The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 341: Guilt from Lin Huanhuan

   Qiuyun Town.

   Gouzi was standing at the entrance of the town’s mouth, next to it was the black and white cat.

   At this time, the black and white cat was lying on the ground and shivering.

   "Wang, are you hurt?" Gouzi looked at the black and white cat with disdain.

   What kind of thing would you dare to come to the dog's house to **** a cat?

   is simply playing Fang Tianji in front of it.

   I don’t know if it is Uncle Demon Soldier?

   In ancient times, throughout the fairy garden, it was afraid of the grandson of the emperor.

   Now it is the grandson of Emperor Zun who has come to be a traitor, and he dares to catch it.

   "Meow~" The black and white cat lay on the ground and called out as if begging for mercy.

   The hair on its body has grown back, and this is the help of the human dentist.

   Internal injuries are not good at all.

   Facing a good body, it has always been scared.

   If possible, he wants to be a sick cat all the time.

   If there is a label, it would like to put the label of the sick cat on its body.

   The dog’s paw pressed the black and white cat’s head and said:

   "It's so dishy and hard."


   A thick voice sounded, and the black and white cat was directly fanned out.

   "Affect my uncle to bask in the sun."

   If it wasn't for the toothache fairy who needed to look at his teeth here, he would have hung up the **** cat here for torture.

   But it's not in a hurry, it should be fine in a few days.

   Then pick it up under the big tree.

   Then the dog lay on the ground, basking in the first ray of sunlight.

   is very accurate.

   The black and white cat shrank in the corner, not daring to do anything.

   I was afraid that the other party would hang it up for torture.

   That terrible day, he has never experienced it when he grows up.

   But it really regrets coming here, this is not a place for cats at all, let alone this terrible dog.

   The other night, it saw that terrible sword.

   Let alone it, it feels that any buddha in Buddhism will drink hate when it comes to it.

   Of course, its current enemy is this dog. It really doesn't know what kind of dog the opponent is. It's strong and outrageous, and the holy beast is not as strong as it is.

   Boom! ! !

   There was a loud voice suddenly,

   Then a ray of glow rushed towards the sky.

   At the moment when this glow appeared, the dog who had been lying on the ground immediately stood up.

   "Are you going to open?" Gouzi looked at the sky glowing with surprise.

   But soon the glow disappeared and everything was calm.

   "There is still some time, forget it, don't worry."

   shook his head, and the dog lay on the ground again.

   Go in when you open it, and wait if you don’t open it. Anyway, they have time.

   Then Gouzi took out a book and planned to write on it.

When    Gouye sent this book, he felt that this book should have been written.

   is so sensible, especially the first page.

   The domineering words made him get skin bumps.

   Those words are worthy of it.

   At this time, the dog kept writing in the blank space.

  Gou let it continue to write down, naturally it dare not slack in the slightest in this kind of thing.

   "Is there less meat in this bun?" Lin Huanhuan ate the bun and felt that the meat was less than yesterday.

   She can't go wrong with this kind of thing.

   "Unfortunate luck today." The meat of the meat buns will definitely not be uniform, more or less, all by luck.

   I didn’t have that good luck today, so I lost it.

   Lin Huanhuan ate the buns and passed by the mouth of the town.

   But when I walked over, I was a little surprised.

   A black dog was lying on the ground writing a book, and the good-looking cat shrank in the corner of the door and shivered.

   But she took a curious look at the dog's writing.

   Secretly glanced, Lin Huanhuan left.

   She saw the same word written all over it: Wang.

   She doesn't understand the language of the dog, and she doesn't dare to speak it.

   A dog who can write is not ordinary enough, who knows what cultivation is.

   When the time comes, the person who arrested her will be brought out, and she will go back and get married.

   She still has time.

   I have to let the family know that she is against it and that she can become beautiful.

   She can also become a coquettish woman like a few sisters.

   It's just that the cultivation base is not yet available.

   Tier 3 is still far away for her.

   However, it is almost ready to become a flesh and blood sacrifice.

   Thinking of Lin Huanhuan like this, she took another bite of steamed buns. She felt that she would eat one less tomorrow to reduce weight.

   Don’t overeating just because of the flesh and blood sacrifice method.

   Flesh sacrifices are not omnipotent, in case one day the upper limit of strength is reached, it will be over if you can't sacrifice.

