The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 328: The deep sea dragon provokes the two most terrifying people

   Floating island.

  Lushui, they are transiting here.

   will be there at noon tomorrow.

  Because I didn't catch the first bus, it took a while to arrive at Mu's house.

   Otherwise, you can arrive early tomorrow morning.

   Of course, Mu Xue is not in a hurry, just take his time.

   "Wait some time, do you want to buy something?" Mu Xue asked Yayue and Yalin.

   "Go to eat, I'll treat." Dongfang Chacha immediately raised his hand.

   As an older sister, of course she was the one who invited the guests.

   Yayue has been catching the Fire Cloud Beast, too lively, making her a little helpless.

  Shuiyun beast is better, lying quietly on Yalin's head, occasionally spitting bubbles, how cute.

   Although the fire cloud beast can also spit out flames, it is easy to burn things, and even run around.

   Very troublesome.

  If Yalin’s is Fire Cloud Beast...

   Yayue thought for a while, and then she thought of chasing Yalin and the Fire Cloud Beast.

  Because the Fire Cloud Beast can run, Yalin must follow, and then who knows where to go, she is not looking for it.

  Sure enough, fortunately, the Fire Cloud Beast was not raised by Yalin, otherwise she would worry more.

  Although Sister Mu Xue and Sister Cha Cha are helping, Yalin watched after returning.

   I have to catch Yalin and the Fire Cloud Beast all day long before I suffer.

   "What to eat then?" Yayue asked.

   She didn't know what to eat for a while.

   "Of course I haven't eaten it before." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

   I finally came out to eat what I had eaten before, thanks to it.

   Take advantage of the spirit stone now, hurry up and spend it.

   Otherwise, it might be gone again.

   She has experience.

   "Okay!" Ya Lin called immediately.

   It's just that the action was too big, and he directly threw the Shuiyun beast to the ground.

   The water cloud beast's balance ability is still okay. It stands on the ground and looks at its master, always feeling that the master can move.

   then jumped twice, lying on Yalin's head again.

   Yalin started to help the Shui Yun Beast, so that she would feel safe.

   If you don't help me, I feel that the Shuiyun Beast is crooked.

   Yayue had no objection before, she was relatively quiet, and would not yell as unheartedly as Yalin.

   Lu Shui was watching, without thinking at all, he just hoped that the first time he came here would not happen.

   What kind of faceless door, if you want to come out and make trouble, you have to pull him in.

   was just reborn at that time and was not strong enough, but it's okay to bully those people.

   Now his strength is not the same, but with Mu Xue, he is even weaker than then.

   However, there should be no problem with the real martial arts and spirits.

   At this time, the Zhenwu Zhenling, but the person who can face the fifth rank.

   Mu Xue didn't care where they were going, she followed Lu Shui.

   Yayue and Chacha are both children.

   The two of them just follow.

   "Master, let's prepare something." At this moment, Zhen Ling spoke suddenly.

   Ding Liang and Xiangyu were following Zhenling, as if the three were planning to prepare something together.

  Lu Shui did not ask much, but nodded:

   "Go ahead."

   Ding Liang and Xiangyu also asked, and then left with Zhenling.

   "Master Lu knows what they are going to do?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

   Lu Shui turned his head and looked at Mu Xue, and said:

   "Miss Mu doesn't even know, how could I know?"

   The three of them are all women, and Mu Xue is also a woman. Shouldn’t it be clear?

   Mu Xue turned her head and looked aside, I knew what you wanted to do.

   She doesn't care much about the others.

   Soon Dongfang Chacha took Yalin and Yayue to a small shop, where they sell dried fruits, but Lushui doesn’t know what kind of dried fruits are.

   Anyway, the shop says special products.

   Dongfang Chacha and the others were buying, and Mu Xue was also pulled over by Yalin to try.

   Lu Shui just watched from behind, and he would communicate with Mu Xue, and other communication was strenuous.

   So just keep quiet.

   If they run out of money, Zhenwu will consciously go up and pay.

   Now Dongfang Slag is rich, no one cares about her.

   "I heard that the sea is a bit heavy, and I don't know if the shadow will affect the following train." A sudden voice reached Lu Shui's ears.

   I saw two people in the next store chatting.

   "There should be no problem, the Mo family trains are not vegetarian, and they can't fly directly." Another person said.

