position was still on Lu Shui's side.

Fiancee is also wife.

So she won't let Lu Shui pay, and hers is Lu Shui's.

Fortunately, the Mu's staff did not lose, otherwise she would have no face to return to the Mu's house.

And the Lu family still lost all this time.

Thinking of this, Mu Xue curiously said:

"Will Master Lu be blamed by the family?"

In the previous life, the talent was amazing, and the Lu family was too happy to be happy. In this life, Lu Shui is not a genius, he must be punished, right?

"Miss Mu is worrying too much. I swear to my dad that it has nothing to do with me. My dad believes it.

After all, we are father and son. "Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue: "..."

She always felt that Lu Shui was proud.

Lu Shui's father has no evidence, so there must be no way to deal with him.

And he swears, and he was not struck by lightning.

No, he can take an oath.

At this time, Lu Shui looked at Hua and thought of his yard.

He remembered that in his previous life, there were some flowers in his yard, and there were also some flowers outside of the yard, all of which were planted by Muxue.

When are the flowers in the yard?

He did it after he did the Mu's family, right?

He asked Mu Xue, and she said it was transplanted by Mu's family, and her mother had planted it before.

So this is the flower here?

"Miss Mu." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said:

"Can some of the flowers here be transplanted to my yard?"

After hearing Lu Shui's request, Mu Xue was a little surprised, and then smiled very sweetly and beautifully:

"Okay, listen to Master Lu."


On the floating island where Xian Ting is located.

The five people gathered together again.

However, the figure belonging to the Demon Sword Slayer was a little fuzzy, and it was caused by his injury.

"The plan failed?" the leader asked.

This is an ad hoc meeting. After all, the Mu’s plan is just around the corner, and they won’t start the meeting if it’s okay.

The person who proposed the meeting is naturally the Demon Sword Slayer.

But the Demon Sword Slayer was also injured.

Many people have guessed, and the most direct is the failure of the plan.

"I heard that the Mu's house was destroyed, it may be because of this." Someone said suddenly.

"The Mu family was destroyed? What's going on?" Gao Yuan was a little surprised.

Listening to Yun Xi curiously said:

"What happened?"

The others all looked at the Demon Sword Slayer, and the Demon Sword Slayer sighed:

"It's the patio."

Everyone was shocked.

Then they listened to the Demon Sword Slayer and talked about it.

"So Lu Shui caused all this? He won't die, will he?" Gao Yuan asked.

If Lu Shui died, how much did they lose this time?

The follow-up plan was directly disrupted.

"I didn't see the Lu family fighting, Lu Shui should be still alive." Someone said immediately.

"Are you sure that the star was born, and then you were in the right position?" the person in the lead asked when looking at the Demon Sword Slayer.

"What is the reverse star position?" Listening to Yun Xi asked.

In fact, she didn't even know that the star was born.

Demon Sword Slayer shook his head:

"I don't know what it is, but when the patio goes dark, crimson stars appear.

That kind of ruinous breath makes people feel distressed.

But the right position is absolutely true, and this kind of news I got from Xingsi Xianjun's relic.

At that time, Ni Xing seemed to activate the message of Xing Si Xianjun's relic. "

Regarding the things left by Xianji Xianjun, other people can't question, they actually don't know that there is such a function.

It seems that Xiansi Xianjun used this as a heritage.

Relatively speaking, it is also a good thing for Xian Ting.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"That person really survived the punishment of heaven?" the headed person said again.

Others care too.

God's punishment, this thing is rarer than anything else.

Because there are few things in this world that will usher in heavenly punishment, no matter how talented people are, they will not usher in heavenly punishment.

Only those who rebel against the world will be able to usher in the punishment of heaven and earth.

This thing is used to obliterate the existence of irregularities.

How terrible its lethality is, you don't have to think about it.

Because you can't think of it.

But some people faced the punishment and survived.

Why is it not surprising?

The Demon Sword Slayer nodded:

"It's true."

Everyone was silent again for a while.

"Is there any news about him?" the leader asked again.

Demon Sword Slayer shook his head.

He didn't dare to try to pursue that person's position at all, the possibility of approaching him would be destruction.

"Don't worry about this person for the time being, he should have gone to go against the stars, and has no direct relationship with us.

Don't have any conflicts if you encounter them.

The Mu family also temporarily gave up, because the Lu family's young master did the matter, and the Lu family should enter the venue to solve the problem.

This time passed, and once the Lu family heard the wind, it would not be worth the loss. "The leader said.

Others naturally understand that not to mention that the Mu family does not necessarily have their goals.

Even if there were any abnormalities, the Lu family would inevitably intervene.

They can't control what will happen then.

"Waiting for the next chance at Mu's family, let's check other places first." The leader continued.

"Then you want to try Lu Shui?" Demon Sword Slayer asked.

"What do you think?" The leader looked at the others.

This kind of thing is controversial, so it is natural to find a suitable method.

"It's not suitable for the time being, and it's not too late to try again later.

After all, I don't know where Lu Shui is.

