The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 249: The power of the true god

What is your name?

Hearing Lu Shui's question, Mu Xue thought about it and said:

"What is a flower called?"

"My cousin's name is Mu Xue, and my name is Dongfang Chacha, so I'll name it..."

"Call Gougan?" Lu Shui tried to say what Dongfang Chacha wanted to say when he was halfway through Dongfang Chacha.

Dongfang Chacha looked confused:

"Why call a dog egg?"

Mu Xue said with a smile:

"What's that called?"

"It's called bean sprouts." Dongfang Chacha said.

"What does this name have to do with Mu Xue and Dongfang Zhazha?" Lu Shuiping asked quietly, mainly because he was a little curious about the connection between the two.

"It's Dongfang Chachala." After emphasizing the name, Dongfang Chacha explained:

"It's okay, because my cousin's name doesn't match me, so I don't need to give a pet a name."

Lu Shui: "..."

"Then call it bean sprouts." Mu Xue said, looking at Carnivorous Flower.

The name is pretty good.

Mu Xue agreed that Lu Shui would naturally have no opinion.

Anyway, the flower grower is Mu Xue.

"I took bean sprouts out to buy a flower pot." Speaking of Dongfang Chacha, he left the yard with carnivorous flowers.

Lu Shui watched Dongfang Zuzha leave. He originally wanted to say that Zhenwu had something.

Think about it or forget it.

Mu Xue naturally has nothing to say, it's okay if Cha Cha isn't here.

She can ask Lu Shui how to use her mobile phone so that she can get in touch with Lu Shui.

But the position was not very good, and Mu Xue got up and decided to change to a suitable position:

"Master Lu..."

Just now Mu Xue spoke, Lu Shui also stood up and said:

"Miss Mu is also sleepy?

Then go back to your room to rest, and leave Ms. Mu alone.

By the way, I still have a fruit that I haven't eaten. Miss Mu has an appetite and can try the taste. "

Said that Lu Shui put down the new fruit he had picked, and then turned and left.

Mu Xue: "..."

She picked up the fruit, stared at the back of Lu Shui leaving, and then took a bite of the fruit.

There was a fierce light in his eyes.

One day, the fruit in her hands is the end of Lu Shui.

Eat it.


The lake water in the ice sheet on the sea suddenly stirred up a splash of water.

The goddess of ice sea emerged from the lake, and she stared at the end of the sea for a long time.

"There is an anomaly in the sea, is Ming Tu an accident or an accident in the Pure Land?"

The ice sea goddess closed her eyes slowly, and after a while she opened her eyes again.

"It's the end of the sea, is the seal loose?

How could this happen, there is no reason at all. "

The ice sea goddess was silent for a moment.

"Is it because of the ancient city of natural disasters last time? Divine blood touched the seal, causing the seal to loosen."

"But why?"

The Ice Sea Goddess couldn't get the answer, it was not something she knew.

Don't say it's her, even Xian Ting and Buddhism shouldn't know.

At the end of the sea, a siren guarded.

There is a seal left by the only true God of heaven and earth.

No one knows what's inside, and no one knows the way to unlock the seal.

"Let the people of the Temple of Light, take a trip."

The goddess of ice sea directly issued the oracle.

In theory, it should be her people from the Ice Sea Temple to go to things in the sea, but it is about the only true **** of heaven and earth, and Ice Sea Temple will suffer instead.

Facing the only true God of heaven and earth, the power of the Lord God is vulnerable to a single blow.

So it is not suitable for the Ice Sea Temple to do this.

The Temple of the Sun is also not suitable, only the Temple of Light is most suitable.

Especially the God of Light also initially awakened.


In the meeting where Xian Ting was, five people stood on the floating stones again.

"The things left by Xing Si Xianjun will not resonate with Lu Shui." Demon Sword Slayer said.

"Then follow the clues left by Xianjun Xianjun and continue to investigate.

On the other side of Lu Shui, the God of War will try.

The gods don't know what the discovery came from, and they should also test Lu Shui.

So we don't need to intervene in this matter. "The senior who presided over the meeting said.

