The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 234: The beginning of the fall of the true god

Lu Shui did not answer Zhenwu's question immediately.

But slowly walk in the front.

He thought about it next:

"This thing involves the Mist City, you don't understand how it came into being.

As for what they are..."

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhenwu and the others:

"They are nothing."

Zhenwu and they were a little puzzled.

Lu Shui turned his head and continued to move forward:

"You can't see them, you can't perceive them, you can't communicate with them, it's not that they are hidden, but that they are nothing.

People are called one of them because they were also people before. "

After hearing these Zhenwu, they had a clear understanding, but they were extremely puzzled.

"Then what's their status now? Why did they do this?" Zhenling asked.

Lu Shui did not answer, but continued to move forward.

Why do you do this?

A mental illness stares at you suddenly. Why do you think he does this?

However, pitch black belongs to the capital of the mist, and few people can come out alive once they encounter it.

It's just that the process of dying is very long.

The process from being to nothing.

In the end, only footsteps remain.

"If you want to know their specific situation, you have to know the Mist City." Lu Shui left this sentence and didn't intend to say more.

In the Mist City, the entire cultivation world can't understand much.

Few people can fully understand the Mist City.

He could do it in his previous life, but he didn't do it.

The Capital of the Mist couldn't let him overcome the problems, and there was no need to understand.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling did not speak, understand the Mist City?

The entire cultivation world can't understand it.

But they are curious, how much their young master knows about the capital of the mist.

With the behavior that their young master just showed, he should know it well.

Go into the depths of darkness, then light up the light, then wait for the sound of footsteps to arrive, and finally fish out Lefeng and them.

People who don't know the Mist City can't do this at all.

People who know can't do it.

So they can't guess how much their young master knows.

"Tell me what's here." Lu Shui's voice rang again.

This is the main purpose of Lu Shui here.

When Lu Shui asked, Le Feng immediately said:

"We learned one thing from some adventurous practitioners.

In ancient times, there may be a secret hidden in the Misty Islands. This secret is said to be related to that era.

So let's try our luck. At first, we thought that this place should be similar to Misty Island, at best the scenery is different.

Facts have proved to be different. "

Lu Shui stopped, then looked at Lefeng said:

"Where did you hear this news?"

"A cave in the deep sea is said to be the resting place of a certain senior, and we need to find out more about it," Le Feng said.

He naturally thought of that place, but the other party refused to say, worried that he would grab the treasure.

So he can't ask more.

"Then the secret you said is in this place?" Lu Shui asked.

At this time he started walking in the passage again, and he saw nothing along the way.

"This..." Le Feng shook his head:

"We don't know where it is. According to our clue, it is an ancient and peculiar building.

It is a relatively unique scenery, and you can basically recognize it at a glance.

The buildings in the lake we saw before should be. "

Lu Shui didn't speak, he could be sure that this was the secret location Lefeng said.

But they don't know what secrets are there, or the owner of Deep Sea Cave Mansion might not know.

Lu Shui walked forward for a long time, but he seemed to be standing still.

They also noticed Zhenwu Zhenling.

The road here is not normal.

They naturally feel Lefeng.

But Lu Shui leads the way, and they naturally follow.

After a while, they saw changes in the surrounding scenes, as if the channel itself was accelerating, as if they were stepping on an accelerator.

The surrounding stone walls are retreating frantically.

This situation only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

At this time, Lu Shui stopped and had already arrived.

The land water now stands at the end of the passage. In front of the passage, there is a huge space.

There is a high platform in the space.

There is a huge stone table on the high platform.

This stone table is not an ordinary stone, but a clear glazed stone.

There seems to be the sea of ​​stars hidden in the stone.

On the side of the stone table, there are several chairs.

"Where is this place?" Nie Hao asked softly.

Of course he was talking to himself, and no one planned to answer his questions.

It is true that no one will answer him, because no one knows where it is.

Lu Shui walked over, but stopped halfway, and said by the way:

"You retreat to the passage."

Zhenwu Zhenling was puzzled, but he retired as soon as possible, the music style was faster, and he knew enough about many things.

There are some things without the slightest hesitation.

So he pulled Nie Hao back directly.

After a while, they retreated into the passage.

And at this moment, a power suddenly appeared in the inner space, and this power was a little hard to look at.

It seems that as long as you see it, you will suffer endless damage.

"Don't look." Le Feng said immediately.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling naturally felt it too, and immediately bowed his head without looking inside.

"What is this?" Nie Hao was puzzled.

"Some powers are not something that regular monks like us can watch, let alone touch powers, if they don't quit.

