The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 345: The fairy falls for 9 days

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Naturally, Aunt Tang was a little puzzled about what Mu Xue said.

But soon I got some understanding.

You must know that Mu Xue has no cultivation base.

But before the cultivation base, she was a real genius.

Comprehending the Tiannvzhen Sutra in the ancestral land is one of the best practices of the Mu family in recent years.

The lack of cultivation is due to her body, and has nothing to do with her own abilities.

Moreover, since there was no cultivation base, Mu Xue might have been thinking of ways to heal herself.

So it's normal to have medical skills.

"Don't force it." Aunt Tang stepped a little away.

The meaning is obvious, let Muxue take her pulse.

Tang Jun on one side wanted to say anything, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It's okay for children to try, after all, they just get the pulse.

He will think twice about the others.

Because of a little carelessness, the condition may get worse, and sometimes it is fatal.

"it is good."

Mu Xue responded and went to Chen Yun's bed and sat down.

Then he gently took out Chen Yun's hand from the quilt.

Looking at her nearly dry hands, Mu Xue frowned.

You know, the last time she came, she had seen this senior's hand.

At that time, it was still smooth and white, like a girl's hand.

It's a pity that it became like this in a blink of an eye.

Mu Xue put her hand on Chen Yun's wrist.

Very light, as if worried about waking the other person.

Mu Xue was checking her pulse, and the others just watched from the side.

Aunt Tang could see Mu Xue frowning, but she knew nothing about others.

Tang Jun just felt that the other party was still young and more confident in himself, and wanted to take a look.

It was kind, but he never thought that the other party could see anything.

Chacha naturally stood there in a daze, surrounded by elders, as long as she stood on the side obediently.

This way it is not easy to make mistakes.

Taro taught her.

The taro is right.

Then just follow the slogan.

For example, I understand, it's the senior, the junior retire and so on.

This is what she realized.

In fact, she is very smart.

Even they can't see it.

Mu Xue didn't care about other people's thoughts. As for Dongfang Chacha, she would not care if she knew it.

She hadn't figured out the circuit of Chacha's brain, and of course she wouldn't care about her thoughts.

Now Mu Xue is observing Chen Yun's body.

In fact, she can't figure out the specific cause of the pulse, but her strength lies here.

Just use Hunyuan Qi to explore.

Soon Mu Xue found the root of everything.

"It seems to be no different from what I saw." Mu Xue muttered to herself.

When she saw Chen Yun, she actually had some conclusions.

However, in order not to surprise Aunt Tang and the others, they said that they wanted to get the pulse.

Check it again by the way.

Not long after, Mu Xue stopped her pulse, and by the way gently put Chen Yun's hand back into the bed.

"How is it?" Aunt Tang asked.

Although I knew that Mu Xue might not have any solution, I still subconsciously wanted to ask.

Probably this is the expectation of the doctor.

Whether it is a famous doctor or a quack doctor, they all hope to get some understanding of the condition.

Mu Xue looked at Aunt Tang and said softly:

"Aunt Tang wait a moment, it's not over yet."

Aunt Tang was a little surprised, and even Tang Jun was a little puzzled.

Isn't this over? How to say it is not over yet?

In the end, Aunt Tang didn't say anything, waiting on the side.

"Chacha, take off the blindfold, come and have a look." Mu Xue said to Dongfang Chacha.

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha, who was still wandering, immediately returned to his senses, and then responded:

"Okay, cousin."

Speaking of Dongfang Chacha, he took off the blindfold and came to the bedside.

Under normal circumstances, it is not possible to remove the blindfold for Cha Cha, but the cousin ordered it, naturally, there is no problem.

Xiangyu watched from behind, and she didn't say anything.

But she has a strange feeling that Miss Chacha believes in Miss Mu very much.

As for why, it must be due to relatives.

Miss Cha Cha is actually quite painful, with all the advantages of her body.

Of course, Miss Mu is very knowledgeable, and she is unlikely to harm Miss Chacha.

