The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 250: Mu Xue refused to talk

Mu Xue looked at Lin Huanhuan without speaking for a while.

But she kindly left a spiritual stone for Lin Huanhuan.

"Recently, I heard that there are waves and stars, you can go and see.

Then contact your family as soon as possible and go home.

It's dangerous outside. "

After talking about Mu Xue, she looked at Lu Shui, with a smile on her face, as if saying, Master Lu, we can leave.

Lu Shui nodded, then turned to leave with Mu Xue, by the way:

"Remember to return the spirit stone to me."

Mu Xue doesn't have spirit stones, so the spirit stones given by Mu Xue were borrowed from Lu Shui.

"Good." Mu Xue replied.

She was used to returning Lu Shui Lingshi, but she still took out her notebook and kept an account for Lu Shui.

It will count.

Seeing Lu Shui and Mu Xue leave, Lin Huanhuan got up and left.

She now has the spirit stone that Mu Xue gave, and she doesn't know what to do.

Maybe you have to go back and accept the arrangements of fate.

But the five Ninth-Rank Spirit Stones were gone.

Will you die miserably when you go back?

But after all, knowing the sacrifice of flesh and blood, isn't it too bad, right?

That is, how do you learn to sacrifice flesh and blood?


"Where is that fairy?

Where did it go?

You have to ask clearly. "


Lu Shui had already taken Mu Xue down the mountain at this time.

It's noon, it's lunch time, and let Zhenwu buy a ticket to Tang's house.

When Lu Shui and the others returned to the yard, they heard the voice of Dongfang Chacha:

"You come down, we have the ability to single-handedly challenge.

Let go, let go. "

Mu Xue and Lu Shui were a little surprised, what happened to Dongfang Zuzha?

When they entered, they found Dongfang Chacha scratching their hair.

There was a flower hanging on her head, or biting it tightly.

It just bit on the hair, and did not bite the head.

Xiangyu has been helping to remove the carnivorous flower, but it can't be removed.

Mu Xue curiously said:

"What's going on here?"

"Cousin, the bean sprouts bit my hair and refuses to let go." Dongfang Chacha immediately cried:

"Let the bean sprouts loosen your mouth and take the big red flowers back. You will be laughed at."

"It's not red," Mu Xue said.

"That would be a joke too." Dongfang Chacha said.

Mu Xue thought for a while and said:

"Chacha going back?"

"Yes, dad said that the clan has prepared some benefits for me, let me go back and get it." Dongfang Chacha said.

At the age of eighteen, the third-tier cultivation base can be said to be a genius who has never appeared in any sect. The Dongfang family has such a genius, and naturally he will give a lot of good things.

And the Lu family gave too much.

They are worried that Dongfangjia will not give more, because Dongfang Chacha will easily lose the sense of belonging.

Especially after they learned that the Lu family had given two magic weapons with magic weapons casually, they felt too much pressure.

The Lu family really had a lot of money, and didn't regard this kind of magic weapon as a magic weapon.

How dangerous it is for a child to carry this magic weapon.

With the experience of going out once with Chacha, it is either stolen or robbed. This magic weapon may not be long before.

Of course, they dare not confiscate.

Unless Dongfang Chacha's parents personally confiscated it.

But Dongfang Yeming, as the head of the Dongfang clan, has amazing talent and is very tough.

"When will you go back then?" Mu Xue asked.

Dongfang Chacha grabbed his hair and looked to the sweet taro. Mu Xue and Lu Shui also looked at the sweet taro.

Dongfang Zhazha doesn't care about these things, so she knows when to go back, and probably only her maid Xiangyu.

Xiangyu immediately lowered his head and said:

"It's a ticket for the afternoon. It will be there tomorrow."

Mu Xue nodded, and then said:

"The bean sprouts seem to like to follow you, so take them first."

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha looked depressed.

It drools.

When brushing his teeth, he would bite his toothbrush.

But some of the teeth were crooked, and the other day I took it out while it was asleep.

After that, Mu Xue explained a few more things.

This explanation has arrived at the afternoon car time.

Lu Shui and others naturally took Dongfang Chacha to the station.

"Goodbye." Dongfang Chacha waved to Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

Mu Xue naturally waved his hand too, and Lu Shui hadn't moved.