   Xiu overeating anything can happen.

  Walking on the way to work, Lin Huanhuan stopped suddenly.

   She saw there seemed to be someone in front of him, one of his arms and sleeves was empty.

   There are two watermelons in front of this person, and he seems to be tangled.

   Lin Huanhuan is a little puzzled, what is this person struggling with?

   Soon she realized that a person with one arm can't hold two watermelons, right?

   And his cultivation is almost nothing.

   "This man is very poor."

   Lin Huanhuan walked over, she took a peek, and then found that this person was actually the one she had hit twice.

   At this time, Qiao Gan, who was hesitating how to bring melon back, also saw the little fat girl beside him.

   As a disabled person, but also facing a problem, it is normal for someone to pay attention.

   He didn't speak, he lowered himself and planned to take the watermelons aside one by one.

   These two watermelons were given by a little girl in a daze, and he helped buy something.

   Then the little girl wowfully brought up two watermelons, and she kept talking about watermelons.

   was later dragged back by a little boy, her brother.

   But they did send the watermelon.

   It was nothing to send two melons. He could use the storage magic weapon to bring it back, but the storage magic weapon belonged to the family. He found that grandpa suddenly began to perceive the storage magic weapon.

   Because he was afraid of being discovered, he wrapped it in a black robe and put it away.

   I came out wearing a black robe, but I can also bring it.

   But it's too conspicuous in broad daylight.

   He doesn't like being watched, he wants to weaken his sense of existence.

   At this time, Qiao Gan lowered his body and tried to pick up a watermelon. Because he only had one hand, it was not so easy to pick up.

   It's not easy to ignore him, but the person next to him didn't leave, which made him feel a little troublesome.

   Lin Huanhuan looked at this man trying to pick up the watermelon with one hand, but it didn't go well at all.

   She has a sense of guilt at this moment.

   "I, let me help you." Lin Huanhuan went over and picked up the watermelon that Qiao couldn't handle.

   Joe looked at each other in surprise.

   "I, I don't mean anything else, it feels very difficult for a person to hold two watermelons." She didn't mean to look down on the other person in the slightest.

   In order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding, the only way to explain.

   Qiao Gan glanced at the other person, then lowered his head and said softly:

   "Thank you."

   At this time, Lin Huanhuan put the watermelon in Qiao Gan's hand, and then he also lifted the watermelon on the ground and said:

   "Are you taking it home? I just want to take a walk before going to work, so I can help you by the way."

   Actually, she was going to be late for work, but she was late, so it’s okay to be late for a while.

   bumped into this person twice and went to work like this, she felt guilty.

   Qiao Gan wanted to refuse, he didn't want to have anything to do with people, and he didn't want to be noticed.

   But it's dawn, and there are more people.

   It would be bad if he was seen by his sister.

   Finally, Joe nodded.

   There are some things that just can’t be what you want.

  He needs to learn to compromise.


   Not long after Qiao Gan left, Qiao Qian walked over from the side of the street.

   Qiao Yi followed her by her side.

   They came to look around, and ask if there is any new news by the way.

   They saw the Xiaguang just now.

   Although Grandpa Grandpa will get some news from the Lu family, it is different for them to investigate in person.

   "I just saw a one-armed girl with a fat girl.

   Isn't it your brother and your sister-in-law? "Qiao Yi said with a smile looking at the corner of the street where there was no one.

   A one-armed, a fat girl.

   is particularly easy to bring in.

   Qiao Qian glanced at Qiao Yi coldly, and said coldly:

   "No matter how you say, my brother married Bing Shui Ji from the Snow Region of the Icefield. His status is not low at all.

   Even if Grandpa Grandpa values ​​you now, it doesn’t mean how far you can go in the future.

  The status and status may not be as good as my brother. "

   Qiao Gan and Bing Shui Ji are two bridges after all, no matter how bad they are, they are also important people.

   "The weak are always the weak, at least I have the possibility of becoming stronger, my future is much wider than your trash brother. I don't know how many times." Qiao Yi said.

   Qiao Qian looked at Qiao Yi angrily, and finally just whispered:

   "Take care of your heart, don't have a strong sense of superiority, or you will be eliminated by your grandfather sooner or later.

   If you want to be strong, you have to be steady. "

   said Qiao Qian and walked forward.