It's hard to say whether we will have an accident. "Le Feng explained.

"The top of the immortal, here was originally provided for the existence of the top of the immortal to enter." Zhenwu said.

Lefeng and others are a little unbelievable.

What the **** is this place?


Lu Shui looked at the high platform ahead, he didn't care about the power here.

This power is only excluding those who are not qualified.

However, this power is no longer the same, it has been weakened a lot.

Lu Shui walked up the stairs step by step.

The material here is not simple at all, let alone the current one, even the top of the fairy can not smash these high platform stone steps.

"Very generous."

Before long, Lu Shui came to the high platform, and he saw a special pattern corresponding to each chair.

I walked in and took a look, and found that the pattern itself was filled with terrifying power.

In order to counter this power, Lu Shui could only use the power of heaven and earth.

He quickly saw the pattern.

It is a distorted pattern, as if the original pattern was distorted and lost its original appearance.

Lu Shui didn't understand what the pattern represented, but he didn't care much.

He set his eyes on the middle piece of jade.

This jade looked very primitive, but Lu Shui knew that it was not ordinary jade.

"Record it?"

Lu Shui naturally recognized the role of this jade.

Yes, this is a piece of jade for recording.

"Hope the record is perfect."

Lu Shui was looking forward to it. He wanted to see what these people gathered here and what they wanted to do.

With so many seats, only the top of the fairy tale can come in, so it's not a trivial matter to look at it.


With a snap of fingers, the power of Lu Shui activated the jade.

Then an aperture spread out, this aperture spread to the entire stone table, this is the recording range.

Lu Shui stood there, looking around, when he found someone sitting in the uppermost position.

That position should be where the initiator sits.

There was a stone slab in front of the man at this time.

Lu Shui frowned. There was no slate on the stone table, so the slate was taken away?

Lu Shui turned and walked to the top position. He wanted to see if the contents of the slate had been recorded.


Lu Shui saw the stone slab, but did not see any text from it.

But he didn't care either, but waited for the personnel to arrive.

As for their faces, they couldn't see clearly.

At this time the second person came, and he sat in a chair at random.

"I didn't expect you to be the first to come." The man at the top said.

The man didn't care about this question, but curiously said:

"How many people did you invite?"

"Seven, or eight, you can guess at will." The person at the top smiled.

The second person did not speak, but remained silent.

It is recorded that he is wearing a flaming red suit and is a male.

Then someone sat on the chair one after another, none of them spoke, as if they were all waiting.

Lu Shui stood on the side, and was also waiting.

After a long time, six people sat on the table.

"It seems that other people will not come, then let's start." The man at the top said.

Lu Shui looked at all this, he didn't know what these people were discussing, but it wasn't easy how to look at it.

There is no weak person here.

At this time someone spoke:

"Is what you said is really possible?"

"Even though the true **** is declining, she is still the true god, and she, with the godhead, is immortal, living with the heavens and the earth."

"I don't mention what the above said, the undead and the siren are also big problems."

"It's not everyone who wants her to fall, and she has no chance of winning the battle."

Lu Shui frowned. Although these people didn't directly ask the question, they could still hear what they meant.

These people gather together to kill the gods?

"They wanted to kill Jiu?" Lu Shui didn't expect that these people were for this.

"So did it succeed or fail? Or does the Fall of the True God have a direct relationship with them?"

Lu Shui doesn't know, but he will know if he continues to read it.

"That's because you don't understand the existence of the true god, the true **** is invincible in this world, and it is also fragile." The person at the top said.

"What do you mean?" someone asked.

"The secret of the true god?" someone asked again.

The person at the top did not directly answer these questions, but said:

"The secret of the true **** requires you to find out when you are strong enough. Now let me tell you how to make the true **** fall."

Lu Shui looked at the picture, and when he wanted to continue listening to the follow-up, the picture suddenly appeared unstable, as if some force was interfering with the recording.

"Can't record it?" Lu Shui frowned.

The true **** of heaven and earth is protected by heaven and earth, can't these things be recorded?

After a long time, the picture stabilized again.

Everyone was silent at this time, as if they were digesting the news they had received, and perhaps they were shocked by the news.

The one at the top pressed the stone slab in front and said:

"Everyone, check and leave."

At this time a man stood up:

"Xian Ting, Xian Mu."

A person beside Xianmu also stood up:

"Ming Tu, Luo Sansheng."

Then the third person stood up, but before Lu Shui waited for the other person to speak, his brows suddenly frowned, and he stepped back away from the high platform.

boom! ! !

