The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 247: Lu Shui and Mu Xue were kidnapped

Mu Xue was sitting in the yard, she looked up at the sky.

The sky is shining like a river with little stars.

It's just that Mu Xue didn't have the slightest idea of ​​appreciation, she was restless, and she was constantly struggling.

She thought it would be nice to see Lu Shui tomorrow, but now she feels a little uncomfortable.

After hesitating, Mu Xue drew a formation on the desktop, and then wrote about Lu Shui.

"Send something more over."

I felt uneasy, so I would naturally send things over first.

Then a purple light disappeared on the desktop.

But as soon as Ziguang disappeared, she took out her mobile phone, thinking she would call again.

It really doesn't work, go find Lu Shui now.

Soon Muxue called Lu Shui, but to her surprise this time, she was connected.

And the other side answered the phone instantly:

"Miss Mu, don't you sleep so late?"

Mu Xue was stunned in an instant, because she was thinking that she couldn't get through, so she didn't even think of any excuses.

How to do?

How can I explain that I don't want to land water anymore?

This little reservedness is still desired.


Lu Shui was lying on the ice at this time, and he couldn't stand up.

Zhenwu Zhenling was beside him, Jianqi they were thrown away by him directly.

Lu Shui's current injury is very serious, and his spirit is strong.

From the moment his phone rang, he knew it must be Mu Xue.

If he didn't pick it up as quickly as possible, Mu Xue would come over again with a high probability, if he came over to see him now.

Mu Xue had to run away.

For the sake of safety, he felt that he still couldn't let Mu Xue have a tendency to come over.

However, after Lu Shui inquired about Mu Xue, he found that someone had connected his numerology.

This time Lu Shui didn't check it, and he was not arrogant enough to let the other party see the power of his heaven and earth, and he didn't need to think about it.

Sure enough, a purple qi fell on him.

Then Zhenwu Zhenling saw the injuries on their young master's body again, and began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling glanced at each other, and they thought it might be their young master's talent.

The immortal body or something.

After all, this is the second time. To know their young master's injury, ordinary healing techniques are basically useless.

The pill also needs to be very good.

But if their young master is badly injured, he will suddenly recover on his own.

Although he had known that their young master was powerful, he was still scared to death when he saw Lu Shui seriously injured Zhenwu Zhenling.

At that moment, they all contacted the patriarch directly.

But it was still stopped by the young master's words.

In fact, Zhenling secretly took out the phone, but she realized that there was no signal suddenly.

When they saw their young master calling, they took out their cell phones again, and there was another signal.

"Master Lu didn't sleep either?" Lu Shui heard Mu Xue's response.

"If Miss Mu didn't call, I might have fallen asleep." Lu Shui sat up.

Now his injuries have almost recovered.

Mu Xue is still great.

Unfortunately, she is not playing therapy, but killing.

Otherwise it is his exclusive nanny.


Lu Shui seemed to hear something cracked on the other side.

Then came Mu Xue's calm voice:

"Chacha wants to go out for fun recently, don't know when Master Lu will be back?"


Lu Shui heard the sound of writing over there, as if he was using a heavy pen.

"Prepare to take the train back and get home in two days." Lu Shui explained his itinerary.

Now that his injuries are healed, he naturally wants to go back.

Two days are enough for him to adjust to his best condition.

Then see Mu Xue.

"Two days? I don't know if Young Master Lu has a transfer midway?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

Lu Shui has some doubts:

"Does Miss Mu want to do anything?"

"Chacha is going out. If Master Lu happens to have a transit, I can take Chacha to the place where Master Lu transits for a stroll, and then come back with Master Lu.

In this way, Master Lu's time will not be delayed. "Mu Xue's voice reached Lu Shui's ears.

What does it have to do with me if the Oriental scum is going out to play? Just let her go out by herself. What's wrong with going out as an adult? Lu Shui wanted to answer like this in his heart.

But he didn't dare to say that, he knew it was Mu Xue who wanted to see him in advance.