"Look at Senior Chen with your eyes, look carefully, and see what you can see." Mu Xue said softly to Cha Cha next to her.

"Just look at the face?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

Mu Xue nodded:

"Just look at the face first."

Dongfang Chacha responded and looked at Chen Yun.

But just after taking a look, she stretched out her hand to Chen Yun's ear.

Aunt Tang was stunned, she thought Chacha had discovered something.

Tang Jun also became nervous, and he immediately looked over.

Then I found that this little girl from the Dongfang family was just helping his wife to stroke the hair around her ear.

"This way it won't be messy." Dongfang Chacha whispered.

Tang Jun: "..."

Tang Yi: "..."

They sighed, but they couldn't say anything.

Tang Yi felt that if her mother was awake, she would definitely stroke the hair around her ear.

Tang Jun felt that a little girl was just looking at it, but what could she find?

Mu Xue on one side didn't say anything, the power of Chacha's merits belonged to her, and others gave her.

At this time Dongfang Chacha was already looking at Chen Yun on the bed.

She blinked the eye of merit and kept staring.

In her eyes, the world is different, as if there are so many brilliances.

Normal people have white light on their bodies, while Senior Chen has black light on their bodies, and they look heavy.

Dongfang Chacha stared at it for a long time, although he didn't know what to look at, but the cousin asked her to watch it. Of course she had to watch it.

Soon she realized that what she saw had begun to change, as if she had seen the inside from the surface.

At this time she discovered something completely new, different from what she had seen before.

"Cousin, cousin, there is something." Dongfang Chacha whispered as soon as he saw it.

She did not speak loudly.

Just a little excited.

Mu Xue looked at Cha Cha and asked:

"What do you see?"

"Bugs, black bugs." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

"Where?" Mu Xue asked again.

"Senior Chen's forehead, it's still moving." Dongfang Chacha said in surprise.

When Tang Jun and Tang Yi heard these words, they were both taken aback.

They immediately looked at Chen Yun's forehead, but let alone bugs, there was no hair at all.

But Dongfang Chacha said so swearingly, it can't be nonsense.

This little guy doesn't look very smart, and there is no reason to lie.

"Muxue?" Aunt Tang looked at Mu Xue, she didn't understand.

"Aunt Tang waits, it will be done soon." Mu Xue said softly.

Aunt Tang was curious, but she still didn't say anything.

At this time, Tang Jun was also a little uncertain, maybe the other party really has this ability.

But so far everything is imaginary, and he still doesn't think so many diseases that people can't detect will be seen by a child.

"Chacha, is it an exorcism curse?" Mu Xue asked.

"Is it okay to remove the enchantment?" Dongfang Chacha tried to ask.

Mu Xue nodded:

"Yes, write it with the power of your eyes."

In fact, any curse can be used, Mu Xue is to use the power of the eyes.

Dongfang Chacha responded, then stretched out his hand and began to write.

Although it is fine without using your hands, it feels good to write like this.

Then a golden light flashed, the light appeared on Dongfang Chacha's fingertips, and then Dongfang Chacha moved his fingers, and words began to appear in the air.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jun and Tang Yi were both stunned. What means was this?

They didn't feel the power of normal cultivation, the only thing they could feel was a kind of warmth.

Is it the power of merit?

Tang Jun felt it. He looked at Dongfang Chacha and was a little shocked. Why does this little guy possess such a strong character?

He hadn't noticed it at all.

Maybe it's a blessing for foolish people.

But soon he was blinded again.

Because Chacha has written a lot of characters and has strong writing skills, but the content is hard to describe.

The curse of Oriental tea tea:

"Spring city flowers fly, snakes and insects chase everywhere, not afraid of evildoers, tea and tea show their power..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Who teaches tea tea?

Tang Jun behind didn't know what to say for a while, what kind of curse was this?

"This, how come?" Aunt Tang suddenly exclaimed at this moment.

