Lu Shui shot directly, Huoyi frowned.

He really heard the name Liuhuo for the first time.

Moreover, Mingtu and the present world are basically two worlds, and it is only strange that he can know the outside situation.

But no matter how many questions, just grab the other party and torture them.

Talking too much now is nonsense.

Huo Wing didn't think much, his body burst into a hot breath instantly.

Playing with fire in front of him?

This man was playing with fire and set himself on fire.

Then there was flames all around the two people.

In an instant, the flames began to collide at high altitude, and the flames flowed horizontally at high altitude, like bright fireworks exploding wanton.



Terrible forces are sweeping toward the border islands.

Everyone is looking at the sky, at a loss, as if fire is falling from the sky, about to destroy the earth.

The cultivator who was detained at the beginning looked at the sky in shock.

They still don't know what happened to them, but what can be known is that they have lost their freedom and may lose their lives.

But now an abnormal situation has occurred, and some strong people are fighting here.

They may be able to escape from the chaos.

But not yet in time.

Wait until the opportunity comes before you do it.

Lu Shui's figure kept moving high in the sky, and the flames under his feet began to disappear.


The powerful attack collided again.

This time Lu Shui was knocked out, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth under the mask.

Fighting with Tier 7 is too passive, and the power gap is too large.

"It's very strong, but it's far from it. The main stream of the Young Sect of the Hidden Heaven Sect, is this name very powerful?

Playing with fire in front of this seat, you are simply looking for death. "

Huo Wing looked at Lu Shui sarcastically.

This flow fire is indeed unusual, but it's just unusual, and it's still a long way from him.

At this time, the flame on Lu Shui had disappeared, but Huo Wing still had a hot flame.

Lu Shui looked at each other and whispered softly:

"Aren't you afraid of catching fire?"

Huo Wing froze for a moment, and laughed:

"By you?"

"With me." The words fell, Lu Shui stepped back a little distance, then stretched out his hand to draw a rune, and continued:

"Karma Fire."


The volcano erupted in an instant, and then countless flame runes appeared high in the sky, each location was where land and water had appeared, and all the runes were left when land and water crossed.

At this time, the runes are connected and directly cover the entire air.

Land and water and fire wings are all covered in it.

A peculiar breath instantly diffused.

"This? When did it happen?" Huo Wing was a little surprised.

But without thinking too much, it is impossible for him to do such a small gesture to the other party.

In an instant, he came to Lu Shui, and his hot fist grabbed Lu Shui.

This blow could definitely cause Lu Shui to be seriously injured.

However, when the opponent punched, Lu Shui gave a palm. There was no power fluctuation in this palm.

It's just that when this palm was shot, Fire Wing stopped all over:

"Beat the body."

The moment the voice fell, the flame on Fire Wing stopped swaying, and then began to penetrate into his body, destroying his body.

This forced Firewing to stop.

"What is this?" Huo Wing's expression of pain was trying his best to control the flame out of control in his body.

Lu Shui did not answer the other party's question, but reached out a finger and pointed at Huo Wing.

There is a point in the front of this finger, this point is quickly plundering the surrounding power, and then this finger approached the Firewing:

"Cang Ming returns to zero."


This point directly touched Huoying's forehead. At this moment, the terrifying power spread like a violent storm, and the powerful attack directly shattered Huoying's body, leaving his body covered with scars.


"Human, you dare to hurt me, you are looking for death."


With a roar, flames appeared on Firewing again, this time the flames on his body were black, and full of the breath of this power.

This is a move that burns blood and kills a thousand enemies and hurts 800.

After Huo Wing escaped from the karmic fire, he directly blasted Lu Shui with a punch.



Lu Shui, who had withstood a powerful attack, was directly injured.

Lu Shui frowned, the other party was even more irrational than he expected.

"I need to speed up." Although he was injured, Lu Shui was still able to remain calm.

Just as soon as the thought got up, the other party had already appeared in front of him.


Lu Shui was knocked out again.

Too fast and too strong.

You can only avoid it with all your strength.

It was just a momentary time when Lu Shui saw the opponent appear in front of him again.

At this time, Lu Shui avoided the position in advance.


The terrible force exploded beside Lu Shui. Although it avoided, it still endured the aftermath.

"I want to see how many times you can hide."

Underworld Hundred Refining Fire Wings raged and attacked Lu Shui continuously.

Lu Shui kept evasive, and his injuries became more and more serious.

But the opponent just missed a punch.

Because it has been hitting the air, Firewing is already furious.

"Aren't you very strong? Aren't you good at playing?

There is a kind of don't run. "

"Don't run, don't run if there are kinds of things."

Lu Shui kept retreating, the other party was too crazy, and he didn't care about his body's ability to bear it.

You must know that his karma-burning body formation is still there, and the opponent is almost attacking him with this.