This kind of cousin, it's best not to see you again, carnivorous flowers can be given to her.

Soon after the train left the station, Lu Shui and Mu Xue naturally turned back.

"Master Lu, what time shall we leave tomorrow?" Mu Xue asked.

"Tonight's ticket will arrive early tomorrow morning." Lu Shui said.

He just asked Zhenwu to buy it.

Dongfang scum has gone home, and he thinks Mu Xue should also want to go back.

Although it was not back to Mu's house, I would be happy to see her two younger sisters if I wanted to.

"Tonight?" Mu Xue was a little surprised.

"Well, but you have to eat first now," Lu Shui said.

"Good." Mu Xue replied with a slight smile.


The next day, Lu Shui and Mu Xue came to the vicinity of Tang's house. Because there was no direct access to Tang's house, they had to get off the car near Tang's house.

Because the ticket is for consecutive rides, Mu Xue leaned on Lu Shui again last night and slept all night.

Mu Xue felt that Lu Shui was deliberate.

There is no evidence.

Of course, she didn't hate sleeping on Lu Shui at all.

"Sister, sister, here." When Mu Xue got out of the car, she heard a familiar voice immediately.

Turning his head and looking over, it was Yalin who was being led by Yayue.

Seeing Mu Xue, Ya Lin and Ya Yue walked over immediately.

"Sister Mu Xue." Yayue yelled softly.

At this time, she also let go of Yalin, who had been led by her.

Some people don't worry about Yalin running around, otherwise it's dangerous to run around at the station.

Mu Xue smiled at Yayue:

"Have you waited a long time?"


"It's been a long time. Sister Yayue called me up before dawn and trapped me to death." Yayue didn't say anything, and was cut off directly by Yalin.

Yayue glared at Ya Lin, some of them wanted to teach her sister.

But Sister Mu Xue is here, she can only give up.

Lu Shui looked at the two men and didn't say anything. If you need to beat him, you can call him.

He has experience.

Especially beating my sister.

"Brother-in-law." Yayue called to Lu Shui politely.

She heard that Zhen Wu Zhenling was called Young Lady Mu Xue, so she thought it might be more polite to call her brother-in-law.

Lu Shui glanced at Yayue, then nodded.

Have more vision than the Eastern scum.

Mu Xue on one side was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect Yayue to call her brother-in-law directly.

Ya Lin stared at Lu Shui, and Lu Shui stared at Ya Lin until Ya Lin hid behind Mu Xue in fear.

This may also be the little guy who owes you a beating.

"I don't know if I will have a younger brother or sister in this life. If so, how much is more suitable for me?" Lu Shui felt that it would take a few more punches to find out.

"Sister gives you snacks." Yalin handed Mu Xue some food.

This is the best thing she thinks these days.

She always remembered to leave it to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue naturally took it.

Then he went to Tang's house.

The Tang family is different from the Mu family or the Lu family.

They live around the lake.

There is an island in the center of the lake, which is where the Tang family lives.

Yalin Yayue’s grandparents were not directly related, and they did not live on the island, but in a nice residence by the lake.

In fact, Tang Yi joined the Mu family and they are eligible to live on the island.

You must know that Tang Yi is married to Mu Ze, one of the three principals of the Mu family, and his status is not inferior to that of the Tang family.

It's just that Tang Yi's parents are unwilling to go.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue are going to live here for one day, so they need to disturb the two seniors.

As for the meeting ceremony, it is naturally necessary.

The gift should not be too expensive, nor too trifling.

Lu Shui had no concept, so Zhen Wu Zhen Ling prepared it.

Mu Xue also asked Ding Liang to prepare, otherwise Aunt Tang might be told.

In the previous life, she had no communication with other members of the Mu family.

And the Mu family didn't want to see her either, but this life was a little different, so I still had to think about it for Aunt Tang.

After all, Yalin Yayue calls her sister.

Not long after, Lu Shui and the others came to the Tang family area. They went directly to the street by the lake. It was still early and there were not many people on the street, but it should be no worse than the Mu family.

People are also thriving.

As for whether it is the Tang family, this Lu Shui has no way of knowing.

I haven't heard of the Tang family much in the last life.