   Qiao Yi was a little surprised, he even thought that Qiao Qian would do something with him just now.

   But I didn't expect to say such a thing.

   Of course, he deliberately induced the opponent to do it.

  Because grandpa grandpa values ​​Qiao Qian more.

   Qiao Yi is not convinced, his talent is no worse than Qiao Qian, and he was born just a few days later.

   Qiao Qian went all the way, she realized it was too late, and if her brother could also realize it, she wouldn't end up like that.

   She will work harder, and the younger generation of the Qiao family will shine on her in the future.

   Mother was seriously injured at home and weak, her brother ruined the way forward, and her father worked hard by herself. Now all the hope lies in her.

   Fortunately, Grandpa Grandpa values ​​it.

   Although neither her parents nor her brother said anything to her, she knew that she was no longer a child.


   Floating island.

   Lu Shui and Mu Xue were walking out of their residence.

   is a temporary residence.

   The ticket is at noon, so you have to find a place to rest.

   Well, there is no money for the ticket. The Mo family paid some spirit stones as compensation.

   Dongfang Slag was very happy. For the first time, he did not lose the spirit stone, but earned it instead.

   Lu Shui didn't care, he usually didn't have many spirit stones, enough to buy a snack or something.

   There is no habit of putting spirit stones.

   But what surprised Lu Shui was that Mu Xue's little sister was still asleep.

   How many people were worried about what happened this night, she was fine, and went straight to sleep.

   "Miss Mu reported safety?" Lu Shui asked Mu Xue next to him.

   Once it was confirmed that this was a floating island, Mu Xue reported that it was safe.

   "Master Lu hasn't told the family yet?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

   They disappeared all night, because they came back too late.

   Mu's family and Lu's family must both know about it.

   It is necessary to report safety.

   "Zhenwu has already contacted the person he was looking for.

   When it's dawn, I'll call back again. "Lu Shui said softly.

   He was worried that if he accidentally provokes his old man's temper, he will make him happy for a while.

   "Miss Mu is hungry?" Lu Shui asked.

   It’s been a long time since I thought about it, and it’s better to have breakfast in the morning.

   Skipping breakfast tends to lower IQ.

   "Master Lu buys vegetarian buns this time?" Mu Xue asked.

   Every time Lu Shui buys her meat buns, did she deliberately make her fatter?

   If you get fat and wear a red wedding dress, it won’t look good.

   Her red dress is corset.

   Such a thin waist, if he gets fattened, he will not marry then, after all, he will be laughed at when Lu Shui sees it.

   "Can't it be a bean paste bun?" Lu Shui asked.

   Mu Xue: "..."

   Then Lu Shui and Mu Xue went to buy breakfast.

   Zhenwu and they took people to the residence.

   Dongfang scum is already fighting. Yesterday, I dug so many snails and caught so many seafood.


   Then they arrived at the residence, Dongfang Chacha immediately said:

   "Fragrant yam, fragrant yam, see if there is a water tank here."

   "Water tank?" The taro was a little dazed.

  Chacha, why do you want this thing?

   Of course, the important thing is that she didn't.

   Then the real spirit who fragrant taro looked to one side.

   Really knowing it, he immediately took out the water tank from the storage magic weapon

   "Miss Cha Cha thinks it is big enough?"

   This is a half-person high water tank.

   Xiangyu didn't know what to say for a while, Zhenwu and Zhenling really have everything.

   When they first met Zhenwu and Zhenling, they were in charge of fighting, right?

   After all, I saw them make more than one shot.

   I have been watching them do logistics recently.

   Of course, the main reason is that Young Master Lu rarely encounters enemy danger.

   "It's big enough." Dongfang Chacha looked at the water tank very satisfied.

   Then he crashed and poured in a pile of seafood.

  There are fish, shrimp, snails, and crabs.

   plus strange-shaped seafood.

   Waiting to pour the seafood in, Dongfang Chacha filled the water tank with water, then clapped his hands and said:

"All right."

   All the people who attacked her are here. Fish is fish. I will eat them all next day.

   Xiangyu and others looked dumbfounded.

   They never thought that Miss Cha Cha would bring out so much seafood.

   is still alive and kicking.

   "Miss Chacha, where did this come from?" Xiangyu asked.

   "When you were sleeping, I caught it by the way.