Whether it is the God of War or the Buddhism gods, they all have to test Lu Shui.

Then there is no need for them Xian Ting to do anything.

Because they have tried many times.

The conclusions reached have never changed.

"There seems to be something unusual in Ming Tu recently, but I don't know what the specific situation is." Demon Sword Slayer said again.

Hearing this, many people are a little confused.

Of course, doubts are useless, they know too little about Mingtu.

There is no strength to directly enter the underworld.

They have no way of knowing the news inside.

"Ming Tu is different from Xian Ting. They have been passed down to this day, and their strength is beyond doubt.

But only for this era.

If they make trouble for us, just avoid them.

When Xianjun and Jue Xian and other seniors regained their consciousness, Ming Tu didn't need to care.

Our enemies are still Buddhism and the gods. "The senior leader said.

The others nodded, and no one cared specifically, because so far, Ming Tu has done nothing serious.

"By the way, who is Daozong Jianyi? The Supreme Sword Dao seems to belong to him." The Demon Sword Slayer curiously asked:

"I checked some classics, but I couldn't find this person's record."

Others are also very curious about this, they also know that Supreme Sword Dao belongs to Daozong Jianyi.

The existence of this level should be accompanied by many legends.

And these legends sometimes come with various important news, it is a good thing to know clearly.

The predecessor who was in the lead glanced at the others and said:

"I also listened to the God of War.

It is said that Zong Jianyi was a great figure in ancient times.

One of the strongest in the same era as Emperor Zun. "

Hearing this sentence, everyone else was shocked, Dao Zong Jianyi was actually a strong man in the same era as Emperor Zun.

"However, the emperor has gone a step further, and he has fallen into that era." The senior leader added.

Others are a little bit sorrowful, such a strong will also fall.

"How did he fall?" Hearing Yun Xi asked curiously.

The predecessor who was in the lead was silent for a moment and said:

"Listening to the God of War, Emperor Zun once mentioned a sentence saying that Zong Jianyi challenged it is impossible."

The others were silent, without questioning for a while.

They are also very curious about what it can't be, but it should be the God of War that they don't know.

Sure enough, the senior continued:

"As for what the impossible is, the emperor doesn't mention it, and no one else knows it."

The crowd was silent for a moment, and the headed one said:

"Say something business."

"There has been an abnormal movement in the sea. It is said that Qiaoyunzong's waves and stars have advanced, but the specific reason is unknown." Ting Yunxi said.

She knew it by accident.

"The sea is changing? Is it time for the water **** to recover?" the leader asked.

"It's still a long way off." Someone replied.

"What do you think?" the senior leader asked.

"I was chasing the Tianji Building recently and got some news that he might have gone to Qiaoyunzong.

But he wasn't sure if it was for the change, or for the waves of the sea stars. "Gao Yuan said.

"Then keep chasing, and by the way, see if you can know what's going on in the sea area." The leader said.

For some major events, they must have enough understanding. If the news is slow, it is tantamount to losing the opportunity.

The waves of the sea and the stars are so much in advance, there must be some big changes.

This has to be understood.

If the gods or Buddhists want to regain their strength, they don't mind helping to add some fatal problems.


deep sea.

A woman shuttled in the deep sea. She barely moved, but her speed was not slow in the slightest.

It seems to disappear from others' vision in the blink of an eye.

And around her, there are always some cracks in the deep sea space, and as the cracks flash, some deep-sea things will disappear.

It seemed that something had swallowed things in the deep sea directly.

As for the route the woman passed, no cracks appeared.

"It's getting more and more frequent, what's in it?"

"And I don't know what's going on. I always feel that there is something around, and the queen suddenly fell asleep."

"It's really troublesome."

After a long time, the woman stopped in a dark sea area.

There are many cracks flashing here, like thunder.

But this is much scarier than the Thunder.

At the end of the sea, there is no end.

Further forward, it is no longer water, nor is it a normal space.

This is where they need to guard, but even they don't know what it is.

All I know is that there is a seal here, and now the seal is loose.

"After so many years, I thought that this seal would never be loosened, but there was no sign of it being loosened."

