The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 327: Does the goddess look down on our Kraken?

   Hearing Dongfang Liyin's prompt, Lu Shui finally remembered who Qiao Gan was.

   "It's Qiao Ye? How did he get engaged?" Lu Shui was a little curious.

  "Your father just learned from the Third Elder, the time is at the end of the month, and you will go there when that time comes.

   The three elders will give you an invitation. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

   said, she patted the side position and said:

   "Get up and sit down."

   "Mother, the man has gold under his knees, can I not kneel next time if I have nothing to do?" Lu Shui got up and sat beside his mother.

  "Your mother has passed several hundred and a half people. Did you feel wronged when you kneel down?

   Do you want my mother to kneel back for you? "Dongfang Liyin asked while looking at his son.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   He thinks he can continue to kneel.

   "But why does my mother say several and a half hundred? This sentence is still a bit heavy. Have I ever said that I've leaked it before?" Lu Shui was a little uncomfortable.

   Mu Xue is here, she remembers a lot.

   "How are the spirit beasts of Xiao Xueer's two sisters?" Dongfang Li Yin asked.

   As an elder, she is still the eldest wife of the Lu family, she herself is a kind of pressure to Yayue and the others, so in order to let the two little guys relax.

   She usually doesn't bother.

   "I don't know." Lu Shui replied directly.

   Dongfang Liyin: "..."

   My own son is not reliable at all.

   Lu Shui really didn't know, he was going to deal with the exam of the three elders at that time.

   There is no way to do it, I think there will be no problem.

   "Speaking of speaking, the old man withered tree didn't find it, and Zhenwu didn't mention it. It seems that the third elder agreed with my paper?

   Isn’t that normal? "

   Lu Shui was a little surprised. He thought that the Third Elder would see him again and educate him again.

   Unfortunately there is nothing.

   But that paper he answered very seriously, but the third elders might disagree a little.

   After that, Lu Shui didn't think much about it. Now that the three elders passed the test, there was nothing to care about.

   "I will soon have a family now. I can't be as casual as before. I have to worry about Xiao Xueer." Dongfang Liyin exhorted Lu Shui.

   "Yeah." Lu Shui nodded.

   He felt that most of it was scrupulous.

   "Also, there are too many people in Qiuyun Town. Although there is no danger, you have to follow Xiao Xueer when you get down." Dongfang Liyin continued.

   "I know." Lu Shui still nodded.

   Regarding his mother's teaching, he only nodded, but answered that he knew.

   Dongfang Liyin felt that her son was doing her perfunctory again.

   But she knows that her son likes Mu Xue, so she should listen to it.

   "The two little guys may have to go back in two days. As a sister, Xiao Xueer will definitely send them off. Remember to follow along." Dongfang Liyin said seriously.

   If this is sent back, it is to go back to my own home.

   Without her son following, the girl’s family, how come again?

   I just wanted to come, but I was too embarrassed to come.

   So it is important for her son to follow him.

   "Okay." Lu Shui still nodded.

   Dongfang Liyin: "..."

   Not long after that, Lu Shui left his mother's residence, and called him over this time, for nothing else, just to tell something.

   is mostly related to Mu Xue, let him pay attention to Mu Xue, the young master has less temper.

   The land and water naturally nodded in response.

   Of course, he thought so in his heart. He felt that what he did so far was not a big problem.

   The only thing he cared about was that his mother gave him a snack when he left.

   This makes him a little regretful that he just sat down.

   "The smell is no different from what the kitchen does." Walking on the road, Lu Shui took a snack and tried to smell it.

   wanted to see if his mother did it herself.

   If it is, put it back in the kitchen secretly.

   Anyway, his mother didn't say that it must be eaten.

   "Try it." Said Lu Shui put it in his mouth and took a bite.

   This chewy...It seems that my mother really did it.

   But he still hadn't tasted the taste, and then Lu Shui moved his mouth to chew a few times.

  At this moment, the smell began to disperse.

   Then Lu Shui was stunned.

   "So delicious?"

   "Aunt did it?"

   Lu Shui instantly thought of who made it, and he could guess it based on the dinner at the table last night. Aunt's cooking skills are amazing.