There is nothing to worry about.

However, the street is a little different from Mu's house, there are many formations here.

The Tang family is playing formations.

This formation is okay.

Lu Shui also glanced casually, without any desire to see more.

"Sister Mu Xue, we can take the wooden plank road along the lake, the environment is very good." Yayue said to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui quietly.

"Miss Mu can be the master," Lu Shuiping said quietly.

Here, there is no need for Mu Xue to ask him.

He was originally an escort.

It was just that Lu Shui was a little stunned soon. Mu Xue hadn't married yet, so why did he accompany Mu Xue to visit relatives everywhere?


Then they came to the boardwalk, where there were even fewer people.

Yayue took Mu Xue and them on the boardwalk.

Ya Lin was chatting with Mu Xue non-stop, occasionally saying that Ya Yue bullied her.

Yayue immediately refuted:

"Why, Yalin is obviously disobedient.

It's not in my own home, and I don't talk about basic politeness.

If the mother was here, she would have started to fight early. "

Mu Xue looked at them with smiles on their faces.

Yayue could feel it, Mu Xue sister was happy.

She remembered that Sister Mu Xue had a cold face since she was a child, giving people a feeling of rejection from thousands of miles away.

She didn't dare to get close.

It's different now.

Lu Shui walked behind, but he didn't go up and disturb Mu Xue and the three of them.

For him, he is also happy to see this kind of scene.

In the last life, Mu Xue lived in the world as if she was alone.

Until I met him.

I don't need to be so lonely in this life.

Lu Shui can give a lot of things, but he can't give this kind of affection.

Lu Shui saw many people along the way, but no one paid attention to them.

"It seems that there are not many people in the Tang family, and they are not curious about some strangers at all." Lu Shui thought for a while, and felt that it was the same, not walking in the immediate area.

No one would care if strangers came to Qiuyun Town.

He had nothing to be curious about just seeing Zhenwu Zhenling bringing a stranger into Qiuyun Town.

Then they came to a relatively large house.

It should be the largest one in this neighborhood.

"Here." Yayue said.

As soon as Lu Shui and others entered, they saw two people coming out.

A middle-aged man, and a woman who has not been left behind by time.

This is Tang Yi's parents, Yayue Yalin's grandfather and grandmother.

"Grandpa and grandma." Yayue and Yalin cried out cutely.

Seeing these two come out, Lu Shui naturally bowed respectfully, and Mu Xue saluted Lu Shui:

"Junior Lu Shui."

"Junior Mu Xue."

"I have seen two seniors."

"See you outside, see away, my family, don't do this." Yayue's grandfather Tang Jun immediately said.

"Ya Yue and Ya Lin were happy all night when they heard that you were coming.

Go in first. "Ya Yue's grandmother Chen Yun also smiled.

The Lu Family Master still knew about it.

Mu Xue is Mrs. Lu Jiashao, and they know this kind of thing even more.

Give them ten courage and dare not neglect the slightest.

Don't talk about them, even if Clan Chief Tang sees Lu Shui, he has to speak nicely.

If they knew people from land and water, they would definitely take action.

A sense of presence is also good.

The Lu family is not comparable to the Tang family.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue wouldn't have any opinions about nothing.

Small scenes can still be dealt with.

It's the Tang family leader who has come, and they won't have any discomfort. They have seen a lot of this kind of thing.

In the previous life, as the young masters and grandmothers of the Lu family, as long as they knew their identities, no one would dare to be disrespectful to them.

Later they became stronger, let alone disrespect, no one dared to see them.

Fortunately, they basically don't go out, otherwise if they quarrel and fight, it would be bad news for the cultivation world.

Of course, when this happens, the times have changed.

And not once or twice.

In the evening, Mu Xue was sitting in the yard watching Yalin playing with the little monsters, screaming while playing.

"Hair, hair, can't pull hair."

"Can't drag my clothes, my sister bought them."

Yes, Mu Xue took them around today.

Lu Shui did not follow her.

Speaking of fishing, there are no people in sight.

"Sister Mu Xue, let me show you something." Yayue said while sitting next to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue was a little surprised, she was a little curious about what Yayue wanted to show her.

Then Yayue stretched out her hand, grabbed her hand, and let it go again.