"I hope that the loosening of the seal will not have any terrible effects."

As for the influence of some sea areas, it didn't matter to their Kraken.

They basically didn't feel these changes.

For example, the impact that came out of the underworld some time ago, they were at most ordinary earthquakes.

The problem is not big.

The sea has never been calm, but the humans outside have not really felt the turbulence in the depths of the sea.

"It should be just recently, but it always feels like something is missing."

The woman looked at the dark sea peacefully.

She did not leave, but stood here and waited.

In other words, guarding this place, there should be new changes in the past few days, and she needs to witness it with her own eyes.

And beside her, a little girl with colorful hair nodded.

She also felt almost something.

She can't get in.

But it felt like something was calling her.

She has been standing next to the woman now, but the other party can't perceive it at all.


Lu Shui woke up early the next morning.

It’s not very comfortable to sleep here, so he actually slept quite late last night, and spent most of the time sketching the formation of heaven and earth.

After all, his power of heaven and earth was exhausted again.

If you don't work hard, wait for the day of resignation, and God knows if you will send the head away.

After waking up, Lu Shui walked out.

As soon as he arrived in the yard, he saw Mu Xue watering the carnivorous flowers.

Hearing the movement, Mu Xue glanced back, and when she found that it was Lu Shui, she said with a slight smile:

"Master Lu is awake?"

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and was stunned for a while.

For an instant, Mu Xue felt better.

Lu Shui soon recovered, an illusion.

In fact, Mu Xue has always been like that, with no change at all, as it was in the previous life.

Yes, it's all an illusion.

"Miss Mu wakes up so early?" Lu Shui came to Mu Xue, and then looked at the carnivorous flower that was drooling. He was curious, does this carnivorous flower need to be watered?

Shouldn't it be enough to eat?

Unless special water is used.

"Because you don't need to practice, all usually wake up early." Mu Xue briefly explained.

Then look at the landing channel:

"Master Lu is going up the mountain today?"

Mu Xue had already put the water aside and did not continue to water the flowers.

Watering flowers is meant to pass the time.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said:

"Miss Mu doesn't plan to have breakfast?"

Hearing what Lu Shui said, Mu Xue took two buns from the side and divided Lu Shui one by the way.

Lu Shui: "..."

After that, Lu Shui took the buns and walked out:

"Let's go, go and see that Tianchi."

Looking at Lu Shui's back, Mu Xue smiled slightly, her eyes filled with joy.

She felt it.

Lu Shui spoiled her.

Then Mu Xue followed, suddenly curious:

"Master Lu, did you brush your teeth today?"

Lu Shui stopped when he heard these words, and then watched Mu Xue not say a word.

Does Mu Xue feel that she is poking Lu Shui's sore spot?


At this time, Lu Shui handed the buns to Mu Xue, saying:

"Fortunately, Miss Mu reminded me that I went back to brush my teeth."

After speaking, he went to the room without looking back.

Mu Xue: "..."

Not happy anymore.


"When is Master Lu going to Qiaoyunzong?" Mu Xue asked on the snow.

Lu Shui was still eating steamed buns, so he brushed his teeth and set off with Mu Xue.

He just set off, naturally he hasn't eaten buns yet.

If it weren't for Mu Xue's good-looking sake, he could drag her out for half an hour and wait for her to die.

If you were in the previous life, you must first let Mu Xue taste the taste of not brushing your teeth, and then go to brush.

Uh, as a cultivator, he actually doesn't need to brush his teeth, just some habits.

"Langhai Xingzong is still a few days away. Where else will Miss Mu go shopping these days?" Lu Shui whispered.

Mu Xue didn't reply immediately, so she walked beside Lu Shui. In fact, she wanted to grab Lu Shui's hand and walk, it might be better to walk.

Of course, it is better to let Lu Shui carry it on his back.

But it is not suitable yet.

Although I am more familiar with Lu Shui, my feelings are not in place.

"I always feel that the relationship with Lu Shui has not been able to brush up. Is it necessary to wait for him to bully after getting married?" Mu Xue felt a little uncomfortable.

