The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 236: Mantra, let the catastrophe pass casually

Lu Shui took the pill and found that the pill was quite effective.

Of course, if the impact is too great, he still won't eat it.

Well, the impact is too great, and Mu Xue will actually not let people eat him.

Speaking of which, except for his bad temper, Mu Xue is very good in other aspects.


Now Mu Xue should be the best time to bully, after all, now she can't be aggressive even if she wants to be aggressive.

Especially interesting.

Lu Shui soon interrupted missing Mu Xue, this kind of thing easily affected him to make correct judgments.

Don't even think about it.

For the conjecture of the Apocalypse and the prophetic slate, there is no final conclusion, but the wrong sentence is passed on, and the other party should act.

"It depends on what the gods will do. The more they test me, the more they can confirm my guess."

Lu Shui had a scrutiny in his heart.

If you are strong enough now, you can go directly.

It will take some time after marriage for him to be stronger.

Otherwise, even with Mu Xue, it would be impossible to push down these three forces.

Emperor Xianting, Buddhism Buddha, gods and gods, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

But how long will it take? This depends on the situation after the land-water upgrade.

He feels that his strength has been cut, but the speed of advancement is much faster.

Compared to the previous life, it was indeed much faster.

At this time, Lu Shui was walking in the passage. He wanted to find a safe place outside and rest for two days.

"By the way, you can make one more request." Lu Shui said to Lefeng and the others.

The harvest this time is great.

So he can let Lefeng make another request.

"Master Dongfang, I don't need it this time, just treat it as a reward for saving my life." Le Feng said.

He knew he wouldn't say anything even if he should go to land and water.

But the most important thing to be a human being is to restrain greed.

Blindly asking will only make him worse, and it is difficult to hold on to his heart.

Of course, he mainly believed in Lu Shui's behavior, not because his refusal would lead to harshness next time.

Lu Shui glanced at Le Feng, then calmly said:

"Are you Tier 5?"

"Yes, thanks to the assistance of Young Master Dongfang." Lefeng said gratefully.

This is really grateful, without Lu Shui, he doesn't know how far away he is from Tier 5.

In just a few months, he successfully entered the fifth stage, before he really didn't even dare to think about it.

Lu Shui cast his gaze on Nie Hao, then calmly said:

"Fifth-tier Heavenly Tribulation, you can survive it safely."

"But don't despise Heaven's Tribulation." Lu Shui added.

Then he walked out.

After listening to what Lu Shui said, Nie Hao was overjoyed, bowed his head and thanked:

"Thank you, Young Master Dongfang, for your blessing."

With his strength, if nothing happens, he can indeed survive the catastrophe.

But what if there is an accident?

Therefore, Lu Shui's words are tantamount to preventing accidents from happening.

He can go all out to fight the robbery.

As for contempt?

Impossible, who would dare to despise Heaven's Tribulation, even if Lu Shui said he could survive safely, he would not dare to despise the slightest, and would only go all out.

Le Feng may have to brainwash him, and he must not relax in the face of the catastrophe.

Lefeng is also happy on one side, who can encounter such a thing?

They are out of shit.

Encountered land water.

Zhenwu Zhenling didn't speak, and didn't care much.

They have absolute confidence to survive the catastrophe.

Opportunities, with the young master, are generally opportunities.

Here is an opportunity.

But now I am leaving.


In the lake of the ice field, the goddess of the ice sea stood there as if listening to the suffering of the world.

Soon she heard the voice of the Ice Sea Apostle, with a shout and despair, as if she had abandoned everything in the face of distress, just to say this sentence:

"Wrong, wrong, wrong goddess."

The sound stopped abruptly.

The Ice Sea Goddess stood on the lake without speaking. She could feel that the breath of life belonging to the Ice Sea Apostle had completely disappeared.

"Wrong? She wanted to tell me what was wrong?" The Ice Sea Goddess spoke calmly.

There was no change in her tone.

"It is by no means an ordinary question to pass this sentence back at all costs at all costs."

