The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 342: Does this young master need to look at other people's faces?

   On the sea, An Yu and others are on their way back to Lu's house.

   They have already reported the situation of the young master, so the above mentioned free activities.

The meaning of    is obvious, you can play by yourself.

   Therefore, An Yu and the others, who were hard to come by, were not in a hurry to go back.

   was walking slowly.

   The three of them are naturally there in the rainy and snowy season. After all, you can use their perception abilities to find the young master.

   Of course, they are outstanding at their level.

   "I didn't find the young master again this time." Hua Ji said, they didn't find it once or twice.

   But I have never found it once.

   People who don’t know think they are not very efficient.

   Well, it really seems to be inefficient.

   Every time the young master is released, and then he is safe.

   "Every time we go out, but every time we do things at a disadvantage.

   Even if there is no criticism, why are we still being dispatched? "The rainy season asked curiously.

   There are many masters in the Lu family, they are actually very weak.

   Although there are many people, the overall strength is not so strong.

   There have been many inexplicable things in the cultivation world recently.

   Theoretically, stronger people should be sent to lead, and they should cooperate as a team.

   But every time they are the main staff.

   "Maybe we think that the weak ones are enough for us, and the strong ones are too late for anyone to come." An Yu thought for a while and said.

   "Aren't the patriarchs worried? And this time the young grandma is there. I have seen the young grandmother many times. They are really ordinary people." Xue Ji said.

   She is the one who sees her young grandma the most.

   After all, she is the one who is left in the shop most often.

  Who made her the youngest?

   "It seems to say that the young master and young grandma are carrying something on them. We can't have time for the weak ones, and the strong ones will directly alarm the elders." An Yu thought for a while and said:

  "It should be like this, it seems that the young grandmother is more prone to alarms.

   I heard my mother occasionally mention one last time.

I do not know it is true or not. "

   They think the possibility is very high during the rainy and snowy season.

   After all, Anyu's parents are closer to the patriarchs.

   I must know more.

   These people are not the same, so many people don't even mention the young grandmother, even the young master may not have seen it.

   They were also in the town of Qiuyun before they met the master and grandma.

   Soon they came to the mountain road, and there was no one on the way to the Lu family.

   is also inhabited in Qiuyun Town, and it is impossible to find a village in other places.

   But the waterway is closer.

   "Huh." Hua Ji stopped suddenly on the road.

   "What's wrong?" An Yu also stopped.

   The rainy season and the snowy season also felt it, and then both of them were surprised.

  An language perception ability is not better than these three people, so I can only wait for them to speak.

   "Poison." Xue Ji said.

   "It's Gu poison, go ahead and have a look." Then Hua Ji led the way.

   Before long, they saw the withered flowers and trees.

   There are some traces of bugs.

   "Gu worm?" An Yu immediately had a judgment.

   "Are you from Worm Valley?" Xue Ji asked curiously.

  "No, Gu people should be raised on the plateau, how could they suddenly go out?

   Under normal circumstances, they would not go out. "An Yu is a little confused.

   "I seem to have heard that Gu people on the plateau have been active a lot recently, and I seem to be looking for something." After thinking about it in the rainy season, he said:

   "I heard it occasionally in the town, I don't know if it is true or not."

   "Forget it, look like this, it should have nothing to do with us.

   However, you might have entered Qiuyun Town, just go back and report it by the way. "An Yu said.

   Then they didn't care. The cultivation world has not been calm recently. It's normal for some people who don't go out to go out.



  Lu Shui and the others got off the train, it was not easy along the way.

   Muxue is not easy, nor is it easy for Dongfang Chacha. She is easy to be knocked on her head when she says a word, and Yalin will be covered in her mouth when she asks a question.

   Everyone seems to be in dire straits.

   Finally they waited until the next station.

   Lu Shui breathed a sigh of relief, and next time Zhenwu should directly knock these people out.

   I can eat it all the way without saving, and there is a lot of nonsense.

   "Mother, father." Get off the train.

   Yalin ran towards Aunt Tang.

   It’s been a long time since I saw my mother and dad.