At the moment she let go, a stream of light appeared in her hand, like a beautiful world.

Mu Xue was a little surprised, it was really pretty.

"Well? The gadgets that I learned in the ancestral land, but they are of no use to the cultivation base." Yayue said with a smile.

As if not caring about it at all.

Other people's ancestors comprehend the exercises and know the spells.

She was fine, and she directly comprehended a firework-like thing.

It has no offensive power, no defensive power, and nothing but good looks.

"It looks good." Mu Xue replied softly.

Then he reached out and turned Yayue's hand over, and then gently stroked the back of Yayue's hand.

At this time a mark appeared on the back of Yayue's hand.

Seeing this mark appeared, Ya Yue immediately said:

"This imprint was also extra when it was in the ancestral land.

It occasionally shines at night, which can affect sleep, and it is also easy to be interrupted during cultivation.

The others are nothing.

Dad also said that it was okay for the time being, and told him if there were other situations. "

Mu Xue nodded without saying anything.

But she was still observing the imprint.

This imprint is a channel connecting the origin stone, and someone wants to use this channel to achieve a certain purpose.

As for what the purpose is, she doesn't know.

"Should you try to contact me?" This question flashed through Mu Xue's mind.

With the thoughts, Mu Xue had an idea.

"Ya Yue, don't move first." Mu Xue said softly.

Yayue didn't understand what Ms. Mu Xue meant, but Ms. Mu Xue was a genius before, and she probably knew a lot.

For example, teaching her to practice, so she still believes in Mu Xue.

After that, she didn't move and waited quietly for Sister Mu Xue.

Mu Xue put her hand on Yayue's hand, and then power invaded in.

At the moment of connecting to the imprint, Mu Xue heard a person's voice, very clear.

"Please, please agree to talk to me."

"I, I'm not malicious."

Mu Xue was a little surprised when someone asked for a conversation.

Then Mu Xue directly responded:


The voice coming from the opposite side stopped abruptly.

As if there was no expectation that the other party would directly refuse.

"No, listen to me, I..."

Mu Xue didn't give the other party time to react and directly applied the seal.

The passage between the imprints is blocked.

Man, she didn't want to deal with it, and her instinct told her it was troublesome.

"Wait for Lu Shui to deal with it. The last life will secretly become stronger, and this life will certainly secretly become stronger after marriage.

See how I dig you. "Mu Xue thought to herself.

The land water in the future can definitely be handled, so she won't deal with it.

Besides, the other party is not Lu Shui, why should she agree to the dialogue?

Anyway, the biggest catastrophe of the Mu family in the previous life was being razed by Lu Shui, nothing else.

Who knows whether the people in the origin stone are good or bad.

"Well, there should be no flickering during this time. If it does, remember to tell me." Mu Xue said with her hand back.

Yayue didn't even see what Sister Mu Xue was doing, but she nodded in response.


Lu Shui was sitting by the lake and fishing, and he was not the only one fishing here.

Fishing is quite interesting, but land and water come here mainly to outline the formation of heaven and earth.

By the way, listen to the news that Zhen Wu has recently received.

"I recently inquired about Mingtu's news, the news is very one-sided, just saying that nothing major has happened to Mingtu." Zhenwu said.

Lu Shui nodded. Although he said nothing, it was enough news for him.

If the Great Elder takes action, then nothing big will happen.

"Don't worry about the great elder for the time being. It's a good thing. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to negotiate with a few elders." Lu Shui was relieved.

This negotiation is not about "I want to marry Mu Xue who agrees and who opposes." In short, it is not easy to negotiate.

Can avoid nature needs to be avoided.

"Lefeng and the others went to the realm of Moxiu, and they were investigating the person named Zhan Wuying that the young master said last time.

Now they found this person, the other party has a great reputation in the magic repair, it is said that it is the most talented magic repair in recent years.

Strong strength.

But without finding the origin, Lefeng said that the other party seemed to have no past. "Zhen Wu said.

After a pause, Zhenwu added:

"As for the person who picked up the young master's list, they got another one.

Liuhuo now ranks eleventh in the Secret Mirror, only under the new purple-clothed goddess. "

The other Lu Shui didn’t care very much, but when he heard the last sentence, he was a little surprised:

"Almost catching up with the purple-clothed goddess?"