Tang Jun was taken aback, and immediately looked at his daughter.

When looking over, Tang Jun found that his daughter's eyes were on the bed.

Then he looked over, and he was also stunned.

He saw the lady lying on the bed, her face changed.

At the center of her eyebrows, there was a black bug wandering in panic.

"This is Gu worm?" Tang Jun was shocked when he saw the worm.

No matter how he didn't believe those two little guys, he couldn't deny everything he saw.

As soon as he saw this bug, he knew that the little girl from the Dongfang family hadn't lied about it before.

Mu Xue surprised him even more.

The Gu worm that so many people in the Tang family couldn't notice, the other party suddenly had a guess, and only then did this series of actions.

But Gu worms are difficult to deal with, and if you don't find the right way, it will accelerate the damage of Gu worms to the human body.

Tang Jun wanted to speak, but when he was about to speak, he abruptly swallowed the words to his lips.

He looked at Mu Xue.

Calm and self-confident, in her eyes, it seemed that all this was just sparse and ordinary things.

Even if the scene is happening now, the other party already knows about it.

So, does she actually have a way to cure Xiaoyun?

At this moment, Tang Jun felt that his ideas were absurd.

This is the eldest lady who was judged to be a waste by the Mu family?

In the end, Tang Jun just watched and watched the subsequent changes.

Aunt Tang also looked at Mu Xue with surprise, she could feel it.

Mu Xue was actually treating her mother.

She couldn't see through Muxue, she was vaguely aware of something from the beginning of the Tiannvzhen sutra.

Mu Xue's heart was far wider than she thought.

Everything is in her heart, but you are.

She may not have the strength to be a strong, but she definitely has the heart of a strong.

She doesn't care about everything in the world.

Looking at Mu Xue's calm and indifferent appearance now, Aunt Tang suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Sitting on the side of the bed was not a person who had completely lost his cultivation, but a transcendent existence who was originally at a high place but fell into the mortal world.

It feels absurd.

However, Dongfang Chacha also surprised her, what kind of ability it is that can make Gu worms appear, and Gu worms seem to be very scared.

Yes, Gu worm was very scared, when Cha Cha kept writing her demon curse.

The light of merit kept shining on the Gu worm, and the Gu worm was frightened and didn't know where to flee.

With more and more words, the light gets bigger and bigger.

In the end, the black Gu worm finally couldn't bear it and fled from the center of his eyebrows, not knowing where he was going for a while.

However, within a few breaths, Tang Jun saw it.

A black bug escaped from Chen Yun's ears.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jun did not hesitate at all, and decisively shot the Gu worm.

With a swish, Tang Jun's power directly covered the Gu worm, and finally the Gu worm was sent into a glass bottle.

This is the magic weapon used by Tang Jun to pretend to be poison.

After Tang Jun received the Gu worms, Mu Xue stopped Cha Cha.

Dongfang Chacha felt a pity, she was about to finish writing.

But at this time, Tang Jun saw Dongfang Chacha's golden eyes, but only saw this.

In his opinion, this is the ability of different pupils.

There are many people with different eyes in this world, almost all of them have innate abilities.

Mu Xue also got up and walked aside:

"Aunt Tang can take a look."

She just made room for Aunt Tang, but when she retreated to Cha Cha, she also helped Cha Cha put on a blindfold.


Mu Xue lightly flicked Cha Cha's forehead, and whispered:

"Remember to read more when you go back."

"Oh~" Dongfang Chacha touched his forehead.

At this time, Aunt Tang came to her mother. She took a closer look. Although she didn't check it specifically, she felt that her pale complexion had improved.

Tang Jun also checked it for the first time.

He found that his wife, who had been losing her life, was no longer losing her life at this time.

The body is also developing in a good direction.

"This... actually works better." Tang Jun was a little unbelievable.

After so many days, he begged many people.

But no one can help cure the condition, or even stabilize the condition.

As soon as the Ke Mu family came, it was all right.