  "No, I heard that the wind and waves this time are a bit strange, there may be some sea monsters below, and it is not very far from the floating island.

   For this kind of sea monster that can affect a sea area, flying is of no use to them.

   I just don’t know how the Mohists will evaluate it, so I hope it won’t be delayed.

   Otherwise, you have to fly to another site, which is a waste of time. "The man said worriedly.

   Lu Shui naturally heard these words, he turned his head to look at Zhenwu Dao:

   "Check it out."

   "Yes." Zhenwu immediately responded.

   But he took a look and found no entourage here.

   "Don't care, check it out first." Seeing Zhen Wu hesitated, Lu Shui said again.

Zhenwu didn't say anything after   , and started to investigate.

   But he contacted Zhenling and asked them to arrange someone to follow the young master.

   Safety is one thing, mainly because some things are suitable for follow-up.

   After all, those who are either young masters or young ladies, always don't understand some things.

   After receiving Zhenling's reply, Zhenwu was relieved a lot.

   "Do you want to postpone it?" Mu Xue took some dried fruit and handed it to Lu Shui, and by the way asked something about what he had just heard.

   Yalin was by her side just now, so she didn't pay much attention to much.

   She must not be able to hear what the person next to    said.

   Lu Shui took the dried fruit and squeezed it lightly. It was quite hard. As for the dried fruit, he didn't know.

   is purple, piece by piece.

After   , Lu Shui put a small piece in his mouth and bit by the way.


   quack and crisp, just like eating chocolate.

   is that the taste is completely different.

not bad.

   As a snack, there is no problem.

   "I don't know the specifics, it may be that they made a fuss and asked Zhenwu to investigate.

   Although the floating island is a bit more remote, there shouldn't be anything great around it. "Lu Shui said.

   is really nothing great, whether it's a human or a sea monster.

   Not at all.

   Otherwise, a faceless door dared to do something here?

   What about sleepwalking?

   Mu Xue nodded too.

After   , I didn’t think much, but asked:

   "Does Master Lu think it's delicious?"

   "No dessert made by Miss Mu is delicious." Lu Shui replied casually.

   is really just casual.

   Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui and asked:

   "Master Lu, have you eaten Chacha Niangqin's dim sum?"

   "No." Lu Shui threw another piece of dried fruit in his mouth and replied by the way.

   Mu Xue: "......"

   talk nonsense with his eyes open.

   "Let's go, let's go to the next one." Dongfang Chacha bought a little bit, and took Yayue and Yalin to the next house.

   Yayue and Yalin seem to be quite happy.

   Lu Shui and Mu Xue followed, chatting by the way.

   Zhenling rushed back when they arrived at the second store.

   She just followed behind silently.

   Observing Dongfang Chacha and others, she would come forward to help whenever needed.

   Such as paying money.

   After shopping for about an hour, Zhenwu came back.

   "Young Master, Young Grandma." Zhen Wu came to Lu Shui and Mu Xue's back and called out softly.

   At this time, Zhenling left again, probably to find Ding Liang and the others.

   "Are you clear?" Lu Shui and Mu Xue didn't care about Zhenling, they just looked at Zhenwu and asked.

   "Yes, there may be some problems." Zhenwu said softly.

  Because Dongfang Chacha and the others are very happy to go shopping, Zhenwu does not intend to affect them.

   "Let's talk about it." Lu Shui and Mu Xue still walked behind Yayue's trio, but their pace was a little slower.

  "Some changes have indeed occurred in the outer waters, not to mention that the wind and waves have become bigger, and vortices appear from time to time.

   A train passed by and was almost sucked in.

   Although there are no dangers, it makes them more vigilant.

   Now there are many vortices around the floating island.

   There should be something on the bottom of the sea. No one has discovered what it is.

   So there are a few places where there are vortices, or the direction where vortices often appear, no longer come to stop at the floating island. Zhenwu explained.

   "Can't take the empty road?" Lu Shui asked.

   With the reputation of the Mohist school, there is no reason to directly cancel the station because of these trivial matters. Although this will not cause dissatisfaction, doesn't it seem that the Mohist school is useless?

   The Mo family can endure a lot, but they just don't want to endure this.

   A whirlpool stopped the Mo Family.

   They want face.