People who are more sane, broke the formation early by the way.

"He has been blinded by anger and cannot go on like this."

Lu Shui couldn't help but his preparations would always be interrupted when he encountered a mindless person.

Are people in the world like this, or are they not good at playing with fire?

Lu Shui didn't know, but it would be too bad for him to drag it any longer.

I can only go head-to-head, the injury is changed.

After avoiding the attack of Firewing, Lu Shui chose to attack actively.

Seeing that Lu Shui took the initiative to attack, Huo Wing almost laughed:

"Good to come."

At this moment, Lu Shui's fist and Huoyi's fist were about to collide.

Only when he was about to touch him, Lu Shui's hand avoided Huoyi's fist with a fist-like palm, and then grabbed Huoyi's neck.

At this time, Huoyi's fist attacked Lu Shui's chest impressively.


The huge force impact exploded directly in Lu Shui's body.


Lu Shui's body spurted out a lot of blood in an instant, and his ribs were broken in half.

But instead of taking a step back, he grabbed Huoying's neck:


In an instant, Lu Shui successfully snatched the rune from Fire Wing.

At this time, the fire wing attacked Lushui again.

Lu Shui head-to-head with his fist.


Lu Shui was knocked out.

Huoying touched his neck and stared at Lu Shui firmly:

"Human, do you know what you got?

Do you dare to provoke the Ten Halls of Underworld?

act recklessly.

But you have no chance to let the Lord of the Ten Palaces know it.

You must die today. "

After speaking, Huo Wing rushed directly to Lu Shui, he wanted to kill Lu Shui here, it would be useless where the opponent flees from the End of the World.

Lu Shui retreated directly to the distance, he relieved the injury on his lower body, and then snapped his fingers.


A sound of fingers fell, and the formation under the border island was instantly activated.

Countless array forces have emerged.

The islands where Zhenwu and Zhenling are located are also lit up with huge arrays. These arrays contain powerful forces. At this time, these forces are quickly moving towards the boundary islands.

This is all the power accumulated at present.

The time is just right, too early and not enough strength, too late to stand the formation.

At this moment, Lu Shui stood high in the sky, and power began to emerge from the surface of the sea like waves. These powers directly covered the entire island, as if everyone's life and death would be dominated by this power.

After feeling this terrible power, Huo Wing was a little sober, but in an instant he chose to give up his sanity.

If he is rational, he will be afraid. What he needs most now is fearlessness.

"Kill you."

At this moment, Huo Wing kept burning himself, and he wanted to use everything to kill this human.

This human being is really strong and weird.

Either this human being died, or he died.

He chose to kill this human at all costs.


Vigorous and violent power constantly erupted from the fire wing, and kept strengthening.

Lu Shui frowned, and then stretched out his hand to grasp the rising power.

Began to attack:

"The sea is boundless."

Lu Shui started to rush towards Firewing with all the power of the formation.

The fire wing also rushed towards the land water like a meteor.

The people below can only watch all this and can only use their own strength to make a defense. They hope they can avoid this crisis.

Of course, they also hope that Liuhuo can win.

Because Liuhuo won them, they had a chance to survive.

So, don't lose.

boom! ! !

The two forces collided at high altitude, and the aftermath instantly spread to the entire border island.


Everything on the island was impacted and destroyed.

Everyone hid.

On some remote islands, Zhenwu Zhenling also sensed the impact of terrifying power.

This makes them very worried.

This is the strongest power contest they have ever seen.

They don't know if their young master can bear it.

But they can only wait in place.

For this power, the name and recognizing of Qianyu's name and weight are the clearest.

That power definitely surpassed the usual Firewing Senior.

This, if it hit him, he might no longer be able to breathe the air of the earth, it was terrible.

Fortunately, he is more cooperative.

Bear the burden of humiliation.


Lu Shui faced Firewing directly, and the terrifying power directly affected his body.

The injuries on his body are getting heavier and heavier, and the power inside his body is constantly bombarding him.

As if destroying his meridians.

The flesh and blood on the body are disappearing, and the bones are shattering.

If this continues, he may even be blown out by the power directly.

Lu Shui gritted his teeth, and formations of heaven and earth began to appear all over his body.

The moment the heaven and earth formation pattern appeared, Lu Shui urged a stronger force to directly press on Huo Wing with a palm.

The crazy Firewing stared at the landing water, he couldn't move, this power was too strong, and it could even destroy him.


Lu Shui's voice fell, and the fire wing was directly knocked out by immeasurable force.

This blow is enough to kill the opponent, although it can't be lost in an instant, but it will definitely not last long.


Firewing was shot down directly into the sea.

boom! !

This blow instantly caused a monstrous wave.

These waves washed all the surrounding islands, making countless people have to survive in the sea.

The land water was seriously injured and fell into the volcano.


