The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 245: Mu Xue wants to open the door to find Lu Shui

Lu Shui ignored this powerful underworld, but looked at the map.

The map is three-dimensional, and the magic is integrated into the Netherstone.

This is a map near the border, not a map of the entire underworld.

The map of the entire Underworld, then it is not what ordinary Underworld Stone can hold.

Then Lu Shui set his sights on a relatively large island.

Yes, the area where they are now is on the sea, which is called the Sea of ​​Underworld.

The Underworld is very vast, even the sea area connected to the normal world, but the entrance is difficult to grasp.

The location of the island seen by the land and water is the location of the border between the two sides, and this is the easiest connection to open.

Lu Shui zoomed in on the map and looked at it carefully for a while.

Finally began to think.

"The distance is wrong, the coordinates are wrong, it just happened to be avoided, and the trigger point is on the volcano.

In other words, if you can't borrow the power of the border, you have to go there.

This is difficult. "

Without the help of strength, Lu Shui could only rely on his own preparation to deal with a seventh-order frontally.

This is not easy at all.

It's easy to kneel if you are not careful.

"It looks like it will take some time." Lu Shui sighed inwardly.

This is someone he can't get around, he can only face it directly.

The only thing to face is to prevent the other party from attacking him.

Then Lu Shui put the map aside and said nothing.

"What is Dongfang Daoist going to do?" Jianqi asked.

Normally, the power of the underworld is not something they can cope with, but this one in front of them is flowing fire, then things will become abnormal.

Lu Shui looked at Jian Qi, and said calmly:

"Go to the border city, lead the border exit, and leave here."

"Master, don't you do anything dangerous?" Zhenwu asked.

The other party was targeting their young master, and he didn't believe that their young master would do nothing.

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhen Wu, and said:

"By the way, solve one of the Hundred Refinements of the Underworld."

Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

Sure enough, this is the case, but they can't stop it. What the young master is going to do, it will almost certainly be done.

Chuyu and the others are also dumbfounded, this is a bit big.

But if you want to go out, it doesn't seem like you can't solve it.

Want to wait for rescue?

You can't have this kind of thinking, because rescue may never come, only they can figure out their own way.

Ming Tu Ming and Zhong are also a little surprised, the other party is really not good, but fortunately he is able to cooperate.

"Do you need our help?" Jianqi said.

According to Chu Yu's previous experience, they were pulled over, usually as thugs.

"You need to help me put some things." Lu Shui said.

They will naturally not refuse Jianqi.


"I will prepare something. The six of you will be divided into three groups to help me deliver to that island.

During this process, you may be discovered, but I will prepare the transfer items for you.

As long as life is in danger, you can return directly to this island. "

At night, Lu Shui's voice echoed in the minds of Chuyu and others who were on the way.

"Qiao Ye, it's up to you." Chu Yu and Qiao Qian have arrived at the designated positions.

Now Chuyu wants to put things away, and Qiao Gan is responsible for guarding the surroundings.

They are likely to have conflicts with the border island, which requires Qiao Gan to stop the work, which is very dangerous, but with the occasional support of Chuyu, the nanny, the problem should not be too big.

"Quickly." Qiao Gan said.

After a pause, Qiao Gan said again:

"It's Qiao Gan."

Chuyu did not respond, but had already begun to place things and some formation runes.

He didn't know what it was for, but it was just right to complete it with peace of mind.

And with his placement, the slight power fluctuations were directly noticed by the people of Underworld.

"Here." Qiao Gan instantly released his power, and he even took out his hole card full house.

The only hope is that people who are too strong will not come.


On the other side of the island, Jianqi also sensed that someone was coming:

"Prepare things with peace of mind, calm down, and take your time."

"Good." Jian Luo immediately responded.

The little monkey was by her side. At this time, the little monkey didn't move, but closed his eyes. It seemed to exude a kind of breath, making people ethereal and understanding.

With the help of the little monkey, Jian Luo felt that he was in a good state, and as long as they were done, they would be able to return to the island directly.

There is only one chance, you can't fail.


The true spirits and spirits have naturally reached their positions. Their location is the most obvious and also the most dangerous.

If you have to say which side has the highest failure rate, it must be their side.

However, no matter what they do, they will complete the task the young master gave them.

When Zhen Wu Zhen Ling arrived, he didn't even need to speak, he immediately began to prepare accordingly.

They have enough understanding.

Then they laid out some formations around and used some magic weapons.

They are all used for defense, just to buy enough time.

As the true spirits began to arrange the things explained by land and water, they were discovered the first time, and many people flew in.

There are a lot of fourth-order, and fifth-order.

It won’t last long, and it’s dangerous.

But Zhenwu didn't flinch at all, just staring at the people who rushed over and counterattack accordingly.


