The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 235: Wrong, everyone is wrong

After hearing the words of the Binghai Apostle, Lu Shui was puzzled.

"You mean, my level is not enough to kill you?"

The Ice Sea Apostle looked at the landing water and said:

"Now I want to kill you."

Lu Shui didn't move. At the age of twenty, he could defeat her, a Tier 5 pinnacle powerhouse, but wouldn't it be enough to shake her mind?

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

As long as he loses his mind, it is possible for him to hear the subconscious whispers.

Only in this way can we have a certain chance to know other things.

"Are there any other players?" Lu Shui frowned.

Only soon he felt it, just like the strength before.

It belongs to the power of the goddess of ice sea.

Lu Shui did not hesitate at all and began to retreat.

This power is definitely not something he can resist now.

"You backed up, it seems you felt it." When the Ice Sea Apostle spoke, a breath appeared in her hand, which turned into a stream of water and turned into an ice sword.

The Ice Sea Apostle held this sword in her hand, and she raised it with difficulty.

When the sword was lifted by her, the unconventional power began to spread all around, as if the space could not bear this power.

Is she really going to kill me?

Lu Shui had some accidents, and he obviously didn't intend to kill him before.

"Master Lu, now you, can you withstand this blow? I don't believe you can withstand it." The Ice Sea Apostle gritted his teeth and spoke with difficulty.

It's just that she is a little hard to control this power, and she has a feeling that the city of mist will lock her at any time, and she must use this power as soon as possible.


The ice sword began to fall, and the terrible cold air seemed to obliterate the space.

Lu Shui could clearly feel that he would not be able to withstand this sword if he did not retreat.

"Zhen Wu." Lu Shui's voice joined the power of heaven and earth, and it was directly transmitted:


Zhenwu, who was waiting outside, suddenly heard Lu Shui's voice. He couldn't pay attention to what was inside, nor could he hear the voice inside.

So the four of them didn't even know what happened inside.

But now Lu Shui suddenly said he wanted fragments, Zhen Wu didn't hesitate at all, and directly threw all the fragments in his body.

Because Lu Shui didn't say how much he wanted, he naturally threw everything in.

What happened inside?

He wanted to know, Zhen Ling wanted to know too, and Le Feng and others naturally wanted to know more, but they couldn't check it.

Checking will bring a huge crisis.

Lu Shui took the debris for the first time.

He took the shards, looked at the ice sea with a sword, and said calmly:

"Let your power use it."


Outside the Misty Islands.

"Did you say that there will be news from the Sect Master here?" Li Qianchi looked at the Misty Islands and asked He Yuye next to him.

He Yuye shook his head:

"It's hard to have. The suzerain has been missing for so many years, and the news basically doesn't exist, but it's good to try your luck.

In case there is news from the suzerain. "

Speaking, He Yuye looked around, she was a little regretful.

"What are you looking for?" Li Qianchi was puzzled.

"Look for a dog." He Yuye said casually.

"Are you trying to talk about shit? You can actually." Li Qianchi reminded me kindly.

He Yuye glanced at Li Qianchi, then hehehe.

She didn't want to speak.

"But it looks like a lot of people gathered here, but no one dared to come near.

It seems that the rumors are true that the Misty Islands have the core characteristics of the Misty Capital.

We can't go in either. "Li Qianchi said.

After hesitating, Li Qianchi tried to say:

"You said we go in, will the Sovereign save us?"

"Don't you know if you try?" He Yuye said.

"Go ahead, if you lose, I will live streaming shit, you can't see it, I can burn the video to you." Li Qianchi said.

"Haha." He Yuye looked indifferent.

Then she took out a bone and threw it behind.

Li Qianchi glanced at it and curiously said:

"What is it this time?"

He Yuye looked at Li Qianchi and said with a smile:

"you guess."

Li Qianchi: "..."

Then he rushed to the bone without saying a word.

The more He Yuye didn't say anything, the more precious things became, with a smile on his face.

Guessed wrong, he eats **** on the spot.