Finally, Lu Shui observed the route and said:

"Winter Island, will transit here."

"Then Master Lu, see you in Winter Island." Mu Xue's voice was light.

With a slight smile in his heart, Lu Shui finally calmly said:

"See you on the island in winter."

"Master Lu, good night." Mu Xue's voice also returned to calm and gentle.

"Good night." Lu Shui replied.

Finally they ended the call.

After talking on the phone, Mu Xue got up and went back to the room.

I can sleep well tonight.

"How can I flicker tea tomorrow?" Mu Xue thought about it in her heart.

After all, Chacha is still exploring the Lu family these days, if it weren't for the back mountain, she might have to go to the back mountain.

The Lu family is very big, enough for her to play for many days.

And she does some things every day.

For example, burning incense in the warehouse, or competing with the ice phoenix.

Sometimes even dragging the two elders to play together.

The second elder also agreed.

But soon, Mu Xue didn't care anymore. Tomorrow, just ask if you want to go out and stroll around.

It should be fine.

After that, Mu Xue lay on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

Because only if you go to bed early will you come early tomorrow, so you can see Lu Shui earlier.


Lu Shui was also relieved at this time.

Finally passed.

Then Lu Shui sat on the chair Zhen Wu took out, and he needed to think about something.

For example, what is Mingtu's attitude toward him now.

In the end, how many palace masters wanted to kill him, did they reach the point of madness?

If it's too crazy, then it's basically causing him trouble.

"It should be done in secret. Even if Mingtu wants to kill me, only people at the level of Mingtu hundred refining will execute it personally."

To know that this action, even Ming Tu Qianyu did not know him, which means that Ming Tu was afraid of the Lu Family after all.

"It must be a collective kill, and by the way it killed me."

"They may feel that the pressure will be less."

This is Lu Shui’s guess, but it’s hard to tell the truth.

Of course, things about the earth can be put aside first.

What makes him most concerned at the moment is whether the Great Elder has noticed it.

Yes, that mark should have been planted since he was born.

For him, this is part of the body, so he didn't care about it at all.

Who knew he betrayed him suddenly.


He doesn't know if this thing has triggered in the previous life, if it does, it must have been triggered by that magic cultivator.

After all, I had been beaten and lost consciousness at that time, how could I be aware of it like this.

Later, as his cultivation level got higher and higher, he naturally disappeared.

Finally, Lu Shui shook his head.

He was betrayed after all, he was raised since he was a child.

"Let those with channels pay attention to Mingtu's recent movement. If there is a big movement, let me know as soon as possible." Lu Shui said to Zhenwu Zhenling.

The true spirit naturally nodded.

Lu Shui wanted to know whether Ming Tu had been attacked, and if it was nine out of ten, it was the Great Elder.

Then he was exposed 80% of the time.

if there is not.

He has the vast majority of possibilities and is not suspected.

"I hope that at that time, the great elder is not online, or I have just had time to cut off the great elder's perception when I am in the underworld."

Lu Shui could only comfort himself so much.

Otherwise, he might not be able to get out after going back.

After that, Lu Shui went to the nearby station, because it was too far to catch the next bus.

So Lu Shui looked for Kunpeng again.

Kunpeng felt very happy, and just closed his eyes this time, he was able to play for the master.

Soon there will be a train on land and water, and you should be able to see Muxue tomorrow afternoon or evening.

On a remote island in the Sea of ​​Underworld.

Fame and Resume looked around, a little desperate.

Who can let him go?

These people didn't regard the captives as human beings, they had to leave, and they didn't untie the formation by the way.

He is a little lonely here alone.

"Loneliness is synonymous with the strong."


The next day.

Land water came to the winter island.

This is a veritable winter island.

It was white and snow fluttered.

But it's not that cold, and the people who live here are basically cultivators.

These ice and snow will not have any influence on the cultivator at all.

So the problem is not big.

After hesitating, Lu Shui sent a message to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue, who had already set off, sat on the train and watched the news from Lu Shui. There was some expectation and joy in her heart.