Lu Shui was sitting in a chair at this time, dealing with the things in his hand.

The lotus in his hand was the lotus flower, and the healing technique left by Chu Yu was only strengthened and fixed by Lu Shui with the power of heaven and earth.

In addition, the integrated formation method has a good effect on healing. If he is injured, it should be able to directly alleviate his injury.

He needs to prepare a lot of things, this is the necessary preparation for facing the seventh step.

"Um, can you tell me what cultivation level you are?" Ming Tu Ming Yu Zhong asked curiously.

Lu Shui did not answer the other party's question, he continued to deal with the things in his hand, by the way:

"Why do you think Underworld needs a revival?

In other words, what do you think the revival of Underworld should look like? "

Hearing Lu Shui’s question, Mingtu Qianba Yu shook his head again:

"I haven't thought about it, it should be able to have enough status in this world."

"With your current strength, how many forces can compete with you in this world?" Lu Shui lowered his head to make his preparations, and continued:

"The Ten Palaces of the Underworld, Bailian, Qianyu, the current top power in the realm of cultivation, dare not challenge you, right?

If you want to go out, you will have it in no time. "

Ming Tu Ming Yu Zhongyi didn't know what to say for a while.

Because he found that what the other party said made sense.

However, it seems that there is no need for the souls of Mingtu to go out. This place allows them to cultivate faster, and Mingtu is very large and suitable for them.

So what is the revival?

Lu Shui didn't hear the other party's answer, and he also had some answers in his heart. What Ming Tu really wanted was not to compare with the current cultivation power.

As for what they want, who can know.


On the volcano on the border island, a middle-aged man sitting in the lava wearing armor, frowned at this moment, puzzled.

He just got the report, but he didn't find the corresponding person.

And the name and Shige of Mingtu Chiba has disappeared.

Is this all coincidence?

Not at first sight.

This person is the only seventh-order in the border city, which is also one of the fire wing of the underworld.

"What the **** happened?" Huoyi's expression was hazy.

Two days later, the lord wanted an answer.

And now, Lu Shui has not been caught, this is fatal.

"Isn't he on the train? Or the name and re-election were wrong and the target absconded?" Huoyi was a little angry.

And at this moment he received some news.

He was a little surprised when he just received the news.

"Someone appeared near the border island? It seems that some strong have escaped."

"But I can be sure that there are no seventh-tier powerhouses coming in, and I want to see what storms these people will make."

Firewing didn't set out, but made people try their best to arrest these people.

Although I want to know what the other party will make, it does not mean that he wants to release water.

Does he look stupid?

Another point is that as long as the other party wants to leave the land, they have to come to him.

Because here is the core entrance of the border.

After that, Huoying sat quietly in the lava, and he was waiting.



Mu Xue frowned while sitting on the seat, and Dongfang Chacha was eating by her side.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you" Dongfang Chacha looked at Mu Xue with some curiosity.

She felt that her cousin seemed uncomfortable.

Mu Xue shook her head, she felt a little irritable and a little restless in her mind.

"It's this feeling again, what happened to Lu Shui?"

It's not what Lu Shui meets or what she wants to meet.

But she couldn't be dangerous in the Lu family, so something must be wrong with Lu Shui.

Mu Xue took out her mobile phone and called Lu Shui.


"Why don't you just go over it?" Mu Xue just rejected this idea in her heart.

She felt that it might be because she hadn't seen Lu Shui for too many days that she subconsciously became uneasy, and then she gave herself an excuse to find Lu Shui.

"Tomorrow, there is no news from Lu Shui tomorrow, so I will sneak over and have a look." Mu Xue thought to herself.

"Well, you can also make some delicious food, and then bring it over, saying that you are worried that Lu Shui hasn't eaten, and send it over by the way."

Thinking of this, Mu Xue was lying on the table, she felt so stupid.

Such stupid things are done.

"Cousin, do you miss Lu Shui's cousin?" Dongfang Chacha looked at Mu Xue and continued:

"The symptoms of my cousin are similar to what my mother said.

The mother also said that lovesickness is a kind of disease, this kind of disease does not need to take medicine.

But there is a kind of lovesickness called unrequited love, which is a very serious disease and requires medicine.

What kind of cousin? "

When Dongfang Chacha asked, he had already put down the food in his hands.

Eat well and speak well when you speak.

Especially when going out.

Dad taught it.

Dongfang Chacha looked at Mu Xue and felt that he had guessed right. His cousin stopped eating and ignored her.

Ignore tea and tea, and don’t want to eat.

Mu Xue looked at Dongfang Chacha, and then reached out and flicked Dongfang Chacha's forehead.


"Oh." Cha Cha cried out in pain with her head in her arms.

"Eat more and talk less." Mu Xue said.