He Yuye ignored Li Qianchi, but stared at the front, she seemed to want to see the situation inside.

But because of her strength, she couldn't see through the mist of the Misty Islands at all.

This is the mist that represents the misty city, let alone her, people who are around can't see through it.

But not many people came here.

Apart from the supreme kendo, there is basically nothing worth robbing.

Regarding the situation in the Mist City, I know it all, and others have no way of knowing it.

So there is nothing to care too much about.

In the fairy garden, the powerful came Demon Sword Slayer, he heard that Lu Shui was coming, so he came here in person.

He wanted to test whether the things left by Xing Si Xianjun would react to Lu Shui.

Check once more, it's always correct.

And at this moment, above the Misty Islands, a powerful sword intent suddenly appeared. The appearance of this sword intent caused the sword of the Demon Sword Slayer to tremble.

"Supreme Sword?" The Demon Sword Slayer was a little surprised.

To be honest, if he can, he also wants supreme kendo, but he is destined to be unable to enter.

But I didn't expect to see Supreme Kendo so soon.

Many people who have not yet entered are somewhat surprised. The Supremacy Kendo suddenly appears, which makes them suspect that someone has taken the lead.


"Brother, what is this?" Jian Luo looked up at Gaokong, there was a kind of fear in her heart, and the knife in her hand even trembled.

"Supreme Sword." Jian Luo looked up at the sky, a sword intent exuded from his body. Although the sword intent was trembling, he did not flinch.

This is the sword of the sword, the way of the sword.

He has a sword in his heart, a sword that can hold him upright.

Chuyu looked at Jianqi and found that Jianqi was really powerful.

But he knew that Jianqi hadn't grasped the invincible sword yet, and when he could hold it, the future of Jianqi would be limitless.

He listened to what the big eastern guy said.

Thinking about the way he was still searching at this time, he naturally saw the supreme kendo, but he just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Qiao Gan and Qiao Yun also saw it.

"How come the supreme kendo suddenly appeared again? Is there something abnormal?" Qiao Yun was a little puzzled.

Qiao Gan looked at the sky, and if the supreme kendo really appeared due to some anomaly this time, it must have something to do with land and water.

What can be done is to try not to know the details.

The less you know, the safer you are.

"Auntie, let's meet up with the uncle and them as soon as possible." Qiao Gan said.

Qiao Yun nodded, she still sighed inwardly.

Qiao Gan has changed, and only promises, loses his heart, only knows to avoid blindly.

I thought that this time I could help him fight for the supreme kendo, but this kind of personality, even with the supreme kendo, didn't have enough xinxing to match it.

"Sister, sister, I tried my best." Qiao Yun sighed inwardly.

Her sister is getting weaker and weaker in Qiao's house, especially recently severely injured, and her cultivation base is getting lower and lower.

Qiao Qian and Qiao Qian are her only support.

Qiao Qian is okay, but Qiao Qian is almost hopeless.

Then they plan to find someone to meet.

However, just as they were about to leave, Supreme Sword Dao suddenly burst out with endless rays of light.

The terrifying sword intent suddenly became bitter, as if the sky had been split with a sword, and this sword could suppress everyone on the island.

Qiao Yun looked at the sword in the sky in horror. She felt that as long as the sword fell, the entire Misty Islands might no longer exist.

At this time, people outside also saw this shocking sword that suddenly appeared.

"What happened? Supreme Kendo was activated? Impossible, right?" Li Qianchi looked at the sky over the Misty Islands with some surprise.

That terrible sword, as if ready to go, would kill everyone in the Misty Isles at any time.

"You can see clearly, it seems that someone is trying to hold a sword." He Yuye was also a little unbelievable.

Not just them, everyone outside is like this, everyone can feel the terrible sword of the day and the earth.

The supreme kendo completely surpassed their vision.

The most terrifying part of the sword is to attack.

"It seems that there is a hand trying to cover this sword."

"I feel it, but my eyes don't see it."

"Someone has won the favor of Supreme Kendo so soon?"