"So what's wrong?"

"It's the Misty Islands that has a trap. It's not what we know there?"

"Or did she see something she shouldn't look at? Discovered the secret from it?"

"Wrong, wrong. She said that was so urgent."

"Even if there are secrets in the Misty Islands, they are only the secrets of the Lord. No matter how wrong this thing is, how wrong can it be?"

The ice goddess fell silent.

After a long time, she had new doubts.

"Then outside of the Misty Islands, what is wrong?"

"The Lord who has never returned."

"Also, Revelation."


Suddenly, the expression of the Goddess of Ice Sea changed, if it was something she thought was wrong.

Then even she was a little unbearable.

"It seems that you need to test Lu Shui again, and you must not rush."

Then the goddess of the ice sea directly issued the oracle:

"Contact other temples and prepare for battle."

She must make all preparations, if, if this is really wrong, she will kill Lu Shui at all costs.


Because time waits for no one, if the Ice Sea Apostle died on Lu Shui's hands, how terrible it would be?

The horrible makes God tremble.

Then the Ice Sea Goddess waved her hand directly, and two pieces of news passed from her side.

One will be captured by Xian Ting, and the other will be captured by Kuhai Buddhism.

In this matter, they are a standpoint.


"Re-testing Lu Shui?" Xinhuo Gufo fell into deep thought after capturing the news.

"It is necessary, but how to test it?"

For Buddhism, this kind of thing, this kind of thing can be careful naturally.

Be careful, you can't go wrong.

But how to do it is the key to the problem.

Especially the Lu Family has noticed Xian Ting and the gods.

Although Buddhism is not hindered for the time being, it is impossible for the Lu Family to sit idly by with the three ancient powers.

"How not to provoke an alarm is the crux of the problem."

Just when Xinhuo Gufo didn't have a good enough solution, new news suddenly came.

He used his magical powers to capture the news.

The content of the news is only one sentence: Xianting Ares will make a trial in the near future.

Xinhuo Ancient Buddha proclaimed a Buddha's name, and finally closed his eyes.

Even so, he still wanted to let his own people test it again, and the same was true when he wanted to come to the gods.

All you have to do is one thing, don't be stunned.

Otherwise, it will catch fire.


The Demon Sword Slayer outside the Misty Islands frowned.

"Do you want to complete the test?" Demon Sword Slayer said to the opposite side of the communication.

"Yes, with the latest news, the gods suddenly proposed to re-test Lushui. The specific reason was not explained.

The God of War will be tested for a period of time. Before the God of War will test, use the things left by Xingsi Xianjun to try to see if there is any response. "The predecessor who was the head confessed.

"What if there is a reaction?" Demon Sword Slayer asked.

Temptation is not a difficult task, so he will not refuse.

And no matter how difficult it is, he will try.

"Do your best." The other side paused and said:


"I understand." Demon Sword Slayer responded.

After that they ended the communication.

The Demon Sword Slayer looked at the front and sensed the surroundings.

He was waiting for land water to come, or waiting for land water to come out.

According to the news he learned, Lu Shui should not arrive until the next day, but the accuracy of the news is not guaranteed.

So it's more practical to wait for it to come out.

"What on earth made the people of the gods regain their eyes on Lu Shui?" The Demon Sword Slayer was a little surprised.

Thinking back to Lu Shui, he didn't think the other party was so special.

But temptation is inevitable.

Finally, the Demon Sword Slayer looked at the Misty Islands where the supreme kendo was no longer visible, shook his head and sighed.

Supreme kendo.

If he can be enlightened, the road ahead will be so wide.


Lu Shui was sitting on a grass, and his surroundings had already been laid out.

Zhenwu Zhenling and Lefeng Nie Hao were all around.

At this time, Lu Shui closed his eyes to heal his injuries, and at the same time outlined the formation of heaven and earth in his mind.

He needs two days to recover. Of course, the important thing is to recover the power of heaven and earth.

After all, the following will face the supreme kendo.