This made him a little bit unbelievable.

Aunt Tang came to Mu Xue, she was a little excited and didn't know what to say for a while.

It seems that I know how serious my mother's previous illness was.

But it was indeed cured by Mu Xue.

"It happened to have seen this kind of phenomenon in an ancient book, and it was Chacha that cured Aunt Tang's mother." Mu Xue said with a slight smile.

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha looked surprised, she listened to her cousin and wrote the curse.

Is this spell so useful?


Finally everyone exited the room.

Tang Jun looked at the Gu worm in his hand, frowning his brows tightly. At this moment, the Gu worm was shrunk in the bottle as if dead.

He didn't know what kind of Gu it was, and then looked at Mu Xue and said:

"Does Mu girl know the origin of this Gu worm?"

Others also looked at Mu Xue, after all, only Mu Xue was there to see the reason for everything.

"Life and death Gu." Mu Xue whispered:

"Dead Gu enters the body as a living Gu, parasitizes the spirit platform, melts into vitality, and feeds on vital flesh and blood.

The host is immortal, and the gu worm is not visible. "

After saying this, Mu Xue looked at Tang Jun again and said:

"The life and death Gu is not strong, and the concealment is extremely strong, but if you know the effect of this Gu, you can usually prevent it.

And because of this weakness, Life and Death Gu became a group breeding Gu worm.

Either they don’t have them, or they are just a group. "

Hearing this sentence, Tang Jun was stunned.

He didn't need to ask more about what Mu Xue's words meant.

Gu worms don't do anything else when they come out, they just catch them all.

Then he tried to probe his forehead, and found that there was no danger for the time being.

"Where does the Gu worm come from?" Tang Jun asked again.

"Gu people on the plateau." Mu Xue replied.

"Yiyi, you take them to rest, I need to find the patriarch." After confessing, Tang Jun went to the inner island as soon as possible.

Even if it is late at night, he has to find the patriarch.

If Mu Xue was right, the Tang family was very dangerous now.

Watching his father leave, Tang Yi sighed and said to Mu Xue and the others:

"I will send you back tomorrow, and I will bring you over next time."

She naturally understood what Mu Xue had just said, and someone was targeting the Tang family.

No, it should be said that the highland Gu raisers are targeting the Tang family.

And it may have been done, her mother may just be a victim of being affected.

Just look at her father.

He didn't even know how the Tang family was hostile to the Gu raisers.

Although his father has the right to enter the inner island, staying away from the center is actually a means of self-protection.

Her parents are not strong, so she consciously chooses ordinary.

"Aunt Tang wants to stay?" Mu Xue asked.

The highland Gu raisers came here prepared this time, and it was actually very dangerous for Aunt Tang to stay.

Aunt Tang turned to look at her mother's room, and finally said:

"I'm going back two days late."

Mu Xue didn't say much, just nodded.

Then Mu Xue and Dongfang Chacha were taken to the guest room to rest.

Yalin and Yayue also came back midway, and then they were also taken to rest.

They will leave Tang's house and return to Mu's house tomorrow morning.

Mu Xue came to the room, looking at the moonlight outside, a little helpless:

"Maybe it's too late to go back tomorrow."

The Life and Death Gu has turned black, indicating that it has been successful for a long time.

Gu people on the plateau will start their hands tonight at the latest, and the target should be the inner island. Aunt Tang's mother was indeed only affected.

She had never heard any bad news from Aunt Tang's mother in the last life.

As for the Tang family, she has not paid attention to it.

"Let's see if I can figure out what's going on here."

Thinking about this, Mu Xue began to connect with the head of the goddess to see if she had any news.

Look at the head of the goddess again to find out if the Deep Sea Dragon Palace has happened.


Lu Shui sat in the room and outlined the formation of heaven and earth.

The person opposite the door is preparing something, he has nothing to do but naturally outlines the formation of heaven and earth.

The more power of heaven and earth, the more powerful he will be able to exert.