Many people didn't want to believe it, but at this time an invisible hand was holding the supreme sword impressively.

He raised the sword, as if to cut it down with a sword.

The sword rises and the sword is crossed, the world is moved, and all the strong keep retreating.

Lest this sword affect them.

No one was qualified to resist this terrible sword.

But no one knows to whom this sword is going to be swung.

In the internal space, there are six fragments floating around Lu Shui, and these fragments surround it, as if opening a channel for him to communicate with a certain force.

At this time, the supreme sword intent fell from the outside, and the sword intent fell in front of Lu Shui.

It is invisible and intangible, as if it is here, but no one can hold it.

Lu Shui did not hesitate at all, but reached out to Jianyi.

Now that Binghai Yijian is approaching, there is no time for him to hesitate.

The Ice Sea Apostle naturally also saw the sword intent of the supreme kendo, but is this sword intent an ordinary thing?

It is impossible to use it.

But soon she was stunned.

She saw Lu Shui's hand reaching for the sword intent, and saw the sword intent converging in Lu Shui's palm, but in the blink of an eye, a sword appeared in Lu Shui's hand.

Supreme Kendo actually took the initiative to cooperate with the landing water.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

At this time her sword has fallen, no matter what, she will never lose.

Lu Shui looked up at the upcoming Binghai Sword. He gently waved the sword in his hand and said calmly:

"Life and death, a sword."

At this moment the sword intent fell, black and white light alternated, and the supreme sword intent burst away.

The Ice Sea Apostle was directly enveloped by this sword, and the Ice Sea Apostle, who felt the terrifying sword of this sword, showed a trace of panic in his eyes.

It's not just Ice Sea Apostle.

The entire Misty Islands are shrouded in this terrifying sword.

It seems that all things will judge life and death under this sword.

Everyone outside the archipelago is at large, and the strong and the weak, no one dares to stand still.

It seemed that as long as he was overtaken by this black and white sword intent, he would face judgment of life and death.

No one dares to use his life to bet whether there is danger.

"This is too horrible. What's wrong with this world? How come I recently encountered something that we can't control." Li Qianchi barked his teeth with a bone in his mouth.

Although the voice is not clear, He Yuye can still understand it.

"The sky has changed, Xian Ting has jumped out, Daluo Xianjun can be killed, and the sun **** can fall, what are we?" He Yuye sighed.

"I really want to send all these things that disrupt the order of the cultivation world, but unfortunately I can't beat them." Li Qianchi looked regretful.

He Yuye smiled.

Do as much as you like, it will be gone someday.

However, just as they fled, the sword light suddenly disappeared, and the sword intent dissipated instantly, as if everything was an illusion.

Li Qianchi stopped with He Yuye.

Some can't understand.

But after hesitating, he started to retreat again, but not so fast this time.

"Observe, don't get closer if there is no problem," He Yuye said.

Li Qianchi didn't speak, he sniffed, then looked around, and found that Supreme Kendo was indeed hidden again.

The same is true for others, no one knows what the situation is.

In the inner space, the sword in Lu Shui's hand had disappeared, and the sword in Binghai had also disappeared.

Some are just the Binghai Apostles who kneel on the ground and are seriously injured.

At this moment, she looked at Lu Shui, her eyes could no longer remain calm.

"You, are you Lu Shui? Impossible, twenty years old, how could it be so terrible at twenty years old?"

The Ice Sea Apostle was somewhat unacceptable.

But the box in the heart was opened.

That kind of guessing was straightforward, and the fear instantly permeated the whole body.

"Are you afraid of me, afraid of me? This is not the same as what I just did." Lu Shui looked at the Binghai apostle.

People of the gods should not be afraid of death, and the other party is also the apostle of the goddess of ice and sea.

Death is nothing to her.

So it's probably not because of death and fear.

The Ice Sea Apostle looked at Lu Shui, she resisted her fear and began to communicate her strength.

She wants to cross here to communicate her strength.

She needs strength, she needs strength.

"Goddess, goddess, I need power, and pass it on to me, goddess."