   Okay, so sleepy, I caught it all night. "Speaking of Dongfang Chacha, I ran to rest.

   Fragrant taro: "..."

other people:"....."

  Who can tell them what happened at that time that caused Miss Chacha to catch so many seafood?

   An unsolved mystery in the world of comprehension.


   Lu Shui bought Mu Xue Dou Sha Bao.

   This time he ate meat buns.

   "The bean paste bun is easy to stick to your mouth." Mu Xue said, taking a bite of the bun.

   She bit carefully, for fear of the bean paste sticking to the corner of her mouth.

   "A little bean paste can't hide Miss Mu's face." Lu Shui said.

   "Master Lu thinks that is good-looking or not good-looking?" Mu Xue lowered her head and took a bite of the bean paste bag.

   She found the red bean paste buns are quite delicious.

   If you eat too much meat buns, it’s better to have some vegetarian buns.

   Bean Paste is a prime bun, right?

   Anyway, it's sweet, just like eating dessert.

   Of course, she still cares about Lu Shui's answer.

   For this question, Lu Shui didn’t think about anything else, just asked:

   "Miss Mu, remember the fireworks you saw before?"

   "Master Lu played the one for me?" Mu Xue nodded looking at Lu Shui:

   "Remember, always remember."

   "Ms. Namu thinks what is the biggest difference between herself and the fireworks?" Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xue and asked.

   "The difference between people and fireworks?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

   But she felt that Lu Shui might not be able to say good things.

   "Does Miss Mu think the fireworks are beautiful?" Lu Shui asked again.

   "Pretty." Mu Xue nodded.

   That was from you, can it be pretty?

   "Why does Miss Namu think the fireworks are beautiful?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and waited for the answer.

   Mu Xue thought for a while, shook her head and said:


   It can’t be because of an explosion, right?

   "Because it's gorgeous." Lu Shui didn't stop walking back, he walked slowly:

  "The reason why fireworks are so beautiful is that they are fleeting.

   Miss Ke Mu is different. "

   Lu Shui stopped and looked at Mu Xue:

   "Miss Mu's beauty is eternal."

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, feeling a little happy, then lowered her head and said softly:

   "I will grow old."

   "Then go for plastic surgery." Lu Shui replied directly.


   Mu Xue was taken aback, she looked up at Lu Shui and blinked.

   decided, after hitting 11,000 punches, I stepped on another leg bone.


  Magic repairs the realm.

   Lefeng looked at the news received, a little surprised.

   "Is there important news?" Nie Hao asked curiously.

   They were chasing Mo Xiu Zhizun recently, and it seems that there is an existing Taoism appearing.

"Yes, the refining of the magic weapon of Shen Xuanzong is about to be completed, and Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying asked the people of Shen Xuanzong to send the treasure to the place where the Mo Xiu Supreme had practiced in a month, saying that it was to obtain the Taoism of the Mo Xiu Supreme. "Le Feng frowned.

   Hearing this, even Nie Hao felt abnormal.

  "Mouxiu Zhan Wuying is a treasure prepared to obtain the supreme Taoism of Moxiu?

   But, shouldn't this kind of thing be done in secret?

   How do I feel that many people know it? Nie Hao asked.

   Lefeng nodded, his voice was suspicious:

   "Yes, it's weird.

   The source of the news is not too difficult, as long as the interested people can find it.

   But if Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying really wants Mo Xiu Supreme Orthodoxy, how can it be said?

   So, this incident is either a trap for some people, or it is for the purpose of keeping secret.

   After all, even if it is false news, many people will go there, let alone just happen to be in the retreat of Moxiu Supreme, it is not a loss to go. "

   "So there must be something wrong with this news?" Nie Hao asked.

   "It's not that there is a problem with the news." Lefeng put away the things in his hands, and continued:

"  " is that there is a problem with the matter itself.

   But Young Sect Master doesn't seem to care about what's wrong with this matter, so we don't need to care about whether it's true or not. "

   "So we can do something else?" I have been checking information recently, staying in the realm of magic repair, which is quite boring.

  "First contact the Tiannvzong to see if they have any new news, and by the way, figure out where the Moxiu Supreme practiced.

   I also figured out the news about Dao Tong, and then told the Young Sect Master together. "Lefeng began to plan the following actions.