  "How can you give birth to a daughter like Dongfang scum when cooking is so delicious?

Pity. "Lu Shui Yaoyao head.

   His mother cooks so badly that she can give birth to a son like him.

   Lu Shui went to the square with a snack, he was going to practice physical exercises.

   Physique has been delayed by him for a long time.

  When he came to the square, Lu Shui put the snack aside.

   He moved and prepared thousands of runes for himself, which is necessary for practicing physical arts.

  His physical skills are close to Tier 4, so the thousand-weight rune is specially made by him in order to reach the level of his use.

   "Speaking of which Mu Xue is going to send her two younger sisters home in the past few days, I can just go see the Origin Stone.

   It's been fifteen now, I don't know if the opposite side of the origin stone can hold on. "

   Lu Shui looked up at the sky.

   In his perception, there is indeed a little more aura.

  "The change of heaven and earth has never stopped, that is to say, for the person opposite the origin stone, he will influence the origin stone for longer and longer.

   But it is not enough for him to interfere with things other than the origin stone. "

   "The Mu family did not have any problems in the last life, that is to say, no matter how the world changes, the people on the opposite side of the origin stone still need to contact the Mu family."

   After thinking about it, Lu Shui had other guesses.

  "In this life, there is the influence of me and Mu Xue, there may be some things that did not exist in the previous life.

   So, the world changes, it must be because of me or Mu Xue touched something. "

   As for what it was, Lu Shui didn't think about it.

   Because there will be no answer.

   If there is a source, then over time, the source will always appear.

   "But this change is also a good thing for the three major forces, right?"

   Everyone is recovering, the dog is recovering, the toothache fairy is also passively recovering, the existence in the Kongming Sea is also waking up.

   The three major forces can be said to be the three parties that have benefited the most.

   "Also, the recovery is fast, they will emerge only when they have the strength."

   stopped thinking, Lu Shui began to run around the square.

   This is not an ordinary running. Every step he takes represents the movement of the exercises.

   The longer he runs, the more time he has to practice.

   Then use the power of heaven and earth to precipitate, which can bring him huge progress.

   Of course, it’s okay to sit and practice, but the effect is far worse than starting to practice.

  Physical art emphasizes kinetic power, but enlightenment emphasizes static power.

   Lu Shui stepped forward step by step. It was a little harder to start, but soon his speed was getting faster and faster.

  'S body's power is also rapidly rotating.

   The power spreads all over the body, tempers the veins, and the flesh and blood come tingling.

   But soon it was nourished by aura again.

   Body training requires the right method and the right power to operate.

   Otherwise, it is easy to train yourself.

   This is what his father kept telling him.

  Lu Shui was running faster and faster in the square, but after reaching a certain speed, his pace began to weaken.

   This is the consumption of physical strength.

  The more consumed, the greater the effect of using the power of heaven and earth to nourish the precipitation.

   At noon, the scorching sun is sky.

   Lu Shui no longer runs, but walks step by step.

   At this time, every step he took, sweat would drip to the ground.

  The hands and feet are as heavy as mountains.

   He exhales, the sweat has already wetted his hair.

   The power of the body is almost hollowed out.

   Finally, Lu Shui stopped, and he sat on the ground and began to enter the next step of cultivation.

   The power of heaven and earth circulates in him.

   This is the most important step at the moment, as long as it is completed, the strength will increase a lot.

   After a long time, Lu Shui opened his eyes.

   There was a flash of light in his eyes.

   The light flashed, and the power in the body was directly aroused.

   The majestic power rolls in the body like a huge wave.

   "The fourth-order body training is still some distance from the fifth-order, but it is indeed much stronger than before." Lu Shui clenched his fist and gained a general understanding.

   Then he came to the purple stone.

   This purple stone is the piece Mu Xue broke off at the beginning.

   Lu Shui looked at Zijinshi, then exhaled.

   He wants to vent his power against the purple stone.


   Lu Shui directly blasted a punch, and a powerful force appeared from his fist.




After    punched out, Lu Shui didn't stop at the slightest, and kept throwing his fists at the purple stone.

   The fist wind is like a small storm punching around him.

   The land water hits faster and faster.

   Finally, he concentrated his strongest power on his head and swung it towards the purple stone.