After so many days, it's finally time to see Lu Shui.

"Miss Mu, remember to wear more clothes."

This is a message from Lu Shui.

Seeing this news, Mu Xue looked at her body.

She is wearing long-sleeved trousers and her arms are not exposed, shouldn't it be enough?

"Lu Shui is worried that I will seduce him if I wear it short, can he not bear it?" Mu Xue had a strange thought in her heart.

Only soon Mu Xue realized that she was stupid, thinking that Lu Shui was stupid.

It's a pity that by the time she reacted, it was too late.

She arrived.

And Lu Shui asked her to wear more, no other meaning, mainly because it is cold on the island in winter.

She is an ordinary person now.

"It's over, I'm going to be laughed at by Lu Shui."

Mu Xue looked at the long sleeves on her body. Although they were not thin, they were definitely not thick.

Not resistant to cold.

Lu Shui was standing at the entrance of the train station. He was waiting for Mu Xue to get off the train.

This has nothing to do with his eagerness to see Mu Xue, it's just pure politeness.

He has already recovered from his injuries now, and everything has returned to its peak except for the power of the world.

Not long after, Lu Shui watched the train stop on the track.

He looked at the car in front, feeling a little bit, and then walked over there.

Zhenwu and Zhenling followed, but it was Lu Shui who took two steps and they took one step.

Because they knew that Lu Shui was going to accept Miss, in this case, they couldn't be light bulbs.

Will be severely reprimanded by the patriarch's wife.

The relationship between the young lady and the young master is something that the whole family cares about.

Mu Xue got off the train at this time.

No one followed her, and Cha Cha did not follow.

Chacha probe watched her cousin get off the car, Xiangyu said that her cousin had gone on a date with his cousin Lu Shui, and he could not bother.

The taro is right.

When she becomes stronger and the world is invincible, she can do whatever she wants, just follow her secretly to see if the date is different from what she thinks.

When Mu Xue got off the car, what he saw was the land water that was already waiting at the door.

The moment he saw Lu Shui, Mu Xue's whole heart was let go, and she even wanted to get tired of Lu Shui's body.

But it can't.

Girls also need to be reserved.

Moreover, their current feelings have not yet reached that point.

So in the end Mu Xue just stood in front of Lu Shui and said softly:

"Master Lu, long time no see."

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and found that she was only wearing long sleeves, but she looked good as usual, or even better.

With the breeze blowing, Lu Shui smelled a light fragrance.

This is the smell of Mu Xue.

But Mu Xue said she couldn't smell it.

"Miss Mu, isn't it cold?" Lu Shui asked while looking at Mu Xue's clothes.

Mu Xue didn't speak for a while, cold, but afraid of being laughed at by you.

Before Mu Xue knew how to answer, she saw Lu Shui move.

Lu Shui left and came to Mu Xue's side, and then the power that belonged to Lu Shui surrounded Mu Xue to drive him out of the cold.

"Miss Mu's dinner?" Lu Shui asked.

Then I walked forward.

Mu Xue was stunned, and naturally followed.

Leaving the station side by side.

"Not yet, where's Master Lu?" Mu Xue asked.

Although there is no big change in the tone, there is a hint of joy in it.

She believed that Lu Shui could detect it.


This is the response Mu Xue heard.

Mu Xue, who was warm in his heart, instantly became half cold.


In the snow, Mu Xue was eating with his steamed buns.

It was supposed to have dinner in the evening, but she didn't eat it.

She is not hungry.

Who made Lu Shui angry with her?

Hungry for his wife for a day, will she dare to see him in the future?

Well, the buns were bought by Lu Shui.

Sometimes Mu Xue wanted to raise her fist and beat Lushui in the boundless snow.

Especially when I still wear socks today, it is more troublesome to take off my boots.

Small clothes are not good, and the snow is too abnormal.

Don't be afraid in the Lushui room.

Then Mu Xue clicked, and cut off these unlady thoughts. She felt that she was a good person who was persecuted like this by Lu Shui.