It would take a long time, she wanted to bite Lu Shui now, and then beat him.

When the feelings are over, you don't need to mask your face when beating Lushui.

Just can't stuff things.

Thinking about it this way, Mu Xue felt that it was a good time to have a beating when the feelings hadn't improved.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong, but Qiao Yunzong seems to be passing by the Tang family. If Master Lu doesn't find it bothersome, I want to see the two younger sisters." Mu Xue said while watching Lu Shui.

Lu Shui recalled Mu Xue's two younger sisters.

One has no impression, one is very small.

After that, Lu Shui stopped thinking:

"Okay, go to Tang's house tomorrow."

Hearing Lu Shui's answer, Mu Xue was naturally happy.

Then they came to the top of the snow-capped mountains.

As soon as he came up, Lu Shui noticed the changes under his feet.

The forces of nature gather here.

Not long after he saw the grass, there were some flowers and plants on the grass.

Is it really there?

Lu Shui didn't study the natural forces he had just noticed. For him, as long as the scenery is good enough.

How it was formed, there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

Mu Xue is happy to watch it.

Then Lu Shui and Mu Xue saw a lake. The lake was braving slightly hot, and flowers and plants grew on the edge of the lake. Although the flowers and plants on the edge were the most luxuriant, it was still a unique scenery on the snow.

It looks really good.

This is the Tianchi that Mu Xue wants to see.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue were standing there, and they found that there were still many people near Tianchi.

There are males and females, but more, seemingly like them, one male and one female.

"When I went to Langhai Xingyong, almost all of them were a man and a woman." Lu Shui thought to himself.

He felt that his parents would definitely stay there too.

His parents' relationship has always been very good, and there is no reason not to watch this kind of spectacle.

It's hard to say whether you have gone to see it in the previous life.

After all, his mother was injured.

Then Lu Shui took Mu Xue to the side of Tianchi, and Mu Xue squatted down, touching the water in Tianchi with her hand.

"Hot." Mu Xue said to Lu Shui.

"Hot spring?" Lu Shui asked.

Mu Xue shook her head, she didn't know.

Like Lu Shui, she didn't study the reasons for this.

Just look good.

And it was Lu Shui who accompanied her to watch.


Suddenly, there was a noise in the water, that someone fell into the water.

And it's not far from Mu Xue.

Without any hesitation, Lu Shui directly pulled Mu Xue back.

Prevent accidents.

Mu Xue was suddenly pulled back by Lu Shui. She didn't feel any discomfort, but instead remembered her last life.

Whenever something happened, Lu Shui pulled her behind.

Then I kept repeating a sentence: hiding behind, hiding behind, the murderous air is too heavy, and it scares my test product to death.

Mu Xue: "..."

It doesn't seem to be a happy memory.

Before she knew it, Mu Xue wanted to beat Lushui.

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xue, not knowing if it was an illusion, Mu Xue's eyes looked fierce.

"What mess did she think about?" Lu Shui felt a little dangerous in his heart.

But soon, they looked towards the falling position.

Lu Shui was worried at first that there would be nothing in the water, otherwise he would not worry that Mu Xue would be in danger.

It was just that Lu Shui and Mu Xue were stunned just now. It was a fat person who fell into the water.

"Little fat girl?" Mu Xue and Lu Shui were a little surprised.

Then they looked around, there was no one around them.

Do all the little fat girls commit suicide by diving?

"Help, help." The little fat girl's voice suddenly came over.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui helplessly, he pinched his fingers and cast a spell.

Then a sound erupted underwater.


The little fat girl was blown up directly.

If it weren't for Mu Xue's presence and Lu Shui wanted to pull people up, a snap of his fingers would be enough.

Of course, if he wasn't here, Mu Xue might have enough eyes.

Soon the little fat girl fell in front of Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

The others glanced at it and didn't care about the matter here.

Sometimes it’s better not to join in the fun in the realm of comprehension, in case it will be a big fight, if you encounter a predecessor, it will really be unlucky.

"Why did you fall into the water?" Mu Xue squatted down and looked at the little fat girl curiously.