   Lu Shui turned his head and looked over and found that it was not only Aunt Tang but also Lao Zhangren who picked up people at the train station.

   This is a little surprise for Lu Shui, but think about it now that it's so late, no matter how old the old man is, he won't let his wife come alone.

   It can be perfunctory during the day, but not at night.

   Yalin ran up and down, and Yayue was not so childish. She felt that she had grown up.

   But I still came to Tang Yi and Mu Ze obediently, and whispered:

   "Mother, father."

   Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue, and then followed Mu Xue over.

  Basic politeness is a must.

   After Lu Shui and the others said hello.

   Yalin started calling:

   "Mother, father, look.

   I have a spirit beast. "

   As Yalin hurriedly took the Shuiyun beast off her head, she wanted to show it off.

   The Shuiyun Beast, who had been lying down, raised his eyes and looked at Yalin, feeling that the owner was very moving.

   Yayue also caught the Huoyun Beast at this time, and the Huoyun Beast was too good at running away.

   "This is..." Aunt Tang was a little surprised, and then looked at Mu Ze.

   Mu Ze frowned, then said:

   "It is a five-element cloud beast. After adulthood, its strength is enough to be a town clan spirit beast."

   "That..." Aunt Tang took the Shuiyun Beast from Yalin, and didn't know what to say for a while.

   "Let them continue to raise it." Mu Ze said casually.

   With Mu Ze's words, Aunt Tang didn't care much, and then he greeted Lu Shui Muxue to the residence.

   Lu Shui was at the end, and Mu Ze was also at the end.

   The old father-in-law had something to say to his son-in-law, and other people would naturally not bother.

   "I heard that Master Lu had an accident on the road?" Mu Ze asked casually.

   They are not close to the person in front of them, the soundproofing formation is still on, and it will take a few seconds.

   opens slowly, and the people in front can't notice it.

   Lu Shui took out some special products from the floating island and handed it to Mu Ze:

  "Would you like to taste it? Mu Xue squeezed it for me.

   The taste is okay. "

   Lu Shui doesn't care about the soundproofing formation, if Mu Xue eavesdropped, he would definitely know.

   So he doesn’t worry about what he says.

   Of course, forget it if you get too close.

   And Mu Xue would definitely not overhear, but would ask curiously afterwards.

   took a look at the snacks, Muze finally took some:

   "What did Mu Xue give Shao Ye Lu, Shao Ye will eat it?"

   "Neither, sometimes she may want to give me particularly sour fruits for me to eat, deliberately to fix me."

   Mu Ze was a little surprised, but Mu Xue would do such a thing?

   But instead of asking this, he asked the follow-up of this incident:

   "Master Lu ate it?"

   "Eat." Lu Shui threw a small thing in his mouth and continued:

   "Then I pretended to be sweet, and she tried it when she was puzzled, and then cried sour."

   "..." Mu Ze didn't know what to say for a while. In his opinion, Lu Shui should be a very stable talent.

   Soon he remembered the rumors of Lu Shui, maybe not all rumors were false.

   The truth is mixed.

   "It seems that Master Lu and Mu Xue are getting along very happily," Mu Ze said.

   "Senior feel relieved?" Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Ze.

   Mu Ze shook his head:

   "Master Lu is so difficult that he still needs to look at the faces of others?

   Whether I am pleased or not, it will not affect Master Lu's practice. "

   "The second half is correct, the first half is wrong." Lu Shui said.

   Mu Ze was a little surprised by this, he didn't ask, because Lu Shui was going to say it.

   "I don't do anything to make Mu Xue sad, I will only try to make her happy." Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze with a smile:

   "So I will look at Mu Xue's face and do things, as long as there is a tendency to sad and cry, I will stop doing anything."

   "If Master Lu needs to be good for her, and must do something to make her sad?" Mu Ze was curious about the answer to this question.

   In fact, Lu Shui's two words just now shocked him deeply.

   Lu Shui is such a strong man, why would he do this for Mu Xue?

   "Is this a problem?" Lu Shui looked at the snacks in his hand, and then dropped a piece in his mouth:

   "With my family background and personal ability, I should not face this choice.