"Oh." Dongfang Chacha immediately lowered his head to eat.

She touched her forehead while eating. She felt that she was not clearly smart, which was related to her frequent injuries to her forehead.

Mu Xue looked at Cha Cha and stopped talking.

But she also started to eat.

It's just that my mind is a bit restless.

I really can't eat it.

There has been no news from Lu Shui for almost five days. If there is no news tomorrow, it will be six days.

"Call Lu Shui early tomorrow morning and sneak over if there is no news."

"That's a deal."

"Take Chacha, and if you find it, you say Chacha is going out to play."

Thinking about it this way, Mu Xue felt much better in her heart.

Wait for tonight, the last night.


Lu Shui was still preparing at this moment, and he needed a lot of things to prepare.

The first thing is to beware of Mu Xue.

The only way to beware of Mu Xue is to not let yourself be in real danger to life.

Otherwise, Mu Xue might appear directly next to him.

It will be over at that time.

"As long as it is not too exaggerated, the problem should not be big. By the way, blocking some numerology should be useful."

Of course, this is an emergency, and there is not enough assurance that it is going to die.

He is not stupid.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Shui put the processed lotus into his hands, which meant that when he started, someone was constantly nursing him.

Coupled with his immortal body, his strength is actually not bad.

There is nothing wrong with playing Tier 5, Tier 6 is not too strong, you can also try using the power of heaven and earth.

Tier 7 is not something that humans can shake.

Can only count on Zhenwu's preparations.

If they succeed, then it is not impossible to shake the seventh step.

If it fails, it will waste time even more.

He didn't want to wait, and Mu Xue certainly didn't want to wait either.

"If you see Senior Huoyi, do you have to ask some questions?" Ming Yuzhong suddenly asked.

Lu Shui glanced at each other, but did not speak.

"Can you not mention me? As Qianyu in the Underworld, dignity is very important." Name and weight were quite serious.

Lu Shui didn't say a word, this person was worried that he would be settled by Qiuhou, right?

Name and weight didn't get the answer, and I was still a little worried, but I didn't dare to say more.

He can't move now.

I don't know what formation this is.

Lu Shui is almost ready.

What did he perceive at this time, and then whispered:

"Zhen Wu Zhen Ling succeeded, faster than I expected."

Lu Shui stood up, and then began to stretch his formation under his feet.

But in an instant, the formations under his feet directly covered the entire island, these formations extended underwater, and then stored power.

These forces will be connected to the things prepared by Zhenwu and Zhenling.

At this time Zhenwu Zhenling returned to the open space behind Lu Shui.

Both of them had some injuries and some serious injuries.

However, the place where they landed has the formation prepared by Lu Shui, and he will start to treat them as soon as possible.

Lu Shui glanced at them, and after confirming that there was no life-threatening situation, he set his sights on the border islands.

"It's only two short."

As long as these two are completed, he can set off at any time.


Near the border island, Qiao Gan was besieged by a group of people, if it weren't for the treasures on his body, or his Qingtian Mingshen Art was pointed out again.

Whether he can live or not is a question.

Of course, there are a lot of injuries on the body, but the recovery is fast enough.

"Hold on for another thirty seconds." Chu Yu transmitted the sound to Qiao Qian.

At this time, Chuyu also suffered a lot of injuries.

Constantly having the power to attack, if it weren't for his Hundred Spirits to take another step, God knows if he will end up with a disability.

Qiao did all his hole cards, and the only thing he could do was to be beaten for a while.

In thirty seconds, he almost counted over.

It's no exaggeration to live like years.

"Done, retreat." Chu Yu's voice sounded in Qiao Qian's mind.

The two of them disappeared in place without saying a word.

The group of people who were besieging here was a little surprised, and they disappeared directly.

"Destroy what they left behind."

Soon they directly attacked Chuyu's formation.

boom! !

The formation was broken directly, and they even collected things.

To prevent accidents.

But in the seabed that they can't perceive, there are already formations that have stretched over.


"Two places," Lu Shui said softly, looking at the open space behind him.

At this time, Qiao Gan and Chu Yu fell down in the open space.

Qiao Qian didn't have any serious injuries, but he almost fainted.

He has no trauma, but the overdraft is serious, not much worse than a serious injury.

Chu Yu was okay, and the injuries he suffered were arguably the lightest.

They didn't speak, but started to heal the injury the first time.

Looking at all this, Qianyu Mingtu didn't understand, what is the other party doing?

But I don't know if it is an illusion, he feels that this island seems to have a hidden power.

If it wasn't for the formation on his body, he might not be able to perceive it.

After waiting for a while, Lu Shui's footsteps stretched out again.


There were no accidents in the last place either.

At this time Jian Qi and Jian Luo appeared beside Chuyu and the others.