At that time, I'm not sure what will happen.

It's not dangerous. If you don't, you must go. He should have an advantage over others.

This advantage is probably related to the Great Elder.

The old man prepared carefully. He did not refuse to be necessary, mainly because there is nothing extra to do at present.

Moreover, the trouble of Worm Valley must be solved easily.

When Lu Shui fell into healing, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

This time their young master was not injured badly.

But what happened before, they still don't know.

Although the space inside is very close to them, the power isolates everything, and it is impossible to detect or look directly at it.

Everything about it can't be conveyed.

Including strength.

Unless the power exceeds the power limit over there.

But what is certain is that their young master had a fight with someone inside.

To win is to win, but the body has also suffered serious injuries.

The fragments of supreme kendo are also consumed directly.

Lefeng and others are also very curious as to what's inside.

But all four of them can only be curious.


Suddenly, there was a power fluctuation not far away.

"The power of Tier 5 fluctuates." Zhen Wu said immediately.

Lefeng and Nie Hao came to the front for the first time.

"The fifth-order powerhouses are competing, and they are getting closer and closer here." Le Feng said.

Zhen Wu Zhenling nodded, and they naturally wouldn't let these people disturb their young master.

"I'm going to lead them away, if it's impossible, I can assassinate them directly," Le Feng said.

This is the old line.

"Then I will go too." Nie Hao said:

"It's been a long time since I picked up the job."

Zhenwu Zhenling didn't speak, they still heard a little about the hidden Tianzong.

And the name of their Young Master Hidden Tianzong's Young Master was still because of their introduction.

"Okay, I will tell the young master." Zhen Wu said.

If these people can go out on their own, they will probably not come to meet them.

If you can't get out, you will definitely find it yourself.

Lefeng and Nie Hao went into hiding without hesitation.

This concealment effect is very strong, and Zhenwu Zhenling can't detect it.

Of course, it is impossible to detect the music style.

However, the two of them are very talented in fighting, and if someone attacks them, they can react immediately.


"I saw it. Is that a technique?" said a man standing in mid-air with a sword in his hand.

Not far in front of him, Su Ran stood on the ground with a pale face.

She was hurt, or when she got something, she was hurt.

Otherwise, a 5.3, how could it be her opponent?

"You said you are from Dao Sect?" Su Ran looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"Dao Zong, the sea of ​​clouds shocked the waves." The middle-aged man said.

Su Ran frowned. If she was a member of Dao Sect, her name would not be easy to use.

But she wouldn't hand over things casually, that was the clue she finally got.

Although I don't know the records inside, most of them may be related to ancient times.

At this time, the middle-aged man did not speak too much, but directly did it.

The names have been reported, so naturally there will be no more nonsense.


The powerful force flocked directly to Suran.

Suran gritted his teeth and could only forcefully resist.

You know, she was instructed by the goddess to be able to step into the sixth step at any time, which really made her anxious, she didn't mind leading down to the sixth step.

The two powerful forces constantly collide.

Their figures disappeared and reappeared in the sky, and the woods below were constantly being destroyed.


Su Ran was directly repelled to the distance.

The middle-aged man also stepped back some distance.

No matter how bad Suran is, it is also the peak of Tier 5, and the dead camel is bigger than the horse.

"Huh, fairy, how long do you think you can hold on?" The middle-aged man began to breathe smoothly.

"I've already said that it's not a technique, but a biography of the ancient times. It's of no use to you." Su Ran said with difficulty.

"Hehe, do you think what you say is credible?" said the middle-aged man.

Su Ran gritted her teeth, she was thinking about how to break the game.

Heavenly Tribulation is the last choice, because she may not be able to survive the Heavenly Tribulation.

And just when Su Ran was in distress, she suddenly found a figure appeared behind the Taoist Yunhai Jingtao.

The shadow **** unconsciously attacked the middle-aged man.

At the moment before the attack arrived, the middle-aged man instantly sensed the crisis.

Without the slightest hesitation, he was fully energized, defending behind him.