   Boom! ! !

   The powerful force directly impacted the purple stone.


  As soon as Lu Shui closed his fist, a clear voice came from Zijinshi.

   The purple stone skin is cracked a bit.

   "Huh! I can finally break the purple stone.

   It’s almost too soon to break with bare hands. "Lu Shui looked at the cracks in the purple gold stone with great relief.

   Of course, if he uses his cultivation base, he can break it, but he needs to withstand the attack from Mu Xue.

   Therefore, it is best to use the power of refining to break the purple stone without cultivation base.

   "However, although rocking is good, it is also very enjoyable for power catharsis, but I always feel shortcomings."

   After all, it can't be called a stone.

   is like fighting an enemy. The enemy has been beaten, but without a word and expressionless, it always feels wrong to look at it.

   "You can find someone to discuss."

   Lu Shui began to think about who to find suitable. Last time the three elders said that he would find him a second-tier body training, but now he has forgotten it?

  His progress in refining is so fast that he doesn't need supervision at all.

   "The sunny day is so beautiful, the hot tea and tea want to escape...Hey, the mask given by my mother is beautiful and it can hide the breath. You can wear it next time you pretend to be a firefighter to challenge Lu Shui's cousin."

   The sudden voice reached Lu Shui's ears.

   He squinted and saw that he was a brisk oriental scum.

   She was wearing a mask and looking in the mirror, as if she liked the mask she was wearing.

   "Well, ready-made opponents are here."

  Lu Shui steps forward towards Oriental Tea Tea.


   Crackling! !

   Crackling! ! !

   After a while, Lu Shui clapped his hands and left the square.

   Where's the masked assassin who broke into his house in broad daylight.

   "Woo, hurts."

   Dongfang Chacha pulled her head out of the ground, and she looked around and was crying.

   The mask has fallen off, but the face is a little swollen.

   "Cousin Lu Shui has attacked people again."

After   , Dongfang Chacha stopped crying. The parents and the yam were not there, so I had to find them and cry again.

   She wants to face-to-face with her cousin Lu Shui.


   Early the next morning, Lu Shui sat in the courtyard reading a book with a tired expression.

   was punished for standing yesterday.

  Sure enough, it's better not to beat the Dongfang dregs at home.

No money to read novels? Give you cash or points, and receive it in 1 day within a limited time! Pay attention to the public·public·number [Kanwen Base], get it for free!

   However, my strength has improved a lot in the past two days.

   The power of heaven and earth has basically not been used, Tier 4 of physical skills, cultivation level of 5.1, looking at the cultivation world, the one who can defeat him is already a master-level person.

   Even some head teachers are not his opponents.

   There is no eighth-level cultivation base, there is nothing to do with him.

   After all, if he can't beat him, he will also escape.

   Lu Shui ate the snack the maid brought up, and decided to read the book again.

   Just when he was going to continue reading, he suddenly felt something flying over his head.

   looked up, it was a little girl.

   The colored hair on one head is very cute.

   The little girl flew over the land like this.

   "The only true god?" Lu Shui looked at the direction the little girl was leaving, somewhat curious:

   "Where is she going?

   Seeing this direction is going down the mountain. "

   "Is Shimen direction?" Lu Shui thought about it and guessed it.

  The buried **** Shimen has a relationship with the true god, and as the only true god, it is normal to go down.

   As for whether the only true **** could enter, Lu Shui didn't know.

   "Speaking of which, how can I turn this little guy to the end of the sea?" Lu Shui naturally remembered what he promised Jiu.

  He can't fight with the only true **** here, so compulsory arrest is no good.

   Unless just happened to meet outside.

   It can be **** like this, and then go to the end of the sea.

   Although the end of the sea is far away, with the help of Kun, as long as he reaches the sea area, he can go to the end of the sea in a short time.

   "Let's see if there is a good opportunity." Lu Shui thought to himself.

   If there is a chance, he also plans to go to God's Domain.

   The metal book page also hopes to go to God's Domain to gather it.

   Seeing that the sky was bright, Lu Shui closed the book.

   Going out today.

   Mu Xue told him yesterday that he would send her two younger sisters home today.

   I was going to play for two more days. Although many strangers came to Qiuyun Town, no one would mess around in the town.