   Of course, there are some things that I can't stop, such as what the seniors did and said. "

   After speaking, Lu Shui glanced at Mu Ze.

   The injury caused by his relatives, Lu Shui really couldn't stop it.

   Like the last life, Muze's life span has come to an end.

   Mu Xue was also sad for a while.

   All he can do is to make Mu Xue happy.

   At that time, the old man did not see Mu Xue when he died, let alone let Mu Xue go back.

   Although Lu Shui was angry, there was nothing he could do. This also made Mu Xue a knot in her heart that could not be untied.

   can only go by with time.

   Fortunately, they live longer.

   Mu Ze didn't speak, everyone's choice is different.

   But he knew the strength of Lu Shui, and he also knew that Lu Shui had more choices than anyone else.

   "Master Lu wants to stay at Mu's house?" Mu Ze asked.

   This matter is what he cares most about.

   "Mu Xue is going to Tang's house with Aunt Tang, I am not suitable to follow." Lu Shui said.

   His meaning is obvious, he can only stay in Mu's house.

   It's really not good for him to follow.

   Dongfang Chacha is okay, it requires status without status and status without status.

   Mu Ze nodded without saying anything.

   He didn't let Lu Shui go to the ancestral land tonight.

   It is already a good thing for him that Lu Shui can stay in Mu's house.

   At least the day after tomorrow, you can know exactly what news the origin stone left behind.

   Good luck, maybe I can still communicate with the other person.

   Then they arrived at the residence, because it was very late, all Aunt Tang did not stay.

   Lu Shui and Mu Xue also went to different residences.

   is very close.

   Back to the house, Lu Shui opened the window.

   Although it is a temporary house, it is not too far from the usual.

   Now the Mu family has recovered a lot, especially the houses, the houses under the mountain are almost the same, and some people have moved in.

   It's **** the mountain.

   have to wait till the end.

   "It won't be long before this place should be restored." Lu Shui stood in front of the window, watching the buildings outside muttering to himself.

   After that, Lu Shui didn't care about this, but looked at the aura here.

   "It's also richer, and the speed seems to be faster." Lu Shui was a little puzzled:

   "Where is the source?"

   He has not found any relevant possibility yet.

   There was no news from Lefeng either.

   As for the previous life, he didn't know anything in the previous life.

   At this time in the last life, I might still be rebelling against the Three Elders.

   Either he was penalized, or he was almost on the road to shame.

   Lu Shui can't remember most of the things. It was the second year of secondary school.

   Now that I think about it, it is easy to slap myself and I can’t understand why my previous self would do such naive things.

   But there are some things he has always remembered, and that is the thing that demon cultivator taught him to be a human being.

   The turning point in life.

   "It's only been a couple of months, I don't know if I can be promoted to the sixth rank." Lu Shui felt that after I was promoted to the sixth rank, he could be confident enough.

   Of course, even if his cultivation level is not enough, there are enough ways to teach the opposite person to be a man.

   It's just that the opponent's strength cannot be confirmed yet.

   Well, I'd better prepare a little bit more.

   In case the other party teaches you how to be a human again, it's over.

   Even if I was taught in my last life, I haven't come back in this life, and I will definitely have no chance in the future.

   Then Lu Shui took a chair and sat in front of the window. He wanted to look at the formations of heaven and earth, and by the way practiced effective methods.

   Before going back, you should be able to enter 5.2 smoothly.


   The next morning.

   Lu Shui got up from the chair. In order to accumulate more power of the world, he did not sleep all night.

  You can hardly shorten the time of advancement, but the inaction can take time.

   Give him a few more months, and he will be able to bump into the entire cultivation world.

   Give him a few more years...

   Uh, he may not need to save the power of heaven and earth.

   Lu Shui looked down through the window and found that Mu Xue was out with Ding Liang.

   "Going to buy something to eat?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue's back with curiosity.

   Actually at Mu's house, their breakfast was prepared by someone.

   Even if Mu's home is renovated, it won't make him hungry as a guest.

  Ten thousand steps back and said, the Mu family really can't get any manpower, and Zhenwu Zhenling will prepare.