A dagger cut across the middle-aged man's neck before the opponent's defense.

However, the middle-aged man avoided it at the critical moment, and the dagger was slashed. This blow was not fatal.

The middle-aged man retreated some distance in an instant.

"Fifth rank, and good at concealed assassination, **** it, is from the Hidden Sky School." The middle-aged man was shocked in his heart.

He wanted to leave the first time.

Now he has an injury to his neck, without the slightest advantage.

However, when he was about to flee here, a person rushed forward, very fast.

"Tier 4? It's almost dead." The middle-aged man was a little angry and directly attacked the opponent.

boom! ! !

Tier 4 was knocked out.


That Tier 4 vomited out blood.

Only when he was knocked into the air, he heard his laughter:

"Hey, you're done."

Hearing this sentence, the middle-aged man was shocked.

When he wanted to do something, he found that his body was dull for a moment.


The dagger just now is poisonous.

And it's not an ordinary poison.

At this moment he found that his eyes were all traces of daggers.

He wanted to take defense, but when he thought about it, his thoughts stopped completely.


The middle-aged man's body fell from a height, and finally broke apart.


Lefeng appeared next to the middle-aged man, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

His face also paled a lot.

Kill a thousand enemies and hurt yourself eight hundred.

This is no way.

It was Lefeng and Nie Hao who made the shot.

"Longer, we won't have to pay such a big price." At this time Nie Hao came back, and his injuries were not serious.

"Who knows what he has, it is the best way to kill him at this price.

The longer it is, the easier it is to bring accidents. It is better to be cautious. "Le Feng said.

"Unfortunately, you have done so many follow-up preparations.

But I didn't expect to meet someone in the thirty-six face here, making a lot of money. "Nie Hao looked at the middle-aged man who fell on the ground.

A little excited.

At this time he began to collect items.

Hidden Tianzong people, don't waste it.

It's like the elder of the Lu family, who never takes a magic weapon for murder.

With a big family and a big business, I can't be strong enough, and I don't even bother to do such troublesome things.

"Is he a man of thirty-six faces?" Su Ran asked, looking at the two men.

She naturally remained vigilant.

She knew these two people, but she didn't expect one of them to go directly to Tier 5, and the speed was a bit faster.

There is a bit of feud between them, not too big.

But a bit of feud is enough for a vendetta.

But Su Ran is still very curious, how these two people recognize it.

"Thirty-Six Mian often uses our sect identity to do things they want to do, so everyone in Thirty-Six Mian is on our hidden secret mirror.

Our sect has studied the 36-face camouflage. As for anything, we can't tell the fairy. "Le Feng looked at Su Ran and said.

He will not be an enemy of Su Ran, there is nothing necessary.

Especially their Young Sect Master has also explained that there is no need not to forge feuds with the Heavenly Nv Sect.

Su Ran didn't speak, it was natural.

People with thirty-six faces do often do things under the name of others.

Is thirty-six sides terrible?

In fact, Yintianzong is even more terrifying.

The assassination was simply overwhelming.

Being targeted is a terrible thing.

Of course, not every hidden Tianzong has this person in front of him, so terrifying.

When the opponent was Tier 4, it was very difficult, let alone now.

Su Ran did not speak, but Lefeng had something to say.

"In Xiayin Tianzong Lefeng, the fairy just said that he has a biography of the ancient times?" Lefeng asked.

"It's just a biography, not a technique." Su Ran is ready to do it.

If she hadn't been seriously injured, she wouldn't have been so weak.

Lefeng did not approach rashly, but said:

"We have no malice, and we don't want exercises, and of course, we don't want books in the hands of fairies.

We just need to copy it by hand. "

Su Ran: "???"

Is there something wrong with the people of the Hidden Heaven Sect?


After that, Su Ran drew a formation around her, this formation was to protect her, to prevent someone from attacking her when she was not prepared.

After the formation was ready, Su Ran took a pen and paper (provided by Zhenwu Remote) to sit in the formation and began to copy books.