"I must have the power to pass on what I know to you."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, he saw the other party's external power in communication.

"The gods also have their own special features."

It's very difficult to communicate with the power outside here through the fog.

Of the three major forces, either the strength is sufficient, or only the gods have this ability.

Credit to the true god.

The gods system, although not really true gods, is somewhat close.

Otherwise, the founders of the gods would not dare to use the only true **** as the realm.

As for the reason, Lu Shui had some guesses, but he couldn't be sure.

But he was not in a hurry, letting the Ice Sea Apostle summon power.

If you want to know more, you always have to take some risks.


In the ice lake, the goddess of the ice sea emerged from the lake, and she sensed the call of the apostle of the ice sea from the power in her hand.

"What happened to her so careless about life and death?"

The ice goddess was a little surprised.

But she still let go of the power in her hands.

Giving strength to the other party is equivalent to sentenced to death for the other party.

But the other party is eager for power, and there may be no hope if it is not given.

"I gave her two strengths, are they not enough to make her rampage in the Misty Islands?"

"Or does the danger stem from this?"

The Goddess of Ice Sea didn't know, but she could only try to wait.

Wait for the other party to send back a message.

She just stood and waited.


Lu Shui looked up and found that the opponent's power was really coming.

"You have to know that as long as your strength exceeds the sixth-order peak, you will be taken away by the Mist City within a few breaths.

You can think clearly. "

Lu Shui watched as the opponent's strength was constantly increasing, and he reminded him.

At this time the Ice Sea Apostle stood up, and her wounds were healing quickly.

"A few seconds, that's enough." The Ice Sea Apostle moved her to attack Lu Shui directly at this moment:

"I don't believe it, you can still withstand my attack."

At this moment, the power beyond Tier 6 swept over.

Gods system, seventh-order Dharma God.

Lu Shui frowned, facing the seventh rank, he had no chance of winning.

However, he has left behind, but the effect may not be too great.

Then the fragments around him directly dissipated three pieces, and then turned into a protection, blocking him in front.


Lu Shui was directly knocked out.

Suffered some injuries, but it was not a major problem.

After all, he had some injuries just now.

However, Lu Shui was still waiting, the other party's time was running out, and he would attack again at most.

The Ice Sea Apostle did not attack again. She stared at Lu Shui and said:

"I don't know if you can block this blow."

Speaking of her, her body began to split, and the terrifying aura instantly covered the entire space.

The force of the riot sweeps everything like a hurricane.

She chose to blew herself up.

Lu Shui hid in the corner and did not leave, nor could he leave.

With wounds on his body, the power of heaven and earth was basically used up, and he could only passively defend.

Fortunately, I can bear it.

"Really don't say something?" Lu Shui sighed in his heart.

At this moment, Lu Shui saw the Ice Sea Apostle kneel down suddenly, as if praying.

She seemed to use the last time to communicate with the goddess of ice sea in her heart.

"Pass it out, you must pass it out.

Goddess, wrong, wrong, all wrong.

It's Lu Shui, it's him, it's really him.

He is not a waste, he is very powerful, I can't kill him.

Goddess, please listen to my voice, it's wrong, it's really wrong.

Wrong, wrong.


Spread the news, no matter how much the price is paid. "

The Ice Sea Apostle knelt on the ground, her thoughts were all concentrated here.

All she has to do is to spread the news.

It must be spread out.

She wanted to tell the goddess of ice sea that she was wrong.

Wrongly wrong.

They were deceived, everyone was deceived.

Lu Shui frowned as he looked ahead.

The other party wanted to send a message, but it failed to send it out, even if it was a strong obsession, it couldn't be sent out.

Because the capital of the mist is devouring her.

Not only Lu Shui discovered it, but also the Ice Sea Apostle.

She panicked, she was anxious.

She couldn't pass it out, she was targeted.

"Wrong, wrong, goddess, goddess." Half of the ice sea apostle's body has been swallowed by darkness, and the power of self-detonation has also been swallowed.