At the moment when Lu Shui retreated from the high platform, a icy breath directly covered the high platform, and then the power of destruction exploded in an instant.


The ice shattered, and the piece of jade shattered along with it.

Lu Shui looked at the power ahead and was silent.

This is not a conventional power. Someone stores a powerful force and then brings it in.

This can indeed avoid entering the Mist City, but playing twice more is equivalent to provoking the Mist City, and the end will definitely be miserable.

As for the jade, he can't move it, and it will be destroyed if it moves, and roughly he already knows that destruction will have little effect.

"Ice Sea Goddess?" Lu Shui said at this time.

He stared at the high platform, and a female figure had appeared on the high platform.

It is the Apostle of the Ice Sea.

The Ice Sea Apostle ignored the land and water, but checked nearby, and found that she did not see the second item.

The first is the jade record, because she could not recover it, she could only destroy it by hand.

And the second one is the list.

But there is no list here.

Then she looked at Lu Shui.

The moment she saw Lu Shui, she was stunned.

"Lu Family, Lu Shui?" The Binghai Apostle was a little surprised.

She never thought that the person who came would be Lu Shui of the Lu family.

Of course, Lu Shui was actually even more surprised. Most people didn't know him. After all, the Qiao family who brought Qiao Ye here didn't know him.

This shows that the range of people who know him is actually very small.

But the Ice Sea Apostle, who was far in the West, called his name accurately.

How could this make him unsurprising?

"You actually know me?" Lu Shui became interested.

Therefore, it is indeed not only the Sun Temple for the Lu Family, but the seven temples are all the same.

His Lu Shui's name may have been put on their table.

Is it related to the apocalypse?

Lu Shui had some guesses in his mind.

"Have you taken the list?" The Ice Sea Apostle looked at Lu Shui and asked.

"List?" Lu Shui suddenly thought of the slate.

So that slate recorded the list of people coming?

I haven't finished listening just now. If there is a chance to meet the slate, he can take a look at it by the way.

Seeing Lu Shui's rhetorical question, Binghai's apostle frowned.

If she gets the list, she will leave as soon as possible, and will ignore Lu Shui.

After all, this person can't be killed, at most an education.

In order to complete the oracle, she will not take risks.

However, now that the oracle cannot be completed, things are most likely to be on the person in front of him.

Therefore, she must not do it.

"The thing you take from here, give it to me, I won't hurt you." The Ice Sea Apostle warned.

Lu Shui took a step back and said:

"If I said I didn't take anything, would you believe it?"

"Give me the storage magic weapon, and take off your clothes by the way." The Ice Sea Apostle stretched out his hand.

Lu Shui: "..."

It seemed that the other party really didn't want to do anything to me, Lu Shui was a little surprised.

So what happened to the Son of the Sun?

"Can you tell me why you didn't do it to me?" Lu Shui asked.

The Ice Sea Apostle frowned. Looking at the landing water, she exuded the existing power to prevent the land from escaping, and then she said in a low voice:

"Lu Jialu Wuwei is so powerful, our Ice Sea Temple understands it."

"If I didn't do what you said, would you do it yourself?" Lu Shui asked again.

"Yes, if it's not on you, I still won't kill you, so you'd better cooperate.

Except for the list, I don't want anything else. "The Ice Sea Apostle looked at Lu Shui, she had already begun to approach Lu Shui.

She felt that it was impossible for Lu Shui to cooperate without using any means.

"There are two more questions. Are you destroying these things to erase the black history of your only true God killing God?" Lu Shui did not retreat this time, and it was no longer necessary.

The other party secretly prevented him from escaping, and he was worried that the other party would escape.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." The Ice Sea Apostle moved a little further, her strength gathering.

Lu Shui looked at the Binghai Apostle, not caring about the power gathered by the other party.

"The last question." Lu Shui whispered after the other party's attention came to him.

"The reason why you haven't done anything to me, have you seen the book of Revelation?"

The Binghai Apostle who heard these words suddenly stopped, and his expression was even more surprised.

She didn't hide her expression at all, and looked at Lu Shui in disbelief.

Lu Shui looked at the other person's expression and came to a conclusion in an instant.

So, he does have a direct or indirect relationship with the book of Revelation.

This relationship leads to the people of the gods, can't kill him?

The Son of the Sun just wants to suppress him?

Lu Shui didn't know the specific content of the book of Revelation, but he also had a general understanding.

Of course, it would be great to know more from this population in the future.

"Where did you hear about this?" The Ice Sea Apostle looked at Lu Shui coldly.

Maybe she didn't care too much before, but now it's different, she will never let Lu Shui escape here.