Lu Shui stood beside Mu Xue to prevent any accidents.

The little fat girl naturally first saw who rescued her, but she was a little surprised when she saw Mu Xue.

"Yes, are you?" said the little fat girl.

Mu Xue just nodded gently.

After the little fat girl sat up, Mu Xue got up and stood with Lu Shui.

The little fat girl looked at the two people in front of her, and knew that they were Taoists without asking.

Slowly, the little fat girl said:

"I met the friends I had made before, but after they learned that I had no money, they said that I was not their friend. I wanted to ask them to explain, and they pushed me into the water."

"You can't get water for your second-tier cultivation base?" Lu Shui asked.

The little fat girl lowered her head:

"I can't use my cultivation base. My father gave me spiritual forbidden spells."

Lu Shui and Mu Xue glanced at each other, thinking that this little fat girl ran away from home.

As for how they disappeared before, they did not ask.

"Is it a netizen?" Mu Xue asked.

The little chubby girl nodded, she said a little disappointed:

"A demon cultivator like me can't make friends in the realm of demon cultivators. I think Dao cultivators will be much better."

Mu Xue: "..."

Lu Shui: "..."

"They said to go to the doctor?" Mu Xue asked again.

"They said that Qiao Yunzong can make me glamorous, so I can bring enough spirit stones." said the little fat girl.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue shook their heads, and they were helpless.

"If I don't become a coquettish woman, I will go to marriage. I will definitely marry a worthless person like this, and I may still have a bad temper and only beat his wife and children.

If you become coquettish, you may marry better. "The little girl whispered.

"The ninth daughter of the Icefield Snow Territory Master also needs a marriage?" Mu Xue was a little surprised.

The marriage between their family and the Lu family is excusable, after all, Lu Jiaqiang.

Mu's family can get a lot of benefits.

However, the icefields and snowy areas are not comparable to ordinary repairing power.

It's like Jian Yifeng, Qiao Yunzong, do they need marriage?

Not required.

"Nine daughters, so many, why don't you marry and keep them?

It's not pretty. "The little fat girl lowered her head and said uncomfortably.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue felt that what the other party said was reasonable.

But they also know one thing, that is, this little fat girl is really the ninth daughter of the owner of the icefield snow domain ~ Dao No. Bing Shui Ji, real name Lin Huanhuan.

Bing Shui Ji grew up like this, it is really unbelievable.

"Your facial features are not bad, just lose weight." Mu Xue said.

"What I cultivate is binge eating, and I have physical problems, so I can eat if I can't lose weight.

Is there any help? "Lin Huanhuan said.

Mu Xue thought about it, and euphemistically said:

"It's a bit difficult, but as far as I know, binge eating has a turning point called flesh and blood sacrifice. You can customize the flesh and blood of the sacrifice to achieve weight loss."

Lin Huanhuan looked at Mu Xue and said that she was puzzled. Why hadn't she heard of it?

"It takes the third rank." Mu Xue explained.

Lu Shui naturally knew that flesh and blood sacrifices could lose weight, but there were not many who would gain weight by practicing overeating, so this flesh and blood sacrifice seemed a bit cruel.

Sacrifice is useless at all, and if there are too many sacrifices, it is a bit unlike human beings.

So there are not many people who practice flesh and blood sacrifices, so it's better to spend time cultivating others.

"Tier 3?" Lin Huanhuan felt desperate when she heard Mu Xue's words.

She will be confirmed to be married soon.

And she wants to reach the third rank, it is impossible for her to reach the third rank without several years.

"It's over."

"Actually, marrying is not necessarily bad, sometimes I feel very lucky." Mu Xue whispered.

As if feeling a little shy.

After all, Lu Shui was by her side.

"But I heard that the person I'm going to marry may be someone whose cultivation level is almost abolished, and who is still lacking." Lin Huanhuan said sadly.

Mu Xue couldn't comfort her for a while.

Lu Shui didn't feel it anymore, Mu Xue had to take care of this, if he had left early.

He was just accompanying Mu Xue.


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