Thinking like this, Mu Xue deliberately slowed down some steps, took a peek at Lu Shui through the gap between the front and back, and then bit the bun.

Kill Lu Shui.

Then speed up the pace to keep up with the land water, and walk with the land water.

I feel much better.

Lu Shui always felt that there was a looming vicious intent around him, but he didn't care, he just didn't have the intent to kill.

At this time, he glanced at Mu Xue and said:

"Miss Mu is sure that there are Tianchi flowers on the snow mountain?"

Mu Xue told him that there was a Tianchi on the top of the snow-capped mountains, and there was a patch of flowers around the Tianchi, and that there was snow outside the flowers.

And it is a natural beauty, not formed by a formation method.

So they plan to go up and take a look.

But Lu Shui hadn't heard of this, or he hadn't investigated what was in this snowy mountain.

Mu Xue had eaten the buns at this time, nodded and said:

"Well, I want to play with Chacha. I checked it on the way. It should be OK."

Lu Shui nodded. Actually, it was fine. After all, walking with Mu Xue on the snow was quite interesting.

Especially Mu Xue is an ordinary person and it is not easy to walk.

His second-order cultivation base can almost overlook Mu Xue.

Looking at Mu Xue as a strong man, this kind of superiority is really good.

After marriage, there is no such opportunity, and the sense of superiority is gone forever.

It has nothing to do with the cultivation base.

Of course, when we got married in the previous life, it certainly wouldn't happen.

At that time, Mu Xue was very pitiful, well-behaved and sensible, too late to love her.

Muxue now, hehe, is still just as likable.

While walking on the road, Lu Shui looked up at the sky and found that the sky was covered with white snow.

"It's snowing, it's hard to walk," Lu Shui said.

"Master Lu hates snow?" Mu Xue asked.

Hearing these words, Lu Shui stopped, then looked at Mu Xue:

"No, the snow is beautiful."

Mu Xue's eyes looked at Lu Shui stunned, and then she remembered that she was called Mu Xue.

Finally, he bowed his head and said nothing.

Just a little happy.

After that, the land and water separated the surrounding wind and snow, allowing Mu Xue to walk better.

It's not good if you fall.

Fortunately, they are wearing trousers. If they are fairy skirts, it will be troublesome.

But it's coming soon.

And just now.

Suddenly there was a man's voice:

"Successful, but fortunately no one is nearby."

Lu Shui and Mu Xue were stunned. Is this person sick?

Why are you worried about someone talking?

Now it's well heard.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked at each other. Although they didn't know what was going on, they still didn't say anything.

The less trouble, the better.

It's just that they don't want to cause trouble, and it doesn't mean that others are safe and self-conscious.

Wow, a man walked out from behind the snow slope, this man was carrying a big sack behind him, and he was not a small animal in any way.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked over.

This is a man with a clown mask.

He is dressed in black and is particularly dazzling on the snow.

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Can't understand people who wear black clothes doing bad things in the snow before the sky is dark.

learn a lesson.

"Did you hear it? See it too?" The man naturally saw Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

If you don't speak, we don't actually know.

And if you don't have enough mental quality to do bad things, don't take the road.

However, Lu Shui did not speak immediately.

This person's Tier 4 cultivation base, under normal circumstances, he couldn't beat it.

It depends on Mu Xue's inability to make a move.

Mu Xue was also frowning, the opponent's Tier 4 cultivation base, Lu Shui couldn't beat him, then would she take action?

At this moment, the black-clothed man threw out a rope, which instantly tied Lu Shui and Mu Xue's hands.

And began to suppress repair.

"It is forbidden to use the Supreme Magic Sky Rope." An accident flashed in Lu Shui and Mu Xue's hearts.

This rope is very interesting.

Prohibition of hands-on practice can suppress almost all regular practitioners.

The supreme fantasy sky can make unconventional practitioners have hallucinations and arouse their inner desires.

Some of the pitfalls is that when encountering unconventional cultivation, it is useless to prohibit hands-on, so desire is aroused, and no one knows what will happen.