   Even if the town is crowded and not so safe, the Lu family is big.

   Dongfang scum has been here for so long, and the expedition hasn’t been finished yet, enough for Muxue’s two sisters to play for a long time without repetition.

   It is a pity that the grandmother of those two little guys is sick.

   They have to go and visit, even Mu Xue has to follow.

   So I can only leave Lu's house today.

   Land and water naturally go too.

   If it weren't just going to go, yesterday was not as simple as a penalty stop.

  His dad will discuss with him if he wants to.

   Good luck.


  Lu Shui came to Mu Xue's yard, and wanted to see how Mu Xue was preparing.

   just arrived at Mu Xue's yard, he saw Mu Xue standing under the corner and looking up at the sky above.

   Today's Mu Xue did not wear a fairy skirt, but a sweater and pants.

   The hair is still simply tied up.

   At this time, Lu Shui saw Mu Xue jump up.

   Then he stretched out his hand, as if to take something.

   Lu Shui looked down on the wall curiously, and found that the Fire Cloud Beast was lying on the fence of the yard.

   Mu Xue is going to catch it.

   But as an ordinary person, Mu Xue cannot jump that high.

   "What is Miss Mu doing?" Lu Shui asked.

   Mu Xue turned to see Lu Shui, and then said with a smile:

   "Master Lu, can you help me?"

   "No." Lu Shui directly refused.

   Mu Xue: "???"

   Lu Shui, you are going to heaven, right?

   Lu Shui walked to the table and sat down, then looked at Mu Xue.

   As if waiting for Mu Xue to jump.

   Mu Xue naturally saw Lu Shui’s gaze and asked:

   "What is Master Lu looking at?"

   "Beautiful Lady." Lu Shui's eyes were still on Mu Xue, he was telling the truth.

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, and then at the Fire Cloud Beast on the wall.

   Finally, he gave up the Fire Cloud Beast and came to Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui just wanted to see her embarrassed.

   But after Lu Shui praised her, her actions became more dignified.

   "Master Lu wakes up so early every day, are you reading a book?" Mu Xue sat across from Lu Shui and asked curiously.

   "This book is very interesting, Miss Mu, would you like to read it?" Lu Shui took out his sword and said the Go legend.

   It is his habit to get up early every day, he is afraid of Mu Xue guessing something?

   At this time in the last life, Mu Xue was still a noob, hiding in her yard to practice.

   You don’t necessarily know about your marriage, do you know what is going on with your future husband?

Will not.

   Muxue watched Jianyi Go Biography, she didn't expect Lu Shui to bring it with her.

   But reading is fake, is it true to get up every morning to outline the pattern of heaven and earth?

   When the time comes, I will be bright and really beat you, to see if you dare to fight back.

   Muxue flashed these thoughts in her mind, and then took Jianyi Go Chuan.

   She was curious about what was inside.

   Ordinary content is not enough for Lu Shui to carry, right?

   Then Mu Xue opened the book and looked around.

   When she saw the first page, she felt that this sword was so powerful that she was actually going to play against the world with all things.

   This kind of person is a great person everywhere, and this person is also the pioneer of kendo.

   Then she read a few more pages, originally admiring the other person more, but the more she looked at her, the more she felt that this person was a little shameless?

   And it is said that the good Go is called the father, why do you always regret the game?

   The style of regret chess is still diverse. Is this a complete set of regret chess?

   After reading Mu Xue, he closed the book and returned it to Lu Shui.

   She felt that it was not unreasonable for Lu Shui to treasure this book so much.

   "Master Lu is learning regret chess?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

  Lu Shui in the last life can't play chess, right?

   In this life, all learning is to learn regret chess. This book is not to teach people regret chess, and she doesn't believe it.

  Lu Shui: "..."

   He doesn't do such shameless things, so people like Jianyi can be shameless to the point.

  The pioneer of dignified kendo, the founder of Taoism, and the peak power of the times, he was actually keen on regretting chess.

   He didn't expect it either.

   "When is Miss Mu going to leave?" Lu Shui didn't want to discuss regretting chess.

   "Ding Liang is helping Yayue Yalin to pack things up. They may have just woke up last night of sleep." Mu Xue said softly while looking at Yayue Yalin's room.