"Yes, it is said that because of the supreme kendo, Liuhuo's reputation has been greatly improved." Zhenwu explained.

This was all he asked in advance.

Lu Shui frowned slightly, and he was still inferior to Mu Xue.

Can calling a goddess show greatness?

Well, Mu Xue is great.

"The ranking is one place worse, does it mean that I am about to beat Mu Xue?" Lu Shui comforted himself.

He also knew that Mu Xue's strength was not comparable to him now, but there were still more than five months left, and everything was possible.

Mu Xue is still an ordinary person without cultivating, and the progress is definitely not as fast as him.

And he only had one chance to hit Mu Xue with a punch, that was enough.

Her normal human body absolutely couldn't bear it.

Muxue that breaks at the touch of a touch.

After that, Lu Shui stopped thinking about it. Both of his identities were in the secret book. Can Mu Xue and her be alright?

He worked hard and could still send Dongfang Haoyue up.

It was to send Dongfang Haoyue up, which had a relatively large impact on him.

Not suitable.

"On the Mo Xiu side, you don't need to find out the source of the other party, as long as you pay attention occasionally, it will be enough if there are any important treasures." Lu Shui said.

This life has been influenced a lot by him, and it is unknown whether the other party can successfully teach him to be a human being.

In order not to change the historical trajectory, he decided to send himself over and let the other party teach him how to be a man.

Zhenwu responded and continued:

"The biographies of gods and demons have been sent to Gouzi, and Gouzi said that it was just writing it, and it has inspiration in the follow-up.

But when it will come out, I don’t know yet. "

Lu Shui nodded. He actually wanted to know about Lu's situation. Of course, there was no such thing, and it was fine to talk about the general history.

Based on the information he now knows, perhaps he can know a lot.

"Anything else?" Lu Shui asked.

Zhenwu shook his head:

"There are only these for the time being, the news of the gods of the fairy court and the buddhism, unless there is a big movement, it will be difficult to obtain."

Lu Shui didn't care, and then he continued fishing.

Wait until it's completely dark before going back.

Because he only stayed one night, Lu Shui didn't intend to disturb Mu Xue with her two younger sisters.

After all, with him as an outsider, someone will care.

After it got dark, Lu Shui noticed that there were lights on the edge of the lake and starlight appeared on the edge of the lake.

"This lake is okay," Lu Shui said.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" The sudden voice reached Lu Shui's ear.

It's a female voice, very, very nice.

Lu Shui turned his head and looked over, and found that Mu Xue brought Yalin Yayue and the others to the lake.

"Why is Miss Mu here?" Lu Shui asked.

Fortunately, he was cautious and did not look at the heaven and earth formations, otherwise it would be over.

"Ya Yue told Ya Lin that the lake is beautiful at night, so we came, just to know that Master Lu was fishing in this place, so we came here by the way." Mu Xue said calmly.

"Miss Mu want to try?" Lu Shui handed Mu Xue the fishing rod.

Mu Xue originally wanted to try, but after thinking about it, she said:

"No, I see Master Lu just fine."

Although fishing is more interesting, watching the landing water fishing is more interesting for Mu Xue.

At this time, Zhen Ling put a chair behind Mu Xue so that Mu Xue could sit on the edge of the land water.

Lu Shui turned to look at Mu Xue, facing Lu Shui's gaze, Mu Xue smiled slightly.

Very beautiful.

Lu Shui was stunned, but recovered quickly, then looked at the lake and said:

"Miss Mu is like this, I can't catch fish."

Mu Xue was puzzled:


"The underwater fish may be lined up by the lake looking at Miss Mu, who is still biting my hook." Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and did not answer this question.

If you can't catch it, you can't catch it.

However, as soon as Lu Shui's voice fell, his fishing rod moved.

A fish caught the Lu Shui had some accident, and then pulled it hard, crashing, and a big fish was pulled directly out of the water.

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Seeing the fish hooked, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while.

Mu Xue took the lead in breaking the embarrassment and said softly:

"Master Lu caught the fish so quickly?"

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xue, and said calmly:

"It may be because of the beauty and food."

Mu Xue: "..."

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