For example, some people want to become strong, very, very strong.

Then this rope really made him stronger at that moment, but his reason was replaced by desire, doing whatever he wanted.

The person who uses the rope at last has to face this desire body directly.

What will happen, you can fake it.

And this is a hidden function.

Most people who got this rope were killed by the hidden function of this rope.

I don't know if the master who developed this rope has an enmity with the cultivator, he is simply playing with other people's feelings.

When they think that it is invincible to prohibit the use of the Supreme Magic Sky Rope, they will try to act on the unconventional strong.

They may think that if they fail, they can always be trapped for a while, and then take the opportunity to escape.

However, he may have opened the door to hell.

Of course, it has no effect on Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

Lu Shui didn't do anything, and he didn't even look at him now that he could untie such ropes.

Mu Xue hesitated, but didn't rush to take action, because it would definitely hurt Lu Shui's pride.

As a young master, Lu Shui is still very sensitive in his heart. It is not something to be proud of to be protected by his fiancée.

But if this person dares to be against the land and water.

Namxue dared to let him say good night to the world.

"Come with me," the man said.

Lu Shui glanced at Mu Xue, then let Mu Xue follow him.

"Some trouble." Lu Shui felt a little helpless in his heart, if this person dared to attack Mu Xue.

It's hard to say that he can't hold back his move.

The high probability is to be exposed.

But let him tolerate Mu Xue's injury, and then let Mu Xue resist by himself?

Can't do it.

In the end, if the plan to divorce is destroyed by this little crouch, he will be depressed for more than half a year.

Not long after, Lu Shui and Mu Xue were taken to a cave under the snow-capped mountain by the other party.

As soon as they entered, they were imprisoned in a formation together.

"Don't shout, don't shout, behave better, I may let you go.

Otherwise..." The man kept staring at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

"Otherwise, I ha ha ha." The clown mask man sneered at Lu Shui all the time.

It always feels like he has no good intentions.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked puzzled.

What's the matter with this person?

Only then did they see that the man untied the sack, and then a fat woman was dumped out.

This person's hands are also tied with a rope forbidden to do it.

This is a decomposable rope, roughly divided into nine segments.

"Why is it a little fat girl? Where is Bing Shui Ji?" The man looked at the little fat girl in surprise.

But soon he began to struggle:

"Am I going in the wrong direction?"

Then he took out the news, took out the map, and started to compare.

"That's right, but what about Bing Shui Ji?"

The man picked up the little fat girl and said in a low voice:

"Where is Bing Shui Ji?"

"I, I don't know." The little fat girl was a little scared.


The man slapped his hand directly:

"You don't know? You don't know how to be in the place where Bing Shui Ji appeared?

Don't blame me for burying you here. "

The slap slapped the little fat girl in a daze, and when she heard these words again, she was frightened and cried:

"Front, senior.

Me, I am Bing Shui Ji. "


The man slapped it up again, and he said a little angrily:

"You still panic, do you know who Bing Shui Ji is?

The first fairy of the Pure Land, pure and flawless, and beautiful.

You little fat girl, still dare to say that you are Bing Shui Ji? "

"Predecessor, I'm really Bing Shui Ji."

Slap, another slap.

"You dare to say it."

The slap was very heavy, and the little fat girl felt her face crooked. She cried and looked at the man in front of her and said:

"Senior, what do you want, I, I will give you."

"Haha." The man looked at the little fat girl and said with disdain:

"I want five Ninth-Rank Spirit Stones, will you give them?"

"I have, UU read I will give it." Bing Shui Ji said immediately.

The man glanced at the little girl, straightened his mask, and then raised his hand.


This time the man slapped the little fat girl to the ground:

"Say you are fat, you are still breathing."

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked at the conversation between the two men in surprise.

Some are rare.

Lu Shui used his cell phone to send messages to Zhen Wu while watching.

The other party only said that he could not yell, but he did not say that he could not send a message to call someone.

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