When Jianqi appeared, he was covered in blood, but he had a boundless sword intent on his body, the sword intent was biting, and he went forward indefinitely.

Lu Shui looked at him and found that the other party was seriously injured, arguably the heaviest of all.

As for Jian Luo, there was no slightest injury on his body.

If you have to count, the little monkey on her body has suffered some injuries.

At this time, Jianqi directly sat down to recover from his injuries, while Jianluo helped the little monkey to heal his injuries.

Chuyu glanced at the sword, and a huge lotus flower began to bloom under him, and the lotus flower enveloped everyone.

This is the art of Bailing, the highest realm in the true sense.

one flower one World.

After Zhenwu felt this terrible healing technique, he finally understood why the young master thought his healing technique was crappy.

Of course, he didn't plan to learn.

After all, this is not what he is good at.

Lu Shui looked at these people, and finally sat back on the chair.

He took out the heaven and earth formation and began to read.

It's still early, wait for midnight.


"All escaped?" Ming Tu Bai Lian Huo Wing frowned.

Although the people on the border may not be very strong, he was surprised that he didn't catch those people.

Especially none of them were caught.

It's not that I can't beat it, but it just disappears.

This is the main reason for not catching the other party.

"It should be teleportation, but the means can be." Huoyi said in a low voice:

"But if you want to leave, you still have to come over after all, don't you?"

"My seat, waiting for you here."

At this time, the lava in the volcano became more active, as if these lava would become active with the mood of the fire wing.


It was completely dark, Lu Shui closed his book and stood up immediately.

He put on the mask as soon as he got up, and then flames began to appear on his body.

When the flames covered his whole body, Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhenwu and the others, and said:

"Be prepared to go out."

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling naturally opened his eyes to look at Lu Shui, they wanted to ask if it was dangerous.

The main reason is that their young master didn't make a fortune this time, and they didn't know what to do.

However, when they looked at the land water, they found that the land water had disappeared in place.

Everyone knows that Lu Shui set off to the border island.

No one knows what Lu Shui's plan is.

Name and weight are also curious, what will happen to the lower border?

It's a pity that he can't see it, because the border island is behind him, and now he can do nothing but speak.

"This seat is invincible for half a lifetime. In the end, he can only face Minghai with his back to Mingtu."


Above the volcano on the border island, Huoying who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt power fluctuations.

Not long after, a fire appeared before his eyes.

As soon as he saw the flame, he felt that the other party was a person.

Without the slightest hesitation, he slapped it.

If you can't survive under his palm, you won't even be qualified to talk.

It doesn't matter what the other party wants to do.

Just as he attacked, Huoyi was suddenly a little surprised, and then gathered his strength and turned and attacked back.

The moment he turned around, he heard a voice ringing behind him:

"Heaven and earth, shocked."


The two forces collided in an instant.



The powerful force is constantly impacting.

The surrounding lava was instantly overflowed by the impact of force, rushing to the border islands.

In the process of power impact, Lu Shui's figure broke away from the power center and stood high above the sky.

At this time, the flames of Lu Shui, the surrounding lava met the fire on his body, and disappeared directly in place.

It was as if an ordinary flame could not survive in him.

"Who are you?" Huoyi also came into the sky at this time, and he frowned as he watched Lu Shui.

He couldn't see the opponent's face clearly, and he couldn't perceive the fluctuation of the opponent's cultivation.

But the blow just now was very strong.

Although not comparable to him, it should not be underestimated.

As for the flame he attacked at first, it was fake.

Lu Shui looked at Huo Wing, and the blow he had just hit was his current strongest level of power, and it really didn't have any effect on the seventh rank.

Change to another attack, the effect will not be much worse.

However, after the blow, he also roughly knew where the opponent's limit was.

Can win.

"Ming Tu Bai Lian, Huo Wing?" Lu Shuiping said quietly.

"Since your Excellency knows this seat, you are going to be an enemy of Underworld?" Huo Wing looked at Lu Shui with a gloomy expression.

The other party is not only going to go out, but it is also possible that he will come at him.

Lu Shui put his gaze on Huoying's neck. There was nothing hanging there, but there was a string of runes on his neck.

For some strong people, this is also something.

"I heard that there was a fight in the Ten Halls of and it was for a human being." Lu Shui said.

He just joined the guesswork.

"You know a lot, but have you ever thought, can you leave here?" Huoyi's low voice came out.

Lu Shui chuckled softly:

"Ming Tu is too closed after all, and I have never even heard of the main fire of the Young Master of the Yin Tianzong.

What do you take to keep this seat? "

With that said, Lu Shui stepped out, and at this moment the entire volcanic lava gushed out.

All the lava was at the foot of land and water, and he stepped on the lava, like a **** of war in the fire.

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