   Lu Shui nodded, but when he wanted to ask something else, he suddenly felt something poking out of the yard.

   is the head of Oriental Slag.

  Lu Shui looked over, and Dongfang Chacha naturally saw that there were only Lu Shui and Mu Xue in the yard. At this moment, Dongfang Chacha found that this scene met the conditions of not disturbing.

   At last Dongfang Chacha retracted his little head.

   pretend not to have been.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Mu Xue also saw it, and then said with a small smile:

   "Chacha, come in."

   It's rare to go out, so Chacha also wants to follow.

   At this time, Dongfang Chacha's little head came in again, she tried to ask:

   "Will you interrupt my cousin's appointment?"

   Lu Shui: "..."

   Mu Xue: "..."


   After a long time, when everyone was ready to set off, Lu Shui got up and grabbed the Fire Cloud Beast, then put it in Mu Xue's hands, and said:

   "Miss Mu jumped up, she looks really good."

   Mu Xue took Huo Yun Beast and looked around Cha Cha and her two younger sisters. Her face suddenly turned red.

   There are so many people.

   Lu Shui was also stunned. This kind of thing had never happened in the previous life.

   But he still kept this calm.

   Let Mu Xue be embarrassed to go.

   When he went out, Lu Shui was told by his mother again, and helped him tidy up his short sleeves.

   Lu Shui just nodded and said yes.

   So soon they went to the train station.

   There are nine people in a line.

   "Ms. Mu is going to return to Mu's house first, and then follow Aunt Tang to Tang's house?" Lu Shui asked on the train.

   "Well, Aunt Tang also wants to go back.

   If Master Lu finds it inconvenient, you can visit Mu's house first. "Muxue said.

   After all, it was Aunt Tang who took people to the Tang house.

   Cha Cha, but Lu Shui is the young master of the Lu family, and it is more or less inconvenient to go together.

   Lu Shui nodded, staying at Mu's house is almost the best choice.

  He can also study the origin stone.

   But I'll talk about it then.


   In the Deep Sea Palace, the Sea-Monster Queen looked at the sea above with her eyes open, she was a little sad.

  "Within half a year?

   This span is a long time.

   Purple-clothed goddess doesn’t know how powerful the Kraken is?

   actually hangs us like this. "

   After thinking about it, the Sea-Monster Queen got an answer.

   "It seems that we are really not good enough, and we have been hiding deep in the bottom of the sea."

   The Sea-Monster Queen turned her head and glanced at the sea where the power was overflowing, and sighed:

   "It's only half a year to take a break, but I don't wait next door."

   She can feel that the other party will wake up initially in half a year.

   Although the other party does not bother them, but the dispute of the times will start.

   The world will change drastically if no one settles the dispute. She is not afraid, but with so many people in the Sea-Monster, it will not be able to bear this dispute.

   Unless someone settles the dispute, stand in line.

   "Well, I didn't pay attention to it for a while, or just sleep first."

   The Sea-Monster Queen thinks she should sleep for a while.

   Just closing her eyes, she suddenly opened her eyes, then sat up, and then looked into the distance.

   "Dragon breath."

   "Deep Sea Dragon? Let's forget it, I thought it was the sacred beast dragon Then the sea monster queen continued to lie down.

   "I don't know what kind of treasure they have found, but they are actually going to the sea here."

After   , the siren queen closed her eyes, she didn't care, but other siren who was idle and bored might follow.

   After all, there must be a lot of sea monsters wondering what kind of baby it is, it is worthy of the deep sea dragon to run out.

   seems to have brought out Dragon Palace with him.

   At this time, other sea monsters outside, some people also noticed the deep sea dragon.

   "The breath of the deep sea dragon, shall we go over and play with them?" A sea monster said immediately.

   Great Shui Master Wuya immediately said:

  "The deep sea dragon is so timid, why did it run out?

   What's the incredible baby that makes them tempted? "

   "They will definitely fall into traps. Should we pretend to be caught by their traps to make them happy?"

   "I will go too, and I will go too."

   "Don't go, you are too weak, you will really be caught."

   "I'm going to find the queen to be a plug-in for me, remember to wait for me."



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