For a moment, Lu Shui fell directly to the ground, and he felt that his consciousness was collapsing, and his flesh and blood was melting.

"No, it will be noticed by Mu Xue."

In this way, runes appeared directly around Lu Shui, which weakened the influence of numerology in a short time.

Then several lotus flowers appeared on his body and started to heal him.

But his body was almost penetrated by power, the bones were visible, the internal organs were shattered, and the breath of life was withering.

If it weren't for life-saving preparations in advance, if it wasn't for the power of heaven and earth to maintain it.

Maybe it was really killed by the opponent.

And as the breath of life faded, Lu Shui found something gathering in his heart.

Lu Shui's face changed drastically when he felt this thing.

"Oh, I forgot about this thing."

At this time, Lu Shui supported the ground with his hands to make himself stand up.

A sword is taking shape in his heart.

Lu Shui did not hesitate at all, and directly prevented this sword from taking shape.

"No, you have to get out of here."

Everything is ready, and the final trigger formation has just been completed.

He can already go out.

In an instant, Lu Shui disappeared directly in place.

Zhenwu and others disappeared together.

And at the moment when Lu Shui disappeared, a gust of wind blew up in the back mountain of Lu's family, and this gust of wind blew to the boundary of the land in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a figure fell on the position where Lu Shui disappeared.


This person came out of the space without any shock, as if he was in the space and not in the space.

Exists and does not exist,

This is a man with a looming sword intent on his body.

But he couldn't see his appearance.

"I can't perceive it anymore, I am out of danger?"

He lowered his eyebrows to see where Lu Shui disappeared, and then disappeared like a gust of wind.

When he appeared again, he was already on the surface of the sea of ​​darkness.

Lying at his feet were dying fire wings.

"Who killed you?" The gentle voice of the man rang in Huoyi's ears.

At this time, when the fire wing was dying, he didn't know who was by his side, but he couldn't have any resistance to it.

Then subconsciously spoke:

"Hidden, Hidden Sky School, Shao, Shao Sect Master, Liu, Liuhuo."

Hearing these words, the man was silent for a long time before continuing to speak:

"What task do you have?"

"Kill, kill Lu Shui." Huoyi said with difficulty.

This time a sword intent suddenly appeared from the void, but soon the sword intent disappeared.

"Which one of the ten temples?" the man continued to ask.

"Kill, Lord of the Scars." Huo Wing felt that he couldn't say it anymore.

He is going to die.

Killed by someone who shouldn't have killed him.

"Where is Lu Shui?" the man asked calmly.

His voice was as smooth as ever, without any ups and downs, but Huo Wing just couldn't refuse the question asked by this person.

As if he was dead, he had to answer the questions asked by this person.

"No, I don't know, no, I didn't find it." Huoyi could only hear the voice.

He couldn't see or even perceive whether there were people around him.

He felt a little sleepy, and his consciousness began to be swallowed by darkness.

A gust of wind blew away, and there was no longer the man on the water.

Only Firewing is left, lying there forever.

"Ten Palaces of Underworld, Killing Mark?" On the border island, the man appeared again.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand to grab the void, and he held a sword in his hand.

As long as this sword is swung down, the entire Underworld will suffer a huge and incomparable blow.

One of the ten halls of the underworld, will become his dead soul under the sword.

After hesitating for a moment, he let go of the sword in his hand, and finally let the sword return to the void.

Everything seems to have never happened before.

He looked down at the border island, looked at the traces of the island, and watched the battle.

"Young Sect Master of Yintianzong, Liuhuo?"

"The fighting talent is very strong."

"The formation is extremely delicate, incredibly delicate."

Then the man looked towards the sky. At this time, a hole opened in the sky. The hole connected to the sea, as if it were an entrance.

"The border ports are all opened, and the calculations are perfect."

"Flowing fire."

The man whispered, and finally disappeared in place.

At this time, the cultivator who had been locked up found the exit for the first time.

They did not hesitate at all and started to flee.

Flowing fire has opened the door for them.

Don't run away at this time, when will you stay?

"Now, leave."

"Liuhuo won, my God, this is a wicked evildoer."

"Other Tianjiao are still consulting some elders, Liu Huo can already kill the elders of the elders."

"Stop talking, let's run away while they lose their fighting spirit."

No one talks anymore, but Liu Huo impressed them too deeply.

There are no arrogances in the world at all, and it can be compared to a stray fire.

No, there has been no such thing before.



A breeze passed by.

A figure appeared in the pavilion in the pond, and he stood silently.

This figure is the man who just disappeared from the border of the underworld.

Yes, he is the elder of the Lu family, Lu Wuwei.

He still couldn't see his face as he stood there, and everything around him became even more straightforward and quiet.

After a moment of silence, a gentle voice came from him:

"You Ting, come and see me."

At the moment when the voice of the great elder fell.