"No, no, no, wrong, wrong, wrong, goddess." The Ice Sea Apostle directly detonated his upper body.

She wants to use this power to escape the darkness.

She wants to spread the news.

"Wrong, wrong." The Ice Sea Apostle shouted.


boom! !

The Ice Sea Apostle exploded directly.

The terrifying power instantly exploded in space.

Lu Shui used the remaining power and all the fragments, and he was fully resisting it.


The powerful force directly bombarded him against the wall.


A mouthful of blood came out.

But the force of self-detonation was barely resisted.

After a long time, the power subsided.

Lu Shui took out his chair and sat there with difficulty, his gaze was naturally cast to the position of the Ice Sea Apostle.

There has long been no Ice Sea Apostle.

She was like she had never been in the future, except for causing some injuries to Lu Shui, she basically left no traces in this space.

Not to mention a Dharma god, even the main **** cannot destroy this place.

After confirming that there was no danger, Lu Shui leaned on the high chair and sighed:

"Even though it's dead, the last sentence is wrong, maybe it's passed out."

"But what's wrong?"

"She didn't intend to kill me before, but after I showed my strength, she didn't intend to let me go. After being defeated by me, she began to fear me and then wanted to kill me.

So is it me who is wrong? "

"They thought I was weak. This is the right perception."

"Now I am very strong, this is wrong perception."

"To sum up, it is actually about me in the book of Revelation?"

"And in their cognition, the person recorded is not me?"

"Then who do they think it is?"

Lu Shui didn't have an answer for a while, and he couldn't make a conclusion casually.

"So someone targeted me because they wanted to test if I was someone they identified?"

"But why did you do it to my mother?"

Lu Shui still remembers the fierce beast, it attacked his mother.

"Also for testing?"

"No." Lu Shui thought of something for a while.

"There are only a few people in the Lu family, suppose they suspect me, and the elders and fathers are not among the suspects."

"Then what's the purpose of attacking the mother? The other party is not for temptation, but for the purpose of extinction, the beast said by himself."

"Then according to the previous life, the other party successfully injured the mother, what is the result of the mother? It was just a few months of illness."

Lu Shui hesitated, and then reached a conclusion in his heart.

"I didn't have a younger brother or sister in my last life?"

"The mother in this life said that her injury is healed and she can have a second child."

"So, the disease spread by the beast must be to aggravate the injury of the previous mother?"

"So what they are actually guarding against is my younger siblings?"

"I can't die because when I die, my parents will definitely have a second child?"

Lu Shui was silent for a moment.

"The possibility is very high, but the assumption is wrong."

"After all, if the other party is really wrong, I will be the point, but I didn't do anything in the previous life, which is not consistent."

"But I still need to pay attention to it. If it is really aimed at my younger siblings, who didn't in the previous life, it's hard to tell in this life."

His mother is now ill, and he and Mu Xue will definitely be exposed after the year. At that time, his father and mother will have no pressure and will definitely give him a younger brother and sister.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether it's pregnant or not.

After all, his father is not weak at all.

Finally, Lu Shui exhaled.

He stood up and took away the chair by the way, now he must leave here.

People from Xian Ting and Buddhism will definitely come here.

He can't stay.

Although I was injured this time, it was not a loss.

At least I got some clues, although it only supplemented the hypothesis, but it is a good thing to be able to pay attention in advance.

The rest is verification.

Then Lu Shui turned and left, all the breath or traces he left behind were all erased by him.

"Young Master?" Zhenwu saw Lu Shui's injury, UU reading www. has some concerns.

The healing technique is used directly.

Lu Shui raised his hand to stop:

"Don't worry, get out of here first."

"Young master takes the medicine first, young grandma prepared it." Zhen Ling handed over the medicine.

Lu Shui didn't want to eat it temporarily, he used the power of heaven and earth to protect it, and taking medicine would easily disrupt his body's rhythm.

But he still took the medicine and ate it.

He didn't understand, why did Mu Xue prepare medicine for him?

Have you started managing people before you got married?

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