   "It's not that I haven't tried it, but I failed." Zhen Budo.

   "Failed?" This surprised Lu Shui a little. It seemed that the vortex was not simple at all.

   Mu Xue was also a little surprised, all the vortices will be dealt with when flying?

   "Yes, it failed.

   After the train flies, as long as it passes by the vortex, it will be affected by the vortex, no matter how high it is flying, as long as it passes by the vortex, it will be affected by the vortex.

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   It seems that there is a vortex in the sky.

   Fortunately, the influence is the same as the water vortex, so there were no casualties.

   No one knows what is going on. "Zhen Wu stopped after speaking.

   Actually, he wanted to ask Lu Shui.

   With their young masters showing their profound knowledge, they must know what it is.

   But the young lady is here, the young master must continue to pretend to be waste.

   He didn't understand why, and he didn't dare to ask.

   "It should be the eyes of the deep sea wind, there are some spiritual objects in the deep sea, all of which have this ability." Mu Xue said.

   Zhenwu was a little surprised, the young lady knows?

   Lu Shui also looked at Mu Xue, saying that he was watching your performance.

   Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui: I knew it was pretending.

   "I saw in an ancient book that this effect can be either the spirit beast's own ability or the treasure's ability.

   So I don’t know what the situation is. "Mu Xue said.

   Zhenwu thought about it carefully and said:

   "Perhaps it is really man-made. At present, half of the sea area has been disturbed." Zhenwu said.

   "In other words, there is no problem with the route to Mu's house?" Lu Shui asked.

   Just now Zhenwu said that there might be a problem.

   "Yes, young master, but the Mo family may also cancel the passing because of worry." Zhenwu said.

   "Continue to pay attention." Lu Shui said.

After   , they stopped struggling with this.

   Although it is not a good thing, but it can also rely on luck.

   There is a high probability that I can go to Mu's house at regular time.

   If it is delayed, it is difficult to say how long it will be delayed.

  "If it is delayed, it may take half a day to fly to a nearby station.

What does   Ms. Mu feel? "Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and asked.

   At this time they are still following Dongfang Chacha and the others.

   Mu Xue holds several different foods, and some simple decorations.

   There are not many things, she took them, because the things she couldn't take were already in the land water storage magic treasure.

   "Listen to Master Lu." Mu Xue whispered to Lu Shui.

   When going out, she has always listened to Lu Shui.

   Whether she is born again or not, she will listen to Lu Shui.

   When she married Lu Shui in her previous life, she only listened to what Lu Shui said. After all, she didn't understand it.

   I don’t understand, of course listen to my husband’s.

   "Then let the Dongfang Slag Royal Sword fly when the time comes." Lu Shui said.

   Dongfang scum has to demonstrate her flying sword several times, but it has never given her a chance to show off.

   "That chacha must be very happy." Mu Xue said with a slight smile.


   When the train was about to arrive, Zhenling and the others returned to the line.

   They said to supplement some food.

   Lu Shui didn't care, but he did care whether the train was on time.

   A group of people went out and seemed to listen to him.

   Dongfang Zhazha still calls his cousin all day long, only knowing to run around.

  "Master, the train is coming to the floating island, and it seems to be stopping normally.

   The vortex is still only halfway there, and there is no new change.

  The people on the floating island seem to have already checked it out, but the result is still unknown. "Zhen Wu reminded behind Lu Shui.

   "Then go to the waiting hall and wait." Lu Shuidao.

After   , Ding Liang and Xiangyu went in front of Dongfang Chacha.

   They are going to take a car, so they can’t let them go shopping.

   "Eh, is the time up?" Dongfang Chacha felt a little regretful.

   hasn't finished shopping yet.

   But she won’t bother anyone.

   This is her code of conduct when going out.

   Until the day when she is invincible, she will abide by these rules of conduct.

After    was invincible, Xiangyu said that everything was wrong, and it was useless for his cousin Lu Shui to make a sneak attack. Then the cousin...the cousin would still be the cousin.


   After a while, the train entered the station smoothly, and Lu Shui and the others got on the train smoothly.

   Lu Shui discovered that there were not many people who got on the train transfer station this time.

  "Because half of the trains can't stop here, many people can only transfer stations, and some of them got off halfway.

   So there are a lot of people at a time. After entering the train, Zhenwu explained in a low voice.