The second elder appeared directly at the edge of the pond, and when the second elder saw the big elder standing in the pavilion, he was a little surprised.

"What happened? It actually forced you out of the Mist City?"

That state is the state of the Great Elder in the Mist City, and it is also the state of comprehending a higher realm.

Once you withdraw, it is almost the same as falling short.

If it weren't for something terrific that happened, the great elder wouldn't leave that state at all.

Unless those people of the gods all return to their peaks and kill them.

But this kind of thing is impossible.

"The bloodmark that I left on Lu Shui's body was triggered." A gentle voice came from the pavilion.

The second elder was taken aback when he heard this sentence.

Then he looked around, there was no sign of Lu Shui.

"Where is Lu Shui?" the second elder frowned and asked.

You know, there is no life-threatening, that mark will not be triggered.

Moreover, the great elder showed up directly, one can imagine how many land and water injuries were.

However, there is no figure of Lu Shui, which has to make the second elder think more.

"Disappeared." The voice of the great elder came over.

"What do you mean?" The second elder's pupils shrank.

This sentence depends on who said it.

The stronger you say it, the more worrying you will be.

"Still alive." The great elder stood there, as if the statue hadn't moved.

Only some breeze occasionally blows the corners of his clothes.

The second elder didn't speak, she still didn't understand, was it saved or something?

And while the second elder was thinking, the voice of the big elder came again:

"Have you checked the stray fire?"

"I have checked it, but it cannot be traced back to the source. Every time it appears and disappears suddenly.

There is no root, no trace. "The second elder said.

"Where did Liu Huo appear for the first time?" the elder asked.

"Floating island, the reputation of Liuhuo has spread since then." The second elder stood by the pond and responded.

"Where was Lu Shui at that time?" the elder asked again.

The second elder thought about it and said:

"On the way to divorce, I should also transfer to the floating island."

"Where did the fire appear the second time?" the elder asked again.

"Desolate grassland, kill the evil god."

"Where is Lu Shui?"

"Starting to investigate the barren grassland." The second elder frowned.

"Where did the third stray fire appear?" The Great Elder continued to ask.

"The dark scene of Tianchi River, kill Huaxian." said the second elder.

"Where is Lu Shui?"

"Participate in the Tianchi River Fate."

"What about the fourth time?"

"Suddenly descended on Tianyun Peak, killing the Son of the Sun."

"Where is Lu Shui?"

"Departing from Dongfang Home, the journey is unclear, unknown."

"What about the fifth time?"

"Kunpeng shares the boundless Taoism in his body."

"Where was Lu Shui then?"

"Kunpeng's body."

Speaking of this, the second elder already understood what the elder wanted to say.

By the way, she thought of the sixth, seventh, and eighth time, as long as the place where the fire appeared, the land and water were roughly in that area.

"How is this possible?" The second elder was a little unbelievable.

"Then, is it a coincidence?" the elder asked.

The second elder did not speak, it was a coincidence, it was really a coincidence.

But Lu Shui grew up as they watched.

His talent and his learning process are almost all in their eyes.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, if this is the case, then how could they not notice anything?

Soon the second elder suddenly remembered that Lu Shui went to the Tianling Mountain to meet the patio without injury, and entered the weak water space without any impact.

I even thought that Lu Shui had no idea about Supreme as if he had a channel to become stronger.

So, is that right?

But it's too exaggerated.

"How did you find out?" the second elder asked.

"The mark touched, when I passed, Lu Shui had disappeared.

I asked the monk of the Underworld who was about to die.

The one who killed him was the young master of the Hidden Sky Sect, Liu Huo. "The Great Elder said.

"What rank did he kill?" the second elder asked.

"The seventh step has not entered the Tao." The gentle voice of the great elder came out.

Can anyone really do it?

Lu Shui is only twenty years old.

"If it is true, then there is one of our Lu family, Tianjiao Wangu?" The second elder was a little unbelievable.

"No." The great elder turned his head to look at the second elder for the first time, and said:

"At Lu Shui's age, he is considered a peerless sun."

Peerless sun, the only one in the era.

It's unique.

Not every age has a scorching sun, but there is an era of scorching sun, almost unprecedented.

"What do you want to do?" the second elder asked.

If Lu Shui is really not the trash master mentioned outside, but the peerless sun, then it would be too dangerous to be outside.

"Let him do it, that's why I didn't take action against Mingtu." As long as he didn't take action, Lu Shui couldn't be sure whether he had gone or not.

The second elder was silent.

She wanted to leave Lu Shui at home.

But if Lu Shui was really stray fire, he would deceive everyone in the Lu family.

Moreover, it has not been discovered for so long, and with this ability, perhaps it is wrong to restrain him.

This may be the reason why Lu Shui hadn't stated clearly.

But she wanted to witness it with her own eyes.

Because up to now, they can only be regarded as guesses.


I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy National Day!

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