   But Mu Xue has to prepare, so the others have nothing to say.

   After reading the book for a while, Lu Shui walked out. Mu Xue should be back.

   When Lu Shui went out, he just happened to see Mu Xue coming over.

   At this time, Mu Xue was wearing a more casual fairy skirt, she was generous and pretty.

   Some of the buns in her hand are more destructive.

   Like a fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks in the world, he suddenly ate the buns.

   "Master Lu hasn't eaten yet?" Mu Xue saw Lu Shui walk over.

   Lu Shui recovered from Mu Xue’s beauty and said:

   "Miss Mu got up so early, did she go to buy food?"

   said, she looked at the bun in Mu Xue's hand.

   "Well, this is for Master Lu." Mu Xue passed the bun.

   "Both?" These buns are not one or two.

   Do you want to finish it all by yourself?

   is not endless, it just feels that it may be a little supportive.

  Lu Shui felt that eating all by himself was not suitable.

   "Master Lu just watch and eat." Mu Xue said softly.

   She would not force Lu Shui to eat.

   Lu Shui, who took the buns, looked at it, and felt that they were all meat buns.

   Mu Xue is definitely deliberate.

   Isn’t it just that you often buy her meat buns? As for such a grudge?

   "This is for Miss Mu." Lu Shui picked a big one and handed it to Mu Xue.

   Mu Xue did not refuse.

   "I'm going to Tang's house with Aunt Tang at noon, what is Master Lu planning to do in the afternoon?" She asked casually.

   Want to let Lu Shui accompany her more.

   bit the land water of the bun, and said casually:

   "Senior Mu said that he would take me to see some things, so he should be free in the afternoon."

   "The relationship between Master Lu and his father seems to be very good." Mu Xue wanted to ask early.

   At this time they walked outside together.

   Be aware that this is a temporary yard and there are people around.

   In order not to happen on the train, I still go to some relatively empty places, so that I know if there are people around.

   without being overheard.

   "I think Senior Mu is very easy to get along with, and the people are also nice." Lu Shui said on the road.

   is really good, and will help him keep secrets.

After    enlighten, he won’t say anything bad.

   will not make Mu Xue sad.

  I will discuss things together, what else can such an old man say?

   Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui, then silently ate the buns.

   I can’t take this.

   Will Lu Shui think her father is good?

   must have done it secretly, before she knew it.

   As for what was going on, Mu Xue didn't think deeply, and now he didn't want to understand.

   But in the end, she was happy.

   Although her father is not very kind to her, it must be a happy thing for her husband to talk to her father.

   In the last life, Lu Shui was gritted his teeth with anger. This life is really good.

   And her relationship with Aunt Tang has eased a lot, and there are two younger sisters called her older sisters.

   She is not greedy.

   "It should take about two days to go to Tang's house. Will Young Master Lu stay at Mu's house for two days?" Mu Xue asked.

   If Lu Shui didn't wait for her and didn't pick her up to Lu's house, she would not be able to go.

   A girl’s house, no matter how thick-skinned, she can’t go to her fiance’s house before she gets married.

   "I suddenly thought of a question." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said:

   "Miss Mu has been in the car for a few days now, won't you be too tired?"

   Mu Xue, an ordinary person's body, took more than a day to come from Lu's house, and then went to Tang's house the next day, at most one night's rest, and then took the car back to Mu's house, and then took the car to Lu's house.

   It's been a week in the car, where can I stand it?

   Hearing this question, Mu Xue smiled and said:

   "Look, there is this."

   Mu Xue took out a small bottle. The bottle was transparent and contained a flat pill, just like a pill.

   "The motion sickness?" Lu Shuxia asked consciously.

   "It is to raise the body." Mu Xue put the bottle away and said:

   "Auntie Tang is worried that I will not be able to take the car all the time. She specially prepared it for me to reduce fatigue along the way."

   Lu Shui nodded, then said:

   "Miss Mu, wait for me."

   said that Lu Shui took out his mobile phone, sending a text message.

   Mu Xue was a little surprised, what is Lu Shui doing?