   But the crowd does not affect their side.

   Lu Shui is sitting with Mu Xue, and Dongfang Chacha is sitting with Yalin and Yayue.

   "It seems there is no accident." Mu Xue said while looking out the window.

   The train has already moved at this time, and it will not take long to leave the floating island range.

   After a while, the train left the floating island.

   does not seem to have any problems.

   "Miss Mu can take a break if she is sleepy." It is dark now, so Mu Xue will be sleepy.

   Lu Shui didn't want Mu Xue to sleep on him, or he felt that staying up late was not good for ordinary people.

  Muxue nodded, but she wanted to see Yayue and the others.

   Looking to the side, Mu Xue found that Yalin had fallen asleep on Yayue, with a book on her face.


   Yayue read to Yalin again.

  Muxue actually wanted to laugh, because coaxing Yalin to sleep is a very interesting thing.

   Just show her a book.


   Under the deep sea.

   "Aren't you waiting for Xiao Tao?" Great Shui Master Wuya asked the other sea monsters nearby.

   Li Chang was among them, she shook her head and said:

   "Xiao Tao has been to the queen several times, but has not been able to apply for the plug-in, so I waited for nothing."

   "Lower the cultivation base, otherwise it will scare the Deep Sea Dragon." Great Marine Master Wuya said immediately.

   The deep sea dragon cultivation base is not very strong, the stronger ones are just one or two.

   Having caught so many Krakens this time, they must be very happy.

   "I don't know what kind of treasure they are for, they actually came out of the nest." Li Chang was a little surprised.

  What a great treasure, worthy of them.

   "Look, it is the deep sea wind eye, it seems that they are on the opposite side, where there is a deep sea wind eye, there must be no traps." Great Marine Master Wu Ya said.

  The deep sea dragon is hoping to trap in a calm place.

   They are never rigid with people.

   Other types of dragons hate them to the extreme. It is simply a shame to the dragons, without being strong or arrogant.

   just shrank, and love to fall into the trap.

   Forget it, grab the stronger creature anyway.

   In short, the deep sea dragon is despised by other dragons.

   They don't want to recognize that the deep sea dragon is a dragon.

   "I saw the Dragon Palace, don't go back to the game, or you will have to get someone to fish, which is very troublesome." Li Chang said.

   There is a huge dragon palace in front of them, and a light flashes in the dragon palace, as if it is blessed by a powerful force.

   "Go on, swim up, and get into their trap.

   Their target must be the creatures on the sea, but they don’t know who it is. "The Great Marine Master Wuya said.

   "Go, go, remember to look like a normal person, otherwise it will scare the Deep Sea Dragon Race." Another Kraken said.

   Soon they rushed into the trap of the deep sea dragon clan.

   as an ordinary person.

   After being caught, let the other party know that they are sea monsters, the problem is not big.

   has been caught after all.

   I'm afraid before I catch it.

   I am bold when I catch it.


   Deep Sea Dragon Palace.

   A dark dragon looked at the bead in front of him.

   The bead flickered.

   It stared at the beads, motionless.

   It didn't get excited until the blinking speed of the bead began to increase.

   "It's coming, it's coming soon.

get ready. "Deep Sea Dragon dark pupil waved his claws.

   Its dragon's whiskers fluttered and looked very happy.

   This bead suddenly lit up some time ago.

   shows that an extremely rare treasure has appeared in this world.

   They hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to go out to hunt for treasure.

   As long as they get the treasure, they will return to the deep sea.

   does not intend to hurt people's lives, nor do they want to attract any attention in the realm of cultivation.

   According to the tips of the orb, they found the treasure is nearby.

   But what it is, at which point they are uncertain.

   So in order to get the treasure, they studied the situation around here and quickly came up with the answer.

   There are vehicles here, and treasures may move with them.

   So they chose to close some directions, and then waited in the unblocked direction.

  Wait until the treasures drop their traps.

   Now the treasure is finally here.

   At this time, the dark pupil of the Deep Sea Dragon saw the beads flickering faster and faster, almost staying bright.

   "Do it."

   Deep Sea Dragon's dark pupil called immediately.

   At this moment, the Dragon Palace burst out with a powerful force, as if a net began to shrink, the water area and the sky over the water area were all wrapped by this force, and it was retracted at an extremely fast speed.