"It's late at night, right? Mu Xue and the others are almost here, and I don't know if they have rested."

Lu Shui couldn't help but think about the room that had been reduced in half.

The current room is only about six square meters, about two meters high.

"It looks like we are leaving before dawn."

Six squares does seem to be a lot, but the problem lies in the height. At dawn, he should have reached the height where he was sitting.

After staying, he was about to lie down.

But at that time the door was half gone, and the opposite side could only leave a message at most, and the possibility of dialogue was not high.

"Okay." Just as Lu Shui was thinking, a voice came from the other side.

The light of the door has begun to dim, and the voice on the other side is also somewhat vague.

"I don't have much time. If you don't succeed, you have to wait next month." The voice behind the door came out again.

Lu Shui frowned and said:

"Will it fail?"

"I will provide you with a channel, this channel connects me, then what I see will become what you see, but if the strength is not enough, it may not be able to connect to me.

Under normal circumstances, being able to connect to my communication is also able to connect to my gaze. "Explained across the door.

Lu Shui nodded, roughly understanding it.

As long as you connect to the other party, then the other party can see a lot of things when he goes back, and he can see the island clearly.

"It's time to start," Lu Shui said.

Don't waste time at this time.

"Okay." There was a response from the other side of the door, and then the glowing door was activated.

At this time, Lu Shui saw a handprint on the door.

Five finger mudra.

"Put your hand on the fingerprint, you can try to connect." After the fingerprint appeared, the other side said again.

Lu Shui glanced at the handprints, and then the power of heaven and earth flashed in his eyes.

He needs to see through the structure of this mudra, if not what the other party said.

Then he doesn't mind changing the structure and teaching the opposite person.

Soon, Lu Shui could see through the structure of the handprint, and there was really no problem.

At this time, Lu Shui put his hand on the fingerprint.

After feeling Lu Shui put his hand on the Handprint Mountain, a voice came from the other side:

"Connecting requires a process. I can't help you with this, but you don't have to worry about it. It is normal to connect successfully in one hour. Now you don't need to worry too much..."

When the opposite voice said last, he was stunned, and then said in astonishment:

"You, did you succeed?"

It was definitely a success, he felt it.

But in an instant.

Yes, Lu Shui successfully connected directly when he touched his hand and started to connect.

"It's not a complicated structure." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

Can this be called complicated? Really thought he was doing experiments for fun before?

At that time, he ran directly to study... Uh, what did he study?

Forget it, anyway, I haven't succeeded, let's take a look at the opponent's position.


For a while, he somewhat believed what the other party said, and the other party was definitely not an ordinary cultivator.

"Can you see it?"

"Yes, let's go."

Lu Shui closed his eyes.

What he saw at this time was no longer what he saw.

This is a blurred vision, and what you see in front of you is also a door.

It should be the opposite of the door he saw.

Soon this gaze began to move, as if turning around, trying to stay away from the door.

"If there is a problem, you can directly say that we can still communicate now." Ming said.

Lu Shui nodded, then curiously said:

"The reason why you can connect to communication in a short time is because the world has changed?"

"Yes, I don't know what the change came from. I feel that everything in this world is recovering, as if trying to get better. Not only is the recovery of my strength, but also the connection to this channel is much easier." Ming opened his mouth and replied.

At this time, Lu Shui looked through his bright eyes and saw the vague passage, the end of the passage seemed to be white.

Lu Shui felt that the outside of the passage should be the capital of mist.

But he didn't care about this, but asked:

"Do you know Kenichi?"

"Daozong first person in the world of cultivation?" Ming asked.

"Yes, do you know how Jianyi died in the end?" Lu Shui asked, and then waited for the other's answer.

Jian Yi couldn't tell him this answer, he hoped to get it from this person.

Ming thought about it, and finally replied:

"He challenged the impossible."


Recommend a strong essay from the heavens, "The Heavens Against the Current", produced by the big guy.

Look at this kind of thing, don't miss it.

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