   She knew soon, because Zhenwu was running here suddenly.

   After a short while, Zhenwu came to Lu Shui:

   "Master, you want something."

   said, he handed Lu Shui a few bottles.

After   , he retreated for the first time and disappeared in the eyes of the two of them.

   He doesn't want to stay for a while.

   "Master Lu, what's this for?" Mu Xue looked at the bottles in Lu Sailor's hand, she was a little unclear.

   "This is dizzy. Miss Mu can eat if she gets dizzy in the car." She said that she put a bottle of elixir in Mu Xue's hand when she said that she was dizzy.

   Mu Xue: "???"

   "This is nectar, you can drink it if you are thirsty." Lu Shui put the bottle in Mu Xue's hand again.

   "This is a panacea for hunger, it should taste ok."

   "This is detoxification."

   "This is for the treatment of colds."

   "There is also this, which can be eaten as a snack, but only ten."

   After speaking, Lu Shui put all the bottles in Mu Xue's hands and said:

   "These things are not repeated with Aunt Tang's, so it doesn't matter."

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, and muttered:

   "It's too much, I can't put it down."

   But she is still very happy, very happy.

   Lu Guoguoran liked her very much.

   can't cover up with outfits.

   It would be better if I could say "I like you".

   But just wait until we get married.

   "Not too much, there is this." At this time, Lu Shui had a small box in his hand, with a hinge button on it.

   "Come on, give me the bottle." Lu Shui turned the shaft to one, and then came to the dizzy bottle.

   then directly sucked into the box.

   and then put them into the box one by one.

   After putting the bottles in, Lu Shui handed the box to Mu Xuedao:

   "A total of nine positions, turn to the correct axis, press the button, the contents will come out, Miss Mu can also use it."

   Mu Xue took the box and looked at Lu Shui with eyes wide open.

   At this moment, she wanted to kiss Lushui.

   It's just that she just got closer, and something suddenly got stuck in her mouth.

   is a bun.

   "Miss Mu, take your buns." Lu Shui's voice came over.

   This is the bun that Mu Xue hasn't finished eating yet.

   Mu Xue: "......"

   then took a bite of the bun.

   When you cry.

   Then the two continued to walk.

   "The sun hasn't come out yet, Master Lu thinks is it sunny or rainy today?"

   "Rainy day."

   "Master Lu watched the weather forecast?"


   "Then Master Lu, why is it so sure that it is rainy?"

   "Because today's Miss Mu is extraordinarily good-looking, even if it is the sun, she will hide from Miss Mu."

   "Then the sun was so big yesterday because I was so unsightly?"

   "Yesterday was Taiyang and Yourongyan."


   "Of course, sometimes what Miss Mu said is the truth."


   Muxue silently took a bite of the bun, which was very heavy, this time he bit into the meat.

   The fate of this meat is the fate of Lu Shui.

   No one can save Lu Shui.



   Lu Shui stood at the station and watched Mu Xue enter the train.

   Aunt Tang took the three Mu Xue sisters and Dongfang scum and others to the Tang house.

   is expected to be back in two days.

   is just a simple visit so I won't stay for too long.

   "Miss Mu has a good journey."

   "Master Lu remember to eat."

   This is how Mu Xue had a conversation with her before Lu Shui got on the train.

   simple and unpretentious.

  Lu Shui naturally wouldn't pull hatred at this time. After all, it would take a few days to not see Mu Xue, Mu Xue was easy to worry about it.

   Waiting for the train to disappear from Lu Shui's vision, Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Ze on the side.

   Mu Ze had no time to follow, but he still had time to see his wife.

   From Lu Shui's point of view, it was very difficult. He and Mu Xue had left so many times, and he never saw Lao Zhangren standing at the station to watch them leave.

   "Master Lu is convenient now?" Mu Ze asked softly.

   Lu Shui nodded, and then curiously said:

   "Does seniors feel upset when they marry a daughter?"

   "Is there any place in this world that is more suitable for Mu Xue than Master Lu's side?" Mu Ze asked rhetorically.

   Lu Shui smiled and said:


   Then the two left the station.



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