Lefeng stared outside.

I don't know why, Suran feels that he has been insulted.

Why is she copying books inside instead of Lefeng being locked in by her to copy books?

But she, who was seriously injured, could only do so.

After all, the other party seems to have to have this biography.

"Should also be investigating things in ancient times, but I don't know how much they know." Su Ran was a little curious.

"Do you know a lot about ancient times?" Su Ran asked.

"Not many, but more than ordinary people." Lefeng explained, and then asked:

"The Heavenly Nv Sect is also interested in things in ancient times?

Or is the fairy interested? "

"Do you know Xian Ting?" Su Ran copied the book and asked casually, as if just asking at random.

As for Lefeng's question, she did not answer.

"Know a little." Le Feng said.

"How much do you know about the characters in Xian Ting?" Su Ran was still copying the book, still just asking casually.

"I have a little knowledge of the emperor, Xingsi Xianjun has a little bit, and there are some magic soldiers.

Where is Suran Fairy? How much do you recognize the characters in Xian Ting? "Le Feng asked.

"No." Su Ran said calmly.

No more words afterwards.

"It seems that she is not interested in these, so who is interested in Xian Ting?" Le Feng muttered to himself.

But the other party doesn't seem to know much, otherwise they can cooperate.

After that, Lefeng stopped thinking about it, and will see if there is any chance in the future.

This kind of thing can't be rushed.


Two days later.

Lu Shui opened his eyes.

The injury on his body has healed, and his cultivation is about to enter 4.4.

But this is not something to be too happy about, because he found that now in August, there are only less than six months before the New Year.

Although most people in the cultivation world are not young, but because of the small town of Qiuyun, the Lu family still occasionally participates in the New Year.

After all, being idle is also being idle.

Especially his parents basically do not practice in retreat.

Of course, he didn't care about the Chinese New Year in the late last life, because he retreats with Mu Xue for dozens or hundreds of years.

If it matters, it is normal for hundreds of years.

Of course, both of them must be in retreat.

If he leaves the customs, Mu Xue will definitely leave the customs directly, occasionally he will be reserved, and drag him for ten or twenty minutes, mainly waiting for him to go to the door of the secret room.

If Mu Xue leaves the customs, he will definitely be called out.

If you don't consciously leave the customs within three days, the secret room will explode.

Keep fried.

Only at certain times can it be delayed for a few days.

In addition to deep-fried secret rooms, can Mu Xue do anything else?

Yes, but he needs to go out.

Because Muxue did different things from him, he couldn't leave the customs as Muxue did.

Three days is probably the time for Mu Xue to clean up.

However, the explosion of the secret room is an indisputable fact.

The research is on the top, can you say it is over and it will be over?

Play a game soldier just came out, let you solve the battle in three minutes.

what would you do?

So Mu Xue exploded, and the secret room exploded.

After that, there is a high probability of going shopping.

No longer thinking about it, Lu Shui got up and planned to try his luck with Supreme Kendo.

See what's inside.

After all, it has something to do with the Great Elder.

This is what Lu Shui wants to see.

Of course, it's nothing to feel the supreme kendo.

Just when Lu Shui got up, Zhenwu brought the book over:

"Master, this was sent by Lefeng, saying that it was a biography obtained on the island.

Because the owner of the biography was unwilling to hand over the real copy, he chose to copy it by hand.

By the way, that person belongs to the Heavenly Girl Sect. "

Heavenly Girl Sect? Is it related to Mu Xue? Lu Shui was a little curious.

If it doesn't matter, there is nothing to be curious about I just want to pay attention to it.

Isn't it normal to pay attention to your wife?

Fiancee is also wife.

But now there is no answer.

Lu Shui immediately took the book.

It was written with ancient text: Biography of the Demon God.


Recommend a very good-looking book, you will know after just a few chapters.

"The Peerless Master of the Female Emperor's House"

It's really interesting. After reading the first chapter, if you don't read the second chapter, I will lose.

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