Even if she didn't kill Lu Shui, she would take Lu Shui back to the temple and give it to the goddess.

From the moment Lu Shui knew about the beginning of the Apocalypse, this incident was no longer commonplace.

"Now you, will you still let me go?" Lu Shui didn't move, just looked at each other.

"Yes, it's impossible for me to let you go. It doesn't matter whether you answer or not, and it doesn't matter whether the slate is in your hands or not.

I will take you to the temple.

You'd better not have other ideas, or with your strength, I can't guarantee you will lack arms and legs. "Speaking, the Ice Sea Apostle began to quickly approach the land water.

The power of Tier 5 burst out instantly.

There is no meaning to underestimate the enemy at all.

As if worried about what powerful magic weapon the other party would come up with.

However, in her sense, it is impossible to fail in the capture of Lushui.

Her power had already spread all around, and Lu Shui had no way of retreating.

Then the Ice Sea Apostle stretched out her hand and was about to touch the land water. For safety, she planned to freeze the land water in this way, and then take him back to the temple.

As long as she meets it, let alone a second-order, even a fifth-order is useless.

Her hand was only half a step away from Lu Shui's shoulder, but when she thought she would touch Lu Shui in the next moment, Lu Shui, which should have been unable to move, suddenly took a step back.

Seeing this scene, Ice Sea Apostle's pupils shrank:

"How can it be?"

What made the Ice Sea Apostle incomprehensible was that when Lu Shui took a step back, he suddenly raised a hand, and this hand came directly into her palm, as if to directly oppose the power in her hand.

"I can't help myself." The Ice Sea Apostle gritted his teeth and increased his strength.

No matter what magic weapon Lu Shui has, there will be no accidents this time.

In the next instant, her power touched Lu Shui's hand, and she, who should have been happy, was suddenly stunned.

Her power could not pass through the power growing in Lu Shui's palm.

For some reason, she felt that she was facing an airtight wall, and she couldn't really touch the water at all.

There is no magic breath, no power fluctuations.

how can that be?

"Are you surprised?" Lu Shui said at this moment:

"You of Tier 5, where on earth can your confidence take me away?"

When the voice fell, Lu Shui directly punched out with his other hand.

boom! ! !

The huge force directly knocked the Ice Sea Apostle away.

This blow did not cause much damage to the opponent. At the last moment, the Ice Sea Apostle blocked the bombardment of Lu Shui.

Lu Shui didn't move, but waited for the other party to be surprised, and waited for what the other party would do.

It is impossible for him to ask the other party what the book of Revelation records.

The people of the gods and Buddhism are the most difficult to question.

You can try Xian Ting.

"You're not Tier 2?" The Ice Sea Apostle looked at Lu Shui with horror in his eyes.

You know, whether it is the gods, the fairy court, or the Buddhist school, everyone has confirmed that Lu Shui only has a waste.

A waste that made the whole Lu family helpless.

Waste that everyone despise.

However, this trash flew her Tier 5 and One punch, blocking her full attack at will.

Is this waste?

No, this is deceit, this is a lie.

The Lu family deceived everyone, and everyone was deceived by this lie.

"I seem to be the second-order, but I have never admitted that I am the second-order." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

He was not in a hurry.

"What is your cultivation base?" The Ice Sea Apostle looked at Lu Shui. She wanted to know the specifics. She had a feeling in her heart.

She worried that this feeling was true.

That is something that everyone fears.

But she still didn't believe it, it was absolutely impossible.

"4.3, it should be 4.4 in two days." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

When Lu Shui answered the question, the Ice Sea Apostle had already moved.

She directly attacked Lushui. This time she did not choose a close combat, but instead mobilized the surrounding forces to besiege Lushui.

Lu Shui ignored the whole body, but took a step forward. It was time to verify the results of body training.

At the moment when the land water moved, countless ice sheets covered the land water. These ice sheets carried a terrible chill, as if to directly extinguish the fire of life on the land water.

However, when these ice approached the land water, what was ushered in was the fist of land water.


boom! !

boom! ! !

The explosion sounded constantly, and the ice sheet was rapidly Not long after, Lu Shui broke through all the ice sheets, his fist intent spread all over the space, and all the ice sheets shattered directly at the moment they appeared.

Lu Shui stood there, and when he stepped forward again, the surrounding space appeared turbulent, as if countless fists were falling like raindrops, and everything would be attacked by his fists.


The Ice Sea Apostle was knocked out directly.

She looked at Lu Shui in disbelief, but there was not the slightest despair in her eyes, as if smiling:

"Is it the only way?"


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