If you go back to Lu's house, you will naturally not be able to get close. If you go to Mu's house again, it will go against the original plan.

So wait for the opportunity. "Someone said.

Others have no more opinions.

So this is the final comment.

The Demon Sword Slayer nodded:

"When I recover from the injury, I will leave."

For Xian Ting this time, there was no loss.

So there is nothing to say.

"By the way, do you have news about Tianji Building recently?" Gao Yuan asked suddenly.

He is busy with his business, but has been looking for Tianji Building, but there is no clue.

This time, the secret building did not know where it disappeared.

It's the same as the world has evaporated.

"I seem to have heard that someone has met him in the realm of demons, but it's hard to say whether he is actually there or not.

Moreover, the magic repair ground is too large, which is also equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. "Listening Yun Xi said.

"I'll try it." Gao Yuan said.

Afterwards they exchanged some more news, mainly for the awakening of the other immortals. Although the immortal monarch does not exist for the time being, there are still other immortals.

These must also be cautious.

Otherwise, if you fall like Huaxian, you will lose a lot.

When talking about this, many people think of Liuhuo.

They decided to intensify their efforts to guard against stray fire.


"Sure not to stay for a while? You Dongfang has nothing to do recently, right?" Lu Gu said to Dongfang Yeming and others at the door of the Lu family.

Dongfang Yeming and Mu Jin decided to return to Dongfang's home overnight.

His face has turned pale after being at Lu's house these days.

Although the cultivation base has been supplemented, it is really terrible to stay any longer.

Especially hibiscus.

She is a fairy cook.

She wanted to die every day with the devastation of her sister-in-law's dishes.

She has taught countless times, countless.

It didn't take long since she married into Dongfang's family, and it has been hundreds of years till now.

How could this mouth be similar to her daughter.

Even if the Dongfang family doesn't have the talent of fairy chefs, why do they like to cook?

Dongfang Yeming didn't want to say anything, he still overestimated his ability to bear it.

Originally, it seemed that the patriarch of the Lu family was fine, so he shouldn't have a big problem.

Now I think he is too naive to eat his wife's meal. Isn't it fragrant?

"No, it's rare that there are no children in the Lu family. Let's keep it. Doesn't it affect the world of your husband and wife?" Dongfang Yeming said that he was thinking about you.

"Are your brother and sister-in-law so kind?" Dongfang Liyin asked while looking at the two people.

Mujin and Dongfang Yeming nodded very tacitly.

They are very concerned about the happiness of the younger sister.

"We came to see Chacha this time. Now Chacha has gone to Qiujing Palace, we should also go back." Dongfang Yeming said.

Dongfang Chacha had just been promoted, although the cultivation base was hidden by them.

But she likes singles so much, she was thrown directly to the Qiujing Palace.

Dongfang Family still has some friendship with Qiujinggong.

So let the people over there take care of it, and it won't be a problem.

What's more, there just happened to be a big comparison over there, and it would be no problem for Cha Cha to try it out.

"It's better to be a girl, so I won't go out and razing other people's homes." Lu Gu sighed.

Dongfang Liyin smiled, her son was a little bit naughty.

Then he said to her brother and sister-in-law:

"Why not let Chacha stay? It's okay to let her beat her cousin."

Dongfang Yeming smiled:

"My little nephew may not have a good cultivation level, but Chacha can't keep up with her cousin.

Either be beaten or pitted.

I can't count the number of times.

Fight again?

It doesn't matter who hits anyone. "

Lu Gu: "..."

Dongfang Liyin: "..."

Their son has beaten his cousin, it seems to be too much.

Dongfang Liyin felt even more so, after all, her brother had never beaten her since childhood.

Now her son is starting to beat his cousin, and he shouldn't look at it.

And Cha Cha is very cute.

Dongfang Liyin completely forgot that he punished Chacha twice.

After that, Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin sent Dongfang Yeming and Mujin away.

Lu Gu felt it was a pity.

"What are you looking at? Can't bear my brother?" Dongfang Li Yin asked when he approached Lu Gu.

"Hey, it's rare to meet a confidant." Lu Gu sighed.

Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Gu, then stood on tiptoe and touched Lu Gu's nose with his forehead and said:

"Then what am I?"

"It's my other half." Lu Gu touched Dongfang Li Yin's forehead, as if worried that his wife's forehead would hurt.

Dongfang Liyin looked happy, but she felt that Lu Gu's answer was not good:

"It's only half?"

"Of course." Lu Gu helped Dongfang Li Yin stroke his hair and said:

"How can one survive without the other"

"So you can't live without me?" Dongfang Li Yin leaned forward to Lu Gu, waiting for Lu Gu nodded solemnly.

"Of course." Lu Gu nodded with a smile and replied.

"So I can't live without you." Dongfang Li Yin looked at Lu Gu with blurred eyes.


Then Dongfang Li Yinwan Lugu walked to his residence.

"Patriarch, did I grab your stomach? That's why you can't live without me?"

"..., yes, I caught it, it hurts a little bit."

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