   Just put everything into the Dragon Palace and escape back.

   Then find the treasure and let these people go.

   Then change the place again, so there is no problem.

  The plan is perfect, and so far it has been smooth.


  Muxue was going to sleep, she was thinking about how to lean on Lu Shui inadvertently.

   Just when she closed her eyes to go to sleep, she suddenly opened her eyes again.

   There is power underwater, no, there is a trap here.

   "It's weird, how can someone set up traps here? And there is a faint tendency to activate it, it's not right, it's activated now.

   In other words, their target is this train? "Mu Xue was a little surprised.

  Lushui is actually quite unexpected.

   Who on earth is doing this kind of thing?

   They just passed by, why did they do it inexplicably?

   "Their target is the people in this car? I don't know who caused the trouble." Lu Shui sighed in his heart.

   If it is normal, he will let Zhenwu Zhenling pay attention.

   Not working anymore, Mu Xue is by his side.

   Mu Xue is helpless, how do I do it now?

   It would be nice if only tea was there.

   is not too troublesome.

   In the end, she could only use some purple qi to attach to other people to ensure that she could easily shoot when her life was in danger.

   Of course, there are also land and water.

   After all, Lu Shui still didn't know that she knew that he also had memories.

   Why is this sentence so convoluted.


   Suddenly the train shook directly, as if it stopped suddenly, and it seemed to be stuck by something, but it couldn't move after refueling.

   Fortunately, the balance is very strong, they did not suffer any impact.

   But many people were awakened.

   "What happened to this?"

   "The train seems to be falling into the water, it is a whirlpool."

   "The whirlpool? Doesn't it mean that I can break free? Why do I feel submerged in the water?"


   Suddenly the whole train began to fall quickly, and even began to spin.

   At the moment of the accident, Lu Shui protected Mu Xue.

   Dingliangxiangyu naturally protected Yalin Yayue for the first time.

   You must know that Yalin and Yayue are both first-order.

   Zhenwu Zhenling also cast spells to stabilize them.

   "It's the deep sea dragon, how did these guys get out?" The moment Lu Shui protected Mu Xue, he knew what he was doing.

   "What treasure is there in this car worth their risk?" Lu Shui didn't quite understand.

   Deep sea dragons usually work hard for treasures, but there are few treasures worthy of bringing them out of the dragon palace.

   Lu Shui soon thought of a possibility, Dongfang Slag.

  Even though Dongfang Zhazha's eyes are not particularly powerful to use, her eyes are rare treasures in the world.

   "But it was all sealed by Mu Xue, why can the other party detect it?

   does not seem to be based on breath, but intuition. "Lu Shui knew the problem.

   But I don’t know how to do it for a while.

   Mu Xue guessed at this time, Cha Cha's eyes need to be further sealed.

   At this time, a purple light appeared, directly sealing the eye of Chacha's merit.

   After doing this, the train fell into the Dragon Palace.


   Everyone felt a loud noise, and they also received a strong shock.

   This feeling reminded Lu Shui of being swallowed by Kun.

   is not friendly at all.

   But when he was swallowed by a scorpion, he and Zhenwu Zhenling are the only ones, so it's very convenient.

   There are too many people now.

   Mu Xue took into consideration that he would not take any shots at will. He was afraid that Mu Xue would not dare to take shots.

   Otherwise, there is no chance for the mere deep sea dragon.

   Is this the other party's luck?

   Lu Shui felt that he had become the father of But he felt that Dongfang Zuzha's eyes were sealed.

   is the kind of seal that isolates numerology, even if the opponent relies on intuition, they can't find it.

   Of course, Dongfang Slag can no longer use her eye of merit.

   It depends on whether the Deep Sea Dragon will give up.

   They usually don't kill people.

   "Miss Mu, are you okay?" After the car stabilized, Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue.

   He is more comprehensive, Mu Xue should be fine.

  Muxue is very strong, but his body is the body of an ordinary person.

   Knock and bump is really hurt.

   Mu Xue shook his head:

   "It's okay, where are Yalin and others?"

   When Mu Xue looked over, Yalin was still sleeping with the Shuiyun Beast.

   The movement just now failed to wake her up.

   Everyone: "......"

  Chacha is really scared.

   She thinks she is absolutely dead.

   Fortunately, it took a lot just now.



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