  The next thing is arranged, Nie Hao has no comments, but he still sighed with emotion:

   "Recently, the cultivation world doesn't know what's going on, there are things everywhere.

   It’s not the Taoism, or the supreme kendo, and now it’s the Taoism of Demon.

   Is this to throw out all the extraordinary places in the cultivation world? "

   Lefeng didn't know what to say to Nie Hao's sigh.

   But he felt that suddenly it was impossible for no reason.

   Perhaps the biggest reason is the change in the world.

   Everything is recovering, aura is even increasing, and the earth is changing.

   Some rarely seen people appeared, let alone the quiet secret place.

   "Xian Ting, Buddhism, Gods, these are super powers that have been silent for countless years.

   is suddenly active in this era, not without reason. "Lefeng only said this sentence in the end.

   Everything seems to be destined, the peak of the times may be in this time period.

   If the times change like the tide rises and falls, then it should be the fall now.

   Everything will surface.

   The era cannot be covered.


   That afternoon, Lu Shui and the others were on the train to Mu's house.

   It might be midnight to get to Mu's house.

   "Sister, why haven't we got home yet?" This is what Yalin asked when she just got up.

   Mu Xue just smiled.

   Yayue no longer wanted to talk to Yalin, and then threw out a thick dictionary.

   Yalin: "???"

   But this is the morning, and now they are eating specialty products on the train.

   was brought out by Ding Liang.

   They seem to have a lot of specialties.

   Mu Xue looked at this scene and felt that Ding Liang had been taken away by Zhen Wu Zhen Ling.

   But she didn't expect that Zhenwu Zhenling had such a complete set of things.

   It seems that Lu Shui didn't expect it.

  " Aunt Tang said, she might go to Tang's house tomorrow.

  Will Master Lu go with him? "Muxue asked.

   "No, it just so happened that I have some questions to ask the old man, and ask Senior Mu." Lu Shui almost told the old man directly.

   Mu Xue was quite surprised. It was not that Lu Shui would talk about Lao Zhangren, but she discovered that the relationship between Lu Shui and her father seemed to be much better than in the previous life.

   Although it is because of memory.

   But Lu Shui I razed the Lu family, focusing on her father.

   Whatever you look at, their relationship won't get better.

   The two get along pretty well in this life.

   However, she naturally wouldn't say anything, or it was because of her.

   The last time her father said such excessive things, Lu Shui held back his anger.

   Sure enough, only Lu Shui can be dedicated to her.

   Fortunately, I am also devoted to Lu Shui, only in this way will it not kill Lu Shui's love for her.

   "Master Lu, this is for you to eat." Mu Xue smiled like a flower, and handed over a special snack.

   Thinking of how well Lu Shui is, she wants to feed Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui took the snacks, Mu Xue smiled very well, but he was a little flustered.

   Eat whatever you give, smile so good, I always feel like I want to give him the last ride.

   However, Mu Xue really is the best looking person.

   "Miss Mu laughed, the light coming in will be overshadowed." Lu Shuhua said consciously.

   Mu Xue listened silently, her heart warm.

   She doesn't plan to talk, just like that.

   just suddenly felt quiet next to her, she glanced curiously.

   Then they saw one by one covering their mouths, shrinking back, and staring at her with wide eyes.

   seems very novel and seems to be afraid of being discovered.

   Mu Xue: "......"

   So they are always there?

  Swipe, Mu Xue blushed.

   was heard by Chacha and two and saw it.

   There is no face to meet people, especially Ya Lin's face is confused, as if there are many problems.

   But her mouth was covered by Chacha.

   Mu Xue lowered her head, feeling a little hot on her face.

   This feeling of being looked at, she hadn't encountered it in her previous life.

   There used to be only her and Lu Shui.

   If Yalin asked her, how would she answer?

   is Lu Shui’s fault.

   doesn't seem to be the first time.

   Lu Shui suddenly felt a chill, which must have come from Mu Xue.

   What did he do just now?

   Then Lu Shui saw Dongfang Zhazha and others on the edge.

   Oh, there are still these people.

   Let's go, throw them all into the sea and feed the fish.

   Solve three at once, all of whom are at the sister level, so they can be solved repeatedly after saving.

   This time, Mu Xue should not stop him, let Zhenwu Zhenling come.

   Oh, they are here, so let them solve themselves.


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